blob: 0d92f278a1591ae1efbd0b0b1556cf8748e3fd40 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
# Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
# source: google/appengine/datastore/datastore_v3.proto
namespace dummy {
require_once 'google/appengine/runtime/proto/ProtocolMessage.php';
require_once 'google/appengine/api/api_base_pb.php';
require_once 'google/appengine/datastore/action_pb.php';
require_once 'google/appengine/datastore/entity_pb.php';
require_once 'google/appengine/datastore/snapshot_pb.php';
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3 {
class InternalHeader extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
public function getRequestingAppId() {
if (!isset($this->requesting_app_id)) {
return '';
return $this->requesting_app_id;
public function setRequestingAppId($val) {
$this->requesting_app_id = $val;
return $this;
public function clearRequestingAppId() {
return $this;
public function hasRequestingAppId() {
return isset($this->requesting_app_id);
public function getApiSettings() {
if (!isset($this->api_settings)) {
return '';
return $this->api_settings;
public function setApiSettings($val) {
$this->api_settings = $val;
return $this;
public function clearApiSettings() {
return $this;
public function hasApiSettings() {
return isset($this->api_settings);
public function getRequestingProjectId() {
if (!isset($this->requesting_project_id)) {
return '';
return $this->requesting_project_id;
public function setRequestingProjectId($val) {
$this->requesting_project_id = $val;
return $this;
public function clearRequestingProjectId() {
return $this;
public function hasRequestingProjectId() {
return isset($this->requesting_project_id);
public function getRequestingVersionId() {
if (!isset($this->requesting_version_id)) {
return '';
return $this->requesting_version_id;
public function setRequestingVersionId($val) {
$this->requesting_version_id = $val;
return $this;
public function clearRequestingVersionId() {
return $this;
public function hasRequestingVersionId() {
return isset($this->requesting_version_id);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->requesting_app_id)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->requesting_app_id));
if (isset($this->api_settings)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->api_settings));
if (isset($this->requesting_project_id)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->requesting_project_id));
if (isset($this->requesting_version_id)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->requesting_version_id));
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->requesting_app_id)) {
if (isset($this->api_settings)) {
if (isset($this->requesting_project_id)) {
if (isset($this->requesting_version_id)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 18:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setRequestingAppId(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 26:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setApiSettings(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 34:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setRequestingProjectId(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 42:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setRequestingVersionId(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasRequestingAppId()) {
if ($x->hasApiSettings()) {
if ($x->hasRequestingProjectId()) {
if ($x->hasRequestingVersionId()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->requesting_app_id) !== isset($x->requesting_app_id)) return false;
if (isset($this->requesting_app_id) && $this->requesting_app_id !== $x->requesting_app_id) return false;
if (isset($this->api_settings) !== isset($x->api_settings)) return false;
if (isset($this->api_settings) && $this->api_settings !== $x->api_settings) return false;
if (isset($this->requesting_project_id) !== isset($x->requesting_project_id)) return false;
if (isset($this->requesting_project_id) && $this->requesting_project_id !== $x->requesting_project_id) return false;
if (isset($this->requesting_version_id) !== isset($x->requesting_version_id)) return false;
if (isset($this->requesting_version_id) && $this->requesting_version_id !== $x->requesting_version_id) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->requesting_app_id)) {
$res .= $prefix . "requesting_app_id: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->requesting_app_id) . "\n";
if (isset($this->api_settings)) {
$res .= $prefix . "api_settings: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->api_settings) . "\n";
if (isset($this->requesting_project_id)) {
$res .= $prefix . "requesting_project_id: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->requesting_project_id) . "\n";
if (isset($this->requesting_version_id)) {
$res .= $prefix . "requesting_version_id: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->requesting_version_id) . "\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3 {
class Transaction extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
public function getHandle() {
if (!isset($this->handle)) {
return "0";
return $this->handle;
public function setHandle($val) {
if (is_double($val)) {
$this->handle = sprintf('%0.0F', $val);
} else {
$this->handle = $val;
return $this;
public function clearHandle() {
return $this;
public function hasHandle() {
return isset($this->handle);
public function getApp() {
if (!isset($this->app)) {
return '';
return $this->app;
public function setApp($val) {
$this->app = $val;
return $this;
public function clearApp() {
return $this;
public function hasApp() {
return isset($this->app);
public function getMarkChanges() {
if (!isset($this->mark_changes)) {
return false;
return $this->mark_changes;
public function setMarkChanges($val) {
$this->mark_changes = $val;
return $this;
public function clearMarkChanges() {
return $this;
public function hasMarkChanges() {
return isset($this->mark_changes);
public function getHeader() {
if (!isset($this->header)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\InternalHeader();
return $this->header;
public function mutableHeader() {
if (!isset($this->header)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\InternalHeader();
$this->header = $res;
return $res;
return $this->header;
public function clearHeader() {
if (isset($this->header)) {
public function hasHeader() {
return isset($this->header);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->handle)) {
$res += 9;
if (isset($this->app)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->app));
if (isset($this->mark_changes)) {
$res += 2;
if (isset($this->header)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->header->byteSizePartial());
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->handle)) {
if (isset($this->app)) {
if (isset($this->mark_changes)) {
if (isset($this->header)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 9:
case 18:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setApp(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 24:
case 34:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (!isset($this->handle)) return 'handle';
if (!isset($this->app)) return 'app';
if (isset($this->header) && (!$this->header->isInitialized())) return 'header';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasHandle()) {
if ($x->hasApp()) {
if ($x->hasMarkChanges()) {
if ($x->hasHeader()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->handle) !== isset($x->handle)) return false;
if (isset($this->handle) && !$this->integerEquals($this->handle, $x->handle)) return false;
if (isset($this->app) !== isset($x->app)) return false;
if (isset($this->app) && $this->app !== $x->app) return false;
if (isset($this->mark_changes) !== isset($x->mark_changes)) return false;
if (isset($this->mark_changes) && $this->mark_changes !== $x->mark_changes) return false;
if (isset($this->header) !== isset($x->header)) return false;
if (isset($this->header) && !$this->header->equals($x->header)) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->handle)) {
$res .= $prefix . "handle: " . $this->debugFormatFixed64($this->handle) . "\n";
if (isset($this->app)) {
$res .= $prefix . "app: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->app) . "\n";
if (isset($this->mark_changes)) {
$res .= $prefix . "mark_changes: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->mark_changes) . "\n";
if (isset($this->header)) {
$res .= $prefix . "header <\n" . $this->header->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3\Query {
class Hint {
const ORDER_FIRST = 1;
const FILTER_FIRST = 3;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3\Query\Filter {
class Operator {
const LESS_THAN = 1;
const GREATER_THAN = 3;
const EQUAL = 5;
const IN = 6;
const EXISTS = 7;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3\Query {
class Filter extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
private $property = array();
public function getOp() {
if (!isset($this->op)) {
return 1;
return $this->op;
public function setOp($val) {
$this->op = $val;
return $this;
public function clearOp() {
return $this;
public function hasOp() {
return isset($this->op);
public function getPropertySize() {
return sizeof($this->property);
public function getPropertyList() {
return $this->property;
public function mutableProperty($idx) {
if (!isset($this->property[$idx])) {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\Property();
$this->property[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->property[$idx];
public function getProperty($idx) {
if (isset($this->property[$idx])) {
return $this->property[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->property))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \storage_onestore_v3\Property();
public function addProperty() {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\Property();
$this->property[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearProperty() {
$this->property = array();
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->op)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->op);
$res += 1 * sizeof($this->property);
foreach ($this->property as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString($value->byteSizePartial());
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->op)) {
foreach ($this->property as $value) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 36: return;
case 48:
case 114:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (!isset($this->op)) return 'op';
foreach ($this->property as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'property';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasOp()) {
foreach ($x->getPropertyList() as $v) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->op) !== isset($x->op)) return false;
if (isset($this->op) && $this->op !== $x->op) return false;
if (sizeof($this->property) !== sizeof($x->property)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->property, $x->property) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->op)) {
$res .= $prefix . "op: " . ($this->op) . "\n";
foreach ($this->property as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "property <\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3\Query\Order {
class Direction {
const ASCENDING = 1;
const DESCENDING = 2;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3\Query {
class Order extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
public function getProperty() {
if (!isset($this->property)) {
return '';
return $this->property;
public function setProperty($val) {
$this->property = $val;
return $this;
public function clearProperty() {
return $this;
public function hasProperty() {
return isset($this->property);
public function getDirection() {
if (!isset($this->direction)) {
return 1;
return $this->direction;
public function setDirection($val) {
$this->direction = $val;
return $this;
public function clearDirection() {
return $this;
public function hasDirection() {
return isset($this->direction);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->property)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->property));
if (isset($this->direction)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->direction);
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->property)) {
if (isset($this->direction)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 76: return;
case 82:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setProperty(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 88:
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (!isset($this->property)) return 'property';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasProperty()) {
if ($x->hasDirection()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->property) !== isset($x->property)) return false;
if (isset($this->property) && $this->property !== $x->property) return false;
if (isset($this->direction) !== isset($x->direction)) return false;
if (isset($this->direction) && $this->direction !== $x->direction) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->property)) {
$res .= $prefix . "property: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->property) . "\n";
if (isset($this->direction)) {
$res .= $prefix . "direction: " . ($this->direction) . "\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3 {
class Query extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
private $filter = array();
private $order = array();
private $composite_index = array();
private $property_name = array();
private $group_by_property_name = array();
private $safe_replica_name = array();
public function getApp() {
if (!isset($this->app)) {
return '';
return $this->app;
public function setApp($val) {
$this->app = $val;
return $this;
public function clearApp() {
return $this;
public function hasApp() {
return isset($this->app);
public function getKind() {
if (!isset($this->kind)) {
return '';
return $this->kind;
public function setKind($val) {
$this->kind = $val;
return $this;
public function clearKind() {
return $this;
public function hasKind() {
return isset($this->kind);
public function getFilterSize() {
return sizeof($this->filter);
public function getFilterList() {
return $this->filter;
public function mutableFilter($idx) {
if (!isset($this->filter[$idx])) {
$val = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Query\Filter();
$this->filter[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->filter[$idx];
public function getFilter($idx) {
if (isset($this->filter[$idx])) {
return $this->filter[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->filter))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Query\Filter();
public function addFilter() {
$val = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Query\Filter();
$this->filter[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearFilter() {
$this->filter = array();
public function getSearchQuery() {
if (!isset($this->search_query)) {
return '';
return $this->search_query;
public function setSearchQuery($val) {
$this->search_query = $val;
return $this;
public function clearSearchQuery() {
return $this;
public function hasSearchQuery() {
return isset($this->search_query);
public function getOrderSize() {
return sizeof($this->order);
public function getOrderList() {
return $this->order;
public function mutableOrder($idx) {
if (!isset($this->order[$idx])) {
$val = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Query\Order();
$this->order[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->order[$idx];
public function getOrder($idx) {
if (isset($this->order[$idx])) {
return $this->order[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->order))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Query\Order();
public function addOrder() {
$val = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Query\Order();
$this->order[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearOrder() {
$this->order = array();
public function getOffset() {
if (!isset($this->offset)) {
return 0;
return $this->offset;
public function setOffset($val) {
$this->offset = $val;
return $this;
public function clearOffset() {
return $this;
public function hasOffset() {
return isset($this->offset);
public function getLimit() {
if (!isset($this->limit)) {
return 0;
return $this->limit;
public function setLimit($val) {
$this->limit = $val;
return $this;
public function clearLimit() {
return $this;
public function hasLimit() {
return isset($this->limit);
public function getAncestor() {
if (!isset($this->ancestor)) {
return new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
return $this->ancestor;
public function mutableAncestor() {
if (!isset($this->ancestor)) {
$res = new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
$this->ancestor = $res;
return $res;
return $this->ancestor;
public function clearAncestor() {
if (isset($this->ancestor)) {
public function hasAncestor() {
return isset($this->ancestor);
public function getHint() {
if (!isset($this->hint)) {
return 1;
return $this->hint;
public function setHint($val) {
$this->hint = $val;
return $this;
public function clearHint() {
return $this;
public function hasHint() {
return isset($this->hint);
public function getCompositeIndexSize() {
return sizeof($this->composite_index);
public function getCompositeIndexList() {
return $this->composite_index;
public function mutableCompositeIndex($idx) {
if (!isset($this->composite_index[$idx])) {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\CompositeIndex();
$this->composite_index[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->composite_index[$idx];
public function getCompositeIndex($idx) {
if (isset($this->composite_index[$idx])) {
return $this->composite_index[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->composite_index))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \storage_onestore_v3\CompositeIndex();
public function addCompositeIndex() {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\CompositeIndex();
$this->composite_index[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearCompositeIndex() {
$this->composite_index = array();
public function getRequirePerfectPlan() {
if (!isset($this->require_perfect_plan)) {
return false;
return $this->require_perfect_plan;
public function setRequirePerfectPlan($val) {
$this->require_perfect_plan = $val;
return $this;
public function clearRequirePerfectPlan() {
return $this;
public function hasRequirePerfectPlan() {
return isset($this->require_perfect_plan);
public function getKeysOnly() {
if (!isset($this->keys_only)) {
return false;
return $this->keys_only;
public function setKeysOnly($val) {
$this->keys_only = $val;
return $this;
public function clearKeysOnly() {
return $this;
public function hasKeysOnly() {
return isset($this->keys_only);
public function getTransaction() {
if (!isset($this->transaction)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Transaction();
return $this->transaction;
public function mutableTransaction() {
if (!isset($this->transaction)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Transaction();
$this->transaction = $res;
return $res;
return $this->transaction;
public function clearTransaction() {
if (isset($this->transaction)) {
public function hasTransaction() {
return isset($this->transaction);
public function getCount() {
if (!isset($this->count)) {
return 0;
return $this->count;
public function setCount($val) {
$this->count = $val;
return $this;
public function clearCount() {
return $this;
public function hasCount() {
return isset($this->count);
public function getDistinct() {
if (!isset($this->distinct)) {
return false;
return $this->distinct;
public function setDistinct($val) {
$this->distinct = $val;
return $this;
public function clearDistinct() {
return $this;
public function hasDistinct() {
return isset($this->distinct);
public function getCompile() {
if (!isset($this->compile)) {
return false;
return $this->compile;
public function setCompile($val) {
$this->compile = $val;
return $this;
public function clearCompile() {
return $this;
public function hasCompile() {
return isset($this->compile);
public function getFailoverMs() {
if (!isset($this->failover_ms)) {
return "0";
return $this->failover_ms;
public function setFailoverMs($val) {
if (is_double($val)) {
$this->failover_ms = sprintf('%0.0F', $val);
} else {
$this->failover_ms = $val;
return $this;
public function clearFailoverMs() {
return $this;
public function hasFailoverMs() {
return isset($this->failover_ms);
public function getNameSpace() {
if (!isset($this->name_space)) {
return '';
return $this->name_space;
public function setNameSpace($val) {
$this->name_space = $val;
return $this;
public function clearNameSpace() {
return $this;
public function hasNameSpace() {
return isset($this->name_space);
public function getCompiledCursor() {
if (!isset($this->compiled_cursor)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\CompiledCursor();
return $this->compiled_cursor;
public function mutableCompiledCursor() {
if (!isset($this->compiled_cursor)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\CompiledCursor();
$this->compiled_cursor = $res;
return $res;
return $this->compiled_cursor;
public function clearCompiledCursor() {
if (isset($this->compiled_cursor)) {
public function hasCompiledCursor() {
return isset($this->compiled_cursor);
public function getEndCompiledCursor() {
if (!isset($this->end_compiled_cursor)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\CompiledCursor();
return $this->end_compiled_cursor;
public function mutableEndCompiledCursor() {
if (!isset($this->end_compiled_cursor)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\CompiledCursor();
$this->end_compiled_cursor = $res;
return $res;
return $this->end_compiled_cursor;
public function clearEndCompiledCursor() {
if (isset($this->end_compiled_cursor)) {
public function hasEndCompiledCursor() {
return isset($this->end_compiled_cursor);
public function getStrong() {
if (!isset($this->strong)) {
return false;
return $this->strong;
public function setStrong($val) {
