blob: 52d1c1822f9fb19b40788004971f0d2d5c30c1eb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
# Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
# source: google/appengine/datastore/entity.proto
namespace dummy {
require_once 'google/appengine/runtime/proto/ProtocolMessage.php';
namespace storage_onestore_v3\PropertyValue {
class PointValue extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
public function getX() {
if (!isset($this->x)) {
return 0.0;
return $this->x;
public function setX($val) {
$this->x = $val;
return $this;
public function clearX() {
return $this;
public function hasX() {
return isset($this->x);
public function getY() {
if (!isset($this->y)) {
return 0.0;
return $this->y;
public function setY($val) {
$this->y = $val;
return $this;
public function clearY() {
return $this;
public function hasY() {
return isset($this->y);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->x)) {
$res += 9;
if (isset($this->y)) {
$res += 9;
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->x)) {
if (isset($this->y)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 44: return;
case 49:
case 57:
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (!isset($this->x)) return 'x';
if (!isset($this->y)) return 'y';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasX()) {
if ($x->hasY()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->x) !== isset($x->x)) return false;
if (isset($this->x) && $this->x !== $x->x) return false;
if (isset($this->y) !== isset($x->y)) return false;
if (isset($this->y) && $this->y !== $x->y) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->x)) {
$res .= $prefix . "x: " . $this->debugFormatDouble($this->x) . "\n";
if (isset($this->y)) {
$res .= $prefix . "y: " . $this->debugFormatDouble($this->y) . "\n";
return $res;
namespace storage_onestore_v3\PropertyValue {
class UserValue extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
public function getEmail() {
if (!isset($this->email)) {
return '';
return $this->email;
public function setEmail($val) {
$this->email = $val;
return $this;
public function clearEmail() {
return $this;
public function hasEmail() {
return isset($this->email);
public function getAuthDomain() {
if (!isset($this->auth_domain)) {
return '';
return $this->auth_domain;
public function setAuthDomain($val) {
$this->auth_domain = $val;
return $this;
public function clearAuthDomain() {
return $this;
public function hasAuthDomain() {
return isset($this->auth_domain);
public function getNickname() {
if (!isset($this->nickname)) {
return '';
return $this->nickname;
public function setNickname($val) {
$this->nickname = $val;
return $this;
public function clearNickname() {
return $this;
public function hasNickname() {
return isset($this->nickname);
public function getGaiaid() {
if (!isset($this->gaiaid)) {
return "0";
return $this->gaiaid;
public function setGaiaid($val) {
if (is_double($val)) {
$this->gaiaid = sprintf('%0.0F', $val);
} else {
$this->gaiaid = $val;
return $this;
public function clearGaiaid() {
return $this;
public function hasGaiaid() {
return isset($this->gaiaid);
public function getObfuscatedGaiaid() {
if (!isset($this->obfuscated_gaiaid)) {
return '';
return $this->obfuscated_gaiaid;
public function setObfuscatedGaiaid($val) {
$this->obfuscated_gaiaid = $val;
return $this;
public function clearObfuscatedGaiaid() {
return $this;
public function hasObfuscatedGaiaid() {
return isset($this->obfuscated_gaiaid);
public function getFederatedIdentity() {
if (!isset($this->federated_identity)) {
return '';
return $this->federated_identity;
public function setFederatedIdentity($val) {
$this->federated_identity = $val;
return $this;
public function clearFederatedIdentity() {
return $this;
public function hasFederatedIdentity() {
return isset($this->federated_identity);
public function getFederatedProvider() {
if (!isset($this->federated_provider)) {
return '';
return $this->federated_provider;
public function setFederatedProvider($val) {
$this->federated_provider = $val;
return $this;
public function clearFederatedProvider() {
return $this;
public function hasFederatedProvider() {
return isset($this->federated_provider);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->email)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->email));
if (isset($this->auth_domain)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->auth_domain));
if (isset($this->nickname)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->nickname));
if (isset($this->gaiaid)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->gaiaid);
if (isset($this->obfuscated_gaiaid)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->obfuscated_gaiaid));
if (isset($this->federated_identity)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->federated_identity));
if (isset($this->federated_provider)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->federated_provider));
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->email)) {
if (isset($this->auth_domain)) {
if (isset($this->nickname)) {
if (isset($this->gaiaid)) {
if (isset($this->obfuscated_gaiaid)) {
if (isset($this->federated_identity)) {
if (isset($this->federated_provider)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 68: return;
case 74:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setEmail(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 82:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setAuthDomain(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 90:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setNickname(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 144:
case 154:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setObfuscatedGaiaid(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 170:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setFederatedIdentity(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 178:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setFederatedProvider(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (!isset($this->email)) return 'email';
if (!isset($this->auth_domain)) return 'auth_domain';
if (!isset($this->gaiaid)) return 'gaiaid';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasEmail()) {
if ($x->hasAuthDomain()) {
if ($x->hasNickname()) {
if ($x->hasGaiaid()) {
if ($x->hasObfuscatedGaiaid()) {
if ($x->hasFederatedIdentity()) {
if ($x->hasFederatedProvider()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->email) !== isset($x->email)) return false;
if (isset($this->email) && $this->email !== $x->email) return false;
if (isset($this->auth_domain) !== isset($x->auth_domain)) return false;
if (isset($this->auth_domain) && $this->auth_domain !== $x->auth_domain) return false;
if (isset($this->nickname) !== isset($x->nickname)) return false;
if (isset($this->nickname) && $this->nickname !== $x->nickname) return false;
if (isset($this->gaiaid) !== isset($x->gaiaid)) return false;
if (isset($this->gaiaid) && !$this->integerEquals($this->gaiaid, $x->gaiaid)) return false;
if (isset($this->obfuscated_gaiaid) !== isset($x->obfuscated_gaiaid)) return false;
if (isset($this->obfuscated_gaiaid) && $this->obfuscated_gaiaid !== $x->obfuscated_gaiaid) return false;
if (isset($this->federated_identity) !== isset($x->federated_identity)) return false;
if (isset($this->federated_identity) && $this->federated_identity !== $x->federated_identity) return false;
if (isset($this->federated_provider) !== isset($x->federated_provider)) return false;
if (isset($this->federated_provider) && $this->federated_provider !== $x->federated_provider) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->email)) {
$res .= $prefix . "email: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->email) . "\n";
if (isset($this->auth_domain)) {
$res .= $prefix . "auth_domain: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->auth_domain) . "\n";
if (isset($this->nickname)) {
$res .= $prefix . "nickname: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->nickname) . "\n";
if (isset($this->gaiaid)) {
$res .= $prefix . "gaiaid: " . $this->debugFormatInt64($this->gaiaid) . "\n";
if (isset($this->obfuscated_gaiaid)) {
$res .= $prefix . "obfuscated_gaiaid: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->obfuscated_gaiaid) . "\n";
if (isset($this->federated_identity)) {
$res .= $prefix . "federated_identity: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->federated_identity) . "\n";
if (isset($this->federated_provider)) {
$res .= $prefix . "federated_provider: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->federated_provider) . "\n";
return $res;
namespace storage_onestore_v3\PropertyValue\ReferenceValue {
class PathElement extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
public function getType() {
if (!isset($this->type)) {
return '';
return $this->type;
public function setType($val) {
$this->type = $val;
return $this;
public function clearType() {
return $this;
public function hasType() {
return isset($this->type);
public function getId() {
if (!isset($this->id)) {
return "0";
return $this->id;
public function setId($val) {
if (is_double($val)) {
$this->id = sprintf('%0.0F', $val);
} else {
$this->id = $val;
return $this;
public function clearId() {
return $this;
public function hasId() {
return isset($this->id);
public function getName() {
if (!isset($this->name)) {
return '';
return $this->name;
public function setName($val) {
$this->name = $val;
return $this;
public function clearName() {
return $this;
public function hasName() {
return isset($this->name);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->type)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->type));
if (isset($this->id)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->id);
if (isset($this->name)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->name));
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->type)) {
if (isset($this->id)) {
if (isset($this->name)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 116: return;
case 122:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setType(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 128:
case 138:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setName(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (!isset($this->type)) return 'type';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasType()) {
if ($x->hasId()) {
