blob: a281797b51105329906fa8c9694787f3f4b60138 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Accesses address verification data used to verify components of an address.
* <p>
* Not all fields require all types of validation, although this could be done. In particular,
* the current implementation only provides known value verification for the hierarchical fields,
* and only provides format and match verification for the postal code field.
public final class FieldVerifier {
// A value for a particular language is has the language separated by this String.
private static final String LOCALE_DELIMITER = "--";
// Node data values are delimited by this symbol.
private static final String LIST_DELIMITER = "~";
// Keys are built up using this delimiter: eg data/US, data/US/CA.
private static final String KEY_NODE_DELIMITER = "/";
private static final FormatInterpreter FORMAT_INTERPRETER =
new FormatInterpreter(new FormOptions().createSnapshot());
// Package-private so it can be accessed by tests.
String id;
private DataSource dataSource;
// Package-private so they can be accessed by tests.
Set<AddressField> possiblyUsedFields;
Set<AddressField> required;
// Known values. Can be either a key, a name in Latin, or a name in native script.
private Map<String, String> candidateValues;
// Keys for the subnodes of this verifier. For example, a key for the US would be CA, since
// there is a sub-verifier with the ID "data/US/CA". Keys may be the local names of the
// locations in the next level of the hierarchy, or the abbreviations if suitable abbreviations
// exist. Package-private so it can be accessed by tests.
String[] keys;
// Names in Latin. These are only populated if the native/local names are in a script other than
// latin.
private String[] latinNames;
// Names in native script.
private String[] localNames;
// Pattern representing the format of a postal code number.
private Pattern format;
// Defines the valid range of a postal code number.
private Pattern match;
* Creates the root field verifier for a particular data source.
public FieldVerifier(DataSource dataSource) {
this.dataSource = dataSource;
* Creates a field verifier based on its parent and on the new data for this node supplied by
* nodeData (which may be null).
* Package-private so it can be accessed by tests.
FieldVerifier(FieldVerifier parent, AddressVerificationNodeData nodeData) {
// Most information is inherited from the parent.
possiblyUsedFields = parent.possiblyUsedFields;
required = parent.required;
dataSource = parent.dataSource;
format = parent.format;
match = parent.match;
// Here we add in any overrides from this particular node as well as information such as
// localNames, latinNames and keys.
// candidateValues should never be inherited from the parent, but built up from the
// localNames in this node.
candidateValues = Util.buildNameToKeyMap(keys, localNames, latinNames);
* Sets possiblyUsedFields, required, keys and candidateValues for the root field verifier.
private void populateRootVerifier() {
id = "data";
// Keys come from the countries under "data".
AddressVerificationNodeData rootNode = dataSource.getDefaultData("data");
if (rootNode.containsKey(AddressDataKey.COUNTRIES)) {
keys = rootNode.get(AddressDataKey.COUNTRIES).split(LIST_DELIMITER);
// candidateValues is just the set of keys.
candidateValues = Util.buildNameToKeyMap(keys, null, null);
// TODO: Investigate if these need to be set here. The country level population already
// handles the fallback, the question is if validation can be done without a country level
// validator being created.
// Copy "possiblyUsedFields" and "required" from the defaults here for bootstrapping.
possiblyUsedFields = new HashSet<AddressField>();
required = new HashSet<AddressField>();
* Populates this verifier with data from the node data passed in and from RegionDataConstants.
* The node data may be null.
private void populate(AddressVerificationNodeData nodeData) {
if (nodeData == null) {
if (nodeData.containsKey(AddressDataKey.ID)) {
id = nodeData.get(AddressDataKey.ID);
if (nodeData.containsKey(AddressDataKey.SUB_KEYS)) {
keys = nodeData.get(AddressDataKey.SUB_KEYS).split(LIST_DELIMITER);
if (nodeData.containsKey(AddressDataKey.SUB_LNAMES)) {
latinNames = nodeData.get(AddressDataKey.SUB_LNAMES).split(LIST_DELIMITER);
if (nodeData.containsKey(AddressDataKey.SUB_NAMES)) {
localNames = nodeData.get(AddressDataKey.SUB_NAMES).split(LIST_DELIMITER);
if (nodeData.containsKey(AddressDataKey.XZIP)) {
format = Pattern.compile(nodeData.get(AddressDataKey.XZIP), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
if (nodeData.containsKey(AddressDataKey.ZIP)) {
// This key has two different meanings, depending on whether this is a country-level key
// or not.
