Further improvements to UEB

see https://github.com/liblouis/liblouis/pull/1265
diff --git a/.github/workflows/check-format.yml b/.github/workflows/check-format.yml
index 5601451..074aa5e 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/check-format.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/check-format.yml
@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@
     name: Check the code formatting
-    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
     - uses: actions/checkout@v2
     - name: Install dependencies
-      run: sudo apt-get update -qq && sudo apt-get install -y clang-format-9
+      run: sudo apt-get update -qq && sudo apt-get install -y clang-format-14
     - name: Autogen && configure
       run: |
diff --git a/.github/workflows/cifuzz.yml b/.github/workflows/cifuzz.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47539d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/cifuzz.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# CIFuzz action for OSS-Fuzz set up of Liblouis.
+# CIFuzz documentation:
+# - https://google.github.io/oss-fuzz/getting-started/continuous-integration
+# Liblouis OSS-Fuzz project:
+# - https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/blob/master/projects/liblouis
+# This CI action will build the fuzzers using the Dockerfile and build.sh
+# script from the Liblouis OSS-Fuzz project folder. It runs on GitHub's
+# servers.
+name: CIFuzz
+on: [pull_request]
+  Fuzzing:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    steps:
+    - name: Build Fuzzers
+      id: build
+      uses: google/oss-fuzz/infra/cifuzz/actions/build_fuzzers@master
+      with:
+        oss-fuzz-project-name: 'liblouis'
+        language: c
+    - name: Run Fuzzers
+      uses: google/oss-fuzz/infra/cifuzz/actions/run_fuzzers@master
+      with:
+        oss-fuzz-project-name: 'liblouis'
+        fuzz-seconds: 300
+        language: c
+    - name: Upload Crash
+      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
+      if: failure() && steps.build.outcome == 'success'
+      with:
+        name: artifacts
+        path: ./out/artifacts
diff --git a/.github/workflows/fuzzing.yml b/.github/workflows/fuzzing.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89fb35c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/fuzzing.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+name: Fuzz lou_translateString
+  workflow_dispatch:
+  schedule:
+    - cron: "0 4 * * 1"
+  build:
+    name: Build with ${{ matrix.ucs }}
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    strategy:
+      fail-fast: false
+      matrix:
+        ucs: [ucs2]
+        # ucs4
+    steps:
+    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+    - name: Install dependencies
+      run: sudo apt-get update -qq && sudo apt-get install -y libyaml-dev texinfo texlive clang llvm
+    - name: Autogen
+      run: ./autogen.sh
+    - name: Configure
+      run: CC=clang CXX=clang++
+           CFLAGS="-fsanitize=address,undefined -fstack-protector-strong -g -Og -fno-omit-frame-pointer"
+           CXXFLAGS="-fsanitize=address,undefined -fstack-protector-strong -g -Og -fno-omit-frame-pointer"
+           LDFLAGS="-fsanitize=address,undefined -lubsan"
+           ./configure --with-fuzzer
+      if: matrix.ucs == 'ucs2'
+    - name: Configure with ucs4
+      run: CC=clang CXX=clang++
+           CFLAGS="-fsanitize=address,undefined -fstack-protector-strong -g -Og -fno-omit-frame-pointer"
+           CXXFLAGS="-fsanitize=address,undefined -fstack-protector-strong -g -Og -fno-omit-frame-pointer"
+           LDFLAGS="-fsanitize=address,undefined -lubsan"
+           ./configure --with-fuzzer --enable-ucs4
+      if: matrix.ucs == 'ucs4'
+    - name: Compile project
+      run: make -j
+    - uses: actions/cache@v3
+      with:
+        path: /home/runner/work/liblouis/liblouis
+        key: build-${{ matrix.ucs }}-${{ github.sha }}
+  run:
+    name: Run with ${{ matrix.ucs }} for ${{ matrix.table }}
+    needs: build
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    strategy:
+      fail-fast: false
+      matrix:
+        ucs: [ucs2]
+        # ucs4
+        table: [ afr-za-g1.ctb, afr-za-g2.ctb, ar-ar-comp8.utb, ar-ar-g1.utb, ar-ar-g2.ctb, as-in-g1.utb, aw-in-g1.utb, ba.utb, be-in-g1.utb, bel.utb, bel-comp.utb, bg.ctb, bg.utb, bh.ctb, bo.ctb, boxes.ctb, br-in-g1.utb, ca-g1.ctb, chr-us-g1.ctb, ckb-g1.ctb, cop-eg-comp8.utb, cs-comp8.utb, cs-g1.ctb, cy-cy-g1.utb, cy-cy-g2.ctb, da-dk-g08_1993.ctb, da-dk-g08.ctb, da-dk-g16_1993.ctb, da-dk-g16.ctb, da-dk-g16-lit_1993.ctb, da-dk-g18_1993.ctb, da-dk-g18.ctb, da-dk-g26_1993.ctb, da-dk-g26.ctb, da-dk-g26l_1993.ctb, da-dk-g26-lit_1993.ctb, da-dk-g26l-lit_1993.ctb, da-dk-g28_1993.ctb, da-dk-g28.ctb, da-dk-g28l_1993.ctb, de-chess.ctb, de-comp6.utb, de-de-comp8.ctb, de-g0.utb, de-g0-detailed.utb, de-g1.ctb, de-g1-detailed.ctb, de-g2.ctb, de-g2-detailed.ctb, dra.ctb, el.ctb, en_CA.ctb, en-chess.ctb, en-gb-comp8.ctb, en-gb-g1.utb, en-GB-g2.ctb, en-in-g1.ctb, en-nabcc.utb, en-ueb-g1.ctb, en-ueb-g2.ctb, en-ueb-math.ctb, en-us-comp6.ctb, en-us-comp8.ctb, en-us-comp8-ext.utb, en-us-g1.ctb, en-us-g2.ctb, en-us-interline.ctb, en-us-mathtext.ctb, eo-g1.ctb, eo-g1-x-system.ctb, Es-Es-G0.utb, es-g1.ctb, es-g2.ctb, et.ctb, et-g0.utb, ethio-g1.ctb, fa-ir-comp8.ctb, fa-ir-g1.utb, fi-fi-8dot.ctb, fi.utb, fr-bfu-comp6.utb, fr-bfu-comp8.utb, fr-bfu-g2.ctb, ga-g1.utb, ga-g2.ctb, gd.ctb, gon.ctb, grc-international-en.utb, gu-in-g1.utb, haw-us-g1.ctb, he-IL.utb, he-IL-comp8.utb, hi-in-g1.utb, hr-comp8.utb, hr-g1.ctb, hu-hu-comp8.ctb, hu-hu-g1.ctb, hu-hu-g2.ctb, hy.ctb, IPA.utb, is.ctb, it-it-comp6.utb, it-it-comp8.utb, iu-ca-g1.ctb, ja-kantenji.utb, ka-in-g1.utb, kh-in-g1.utb, kk.utb, km-g1.utb, ko-2006-g1.ctb, ko-2006-g2.ctb, ko-g1.ctb, ko-g2.ctb, kok.ctb, kru.ctb, ks-in-g1.utb, lg-ug-g1.utb, lt-6dot.utb, lt.ctb, Lv-Lv-g1.utb, mao-nz-g1.ctb, ml-in-g1.utb, mn-in-g1.utb, mn-MN-g1.utb, mn-MN-g2.ctb, mr-in-g1.utb, ms-my-g2.ctb, mt.ctb, mun.ctb, mwr.ctb, my-g1.utb, my-g2.ctb, ne.ctb, nl-comp8.utb, nl-NL-g0.utb, no-no-8dot-fallback-6dot-g0.utb, no-no-8dot.utb, no-no-comp8.ctb, no-no-g0.utb, no-no-g1.ctb, no-no-g2.ctb, no-no-g3.ctb, no-no-generic.ctb, np-in-g1.utb, nso-za-g1.utb, nso-za-g2.ctb, ny-mw.utb, or-in-g1.utb, pi.ctb, pl-pl-comp8.ctb, Pl-Pl-g1.utb, pt-pt-comp8.ctb, pt-pt-g1.utb, pt-pt-g2.ctb, pu-in-g1.utb, ro.ctb, ru-compbrl.ctb, ru.ctb, ru-litbrl.ctb, ru-litbrl-detailed.utb, ru-ru-g1.ctb, rw-rw-g1.utb, sa-in-g1.utb, sah.utb, se-se.ctb, si-in-g1.utb, sin.utb, sk-g1.ctb, sk-sk-g1.utb, sk-sk.utb, sl-si-comp8.ctb, sl-si-g1.utb, sot-za-g1.ctb, sot-za-g2.ctb, sr-g1.ctb, sv-1989.ctb, sv-1996.ctb, sv-g0.utb, sv-g1.ctb, sv-g2.ctb, sw-ke-g1-2.ctb, sw-ke-g1-3.ctb, sw-ke-g1-4.ctb, sw-ke-g1-5.ctb, sw-ke-g1.utb, sw-ke-g2.ctb, ta.ctb, ta-ta-g1.ctb, te-in-g1.utb, tr.ctb, tr-g1.ctb, tr-g2.ctb, tsn-za-g1.ctb, tsn-za-g2.ctb, tt.utb, uk.utb, uk-comp.utb, unicode-braille.utb, ur-pk-g1.utb, ur-pk-g2.ctb, uz-g1.utb, ve-za-g1.utb, ve-za-g2.ctb, vi.ctb, vi-saigon-g1.ctb, vi-vn-g0.utb, vi-vn-g1.ctb, vi-vn-g2.ctb, xh-za-g1.utb, xh-za-g2.ctb, zh-chn.ctb, zhcn-cbs.ctb, zhcn-g1.ctb, zhcn-g2.ctb, zh-hk.ctb, zh-tw.ctb, zu-za-g1.utb, zu-za-g2.ctb, ]
+    steps:
+    - uses: actions/cache@v3
+      with:
+        path: /home/runner/work/liblouis/liblouis
+        key: build-${{ matrix.ucs }}-${{ github.sha }}
+    - name: Fuzz function lou_translateString()
+      run: mkdir tests/fuzzing/CORPUS ; FUZZ_TABLE=tables/${{ matrix.table }} tests/fuzzing/fuzz_translate -seed=1234 -runs=100000 -max_len=10000 tests/fuzzing/CORPUS
+    - name: Store the crash POC
+      if: ${{ failure() }}
+      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
+      with:
+        name: crash-${{ matrix.ucs }}-${{ matrix.table }}.1
+        path: crash-* timeout-*
+    - name: Fuzz function lou_translateString() with language-specific input
+      run: cp tables/${{ matrix.table }} tests/fuzzing/CORPUS/ ; FUZZ_TABLE=tables/${{ matrix.table }} tests/fuzzing/fuzz_translate -seed=1234 -runs=100000 -max_len=10000 tests/fuzzing/CORPUS
+    - name: Store the crash POC
+      if: ${{ failure() }}
+      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
+      with:
+        name: crash-${{ matrix.ucs }}-${{ matrix.table }}.2
+        path: crash-* timeout-*
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 61a7ca8..0462007 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -218,6 +218,18 @@
+# /tests/fuzzing/
 # /tests/yaml/
diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
index 13bbff8..e0079b8 100644
@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@
   Hammer Attila <hammera@pickup.hu>, <hammer.attila@infoalap.hu> from IT Foundation for the Visually Impaired in Hungary
   Hans Schou <chlor@schou.dk>
   Harri Pasanen <harri@mpaja.com>
+  Harris Mowbray <harrismowbray@yahoo.com>
   Henri Apperloo <h.apperloo@cbb.nl> from CBB <www.cbb.nl>
   Herbert Koh <kohherbert@hotmail.com>
   Him Prasad Gautam
@@ -178,6 +179,8 @@
   Leonard de Ruijter from Babbage B.V. <www.babbage.com>
   Ludovic Oger <oger.ludovic@gmail.com>
   Łukasz Golonka <lukasz.golonka@mailbox.org>
+  Mariam Mikiashvili
+  Martin Kieti
   Mateja Jenčič
   Michel Such <michel.such@free.fr>
   Mike Sivill <mike.sivill@viewplustechnologies.com> from ViewPlus Technologies, Inc.
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 119cd0a..ad33a15 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -9,10 +9,25 @@
 ** New features
 ** Bug fixes
 ** Braille table improvements
-- New grade 1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 2 tables for Swahili (Kenya)
-  thanks to Jake Kyle, Dipendra Manocha and Martin Kieti.
+- New grade 1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 2 tables for Swahili (Kenya) and
+  grade 1 table for Chichewa (Malawi) thanks to Jake Kyle, Dipendra
+  Manocha and Martin Kieti.
+- Improvements to Hungarian thanks to Attila Hammer.
 - Update braille patterns of some Chinese characters and phrases in
   the Chinese bopomofo braille table thanks to Bo-Cheng Jhan.
+- Add experimental Georgian computer braille table thanks to Harris
+  Mowbray and Mariam Mikiashvili.
+- Updated the Danish tables to the new 2022 Danish braille standard
+  thanks to Bue Vester-Andersen.
+  - Limited contraction level (grade 2l or 1.5) is no longer part of
+    the Danish braille standard 2022.
+  - There is no longer any need for "literary" tables. In Danish
+    braille, capital letters are now always indicated, and steps have
+    been taken in the standard to ensure better back-translation.
+  - As requested by The Danish Braille Committee, the tables for the
+    1993 standard will be kept as an option for at least a year. All
+    the 1993 tables have been renamed to include "_1993" in the
+    filename, so the new tables will be used as default.
 - Improvements to UEB thanks to James Bowden.
   - Add new sign for German sharp S (ICEB July 2022)
   - Fix a couple of acronyms which require grade 1 indicator (LLB, LLP)
@@ -31,14 +46,33 @@
 - sw-ke-g1-5.ctb
 - sw-ke-g1.utb
 - sw-ke-g2.ctb
+- ka.utb
+- ny-mw.utb