if ($x->hasName()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->type) !== isset($x->type)) return false;
if (isset($this->type) && $this->type !== $x->type) return false;
if (isset($this->id) !== isset($x->id)) return false;
if (isset($this->id) && !$this->integerEquals($this->id, $x->id)) return false;
if (isset($this->name) !== isset($x->name)) return false;
if (isset($this->name) && $this->name !== $x->name) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->type)) {
$res .= $prefix . "type: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->type) . "\n";
if (isset($this->id)) {
$res .= $prefix . "id: " . $this->debugFormatInt64($this->id) . "\n";
if (isset($this->name)) {
$res .= $prefix . "name: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->name) . "\n";
return $res;
namespace storage_onestore_v3\PropertyValue {
class ReferenceValue extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
private $pathelement = array();
public function getApp() {
if (!isset($this->app)) {
return '';
return $this->app;
public function setApp($val) {
$this->app = $val;
return $this;
public function clearApp() {
return $this;
public function hasApp() {
return isset($this->app);
public function getPathElementSize() {
return sizeof($this->pathelement);
public function getPathElementList() {
return $this->pathelement;
public function mutablePathElement($idx) {
if (!isset($this->pathelement[$idx])) {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\PropertyValue\ReferenceValue\PathElement();
$this->pathelement[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->pathelement[$idx];
public function getPathElement($idx) {
if (isset($this->pathelement[$idx])) {
return $this->pathelement[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->pathelement))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \storage_onestore_v3\PropertyValue\ReferenceValue\PathElement();
public function addPathElement() {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\PropertyValue\ReferenceValue\PathElement();
$this->pathelement[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearPathElement() {
$this->pathelement = array();
public function getNameSpace() {
if (!isset($this->name_space)) {
return '';
return $this->name_space;
public function setNameSpace($val) {
$this->name_space = $val;
return $this;
public function clearNameSpace() {
return $this;
public function hasNameSpace() {
return isset($this->name_space);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->app)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->app));
$res += 2 * sizeof($this->pathelement);
foreach ($this->pathelement as $value) {
$res += $value->byteSizePartial();
if (isset($this->name_space)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->name_space));
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->app)) {
foreach ($this->pathelement as $value) {
if (isset($this->name_space)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 100: return;
case 106:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setApp(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 115:
case 162:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setNameSpace(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (!isset($this->app)) return 'app';
foreach ($this->pathelement as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'pathelement';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasApp()) {
foreach ($x->getPathElementList() as $v) {
if ($x->hasNameSpace()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->app) !== isset($x->app)) return false;
if (isset($this->app) && $this->app !== $x->app) return false;
if (sizeof($this->pathelement) !== sizeof($x->pathelement)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->pathelement, $x->pathelement) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
if (isset($this->name_space) !== isset($x->name_space)) return false;
if (isset($this->name_space) && $this->name_space !== $x->name_space) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->app)) {
$res .= $prefix . "app: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->app) . "\n";
foreach ($this->pathelement as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "PathElement {\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . "}\n";
if (isset($this->name_space)) {
$res .= $prefix . "name_space: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->name_space) . "\n";
return $res;
namespace storage_onestore_v3 {
class PropertyValue extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
public function getInt64Value() {
if (!isset($this->int64Value)) {
return "0";
return $this->int64Value;
public function setInt64Value($val) {
if (is_double($val)) {
$this->int64Value = sprintf('%0.0F', $val);
} else {
$this->int64Value = $val;
return $this;
public function clearInt64Value() {
return $this;
public function hasInt64Value() {
return isset($this->int64Value);
public function getBooleanvalue() {
if (!isset($this->booleanValue)) {
return false;
return $this->booleanValue;
public function setBooleanvalue($val) {
$this->booleanValue = $val;
return $this;
public function clearBooleanvalue() {
return $this;
public function hasBooleanvalue() {
return isset($this->booleanValue);
public function getStringvalue() {
if (!isset($this->stringValue)) {
return '';
return $this->stringValue;
public function setStringvalue($val) {
$this->stringValue = $val;
return $this;
public function clearStringvalue() {
return $this;
public function hasStringvalue() {
return isset($this->stringValue);
public function getDoublevalue() {
if (!isset($this->doubleValue)) {
return 0.0;
return $this->doubleValue;
public function setDoublevalue($val) {
$this->doubleValue = $val;
return $this;
public function clearDoublevalue() {
return $this;
public function hasDoublevalue() {
return isset($this->doubleValue);
public function getPointValue() {
if (!isset($this->pointvalue)) {
return new \storage_onestore_v3\PropertyValue\PointValue();
return $this->pointvalue;
public function mutablePointValue() {
if (!isset($this->pointvalue)) {
$res = new \storage_onestore_v3\PropertyValue\PointValue();
$this->pointvalue = $res;
return $res;
return $this->pointvalue;
public function clearPointValue() {
if (isset($this->pointvalue)) {
public function hasPointValue() {
return isset($this->pointvalue);
public function getUserValue() {
if (!isset($this->uservalue)) {
return new \storage_onestore_v3\PropertyValue\UserValue();
return $this->uservalue;
public function mutableUserValue() {
if (!isset($this->uservalue)) {
$res = new \storage_onestore_v3\PropertyValue\UserValue();
$this->uservalue = $res;
return $res;
return $this->uservalue;
public function clearUserValue() {
if (isset($this->uservalue)) {
public function hasUserValue() {
return isset($this->uservalue);
public function getReferenceValue() {
if (!isset($this->referencevalue)) {
return new \storage_onestore_v3\PropertyValue\ReferenceValue();
return $this->referencevalue;
public function mutableReferenceValue() {
if (!isset($this->referencevalue)) {
$res = new \storage_onestore_v3\PropertyValue\ReferenceValue();
$this->referencevalue = $res;
return $res;
return $this->referencevalue;
public function clearReferenceValue() {
if (isset($this->referencevalue)) {
public function hasReferenceValue() {
return isset($this->referencevalue);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->int64Value)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->int64Value);
if (isset($this->booleanValue)) {
$res += 2;
if (isset($this->stringValue)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->stringValue));
if (isset($this->doubleValue)) {
$res += 9;
if (isset($this->pointvalue)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->pointvalue->byteSizePartial();
if (isset($this->uservalue)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->uservalue->byteSizePartial();
if (isset($this->referencevalue)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->referencevalue->byteSizePartial();
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->int64Value)) {
if (isset($this->booleanValue)) {
if (isset($this->stringValue)) {
if (isset($this->doubleValue)) {
if (isset($this->pointvalue)) {
if (isset($this->uservalue)) {
if (isset($this->referencevalue)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 8:
case 16:
case 26:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setStringvalue(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 33:
case 43:
case 67:
case 99:
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (isset($this->pointvalue) && (!$this->pointvalue->isInitialized())) return 'pointvalue';
if (isset($this->uservalue) && (!$this->uservalue->isInitialized())) return 'uservalue';
if (isset($this->referencevalue) && (!$this->referencevalue->isInitialized())) return 'referencevalue';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasInt64Value()) {
if ($x->hasBooleanvalue()) {
if ($x->hasStringvalue()) {
if ($x->hasDoublevalue()) {
if ($x->hasPointValue()) {
if ($x->hasUserValue()) {
if ($x->hasReferenceValue()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->int64Value) !== isset($x->int64Value)) return false;
if (isset($this->int64Value) && !$this->integerEquals($this->int64Value, $x->int64Value)) return false;
if (isset($this->booleanValue) !== isset($x->booleanValue)) return false;
if (isset($this->booleanValue) && $this->booleanValue !== $x->booleanValue) return false;
if (isset($this->stringValue) !== isset($x->stringValue)) return false;
if (isset($this->stringValue) && $this->stringValue !== $x->stringValue) return false;
if (isset($this->doubleValue) !== isset($x->doubleValue)) return false;
if (isset($this->doubleValue) && $this->doubleValue !== $x->doubleValue) return false;
if (isset($this->pointvalue) !== isset($x->pointvalue)) return false;
if (isset($this->pointvalue) && !$this->pointvalue->equals($x->pointvalue)) return false;
if (isset($this->uservalue) !== isset($x->uservalue)) return false;
if (isset($this->uservalue) && !$this->uservalue->equals($x->uservalue)) return false;
if (isset($this->referencevalue) !== isset($x->referencevalue)) return false;
if (isset($this->referencevalue) && !$this->referencevalue->equals($x->referencevalue)) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->int64Value)) {
$res .= $prefix . "int64Value: " . $this->debugFormatInt64($this->int64Value) . "\n";
if (isset($this->booleanValue)) {