$this->strong = $val;
return $this;
public function clearStrong() {
return $this;
public function hasStrong() {
return isset($this->strong);
public function getPropertyNameSize() {
return sizeof($this->property_name);
public function getPropertyNameList() {
return $this->property_name;
public function getPropertyName($idx) {
return $this->property_name[$idx];
public function setPropertyName($idx, $val) {
$this->property_name[$idx] = $val;
return $this;
public function addPropertyName($val) {
$this->property_name[] = $val;
return $this;
public function clearPropertyName() {
$this->property_name = array();
public function getGroupByPropertyNameSize() {
return sizeof($this->group_by_property_name);
public function getGroupByPropertyNameList() {
return $this->group_by_property_name;
public function getGroupByPropertyName($idx) {
return $this->group_by_property_name[$idx];
public function setGroupByPropertyName($idx, $val) {
$this->group_by_property_name[$idx] = $val;
return $this;
public function addGroupByPropertyName($val) {
$this->group_by_property_name[] = $val;
return $this;
public function clearGroupByPropertyName() {
$this->group_by_property_name = array();
public function getMinSafeTimeSeconds() {
if (!isset($this->min_safe_time_seconds)) {
return "0";
return $this->min_safe_time_seconds;
public function setMinSafeTimeSeconds($val) {
if (is_double($val)) {
$this->min_safe_time_seconds = sprintf('%0.0F', $val);
} else {
$this->min_safe_time_seconds = $val;
return $this;
public function clearMinSafeTimeSeconds() {
return $this;
public function hasMinSafeTimeSeconds() {
return isset($this->min_safe_time_seconds);
public function getSafeReplicaNameSize() {
return sizeof($this->safe_replica_name);
public function getSafeReplicaNameList() {
return $this->safe_replica_name;
public function getSafeReplicaName($idx) {
return $this->safe_replica_name[$idx];
public function setSafeReplicaName($idx, $val) {
$this->safe_replica_name[$idx] = $val;
return $this;
public function addSafeReplicaName($val) {
$this->safe_replica_name[] = $val;
return $this;
public function clearSafeReplicaName() {
$this->safe_replica_name = array();
public function getPersistOffset() {
if (!isset($this->persist_offset)) {
return false;
return $this->persist_offset;
public function setPersistOffset($val) {
$this->persist_offset = $val;
return $this;
public function clearPersistOffset() {
return $this;
public function hasPersistOffset() {
return isset($this->persist_offset);
public function getHeader() {
if (!isset($this->header)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\InternalHeader();
return $this->header;
public function mutableHeader() {
if (!isset($this->header)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\InternalHeader();
$this->header = $res;
return $res;
return $this->header;
public function clearHeader() {
if (isset($this->header)) {
public function hasHeader() {
return isset($this->header);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->app)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->app));
if (isset($this->kind)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->kind));
$res += 2 * sizeof($this->filter);
foreach ($this->filter as $value) {
$res += $value->byteSizePartial();
if (isset($this->search_query)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->search_query));
$res += 2 * sizeof($this->order);
foreach ($this->order as $value) {
$res += $value->byteSizePartial();
if (isset($this->offset)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->offset);
if (isset($this->limit)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->limit);
if (isset($this->ancestor)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->ancestor->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->hint)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->hint);
$res += 2 * sizeof($this->composite_index);
foreach ($this->composite_index as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString($value->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->require_perfect_plan)) {
$res += 3;
if (isset($this->keys_only)) {
$res += 3;
if (isset($this->transaction)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->transaction->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->count)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->count);
if (isset($this->distinct)) {
$res += 3;
if (isset($this->compile)) {
$res += 3;
if (isset($this->failover_ms)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->failover_ms);
if (isset($this->name_space)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->name_space));
if (isset($this->compiled_cursor)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->compiled_cursor->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->end_compiled_cursor)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->end_compiled_cursor->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->strong)) {
$res += 3;
$res += 2 * sizeof($this->property_name);
foreach ($this->property_name as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($value));
$res += 2 * sizeof($this->group_by_property_name);
foreach ($this->group_by_property_name as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($value));
if (isset($this->min_safe_time_seconds)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->min_safe_time_seconds);
$res += 2 * sizeof($this->safe_replica_name);
foreach ($this->safe_replica_name as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($value));
if (isset($this->persist_offset)) {
$res += 3;
if (isset($this->header)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->header->byteSizePartial());
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->app)) {
if (isset($this->kind)) {
foreach ($this->filter as $value) {
if (isset($this->search_query)) {
foreach ($this->order as $value) {
if (isset($this->offset)) {
if (isset($this->limit)) {
if (isset($this->ancestor)) {
if (isset($this->hint)) {
foreach ($this->composite_index as $value) {
if (isset($this->require_perfect_plan)) {
if (isset($this->keys_only)) {
if (isset($this->transaction)) {
if (isset($this->count)) {
if (isset($this->distinct)) {
if (isset($this->compile)) {
if (isset($this->failover_ms)) {
if (isset($this->name_space)) {
if (isset($this->compiled_cursor)) {
if (isset($this->end_compiled_cursor)) {
if (isset($this->strong)) {
foreach ($this->property_name as $value) {
foreach ($this->group_by_property_name as $value) {
if (isset($this->min_safe_time_seconds)) {
foreach ($this->safe_replica_name as $value) {
if (isset($this->persist_offset)) {
if (isset($this->header)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 10:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setApp(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 26:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setKind(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 35:
case 66:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setSearchQuery(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 75:
case 96:
case 128:
case 138:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 144:
case 154:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 160:
case 168:
case 178:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 184:
case 192:
case 200:
case 208:
case 234:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setNameSpace(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 242:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 250:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 256:
case 266:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->addPropertyName(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 274:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->addGroupByPropertyName(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 280:
case 290:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->addSafeReplicaName(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 296:
case 314:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (!isset($this->app)) return 'app';
foreach ($this->filter as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'filter';
foreach ($this->order as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'order';
if (isset($this->ancestor) && (!$this->ancestor->isInitialized())) return 'ancestor';
foreach ($this->composite_index as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'composite_index';
if (isset($this->transaction) && (!$this->transaction->isInitialized())) return 'transaction';
if (isset($this->compiled_cursor) && (!$this->compiled_cursor->isInitialized())) return 'compiled_cursor';
if (isset($this->end_compiled_cursor) && (!$this->end_compiled_cursor->isInitialized())) return 'end_compiled_cursor';
if (isset($this->header) && (!$this->header->isInitialized())) return 'header';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasApp()) {
if ($x->hasKind()) {
foreach ($x->getFilterList() as $v) {
if ($x->hasSearchQuery()) {
foreach ($x->getOrderList() as $v) {
if ($x->hasOffset()) {
if ($x->hasLimit()) {
if ($x->hasAncestor()) {
if ($x->hasHint()) {
foreach ($x->getCompositeIndexList() as $v) {
if ($x->hasRequirePerfectPlan()) {
if ($x->hasKeysOnly()) {
if ($x->hasTransaction()) {
if ($x->hasCount()) {
if ($x->hasDistinct()) {
if ($x->hasCompile()) {
if ($x->hasFailoverMs()) {
if ($x->hasNameSpace()) {
if ($x->hasCompiledCursor()) {
if ($x->hasEndCompiledCursor()) {
if ($x->hasStrong()) {
foreach ($x->getPropertyNameList() as $v) {
foreach ($x->getGroupByPropertyNameList() as $v) {
if ($x->hasMinSafeTimeSeconds()) {
foreach ($x->getSafeReplicaNameList() as $v) {
if ($x->hasPersistOffset()) {
if ($x->hasHeader()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->app) !== isset($x->app)) return false;
if (isset($this->app) && $this->app !== $x->app) return false;
if (isset($this->kind) !== isset($x->kind)) return false;
if (isset($this->kind) && $this->kind !== $x->kind) return false;
if (sizeof($this->filter) !== sizeof($x->filter)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->filter, $x->filter) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
if (isset($this->search_query) !== isset($x->search_query)) return false;
if (isset($this->search_query) && $this->search_query !== $x->search_query) return false;
if (sizeof($this->order) !== sizeof($x->order)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->order, $x->order) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
if (isset($this->offset) !== isset($x->offset)) return false;
if (isset($this->offset) && !$this->integerEquals($this->offset, $x->offset)) return false;
if (isset($this->limit) !== isset($x->limit)) return false;
if (isset($this->limit) && !$this->integerEquals($this->limit, $x->limit)) return false;
if (isset($this->ancestor) !== isset($x->ancestor)) return false;
if (isset($this->ancestor) && !$this->ancestor->equals($x->ancestor)) return false;
if (isset($this->hint) !== isset($x->hint)) return false;
if (isset($this->hint) && $this->hint !== $x->hint) return false;
if (sizeof($this->composite_index) !== sizeof($x->composite_index)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->composite_index, $x->composite_index) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
if (isset($this->require_perfect_plan) !== isset($x->require_perfect_plan)) return false;
if (isset($this->require_perfect_plan) && $this->require_perfect_plan !== $x->require_perfect_plan) return false;
if (isset($this->keys_only) !== isset($x->keys_only)) return false;
if (isset($this->keys_only) && $this->keys_only !== $x->keys_only) return false;
if (isset($this->transaction) !== isset($x->transaction)) return false;
if (isset($this->transaction) && !$this->transaction->equals($x->transaction)) return false;
if (isset($this->count) !== isset($x->count)) return false;
if (isset($this->count) && !$this->integerEquals($this->count, $x->count)) return false;
if (isset($this->distinct) !== isset($x->distinct)) return false;
if (isset($this->distinct) && $this->distinct !== $x->distinct) return false;
if (isset($this->compile) !== isset($x->compile)) return false;
if (isset($this->compile) && $this->compile !== $x->compile) return false;
if (isset($this->failover_ms) !== isset($x->failover_ms)) return false;
if (isset($this->failover_ms) && !$this->integerEquals($this->failover_ms, $x->failover_ms)) return false;
if (isset($this->name_space) !== isset($x->name_space)) return false;
if (isset($this->name_space) && $this->name_space !== $x->name_space) return false;
if (isset($this->compiled_cursor) !== isset($x->compiled_cursor)) return false;
if (isset($this->compiled_cursor) && !$this->compiled_cursor->equals($x->compiled_cursor)) return false;
if (isset($this->end_compiled_cursor) !== isset($x->end_compiled_cursor)) return false;
if (isset($this->end_compiled_cursor) && !$this->end_compiled_cursor->equals($x->end_compiled_cursor)) return false;
if (isset($this->strong) !== isset($x->strong)) return false;
if (isset($this->strong) && $this->strong !== $x->strong) return false;
if (sizeof($this->property_name) !== sizeof($x->property_name)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->property_name, $x->property_name) as $v) {
if ($v[0] !== $v[1]) return false;
if (sizeof($this->group_by_property_name) !== sizeof($x->group_by_property_name)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->group_by_property_name, $x->group_by_property_name) as $v) {
if ($v[0] !== $v[1]) return false;
if (isset($this->min_safe_time_seconds) !== isset($x->min_safe_time_seconds)) return false;
if (isset($this->min_safe_time_seconds) && !$this->integerEquals($this->min_safe_time_seconds, $x->min_safe_time_seconds)) return false;
if (sizeof($this->safe_replica_name) !== sizeof($x->safe_replica_name)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->safe_replica_name, $x->safe_replica_name) as $v) {
if ($v[0] !== $v[1]) return false;
if (isset($this->persist_offset) !== isset($x->persist_offset)) return false;
if (isset($this->persist_offset) && $this->persist_offset !== $x->persist_offset) return false;
if (isset($this->header) !== isset($x->header)) return false;
if (isset($this->header) && !$this->header->equals($x->header)) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->app)) {
$res .= $prefix . "app: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->app) . "\n";
if (isset($this->kind)) {
$res .= $prefix . "kind: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->kind) . "\n";
foreach ($this->filter as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "Filter {\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . "}\n";
if (isset($this->search_query)) {
$res .= $prefix . "search_query: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->search_query) . "\n";
foreach ($this->order as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "Order {\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . "}\n";
if (isset($this->offset)) {
$res .= $prefix . "offset: " . $this->debugFormatInt32($this->offset) . "\n";
if (isset($this->limit)) {
$res .= $prefix . "limit: " . $this->debugFormatInt32($this->limit) . "\n";
if (isset($this->ancestor)) {
$res .= $prefix . "ancestor <\n" . $this->ancestor->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->hint)) {
$res .= $prefix . "hint: " . ($this->hint) . "\n";
foreach ($this->composite_index as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "composite_index <\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->require_perfect_plan)) {
$res .= $prefix . "require_perfect_plan: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->require_perfect_plan) . "\n";
if (isset($this->keys_only)) {
$res .= $prefix . "keys_only: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->keys_only) . "\n";
if (isset($this->transaction)) {
$res .= $prefix . "transaction <\n" . $this->transaction->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->count)) {
$res .= $prefix . "count: " . $this->debugFormatInt32($this->count) . "\n";
if (isset($this->distinct)) {
$res .= $prefix . "distinct: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->distinct) . "\n";
if (isset($this->compile)) {
$res .= $prefix . "compile: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->compile) . "\n";
if (isset($this->failover_ms)) {
$res .= $prefix . "failover_ms: " . $this->debugFormatInt64($this->failover_ms) . "\n";
if (isset($this->name_space)) {
$res .= $prefix . "name_space: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->name_space) . "\n";
if (isset($this->compiled_cursor)) {
$res .= $prefix . "compiled_cursor <\n" . $this->compiled_cursor->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->end_compiled_cursor)) {
$res .= $prefix . "end_compiled_cursor <\n" . $this->end_compiled_cursor->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->strong)) {
$res .= $prefix . "strong: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->strong) . "\n";
foreach ($this->property_name as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "property_name: " . $this->debugFormatString($value) . "\n";
foreach ($this->group_by_property_name as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "group_by_property_name: " . $this->debugFormatString($value) . "\n";
if (isset($this->min_safe_time_seconds)) {
$res .= $prefix . "min_safe_time_seconds: " . $this->debugFormatInt64($this->min_safe_time_seconds) . "\n";
foreach ($this->safe_replica_name as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "safe_replica_name: " . $this->debugFormatString($value) . "\n";
if (isset($this->persist_offset)) {
$res .= $prefix . "persist_offset: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->persist_offset) . "\n";
if (isset($this->header)) {
$res .= $prefix . "header <\n" . $this->header->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3\CompiledQuery {
class PrimaryScan extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
private $start_postfix_value = array();
private $end_postfix_value = array();
public function getIndexName() {
if (!isset($this->index_name)) {
return '';
return $this->index_name;
public function setIndexName($val) {
$this->index_name = $val;
return $this;
public function clearIndexName() {
return $this;
public function hasIndexName() {
return isset($this->index_name);
public function getStartKey() {
if (!isset($this->start_key)) {
return '';
return $this->start_key;
public function setStartKey($val) {
$this->start_key = $val;
return $this;
public function clearStartKey() {
return $this;
public function hasStartKey() {
return isset($this->start_key);
public function getStartInclusive() {
if (!isset($this->start_inclusive)) {
return false;
return $this->start_inclusive;
public function setStartInclusive($val) {
$this->start_inclusive = $val;
return $this;
public function clearStartInclusive() {
return $this;
public function hasStartInclusive() {
return isset($this->start_inclusive);
public function getEndKey() {
if (!isset($this->end_key)) {
return '';
return $this->end_key;
public function setEndKey($val) {
$this->end_key = $val;
return $this;
public function clearEndKey() {
return $this;
public function hasEndKey() {
return isset($this->end_key);
public function getEndInclusive() {
if (!isset($this->end_inclusive)) {
return false;
return $this->end_inclusive;
public function setEndInclusive($val) {
$this->end_inclusive = $val;
return $this;
public function clearEndInclusive() {
return $this;
public function hasEndInclusive() {
return isset($this->end_inclusive);
public function getEndUnappliedLogTimestampUs() {
if (!isset($this->end_unapplied_log_timestamp_us)) {
return "0";
return $this->end_unapplied_log_timestamp_us;
public function setEndUnappliedLogTimestampUs($val) {
if (is_double($val)) {
$this->end_unapplied_log_timestamp_us = sprintf('%0.0F', $val);
} else {
$this->end_unapplied_log_timestamp_us = $val;
return $this;
public function clearEndUnappliedLogTimestampUs() {
return $this;
public function hasEndUnappliedLogTimestampUs() {
return isset($this->end_unapplied_log_timestamp_us);
public function getStartPostfixValueSize() {
return sizeof($this->start_postfix_value);
public function getStartPostfixValueList() {
return $this->start_postfix_value;
public function getStartPostfixValue($idx) {
return $this->start_postfix_value[$idx];
public function setStartPostfixValue($idx, $val) {
$this->start_postfix_value[$idx] = $val;
return $this;
public function addStartPostfixValue($val) {
$this->start_postfix_value[] = $val;
return $this;
public function clearStartPostfixValue() {
$this->start_postfix_value = array();
public function getEndPostfixValueSize() {
return sizeof($this->end_postfix_value);
public function getEndPostfixValueList() {
return $this->end_postfix_value;
public function getEndPostfixValue($idx) {
return $this->end_postfix_value[$idx];
public function setEndPostfixValue($idx, $val) {
$this->end_postfix_value[$idx] = $val;
return $this;
public function addEndPostfixValue($val) {
$this->end_postfix_value[] = $val;
return $this;
public function clearEndPostfixValue() {
$this->end_postfix_value = array();
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->index_name)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->index_name));
if (isset($this->start_key)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->start_key));
if (isset($this->start_inclusive)) {
$res += 2;
if (isset($this->end_key)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->end_key));
if (isset($this->end_inclusive)) {
$res += 2;
if (isset($this->end_unapplied_log_timestamp_us)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->end_unapplied_log_timestamp_us);
$res += 2 * sizeof($this->start_postfix_value);
foreach ($this->start_postfix_value as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($value));
$res += 2 * sizeof($this->end_postfix_value);
foreach ($this->end_postfix_value as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($value));
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->index_name)) {
if (isset($this->start_key)) {
