blob: 1f7d080753c21499844495820766638c87060b89 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <libaddressinput/address_ui.h>
#include <libaddressinput/address_field.h>
#include <libaddressinput/address_ui_component.h>
#include <libaddressinput/localization.h>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
namespace {
using i18n::addressinput::AddressField;
using i18n::addressinput::AddressUiComponent;
using i18n::addressinput::BuildComponents;
using i18n::addressinput::GetRegionCodes;
using i18n::addressinput::Localization;
using i18n::addressinput::COUNTRY;
using i18n::addressinput::ADMIN_AREA;
using i18n::addressinput::POSTAL_CODE;
using i18n::addressinput::STREET_ADDRESS;
using i18n::addressinput::ORGANIZATION;
using i18n::addressinput::RECIPIENT;
static const char kUiLanguageTag[] = "en";
// Returns testing::AssertionSuccess if the |components| are valid. Uses
// |region_code| in test failure messages.
testing::AssertionResult ComponentsAreValid(
const std::vector<AddressUiComponent>& components) {
if (components.empty()) {
return testing::AssertionFailure() << "no components";
for (std::vector<AddressUiComponent>::const_iterator
component_it = components.begin();
component_it != components.end(); ++component_it) {
static const AddressField kMinAddressField = COUNTRY;
static const AddressField kMaxAddressField = RECIPIENT;
if (component_it->field < kMinAddressField ||
component_it->field > kMaxAddressField) {
return testing::AssertionFailure() << "unexpected field "
<< component_it->field;
if (component_it->name.empty()) {
return testing::AssertionFailure() << "empty field name for field "
<< component_it->field;
return testing::AssertionSuccess();
// Tests for address UI functions.
class AddressUiTest : public testing::TestWithParam<std::string> {
AddressUiTest(const AddressUiTest&) = delete;
AddressUiTest& operator=(const AddressUiTest&) = delete;
AddressUiTest() {}
Localization localization_;
std::string best_address_language_tag_;
// Verifies that a region code consists of two characters, for example "TW".
TEST_P(AddressUiTest, RegionCodeHasTwoCharacters) {
EXPECT_EQ(2, GetParam().size());
// Verifies that BuildComponents() returns valid UI components for a region
// code.
TEST_P(AddressUiTest, ComponentsAreValid) {
GetParam(), localization_, kUiLanguageTag, &best_address_language_tag_)));
// Verifies that BuildComponents() returns at most one input field of each type.
TEST_P(AddressUiTest, UniqueFieldTypes) {
std::set<AddressField> fields;
const std::vector<AddressUiComponent>& components =
BuildComponents(GetParam(), localization_, kUiLanguageTag,
for (std::vector<AddressUiComponent>::const_iterator it = components.begin();
it != components.end(); ++it) {
// Test all regions codes.
AllRegions, AddressUiTest,
// Verifies that BuildComponents() returns an empty vector for an invalid region
// code.
TEST_F(AddressUiTest, InvalidRegionCodeReturnsEmptyVector) {
"INVALID-REGION-CODE", localization_, kUiLanguageTag,
// Test data for determining the best language tag and whether the right format
// pattern was used (fmt vs lfmt).
struct LanguageTestCase {
LanguageTestCase(const std::string& region_code,
const std::string& ui_language_tag,
const std::string& expected_best_address_language_tag,
AddressField expected_first_field)
: region_code(region_code),
expected_first_field(expected_first_field) {}
~LanguageTestCase() {}
// The CLDR region code to test.
const std::string region_code;
// The BCP 47 language tag to test.
const std::string ui_language_tag;
// The expected value for the best language tag returned by BuildComponents().
const std::string expected_best_address_language_tag;
// The first field expected to be returned from BuildComponents(). Useful for
// determining whether the returned format is in Latin or default order.
const AddressField expected_first_field;
class BestAddressLanguageTagTest
: public testing::TestWithParam<LanguageTestCase> {
BestAddressLanguageTagTest(const BestAddressLanguageTagTest&) = delete;
BestAddressLanguageTagTest& operator=(const BestAddressLanguageTagTest&) =
BestAddressLanguageTagTest() {}
Localization localization_;
std::string best_address_language_tag_;
std::string GetterStub(int) { return std::string(); }
TEST_P(BestAddressLanguageTagTest, CorrectBestAddressLanguageTag) {
const std::vector<AddressUiComponent>& components = BuildComponents(
GetParam().region_code, localization_, GetParam().ui_language_tag,
EXPECT_EQ(GetParam().expected_first_field, components.front().field);
LanguageTestCases, BestAddressLanguageTagTest,
// Armenia supports hy and has a Latin format.