$res .= $prefix . "booleanValue: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->booleanValue) . "\n";
if (isset($this->stringValue)) {
$res .= $prefix . "stringValue: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->stringValue) . "\n";
if (isset($this->doubleValue)) {
$res .= $prefix . "doubleValue: " . $this->debugFormatDouble($this->doubleValue) . "\n";
if (isset($this->pointvalue)) {
$res .= $prefix . "PointValue {\n" . $this->pointvalue->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . "}\n";
if (isset($this->uservalue)) {
$res .= $prefix . "UserValue {\n" . $this->uservalue->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . "}\n";
if (isset($this->referencevalue)) {
$res .= $prefix . "ReferenceValue {\n" . $this->referencevalue->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . "}\n";
return $res;
namespace storage_onestore_v3\Property {
class Meaning {
const NO_MEANING = 0;
const BLOB = 14;
const TEXT = 15;
const BYTESTRING = 16;
const ATOM_CATEGORY = 1;
const ATOM_LINK = 2;
const ATOM_TITLE = 3;
const ATOM_CONTENT = 4;
const ATOM_SUMMARY = 5;
const ATOM_AUTHOR = 6;
const GD_WHEN = 7;
const GD_EMAIL = 8;
const GEORSS_POINT = 9;
const GD_IM = 10;
const GD_PHONENUMBER = 11;
const GD_RATING = 13;
const BLOBKEY = 17;
const ENTITY_PROTO = 19;
const INDEX_VALUE = 18;
namespace storage_onestore_v3 {
class Property extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
public function getMeaning() {
if (!isset($this->meaning)) {
return 0;
return $this->meaning;
public function setMeaning($val) {
$this->meaning = $val;
return $this;
public function clearMeaning() {
return $this;
public function hasMeaning() {
return isset($this->meaning);
public function getMeaningUri() {
if (!isset($this->meaning_uri)) {
return '';
return $this->meaning_uri;
public function setMeaningUri($val) {
$this->meaning_uri = $val;
return $this;
public function clearMeaningUri() {
return $this;
public function hasMeaningUri() {
return isset($this->meaning_uri);
public function getName() {
if (!isset($this->name)) {
return '';
return $this->name;
public function setName($val) {
$this->name = $val;
return $this;
public function clearName() {
return $this;
public function hasName() {
return isset($this->name);
public function getMultiple() {
if (!isset($this->multiple)) {
return false;
return $this->multiple;
public function setMultiple($val) {
$this->multiple = $val;
return $this;
public function clearMultiple() {
return $this;
public function hasMultiple() {
return isset($this->multiple);
public function getValue() {
if (!isset($this->value)) {
return new \storage_onestore_v3\PropertyValue();
return $this->value;
public function mutableValue() {
if (!isset($this->value)) {
$res = new \storage_onestore_v3\PropertyValue();
$this->value = $res;
return $res;
return $this->value;
public function clearValue() {
if (isset($this->value)) {
public function hasValue() {
return isset($this->value);
public function getEmbedded() {
if (!isset($this->embedded)) {
return false;
return $this->embedded;
public function setEmbedded($val) {
$this->embedded = $val;
return $this;
public function clearEmbedded() {
return $this;
public function hasEmbedded() {
return isset($this->embedded);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->meaning)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->meaning);
if (isset($this->meaning_uri)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->meaning_uri));
if (isset($this->name)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->name));
if (isset($this->multiple)) {
$res += 2;
if (isset($this->value)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->value->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->embedded)) {
$res += 2;
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->meaning)) {
if (isset($this->meaning_uri)) {
if (isset($this->name)) {
if (isset($this->multiple)) {
if (isset($this->value)) {
if (isset($this->embedded)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 8:
case 18:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setMeaningUri(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 26:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setName(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 32:
case 42:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 48:
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (!isset($this->name)) return 'name';
if (!isset($this->multiple)) return 'multiple';
if ((!isset($this->value)) || (!$this->value->isInitialized())) return 'value';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasMeaning()) {
if ($x->hasMeaningUri()) {
if ($x->hasName()) {
if ($x->hasMultiple()) {
if ($x->hasValue()) {
if ($x->hasEmbedded()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->meaning) !== isset($x->meaning)) return false;
if (isset($this->meaning) && $this->meaning !== $x->meaning) return false;
if (isset($this->meaning_uri) !== isset($x->meaning_uri)) return false;
if (isset($this->meaning_uri) && $this->meaning_uri !== $x->meaning_uri) return false;
if (isset($this->name) !== isset($x->name)) return false;
if (isset($this->name) && $this->name !== $x->name) return false;
if (isset($this->multiple) !== isset($x->multiple)) return false;
if (isset($this->multiple) && $this->multiple !== $x->multiple) return false;
if (isset($this->value) !== isset($x->value)) return false;
if (isset($this->value) && !$this->value->equals($x->value)) return false;
if (isset($this->embedded) !== isset($x->embedded)) return false;
if (isset($this->embedded) && $this->embedded !== $x->embedded) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->meaning)) {
$res .= $prefix . "meaning: " . ($this->meaning) . "\n";
if (isset($this->meaning_uri)) {
$res .= $prefix . "meaning_uri: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->meaning_uri) . "\n";
if (isset($this->name)) {
$res .= $prefix . "name: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->name) . "\n";
if (isset($this->multiple)) {
$res .= $prefix . "multiple: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->multiple) . "\n";
if (isset($this->value)) {
$res .= $prefix . "value <\n" . $this->value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->embedded)) {
$res .= $prefix . "embedded: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->embedded) . "\n";
return $res;
namespace storage_onestore_v3\Path {
class Element extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
public function getType() {
if (!isset($this->type)) {
return '';
return $this->type;
public function setType($val) {
$this->type = $val;
return $this;
public function clearType() {
return $this;
public function hasType() {
return isset($this->type);
public function getId() {
if (!isset($this->id)) {
return "0";
return $this->id;
public function setId($val) {
if (is_double($val)) {
$this->id = sprintf('%0.0F', $val);
} else {
$this->id = $val;
return $this;
public function clearId() {
return $this;
public function hasId() {
return isset($this->id);
public function getName() {
if (!isset($this->name)) {
return '';
return $this->name;
public function setName($val) {
$this->name = $val;
return $this;
public function clearName() {
return $this;
public function hasName() {
return isset($this->name);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->type)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->type));
if (isset($this->id)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->id);
if (isset($this->name)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->name));
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->type)) {
if (isset($this->id)) {
if (isset($this->name)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 12: return;
case 18:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setType(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 24:
case 34:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setName(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (!isset($this->type)) return 'type';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasType()) {
if ($x->hasId()) {
if ($x->hasName()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->type) !== isset($x->type)) return false;
if (isset($this->type) && $this->type !== $x->type) return false;
if (isset($this->id) !== isset($x->id)) return false;
if (isset($this->id) && !$this->integerEquals($this->id, $x->id)) return false;
if (isset($this->name) !== isset($x->name)) return false;
if (isset($this->name) && $this->name !== $x->name) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->type)) {
$res .= $prefix . "type: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->type) . "\n";
if (isset($this->id)) {
$res .= $prefix . "id: " . $this->debugFormatInt64($this->id) . "\n";
if (isset($this->name)) {
$res .= $prefix . "name: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->name) . "\n";
return $res;
namespace storage_onestore_v3 {
class Path extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
private $element = array();
public function getElementSize() {
return sizeof($this->element);
public function getElementList() {
return $this->element;
public function mutableElement($idx) {
if (!isset($this->element[$idx])) {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\Path\Element();
$this->element[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->element[$idx];
public function getElement($idx) {
if (isset($this->element[$idx])) {
return $this->element[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->element))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \storage_onestore_v3\Path\Element();
public function addElement() {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\Path\Element();
$this->element[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearElement() {
$this->element = array();
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
$res += 2 * sizeof($this->element);
foreach ($this->element as $value) {
$res += $value->byteSizePartial();
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
foreach ($this->element as $value) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 11:
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
foreach ($this->element as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'element';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