if (isset($this->start_inclusive)) {
if (isset($this->end_key)) {
if (isset($this->end_inclusive)) {
if (isset($this->end_unapplied_log_timestamp_us)) {
foreach ($this->start_postfix_value as $value) {
foreach ($this->end_postfix_value as $value) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 12: return;
case 18:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setIndexName(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 26:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setStartKey(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 32:
case 42:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setEndKey(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 48:
case 152:
case 178:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->addStartPostfixValue(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 186:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->addEndPostfixValue(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasIndexName()) {
if ($x->hasStartKey()) {
if ($x->hasStartInclusive()) {
if ($x->hasEndKey()) {
if ($x->hasEndInclusive()) {
if ($x->hasEndUnappliedLogTimestampUs()) {
foreach ($x->getStartPostfixValueList() as $v) {
foreach ($x->getEndPostfixValueList() as $v) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->index_name) !== isset($x->index_name)) return false;
if (isset($this->index_name) && $this->index_name !== $x->index_name) return false;
if (isset($this->start_key) !== isset($x->start_key)) return false;
if (isset($this->start_key) && $this->start_key !== $x->start_key) return false;
if (isset($this->start_inclusive) !== isset($x->start_inclusive)) return false;
if (isset($this->start_inclusive) && $this->start_inclusive !== $x->start_inclusive) return false;
if (isset($this->end_key) !== isset($x->end_key)) return false;
if (isset($this->end_key) && $this->end_key !== $x->end_key) return false;
if (isset($this->end_inclusive) !== isset($x->end_inclusive)) return false;
if (isset($this->end_inclusive) && $this->end_inclusive !== $x->end_inclusive) return false;
if (isset($this->end_unapplied_log_timestamp_us) !== isset($x->end_unapplied_log_timestamp_us)) return false;
if (isset($this->end_unapplied_log_timestamp_us) && !$this->integerEquals($this->end_unapplied_log_timestamp_us, $x->end_unapplied_log_timestamp_us)) return false;
if (sizeof($this->start_postfix_value) !== sizeof($x->start_postfix_value)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->start_postfix_value, $x->start_postfix_value) as $v) {
if ($v[0] !== $v[1]) return false;
if (sizeof($this->end_postfix_value) !== sizeof($x->end_postfix_value)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->end_postfix_value, $x->end_postfix_value) as $v) {
if ($v[0] !== $v[1]) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->index_name)) {
$res .= $prefix . "index_name: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->index_name) . "\n";
if (isset($this->start_key)) {
$res .= $prefix . "start_key: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->start_key) . "\n";
if (isset($this->start_inclusive)) {
$res .= $prefix . "start_inclusive: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->start_inclusive) . "\n";
if (isset($this->end_key)) {
$res .= $prefix . "end_key: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->end_key) . "\n";
if (isset($this->end_inclusive)) {
$res .= $prefix . "end_inclusive: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->end_inclusive) . "\n";
if (isset($this->end_unapplied_log_timestamp_us)) {
$res .= $prefix . "end_unapplied_log_timestamp_us: " . $this->debugFormatInt64($this->end_unapplied_log_timestamp_us) . "\n";
foreach ($this->start_postfix_value as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "start_postfix_value: " . $this->debugFormatString($value) . "\n";
foreach ($this->end_postfix_value as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "end_postfix_value: " . $this->debugFormatString($value) . "\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3\CompiledQuery {
class MergeJoinScan extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
private $prefix_value = array();
public function getIndexName() {
if (!isset($this->index_name)) {
return '';
return $this->index_name;
public function setIndexName($val) {
$this->index_name = $val;
return $this;
public function clearIndexName() {
return $this;
public function hasIndexName() {
return isset($this->index_name);
public function getPrefixValueSize() {
return sizeof($this->prefix_value);
public function getPrefixValueList() {
return $this->prefix_value;
public function getPrefixValue($idx) {
return $this->prefix_value[$idx];
public function setPrefixValue($idx, $val) {
$this->prefix_value[$idx] = $val;
return $this;
public function addPrefixValue($val) {
$this->prefix_value[] = $val;
return $this;
public function clearPrefixValue() {
$this->prefix_value = array();
public function getValuePrefix() {
if (!isset($this->value_prefix)) {
return false;
return $this->value_prefix;
public function setValuePrefix($val) {
$this->value_prefix = $val;
return $this;
public function clearValuePrefix() {
return $this;
public function hasValuePrefix() {
return isset($this->value_prefix);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->index_name)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->index_name));
$res += 1 * sizeof($this->prefix_value);
foreach ($this->prefix_value as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($value));
if (isset($this->value_prefix)) {
$res += 3;
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->index_name)) {
foreach ($this->prefix_value as $value) {
if (isset($this->value_prefix)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 60: return;
case 66:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setIndexName(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 74:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->addPrefixValue(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 160:
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (!isset($this->index_name)) return 'index_name';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasIndexName()) {
foreach ($x->getPrefixValueList() as $v) {
if ($x->hasValuePrefix()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->index_name) !== isset($x->index_name)) return false;
if (isset($this->index_name) && $this->index_name !== $x->index_name) return false;
if (sizeof($this->prefix_value) !== sizeof($x->prefix_value)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->prefix_value, $x->prefix_value) as $v) {
if ($v[0] !== $v[1]) return false;
if (isset($this->value_prefix) !== isset($x->value_prefix)) return false;
if (isset($this->value_prefix) && $this->value_prefix !== $x->value_prefix) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->index_name)) {
$res .= $prefix . "index_name: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->index_name) . "\n";
foreach ($this->prefix_value as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "prefix_value: " . $this->debugFormatString($value) . "\n";
if (isset($this->value_prefix)) {
$res .= $prefix . "value_prefix: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->value_prefix) . "\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3\CompiledQuery {
class EntityFilter extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
public function getDistinct() {
if (!isset($this->distinct)) {
return false;
return $this->distinct;
public function setDistinct($val) {
$this->distinct = $val;
return $this;
public function clearDistinct() {
return $this;
public function hasDistinct() {
return isset($this->distinct);
public function getKind() {
if (!isset($this->kind)) {
return '';
return $this->kind;
public function setKind($val) {
$this->kind = $val;
return $this;
public function clearKind() {
return $this;
public function hasKind() {
return isset($this->kind);
public function getAncestor() {
if (!isset($this->ancestor)) {
return new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
return $this->ancestor;
public function mutableAncestor() {
if (!isset($this->ancestor)) {
$res = new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
$this->ancestor = $res;
return $res;
return $this->ancestor;
public function clearAncestor() {
if (isset($this->ancestor)) {
public function hasAncestor() {
return isset($this->ancestor);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->distinct)) {
$res += 2;
if (isset($this->kind)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->kind));
if (isset($this->ancestor)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->ancestor->byteSizePartial());
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->distinct)) {
if (isset($this->kind)) {
if (isset($this->ancestor)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 108: return;
case 112:
case 138:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setKind(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 146:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (isset($this->ancestor) && (!$this->ancestor->isInitialized())) return 'ancestor';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasDistinct()) {
if ($x->hasKind()) {
if ($x->hasAncestor()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->distinct) !== isset($x->distinct)) return false;
if (isset($this->distinct) && $this->distinct !== $x->distinct) return false;
if (isset($this->kind) !== isset($x->kind)) return false;
if (isset($this->kind) && $this->kind !== $x->kind) return false;
if (isset($this->ancestor) !== isset($x->ancestor)) return false;
if (isset($this->ancestor) && !$this->ancestor->equals($x->ancestor)) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->distinct)) {
$res .= $prefix . "distinct: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->distinct) . "\n";
if (isset($this->kind)) {
$res .= $prefix . "kind: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->kind) . "\n";
if (isset($this->ancestor)) {
$res .= $prefix . "ancestor <\n" . $this->ancestor->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3 {
class CompiledQuery extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
private $mergejoinscan = array();
private $property_name = array();
public function getPrimaryScan() {
if (!isset($this->primaryscan)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\CompiledQuery\PrimaryScan();
return $this->primaryscan;
public function mutablePrimaryScan() {
if (!isset($this->primaryscan)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\CompiledQuery\PrimaryScan();
$this->primaryscan = $res;
return $res;
return $this->primaryscan;
public function clearPrimaryScan() {
if (isset($this->primaryscan)) {
public function hasPrimaryScan() {
return isset($this->primaryscan);
public function getMergeJoinScanSize() {
return sizeof($this->mergejoinscan);
public function getMergeJoinScanList() {
return $this->mergejoinscan;
public function mutableMergeJoinScan($idx) {
if (!isset($this->mergejoinscan[$idx])) {
$val = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\CompiledQuery\MergeJoinScan();
$this->mergejoinscan[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->mergejoinscan[$idx];
public function getMergeJoinScan($idx) {
if (isset($this->mergejoinscan[$idx])) {
return $this->mergejoinscan[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->mergejoinscan))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\CompiledQuery\MergeJoinScan();
public function addMergeJoinScan() {
$val = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\CompiledQuery\MergeJoinScan();
$this->mergejoinscan[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearMergeJoinScan() {
$this->mergejoinscan = array();
public function getOffset() {
if (!isset($this->offset)) {
return 0;
return $this->offset;
public function setOffset($val) {
$this->offset = $val;
return $this;
public function clearOffset() {
return $this;
public function hasOffset() {
return isset($this->offset);
public function getLimit() {
if (!isset($this->limit)) {
return 0;
return $this->limit;
public function setLimit($val) {
$this->limit = $val;
return $this;
public function clearLimit() {
return $this;
public function hasLimit() {
return isset($this->limit);
public function getKeysOnly() {
if (!isset($this->keys_only)) {
return false;
return $this->keys_only;
public function setKeysOnly($val) {
$this->keys_only = $val;
return $this;
public function clearKeysOnly() {
return $this;
public function hasKeysOnly() {
return isset($this->keys_only);
public function getEntityFilter() {
if (!isset($this->entityfilter)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\CompiledQuery\EntityFilter();
return $this->entityfilter;
public function mutableEntityFilter() {
if (!isset($this->entityfilter)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\CompiledQuery\EntityFilter();
$this->entityfilter = $res;
return $res;
return $this->entityfilter;
public function clearEntityFilter() {
if (isset($this->entityfilter)) {
public function hasEntityFilter() {
return isset($this->entityfilter);
public function getIndexDef() {
if (!isset($this->index_def)) {
return new \storage_onestore_v3\Index();
return $this->index_def;
public function mutableIndexDef() {
if (!isset($this->index_def)) {
$res = new \storage_onestore_v3\Index();
$this->index_def = $res;
return $res;
return $this->index_def;
public function clearIndexDef() {
if (isset($this->index_def)) {
public function hasIndexDef() {
return isset($this->index_def);
public function getPropertyNameSize() {
return sizeof($this->property_name);
public function getPropertyNameList() {
return $this->property_name;
public function getPropertyName($idx) {
return $this->property_name[$idx];
public function setPropertyName($idx, $val) {
$this->property_name[$idx] = $val;
return $this;
public function addPropertyName($val) {
$this->property_name[] = $val;
return $this;
public function clearPropertyName() {
$this->property_name = array();
public function getDistinctInfixSize() {
if (!isset($this->distinct_infix_size)) {
return 0;
return $this->distinct_infix_size;
public function setDistinctInfixSize($val) {
$this->distinct_infix_size = $val;
return $this;
public function clearDistinctInfixSize() {
return $this;
public function hasDistinctInfixSize() {
return isset($this->distinct_infix_size);
public function getPlanLabel() {
if (!isset($this->plan_label)) {
return '';
return $this->plan_label;
public function setPlanLabel($val) {
$this->plan_label = $val;
return $this;
public function clearPlanLabel() {
return $this;
public function hasPlanLabel() {
return isset($this->plan_label);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->primaryscan)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->primaryscan->byteSizePartial();
$res += 2 * sizeof($this->mergejoinscan);
foreach ($this->mergejoinscan as $value) {
$res += $value->byteSizePartial();
if (isset($this->offset)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->offset);
if (isset($this->limit)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->limit);
if (isset($this->keys_only)) {
$res += 2;
if (isset($this->entityfilter)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->entityfilter->byteSizePartial();
if (isset($this->index_def)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->index_def->byteSizePartial());
$res += 2 * sizeof($this->property_name);
foreach ($this->property_name as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($value));
if (isset($this->distinct_infix_size)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->distinct_infix_size);
if (isset($this->plan_label)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->plan_label));
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->primaryscan)) {
foreach ($this->mergejoinscan as $value) {
if (isset($this->offset)) {
if (isset($this->limit)) {
if (isset($this->keys_only)) {
if (isset($this->entityfilter)) {
if (isset($this->index_def)) {
foreach ($this->property_name as $value) {
if (isset($this->distinct_infix_size)) {
if (isset($this->plan_label)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 11:
case 59:
case 80:
case 88:
case 96:
case 107:
case 170:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 194:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->addPropertyName(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 200:
case 210:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setPlanLabel(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if ((!isset($this->primaryscan)) || (!$this->primaryscan->isInitialized())) return 'primaryscan';
foreach ($this->mergejoinscan as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'mergejoinscan';
if (!isset($this->keys_only)) return 'keys_only';
if (isset($this->entityfilter) && (!$this->entityfilter->isInitialized())) return 'entityfilter';
if (isset($this->index_def) && (!$this->index_def->isInitialized())) return 'index_def';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasPrimaryScan()) {
foreach ($x->getMergeJoinScanList() as $v) {
if ($x->hasOffset()) {
if ($x->hasLimit()) {
if ($x->hasKeysOnly()) {
if ($x->hasEntityFilter()) {
if ($x->hasIndexDef()) {
foreach ($x->getPropertyNameList() as $v) {
if ($x->hasDistinctInfixSize()) {
if ($x->hasPlanLabel()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->primaryscan) !== isset($x->primaryscan)) return false;
if (isset($this->primaryscan) && !$this->primaryscan->equals($x->primaryscan)) return false;
if (sizeof($this->mergejoinscan) !== sizeof($x->mergejoinscan)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->mergejoinscan, $x->mergejoinscan) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
if (isset($this->offset) !== isset($x->offset)) return false;
if (isset($this->offset) && !$this->integerEquals($this->offset, $x->offset)) return false;
if (isset($this->limit) !== isset($x->limit)) return false;
if (isset($this->limit) && !$this->integerEquals($this->limit, $x->limit)) return false;
if (isset($this->keys_only) !== isset($x->keys_only)) return false;
if (isset($this->keys_only) && $this->keys_only !== $x->keys_only) return false;
if (isset($this->entityfilter) !== isset($x->entityfilter)) return false;
if (isset($this->entityfilter) && !$this->entityfilter->equals($x->entityfilter)) return false;
if (isset($this->index_def) !== isset($x->index_def)) return false;
if (isset($this->index_def) && !$this->index_def->equals($x->index_def)) return false;
if (sizeof($this->property_name) !== sizeof($x->property_name)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->property_name, $x->property_name) as $v) {
if ($v[0] !== $v[1]) return false;
if (isset($this->distinct_infix_size) !== isset($x->distinct_infix_size)) return false;
if (isset($this->distinct_infix_size) && !$this->integerEquals($this->distinct_infix_size, $x->distinct_infix_size)) return false;
if (isset($this->plan_label) !== isset($x->plan_label)) return false;
if (isset($this->plan_label) && $this->plan_label !== $x->plan_label) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->primaryscan)) {
$res .= $prefix . "PrimaryScan {\n" . $this->primaryscan->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . "}\n";
foreach ($this->mergejoinscan as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "MergeJoinScan {\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . "}\n";
if (isset($this->offset)) {
$res .= $prefix . "offset: " . $this->debugFormatInt32($this->offset) . "\n";
if (isset($this->limit)) {
$res .= $prefix . "limit: " . $this->debugFormatInt32($this->limit) . "\n";
if (isset($this->keys_only)) {
$res .= $prefix . "keys_only: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->keys_only) . "\n";
if (isset($this->entityfilter)) {
$res .= $prefix . "EntityFilter {\n" . $this->entityfilter->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . "}\n";
if (isset($this->index_def)) {
$res .= $prefix . "index_def <\n" . $this->index_def->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
foreach ($this->property_name as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "property_name: " . $this->debugFormatString($value) . "\n";
if (isset($this->distinct_infix_size)) {
$res .= $prefix . "distinct_infix_size: " . $this->debugFormatInt32($this->distinct_infix_size) . "\n";
if (isset($this->plan_label)) {
$res .= $prefix . "plan_label: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->plan_label) . "\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3\CompiledCursor\Position {
class IndexValue extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
public function getProperty() {
if (!isset($this->property)) {
return '';
return $this->property;
public function setProperty($val) {
$this->property = $val;
return $this;
public function clearProperty() {
return $this;
public function hasProperty() {
return isset($this->property);
public function getValue() {
if (!isset($this->value)) {
return new \storage_onestore_v3\PropertyValue();
return $this->value;
public function mutableValue() {
if (!isset($this->value)) {
$res = new \storage_onestore_v3\PropertyValue();
$this->value = $res;
return $res;
return $this->value;
public function clearValue() {
if (isset($this->value)) {
public function hasValue() {
return isset($this->value);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->property)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->property));
if (isset($this->value)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->value->byteSizePartial());
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->property)) {
if (isset($this->value)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 236: return;
case 242:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setProperty(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 250:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if ((!isset($this->value)) || (!$this->value->isInitialized())) return 'value';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasProperty()) {
if ($x->hasValue()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->property) !== isset($x->property)) return false;