+- The following files now all refer to the corresponding tables for
+  Danish braille 2022:
+  - da-dk-g08.ctb
+  - da-dk-g16.ctb
+  - da-dk-g18.ctb
+  - da-dk-g26.ctb
+  - da-dk-g28.ctb
+  - da-dk-octobraille.dis
 *** Renamed
+- The old Danish tables for the now deprecated 1993 standard have been
+  renamed to include "1993" in the filename:
+  - da-dk-g08.ctb -> da-dk-g08_1993.ctb
+  - da-dk-g16.ctb -> da-dk-g16_1993.ctb
+  - da-dk-g16-lit.ctb -> da-dk-g16-lit_1993.ctb
+  - da-dk-g18.ctb -> da-dk-g18_1993.ctb
+  - da-dk-g26.ctb -> da-dk-g26_1993.ctb
+  - da-dk-g26-lit.ctb -> da-dk-g26-lit_1993.ctb
+  - da-dk-g26l.ctb -> da-dk-g26l_1993.ctb
+  - da-dk-g26l-lit.ctb -> da-dk-g26l-lit_1993.ctb
+  - da-dk-g28.ctb -> da-dk-g28_1993.ctb
+  - da-dk-g28l.ctb -> da-dk-g28l_1993.ctb
+  - da-dk-octobraille.dis -> da-dk-octobraille_1993.dis
 *** Removed
 * Noteworthy changes in release 3.23.0 (2022-09-05)
 This release contains significant updates to many existing braille
 tables (Chinese bopomofo, Hungarian, Japanese, Russian, Swedish, UEB
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 198dbed..810e5a3 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -32,6 +32,16 @@
+# Check if the user wants to enable coverage
+    [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-coverage], [enable clang coverage in the fuzzer tests (also add coverage to lib sources) @<:@default=no@:>@])],
+    [])
+# Check if the user wants to compile fuzzer
+    [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-fuzzer], [enable fuzzer for function lou_translateString @<:@default=no@:>@])],
+    [])
 # Checks for libraries.
 if test "x$with_yaml" == xno; then
   AC_DEFINE([WITHOUT_YAML],[1],[Disable YAML tests])
@@ -50,6 +60,14 @@
+# Check for coverage 
+AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_COVERAGE, [test x"$with_coverage" = xyes])
+# Check for fuzzer 
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable fuzzer])
+AS_IF([test "x$with_fuzzer" = "xyes" && test "$CC" = "clang" && test "$CXX" = "clang++"], AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]), AC_MSG_RESULT([no]))
+AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_FUZZER, [test "x$with_fuzzer" = "xyes" && test "$CC" = "clang" && test "$CXX" = "clang++"])
 # Checks for header files.
 AC_CHECK_HEADERS([stddef.h stdlib.h string.h])
@@ -115,9 +133,9 @@
 # define an additional recursive make target to format the sources.
 # Also check if clang-format is installed
-# prefer version 9 of clang-format as it is part of any release since ubuntu 20.04
-AC_CHECK_PROGS([SOURCE_FORMATTER], [clang-format-9 clang-format])
+# prefer version 14 of clang-format as it is part of Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
+AC_CHECK_PROGS([SOURCE_FORMATTER], [clang-format-14 clang-format])
+AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_SOURCE_FORMATTER], [test x$SOURCE_FORMATTER = xclang-format -o x$SOURCE_FORMATTER = xclang-format-14])
 # GNU help2man creates man pages from --help output; in many cases,
 # this is sufficient, and obviates the need to maintain man pages
diff --git a/extra/generate-display-names/Makefile b/extra/generate-display-names/Makefile
index a5430a1..3946a4b 100644
--- a/extra/generate-display-names/Makefile
+++ b/extra/generate-display-names/Makefile
@@ -15,9 +15,8 @@
 	$(CC) -I. -I../../liblouis -g -O2 -c -o $@ $<
 displayLanguage.a displayLanguage.h : displayLanguage.go
-	go get golang.org/x/text/language/display
 	go build -buildmode=c-archive $<
 .PHONY : clean
 clean :
-	rm -rf displayLanguage.a displayLanguage.h $(GOPATH)
+	rm -rf displayLanguage.a displayLanguage.h $(GOPATH) generate.o generate generate.log
diff --git a/extra/generate-display-names/display-names b/extra/generate-display-names/display-names
index 4e89b1b..0e1188a 100644
--- a/extra/generate-display-names/display-names
+++ b/extra/generate-display-names/display-names
@@ -22,16 +22,21 @@
 * ../../tables/cs-comp8.utb                      Czech, computer                                    Czech computer braille
 * ../../tables/cy-cy-g1.utb                      Welsh, uncontracted                                Welsh uncontracted braille
 * ../../tables/cy.tbl                            Welsh, contracted                                  Welsh contracted braille
-* ../../tables/da-dk-g08.ctb                     Danish, computer                                   Danish computer braille
-* ../../tables/da-dk-g16-lit.ctb                 Danish, uncontracted, 6-dot                        Danish 6-dot uncontracted braille
-* ../../tables/da-dk-g16.ctb                     Danish, uncontracted, 6-dot                        Danish 6-dot uncontracted braille
-* ../../tables/da-dk-g18.ctb                     Danish, uncontracted, 8-dot                        Danish 8-dot uncontracted braille
-* ../../tables/da-dk-g26-lit.ctb                 Danish, contracted, 6-dot                          Danish 6-dot contracted braille
-* ../../tables/da-dk-g26.ctb                     Danish, contracted, 6-dot                          Danish 6-dot contracted braille
-* ../../tables/da-dk-g26l-lit.ctb                Danish, partially contracted, 6-dot                Danish 6-dot partially contracted braille
-* ../../tables/da-dk-g26l.ctb                    Danish, partially contracted, 6-dot                Danish 6-dot partially contracted braille
-* ../../tables/da-dk-g28.ctb                     Danish, contracted, 8-dot                          Danish 8-dot contracted braille
-* ../../tables/da-dk-g28l.ctb                    Danish, partially contracted, 8-dot                Danish 8-dot partially contracted braille
+* ../../tables/da-dk-g08_1993.ctb                Danish, computer, 1993                             Danish computer braille (1993 standard)
+* ../../tables/da-dk-g16-lit_1993.ctb            Danish, uncontracted, 6-dot, 1993                  Danish 6-dot uncontracted braille (1993 standard)
+* ../../tables/da-dk-g16_1993.ctb                Danish, uncontracted, 6-dot, 1993                  Danish 6-dot uncontracted braille (1993 standard)
+* ../../tables/da-dk-g18_1993.ctb                Danish, uncontracted, 8-dot, 1993                  Danish 8-dot uncontracted braille (1993 standard)
+* ../../tables/da-dk-g26-lit_1993.ctb            Danish, contracted, 6-dot, 1993                    Danish 6-dot contracted braille (1993 standard)
+* ../../tables/da-dk-g26_1993.ctb                Danish, contracted, 6-dot, 1993                    Danish 6-dot contracted braille (1993 standard)
+* ../../tables/da-dk-g26l-lit_1993.ctb           Danish, partially contracted, 6-dot, 1993          Danish 6-dot partially contracted braille (1993 standard)
+* ../../tables/da-dk-g26l_1993.ctb               Danish, partially contracted, 6-dot, 1993          Danish 6-dot partially contracted braille (1993 standard)
+* ../../tables/da-dk-g28_1993.ctb                Danish, contracted, 8-dot, 1993                    Danish 8-dot contracted braille (1993 standard)
+* ../../tables/da-dk-g28l_1993.ctb               Danish, partially contracted, 8-dot, 1993          Danish 8-dot partially contracted braille (1993 standard)
+* ../../tables/da-dk-g08.ctb                     Danish, computer, 2022                             Danish computer braille (2022 standard)
+* ../../tables/da-dk-g16.ctb                     Danish, uncontracted, 6-dot, 2022                  Danish 6-dot uncontracted braille (2022 standard)
+* ../../tables/da-dk-g18.ctb                     Danish, uncontracted, 8-dot, 2022                  Danish 8-dot uncontracted braille (2022 standard)
+* ../../tables/da-dk-g26.ctb                     Danish, contracted, 6-dot, 2022                    Danish 6-dot contracted braille (2022 standard)
+* ../../tables/da-dk-g28.ctb                     Danish, contracted, 8-dot, 2022                    Danish 8-dot contracted braille (2022 standard)
 * ../../tables/de-de-comp8.ctb                   German, computer, 8-dot                            German 8-dot computer braille
 * ../../tables/de-comp6.utb                      German, computer, 6-dot                            German 6-dot computer braille
 * ../../tables/de-g0.utb                         German, uncontracted                               German uncontracted braille
@@ -88,6 +93,7 @@
 * ../../tables/it-it-comp8.utb                   Italian, computer                                  Italian computer braille
 * ../../tables/iu-ca-g1.ctb                      Inuktitut                                          Inuktitut braille
   ../../tables/ja-kantenji.utb                   Japanese, Kantenji                                 Kantenji
+* ../../tables/ka.utb                            Georgian                                           Georgian braille
 * ../../tables/kha.tbl                           Khasi                                              Khasi braille
 * ../../tables/kk.utb                            Kazakh                                             Kazakh braille
 * ../../tables/km-g1.utb                         Khmer                                              Khmer braille
@@ -127,6 +133,7 @@
 * ../../tables/nl-comp8.utb                      Dutch, computer                                    Dutch computer braille
   ../../tables/nso-za-g1.utb                     Sepedi, uncontracted                               Sepedi uncontracted braille
   ../../tables/nso-za-g2.ctb                     Sepedi, contracted                                 Sepedi contracted braille
+* ../../tables/ny-mw.utb                         Chichewa                                           Chichewa braille
 * ../../tables/or.tbl                            Oriya                                              Oriya braille
 * ../../tables/pa.tbl                            Punjabi                                            Punjabi braille
 * ../../tables/pi.tbl                            Pali                                               Pali braille
@@ -156,6 +163,12 @@
 * ../../tables/sv-g0.utb                         Swedish, uncontracted                              Swedish uncontracted braille
 * ../../tables/sv-g1.ctb                         Swedish, partially contracted                      Swedish partially contracted braille
 * ../../tables/sv-g2.ctb                         Swedish, contracted                                Swedish contracted braille
+* ../../tables/sw-ke-g1-2.ctb                    Swahili, contracted, grade 1.2                     Swahili grade 1.2 contracted braille
+* ../../tables/sw-ke-g1-3.ctb                    Swahili, contracted, grade 1.3                     Swahili grade 1.3 contracted braille
+* ../../tables/sw-ke-g1-4.ctb                    Swahili, contracted, grade 1.4                     Swahili grade 1.4 contracted braille
+* ../../tables/sw-ke-g1-5.ctb                    Swahili, contracted, grade 1.5                     Swahili grade 1.5 contracted braille
+* ../../tables/sw-ke-g1.utb                      Swahili, uncontracted                              Swahili uncontracted braille
+* ../../tables/sw-ke-g2.ctb                      Swahili, contracted, grade 2                       Swahili grade 2 contracted braille