foreach ($x->getElementList() as $v) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (sizeof($this->element) !== sizeof($x->element)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->element, $x->element) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
foreach ($this->element as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "Element {\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . "}\n";
return $res;
namespace storage_onestore_v3 {
class Reference extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
public function getApp() {
if (!isset($this->app)) {
return '';
return $this->app;
public function setApp($val) {
$this->app = $val;
return $this;
public function clearApp() {
return $this;
public function hasApp() {
return isset($this->app);
public function getPath() {
if (!isset($this->path)) {
return new \storage_onestore_v3\Path();
return $this->path;
public function mutablePath() {
if (!isset($this->path)) {
$res = new \storage_onestore_v3\Path();
$this->path = $res;
return $res;
return $this->path;
public function clearPath() {
if (isset($this->path)) {
public function hasPath() {
return isset($this->path);
public function getNameSpace() {
if (!isset($this->name_space)) {
return '';
return $this->name_space;
public function setNameSpace($val) {
$this->name_space = $val;
return $this;
public function clearNameSpace() {
return $this;
public function hasNameSpace() {
return isset($this->name_space);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->app)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->app));
if (isset($this->path)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->path->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->name_space)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->name_space));
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->app)) {
if (isset($this->path)) {
if (isset($this->name_space)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 106:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setApp(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 114:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 162:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setNameSpace(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (!isset($this->app)) return 'app';
if ((!isset($this->path)) || (!$this->path->isInitialized())) return 'path';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasApp()) {
if ($x->hasPath()) {
if ($x->hasNameSpace()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->app) !== isset($x->app)) return false;
if (isset($this->app) && $this->app !== $x->app) return false;
if (isset($this->path) !== isset($x->path)) return false;
if (isset($this->path) && !$this->path->equals($x->path)) return false;
if (isset($this->name_space) !== isset($x->name_space)) return false;
if (isset($this->name_space) && $this->name_space !== $x->name_space) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->app)) {
$res .= $prefix . "app: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->app) . "\n";
if (isset($this->path)) {
$res .= $prefix . "path <\n" . $this->path->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->name_space)) {
$res .= $prefix . "name_space: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->name_space) . "\n";
return $res;
namespace storage_onestore_v3 {
class User extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
public function getEmail() {
if (!isset($this->email)) {
return '';
return $this->email;
public function setEmail($val) {
$this->email = $val;
return $this;
public function clearEmail() {
return $this;
public function hasEmail() {
return isset($this->email);
public function getAuthDomain() {
if (!isset($this->auth_domain)) {
return '';
return $this->auth_domain;
public function setAuthDomain($val) {
$this->auth_domain = $val;
return $this;
public function clearAuthDomain() {
return $this;
public function hasAuthDomain() {
return isset($this->auth_domain);
public function getNickname() {
if (!isset($this->nickname)) {
return '';
return $this->nickname;
public function setNickname($val) {
$this->nickname = $val;
return $this;
public function clearNickname() {
return $this;
public function hasNickname() {
return isset($this->nickname);
public function getGaiaid() {
if (!isset($this->gaiaid)) {
return "0";
return $this->gaiaid;
public function setGaiaid($val) {
if (is_double($val)) {
$this->gaiaid = sprintf('%0.0F', $val);
} else {
$this->gaiaid = $val;
return $this;
public function clearGaiaid() {
return $this;
public function hasGaiaid() {
return isset($this->gaiaid);
public function getObfuscatedGaiaid() {
if (!isset($this->obfuscated_gaiaid)) {
return '';
return $this->obfuscated_gaiaid;
public function setObfuscatedGaiaid($val) {
$this->obfuscated_gaiaid = $val;
return $this;
public function clearObfuscatedGaiaid() {
return $this;
public function hasObfuscatedGaiaid() {
return isset($this->obfuscated_gaiaid);
public function getFederatedIdentity() {
if (!isset($this->federated_identity)) {
return '';
return $this->federated_identity;
public function setFederatedIdentity($val) {
$this->federated_identity = $val;
return $this;
public function clearFederatedIdentity() {
return $this;
public function hasFederatedIdentity() {
return isset($this->federated_identity);
public function getFederatedProvider() {
if (!isset($this->federated_provider)) {
return '';
return $this->federated_provider;
public function setFederatedProvider($val) {
$this->federated_provider = $val;
return $this;
public function clearFederatedProvider() {
return $this;
public function hasFederatedProvider() {
return isset($this->federated_provider);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->email)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->email));
if (isset($this->auth_domain)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->auth_domain));
if (isset($this->nickname)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->nickname));
if (isset($this->gaiaid)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->gaiaid);
if (isset($this->obfuscated_gaiaid)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->obfuscated_gaiaid));
if (isset($this->federated_identity)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->federated_identity));
if (isset($this->federated_provider)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->federated_provider));
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->email)) {
if (isset($this->auth_domain)) {
if (isset($this->nickname)) {
if (isset($this->gaiaid)) {
if (isset($this->obfuscated_gaiaid)) {
if (isset($this->federated_identity)) {
if (isset($this->federated_provider)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 10:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setEmail(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 18:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setAuthDomain(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 26:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setNickname(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 32:
case 42:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setObfuscatedGaiaid(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 50:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setFederatedIdentity(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 58:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setFederatedProvider(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (!isset($this->email)) return 'email';
if (!isset($this->auth_domain)) return 'auth_domain';
if (!isset($this->gaiaid)) return 'gaiaid';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasEmail()) {
if ($x->hasAuthDomain()) {
if ($x->hasNickname()) {
if ($x->hasGaiaid()) {
if ($x->hasObfuscatedGaiaid()) {
if ($x->hasFederatedIdentity()) {
if ($x->hasFederatedProvider()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->email) !== isset($x->email)) return false;
if (isset($this->email) && $this->email !== $x->email) return false;
if (isset($this->auth_domain) !== isset($x->auth_domain)) return false;
if (isset($this->auth_domain) && $this->auth_domain !== $x->auth_domain) return false;
if (isset($this->nickname) !== isset($x->nickname)) return false;
if (isset($this->nickname) && $this->nickname !== $x->nickname) return false;
if (isset($this->gaiaid) !== isset($x->gaiaid)) return false;
if (isset($this->gaiaid) && !$this->integerEquals($this->gaiaid, $x->gaiaid)) return false;
if (isset($this->obfuscated_gaiaid) !== isset($x->obfuscated_gaiaid)) return false;
if (isset($this->obfuscated_gaiaid) && $this->obfuscated_gaiaid !== $x->obfuscated_gaiaid) return false;
if (isset($this->federated_identity) !== isset($x->federated_identity)) return false;
if (isset($this->federated_identity) && $this->federated_identity !== $x->federated_identity) return false;
if (isset($this->federated_provider) !== isset($x->federated_provider)) return false;
if (isset($this->federated_provider) && $this->federated_provider !== $x->federated_provider) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->email)) {
$res .= $prefix . "email: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->email) . "\n";
if (isset($this->auth_domain)) {
$res .= $prefix . "auth_domain: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->auth_domain) . "\n";
if (isset($this->nickname)) {
$res .= $prefix . "nickname: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->nickname) . "\n";
if (isset($this->gaiaid)) {
$res .= $prefix . "gaiaid: " . $this->debugFormatInt64($this->gaiaid) . "\n";
if (isset($this->obfuscated_gaiaid)) {
$res .= $prefix . "obfuscated_gaiaid: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->obfuscated_gaiaid) . "\n";
if (isset($this->federated_identity)) {
$res .= $prefix . "federated_identity: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->federated_identity) . "\n";
if (isset($this->federated_provider)) {
$res .= $prefix . "federated_provider: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->federated_provider) . "\n";
return $res;
namespace storage_onestore_v3\EntityProto {
class Kind {
const GD_CONTACT = 1;
const GD_EVENT = 2;
const GD_MESSAGE = 3;
namespace storage_onestore_v3 {
class EntityProto extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
private $property = array();
private $raw_property = array();
public function getKind() {
if (!isset($this->kind)) {
return 1;
return $this->kind;