if (isset($this->property) && $this->property !== $x->property) return false;
if (isset($this->value) !== isset($x->value)) return false;
if (isset($this->value) && !$this->value->equals($x->value)) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->property)) {
$res .= $prefix . "property: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->property) . "\n";
if (isset($this->value)) {
$res .= $prefix . "value <\n" . $this->value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3\CompiledCursor {
class Position extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
private $indexvalue = array();
public function getStartKey() {
if (!isset($this->start_key)) {
return '';
return $this->start_key;
public function setStartKey($val) {
$this->start_key = $val;
return $this;
public function clearStartKey() {
return $this;
public function hasStartKey() {
return isset($this->start_key);
public function getStartInclusive() {
if (!isset($this->start_inclusive)) {
return true;
return $this->start_inclusive;
public function setStartInclusive($val) {
$this->start_inclusive = $val;
return $this;
public function clearStartInclusive() {
return $this;
public function hasStartInclusive() {
return isset($this->start_inclusive);
public function getIndexValueSize() {
return sizeof($this->indexvalue);
public function getIndexValueList() {
return $this->indexvalue;
public function mutableIndexValue($idx) {
if (!isset($this->indexvalue[$idx])) {
$val = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\CompiledCursor\Position\IndexValue();
$this->indexvalue[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->indexvalue[$idx];
public function getIndexValue($idx) {
if (isset($this->indexvalue[$idx])) {
return $this->indexvalue[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->indexvalue))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\CompiledCursor\Position\IndexValue();
public function addIndexValue() {
$val = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\CompiledCursor\Position\IndexValue();
$this->indexvalue[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearIndexValue() {
$this->indexvalue = array();
public function getKey() {
if (!isset($this->key)) {
return new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
return $this->key;
public function mutableKey() {
if (!isset($this->key)) {
$res = new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
$this->key = $res;
return $res;
return $this->key;
public function clearKey() {
if (isset($this->key)) {
public function hasKey() {
return isset($this->key);
public function getBeforeAscending() {
if (!isset($this->before_ascending)) {
return false;
return $this->before_ascending;
public function setBeforeAscending($val) {
$this->before_ascending = $val;
return $this;
public function clearBeforeAscending() {
return $this;
public function hasBeforeAscending() {
return isset($this->before_ascending);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->start_key)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->start_key));
if (isset($this->start_inclusive)) {
$res += 3;
$res += 4 * sizeof($this->indexvalue);
foreach ($this->indexvalue as $value) {
$res += $value->byteSizePartial();
if (isset($this->key)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->key->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->before_ascending)) {
$res += 3;
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->start_key)) {
if (isset($this->start_inclusive)) {
foreach ($this->indexvalue as $value) {
if (isset($this->key)) {
if (isset($this->before_ascending)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 20: return;
case 218:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setStartKey(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 224:
case 235:
case 258:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 264:
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
foreach ($this->indexvalue as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'indexvalue';
if (isset($this->key) && (!$this->key->isInitialized())) return 'key';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasStartKey()) {
if ($x->hasStartInclusive()) {
foreach ($x->getIndexValueList() as $v) {
if ($x->hasKey()) {
if ($x->hasBeforeAscending()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->start_key) !== isset($x->start_key)) return false;
if (isset($this->start_key) && $this->start_key !== $x->start_key) return false;
if (isset($this->start_inclusive) !== isset($x->start_inclusive)) return false;
if (isset($this->start_inclusive) && $this->start_inclusive !== $x->start_inclusive) return false;
if (sizeof($this->indexvalue) !== sizeof($x->indexvalue)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->indexvalue, $x->indexvalue) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
if (isset($this->key) !== isset($x->key)) return false;
if (isset($this->key) && !$this->key->equals($x->key)) return false;
if (isset($this->before_ascending) !== isset($x->before_ascending)) return false;
if (isset($this->before_ascending) && $this->before_ascending !== $x->before_ascending) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->start_key)) {
$res .= $prefix . "start_key: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->start_key) . "\n";
if (isset($this->start_inclusive)) {
$res .= $prefix . "start_inclusive: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->start_inclusive) . "\n";
foreach ($this->indexvalue as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "IndexValue {\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . "}\n";
if (isset($this->key)) {
$res .= $prefix . "key <\n" . $this->key->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->before_ascending)) {
$res .= $prefix . "before_ascending: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->before_ascending) . "\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3 {
class CompiledCursor extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
public function getPostfixPosition() {
if (!isset($this->postfix_position)) {
return new \storage_onestore_v3\IndexPostfix();
return $this->postfix_position;
public function mutablePostfixPosition() {
if (!isset($this->postfix_position)) {
$res = new \storage_onestore_v3\IndexPostfix();
$this->postfix_position = $res;
return $res;
return $this->postfix_position;
public function clearPostfixPosition() {
if (isset($this->postfix_position)) {
public function hasPostfixPosition() {
return isset($this->postfix_position);
public function getPosition() {
if (!isset($this->position)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\CompiledCursor\Position();
return $this->position;
public function mutablePosition() {
if (!isset($this->position)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\CompiledCursor\Position();
$this->position = $res;
return $res;
return $this->position;
public function clearPosition() {
if (isset($this->position)) {
public function hasPosition() {
return isset($this->position);
public function getAbsolutePosition() {
if (!isset($this->absolute_position)) {
return new \storage_onestore_v3\IndexPosition();
return $this->absolute_position;
public function mutableAbsolutePosition() {
if (!isset($this->absolute_position)) {
$res = new \storage_onestore_v3\IndexPosition();
$this->absolute_position = $res;
return $res;
return $this->absolute_position;
public function clearAbsolutePosition() {
if (isset($this->absolute_position)) {
public function hasAbsolutePosition() {
return isset($this->absolute_position);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->postfix_position)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->postfix_position->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->position)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->position->byteSizePartial();
if (isset($this->absolute_position)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->absolute_position->byteSizePartial());
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->postfix_position)) {
if (isset($this->position)) {
if (isset($this->absolute_position)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 10:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 19:
case 26:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (isset($this->postfix_position) && (!$this->postfix_position->isInitialized())) return 'postfix_position';
if (isset($this->position) && (!$this->position->isInitialized())) return 'position';
if (isset($this->absolute_position) && (!$this->absolute_position->isInitialized())) return 'absolute_position';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasPostfixPosition()) {
if ($x->hasPosition()) {
if ($x->hasAbsolutePosition()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->postfix_position) !== isset($x->postfix_position)) return false;
if (isset($this->postfix_position) && !$this->postfix_position->equals($x->postfix_position)) return false;
if (isset($this->position) !== isset($x->position)) return false;
if (isset($this->position) && !$this->position->equals($x->position)) return false;
if (isset($this->absolute_position) !== isset($x->absolute_position)) return false;
if (isset($this->absolute_position) && !$this->absolute_position->equals($x->absolute_position)) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->postfix_position)) {
$res .= $prefix . "postfix_position <\n" . $this->postfix_position->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->position)) {
$res .= $prefix . "Position {\n" . $this->position->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . "}\n";
if (isset($this->absolute_position)) {
$res .= $prefix . "absolute_position <\n" . $this->absolute_position->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3 {
class Cursor extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
public function getCursor() {
if (!isset($this->cursor)) {
return "0";
return $this->cursor;
public function setCursor($val) {
if (is_double($val)) {
$this->cursor = sprintf('%0.0F', $val);
} else {
$this->cursor = $val;
return $this;
public function clearCursor() {
return $this;
public function hasCursor() {
return isset($this->cursor);
public function getApp() {
if (!isset($this->app)) {
return '';
return $this->app;
public function setApp($val) {
$this->app = $val;
return $this;
public function clearApp() {
return $this;
public function hasApp() {
return isset($this->app);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->cursor)) {
$res += 9;
if (isset($this->app)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->app));
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->cursor)) {
if (isset($this->app)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 9:
case 18:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setApp(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (!isset($this->cursor)) return 'cursor';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasCursor()) {
if ($x->hasApp()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->cursor) !== isset($x->cursor)) return false;
if (isset($this->cursor) && !$this->integerEquals($this->cursor, $x->cursor)) return false;
if (isset($this->app) !== isset($x->app)) return false;
if (isset($this->app) && $this->app !== $x->app) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->cursor)) {
$res .= $prefix . "cursor: " . $this->debugFormatFixed64($this->cursor) . "\n";
if (isset($this->app)) {
$res .= $prefix . "app: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->app) . "\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3\Error {
class ErrorCode {
const BAD_REQUEST = 1;
const NEED_INDEX = 4;
const TIMEOUT = 5;
const SAFE_TIME_TOO_OLD = 11;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3 {
class Error extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3\Cost {
class CommitCost extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
public function getRequestedEntityPuts() {
if (!isset($this->requested_entity_puts)) {
return 0;
return $this->requested_entity_puts;
public function setRequestedEntityPuts($val) {
$this->requested_entity_puts = $val;
return $this;
public function clearRequestedEntityPuts() {
return $this;
public function hasRequestedEntityPuts() {
return isset($this->requested_entity_puts);
public function getRequestedEntityDeletes() {
if (!isset($this->requested_entity_deletes)) {
return 0;
return $this->requested_entity_deletes;
public function setRequestedEntityDeletes($val) {
$this->requested_entity_deletes = $val;
return $this;
public function clearRequestedEntityDeletes() {
return $this;
public function hasRequestedEntityDeletes() {
return isset($this->requested_entity_deletes);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->requested_entity_puts)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->requested_entity_puts);
if (isset($this->requested_entity_deletes)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->requested_entity_deletes);
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->requested_entity_puts)) {
if (isset($this->requested_entity_deletes)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 44: return;
case 48:
case 56:
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasRequestedEntityPuts()) {
if ($x->hasRequestedEntityDeletes()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->requested_entity_puts) !== isset($x->requested_entity_puts)) return false;
if (isset($this->requested_entity_puts) && !$this->integerEquals($this->requested_entity_puts, $x->requested_entity_puts)) return false;
if (isset($this->requested_entity_deletes) !== isset($x->requested_entity_deletes)) return false;
if (isset($this->requested_entity_deletes) && !$this->integerEquals($this->requested_entity_deletes, $x->requested_entity_deletes)) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->requested_entity_puts)) {
$res .= $prefix . "requested_entity_puts: " . $this->debugFormatInt32($this->requested_entity_puts) . "\n";
if (isset($this->requested_entity_deletes)) {
$res .= $prefix . "requested_entity_deletes: " . $this->debugFormatInt32($this->requested_entity_deletes) . "\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3 {
class Cost extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
public function getIndexWrites() {
if (!isset($this->index_writes)) {
return 0;
return $this->index_writes;
public function setIndexWrites($val) {
$this->index_writes = $val;
return $this;
public function clearIndexWrites() {
return $this;
public function hasIndexWrites() {
return isset($this->index_writes);
public function getIndexWriteBytes() {
if (!isset($this->index_write_bytes)) {
return 0;
return $this->index_write_bytes;
public function setIndexWriteBytes($val) {
$this->index_write_bytes = $val;
return $this;
public function clearIndexWriteBytes() {
return $this;
public function hasIndexWriteBytes() {
return isset($this->index_write_bytes);
public function getEntityWrites() {
if (!isset($this->entity_writes)) {
return 0;
return $this->entity_writes;
public function setEntityWrites($val) {
$this->entity_writes = $val;
return $this;
public function clearEntityWrites() {
return $this;
public function hasEntityWrites() {
return isset($this->entity_writes);
public function getEntityWriteBytes() {
if (!isset($this->entity_write_bytes)) {
return 0;
return $this->entity_write_bytes;
public function setEntityWriteBytes($val) {
$this->entity_write_bytes = $val;
return $this;
public function clearEntityWriteBytes() {
return $this;
public function hasEntityWriteBytes() {
return isset($this->entity_write_bytes);
public function getCommitCost() {
if (!isset($this->commitcost)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Cost\CommitCost();
return $this->commitcost;
public function mutableCommitCost() {
if (!isset($this->commitcost)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Cost\CommitCost();
$this->commitcost = $res;
return $res;
return $this->commitcost;
public function clearCommitCost() {
if (isset($this->commitcost)) {
public function hasCommitCost() {
return isset($this->commitcost);
public function getApproximateStorageDelta() {
if (!isset($this->approximate_storage_delta)) {
return 0;
return $this->approximate_storage_delta;
public function setApproximateStorageDelta($val) {
$this->approximate_storage_delta = $val;
return $this;
public function clearApproximateStorageDelta() {
return $this;
public function hasApproximateStorageDelta() {
return isset($this->approximate_storage_delta);
public function getIdSequenceUpdates() {
if (!isset($this->id_sequence_updates)) {
return 0;
return $this->id_sequence_updates;
public function setIdSequenceUpdates($val) {
$this->id_sequence_updates = $val;
return $this;
public function clearIdSequenceUpdates() {
return $this;
public function hasIdSequenceUpdates() {
return isset($this->id_sequence_updates);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->index_writes)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->index_writes);
if (isset($this->index_write_bytes)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->index_write_bytes);
if (isset($this->entity_writes)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->entity_writes);
if (isset($this->entity_write_bytes)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->entity_write_bytes);
if (isset($this->commitcost)) {
$res += 2;
$res += $this->commitcost->byteSizePartial();
if (isset($this->approximate_storage_delta)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->approximate_storage_delta);
if (isset($this->id_sequence_updates)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->id_sequence_updates);
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->index_writes)) {
if (isset($this->index_write_bytes)) {
if (isset($this->entity_writes)) {
if (isset($this->entity_write_bytes)) {
if (isset($this->commitcost)) {
if (isset($this->approximate_storage_delta)) {
if (isset($this->id_sequence_updates)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 8:
case 16:
case 24:
case 32:
case 43:
case 64:
case 72:
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (isset($this->commitcost) && (!$this->commitcost->isInitialized())) return 'commitcost';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasIndexWrites()) {
if ($x->hasIndexWriteBytes()) {
if ($x->hasEntityWrites()) {
if ($x->hasEntityWriteBytes()) {
if ($x->hasCommitCost()) {
if ($x->hasApproximateStorageDelta()) {
if ($x->hasIdSequenceUpdates()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->index_writes) !== isset($x->index_writes)) return false;
if (isset($this->index_writes) && !$this->integerEquals($this->index_writes, $x->index_writes)) return false;
if (isset($this->index_write_bytes) !== isset($x->index_write_bytes)) return false;
if (isset($this->index_write_bytes) && !$this->integerEquals($this->index_write_bytes, $x->index_write_bytes)) return false;
if (isset($this->entity_writes) !== isset($x->entity_writes)) return false;
if (isset($this->entity_writes) && !$this->integerEquals($this->entity_writes, $x->entity_writes)) return false;
if (isset($this->entity_write_bytes) !== isset($x->entity_write_bytes)) return false;
if (isset($this->entity_write_bytes) && !$this->integerEquals($this->entity_write_bytes, $x->entity_write_bytes)) return false;
if (isset($this->commitcost) !== isset($x->commitcost)) return false;
if (isset($this->commitcost) && !$this->commitcost->equals($x->commitcost)) return false;
if (isset($this->approximate_storage_delta) !== isset($x->approximate_storage_delta)) return false;
if (isset($this->approximate_storage_delta) && !$this->integerEquals($this->approximate_storage_delta, $x->approximate_storage_delta)) return false;
if (isset($this->id_sequence_updates) !== isset($x->id_sequence_updates)) return false;
if (isset($this->id_sequence_updates) && !$this->integerEquals($this->id_sequence_updates, $x->id_sequence_updates)) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->index_writes)) {
$res .= $prefix . "index_writes: " . $this->debugFormatInt32($this->index_writes) . "\n";
if (isset($this->index_write_bytes)) {
$res .= $prefix . "index_write_bytes: " . $this->debugFormatInt32($this->index_write_bytes) . "\n";
if (isset($this->entity_writes)) {
$res .= $prefix . "entity_writes: " . $this->debugFormatInt32($this->entity_writes) . "\n";
if (isset($this->entity_write_bytes)) {
$res .= $prefix . "entity_write_bytes: " . $this->debugFormatInt32($this->entity_write_bytes) . "\n";
if (isset($this->commitcost)) {
$res .= $prefix . "CommitCost {\n" . $this->commitcost->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . "}\n";
if (isset($this->approximate_storage_delta)) {
$res .= $prefix . "approximate_storage_delta: " . $this->debugFormatInt32($this->approximate_storage_delta) . "\n";
if (isset($this->id_sequence_updates)) {
$res .= $prefix . "id_sequence_updates: " . $this->debugFormatInt32($this->id_sequence_updates) . "\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3 {
class GetRequest extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
private $key = array();
public function getKeySize() {
return sizeof($this->key);
public function getKeyList() {
return $this->key;
public function mutableKey($idx) {
if (!isset($this->key[$idx])) {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
$this->key[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->key[$idx];
public function getKey($idx) {
if (isset($this->key[$idx])) {
return $this->key[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->key))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
public function addKey() {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
$this->key[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearKey() {
$this->key = array();
public function getTransaction() {
if (!isset($this->transaction)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Transaction();
return $this->transaction;
public function mutableTransaction() {
if (!isset($this->transaction)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Transaction();
$this->transaction = $res;