 * ../../tables/ta-ta-g1.ctb                      Tamil                                              Tamil braille
 * ../../tables/ta.tbl                            Tamil, computer                                    Tamil computer braille
 * ../../tables/te.tbl                            Telugu                                             Telugu braille
@@ -180,7 +193,7 @@
 * ../../tables/xh-za-g2.ctb                      isiXhosa, contracted                               isiXhosa contracted braille
   ../../tables/zh_CHN.tbl                        Mandarin, mainland China, without tones            Chinese current braille without tones, for simplified Chinese characters
 * ../../tables/zh_HK.tbl                         Cantonese                                          Cantonese braille
-  ../../tables/zh_TW.tbl                         Mandarin, Taiwan                                   Taiwanese braille
+  ../../tables/zh-tw.ctb                         Mandarin, Taiwan, bopomofo                         Taiwanese bopomofo braille
   ../../tables/zhcn-cbs.ctb                      Mandarin, mainland China, common braille scheme    Chinese common braille, for simplified Chinese characters
   ../../tables/zhcn-g1.ctb                       Mandarin, mainland China, with tones               Chinese current braille with tones
   ../../tables/zhcn-g2.ctb                       Mandarin, mainland China, double-phonic            Chinese double-phonic braille
diff --git a/extra/generate-display-names/displayLanguage.go b/extra/generate-display-names/displayLanguage.go
index b409c4b..84a9e20 100644
--- a/extra/generate-display-names/displayLanguage.go
+++ b/extra/generate-display-names/displayLanguage.go
@@ -48,6 +48,9 @@
 	case "no":
 		ret = "Norwegian";
+	case "ny":
+		ret = "Chichewa"; // a.k.a. Chinyanja, Nyanja or Chewa
+		break;
 	case "or":
 		ret = "Oriya";
diff --git a/extra/generate-display-names/go.mod b/extra/generate-display-names/go.mod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e2bfca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/generate-display-names/go.mod
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+module liblouis.org/generate-display-names
+go 1.19
+require golang.org/x/text v0.4.0
diff --git a/extra/generate-display-names/go.sum b/extra/generate-display-names/go.sum
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2445c23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/generate-display-names/go.sum
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+golang.org/x/text v0.4.0 h1:BrVqGRd7+k1DiOgtnFvAkoQEWQvBc25ouMJM6429SFg=
+golang.org/x/text v0.4.0/go.mod h1:mrYo+phRRbMaCq/xk9113O4dZlRixOauAjOtrjsXDZ8=
diff --git a/liblouis/Makefile.am b/liblouis/Makefile.am
index 98ee660..4c4598e 100644
--- a/liblouis/Makefile.am
+++ b/liblouis/Makefile.am
@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@
 	-I$(top_srcdir)/gnulib				\
+AM_CPPFLAGS += -fprofile-instr-generate -fcoverage-mapping
 liblouis_la_LIBADD = $(top_builddir)/gnulib/libgnu.la
 liblouis_la_LDFLAGS =	\
diff --git a/liblouis/lou_backTranslateString.c b/liblouis/lou_backTranslateString.c
index 9a90eab..4c7c67f 100644
--- a/liblouis/lou_backTranslateString.c
+++ b/liblouis/lou_backTranslateString.c
@@ -1385,7 +1385,7 @@
 		const widechar **passInstructions, int *passIC, PassRuleMatch *match) {
 	int k;
 	int m;
-	int not = 0;
+	int notOperator = 0;
 	TranslationTableCharacterAttributes attributes;
 	*passInstructions = &currentRule->charsdots[currentRule->charslen];
 	*passIC = 0;
@@ -1416,7 +1416,7 @@
 			*passIC += 2;
 		case pass_not:
-			not = !not;
+			notOperator = !notOperator;
 		case pass_string:
@@ -1487,8 +1487,8 @@
 			if (_lou_handlePassVariableTest(*passInstructions, passIC, &itsTrue)) break;
 			return 0;
-		if ((!not&&!itsTrue) || (not&&itsTrue)) return 0;
-		not = 0;
+		if ((!notOperator && !itsTrue) || (notOperator && itsTrue)) return 0;
+		notOperator = 0;
 	return 1;
diff --git a/liblouis/lou_translateString.c b/liblouis/lou_translateString.c
index 70aab8a..dc0b8a3 100644
--- a/liblouis/lou_translateString.c
+++ b/liblouis/lou_translateString.c
@@ -596,7 +596,7 @@
 		TranslationTableRule *groupingRule, widechar groupingOp) {
 	int level = 0;
 	int k, kk;
-	int not = 0;  // whether next operand should be reversed
+	int notOperator = 0;  // whether next operand should be reversed
 	TranslationTableOffset ruleOffset;
 	TranslationTableRule *rule;
 	TranslationTableCharacterAttributes attributes;
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@
 				*searchIC += 2;
 			case pass_not:
-				not = !not;
+				notOperator = !notOperator;
 			case pass_string:
@@ -656,7 +656,7 @@
 										  ->attributes &
-						if (not) itsTrue = !itsTrue;
+						if (notOperator) itsTrue = !itsTrue;
 					if (!itsTrue) break;
@@ -671,13 +671,13 @@
 											: getChar(input->chars[*searchPos], table))
 											->attributes &
 									attributes)) {
-							if (!not) break;
-						} else if (not)
+							if (!notOperator) break;
+						} else if (notOperator)
-				not = 0;
+				notOperator = 0;
 				*searchIC += 7;
 			case pass_groupstart:
@@ -721,8 +721,8 @@
-			if ((!not&&!itsTrue) || (not&&itsTrue)) break;
-			not = 0;
+			if ((!notOperator && !itsTrue) || (notOperator && itsTrue)) break;
+			notOperator = 0;
@@ -736,7 +736,7 @@
 		TranslationTableRule **groupingRule, widechar *groupingOp) {
 	int searchIC, searchPos;
 	int k;
-	int not = 0;  // whether next operand should be reversed
+	int notOperator = 0;  // whether next operand should be reversed
 	TranslationTableOffset ruleOffset = 0;
 	TranslationTableRule *rule = NULL;
 	TranslationTableCharacterAttributes attributes = 0;
@@ -772,7 +772,7 @@
 			*passIC += 2;
 		case pass_not:
-			not = !not;
+			notOperator = !notOperator;
 		case pass_string:
@@ -810,11 +810,11 @@
 									 : getChar(input->chars[pos], table))
 									->attributes &
 							attributes)) {
-					if (!not) {
+					if (!notOperator) {
 						itsTrue = 0;
-				} else if (not) {
+				} else if (notOperator) {
 					itsTrue = 0;
@@ -832,13 +832,13 @@
 										 : getChar(input->chars[pos], table))
 										->attributes &
 								attributes)) {
-						if (!not) break;
-					} else if (not)
+						if (!notOperator) break;
+					} else if (notOperator)
-			not = 0;
+			notOperator = 0;
 			*passIC += 7;
 		case pass_groupstart:
@@ -870,7 +870,7 @@
 			itsTrue = doPassSearch(table, input, transRule, *passCharDots, pos,
 					*passInstructions, *passIC, &searchIC, &searchPos, *groupingRule,
-			if ((!not&&!itsTrue) || (not&&itsTrue)) return 0;
+			if ((!notOperator && !itsTrue) || (notOperator && itsTrue)) return 0;
 			*passIC = searchIC;
 			pos = searchPos;
 		case pass_endTest:
@@ -894,8 +894,8 @@
 			if (_lou_handlePassVariableTest(*passInstructions, passIC, &itsTrue)) break;
 			return 0;
-		if ((!not&&!itsTrue) || (not&&itsTrue)) return 0;
-		not = 0;
+		if ((!notOperator && !itsTrue) || (notOperator && itsTrue)) return 0;
+		notOperator = 0;
 	return 0;
@@ -1604,8 +1604,8 @@
  * pattern. Otherwise return 0.
 static int
-isIndicatorEqual(const TranslationTableOffset *indicator1,
-		const TranslationTableOffset *indicator2, const TranslationTableHeader *table) {
+isIndicatorEqual(TranslationTableOffset indicator1, TranslationTableOffset indicator2,
+		const TranslationTableHeader *table) {
 	const TranslationTableRule *indicatorRule1;
 	const TranslationTableRule *indicatorRule2;
diff --git a/liblouis/pattern.c b/liblouis/pattern.c
index 2e71de9..f9e80a3 100644
--- a/liblouis/pattern.c
+++ b/liblouis/pattern.c
@@ -123,10 +123,10 @@
 #define RETURN 2
 #define SHOW 3
-#define CHECK_OUTPUT(type, ret, line, msg)                                      \
-	{                                                                           \
-		do_output(type, ret, line, input[*input_crs], input_minmax, *input_crs, \
-				input_dir, expr_data, expr_crs, not, loop_crs, loop_cnts, msg); \
+#define CHECK_OUTPUT(type, ret, line, msg)                                              \
+	{                                                                                   \
+		do_output(type, ret, line, input[*input_crs], input_minmax, *input_crs,         \
+				input_dir, expr_data, expr_crs, notOperator, loop_crs, loop_cnts, msg); \
@@ -459,8 +459,8 @@
 do_output(const int type, const int ret, const int line,
 		const int input, const int input_minmax, const int input_crs, const int input_dir,
-		const widechar *expr_data, const int expr_crs, const int not, const int loop_crs,
-		const int *loop_cnts,
+		const widechar *expr_data, const int expr_crs, const int notOperator,
+		const int loop_crs, const int *loop_cnts,
 		const char *msg) {
 	switch (type) {
@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@
 	printf("%d ", input_minmax);
-	if (not)
+	if (notOperator)
 		printf("!   ");
 		printf("    ");
@@ -1304,7 +1304,7 @@
 pattern_check_expression(const widechar *const input, int *input_crs,
 		const int input_minmax, const int input_dir, const widechar *const expr_data,
 		int (*hook)(const widechar input, const int data_len), widechar *hook_data,
-		const int hook_max, int expr_crs, int not, int loop_crs, int *loop_cnts,
+		const int hook_max, int expr_crs, int notOperator, int loop_crs, int *loop_cnts,
 		const TranslationTableHeader *table) {
 	int input_crs_prv, input_start, attrs, ret, i;
 	const widechar *data;
@@ -1320,19 +1320,19 @@
 		/* end of input expression */
 		if (EXPR_TYPE(expr_crs) == PTN_END_OF_INPUT) {
 			if (*input_crs * input_dir >= input_minmax * input_dir) {
-				if (not)
-							"end of input failed:  no input and not ")
+				if (notOperator)
+							RETURN, 0, __LINE__, "end of input failed:  no input and not")
 					CHECK_OUTPUT(RETURN, 1, __LINE__, "end of input passed:  no input")
-				return !not;
+				return !notOperator;
 			} else {
-				if (not)
+				if (notOperator)
 							RETURN, 1, __LINE__, "end of input passed:  input and not")
 					CHECK_OUTPUT(RETURN, 0, __LINE__, "end of input failed:  input")
-				return not;
+				return notOperator;
@@ -1343,7 +1343,7 @@
 				attrs = (EXPR_DATA_0(expr_crs) << 16);
 				if (attrs & CTC_EndOfInput) {
-					if (not) {
+					if (notOperator) {
 								"attributes failed:  end of input attribute:  not")
 						return 0;
@@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@
 		case PTN_NOT:
-			not = !not;
+			notOperator = !notOperator;
 			expr_crs = EXPR_DATA_0(expr_crs);
 			CHECK_OUTPUT(SHOW, 0, __LINE__, "not next")
@@ -1413,8 +1413,8 @@
 			/* start loop expression */
 			input_crs_prv = *input_crs;
 			ret = pattern_check_expression(input, input_crs, input_minmax, input_dir,
-					expr_data, hook, hook_data, hook_max, EXPR_DATA_0(expr_crs), not,
-					loop_crs, loop_cnts, table);
+					expr_data, hook, hook_data, hook_max, EXPR_DATA_0(expr_crs),
+					notOperator, loop_crs, loop_cnts, table);
 			if (ret) {
 				CHECK_OUTPUT(RETURN, 1, __LINE__, "loop passed")
 				return 1;
@@ -1446,8 +1446,8 @@
 			/* start optional expression */
 			CHECK_OUTPUT(CALL, 0, __LINE__, "option start")