public function setKind($val) {
$this->kind = $val;
return $this;
public function clearKind() {
return $this;
public function hasKind() {
return isset($this->kind);
public function getKindUri() {
if (!isset($this->kind_uri)) {
return '';
return $this->kind_uri;
public function setKindUri($val) {
$this->kind_uri = $val;
return $this;
public function clearKindUri() {
return $this;
public function hasKindUri() {
return isset($this->kind_uri);
public function getKey() {
if (!isset($this->key)) {
return new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
return $this->key;
public function mutableKey() {
if (!isset($this->key)) {
$res = new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
$this->key = $res;
return $res;
return $this->key;
public function clearKey() {
if (isset($this->key)) {
public function hasKey() {
return isset($this->key);
public function getPropertySize() {
return sizeof($this->property);
public function getPropertyList() {
return $this->property;
public function mutableProperty($idx) {
if (!isset($this->property[$idx])) {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\Property();
$this->property[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->property[$idx];
public function getProperty($idx) {
if (isset($this->property[$idx])) {
return $this->property[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->property))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \storage_onestore_v3\Property();
public function addProperty() {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\Property();
$this->property[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearProperty() {
$this->property = array();
public function getRawPropertySize() {
return sizeof($this->raw_property);
public function getRawPropertyList() {
return $this->raw_property;
public function mutableRawProperty($idx) {
if (!isset($this->raw_property[$idx])) {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\Property();
$this->raw_property[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->raw_property[$idx];
public function getRawProperty($idx) {
if (isset($this->raw_property[$idx])) {
return $this->raw_property[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->raw_property))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \storage_onestore_v3\Property();
public function addRawProperty() {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\Property();
$this->raw_property[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearRawProperty() {
$this->raw_property = array();
public function getEntityGroup() {
if (!isset($this->entity_group)) {
return new \storage_onestore_v3\Path();
return $this->entity_group;
public function mutableEntityGroup() {
if (!isset($this->entity_group)) {
$res = new \storage_onestore_v3\Path();
$this->entity_group = $res;
return $res;
return $this->entity_group;
public function clearEntityGroup() {
if (isset($this->entity_group)) {
public function hasEntityGroup() {
return isset($this->entity_group);
public function getOwner() {
if (!isset($this->owner)) {
return new \storage_onestore_v3\User();
return $this->owner;
public function mutableOwner() {
if (!isset($this->owner)) {
$res = new \storage_onestore_v3\User();
$this->owner = $res;
return $res;
return $this->owner;
public function clearOwner() {
if (isset($this->owner)) {
public function hasOwner() {
return isset($this->owner);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->kind)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->kind);
if (isset($this->kind_uri)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->kind_uri));
if (isset($this->key)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->key->byteSizePartial());
$res += 1 * sizeof($this->property);
foreach ($this->property as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString($value->byteSizePartial());
$res += 1 * sizeof($this->raw_property);
foreach ($this->raw_property as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString($value->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->entity_group)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->entity_group->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->owner)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->owner->byteSizePartial());
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->kind)) {
if (isset($this->kind_uri)) {
if (isset($this->key)) {
foreach ($this->property as $value) {
foreach ($this->raw_property as $value) {
if (isset($this->entity_group)) {
if (isset($this->owner)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 32:
case 42:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setKindUri(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 106:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 114:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 122:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 130:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 138:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if ((!isset($this->key)) || (!$this->key->isInitialized())) return 'key';
foreach ($this->property as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'property';
foreach ($this->raw_property as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'raw_property';
if ((!isset($this->entity_group)) || (!$this->entity_group->isInitialized())) return 'entity_group';
if (isset($this->owner) && (!$this->owner->isInitialized())) return 'owner';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasKind()) {
if ($x->hasKindUri()) {
if ($x->hasKey()) {
foreach ($x->getPropertyList() as $v) {
foreach ($x->getRawPropertyList() as $v) {
if ($x->hasEntityGroup()) {
if ($x->hasOwner()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->kind) !== isset($x->kind)) return false;
if (isset($this->kind) && $this->kind !== $x->kind) return false;
if (isset($this->kind_uri) !== isset($x->kind_uri)) return false;
if (isset($this->kind_uri) && $this->kind_uri !== $x->kind_uri) return false;
if (isset($this->key) !== isset($x->key)) return false;
if (isset($this->key) && !$this->key->equals($x->key)) return false;
if (sizeof($this->property) !== sizeof($x->property)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->property, $x->property) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
if (sizeof($this->raw_property) !== sizeof($x->raw_property)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->raw_property, $x->raw_property) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
if (isset($this->entity_group) !== isset($x->entity_group)) return false;
if (isset($this->entity_group) && !$this->entity_group->equals($x->entity_group)) return false;
if (isset($this->owner) !== isset($x->owner)) return false;
if (isset($this->owner) && !$this->owner->equals($x->owner)) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->kind)) {
$res .= $prefix . "kind: " . ($this->kind) . "\n";
if (isset($this->kind_uri)) {
$res .= $prefix . "kind_uri: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->kind_uri) . "\n";
if (isset($this->key)) {
$res .= $prefix . "key <\n" . $this->key->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
foreach ($this->property as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "property <\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
foreach ($this->raw_property as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "raw_property <\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->entity_group)) {
$res .= $prefix . "entity_group <\n" . $this->entity_group->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->owner)) {
$res .= $prefix . "owner <\n" . $this->owner->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
return $res;
namespace storage_onestore_v3 {
class CompositeProperty extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
private $value = array();
public function getIndexId() {
if (!isset($this->index_id)) {
return "0";
return $this->index_id;
public function setIndexId($val) {
if (is_double($val)) {
$this->index_id = sprintf('%0.0F', $val);
} else {
$this->index_id = $val;
return $this;
public function clearIndexId() {
return $this;
public function hasIndexId() {
return isset($this->index_id);
public function getValueSize() {
return sizeof($this->value);
public function getValueList() {
return $this->value;
public function getValue($idx) {
return $this->value[$idx];
public function setValue($idx, $val) {
$this->value[$idx] = $val;
return $this;
public function addValue($val) {
$this->value[] = $val;
return $this;
public function clearValue() {
$this->value = array();
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->index_id)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->index_id);
$res += 1 * sizeof($this->value);
foreach ($this->value as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($value));
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->index_id)) {
foreach ($this->value as $value) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 8:
case 18:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->addValue(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (!isset($this->index_id)) return 'index_id';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasIndexId()) {
foreach ($x->getValueList() as $v) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->index_id) !== isset($x->index_id)) return false;
if (isset($this->index_id) && !$this->integerEquals($this->index_id, $x->index_id)) return false;
if (sizeof($this->value) !== sizeof($x->value)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->value, $x->value) as $v) {
if ($v[0] !== $v[1]) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->index_id)) {
$res .= $prefix . "index_id: " . $this->debugFormatInt64($this->index_id) . "\n";
foreach ($this->value as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "value: " . $this->debugFormatString($value) . "\n";
return $res;
namespace storage_onestore_v3\Index\Property {
class Direction {
const ASCENDING = 1;
const DESCENDING = 2;
namespace storage_onestore_v3\Index\Property {
class Mode {
const SEGMENT = 2;
const GEOSPATIAL = 3;
namespace storage_onestore_v3\Index {
class Property extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
public function getName() {
if (!isset($this->name)) {
return '';
return $this->name;
public function setName($val) {
$this->name = $val;
return $this;
public function clearName() {
return $this;