return $res;
return $this->transaction;
public function clearTransaction() {
if (isset($this->transaction)) {
public function hasTransaction() {
return isset($this->transaction);
public function getFailoverMs() {
if (!isset($this->failover_ms)) {
return "0";
return $this->failover_ms;
public function setFailoverMs($val) {
if (is_double($val)) {
$this->failover_ms = sprintf('%0.0F', $val);
} else {
$this->failover_ms = $val;
return $this;
public function clearFailoverMs() {
return $this;
public function hasFailoverMs() {
return isset($this->failover_ms);
public function getStrong() {
if (!isset($this->strong)) {
return false;
return $this->strong;
public function setStrong($val) {
$this->strong = $val;
return $this;
public function clearStrong() {
return $this;
public function hasStrong() {
return isset($this->strong);
public function getAllowDeferred() {
if (!isset($this->allow_deferred)) {
return false;
return $this->allow_deferred;
public function setAllowDeferred($val) {
$this->allow_deferred = $val;
return $this;
public function clearAllowDeferred() {
return $this;
public function hasAllowDeferred() {
return isset($this->allow_deferred);
public function getHeader() {
if (!isset($this->header)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\InternalHeader();
return $this->header;
public function mutableHeader() {
if (!isset($this->header)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\InternalHeader();
$this->header = $res;
return $res;
return $this->header;
public function clearHeader() {
if (isset($this->header)) {
public function hasHeader() {
return isset($this->header);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
$res += 1 * sizeof($this->key);
foreach ($this->key as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString($value->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->transaction)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->transaction->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->failover_ms)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->failover_ms);
if (isset($this->strong)) {
$res += 2;
if (isset($this->allow_deferred)) {
$res += 2;
if (isset($this->header)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->header->byteSizePartial());
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
foreach ($this->key as $value) {
if (isset($this->transaction)) {
if (isset($this->failover_ms)) {
if (isset($this->strong)) {
if (isset($this->allow_deferred)) {
if (isset($this->header)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 10:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 18:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 24:
case 32:
case 40:
case 50:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
foreach ($this->key as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'key';
if (isset($this->transaction) && (!$this->transaction->isInitialized())) return 'transaction';
if (isset($this->header) && (!$this->header->isInitialized())) return 'header';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
foreach ($x->getKeyList() as $v) {
if ($x->hasTransaction()) {
if ($x->hasFailoverMs()) {
if ($x->hasStrong()) {
if ($x->hasAllowDeferred()) {
if ($x->hasHeader()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (sizeof($this->key) !== sizeof($x->key)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->key, $x->key) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
if (isset($this->transaction) !== isset($x->transaction)) return false;
if (isset($this->transaction) && !$this->transaction->equals($x->transaction)) return false;
if (isset($this->failover_ms) !== isset($x->failover_ms)) return false;
if (isset($this->failover_ms) && !$this->integerEquals($this->failover_ms, $x->failover_ms)) return false;
if (isset($this->strong) !== isset($x->strong)) return false;
if (isset($this->strong) && $this->strong !== $x->strong) return false;
if (isset($this->allow_deferred) !== isset($x->allow_deferred)) return false;
if (isset($this->allow_deferred) && $this->allow_deferred !== $x->allow_deferred) return false;
if (isset($this->header) !== isset($x->header)) return false;
if (isset($this->header) && !$this->header->equals($x->header)) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
foreach ($this->key as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "key <\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->transaction)) {
$res .= $prefix . "transaction <\n" . $this->transaction->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->failover_ms)) {
$res .= $prefix . "failover_ms: " . $this->debugFormatInt64($this->failover_ms) . "\n";
if (isset($this->strong)) {
$res .= $prefix . "strong: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->strong) . "\n";
if (isset($this->allow_deferred)) {
$res .= $prefix . "allow_deferred: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->allow_deferred) . "\n";
if (isset($this->header)) {
$res .= $prefix . "header <\n" . $this->header->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3\GetResponse {
class Entity extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
public function getEntity() {
if (!isset($this->entity)) {
return new \storage_onestore_v3\EntityProto();
return $this->entity;
public function mutableEntity() {
if (!isset($this->entity)) {
$res = new \storage_onestore_v3\EntityProto();
$this->entity = $res;
return $res;
return $this->entity;
public function clearEntity() {
if (isset($this->entity)) {
public function hasEntity() {
return isset($this->entity);
public function getVersion() {
if (!isset($this->version)) {
return "0";
return $this->version;
public function setVersion($val) {
if (is_double($val)) {
$this->version = sprintf('%0.0F', $val);
} else {
$this->version = $val;
return $this;
public function clearVersion() {
return $this;
public function hasVersion() {
return isset($this->version);
public function getKey() {
if (!isset($this->key)) {
return new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
return $this->key;
public function mutableKey() {
if (!isset($this->key)) {
$res = new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
$this->key = $res;
return $res;
return $this->key;
public function clearKey() {
if (isset($this->key)) {
public function hasKey() {
return isset($this->key);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->entity)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->entity->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->version)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->version);
if (isset($this->key)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->key->byteSizePartial());
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->entity)) {
if (isset($this->version)) {
if (isset($this->key)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 12: return;
case 18:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 24:
case 34:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (isset($this->entity) && (!$this->entity->isInitialized())) return 'entity';
if (isset($this->key) && (!$this->key->isInitialized())) return 'key';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasEntity()) {
if ($x->hasVersion()) {
if ($x->hasKey()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->entity) !== isset($x->entity)) return false;
if (isset($this->entity) && !$this->entity->equals($x->entity)) return false;
if (isset($this->version) !== isset($x->version)) return false;
if (isset($this->version) && !$this->integerEquals($this->version, $x->version)) return false;
if (isset($this->key) !== isset($x->key)) return false;
if (isset($this->key) && !$this->key->equals($x->key)) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->entity)) {
$res .= $prefix . "entity <\n" . $this->entity->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->version)) {
$res .= $prefix . "version: " . $this->debugFormatInt64($this->version) . "\n";
if (isset($this->key)) {
$res .= $prefix . "key <\n" . $this->key->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3 {
class GetResponse extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
private $entity = array();
private $deferred = array();
public function getEntitySize() {
return sizeof($this->entity);
public function getEntityList() {
return $this->entity;
public function mutableEntity($idx) {
if (!isset($this->entity[$idx])) {
$val = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\GetResponse\Entity();
$this->entity[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->entity[$idx];
public function getEntity($idx) {
if (isset($this->entity[$idx])) {
return $this->entity[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->entity))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\GetResponse\Entity();
public function addEntity() {
$val = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\GetResponse\Entity();
$this->entity[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearEntity() {
$this->entity = array();
public function getDeferredSize() {
return sizeof($this->deferred);
public function getDeferredList() {
return $this->deferred;
public function mutableDeferred($idx) {
if (!isset($this->deferred[$idx])) {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
$this->deferred[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->deferred[$idx];
public function getDeferred($idx) {
if (isset($this->deferred[$idx])) {
return $this->deferred[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->deferred))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
public function addDeferred() {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
$this->deferred[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearDeferred() {
$this->deferred = array();
public function getInOrder() {
if (!isset($this->in_order)) {
return true;
return $this->in_order;
public function setInOrder($val) {
$this->in_order = $val;
return $this;
public function clearInOrder() {
return $this;
public function hasInOrder() {
return isset($this->in_order);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
$res += 2 * sizeof($this->entity);
foreach ($this->entity as $value) {
$res += $value->byteSizePartial();
$res += 1 * sizeof($this->deferred);
foreach ($this->deferred as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString($value->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->in_order)) {
$res += 2;
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
foreach ($this->entity as $value) {
foreach ($this->deferred as $value) {
if (isset($this->in_order)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 11:
case 42:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 48:
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
foreach ($this->entity as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'entity';
foreach ($this->deferred as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'deferred';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
foreach ($x->getEntityList() as $v) {
foreach ($x->getDeferredList() as $v) {
if ($x->hasInOrder()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (sizeof($this->entity) !== sizeof($x->entity)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->entity, $x->entity) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
if (sizeof($this->deferred) !== sizeof($x->deferred)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->deferred, $x->deferred) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
if (isset($this->in_order) !== isset($x->in_order)) return false;
if (isset($this->in_order) && $this->in_order !== $x->in_order) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
foreach ($this->entity as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "Entity {\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . "}\n";
foreach ($this->deferred as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "deferred <\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->in_order)) {
$res .= $prefix . "in_order: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->in_order) . "\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3\PutRequest {
class AutoIdPolicy {
const CURRENT = 0;
const SEQUENTIAL = 1;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3 {
class PutRequest extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
private $entity = array();
private $composite_index = array();
private $snapshot = array();
public function getEntitySize() {
return sizeof($this->entity);
public function getEntityList() {
return $this->entity;
public function mutableEntity($idx) {
if (!isset($this->entity[$idx])) {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\EntityProto();
$this->entity[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->entity[$idx];
public function getEntity($idx) {
if (isset($this->entity[$idx])) {
return $this->entity[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->entity))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \storage_onestore_v3\EntityProto();
public function addEntity() {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\EntityProto();
$this->entity[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearEntity() {
$this->entity = array();
public function getTransaction() {
if (!isset($this->transaction)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Transaction();
return $this->transaction;
public function mutableTransaction() {
if (!isset($this->transaction)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Transaction();
$this->transaction = $res;
return $res;
return $this->transaction;
public function clearTransaction() {
if (isset($this->transaction)) {
public function hasTransaction() {
return isset($this->transaction);
public function getCompositeIndexSize() {
return sizeof($this->composite_index);
public function getCompositeIndexList() {
return $this->composite_index;
public function mutableCompositeIndex($idx) {
if (!isset($this->composite_index[$idx])) {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\CompositeIndex();
$this->composite_index[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->composite_index[$idx];
public function getCompositeIndex($idx) {
if (isset($this->composite_index[$idx])) {
return $this->composite_index[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->composite_index))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \storage_onestore_v3\CompositeIndex();
public function addCompositeIndex() {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\CompositeIndex();
$this->composite_index[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearCompositeIndex() {
$this->composite_index = array();
public function getTrusted() {
if (!isset($this->trusted)) {
return false;
return $this->trusted;
public function setTrusted($val) {
$this->trusted = $val;
return $this;
public function clearTrusted() {
return $this;
public function hasTrusted() {
return isset($this->trusted);
public function getForce() {
if (!isset($this->force)) {
return false;
return $this->force;
public function setForce($val) {
$this->force = $val;
return $this;
public function clearForce() {
return $this;
public function hasForce() {
return isset($this->force);
public function getMarkChanges() {
if (!isset($this->mark_changes)) {
return false;
return $this->mark_changes;
public function setMarkChanges($val) {
$this->mark_changes = $val;
return $this;
public function clearMarkChanges() {
return $this;
public function hasMarkChanges() {
return isset($this->mark_changes);
public function getSnapshotSize() {
return sizeof($this->snapshot);
public function getSnapshotList() {
return $this->snapshot;
public function mutableSnapshot($idx) {
if (!isset($this->snapshot[$idx])) {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\Snapshot();
$this->snapshot[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->snapshot[$idx];
public function getSnapshot($idx) {
if (isset($this->snapshot[$idx])) {
return $this->snapshot[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->snapshot))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \storage_onestore_v3\Snapshot();
public function addSnapshot() {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\Snapshot();
$this->snapshot[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearSnapshot() {
$this->snapshot = array();
public function getAutoIdPolicy() {
if (!isset($this->auto_id_policy)) {
return 0;
return $this->auto_id_policy;
public function setAutoIdPolicy($val) {
$this->auto_id_policy = $val;
return $this;
public function clearAutoIdPolicy() {
return $this;
public function hasAutoIdPolicy() {
return isset($this->auto_id_policy);
public function getHeader() {
if (!isset($this->header)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\InternalHeader();
return $this->header;
public function mutableHeader() {
if (!isset($this->header)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\InternalHeader();
$this->header = $res;
return $res;
return $this->header;
public function clearHeader() {
if (isset($this->header)) {
public function hasHeader() {
return isset($this->header);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
$res += 1 * sizeof($this->entity);
foreach ($this->entity as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString($value->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->transaction)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->transaction->byteSizePartial());
$res += 1 * sizeof($this->composite_index);
foreach ($this->composite_index as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString($value->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->trusted)) {
$res += 2;
if (isset($this->force)) {
$res += 2;
if (isset($this->mark_changes)) {
$res += 2;
$res += 1 * sizeof($this->snapshot);
foreach ($this->snapshot as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString($value->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->auto_id_policy)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->auto_id_policy);
if (isset($this->header)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->header->byteSizePartial());
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
foreach ($this->entity as $value) {
if (isset($this->transaction)) {
foreach ($this->composite_index as $value) {
if (isset($this->trusted)) {
if (isset($this->force)) {
if (isset($this->mark_changes)) {
foreach ($this->snapshot as $value) {
if (isset($this->auto_id_policy)) {
if (isset($this->header)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 10:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 18:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 26:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 32:
case 56:
case 64:
case 74:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 80:
case 90:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
foreach ($this->entity as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'entity';
if (isset($this->transaction) && (!$this->transaction->isInitialized())) return 'transaction';
foreach ($this->composite_index as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'composite_index';
foreach ($this->snapshot as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'snapshot';
if (isset($this->header) && (!$this->header->isInitialized())) return 'header';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
foreach ($x->getEntityList() as $v) {
if ($x->hasTransaction()) {
foreach ($x->getCompositeIndexList() as $v) {
if ($x->hasTrusted()) {
if ($x->hasForce()) {
if ($x->hasMarkChanges()) {
foreach ($x->getSnapshotList() as $v) {
if ($x->hasAutoIdPolicy()) {
if ($x->hasHeader()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (sizeof($this->entity) !== sizeof($x->entity)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->entity, $x->entity) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
if (isset($this->transaction) !== isset($x->transaction)) return false;
if (isset($this->transaction) && !$this->transaction->equals($x->transaction)) return false;
if (sizeof($this->composite_index) !== sizeof($x->composite_index)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->composite_index, $x->composite_index) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
if (isset($this->trusted) !== isset($x->trusted)) return false;
if (isset($this->trusted) && $this->trusted !== $x->trusted) return false;
if (isset($this->force) !== isset($x->force)) return false;
if (isset($this->force) && $this->force !== $x->force) return false;
if (isset($this->mark_changes) !== isset($x->mark_changes)) return false;
if (isset($this->mark_changes) && $this->mark_changes !== $x->mark_changes) return false;
if (sizeof($this->snapshot) !== sizeof($x->snapshot)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->snapshot, $x->snapshot) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
if (isset($this->auto_id_policy) !== isset($x->auto_id_policy)) return false;
if (isset($this->auto_id_policy) && $this->auto_id_policy !== $x->auto_id_policy) return false;
if (isset($this->header) !== isset($x->header)) return false;
if (isset($this->header) && !$this->header->equals($x->header)) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
foreach ($this->entity as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "entity <\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->transaction)) {
$res .= $prefix . "transaction <\n" . $this->transaction->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
foreach ($this->composite_index as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "composite_index <\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->trusted)) {
$res .= $prefix . "trusted: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->trusted) . "\n";
if (isset($this->force)) {
$res .= $prefix . "force: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->force) . "\n";
if (isset($this->mark_changes)) {
$res .= $prefix . "mark_changes: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->mark_changes) . "\n";
foreach ($this->snapshot as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "snapshot <\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->auto_id_policy)) {