LanguageTestCase("AM", "", "hy", RECIPIENT),
LanguageTestCase("AM", "hy", "hy", RECIPIENT),
LanguageTestCase("AM", "en", "hy-Latn", RECIPIENT),
// P.R. China supports zh and has a Latin format.
LanguageTestCase("CN", "zh-hans", "zh", POSTAL_CODE),
LanguageTestCase("CN", "zh-hant", "zh", POSTAL_CODE),
LanguageTestCase("CN", "zh-hans-CN", "zh", POSTAL_CODE),
LanguageTestCase("CN", "zh", "zh", POSTAL_CODE),
LanguageTestCase("CN", "ZH_HANS", "zh", POSTAL_CODE),
LanguageTestCase("CN", "zh-cmn-Hans-CN", "zh", POSTAL_CODE),
LanguageTestCase("CN", "zh-Latn", "zh-Latn", RECIPIENT),
LanguageTestCase("CN", "zh-latn-CN", "zh-Latn", RECIPIENT),
LanguageTestCase("CN", "en", "zh-Latn", RECIPIENT),
LanguageTestCase("CN", "ja", "zh-Latn", RECIPIENT),
LanguageTestCase("CN", "ko", "zh-Latn", RECIPIENT),
LanguageTestCase("CN", "ZH_LATN", "zh-Latn", RECIPIENT),
// Libaddressinput does not have information about extended language
// subtags, so it uses the zh-Latn language tag for all base languages
// that are not zh, even if it's effectively the same language.
// Mandarin Chinese, Simplified script, as used in China:
LanguageTestCase("CN", "cmn-Hans-CN", "zh-Latn", RECIPIENT),
// Hong Kong supports zh-Hant and en. It has a Latin format.
LanguageTestCase("HK", "zh", "zh-Hant", ADMIN_AREA),
LanguageTestCase("HK", "zh-hans", "zh-Hant", ADMIN_AREA),
LanguageTestCase("HK", "zh-hant", "zh-Hant", ADMIN_AREA),
LanguageTestCase("HK", "zh-yue-HK", "zh-Hant", ADMIN_AREA),
LanguageTestCase("HK", "en", "en", ADMIN_AREA),
LanguageTestCase("HK", "zh-latn", "zh-Latn", RECIPIENT),
LanguageTestCase("HK", "fr", "zh-Latn", RECIPIENT),
LanguageTestCase("HK", "ja", "zh-Latn", RECIPIENT),
LanguageTestCase("HK", "ko", "zh-Latn", RECIPIENT),
// Libaddressinput does not have information about extended language
// subtags, so it uses the zh-Latn language tag for all base languages
// that are not zh or en, even if it's effectively the same language.
// Cantonese Chinese, as used in Hong Kong:
LanguageTestCase("HK", "yue-HK", "zh-Latn", RECIPIENT),
// Macao supports zh-Hant and pt. It has a Latin format.
LanguageTestCase("MO", "zh", "zh-Hant", STREET_ADDRESS),
LanguageTestCase("MO", "zh-Hant", "zh-Hant", STREET_ADDRESS),
LanguageTestCase("MO", "pt", "pt", STREET_ADDRESS),
LanguageTestCase("MO", "zh-Latn", "zh-Latn", RECIPIENT),
LanguageTestCase("MO", "en", "zh-Latn", RECIPIENT),
// Switzerland supports de, fr, and it.
LanguageTestCase("CH", "de", "de", ORGANIZATION),
LanguageTestCase("CH", "de-DE", "de", ORGANIZATION),
LanguageTestCase("CH", "de-Latn-DE", "de", ORGANIZATION),
LanguageTestCase("CH", "fr", "fr", ORGANIZATION),
LanguageTestCase("CH", "it", "it", ORGANIZATION),
LanguageTestCase("CH", "en", "de", ORGANIZATION),
// Antarctica does not have language information.
LanguageTestCase("AQ", "en", "en", RECIPIENT),
LanguageTestCase("AQ", "fr", "fr", RECIPIENT),
LanguageTestCase("AQ", "es", "es", RECIPIENT),
LanguageTestCase("AQ", "zh-Hans", "zh-Hans", RECIPIENT),
// Egypt supports ar and has a Latin format.
LanguageTestCase("EG", "ar", "ar", RECIPIENT),
LanguageTestCase("EG", "ar-Arab", "ar", RECIPIENT),
LanguageTestCase("EG", "ar-Latn", "ar-Latn", RECIPIENT),
LanguageTestCase("EG", "fr", "ar-Latn", RECIPIENT),
LanguageTestCase("EG", "fa", "ar-Latn", RECIPIENT),
// Libaddressinput does not have language-to-script mapping, so it uses
// the ar-Latn language tag for all base languages that are not ar, even
// if the script is the same.
LanguageTestCase("EG", "fa-Arab", "ar-Latn", RECIPIENT)));
} // namespace