public function hasName() {
return isset($this->name);
public function getDirection() {
if (!isset($this->direction)) {
return 0;
return $this->direction;
public function setDirection($val) {
$this->direction = $val;
return $this;
public function clearDirection() {
return $this;
public function hasDirection() {
return isset($this->direction);
public function getMode() {
if (!isset($this->mode)) {
return 0;
return $this->mode;
public function setMode($val) {
$this->mode = $val;
return $this;
public function clearMode() {
return $this;
public function hasMode() {
return isset($this->mode);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->name)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->name));
if (isset($this->direction)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->direction);
if (isset($this->mode)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->mode);
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->name)) {
if (isset($this->direction)) {
if (isset($this->mode)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 20: return;
case 26:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setName(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 32:
case 48:
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (!isset($this->name)) return 'name';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasName()) {
if ($x->hasDirection()) {
if ($x->hasMode()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->name) !== isset($x->name)) return false;
if (isset($this->name) && $this->name !== $x->name) return false;
if (isset($this->direction) !== isset($x->direction)) return false;
if (isset($this->direction) && $this->direction !== $x->direction) return false;
if (isset($this->mode) !== isset($x->mode)) return false;
if (isset($this->mode) && $this->mode !== $x->mode) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->name)) {
$res .= $prefix . "name: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->name) . "\n";
if (isset($this->direction)) {
$res .= $prefix . "direction: " . ($this->direction) . "\n";
if (isset($this->mode)) {
$res .= $prefix . "mode: " . ($this->mode) . "\n";
return $res;
namespace storage_onestore_v3 {
class Index extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
private $property = array();
public function getEntityType() {
if (!isset($this->entity_type)) {
return '';
return $this->entity_type;
public function setEntityType($val) {
$this->entity_type = $val;
return $this;
public function clearEntityType() {
return $this;
public function hasEntityType() {
return isset($this->entity_type);
public function getPropertySize() {
return sizeof($this->property);
public function getPropertyList() {
return $this->property;
public function mutableProperty($idx) {
if (!isset($this->property[$idx])) {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\Index\Property();
$this->property[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->property[$idx];
public function getProperty($idx) {
if (isset($this->property[$idx])) {
return $this->property[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->property))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \storage_onestore_v3\Index\Property();
public function addProperty() {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\Index\Property();
$this->property[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearProperty() {
$this->property = array();
public function getAncestor() {
if (!isset($this->ancestor)) {
return false;
return $this->ancestor;
public function setAncestor($val) {
$this->ancestor = $val;
return $this;
public function clearAncestor() {
return $this;
public function hasAncestor() {
return isset($this->ancestor);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->entity_type)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->entity_type));
$res += 2 * sizeof($this->property);
foreach ($this->property as $value) {
$res += $value->byteSizePartial();
if (isset($this->ancestor)) {
$res += 2;
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->entity_type)) {
foreach ($this->property as $value) {
if (isset($this->ancestor)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 10:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setEntityType(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 19:
case 40:
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (!isset($this->entity_type)) return 'entity_type';
foreach ($this->property as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'property';
if (!isset($this->ancestor)) return 'ancestor';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasEntityType()) {
foreach ($x->getPropertyList() as $v) {
if ($x->hasAncestor()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->entity_type) !== isset($x->entity_type)) return false;
if (isset($this->entity_type) && $this->entity_type !== $x->entity_type) return false;
if (sizeof($this->property) !== sizeof($x->property)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->property, $x->property) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
if (isset($this->ancestor) !== isset($x->ancestor)) return false;
if (isset($this->ancestor) && $this->ancestor !== $x->ancestor) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->entity_type)) {
$res .= $prefix . "entity_type: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->entity_type) . "\n";
foreach ($this->property as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "Property {\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . "}\n";
if (isset($this->ancestor)) {
$res .= $prefix . "ancestor: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->ancestor) . "\n";
return $res;
namespace storage_onestore_v3\CompositeIndex {
class State {
const WRITE_ONLY = 1;
const READ_WRITE = 2;
const DELETED = 3;
const ERROR = 4;
namespace storage_onestore_v3\CompositeIndex {
class WorkflowState {
const PENDING = 1;
const ACTIVE = 2;
const COMPLETED = 3;
namespace storage_onestore_v3 {
class CompositeIndex extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
private $read_division_family = array();
public function getAppId() {
if (!isset($this->app_id)) {
return '';
return $this->app_id;
public function setAppId($val) {
$this->app_id = $val;
return $this;
public function clearAppId() {
return $this;
public function hasAppId() {
return isset($this->app_id);
public function getId() {
if (!isset($this->id)) {
return "0";
return $this->id;
public function setId($val) {
if (is_double($val)) {
$this->id = sprintf('%0.0F', $val);
} else {
$this->id = $val;
return $this;
public function clearId() {
return $this;
public function hasId() {
return isset($this->id);
public function getDefinition() {
if (!isset($this->definition)) {
return new \storage_onestore_v3\Index();
return $this->definition;
public function mutableDefinition() {
if (!isset($this->definition)) {
$res = new \storage_onestore_v3\Index();
$this->definition = $res;
return $res;
return $this->definition;
public function clearDefinition() {
if (isset($this->definition)) {
public function hasDefinition() {
return isset($this->definition);
public function getState() {
if (!isset($this->state)) {
return 1;
return $this->state;
public function setState($val) {
$this->state = $val;
return $this;
public function clearState() {
return $this;
public function hasState() {
return isset($this->state);
public function getOnlyUseIfRequired() {
if (!isset($this->only_use_if_required)) {
return false;
return $this->only_use_if_required;
public function setOnlyUseIfRequired($val) {
$this->only_use_if_required = $val;
return $this;
public function clearOnlyUseIfRequired() {
return $this;
public function hasOnlyUseIfRequired() {
return isset($this->only_use_if_required);
public function getReadDivisionFamilySize() {
return sizeof($this->read_division_family);
public function getReadDivisionFamilyList() {
return $this->read_division_family;
public function getReadDivisionFamily($idx) {
return $this->read_division_family[$idx];
public function setReadDivisionFamily($idx, $val) {
$this->read_division_family[$idx] = $val;
return $this;
public function addReadDivisionFamily($val) {
$this->read_division_family[] = $val;
return $this;
public function clearReadDivisionFamily() {
$this->read_division_family = array();
public function getWriteDivisionFamily() {
if (!isset($this->write_division_family)) {
return '';
return $this->write_division_family;
public function setWriteDivisionFamily($val) {
$this->write_division_family = $val;
return $this;
public function clearWriteDivisionFamily() {
return $this;
public function hasWriteDivisionFamily() {
return isset($this->write_division_family);
public function getDisabledIndex() {
if (!isset($this->disabled_index)) {
return false;
return $this->disabled_index;
public function setDisabledIndex($val) {
$this->disabled_index = $val;
return $this;
public function clearDisabledIndex() {
return $this;
public function hasDisabledIndex() {
return isset($this->disabled_index);
public function getWorkflowState() {
if (!isset($this->workflow_state)) {
return 1;
return $this->workflow_state;
public function setWorkflowState($val) {
$this->workflow_state = $val;
return $this;
public function clearWorkflowState() {
return $this;
public function hasWorkflowState() {
return isset($this->workflow_state);
public function getErrorMessage() {
if (!isset($this->error_message)) {
return '';
return $this->error_message;
public function setErrorMessage($val) {
$this->error_message = $val;
return $this;
public function clearErrorMessage() {
return $this;
public function hasErrorMessage() {
return isset($this->error_message);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->app_id)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->app_id));
if (isset($this->id)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->id);
if (isset($this->definition)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->definition->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->state)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->state);
if (isset($this->only_use_if_required)) {
$res += 2;
$res += 1 * sizeof($this->read_division_family);
foreach ($this->read_division_family as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($value));
if (isset($this->write_division_family)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->write_division_family));
if (isset($this->disabled_index)) {