$res .= $prefix . "auto_id_policy: " . ($this->auto_id_policy) . "\n";
if (isset($this->header)) {
$res .= $prefix . "header <\n" . $this->header->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3 {
class PutResponse extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
private $key = array();
private $version = array();
public function getKeySize() {
return sizeof($this->key);
public function getKeyList() {
return $this->key;
public function mutableKey($idx) {
if (!isset($this->key[$idx])) {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
$this->key[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->key[$idx];
public function getKey($idx) {
if (isset($this->key[$idx])) {
return $this->key[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->key))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
public function addKey() {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
$this->key[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearKey() {
$this->key = array();
public function getCost() {
if (!isset($this->cost)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Cost();
return $this->cost;
public function mutableCost() {
if (!isset($this->cost)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Cost();
$this->cost = $res;
return $res;
return $this->cost;
public function clearCost() {
if (isset($this->cost)) {
public function hasCost() {
return isset($this->cost);
public function getVersionSize() {
return sizeof($this->version);
public function getVersionList() {
return $this->version;
public function getVersion($idx) {
return $this->version[$idx];
public function setVersion($idx, $val) {
if (is_double($val)) {
$this->version[$idx] = sprintf('%0.0F', $val);
} else {
$this->version[$idx] = $val;
return $this;
public function addVersion($val) {
if (is_double($val)) {
$this->version[] = sprintf('%0.0F', $val);
} else {
$this->version[] = $val;
return $this;
public function clearVersion() {
$this->version = array();
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
$res += 1 * sizeof($this->key);
foreach ($this->key as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString($value->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->cost)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->cost->byteSizePartial());
$res += 1 * sizeof($this->version);
foreach ($this->version as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($value);
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
foreach ($this->key as $value) {
if (isset($this->cost)) {
foreach ($this->version as $value) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 10:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 18:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 24:
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
foreach ($this->key as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'key';
if (isset($this->cost) && (!$this->cost->isInitialized())) return 'cost';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
foreach ($x->getKeyList() as $v) {
if ($x->hasCost()) {
foreach ($x->getVersionList() as $v) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (sizeof($this->key) !== sizeof($x->key)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->key, $x->key) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
if (isset($this->cost) !== isset($x->cost)) return false;
if (isset($this->cost) && !$this->cost->equals($x->cost)) return false;
if (sizeof($this->version) !== sizeof($x->version)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->version, $x->version) as $v) {
if (!$this->integerEquals($v[0], $v[1])) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
foreach ($this->key as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "key <\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->cost)) {
$res .= $prefix . "cost <\n" . $this->cost->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
foreach ($this->version as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "version: " . $this->debugFormatInt64($value) . "\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3 {
class TouchRequest extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
private $key = array();
private $composite_index = array();
private $snapshot = array();
public function getKeySize() {
return sizeof($this->key);
public function getKeyList() {
return $this->key;
public function mutableKey($idx) {
if (!isset($this->key[$idx])) {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
$this->key[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->key[$idx];
public function getKey($idx) {
if (isset($this->key[$idx])) {
return $this->key[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->key))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
public function addKey() {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
$this->key[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearKey() {
$this->key = array();
public function getCompositeIndexSize() {
return sizeof($this->composite_index);
public function getCompositeIndexList() {
return $this->composite_index;
public function mutableCompositeIndex($idx) {
if (!isset($this->composite_index[$idx])) {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\CompositeIndex();
$this->composite_index[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->composite_index[$idx];
public function getCompositeIndex($idx) {
if (isset($this->composite_index[$idx])) {
return $this->composite_index[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->composite_index))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \storage_onestore_v3\CompositeIndex();
public function addCompositeIndex() {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\CompositeIndex();
$this->composite_index[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearCompositeIndex() {
$this->composite_index = array();
public function getForce() {
if (!isset($this->force)) {
return false;
return $this->force;
public function setForce($val) {
$this->force = $val;
return $this;
public function clearForce() {
return $this;
public function hasForce() {
return isset($this->force);
public function getSnapshotSize() {
return sizeof($this->snapshot);
public function getSnapshotList() {
return $this->snapshot;
public function mutableSnapshot($idx) {
if (!isset($this->snapshot[$idx])) {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\Snapshot();
$this->snapshot[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->snapshot[$idx];
public function getSnapshot($idx) {
if (isset($this->snapshot[$idx])) {
return $this->snapshot[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->snapshot))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \storage_onestore_v3\Snapshot();
public function addSnapshot() {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\Snapshot();
$this->snapshot[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearSnapshot() {
$this->snapshot = array();
public function getHeader() {
if (!isset($this->header)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\InternalHeader();
return $this->header;
public function mutableHeader() {
if (!isset($this->header)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\InternalHeader();
$this->header = $res;
return $res;
return $this->header;
public function clearHeader() {
if (isset($this->header)) {
public function hasHeader() {
return isset($this->header);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
$res += 1 * sizeof($this->key);
foreach ($this->key as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString($value->byteSizePartial());
$res += 1 * sizeof($this->composite_index);
foreach ($this->composite_index as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString($value->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->force)) {
$res += 2;
$res += 1 * sizeof($this->snapshot);
foreach ($this->snapshot as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString($value->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->header)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->header->byteSizePartial());
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
foreach ($this->key as $value) {
foreach ($this->composite_index as $value) {
if (isset($this->force)) {
foreach ($this->snapshot as $value) {
if (isset($this->header)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 10:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 18:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 24:
case 74:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 82:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
foreach ($this->key as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'key';
foreach ($this->composite_index as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'composite_index';
foreach ($this->snapshot as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'snapshot';
if (isset($this->header) && (!$this->header->isInitialized())) return 'header';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
foreach ($x->getKeyList() as $v) {
foreach ($x->getCompositeIndexList() as $v) {
if ($x->hasForce()) {
foreach ($x->getSnapshotList() as $v) {
if ($x->hasHeader()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (sizeof($this->key) !== sizeof($x->key)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->key, $x->key) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
if (sizeof($this->composite_index) !== sizeof($x->composite_index)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->composite_index, $x->composite_index) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
if (isset($this->force) !== isset($x->force)) return false;
if (isset($this->force) && $this->force !== $x->force) return false;
if (sizeof($this->snapshot) !== sizeof($x->snapshot)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->snapshot, $x->snapshot) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
if (isset($this->header) !== isset($x->header)) return false;
if (isset($this->header) && !$this->header->equals($x->header)) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
foreach ($this->key as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "key <\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
foreach ($this->composite_index as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "composite_index <\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->force)) {
$res .= $prefix . "force: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->force) . "\n";
foreach ($this->snapshot as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "snapshot <\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->header)) {
$res .= $prefix . "header <\n" . $this->header->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3 {
class TouchResponse extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
public function getCost() {
if (!isset($this->cost)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Cost();
return $this->cost;
public function mutableCost() {
if (!isset($this->cost)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Cost();
$this->cost = $res;
return $res;
return $this->cost;
public function clearCost() {
if (isset($this->cost)) {
public function hasCost() {
return isset($this->cost);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->cost)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->cost->byteSizePartial());
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->cost)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 10:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (isset($this->cost) && (!$this->cost->isInitialized())) return 'cost';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasCost()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->cost) !== isset($x->cost)) return false;
if (isset($this->cost) && !$this->cost->equals($x->cost)) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->cost)) {
$res .= $prefix . "cost <\n" . $this->cost->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3 {
class DeleteRequest extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
private $key = array();
private $snapshot = array();
private $composite_index = array();
public function getTrusted() {
if (!isset($this->trusted)) {
return false;
return $this->trusted;
public function setTrusted($val) {
$this->trusted = $val;
return $this;
public function clearTrusted() {
return $this;
public function hasTrusted() {
return isset($this->trusted);
public function getTransaction() {
if (!isset($this->transaction)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Transaction();
return $this->transaction;
public function mutableTransaction() {
if (!isset($this->transaction)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Transaction();
$this->transaction = $res;
return $res;
return $this->transaction;
public function clearTransaction() {
if (isset($this->transaction)) {
public function hasTransaction() {
return isset($this->transaction);
public function getKeySize() {
return sizeof($this->key);
public function getKeyList() {
return $this->key;
public function mutableKey($idx) {
if (!isset($this->key[$idx])) {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
$this->key[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->key[$idx];
public function getKey($idx) {
if (isset($this->key[$idx])) {
return $this->key[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->key))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
public function addKey() {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
$this->key[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearKey() {
$this->key = array();
public function getForce() {
if (!isset($this->force)) {
return false;
return $this->force;
public function setForce($val) {
$this->force = $val;
return $this;
public function clearForce() {
return $this;
public function hasForce() {
return isset($this->force);
public function getMarkChanges() {
if (!isset($this->mark_changes)) {
return false;
return $this->mark_changes;
public function setMarkChanges($val) {
$this->mark_changes = $val;
return $this;
public function clearMarkChanges() {
return $this;
public function hasMarkChanges() {
return isset($this->mark_changes);
public function getSnapshotSize() {
return sizeof($this->snapshot);
public function getSnapshotList() {
return $this->snapshot;
public function mutableSnapshot($idx) {
if (!isset($this->snapshot[$idx])) {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\Snapshot();
$this->snapshot[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->snapshot[$idx];
public function getSnapshot($idx) {
if (isset($this->snapshot[$idx])) {
return $this->snapshot[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->snapshot))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \storage_onestore_v3\Snapshot();
public function addSnapshot() {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\Snapshot();
$this->snapshot[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearSnapshot() {
$this->snapshot = array();
public function getHeader() {
if (!isset($this->header)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\InternalHeader();
return $this->header;
public function mutableHeader() {
if (!isset($this->header)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\InternalHeader();
$this->header = $res;
return $res;
return $this->header;
public function clearHeader() {
if (isset($this->header)) {
public function hasHeader() {
return isset($this->header);
public function getCompositeIndexSize() {
return sizeof($this->composite_index);
public function getCompositeIndexList() {
return $this->composite_index;
public function mutableCompositeIndex($idx) {
if (!isset($this->composite_index[$idx])) {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\CompositeIndex();
$this->composite_index[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->composite_index[$idx];
public function getCompositeIndex($idx) {
if (isset($this->composite_index[$idx])) {
return $this->composite_index[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->composite_index))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \storage_onestore_v3\CompositeIndex();
public function addCompositeIndex() {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\CompositeIndex();
$this->composite_index[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearCompositeIndex() {
$this->composite_index = array();
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->trusted)) {
$res += 2;
if (isset($this->transaction)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->transaction->byteSizePartial());
$res += 1 * sizeof($this->key);
foreach ($this->key as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString($value->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->force)) {
$res += 2;
if (isset($this->mark_changes)) {
$res += 2;
$res += 1 * sizeof($this->snapshot);
foreach ($this->snapshot as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString($value->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->header)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->header->byteSizePartial());
$res += 1 * sizeof($this->composite_index);
foreach ($this->composite_index as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString($value->byteSizePartial());
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->trusted)) {
if (isset($this->transaction)) {
foreach ($this->key as $value) {
if (isset($this->force)) {
if (isset($this->mark_changes)) {
foreach ($this->snapshot as $value) {
if (isset($this->header)) {
foreach ($this->composite_index as $value) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 32:
case 42:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 50:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 56:
case 64:
case 74:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 82:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 90:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (isset($this->transaction) && (!$this->transaction->isInitialized())) return 'transaction';
foreach ($this->key as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'key';
foreach ($this->snapshot as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'snapshot';
if (isset($this->header) && (!$this->header->isInitialized())) return 'header';
foreach ($this->composite_index as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'composite_index';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasTrusted()) {
if ($x->hasTransaction()) {
foreach ($x->getKeyList() as $v) {
if ($x->hasForce()) {
if ($x->hasMarkChanges()) {
foreach ($x->getSnapshotList() as $v) {
if ($x->hasHeader()) {
foreach ($x->getCompositeIndexList() as $v) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->trusted) !== isset($x->trusted)) return false;
if (isset($this->trusted) && $this->trusted !== $x->trusted) return false;
if (isset($this->transaction) !== isset($x->transaction)) return false;
if (isset($this->transaction) && !$this->transaction->equals($x->transaction)) return false;
if (sizeof($this->key) !== sizeof($x->key)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->key, $x->key) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
if (isset($this->force) !== isset($x->force)) return false;
if (isset($this->force) && $this->force !== $x->force) return false;
if (isset($this->mark_changes) !== isset($x->mark_changes)) return false;
if (isset($this->mark_changes) && $this->mark_changes !== $x->mark_changes) return false;
if (sizeof($this->snapshot) !== sizeof($x->snapshot)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->snapshot, $x->snapshot) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
if (isset($this->header) !== isset($x->header)) return false;
if (isset($this->header) && !$this->header->equals($x->header)) return false;
if (sizeof($this->composite_index) !== sizeof($x->composite_index)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->composite_index, $x->composite_index) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->trusted)) {
$res .= $prefix . "trusted: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->trusted) . "\n";
if (isset($this->transaction)) {
$res .= $prefix . "transaction <\n" . $this->transaction->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
foreach ($this->key as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "key <\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->force)) {
$res .= $prefix . "force: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->force) . "\n";
if (isset($this->mark_changes)) {
$res .= $prefix . "mark_changes: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->mark_changes) . "\n";
foreach ($this->snapshot as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "snapshot <\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->header)) {
$res .= $prefix . "header <\n" . $this->header->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
foreach ($this->composite_index as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "composite_index <\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3 {
class DeleteResponse extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
private $version = array();
public function getCost() {
if (!isset($this->cost)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Cost();
return $this->cost;
public function mutableCost() {
if (!isset($this->cost)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Cost();
$this->cost = $res;
return $res;
return $this->cost;
public function clearCost() {
if (isset($this->cost)) {
public function hasCost() {
return isset($this->cost);
public function getVersionSize() {
return sizeof($this->version);
public function getVersionList() {
return $this->version;
public function getVersion($idx) {
return $this->version[$idx];
public function setVersion($idx, $val) {
if (is_double($val)) {
$this->version[$idx] = sprintf('%0.0F', $val);
} else {
$this->version[$idx] = $val;
return $this;
public function addVersion($val) {
if (is_double($val)) {