 			if (pattern_check_expression(input, input_crs, input_minmax, input_dir,
-						expr_data, hook, hook_data, hook_max, EXPR_DATA_0(expr_crs), not,
-						loop_crs, loop_cnts, table)) {
+						expr_data, hook, hook_data, hook_max, EXPR_DATA_0(expr_crs),
+						notOperator, loop_crs, loop_cnts, table)) {
 				CHECK_OUTPUT(RETURN, 1, __LINE__, "option passed")
 				return 1;
@@ -1467,8 +1467,8 @@
 			/* start first expression */
 			CHECK_OUTPUT(CALL, 0, __LINE__, "or 1 start")
 			if (pattern_check_expression(input, input_crs, input_minmax, input_dir,
-						expr_data, hook, hook_data, hook_max, EXPR_DATA_0(expr_crs), not,
-						loop_crs, loop_cnts, table)) {
+						expr_data, hook, hook_data, hook_max, EXPR_DATA_0(expr_crs),
+						notOperator, loop_crs, loop_cnts, table)) {
 				CHECK_OUTPUT(RETURN, 1, __LINE__, "or 1 passed")
 				return 1;
@@ -1491,11 +1491,11 @@
 			ret = pattern_check_attrs(
 					input[*input_crs], EXPR_CONST_DATA(expr_crs), table);
-			if (ret && not) {
+			if (ret && notOperator) {
 				CHECK_OUTPUT(RETURN, 0, __LINE__, "attributes failed:  not");
 				return 0;
-			if (!ret && !not) {
+			if (!ret && !notOperator) {
 				CHECK_OUTPUT(RETURN, 0, __LINE__, "attributes failed");
 				return 0;
@@ -1507,11 +1507,11 @@
 		case PTN_CHARS:
 			ret = pattern_check_chars(input[*input_crs], EXPR_CONST_DATA(expr_crs));
-			if (ret && not) {
+			if (ret && notOperator) {
 				CHECK_OUTPUT(RETURN, 0, __LINE__, "chars failed:  not");
 				return 0;
-			if (!ret && !not) {
+			if (!ret && !notOperator) {
 				CHECK_OUTPUT(RETURN, 0, __LINE__, "chars failed");
 				return 0;
@@ -1533,11 +1533,11 @@
 			/* call hook function */
 			ret = hook(input[*input_crs], data[0]);
-			if (ret && not) {
+			if (ret && notOperator) {
 				CHECK_OUTPUT(RETURN, 0, __LINE__, "hook failed:  not");
 				return 0;
-			if (!ret && !not) {
+			if (!ret && !notOperator) {
 				CHECK_OUTPUT(RETURN, 0, __LINE__, "hook failed");
 				return 0;
@@ -1580,7 +1580,7 @@
 			/* returning not */
-			if (EXPR_TYPE(expr_crs) == PTN_NOT) not = !not;
+			if (EXPR_TYPE(expr_crs) == PTN_NOT) notOperator = !notOperator;
 			expr_crs = EXPR_NXT(expr_crs);
diff --git a/tables/Makefile.am b/tables/Makefile.am
index f447ed3..95d6e6c 100644
--- a/tables/Makefile.am
+++ b/tables/Makefile.am
@@ -52,18 +52,28 @@
 	cy-cy-g1.utb \
 	cy-cy-g2.ctb \
 	cy.tbl \
+	da-dk-6miscChars_1993.cti \
 	da-dk-6miscChars.cti \
+	da-dk-8miscChars_1993.cti \
 	da-dk-8miscChars.cti \
+	da-dk-g08_1993.ctb \
 	da-dk-g08.ctb \
+	da-dk-g16_1993.ctb \
 	da-dk-g16.ctb \
-	da-dk-g16-lit.ctb \
+	da-dk-g16-lit_1993.ctb \
+	da-dk-g18_1993.ctb \
 	da-dk-g18.ctb \
+	da-dk-g26_1993.ctb \
 	da-dk-g26.ctb \
-	da-dk-g26l.ctb \
-	da-dk-g26-lit.ctb \
-	da-dk-g26l-lit.ctb \
+	da-dk-g26l_1993.ctb \
+	da-dk-g26-lit_1993.ctb \
+	da-dk-g26l-lit_1993.ctb \
+	da-dk-g28_1993.ctb \
 	da-dk-g28.ctb \
-	da-dk-g28l.ctb \
+	da-dk-g28l_1993.ctb \
+	da-dk-g2_1993.dic \
+	da-dk-g2.dic \
+	da-dk-octobraille_1993.dis \
 	da-dk-octobraille.dis \
 	de-accents.cti \
 	de-accents-detailed.cti \
@@ -181,7 +191,6 @@
 	hu-hu-g2_exceptions.cti \
 	hu.tbl \
 	hy.ctb \
-	hyph_brl_da_dk.dic \
 	hyph_cs_CZ.dic \
 	hyph_da_DK.dic \
 	hyph_de_DE.dic \
@@ -210,6 +219,7 @@
 	it.tbl \
 	iu-ca-g1.ctb \
 	ja-kantenji.utb \
+	ka.utb \
 	ka-in-g1.utb \
 	kannada.cti \
 	kha.tbl \
@@ -293,6 +303,7 @@
 	np-in-g1.utb \
 	nso-za-g1.utb \
 	nso-za-g2.ctb \
+	ny-mw.utb \
 	or-in-g1.utb \
 	oriya.cti \
 	or.tbl \
@@ -345,6 +356,12 @@
 	sv-g0.utb \
 	sv-g1.ctb \
 	sv-g2.ctb \
+	sw-ke-g1-2.ctb \
+	sw-ke-g1-3.ctb \
+	sw-ke-g1-4.ctb \
+	sw-ke-g1-5.ctb \
+	sw-ke-g1.utb \
+	sw-ke-g2.ctb \
 	ta.ctb \
 	tamil.cti \
 	ta-ta-g1.ctb \
@@ -396,10 +413,16 @@
 	zh-hk.ctb \
 	zh_HK.tbl \
 	zh-tw.ctb \
-	zh_TW.tbl \
 	zu-za-g1.utb \
+fuzzing_yml = $(top_srcdir)/.github/workflows/fuzzing.yml
+$(fuzzing_yml): $(srcdir)/Makefile.am
+	[ ! -w $(fuzzing_yml) ] || sed -i -e "s/table: .*/table: [ $(patsubst %,%$(comma),$(filter %.utb %.ctb,$(table_files))) ]/" $(fuzzing_yml)
+all-local: $(fuzzing_yml)
 tablesdir = $(datadir)/liblouis/tables
 tables_DATA = $(table_files)
 EXTRA_DIST = $(table_files)
diff --git a/tables/da-dk-6miscChars.cti b/tables/da-dk-6miscChars.cti
index 51bbbdd..5103381 100644
--- a/tables/da-dk-6miscChars.cti
+++ b/tables/da-dk-6miscChars.cti
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# Liblouis: Misc character definitions for Danish 6 dots (all grades)
+# Liblouis: Misc character definitions for Danish 6 dots (all grades, 2022)
-# By Bue Vester-Andersen
+#  Copyright (C) 2014, 2016-2022, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
 #  This file is part of liblouis.
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 # There are no rules about this in the specs of Danish Braille,
 # So the choice is arbitrary and may change over time.
-# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen 200302
+# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen December 2022
 # CP1252 (\x0080-\x009f)
 noback sign \x0080 45-15 #EURO SIGN (0x80)
@@ -56,46 +56,33 @@
 noback uppercase \x009f 5-13456 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS (0x9f)
 # Latin-1 Supplement (Unicode block) (\x00a0-\x00ff)
-noback punctuation \x00a0 0 NO-BREAK SPACE (0xa0)
 noback punctuation \x00a1 256 INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK )0xa1)
 punctuation \x00a2 45-25 CENT SIGN (0xa2)
 punctuation \x00a3 45-123 POUND SIGN (0xa3)
 #punctuation \x00a4 2367 CURRENCY SIGN (0xa4)
 punctuation \x00a5 45-13456 YEN SIGN (0xa5)
-#punctuation \x00a6 3478 BROKEN BAR (0xa6)
-#punctuation \x00a8 6-56 DIAERESIS (0xa8)
 punctuation \x00a9 45-14 COPYRIGHT SIGN (0xa9)
-#letter \x00aa 234678 FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR (0xaa)
 noback punctuation \x00ab 2356 LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0xab)
-#punctuation \x00ac 34567 NOT SIGN (0xac)
 noback punctuation \x00ad 36 SOFT HYPHEN (0xad)
 punctuation \x00ae 45-1235 REGISTERED SIGN (0xae)
-#punctuation \x00af 23567 MACRON (0xaf)
-sign \x00b0 4-356 DEGREE SIGN (0xb0)
+sign \x00b0 45-356 DEGREE SIGN (0xb0)
 noback math \x00b1 45-235-36 PLUS-MINUS SIGN
 digit \x00b2 346-12 SUPERSCRIPT TWO
 digit \x00b3 346-14 SUPERSCRIPT THREE
 noback punctuation \x00b4 4 ACUTE ACCENT
 sign \x00b5 5-134 MICRO SIGN
-#punctuation \x00b6 1234568 PILCROW SIGN
-#punctuation \x00b7 38 MIDDLE DOT
-#punctuation \x00b8 4678 CEDILLA
 digit \x00b9 346-1 SUPERSCRIPT ONE
-#letter \x00ba 12345678 MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR
 noback punctuation \x00bb 2356 RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
 noback sign \x00bc 3456-1-34-145 VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER
 noback sign \x00bd 3456-1-34-12 VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF
 noback sign \x00be 3456-14-34-145 VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS
 noback punctuation \x00bf 26 INVERTED QUESTION MARK
-lowercase \x00e0 5-1 LATIN LETTER A WITH GRAVE
-noback lowercase \x00e1 5-1 LATIN LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+lowercase \x00e1 5-1 LATIN LETTER A WITH ACUTE
 noback lowercase \x00e2 5-1 LATIN LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 noback lowercase \x00e3 5-1 LATIN LETTER A WITH TILDE
-noback lowercase \x00e4 345 LATIN LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+lowercase \x00e4 5-345 LATIN LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
 lowercase \x00e7 5-14 LATIN LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
-noback lowercase \x00e8 5-15 LATIN LETTER E WITH GRAVE
-lowercase \x00e9 5-15 LATIN LETTER E WITH ACUTE
-noback lowercase \x00ea 5-15 LATIN LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+lowercase \x00ea 5-15 LATIN LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 noback lowercase \x00eb 5-15 LATIN LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
 noback lowercase \x00ec 5-24 LATIN LETTER I WITH GRAVE
 noback lowercase \x00ed 5-24 LATIN LETTER I WITH ACUTE
@@ -107,8 +94,8 @@
 noback lowercase \x00f3 5-135 LATIN LETTER O WITH ACUTE
 lowercase \x00f4 5-135 LATIN LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX (first for back-translation)
 noback lowercase \x00f5 5-135 LATIN LETTER O WITH TILDE
-noback lowercase \x00f6 246 LATIN LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
-math \x00d7 45-3 MULTIPLICATION SIGN
+lowercase \x00f6 5-246 LATIN LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+math \x00d7 45-35 MULTIPLICATION SIGN
 noback lowercase \x00f9 5-136 LATIN LETTER U WITH GRAVE
 noback lowercase \x00fa 5-136 LATIN LETTER U WITH ACUTE
 lowercase \x00fb 5-136 LATIN LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX (first for back-translation
@@ -191,7 +178,7 @@
 sign \x0192 45-124 #Flurihn (0x83)
 #letter \x02c6 5678 #Modifier letter circumflex (0x88)
-noback sign \x02DC 45-6 #SMALL TILDE (0x98)
+noback sign \x02DC 45-23 #SMALL TILDE (0x98)
 # Greek letters (with dot 5 as prefix)
@@ -233,14 +220,11 @@
 base uppercase \x008a \x009a #LATIN LETTER S WITH CARON (0x8a)
 base uppercase \x008c \x009c #LATIN LIGATURE OE (0x8c)
 base uppercase \x008e \x009e #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON (0x8e)
-base uppercase \x00c0 \x00e0 LATIN LETTER A WITH GRAVE
 base uppercase \x00c1 \x00e1 LATIN LETTER A WITH ACUTE
 base uppercase \x00c2 \x00e2 LATIN LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 base uppercase \x00c3 \x00e3 LATIN LETTER A WITH TILDE
 base uppercase \x00c4 \x00e4 LATIN LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
 base uppercase \x00c7 \x00e7 LATIN LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
-base uppercase \x00c8 \x00e8 LATIN LETTER E WITH GRAVE
-base uppercase \x00c9 \x00e9 LATIN LETTER E WITH ACUTE
 base uppercase \x00ca \x00ea LATIN LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 base uppercase \x00cb \x00eb LATIN LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
 base uppercase \x00cc \x00ec LATIN LETTER I WITH GRAVE
@@ -356,17 +340,6 @@
 # Punctuation and bullits
-noback space \x2000 0 # En quad
-noback space \x2001 0 # Em quad
-noback space \x2002 0 # En space
-noback space \x2003 0 # Em space
-noback space \x2004 0 # Three-Per-Em Space
-noback space \x2005 0 # Four-Per-Em Space
-noback space \x2006 0 # Six-Per-Em Space
-noback space \x2007 0 # Figure Space
-noback space \x2008 0 # Punctuation Space
-noback space \x2009 0 # Thin Space
-noback space \x200a 0 # Hair Space
 noback punctuation \x2010 36 # Hyphen
 noback punctuation \x2011 36 # Non-breaking hyphen
 noback punctuation \x2012 36 # Figure dash
diff --git a/tables/da-dk-6miscChars_1993.cti b/tables/da-dk-6miscChars_1993.cti
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7913d83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tables/da-dk-6miscChars_1993.cti
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+# Liblouis: Misc character definitions for Danish 6 dots (all grades, 1993)
+#  Copyright (C) 2014, 2016-2021, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
+#  This file is part of liblouis.
+#  liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+#  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