$res += 2;
if (isset($this->workflow_state)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->workflow_state);
if (isset($this->error_message)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->error_message));
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->app_id)) {
if (isset($this->id)) {
if (isset($this->definition)) {
if (isset($this->state)) {
if (isset($this->only_use_if_required)) {
foreach ($this->read_division_family as $value) {
if (isset($this->write_division_family)) {
if (isset($this->disabled_index)) {
if (isset($this->workflow_state)) {
if (isset($this->error_message)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 10:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setAppId(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 16:
case 26:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 32:
case 48:
case 58:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->addReadDivisionFamily(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 66:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setWriteDivisionFamily(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 72:
case 80:
case 90:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setErrorMessage(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (!isset($this->app_id)) return 'app_id';
if (!isset($this->id)) return 'id';
if ((!isset($this->definition)) || (!$this->definition->isInitialized())) return 'definition';
if (!isset($this->state)) return 'state';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasAppId()) {
if ($x->hasId()) {
if ($x->hasDefinition()) {
if ($x->hasState()) {
if ($x->hasOnlyUseIfRequired()) {
foreach ($x->getReadDivisionFamilyList() as $v) {
if ($x->hasWriteDivisionFamily()) {
if ($x->hasDisabledIndex()) {
if ($x->hasWorkflowState()) {
if ($x->hasErrorMessage()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->app_id) !== isset($x->app_id)) return false;
if (isset($this->app_id) && $this->app_id !== $x->app_id) return false;
if (isset($this->id) !== isset($x->id)) return false;
if (isset($this->id) && !$this->integerEquals($this->id, $x->id)) return false;
if (isset($this->definition) !== isset($x->definition)) return false;
if (isset($this->definition) && !$this->definition->equals($x->definition)) return false;
if (isset($this->state) !== isset($x->state)) return false;
if (isset($this->state) && $this->state !== $x->state) return false;
if (isset($this->only_use_if_required) !== isset($x->only_use_if_required)) return false;
if (isset($this->only_use_if_required) && $this->only_use_if_required !== $x->only_use_if_required) return false;
if (sizeof($this->read_division_family) !== sizeof($x->read_division_family)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->read_division_family, $x->read_division_family) as $v) {
if ($v[0] !== $v[1]) return false;
if (isset($this->write_division_family) !== isset($x->write_division_family)) return false;
if (isset($this->write_division_family) && $this->write_division_family !== $x->write_division_family) return false;
if (isset($this->disabled_index) !== isset($x->disabled_index)) return false;
if (isset($this->disabled_index) && $this->disabled_index !== $x->disabled_index) return false;
if (isset($this->workflow_state) !== isset($x->workflow_state)) return false;
if (isset($this->workflow_state) && $this->workflow_state !== $x->workflow_state) return false;
if (isset($this->error_message) !== isset($x->error_message)) return false;
if (isset($this->error_message) && $this->error_message !== $x->error_message) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->app_id)) {
$res .= $prefix . "app_id: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->app_id) . "\n";
if (isset($this->id)) {
$res .= $prefix . "id: " . $this->debugFormatInt64($this->id) . "\n";
if (isset($this->definition)) {
$res .= $prefix . "definition <\n" . $this->definition->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->state)) {
$res .= $prefix . "state: " . ($this->state) . "\n";
if (isset($this->only_use_if_required)) {
$res .= $prefix . "only_use_if_required: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->only_use_if_required) . "\n";
foreach ($this->read_division_family as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "read_division_family: " . $this->debugFormatString($value) . "\n";
if (isset($this->write_division_family)) {
$res .= $prefix . "write_division_family: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->write_division_family) . "\n";
if (isset($this->disabled_index)) {
$res .= $prefix . "disabled_index: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->disabled_index) . "\n";
if (isset($this->workflow_state)) {
$res .= $prefix . "workflow_state: " . ($this->workflow_state) . "\n";
if (isset($this->error_message)) {
$res .= $prefix . "error_message: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->error_message) . "\n";
return $res;
namespace storage_onestore_v3 {
class SearchIndexEntry extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
private $division_family = array();
public function getIndexId() {
if (!isset($this->index_id)) {
return "0";
return $this->index_id;
public function setIndexId($val) {
if (is_double($val)) {
$this->index_id = sprintf('%0.0F', $val);
} else {
$this->index_id = $val;
return $this;
public function clearIndexId() {
return $this;
public function hasIndexId() {
return isset($this->index_id);
public function getDivisionFamilySize() {
return sizeof($this->division_family);
public function getDivisionFamilyList() {
return $this->division_family;
public function getDivisionFamily($idx) {
return $this->division_family[$idx];
public function setDivisionFamily($idx, $val) {
$this->division_family[$idx] = $val;
return $this;
public function addDivisionFamily($val) {
$this->division_family[] = $val;
return $this;
public function clearDivisionFamily() {
$this->division_family = array();
public function getFingerprint1999() {
if (!isset($this->fingerprint_1999)) {
return "0";
return $this->fingerprint_1999;
public function setFingerprint1999($val) {
if (is_double($val)) {
$this->fingerprint_1999 = sprintf('%0.0F', $val);
} else {
$this->fingerprint_1999 = $val;
return $this;
public function clearFingerprint1999() {
return $this;
public function hasFingerprint1999() {
return isset($this->fingerprint_1999);
public function getFingerprint2011() {
if (!isset($this->fingerprint_2011)) {
return "0";
return $this->fingerprint_2011;
public function setFingerprint2011($val) {
if (is_double($val)) {
$this->fingerprint_2011 = sprintf('%0.0F', $val);
} else {
$this->fingerprint_2011 = $val;
return $this;
public function clearFingerprint2011() {
return $this;
public function hasFingerprint2011() {
return isset($this->fingerprint_2011);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->index_id)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->index_id);
$res += 1 * sizeof($this->division_family);
foreach ($this->division_family as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($value));
if (isset($this->fingerprint_1999)) {
$res += 9;
if (isset($this->fingerprint_2011)) {
$res += 9;
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->index_id)) {
foreach ($this->division_family as $value) {
if (isset($this->fingerprint_1999)) {
if (isset($this->fingerprint_2011)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 8:
case 18:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->addDivisionFamily(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 25:
case 33:
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (!isset($this->index_id)) return 'index_id';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasIndexId()) {
foreach ($x->getDivisionFamilyList() as $v) {
if ($x->hasFingerprint1999()) {
if ($x->hasFingerprint2011()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->index_id) !== isset($x->index_id)) return false;
if (isset($this->index_id) && !$this->integerEquals($this->index_id, $x->index_id)) return false;
if (sizeof($this->division_family) !== sizeof($x->division_family)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->division_family, $x->division_family) as $v) {
if ($v[0] !== $v[1]) return false;
if (isset($this->fingerprint_1999) !== isset($x->fingerprint_1999)) return false;
if (isset($this->fingerprint_1999) && !$this->integerEquals($this->fingerprint_1999, $x->fingerprint_1999)) return false;
if (isset($this->fingerprint_2011) !== isset($x->fingerprint_2011)) return false;
if (isset($this->fingerprint_2011) && !$this->integerEquals($this->fingerprint_2011, $x->fingerprint_2011)) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->index_id)) {
$res .= $prefix . "index_id: " . $this->debugFormatInt64($this->index_id) . "\n";
foreach ($this->division_family as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "division_family: " . $this->debugFormatString($value) . "\n";
if (isset($this->fingerprint_1999)) {
$res .= $prefix . "fingerprint_1999: " . $this->debugFormatFixed64($this->fingerprint_1999) . "\n";
if (isset($this->fingerprint_2011)) {
$res .= $prefix . "fingerprint_2011: " . $this->debugFormatFixed64($this->fingerprint_2011) . "\n";
return $res;
namespace storage_onestore_v3 {
class SearchIndexExternalId extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
public function getIndexId() {
if (!isset($this->index_id)) {
return "0";
return $this->index_id;
public function setIndexId($val) {
if (is_double($val)) {
$this->index_id = sprintf('%0.0F', $val);
} else {
$this->index_id = $val;
return $this;
public function clearIndexId() {
return $this;
public function hasIndexId() {
return isset($this->index_id);
public function getPrimaryKey() {
if (!isset($this->primary_key)) {
return new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
return $this->primary_key;
public function mutablePrimaryKey() {
if (!isset($this->primary_key)) {
$res = new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
$this->primary_key = $res;
return $res;
return $this->primary_key;
public function clearPrimaryKey() {
if (isset($this->primary_key)) {
public function hasPrimaryKey() {
return isset($this->primary_key);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->index_id)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->index_id);
if (isset($this->primary_key)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->primary_key->byteSizePartial());