if (isCountryKey()) {
format = Pattern.compile(nodeData.get(AddressDataKey.ZIP), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
} else {
match = Pattern.compile(nodeData.get(AddressDataKey.ZIP), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
// If there are latin names but no local names, and there are the same number of latin names
// as there are keys, then we assume the local names are the same as the keys.
if (keys != null && localNames == null && latinNames != null
&& keys.length == latinNames.length) {
localNames = keys;
// These fields are populated from RegionDataConstants so that the metadata server can be
// updated without needing to be in sync with clients.
if (isCountryKey()) {
* This method assumes the hierarchyKey contains a region code. If not, returns ZZ.
private static String getRegionCodeFromKey(String hierarchyKey) {
String[] parts = hierarchyKey.split(KEY_NODE_DELIMITER);
if (parts.length == 1) {
// Return the unknown region if none was found.
return "ZZ";
return parts[1].split(LOCALE_DELIMITER)[0];
// TODO: We should be consistent with where the language data comes from; what are the
// consequences if the server is out-of-sync with the client? We should get the language from the
// same place here and in FormController; it's not obvious that happens right now.
private Set<String> getAcceptableAlternateLanguages(String regionCode) {
// TODO: We should have a class that knows how to get information about the data, rather than
// getting the node and extracting keys here.
LookupKey lookupKey =
new LookupKey.Builder(Util.toLowerCaseLocaleIndependent(
+ regionCode).build();
AddressVerificationNodeData countryNode = dataSource.getDefaultData(lookupKey.toString());
String languages = countryNode.get(AddressDataKey.LANGUAGES);
String defaultLanguage = countryNode.get(AddressDataKey.LANG);
Set<String> alternateLanguages = new HashSet<String>();
// If languages is set, defaultLanguage will be set as well.
if (languages != null && defaultLanguage != null) {
String languagesArray[] = languages.split(LIST_DELIMITER);
for (String lang : languagesArray) {
// The default language is never appended to keys.
if (!lang.equals(defaultLanguage)) {
return alternateLanguages;
private void populatePossibleAndRequired(String regionCode) {
List<AddressField> possible =
FORMAT_INTERPRETER.getAddressFieldOrder(ScriptType.LOCAL, regionCode);
possiblyUsedFields = convertAddressFieldsToPossiblyUsedSet(possible);
required = FormatInterpreter.getRequiredFields(regionCode);
FieldVerifier refineVerifier(String sublevel) {
if (Util.trimToNull(sublevel) == null || id == null) {
return new FieldVerifier(this, null);
// Split the subkey into key + language (if any). Check the language is an acceptable
// alternative for the region, for which we have data. If not, we drop it from the data key.
String[] parts = sublevel.split(LOCALE_DELIMITER);
// Makes the new key - the old key, plus the new data, minus the language code.
String currentFullKey = id + KEY_NODE_DELIMITER + parts[0];
// If a language was present, check that it is valid.
if (parts.length > 1) {
// Since currentFullKey must have the KEY_NODE_DELIMITER - we added it above - this is safe.
String regionCode = getRegionCodeFromKey(currentFullKey);
if (getAcceptableAlternateLanguages(regionCode).contains(parts[1])) {
currentFullKey = currentFullKey + LOCALE_DELIMITER + parts[1];
// This fixes the position of the language in the key, so data/CA--fr/Quebec would be
// canonicalised to data/CA/Quebec--fr.
currentFullKey = new LookupKey.Builder(currentFullKey).build().toString();
// For names with no Latin equivalent, we can look up the sublevel name directly.