+#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+#  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License along with liblouis. If not, see
+#  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# This file contains miscelaneous unicode character definitions used by 6 dots, all grades.
+# Many of the characters in this file have not been defined in the
+# Danish Braille standard.
+# The current implementation is purely experimental and subject to change.
+# Math chars and arrows etc. are inspired by UEB.
+# for accented letters in the range u+0080 - u+00ff: the letters 
+# that are thought to occur most frequently in Danish texts are used
+# for back-translation.
+# For all accented letters above u+00ff, the first occurring instance is chosen for back-translation.
+# There are no rules about this in the specs of Danish Braille,
+# So the choice is arbitrary and may change over time.
+# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen December 2022
+# CP1252 (\x0080-\x009f)
+noback sign \x0080 45-15 #EURO SIGN (0x80)
+noback punctuation \x0082 4 #Low single quote (0x82)
+noback sign \x0083 45-124 #Flurihn (0x83)
+noback punctuation \x0084 2356 #Low quote (0x84)
+noback punctuation \x0085 3-3-3 #Elipsis (0x85)
+noback math \x0089 245-356-356 #permille sign (0x89)
+noback lowercase \x009a 5-234 #LATIN LETTER S WITH CARON (0x8a)
+noback punctuation \x008b 4 #SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x8b)
+noback lowercase \x009c 135-15 #LATIN LIGATURE OE (0x8c)
+noback lowercase \x009e 5-1356 #LATIN LETTER Z WITH CARON (0x8e)
+noback punctuation \x0091 4 #LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x91)
+noback punctuation \x0092 4 #RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x92)
+noback punctuation \x0093 2356 #LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x93)
+noback punctuation \x0094 2356 #RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x94)
+noback sign \x0095 45-3 #Bullit (0x95)
+noback sign \x0096 36-36 #EN DASH (0x96)
+noback sign \x0097 36-36 #Em DASH (0x97)
+noback sign \x0099 45-2345 #TRADE MARK SIGN (0x99)
+noback punctuation \x009b 4 #SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x9b)
+noback uppercase \x009f 5-13456 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS (0x9f)
+# Latin-1 Supplement (Unicode block) (\x00a0-\x00ff)
+noback punctuation \x00a0 0 NO-BREAK SPACE (0xa0)
+noback punctuation \x00a1 256 INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK )0xa1)
+punctuation \x00a2 45-25 CENT SIGN (0xa2)
+punctuation \x00a3 45-123 POUND SIGN (0xa3)
+#punctuation \x00a4 2367 CURRENCY SIGN (0xa4)
+punctuation \x00a5 45-13456 YEN SIGN (0xa5)
+#punctuation \x00a6 3478 BROKEN BAR (0xa6)
+#punctuation \x00a8 6-56 DIAERESIS (0xa8)
+punctuation \x00a9 45-14 COPYRIGHT SIGN (0xa9)
+#letter \x00aa 234678 FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR (0xaa)
+noback punctuation \x00ab 2356 LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0xab)
+#punctuation \x00ac 34567 NOT SIGN (0xac)
+noback punctuation \x00ad 36 SOFT HYPHEN (0xad)
+punctuation \x00ae 45-1235 REGISTERED SIGN (0xae)
+#punctuation \x00af 23567 MACRON (0xaf)
+sign \x00b0 4-356 DEGREE SIGN (0xb0)
+noback math \x00b1 45-235-36 PLUS-MINUS SIGN
+digit \x00b2 346-12 SUPERSCRIPT TWO
+digit \x00b3 346-14 SUPERSCRIPT THREE
+noback punctuation \x00b4 4 ACUTE ACCENT
+sign \x00b5 5-134 MICRO SIGN
+#punctuation \x00b6 1234568 PILCROW SIGN
+#punctuation \x00b7 38 MIDDLE DOT
+#punctuation \x00b8 4678 CEDILLA
+digit \x00b9 346-1 SUPERSCRIPT ONE
+#letter \x00ba 12345678 MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR
+noback punctuation \x00bb 2356 RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
+noback sign \x00bc 3456-1-34-145 VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER
+noback sign \x00bd 3456-1-34-12 VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF
+noback sign \x00be 3456-14-34-145 VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS
+noback punctuation \x00bf 26 INVERTED QUESTION MARK
+lowercase \x00e0 5-1 LATIN LETTER A WITH GRAVE
+noback lowercase \x00e1 5-1 LATIN LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+noback lowercase \x00e2 5-1 LATIN LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+noback lowercase \x00e3 5-1 LATIN LETTER A WITH TILDE
+noback lowercase \x00e4 345 LATIN LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+lowercase \x00e7 5-14 LATIN LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
+noback lowercase \x00e8 5-15 LATIN LETTER E WITH GRAVE
+lowercase \x00e9 5-15 LATIN LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+noback lowercase \x00ea 5-15 LATIN LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+noback lowercase \x00eb 5-15 LATIN LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
+noback lowercase \x00ec 5-24 LATIN LETTER I WITH GRAVE
+noback lowercase \x00ed 5-24 LATIN LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+lowercase \x00ee 5-24 LATIN LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX (first for back-translation)
+noback lowercase \x00ef 5-24 LATIN LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
+lowercase \x00f0 5-145 LATIN LETTER ETH
+lowercase \x00f1 5-1345 LATIN LETTER N WITH TILDE
+noback lowercase \x00f2 5-135 LATIN LETTER O WITH GRAVE
+noback lowercase \x00f3 5-135 LATIN LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+lowercase \x00f4 5-135 LATIN LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX (first for back-translation)
+noback lowercase \x00f5 5-135 LATIN LETTER O WITH TILDE
+noback lowercase \x00f6 246 LATIN LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+math \x00d7 45-3 MULTIPLICATION SIGN
+noback lowercase \x00f9 5-136 LATIN LETTER U WITH GRAVE
+noback lowercase \x00fa 5-136 LATIN LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+lowercase \x00fb 5-136 LATIN LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX (first for back-translation
+lowercase \x00fd 5-13456 LATIN LETTER Y WITH ACUTE (infinite?)
+lowercase \x00fe 5-2345 LATIN LETTER THORN
+noback lowercase \x00df 234-234 LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S
+math \x00f7 45-256 DIVISION SIGN
+# Latin Extended-A (\x0100-\x017f)
+noback lowercase \x0101 5-1 Latin letter a with macron
+noback lowercase \x0103 5-1 Latin letter a with breve
+noback lowercase \x0105 5-1 Latin letter a with ogonek
+noback lowercase \x0107 5-14 Latin letter c with acute
+noback lowercase \x0109 5-14 Latin letter c with circumflex
+noback lowercase \x010b 5-14 Latin letter c with dot above
+noback lowercase \x010d 5-14 Latin letter c with caron
+noback lowercase \x010f 5-145 Latin letter d with caron
+noback lowercase \x0111 5-145 Latin letter d with stroke
+noback lowercase \x0113 5-15 Latin letter e with macron
+noback lowercase \x0115 5-15 Latin letter e with breve
+noback lowercase \x0117 5-15 Latin letter e with dot above
+noback lowercase \x0119 5-15 Latin letter e with ogonek
+noback lowercase \x011b 5-15 Latin letter e with caron
+noback lowercase \x011d 5-1245 Latin letter g with circumflex
+noback lowercase \x011f 5-1245 Latin letter g with breve
+noback lowercase \x0121 5-1245 Latin letter g with dot above
+noback lowercase \x0123 5-1245 Latin letter g with cedilla
+noback lowercase \x0125 5-125 Latin letter h with circumflex
+noback lowercase \x0127 5-125 Latin letter h with stroke
+noback lowercase \x0129 5-24 Latin letter i with tilde
+noback lowercase \x012b 5-24 Latin letter i with macron
+noback lowercase \x012d 5-24 Latin letter i with breve
+noback lowercase \x012f 5-24 Latin letter i with ogonek
+noback lowercase \x0131 5-24 Latin small dotless i
+noback lowercase \x0133 24-245 Latin ligature ij
+lowercase \x0135 5-245 Latin letter j with circumflex
+noback lowercase \x0137 5-13 Latin letter k with cedilla
+lowercase \x0138 5-12345 Small latin letter kra (Greenlandic q)
+noback lowercase \x013a 5-123 Latin letter l with acute
+noback lowercase \x013c 5-123 Latin letter l with cedilla
+noback lowercase \x013e 5-123 Latin letter l with caron
+noback lowercase \x0140 5-123 Latin letter l with middle dot
+noback lowercase \x0142 5-123 Latin letter l with stroke
+noback lowercase \x0144 5-1345 Latin letter n with acute
+noback lowercase \x0146 5-1345 Latin letter n with cedilla
+noback lowercase \x0148 5-1345 Latin letter n with caron
+noback lowercase \x0149 4-1345 Latin small letter n preceeded by apostrophe
+noback lowercase \x014b 5-1345 Latin letter eng
+noback lowercase \x014d 5-135 Latin letter o with macron
+noback lowercase \x014f 5-135 Latin letter o with breve
+noback lowercase \x0151 5-135 Latin letter o with double acute
+noback lowercase \x0153 135-15 #LATIN LIGATURE OE (0x8c)
+noback lowercase \x0155 5-1235 Latin letter r with acute
+noback lowercase \x0157 5-1235 Latin letter r with cedilla
+noback lowercase \x0159 5-1235 Latin letter r with caron
+noback lowercase \x015b 5-234 Latin letter s with acute
+noback lowercase \x015d 5-234 Latin letter s with circumflex
+noback lowercase \x015f 5-234 Latin letter s with cedilla
+lowercase \x0161 5-234 #LATIN LETTER S WITH CARON (0x8a)
+noback lowercase \x0163 5-2345 Latin letter t with cedilla
+noback lowercase \x0165 5-2345 Latin letter t with caron
+noback lowercase \x0167 5-2345 Latin letter t with stroke
+noback lowercase \x0169 5-136 Latin letter u with tilde
+noback lowercase \x016b 5-136 Latin letter u with macron
+noback lowercase \x016d 5-136 Latin letter u with breve
+noback lowercase \x016f 5-136 Latin letter u with ring above
+noback lowercase \x0171 5-136 Latin letter u with double acute
+noback lowercase \x0173 5-136 Latin letter u with ogonek
+noback lowercase \x0175 5-2456 Latin letter w with circumflex
+noback lowercase \x0177 5-13456 Latin letter y with circumflex
+lowercase \x00ff 5-13456 #LATIN LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS (0x9f)
+noback lowercase \x017a 5-1356 Latin letter z with acute
+noback lowercase \x017c 5-1356 Latin letter z with dot above
+lowercase \x017e 5-1356 #LATIN LETTER Z WITH CARON (0x8e)
+noback lowercase \x017f 5-234 Latin small letter long s 
+# Latin Extended-B 
+sign \x0192 45-124 #Flurihn (0x83)
+#letter \x02c6 5678 #Modifier letter circumflex (0x88)
+noback sign \x02DC 45-6 #SMALL TILDE (0x98)
+# Greek letters (with dot 5 as prefix)
+noback lowercase \x03AC 5-1 Greek letter alpha with tonos
+noback lowercase \x03AD 5-15 Greek letter epsilon with tonos
+noback lowercase \x03AE 5-156 Greek letter eta with tonos
+noback lowercase \x03AF 5-24 Greek letter iota with sonos
+noback lowercase \x03CC 5-135 Greek letter omicron with tonos
+noback lowercase \x03CD 5-136 Greek letter upsilon with tonos
+noback lowercase \x03CE 5-2456 Greek letter omega with tonos
+noback lowercase \x03B1 5-1 Greek letter alpha
+lowercase \x03B2 5-12 Greek letter beta
+lowercase \x03B3 5-1245 Greek letter gamma
+noback lowercase \x03B4 5-145 Greek letter delta
+noback lowercase \x03B5 5-15 Greek letter epsilon
+noback lowercase \x03B6 5-1356 Greek letter zeta
+lowercase \x03B7 5-156 Greek letter eta
+lowercase \x03B8 5-1456 Greek letter theta