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->index_id)) {
if (isset($this->primary_key)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 8:
case 18:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (!isset($this->index_id)) return 'index_id';
if ((!isset($this->primary_key)) || (!$this->primary_key->isInitialized())) return 'primary_key';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasIndexId()) {
if ($x->hasPrimaryKey()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->index_id) !== isset($x->index_id)) return false;
if (isset($this->index_id) && !$this->integerEquals($this->index_id, $x->index_id)) return false;
if (isset($this->primary_key) !== isset($x->primary_key)) return false;
if (isset($this->primary_key) && !$this->primary_key->equals($x->primary_key)) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->index_id)) {
$res .= $prefix . "index_id: " . $this->debugFormatInt64($this->index_id) . "\n";
if (isset($this->primary_key)) {
$res .= $prefix . "primary_key <\n" . $this->primary_key->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
return $res;
namespace storage_onestore_v3\IndexPostfix {
class IndexValue extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
public function getPropertyName() {
if (!isset($this->property_name)) {
return '';
return $this->property_name;
public function setPropertyName($val) {
$this->property_name = $val;
return $this;
public function clearPropertyName() {
return $this;
public function hasPropertyName() {
return isset($this->property_name);
public function getValue() {
if (!isset($this->value)) {
return new \storage_onestore_v3\PropertyValue();
return $this->value;
public function mutableValue() {
if (!isset($this->value)) {
$res = new \storage_onestore_v3\PropertyValue();
$this->value = $res;
return $res;
return $this->value;
public function clearValue() {
if (isset($this->value)) {
public function hasValue() {
return isset($this->value);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->property_name)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->property_name));
if (isset($this->value)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->value->byteSizePartial());
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->property_name)) {
if (isset($this->value)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 10:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setPropertyName(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 18:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (!isset($this->property_name)) return 'property_name';
if ((!isset($this->value)) || (!$this->value->isInitialized())) return 'value';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasPropertyName()) {
if ($x->hasValue()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->property_name) !== isset($x->property_name)) return false;
if (isset($this->property_name) && $this->property_name !== $x->property_name) return false;
if (isset($this->value) !== isset($x->value)) return false;
if (isset($this->value) && !$this->value->equals($x->value)) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->property_name)) {
$res .= $prefix . "property_name: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->property_name) . "\n";
if (isset($this->value)) {
$res .= $prefix . "value <\n" . $this->value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
return $res;
namespace storage_onestore_v3 {
class IndexPostfix extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
private $index_value = array();
public function getIndexValueSize() {
return sizeof($this->index_value);
public function getIndexValueList() {
return $this->index_value;
public function mutableIndexValue($idx) {
if (!isset($this->index_value[$idx])) {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\IndexPostfix\IndexValue();
$this->index_value[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->index_value[$idx];
public function getIndexValue($idx) {
if (isset($this->index_value[$idx])) {
return $this->index_value[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->index_value))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \storage_onestore_v3\IndexPostfix\IndexValue();
public function addIndexValue() {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\IndexPostfix\IndexValue();
$this->index_value[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearIndexValue() {
$this->index_value = array();
public function getKey() {
if (!isset($this->key)) {
return new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
return $this->key;
public function mutableKey() {
if (!isset($this->key)) {
$res = new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
$this->key = $res;
return $res;
return $this->key;
public function clearKey() {
if (isset($this->key)) {
public function hasKey() {
return isset($this->key);
public function getBefore() {
if (!isset($this->before)) {
return true;
return $this->before;
public function setBefore($val) {
$this->before = $val;
return $this;
public function clearBefore() {
return $this;
public function hasBefore() {
return isset($this->before);
public function getBeforeAscending() {
if (!isset($this->before_ascending)) {
return false;
return $this->before_ascending;
public function setBeforeAscending($val) {
$this->before_ascending = $val;
return $this;
public function clearBeforeAscending() {
return $this;
public function hasBeforeAscending() {
return isset($this->before_ascending);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
$res += 1 * sizeof($this->index_value);
foreach ($this->index_value as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString($value->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->key)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->key->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->before)) {
$res += 2;
if (isset($this->before_ascending)) {
$res += 2;
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
foreach ($this->index_value as $value) {
if (isset($this->key)) {
if (isset($this->before)) {
if (isset($this->before_ascending)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 10:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 18:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 24:
case 32:
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
foreach ($this->index_value as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'index_value';
if (isset($this->key) && (!$this->key->isInitialized())) return 'key';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
foreach ($x->getIndexValueList() as $v) {
if ($x->hasKey()) {
if ($x->hasBefore()) {
if ($x->hasBeforeAscending()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (sizeof($this->index_value) !== sizeof($x->index_value)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->index_value, $x->index_value) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
if (isset($this->key) !== isset($x->key)) return false;
if (isset($this->key) && !$this->key->equals($x->key)) return false;
if (isset($this->before) !== isset($x->before)) return false;
if (isset($this->before) && $this->before !== $x->before) return false;
if (isset($this->before_ascending) !== isset($x->before_ascending)) return false;
if (isset($this->before_ascending) && $this->before_ascending !== $x->before_ascending) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
foreach ($this->index_value as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "index_value <\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->key)) {
$res .= $prefix . "key <\n" . $this->key->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->before)) {
$res .= $prefix . "before: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->before) . "\n";
if (isset($this->before_ascending)) {
$res .= $prefix . "before_ascending: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->before_ascending) . "\n";
return $res;
namespace storage_onestore_v3 {
class IndexPosition extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
public function getKey() {
if (!isset($this->key)) {
return '';
return $this->key;
public function setKey($val) {
$this->key = $val;
return $this;
public function clearKey() {
return $this;
public function hasKey() {
return isset($this->key);
public function getBefore() {
if (!isset($this->before)) {
return true;
return $this->before;
public function setBefore($val) {
$this->before = $val;
return $this;
public function clearBefore() {
return $this;
public function hasBefore() {
return isset($this->before);
public function getBeforeAscending() {
if (!isset($this->before_ascending)) {
return false;
return $this->before_ascending;
public function setBeforeAscending($val) {
$this->before_ascending = $val;
return $this;
public function clearBeforeAscending() {
return $this;
public function hasBeforeAscending() {
return isset($this->before_ascending);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->key)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->key));
if (isset($this->before)) {
$res += 2;
if (isset($this->before_ascending)) {
$res += 2;
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->key)) {
if (isset($this->before)) {
if (isset($this->before_ascending)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 10:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setKey(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 16:
case 24:
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasKey()) {
if ($x->hasBefore()) {
if ($x->hasBeforeAscending()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->key) !== isset($x->key)) return false;
if (isset($this->key) && $this->key !== $x->key) return false;
if (isset($this->before) !== isset($x->before)) return false;
if (isset($this->before) && $this->before !== $x->before) return false;
if (isset($this->before_ascending) !== isset($x->before_ascending)) return false;
if (isset($this->before_ascending) && $this->before_ascending !== $x->before_ascending) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->key)) {
$res .= $prefix . "key: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->key) . "\n";
if (isset($this->before)) {
$res .= $prefix . "before: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->before) . "\n";
if (isset($this->before_ascending)) {
$res .= $prefix . "before_ascending: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->before_ascending) . "\n";
return $res;