$this->version[] = sprintf('%0.0F', $val);
} else {
$this->version[] = $val;
return $this;
public function clearVersion() {
$this->version = array();
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->cost)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->cost->byteSizePartial());
$res += 1 * sizeof($this->version);
foreach ($this->version as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($value);
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->cost)) {
foreach ($this->version as $value) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 10:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 24:
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (isset($this->cost) && (!$this->cost->isInitialized())) return 'cost';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasCost()) {
foreach ($x->getVersionList() as $v) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->cost) !== isset($x->cost)) return false;
if (isset($this->cost) && !$this->cost->equals($x->cost)) return false;
if (sizeof($this->version) !== sizeof($x->version)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->version, $x->version) as $v) {
if (!$this->integerEquals($v[0], $v[1])) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->cost)) {
$res .= $prefix . "cost <\n" . $this->cost->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
foreach ($this->version as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "version: " . $this->debugFormatInt64($value) . "\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3 {
class NextRequest extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
public function getCursor() {
if (!isset($this->cursor)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Cursor();
return $this->cursor;
public function mutableCursor() {
if (!isset($this->cursor)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Cursor();
$this->cursor = $res;
return $res;
return $this->cursor;
public function clearCursor() {
if (isset($this->cursor)) {
public function hasCursor() {
return isset($this->cursor);
public function getCount() {
if (!isset($this->count)) {
return 0;
return $this->count;
public function setCount($val) {
$this->count = $val;
return $this;
public function clearCount() {
return $this;
public function hasCount() {
return isset($this->count);
public function getCompile() {
if (!isset($this->compile)) {
return false;
return $this->compile;
public function setCompile($val) {
$this->compile = $val;
return $this;
public function clearCompile() {
return $this;
public function hasCompile() {
return isset($this->compile);
public function getOffset() {
if (!isset($this->offset)) {
return 0;
return $this->offset;
public function setOffset($val) {
$this->offset = $val;
return $this;
public function clearOffset() {
return $this;
public function hasOffset() {
return isset($this->offset);
public function getHeader() {
if (!isset($this->header)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\InternalHeader();
return $this->header;
public function mutableHeader() {
if (!isset($this->header)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\InternalHeader();
$this->header = $res;
return $res;
return $this->header;
public function clearHeader() {
if (isset($this->header)) {
public function hasHeader() {
return isset($this->header);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->cursor)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->cursor->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->count)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->count);
if (isset($this->compile)) {
$res += 2;
if (isset($this->offset)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->offset);
if (isset($this->header)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->header->byteSizePartial());
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->cursor)) {
if (isset($this->count)) {
if (isset($this->compile)) {
if (isset($this->offset)) {
if (isset($this->header)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 10:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 16:
case 24:
case 32:
case 42:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if ((!isset($this->cursor)) || (!$this->cursor->isInitialized())) return 'cursor';
if (isset($this->header) && (!$this->header->isInitialized())) return 'header';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasCursor()) {
if ($x->hasCount()) {
if ($x->hasCompile()) {
if ($x->hasOffset()) {
if ($x->hasHeader()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->cursor) !== isset($x->cursor)) return false;
if (isset($this->cursor) && !$this->cursor->equals($x->cursor)) return false;
if (isset($this->count) !== isset($x->count)) return false;
if (isset($this->count) && !$this->integerEquals($this->count, $x->count)) return false;
if (isset($this->compile) !== isset($x->compile)) return false;
if (isset($this->compile) && $this->compile !== $x->compile) return false;
if (isset($this->offset) !== isset($x->offset)) return false;
if (isset($this->offset) && !$this->integerEquals($this->offset, $x->offset)) return false;
if (isset($this->header) !== isset($x->header)) return false;
if (isset($this->header) && !$this->header->equals($x->header)) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->cursor)) {
$res .= $prefix . "cursor <\n" . $this->cursor->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->count)) {
$res .= $prefix . "count: " . $this->debugFormatInt32($this->count) . "\n";
if (isset($this->compile)) {
$res .= $prefix . "compile: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->compile) . "\n";
if (isset($this->offset)) {
$res .= $prefix . "offset: " . $this->debugFormatInt32($this->offset) . "\n";
if (isset($this->header)) {
$res .= $prefix . "header <\n" . $this->header->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3 {
class QueryResult extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
private $result = array();
private $index = array();
private $version = array();
private $result_compiled_cursor = array();
public function getCursor() {
if (!isset($this->cursor)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Cursor();
return $this->cursor;
public function mutableCursor() {
if (!isset($this->cursor)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Cursor();
$this->cursor = $res;
return $res;
return $this->cursor;
public function clearCursor() {
if (isset($this->cursor)) {
public function hasCursor() {
return isset($this->cursor);
public function getResultSize() {
return sizeof($this->result);
public function getResultList() {
return $this->result;
public function mutableResult($idx) {
if (!isset($this->result[$idx])) {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\EntityProto();
$this->result[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->result[$idx];
public function getResult($idx) {
if (isset($this->result[$idx])) {
return $this->result[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->result))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \storage_onestore_v3\EntityProto();
public function addResult() {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\EntityProto();
$this->result[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearResult() {
$this->result = array();
public function getMoreResults() {
if (!isset($this->more_results)) {
return false;
return $this->more_results;
public function setMoreResults($val) {
$this->more_results = $val;
return $this;
public function clearMoreResults() {
return $this;
public function hasMoreResults() {
return isset($this->more_results);
public function getKeysOnly() {
if (!isset($this->keys_only)) {
return false;
return $this->keys_only;
public function setKeysOnly($val) {
$this->keys_only = $val;
return $this;
public function clearKeysOnly() {
return $this;
public function hasKeysOnly() {
return isset($this->keys_only);
public function getCompiledQuery() {
if (!isset($this->compiled_query)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\CompiledQuery();
return $this->compiled_query;
public function mutableCompiledQuery() {
if (!isset($this->compiled_query)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\CompiledQuery();
$this->compiled_query = $res;
return $res;
return $this->compiled_query;
public function clearCompiledQuery() {
if (isset($this->compiled_query)) {
public function hasCompiledQuery() {
return isset($this->compiled_query);
public function getCompiledCursor() {
if (!isset($this->compiled_cursor)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\CompiledCursor();
return $this->compiled_cursor;
public function mutableCompiledCursor() {
if (!isset($this->compiled_cursor)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\CompiledCursor();
$this->compiled_cursor = $res;
return $res;
return $this->compiled_cursor;
public function clearCompiledCursor() {
if (isset($this->compiled_cursor)) {
public function hasCompiledCursor() {
return isset($this->compiled_cursor);
public function getSkippedResults() {
if (!isset($this->skipped_results)) {
return 0;
return $this->skipped_results;
public function setSkippedResults($val) {
$this->skipped_results = $val;
return $this;
public function clearSkippedResults() {
return $this;
public function hasSkippedResults() {
return isset($this->skipped_results);
public function getIndexSize() {
return sizeof($this->index);
public function getIndexList() {
return $this->index;
public function mutableIndex($idx) {
if (!isset($this->index[$idx])) {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\CompositeIndex();
$this->index[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->index[$idx];
public function getIndex($idx) {
if (isset($this->index[$idx])) {
return $this->index[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->index))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \storage_onestore_v3\CompositeIndex();
public function addIndex() {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\CompositeIndex();
$this->index[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearIndex() {
$this->index = array();
public function getIndexOnly() {
if (!isset($this->index_only)) {
return false;
return $this->index_only;
public function setIndexOnly($val) {
$this->index_only = $val;
return $this;
public function clearIndexOnly() {
return $this;
public function hasIndexOnly() {
return isset($this->index_only);
public function getSmallOps() {
if (!isset($this->small_ops)) {
return false;
return $this->small_ops;
public function setSmallOps($val) {
$this->small_ops = $val;
return $this;
public function clearSmallOps() {
return $this;
public function hasSmallOps() {
return isset($this->small_ops);
public function getVersionSize() {
return sizeof($this->version);
public function getVersionList() {
return $this->version;
public function getVersion($idx) {
return $this->version[$idx];
public function setVersion($idx, $val) {
if (is_double($val)) {
$this->version[$idx] = sprintf('%0.0F', $val);
} else {
$this->version[$idx] = $val;
return $this;
public function addVersion($val) {
if (is_double($val)) {
$this->version[] = sprintf('%0.0F', $val);
} else {
$this->version[] = $val;
return $this;
public function clearVersion() {
$this->version = array();
public function getResultCompiledCursorSize() {
return sizeof($this->result_compiled_cursor);
public function getResultCompiledCursorList() {
return $this->result_compiled_cursor;
public function mutableResultCompiledCursor($idx) {
if (!isset($this->result_compiled_cursor[$idx])) {
$val = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\CompiledCursor();
$this->result_compiled_cursor[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->result_compiled_cursor[$idx];
public function getResultCompiledCursor($idx) {
if (isset($this->result_compiled_cursor[$idx])) {
return $this->result_compiled_cursor[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->result_compiled_cursor))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\CompiledCursor();
public function addResultCompiledCursor() {
$val = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\CompiledCursor();
$this->result_compiled_cursor[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearResultCompiledCursor() {
$this->result_compiled_cursor = array();
public function getSkippedResultsCompiledCursor() {
if (!isset($this->skipped_results_compiled_cursor)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\CompiledCursor();
return $this->skipped_results_compiled_cursor;
public function mutableSkippedResultsCompiledCursor() {
if (!isset($this->skipped_results_compiled_cursor)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\CompiledCursor();
$this->skipped_results_compiled_cursor = $res;
return $res;
return $this->skipped_results_compiled_cursor;
public function clearSkippedResultsCompiledCursor() {
if (isset($this->skipped_results_compiled_cursor)) {
public function hasSkippedResultsCompiledCursor() {
return isset($this->skipped_results_compiled_cursor);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->cursor)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->cursor->byteSizePartial());
$res += 1 * sizeof($this->result);
foreach ($this->result as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString($value->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->more_results)) {
$res += 2;
if (isset($this->keys_only)) {
$res += 2;
if (isset($this->compiled_query)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->compiled_query->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->compiled_cursor)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->compiled_cursor->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->skipped_results)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->skipped_results);
$res += 1 * sizeof($this->index);
foreach ($this->index as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString($value->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->index_only)) {
$res += 2;
if (isset($this->small_ops)) {
$res += 2;
$res += 1 * sizeof($this->version);
foreach ($this->version as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($value);
$res += 1 * sizeof($this->result_compiled_cursor);
foreach ($this->result_compiled_cursor as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString($value->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->skipped_results_compiled_cursor)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->skipped_results_compiled_cursor->byteSizePartial());
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->cursor)) {
foreach ($this->result as $value) {
if (isset($this->more_results)) {
if (isset($this->keys_only)) {
if (isset($this->compiled_query)) {
if (isset($this->compiled_cursor)) {
if (isset($this->skipped_results)) {
foreach ($this->index as $value) {
if (isset($this->index_only)) {
if (isset($this->small_ops)) {
foreach ($this->version as $value) {
foreach ($this->result_compiled_cursor as $value) {
if (isset($this->skipped_results_compiled_cursor)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 10:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 18:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 24:
case 32:
case 42:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 50:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 56:
case 66:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 72:
case 80:
case 88:
case 98:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 106:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (isset($this->cursor) && (!$this->cursor->isInitialized())) return 'cursor';
foreach ($this->result as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'result';
if (!isset($this->more_results)) return 'more_results';
if (isset($this->compiled_query) && (!$this->compiled_query->isInitialized())) return 'compiled_query';
if (isset($this->compiled_cursor) && (!$this->compiled_cursor->isInitialized())) return 'compiled_cursor';
foreach ($this->index as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'index';
foreach ($this->result_compiled_cursor as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'result_compiled_cursor';
if (isset($this->skipped_results_compiled_cursor) && (!$this->skipped_results_compiled_cursor->isInitialized())) return 'skipped_results_compiled_cursor';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasCursor()) {
foreach ($x->getResultList() as $v) {
if ($x->hasMoreResults()) {
if ($x->hasKeysOnly()) {
if ($x->hasCompiledQuery()) {
if ($x->hasCompiledCursor()) {
if ($x->hasSkippedResults()) {
foreach ($x->getIndexList() as $v) {
if ($x->hasIndexOnly()) {
if ($x->hasSmallOps()) {
foreach ($x->getVersionList() as $v) {
foreach ($x->getResultCompiledCursorList() as $v) {
if ($x->hasSkippedResultsCompiledCursor()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->cursor) !== isset($x->cursor)) return false;
if (isset($this->cursor) && !$this->cursor->equals($x->cursor)) return false;
if (sizeof($this->result) !== sizeof($x->result)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->result, $x->result) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
if (isset($this->more_results) !== isset($x->more_results)) return false;
if (isset($this->more_results) && $this->more_results !== $x->more_results) return false;
if (isset($this->keys_only) !== isset($x->keys_only)) return false;
if (isset($this->keys_only) && $this->keys_only !== $x->keys_only) return false;
if (isset($this->compiled_query) !== isset($x->compiled_query)) return false;
if (isset($this->compiled_query) && !$this->compiled_query->equals($x->compiled_query)) return false;
if (isset($this->compiled_cursor) !== isset($x->compiled_cursor)) return false;
if (isset($this->compiled_cursor) && !$this->compiled_cursor->equals($x->compiled_cursor)) return false;
if (isset($this->skipped_results) !== isset($x->skipped_results)) return false;
if (isset($this->skipped_results) && !$this->integerEquals($this->skipped_results, $x->skipped_results)) return false;
if (sizeof($this->index) !== sizeof($x->index)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->index, $x->index) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
if (isset($this->index_only) !== isset($x->index_only)) return false;
if (isset($this->index_only) && $this->index_only !== $x->index_only) return false;
if (isset($this->small_ops) !== isset($x->small_ops)) return false;
if (isset($this->small_ops) && $this->small_ops !== $x->small_ops) return false;
if (sizeof($this->version) !== sizeof($x->version)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->version, $x->version) as $v) {
if (!$this->integerEquals($v[0], $v[1])) return false;
if (sizeof($this->result_compiled_cursor) !== sizeof($x->result_compiled_cursor)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->result_compiled_cursor, $x->result_compiled_cursor) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
if (isset($this->skipped_results_compiled_cursor) !== isset($x->skipped_results_compiled_cursor)) return false;
if (isset($this->skipped_results_compiled_cursor) && !$this->skipped_results_compiled_cursor->equals($x->skipped_results_compiled_cursor)) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->cursor)) {
$res .= $prefix . "cursor <\n" . $this->cursor->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
foreach ($this->result as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "result <\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->more_results)) {
$res .= $prefix . "more_results: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->more_results) . "\n";
if (isset($this->keys_only)) {
$res .= $prefix . "keys_only: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->keys_only) . "\n";
if (isset($this->compiled_query)) {
$res .= $prefix . "compiled_query <\n" . $this->compiled_query->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->compiled_cursor)) {
$res .= $prefix . "compiled_cursor <\n" . $this->compiled_cursor->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->skipped_results)) {
$res .= $prefix . "skipped_results: " . $this->debugFormatInt32($this->skipped_results) . "\n";
foreach ($this->index as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "index <\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->index_only)) {
$res .= $prefix . "index_only: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->index_only) . "\n";
if (isset($this->small_ops)) {
$res .= $prefix . "small_ops: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->small_ops) . "\n";
foreach ($this->version as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "version: " . $this->debugFormatInt64($value) . "\n";
foreach ($this->result_compiled_cursor as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "result_compiled_cursor <\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->skipped_results_compiled_cursor)) {
$res .= $prefix . "skipped_results_compiled_cursor <\n" . $this->skipped_results_compiled_cursor->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3 {
class AllocateIdsRequest extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
private $reserve = array();
public function getModelKey() {
if (!isset($this->model_key)) {
return new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
return $this->model_key;
public function mutableModelKey() {
if (!isset($this->model_key)) {
$res = new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
$this->model_key = $res;
return $res;
return $this->model_key;
public function clearModelKey() {
if (isset($this->model_key)) {
public function hasModelKey() {
return isset($this->model_key);
public function getSize() {
if (!isset($this->size)) {
return "0";
return $this->size;
public function setSize($val) {
if (is_double($val)) {
$this->size = sprintf('%0.0F', $val);
} else {
$this->size = $val;
return $this;
public function clearSize() {
return $this;
public function hasSize() {
return isset($this->size);
public function getMax() {
if (!isset($this->max)) {
return "0";
return $this->max;
public function setMax($val) {
if (is_double($val)) {