+noback lowercase \x03B9 5-24 Greek letter iota
+lowercase \x03BA 5-13 Greek letter kappa
+lowercase \x03BB 5-123 Greek letter lamda
+noback lowercase \x03BC 5-134 Greek letter Mu
+noback lowercase \x03BD 5-1345 Greek letter Nu
+lowercase \x03BE 5-1346 Greek letter Xi
+noback lowercase \x03BF 5-135 Greek letter Omicron
+lowercase \x03C0 5-1234 Greek letter Pi
+lowercase \x03C1 5-1235 Greek letter Rho
+noback lowercase \x03C3 5-234 Greek letter sigma
+noback lowercase \x03C4 5-2345			Greek letter Tau
+noback lowercase \x03C5 5-136 Greek letter Upsilon
+lowercase \x03C6 5-124 Greek letter Phi
+lowercase \x03C7 5-125 Greek letter Chi
+noback lowercase \x03C8 5-13456 Greek letter Psi
+lowercase \x03C9 5-2456 Greek letter Omega
+# Uppercase letters
+base uppercase \x008a \x009a #LATIN LETTER S WITH CARON (0x8a)
+base uppercase \x008c \x009c #LATIN LIGATURE OE (0x8c)
+base uppercase \x008e \x009e #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON (0x8e)
+base uppercase \x00c0 \x00e0 LATIN LETTER A WITH GRAVE
+base uppercase \x00c1 \x00e1 LATIN LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+base uppercase \x00c2 \x00e2 LATIN LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+base uppercase \x00c3 \x00e3 LATIN LETTER A WITH TILDE
+base uppercase \x00c4 \x00e4 LATIN LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+base uppercase \x00c7 \x00e7 LATIN LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
+base uppercase \x00c8 \x00e8 LATIN LETTER E WITH GRAVE
+base uppercase \x00c9 \x00e9 LATIN LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+base uppercase \x00ca \x00ea LATIN LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+base uppercase \x00cb \x00eb LATIN LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
+base uppercase \x00cc \x00ec LATIN LETTER I WITH GRAVE
+base uppercase \x00cd \x00ed LATIN LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+base uppercase \x00ce \x00ee LATIN LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX (first for back-translation)
+base uppercase \x00cf \x00ef LATIN LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
+base uppercase \x00d0 \x00f0 LATIN LETTER ETH
+base uppercase \x00d1 \x00f1 LATIN LETTER N WITH TILDE
+base uppercase \x00d2 \x00f2 LATIN LETTER O WITH GRAVE
+base uppercase \x00d3 \x00f3 LATIN LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+base uppercase \x00d4 \x00f4 LATIN LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX (first for back-translation)
+base uppercase \x00d5 \x00f5 LATIN LETTER O WITH TILDE
+base uppercase \x00d6 \x00f6 LATIN LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+base uppercase \x00d9 \x00f9 LATIN LETTER U WITH GRAVE
+base uppercase \x00da \x00fa LATIN LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+base uppercase \x00db \x00fb LATIN LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX (first for back-translation
+base uppercase \x00dd \x00fd LATIN LETTER Y WITH ACUTE (infinite?)
+base uppercase \x00de \x00fe LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN
+base uppercase \x0100 \x0101 Latin letter a with macron
+base uppercase \x0102 \x0103 Latin letter a with breve
+base uppercase \x0104 \x0105 Latin letter a with ogonek
+base uppercase \x0106 \x0107 Latin letter c with acute
+base uppercase \x0108 \x0109 Latin letter c with circumflex
+base uppercase \x010a \x010b Latin letter c with dot above
+base uppercase \x010c \x010d Latin letter c with caron
+base uppercase \x010e \x010f Latin letter d with caron
+base uppercase \x0110 \x0111 Latin letter d with stroke
+base uppercase \x0112 \x0113 Latin letter e with macron
+base uppercase \x0114 \x0115 Latin letter e with breve
+base uppercase \x0116 \x0117 Latin letter e with dot above
+base uppercase \x0118 \x0119 Latin letter e with ogonek
+base uppercase \x011a \x011b Latin letter e with caron
+base uppercase \x011c \x011d Latin letter g with circumflex
+base uppercase \x011e \x011f Latin letter g with breve
+base uppercase \x0120 \x0121 Latin letter g with dot above
+base uppercase \x0122 \x0123 Latin letter g with cedilla
+base uppercase \x0124 \x0125 Latin letter h with circumflex
+base uppercase \x0126 \x0127 Latin letter h with stroke
+base uppercase \x0128 \x0129 Latin letter i with tilde
+base uppercase \x012a \x012b Latin letter i with macron
+base uppercase \x012c \x012d Latin letter i with breve
+base uppercase \x012e \x012f Latin letter i with ogonek
+base uppercase \x0130 \x0131 Latin capital letter i with dot above / small dotless i
+base uppercase \x0132 \x0133 Latin ligature ij
+base uppercase \x0134 \x0135 Latin letter j with circumflex
+base uppercase \x0136 \x0137 Latin letter k with cedilla
+base uppercase \x0139 \x013a Latin letter l with acute
+base uppercase \x013b \x013c Latin letter l with cedilla
+base uppercase \x013d \x013e Latin letter l with caron
+base uppercase \x013f \x0140 Latin letter l with middle dot
+base uppercase \x0141 \x0142 Latin letter l with stroke
+base uppercase \x0143 \x0144 Latin letter n with acute
+base uppercase \x0145 \x0146 Latin letter n with cedilla
+base uppercase \x0147 \x0148 Latin letter n with caron
+base uppercase \x014a \x014b Latin letter eng
+base uppercase \x014c \x014d Latin letter o with macron
+base uppercase \x014e \x014f Latin letter o with breve
+base uppercase \x0150 \x0151 Latin letter o with double acute
+base uppercase \x0152 \x0153 #LATIN LIGATURE OE (0x8c)
+base uppercase \x0154 \x0155 Latin letter r with acute
+base uppercase \x0156 \x0157 Latin letter r with cedilla
+base uppercase \x0158 \x0159 Latin letter r with caron
+base uppercase \x015a \x015b Latin letter s with acute
+base uppercase \x015c \x015d Latin letter s with circumflex
+base uppercase \x015e \x015f Latin letter s with cedilla
+base uppercase \x0160 \x0161 #LATIN LETTER S WITH CARON (0x8a)
+base uppercase \x0162 \x0163 Latin letter t with cedilla
+base uppercase \x0164 \x0165 Latin letter t with caron
+base uppercase \x0166 \x0167 Latin letter t with stroke
+base uppercase \x0168 \x0169 Latin letter u with tilde
+base uppercase \x016a \x016b Latin letter u with macron
+base uppercase \x016c \x016d Latin letter u with breve
+base uppercase \x016e \x016f Latin letter u with ring above
+base uppercase \x0170 \x0171 Latin letter u with double acute
+base uppercase \x0172 \x0173 Latin letter u with ogonek
+base uppercase \x0174 \x0175 Latin letter w with circumflex
+base uppercase \x0176 \x0177 Latin letter y with circumflex
+base uppercase \x0178 \x00ff #LATIN LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS (0x9f)
+base uppercase \x0179 \x017a Latin letter z with acute
+base uppercase \x017b \x017c Latin letter z with dot above
+base uppercase \x017d \x017e #LATIN LETTER Z WITH CARON (0x8e)
+base uppercase \x0386 \x03AC Greek letter alpha with tonos
+base uppercase \x0388 \x03AD Greek letter epsilon with tonos
+base uppercase \x0389 \x03AE Greek letter eta with tonos
+base uppercase \x038A \x03AF Greek letter iota with sonos
+base uppercase \x038C \x03CC Greek letter omicron with tonos
+base uppercase \x038E \x03CD Greek letter upsilon with tonos
+base uppercase \x038F \x03CE Greek letter omega with tonos
+base uppercase \x0391 \x03B1 Greek letter alpha
+base uppercase \x0392 \x03B2 Greek letter beta
+base uppercase \x0393 \x03B3 Greek letter gamma
+base uppercase \x0394 \x03B4 Greek letter delta
+base uppercase \x0395 \x03B5 Greek letter epsilon
+base uppercase \x0396 \x03B6 Greek letter zeta
+base uppercase \x0397 \x03B7 Greek letter eta
+base uppercase \x0398 \x03B8 Greek letter theta
+base uppercase \x0399 \x03B9 Greek letter iota
+base uppercase \x039A \x03BA Greek letter kappa
+base uppercase \x039B \x03BB Greek letter lamda
+base uppercase \x039C \x03BC Greek letter Mu
+base uppercase \x039D \x03BD Greek letter Nu
+base uppercase \x039E \x03BE Greek letter Xi
+base uppercase \x039F \x03BF Greek letter Omicron
+base uppercase \x03A0 \x03C0 Greek letter Pi
+base uppercase \x03A1 \x03C1 Greek letter Rho
+base uppercase \x03A3 \x03C3 Greek letter sigma
+base uppercase \x03A4 \x03C4 Greek letter Tau
+base uppercase \x03A5 \x03C5 Greek letter Upsilon
+base uppercase \x03A6 \x03C6 Greek letter Phi
+base uppercase \x03A7 \x03C7 Greek letter Chi
+base uppercase \x03A8 \x03C8 Greek letter Psi
+base uppercase \x03A9 \x03C9 Greek letter Omega
+# Punctuation and bullits
+noback space \x2000 0 # En quad
+noback space \x2001 0 # Em quad
+noback space \x2002 0 # En space
+noback space \x2003 0 # Em space
+noback space \x2004 0 # Three-Per-Em Space
+noback space \x2005 0 # Four-Per-Em Space
+noback space \x2006 0 # Six-Per-Em Space
+noback space \x2007 0 # Figure Space
+noback space \x2008 0 # Punctuation Space
+noback space \x2009 0 # Thin Space
+noback space \x200a 0 # Hair Space
+noback punctuation \x2010 36 # Hyphen
+noback punctuation \x2011 36 # Non-breaking hyphen
+noback punctuation \x2012 36 # Figure dash
+noback sign \x2013 36-36 #EN DASH (0x96)
+noback sign \x2014 36-36 #Em DASH (0x97)
+noback punctuation \x2018 4 #LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x91)
+noback punctuation \x2019 4 #RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x92)
+noback punctuation \x201A 4 #Low single quote (0x82)
+noback punctuation \x201b 4 # Single High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark
+noback punctuation \x201c 2356 #LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x93)
+noback punctuation \x201d 2356 #RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x94)
+noback punctuation \x201E 2356 #Low quote (0x84)
+noback punctuation \x201f 2356 # Double High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark
+#letter \x2020 2357 #Dagger (0x86
+#letter \x2021 23578 #Double dagger (0x87
+sign \x2022 45-3 #Bullit (0x95)
+noback sign \x2023 45-3 #Triangular bullit
+noback punctuation \x2026 3-3-3 #Elipsis (0x85)
+noback space \x202f 0 # Narrow No-Break Space (NNBSP)
+math \x2030 245-356-356 #permille sign (0x89)
+noback punctuation \x2039 4 #SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x8b)
+noback punctuation \x203A 4 #SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x9b)
+noback punctuation \x203c 235-235 # Double Exclamation Mark
+noback punctuation \x203d 26-235 # Interrobang
+noback sign \x2043 45-3 # Hyphen bullet
+noback punctuation \x2047 26-26 # Double question mark
+noback punctuation \x2048 26-235 # Question exclamation mark
+noback punctuation \x2049 235-26 # Exclamation question mark
+noback sign \x204c 45-3 # BLACK LEFTWARDS BULLET 
+noback sign \x204d 45-3 # BLACK RIGHTWARDS BULLET 
+sign \x20AC 45-15 #EURO SIGN (0x80)
+sign \x2122 45-2345 #TRADE MARK SIGN (0x99)
+# Arrows
+sign \x2190 45-2456 Left arrow
+sign \x2191 45-12356 Up arrow
+sign \x2192 45-1235 Right arrow
+sign \x2193 45-12345 Down arrow
+# Geometrical shapes
+noback sign \x25e6 45-3 #White bullet
diff --git a/tables/da-dk-8miscChars.cti b/tables/da-dk-8miscChars.cti
index e6eaf39..9d4d9f1 100644
--- a/tables/da-dk-8miscChars.cti
+++ b/tables/da-dk-8miscChars.cti
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# Liblouis: Misc character definitions for Danish 6 dots (all grades)