AddressVerificationNodeData nodeData = dataSource.get(currentFullKey);
if (nodeData != null) {
return new FieldVerifier(this, nodeData);
// If that failed, then we try to look up the local name equivalent of this latin name.
// First check these exist.
if (latinNames == null) {
return new FieldVerifier(this, null);
for (int n = 0; n < latinNames.length; n++) {
if (latinNames[n].equalsIgnoreCase(sublevel)) {
// We found a match - we should try looking up a key with the local name at the same
// index.
currentFullKey =
new LookupKey.Builder(id + KEY_NODE_DELIMITER + localNames[n]).build().toString();
nodeData = dataSource.get(currentFullKey);
if (nodeData != null) {
return new FieldVerifier(this, nodeData);
// No sub-verifiers were found.
return new FieldVerifier(this, null);
* Returns the ID of this verifier.
public String toString() {
return id;
* Checks a value in a particular script for a particular field to see if it causes the problem
* specified. If so, this problem is added to the AddressProblems collection passed in. Returns
* true if no problem was found.
* @param script the script type used to verify address. This affects countries
* where there are values in the local language and in latin script, such as China.
* If null, do not consider script type, so both latin and local language values would be
* considered valid.
* @param problem problem type to check. For example, when problem type is
* {@code UNEXPECTED_FIELD}, checks that the input {@code field} is not used.
* @param field address field to verify.
* @param value field value.
* @param problems collection of problems collected during verification.
* @return true if verification passes.
protected boolean check(ScriptType script, AddressProblemType problem, AddressField field,
String value, AddressProblems problems) {
boolean problemFound = false;
String trimmedValue = Util.trimToNull(value);
switch (problem) {
if (trimmedValue != null && !possiblyUsedFields.contains(field)) {
problemFound = true;
if (required.contains(field) && trimmedValue == null) {
problemFound = true;
// An empty string will never be an UNKNOWN_VALUE. It is invalid
// only when it appears in a required field (In that case it will
// be reported as MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELD).
if (trimmedValue == null) {
problemFound = !isKnownInScript(script, trimmedValue);
if (trimmedValue != null && format != null && !format.matcher(trimmedValue).matches()) {
problemFound = true;
if (trimmedValue != null && match != null && !match.matcher(trimmedValue).lookingAt()) {
problemFound = true;
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown problem: " + problem);
if (problemFound) {
problems.add(field, problem);
return !problemFound;
* Checks the value of a particular field in a particular script against the known values for
* this field. If script is null, it checks both the local and the latin values. Otherwise it
* checks only the values in the script specified.
private boolean isKnownInScript(ScriptType script, String value) {
String trimmedValue = Util.trimToNull(value);
if (script == null) {
return (candidateValues == null || candidateValues.containsKey(
// Otherwise, if we know the script, we want to restrict the candidates to only names in
// that script.
String[] namesToConsider = (script == ScriptType.LATIN) ? latinNames : localNames;
Set<String> candidates = new HashSet<String>();
if (namesToConsider != null) {
for (String name : namesToConsider) {
if (keys != null) {
for (String name : keys) {
if (candidates.size() == 0 || trimmedValue == null) {
return true;
return candidates.contains(Util.toLowerCaseLocaleIndependent(value));
* Converts a list of address fields to a set of possibly used fields. Adds country and handles
* street address.
private static Set<AddressField> convertAddressFieldsToPossiblyUsedSet(
List<AddressField> fields) {
// COUNTRY is never unexpected.
EnumSet<AddressField> result = EnumSet.of(AddressField.COUNTRY);
for (AddressField field : fields) {
// Replace ADDRESS_LINE with STREET_ADDRESS because that's what the validation expects.
if (field == AddressField.ADDRESS_LINE_1 || field == AddressField.ADDRESS_LINE_2) {
} else {
return result;
* Returns true if this key represents a country. We assume all keys with only one delimiter are
* at the country level (such as "data/US").
private boolean isCountryKey() {
Util.checkNotNull(id, "Cannot use null as key");
return id.split(KEY_NODE_DELIMITER).length == 2;