$this->max = sprintf('%0.0F', $val);
} else {
$this->max = $val;
return $this;
public function clearMax() {
return $this;
public function hasMax() {
return isset($this->max);
public function getHeader() {
if (!isset($this->header)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\InternalHeader();
return $this->header;
public function mutableHeader() {
if (!isset($this->header)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\InternalHeader();
$this->header = $res;
return $res;
return $this->header;
public function clearHeader() {
if (isset($this->header)) {
public function hasHeader() {
return isset($this->header);
public function getReserveSize() {
return sizeof($this->reserve);
public function getReserveList() {
return $this->reserve;
public function mutableReserve($idx) {
if (!isset($this->reserve[$idx])) {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
$this->reserve[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->reserve[$idx];
public function getReserve($idx) {
if (isset($this->reserve[$idx])) {
return $this->reserve[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->reserve))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
public function addReserve() {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
$this->reserve[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearReserve() {
$this->reserve = array();
public function getTrusted() {
if (!isset($this->trusted)) {
return false;
return $this->trusted;
public function setTrusted($val) {
$this->trusted = $val;
return $this;
public function clearTrusted() {
return $this;
public function hasTrusted() {
return isset($this->trusted);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->model_key)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->model_key->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->size)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->size);
if (isset($this->max)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->max);
if (isset($this->header)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->header->byteSizePartial());
$res += 1 * sizeof($this->reserve);
foreach ($this->reserve as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString($value->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->trusted)) {
$res += 2;
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->model_key)) {
if (isset($this->size)) {
if (isset($this->max)) {
if (isset($this->header)) {
foreach ($this->reserve as $value) {
if (isset($this->trusted)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 10:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 16:
case 24:
case 34:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 42:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 48:
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (isset($this->model_key) && (!$this->model_key->isInitialized())) return 'model_key';
if (isset($this->header) && (!$this->header->isInitialized())) return 'header';
foreach ($this->reserve as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'reserve';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasModelKey()) {
if ($x->hasSize()) {
if ($x->hasMax()) {
if ($x->hasHeader()) {
foreach ($x->getReserveList() as $v) {
if ($x->hasTrusted()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->model_key) !== isset($x->model_key)) return false;
if (isset($this->model_key) && !$this->model_key->equals($x->model_key)) return false;
if (isset($this->size) !== isset($x->size)) return false;
if (isset($this->size) && !$this->integerEquals($this->size, $x->size)) return false;
if (isset($this->max) !== isset($x->max)) return false;
if (isset($this->max) && !$this->integerEquals($this->max, $x->max)) return false;
if (isset($this->header) !== isset($x->header)) return false;
if (isset($this->header) && !$this->header->equals($x->header)) return false;
if (sizeof($this->reserve) !== sizeof($x->reserve)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->reserve, $x->reserve) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
if (isset($this->trusted) !== isset($x->trusted)) return false;
if (isset($this->trusted) && $this->trusted !== $x->trusted) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->model_key)) {
$res .= $prefix . "model_key <\n" . $this->model_key->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->size)) {
$res .= $prefix . "size: " . $this->debugFormatInt64($this->size) . "\n";
if (isset($this->max)) {
$res .= $prefix . "max: " . $this->debugFormatInt64($this->max) . "\n";
if (isset($this->header)) {
$res .= $prefix . "header <\n" . $this->header->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
foreach ($this->reserve as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "reserve <\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->trusted)) {
$res .= $prefix . "trusted: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->trusted) . "\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3 {
class AllocateIdsResponse extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
public function getStart() {
if (!isset($this->start)) {
return "0";
return $this->start;
public function setStart($val) {
if (is_double($val)) {
$this->start = sprintf('%0.0F', $val);
} else {
$this->start = $val;
return $this;
public function clearStart() {
return $this;
public function hasStart() {
return isset($this->start);
public function getEnd() {
if (!isset($this->end)) {
return "0";
return $this->end;
public function setEnd($val) {
if (is_double($val)) {
$this->end = sprintf('%0.0F', $val);
} else {
$this->end = $val;
return $this;
public function clearEnd() {
return $this;
public function hasEnd() {
return isset($this->end);
public function getCost() {
if (!isset($this->cost)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Cost();
return $this->cost;
public function mutableCost() {
if (!isset($this->cost)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Cost();
$this->cost = $res;
return $res;
return $this->cost;
public function clearCost() {
if (isset($this->cost)) {
public function hasCost() {
return isset($this->cost);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->start)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->start);
if (isset($this->end)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->end);
if (isset($this->cost)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->cost->byteSizePartial());
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->start)) {
if (isset($this->end)) {
if (isset($this->cost)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 8:
case 16:
case 26:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (!isset($this->start)) return 'start';
if (!isset($this->end)) return 'end';
if (isset($this->cost) && (!$this->cost->isInitialized())) return 'cost';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasStart()) {
if ($x->hasEnd()) {
if ($x->hasCost()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->start) !== isset($x->start)) return false;
if (isset($this->start) && !$this->integerEquals($this->start, $x->start)) return false;
if (isset($this->end) !== isset($x->end)) return false;
if (isset($this->end) && !$this->integerEquals($this->end, $x->end)) return false;
if (isset($this->cost) !== isset($x->cost)) return false;
if (isset($this->cost) && !$this->cost->equals($x->cost)) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->start)) {
$res .= $prefix . "start: " . $this->debugFormatInt64($this->start) . "\n";
if (isset($this->end)) {
$res .= $prefix . "end: " . $this->debugFormatInt64($this->end) . "\n";
if (isset($this->cost)) {
$res .= $prefix . "cost <\n" . $this->cost->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3 {
class CompositeIndices extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
private $index = array();
public function getIndexSize() {
return sizeof($this->index);
public function getIndexList() {
return $this->index;
public function mutableIndex($idx) {
if (!isset($this->index[$idx])) {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\CompositeIndex();
$this->index[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->index[$idx];
public function getIndex($idx) {
if (isset($this->index[$idx])) {
return $this->index[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->index))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \storage_onestore_v3\CompositeIndex();
public function addIndex() {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\CompositeIndex();
$this->index[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearIndex() {
$this->index = array();
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
$res += 1 * sizeof($this->index);
foreach ($this->index as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString($value->byteSizePartial());
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
foreach ($this->index as $value) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 10:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
foreach ($this->index as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'index';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
foreach ($x->getIndexList() as $v) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (sizeof($this->index) !== sizeof($x->index)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->index, $x->index) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
foreach ($this->index as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "index <\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3 {
class AddActionsRequest extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
private $action = array();
public function getTransaction() {
if (!isset($this->transaction)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Transaction();
return $this->transaction;
public function mutableTransaction() {
if (!isset($this->transaction)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Transaction();
$this->transaction = $res;
return $res;
return $this->transaction;
public function clearTransaction() {
if (isset($this->transaction)) {
public function hasTransaction() {
return isset($this->transaction);
public function getActionSize() {
return sizeof($this->action);
public function getActionList() {
return $this->action;
public function mutableAction($idx) {
if (!isset($this->action[$idx])) {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\Action();
$this->action[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->action[$idx];
public function getAction($idx) {
if (isset($this->action[$idx])) {
return $this->action[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->action))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \storage_onestore_v3\Action();
public function addAction() {
$val = new \storage_onestore_v3\Action();
$this->action[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearAction() {
$this->action = array();
public function getHeader() {
if (!isset($this->header)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\InternalHeader();
return $this->header;
public function mutableHeader() {
if (!isset($this->header)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\InternalHeader();
$this->header = $res;
return $res;
return $this->header;
public function clearHeader() {
if (isset($this->header)) {
public function hasHeader() {
return isset($this->header);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->transaction)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->transaction->byteSizePartial());
$res += 1 * sizeof($this->action);
foreach ($this->action as $value) {
$res += $this->lengthString($value->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->header)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->header->byteSizePartial());
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->transaction)) {
foreach ($this->action as $value) {
if (isset($this->header)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 10:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 18:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 26:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if ((!isset($this->transaction)) || (!$this->transaction->isInitialized())) return 'transaction';
foreach ($this->action as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'action';
if (isset($this->header) && (!$this->header->isInitialized())) return 'header';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasTransaction()) {
foreach ($x->getActionList() as $v) {
if ($x->hasHeader()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->transaction) !== isset($x->transaction)) return false;
if (isset($this->transaction) && !$this->transaction->equals($x->transaction)) return false;
if (sizeof($this->action) !== sizeof($x->action)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->action, $x->action) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
if (isset($this->header) !== isset($x->header)) return false;
if (isset($this->header) && !$this->header->equals($x->header)) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->transaction)) {
$res .= $prefix . "transaction <\n" . $this->transaction->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
foreach ($this->action as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "action <\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->header)) {
$res .= $prefix . "header <\n" . $this->header->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3 {
class AddActionsResponse extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3 {
class BeginTransactionRequest extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
public function getApp() {
if (!isset($this->app)) {
return '';
return $this->app;
public function setApp($val) {
$this->app = $val;
return $this;
public function clearApp() {
return $this;
public function hasApp() {
return isset($this->app);
public function getAllowMultipleEg() {
if (!isset($this->allow_multiple_eg)) {
return false;
return $this->allow_multiple_eg;
public function setAllowMultipleEg($val) {
$this->allow_multiple_eg = $val;
return $this;
public function clearAllowMultipleEg() {
return $this;
public function hasAllowMultipleEg() {
return isset($this->allow_multiple_eg);
public function getHeader() {
if (!isset($this->header)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\InternalHeader();
return $this->header;
public function mutableHeader() {
if (!isset($this->header)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\InternalHeader();
$this->header = $res;
return $res;
return $this->header;
public function clearHeader() {
if (isset($this->header)) {
public function hasHeader() {
return isset($this->header);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->app)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString(strlen($this->app));
if (isset($this->allow_multiple_eg)) {
$res += 2;
if (isset($this->header)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->header->byteSizePartial());
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->app)) {
if (isset($this->allow_multiple_eg)) {
if (isset($this->header)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 10:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$this->setApp(substr($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $length));
case 16:
case 26:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (!isset($this->app)) return 'app';
if (isset($this->header) && (!$this->header->isInitialized())) return 'header';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasApp()) {
if ($x->hasAllowMultipleEg()) {
if ($x->hasHeader()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->app) !== isset($x->app)) return false;
if (isset($this->app) && $this->app !== $x->app) return false;
if (isset($this->allow_multiple_eg) !== isset($x->allow_multiple_eg)) return false;
if (isset($this->allow_multiple_eg) && $this->allow_multiple_eg !== $x->allow_multiple_eg) return false;
if (isset($this->header) !== isset($x->header)) return false;
if (isset($this->header) && !$this->header->equals($x->header)) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->app)) {
$res .= $prefix . "app: " . $this->debugFormatString($this->app) . "\n";
if (isset($this->allow_multiple_eg)) {
$res .= $prefix . "allow_multiple_eg: " . $this->debugFormatBool($this->allow_multiple_eg) . "\n";
if (isset($this->header)) {
$res .= $prefix . "header <\n" . $this->header->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3\CommitResponse {
class Version extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
public function getRootEntityKey() {
if (!isset($this->root_entity_key)) {
return new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
return $this->root_entity_key;
public function mutableRootEntityKey() {
if (!isset($this->root_entity_key)) {
$res = new \storage_onestore_v3\Reference();
$this->root_entity_key = $res;
return $res;
return $this->root_entity_key;
public function clearRootEntityKey() {
if (isset($this->root_entity_key)) {
public function hasRootEntityKey() {
return isset($this->root_entity_key);
public function getVersion() {
if (!isset($this->version)) {
return "0";
return $this->version;
public function setVersion($val) {
if (is_double($val)) {
$this->version = sprintf('%0.0F', $val);
} else {
$this->version = $val;
return $this;
public function clearVersion() {
return $this;
public function hasVersion() {
return isset($this->version);
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->root_entity_key)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->root_entity_key->byteSizePartial());
if (isset($this->version)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthVarInt64($this->version);
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->root_entity_key)) {
if (isset($this->version)) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 28: return;
case 34:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 40:
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if ((!isset($this->root_entity_key)) || (!$this->root_entity_key->isInitialized())) return 'root_entity_key';
if (!isset($this->version)) return 'version';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasRootEntityKey()) {
if ($x->hasVersion()) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->root_entity_key) !== isset($x->root_entity_key)) return false;
if (isset($this->root_entity_key) && !$this->root_entity_key->equals($x->root_entity_key)) return false;
if (isset($this->version) !== isset($x->version)) return false;
if (isset($this->version) && !$this->integerEquals($this->version, $x->version)) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->root_entity_key)) {
$res .= $prefix . "root_entity_key <\n" . $this->root_entity_key->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
if (isset($this->version)) {
$res .= $prefix . "version: " . $this->debugFormatInt64($this->version) . "\n";
return $res;
namespace google\appengine_datastore_v3 {
class CommitResponse extends \google\net\ProtocolMessage {
private $version = array();
public function getCost() {
if (!isset($this->cost)) {
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Cost();
return $this->cost;
public function mutableCost() {
if (!isset($this->cost)) {
$res = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\Cost();
$this->cost = $res;
return $res;
return $this->cost;
public function clearCost() {
if (isset($this->cost)) {
public function hasCost() {
return isset($this->cost);
public function getVersionSize() {
return sizeof($this->version);
public function getVersionList() {
return $this->version;
public function mutableVersion($idx) {
if (!isset($this->version[$idx])) {
$val = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\CommitResponse\Version();
$this->version[$idx] = $val;
return $val;
return $this->version[$idx];
public function getVersion($idx) {
if (isset($this->version[$idx])) {
return $this->version[$idx];
if ($idx >= end(array_keys($this->version))) {
throw new \OutOfRangeException('index out of range: ' + $idx);
return new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\CommitResponse\Version();
public function addVersion() {
$val = new \google\appengine_datastore_v3\CommitResponse\Version();
$this->version[] = $val;
return $val;
public function clearVersion() {
$this->version = array();
public function clear() {
public function byteSizePartial() {
$res = 0;
if (isset($this->cost)) {
$res += 1;
$res += $this->lengthString($this->cost->byteSizePartial());
$res += 2 * sizeof($this->version);
foreach ($this->version as $value) {
$res += $value->byteSizePartial();
return $res;
public function outputPartial($out) {
if (isset($this->cost)) {
foreach ($this->version as $value) {
public function tryMerge($d) {
while($d->avail() > 0) {
$tt = $d->getVarInt32();
switch ($tt) {
case 10:
$length = $d->getVarInt32();
$tmp = new \google\net\Decoder($d->buffer(), $d->pos(), $d->pos() + $length);
case 27:
case 0:
throw new \google\net\ProtocolBufferDecodeError();
public function checkInitialized() {
if (isset($this->cost) && (!$this->cost->isInitialized())) return 'cost';
foreach ($this->version as $value) {
if (!$value->isInitialized()) return 'version';
return null;
public function mergeFrom($x) {
if ($x === $this) { throw new \IllegalArgumentException('Cannot copy message to itself'); }
if ($x->hasCost()) {
foreach ($x->getVersionList() as $v) {
public function equals($x) {
if ($x === $this) { return true; }
if (isset($this->cost) !== isset($x->cost)) return false;
if (isset($this->cost) && !$this->cost->equals($x->cost)) return false;
if (sizeof($this->version) !== sizeof($x->version)) return false;
foreach (array_map(null, $this->version, $x->version) as $v) {
if (!$v[0]->equals($v[1])) return false;
return true;
public function shortDebugString($prefix = "") {
$res = '';
if (isset($this->cost)) {
$res .= $prefix . "cost <\n" . $this->cost->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . ">\n";
foreach ($this->version as $value) {
$res .= $prefix . "Version {\n" . $value->shortDebugString($prefix . " ") . $prefix . "}\n";
return $res;