+# Liblouis: Misc character definitions for Danish 8 dots (all grades, 2022)


-# By Bue Vester-Andersen

+#  Copyright (C) 2014, 2016-2022, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>


 #  This file is part of liblouis.


@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 # The current implementation is purely experimental and subject to change.

 # Math chars and arrows etc. are inspired by UEB.


-# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen 200302

+# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen December 2022


 # Latin Extended-B


@@ -34,26 +34,14 @@

 # Punctuation and bullits


-noback space \x2000 0 # En quad

-noback space \x2001 0 # Em quad

-noback space \x2002 0 # En space

-noback space \x2003 0 # Em space

-noback space \x2004 0 # Three-Per-Em Space

-noback space \x2005 0 # Four-Per-Em Space

-noback space \x2006 0 # Six-Per-Em Space

-noback space \x2007 0 # Figure Space

-noback space \x2008 0 # Punctuation Space

-noback space \x2009 0 # Thin Space

-noback space \x200a 0 # Hair Space

-noback punctuation \x2010 368 # Hyphen

-noback punctuation \x2011 368 # Non-breaking hyphen

-noback punctuation \x2012 368 # Figure dash

+noback punctuation \x2010 36 # Hyphen

+noback punctuation \x2011 36 # Non-breaking hyphen

+noback punctuation \x2012 36 # Figure dash

 sign \x2016 45-4568 # Double Vertical Line

 sign \x2017 45-3678 # Double low line

 noback punctuation \x201b 4 # Single High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark

 noback punctuation \x201f 2356 # Double High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark

 noback sign \x2023 37 #Triangular bullit

-noback space \x202f 0 # Narrow No-Break Space (NNBSP)

 noback punctuation \x203c 235-235 # Double Exclamation Mark

 noback punctuation \x203d 26-235 # Interrobang

 noback sign \x2043 37 # Hyphen bullet (0x95)

diff --git a/tables/da-dk-8miscChars_1993.cti b/tables/da-dk-8miscChars_1993.cti
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e17180b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tables/da-dk-8miscChars_1993.cti
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# Liblouis: Misc character definitions for Danish 6 dots (all grades)


+#  Copyright (C) 2014, 2016-2021, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>


+#  This file is part of liblouis.


+#  liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it

+#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as

+#  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the

+#  License, or (at your option) any later version.


+#  liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but

+#  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


+#  Lesser General Public License for more details.


+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public

+#  License along with liblouis. If not, see

+#  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.



+# This file contains miscelaneous unicode character definitions used by 8 dots, grades 1 and 2.

+# Many of the characters in this file have not been defined in the

+# Danish Braille standard.

+# The current implementation is purely experimental and subject to change.

+# Math chars and arrows etc. are inspired by UEB.


+# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen December 2022


+# Latin Extended-B


+sign \x0192 45-124 #Flurihn (0x83)

+noback sign \x02DC 45-6 #SMALL TILDE (0x98)


+# Punctuation and bullits


+noback space \x2000 0 # En quad

+noback space \x2001 0 # Em quad

+noback space \x2002 0 # En space

+noback space \x2003 0 # Em space

+noback space \x2004 0 # Three-Per-Em Space

+noback space \x2005 0 # Four-Per-Em Space

+noback space \x2006 0 # Six-Per-Em Space

+noback space \x2007 0 # Figure Space

+noback space \x2008 0 # Punctuation Space

+noback space \x2009 0 # Thin Space

+noback space \x200a 0 # Hair Space

+noback punctuation \x2010 368 # Hyphen

+noback punctuation \x2011 368 # Non-breaking hyphen

+noback punctuation \x2012 368 # Figure dash

+sign \x2016 45-4568 # Double Vertical Line

+sign \x2017 45-3678 # Double low line

+noback punctuation \x201b 4 # Single High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark

+noback punctuation \x201f 2356 # Double High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark

+noback sign \x2023 37 #Triangular bullit

+noback space \x202f 0 # Narrow No-Break Space (NNBSP)

+noback punctuation \x203c 235-235 # Double Exclamation Mark

+noback punctuation \x203d 26-235 # Interrobang

+noback sign \x2043 37 # Hyphen bullet (0x95)

+noback punctuation \x2047 26-26 # Double question mark

+noback punctuation \x2048 26-235 # Question exclamation mark

+noback punctuation \x2049 235-26 # Exclamation question mark

+noback sign \x204c 37 # BLACK LEFTWARDS BULLET 

+noback sign \x204d 37 # BLACK RIGHTWARDS BULLET 


+# Arrows


+sign \x2190 45-1256-246 Left arrow

+sign \x2191 45-1256-346 Up arrow

+sign \x2192 45-1256-135 Right arrow

+sign \x2193 45-1256-146 Down arrow

+sign \x2194 45-1256-2456-1235-135 Left-right arrow

+sign \x2196 45-1256-156 Northwest arrow

+sign \x2197 45-1256-234 Northeast arrow

+sign \x2198 45-1256-126 Southeast arrow

+sign \x2199 45-1256-345 Southwest arrow

+sign \x21d4 45-1256-2456-2356-1235-135 Left-right double arrow


+# Math signs (experimental)


+math \x2200 45-1 # For all

+math \x2208 45-15 # Element of

+math \x2213 456-36 # Minus or plus

+math \x221d 456-5-23568 # Proportional to

+math \x2229 46-236 # Intersection

+math \x222a 46-235 # Union

+math \x2243 456-35 # approx. equal to

+math \x2245 5-45-35 # approx. equal to

+math \x2248 45-35 # approx. equal to

+math \x224f 45-5-23568 # Diff between or approx. equal to

+math \x2251 46-5-23568 # approx. equal to

+math \x2260 5-23568-4-156 # Not equal to

+math \x2261 456-123456 # Equivalent to

+math \x2264 456-358 # Less than or equal to

+math \x2265 456-267 # Greater than or equal to

+math \x226a 46-358 # Much less than

+math \x226b 46-267 # Much greater than

+math \x22c5 5-256 # Multiplication dot


+# Geometrical shapes


+noback sign \x25e6 37 #White bullet

diff --git a/tables/da-dk-g08.ctb b/tables/da-dk-g08.ctb
index 1012bf1..bb4400e 100644
--- a/tables/da-dk-g08.ctb
+++ b/tables/da-dk-g08.ctb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# Liblouis: Danish table for 8 dots computer Braille (G0)
+# Liblouis: Danish table for 8 dots computer Braille (G0) 2022
-#  Copyright (C) 2014-2017, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
+#  Copyright (C) 2014, 2016-2022, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
 #  This file is part of liblouis.
@@ -20,16 +20,19 @@
-# This  is the Danish table for 8 dots computer Braille.
+# This  is the Danish table for 8 dots computer Braille DDP2022.
 # Use this table for translation and back-translation of Danish 8 dots computer Braille (Octo-Braille).
+# See also: Den Danske Punktskrift 2022
+#           Det Danske Punktskriftsnævn
+#           https://www.blind.dk/punktskrift-2022
-# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen, 170604
+# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen, December 2022
 ### Table Metadata
-#-name: Dansk computer
-#-index-name: Danish, computer
-#-display-name: Danish computer braille
+#-name: Dansk computer 2022
+#-index-name: Danish, computer, 2022
+#-display-name: Danish computer braille (2022 standard)
 #+language: da
 #+type: computer
@@ -37,7 +40,8 @@
 #+grade: 0
 #+dots: 8
 #+direction: both
+#+system: ddp
+#+version: 2022
 # Display upcodes
 include da-dk-octobraille.dis
@@ -45,18 +49,18 @@
 ### Character definitions
 sign \x0000 8 NULL
-sign \x0001 178 START OF HEADING
+sign \x0001 478 START OF HEADING
 sign \x0002 1278 START OF TEXT
-sign \x0003 1478 END OF TEXT
-sign \x0004 14578 END OF TRANSMISSION
+sign \x0003 134678 END OF TEXT
+sign \x0004 25678 END OF TRANSMISSION
 sign \x0005 24568 ENQUIRY
-sign \x0006 12478 ACKNOWLEDGE
+sign \x0006 123458 ACKNOWLEDGE
 sign \x0007 124578 BELL
 sign \x0008 12578 BACKSPACE
-space \n 678 LINE FEED (LF)
-space \v 1368 LINE TABULATION
-space \f 12378 FORM FEED (FF)
+space \n 24578 LINE FEED (LF)
+space \v 13458 LINE TABULATION
+space \f 1238 FORM FEED (FF)
 space \r 257 CARRIAGE RETURN (CR)
 sign \x000e 134578 SHIFT OUT
 sign \x000f 12358 SHIFT IN
@@ -75,13 +79,13 @@
 sign \x001e 1234678 INFORMATION SEPARATOR TWO
 space \s 0 SPACE
 punctuation ! 235 EXCLAMATION MARK
 punctuation " 2356 QUOTATION MARK
 punctuation # 34568 NUMBER SIGN
-sign $ 25678 DOLLAR SIGN
-math % 24578 PERCENT SIGN
+sign $ 14578 DOLLAR SIGN
+math % 678 PERCENT SIGN
 sign & 123468 AMPERSAND
 punctuation ' 4 APOSTROPHE
 punctuation ( 2368 LEFT PARENTHESIS
@@ -89,92 +93,50 @@
 punctuation * 35 ASTERISK
 math + 2358 PLUS SIGN
 punctuation , 2 COMMA
-punctuation - 368 HYPHEN-MINUS
+punctuation - 36 HYPHEN-MINUS
 punctuation . 3 FULL STOP
 punctuation / 348 SLASH
+# Digits
 include digits8Dots.uti
 punctuation : 25 COLON
 punctuation ; 23 SEMICOLON
 math < 358 LESS-THAN SIGN
 math = 23568 EQUALS SIGN
 punctuation ? 26 QUESTION MARK
-sign @ 478 COMMERCIAL AT
-uppercase A 17 Latin capital letter A
-uppercase B 127 Latin capital letter B
-uppercase C 147 Latin capital letter C
-uppercase D 1457 Latin capital letter D
-uppercase E 157 Latin capital letter E
-uppercase F 1247 Latin capital letter F
-uppercase G 12457 Latin capital letter G
-uppercase H 1257 Latin capital letter H
-uppercase I 247 Latin capital letter I
-uppercase J 2457 Latin capital letter J
-uppercase K 137 Latin capital letter K
-uppercase L 1237 Latin capital letter L
-uppercase M 1347 Latin capital letter M
-uppercase N 13457 Latin capital letter N
-uppercase O 1357 Latin capital letter O
-uppercase P 12347 Latin capital letter P
-uppercase Q 123457 Latin capital letter Q
-uppercase R 12357 Latin capital letter R
-uppercase S 2347 Latin capital letter S
-uppercase T 23457 Latin capital letter T
-uppercase U 1367 Latin capital letter U
-uppercase V 12367 Latin capital letter V
-uppercase W 24567 Latin capital letter W
-uppercase X 13467 Latin capital letter X
-uppercase Y 134567 Latin capital letter Y
-uppercase Z 13567 Latin capital letter Z
+sign @ 178 COMMERCIAL AT
+# Latin letters
+include latinLetterDef8Dots.uti
 punctuation [ 23678 LEFT SQUARE BRACKET
 punctuation \\ 347 REVERSE SLASH
 punctuation ] 35678 RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET
 punctuation ^ 12348 CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT
 punctuation _ 3678 LOW LINE
 punctuation ` 5 GRAVE ACCENT
-lowercase a 1 Latin small letter A
-lowercase b 12 Latin small letter B
-lowercase c 14 Latin small letter C
-lowercase d 145 Latin small letter D
-lowercase e 15 Latin small letter E
-lowercase f 124 Latin small letter F
-lowercase g 1245 Latin small letter G
-lowercase h 125 Latin small letter H
-lowercase i 24 Latin small letter I
-lowercase j 245 Latin small letter J
-lowercase k 13 Latin small letter K
-lowercase l 123 Latin small letter L
-lowercase m 134 Latin small letter M
-lowercase n 1345 Latin small letter N
-lowercase o 135 Latin small letter O
-lowercase p 1234 Latin small letter P
-lowercase q 12345 Latin small letter Q
-lowercase r 1235 Latin small letter R
-lowercase s 234 Latin small letter S
-lowercase t 2345 Latin small letter T
-lowercase u 136 Latin small letter U
-lowercase v 1236 Latin small letter V
-lowercase w 2456 Latin small letter W
-lowercase x 1346 Latin small letter X
-lowercase y 13456 Latin small letter Y
-lowercase z 1356 Latin small letter Z
+# Lowercase letters, see above
 punctuation { 123678 LEFT CURLY BRACKET
 punctuation | 4568 VERTICAL LINE
 punctuation } 345678 RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
-punctuation ~ 467 TILDE
+punctuation ~ 2378 TILDE
 sign \x007f 7 DELETE
 sign \x20AC 1578 #EURO SIGN (0x80)
-sign \x0081 45 <control-0081>
+sign \x0081 2357 <control-0081>
 punctuation \x201A 457 #Low single quote (0x82)
 sign \x0192 58 #Flurihn (0x83)
-punctuation \x201E 2378 #Low quote (0x84)
+punctuation \x201E 467 #Low quote (0x84)
 punctuation \x2026 6 #Elipsis (0x85)
-sign \x2020 2357 #Dagger (0x86
-sign \x2021 23578 #Double dagger (0x87
+sign \x2020 45 #Dagger (0x86
+sign \x2021 456 #Double dagger (0x87
 sign \x02c6 5678 #Modifier letter circumflex (0x88)
 math \x2030 245678 #permille sign (0x89)
-uppercase \x0160 23478 #Latin  capital Letter S with caron (0x8a/0x9a)
-punctuation \x2039 456 #SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x8b)
+uppercase \x0160 46 #Latin  capital Letter S with caron (0x8a/0x9a)
+punctuation \x2039 23578 #SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x8b)
 uppercase \x0152 13578 #Latin capital LIGATURE OE (0x8c)
 sign \x008d 3567 REVERSE LINE FEED (not defined in cp1252)
 uppercase \x017d 3467 #Latin capital letter Z with caron (0x8e)
@@ -185,9 +147,9 @@
 punctuation \x201c 237 #LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x93)
 punctuation \x201d 568 #RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x94)
 sign \x2022 37 #Bullit (0x95)
-sign \x2013 36 #EN DASH (0x96)
+sign \x2013 368 #EN DASH (0x96)
 sign \x2014 367 #Em DASH (0x97)
-sign \x02DC 46 #small TILDE (0x98)
+sign \x02DC 23478 #small TILDE (0x98)
 sign \x2122 234578 #TRADE MARK SIGN (0x99)
 lowercase \x0161 2348 #Latin  lowercase Letter S with caron (0x8a/0x9a)
@@ -195,17 +157,16 @@
 letter \x009d 2567 OPERATING SYSTEM COMMAND
 lowercase \x017E 346 #Latin small letter Z with caron (0x9e)
 uppercase \x0178 2345678 #Latin capital letter Y with DIAERESIS (0x9f)
-# FIXME: this rule now actually works, so adapt tests
-punctuation \x00a0 23458 NO-BREAK SPACE (0xa0)
+space \x00a0 23458 NO-BREAK SPACE (0xa0)
 punctuation \x00a1 256 INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK )0xa1)
 punctuation \x00a2 2578 CENT SIGN (0xa2)
-punctuation \x00a3 1238 POUND SIGN (0xa3)
+punctuation \x00a3 12378 POUND SIGN (0xa3)
 punctuation \x00a4 2367 CURRENCY SIGN (0xa4)
-punctuation \x00a5 67 YEN SIGN (0xa5)
+punctuation \x00a5 1345678 YEN SIGN (0xa5)
 punctuation \x00a6 3478 BROKEN BAR (0xa6)
 punctuation \x00a7 578 SECTION SIGN (0xa7)
 punctuation \x00a8 56 DIAERESIS (0xa8)
-punctuation \x00a9 134678 COPYRIGHT SIGN (0xa9)
+punctuation \x00a9 1478 COPYRIGHT SIGN (0xa9)
 letter \x00aa 234678 FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR (0xaa)
 punctuation \x00ac 34567 NOT SIGN (0xac)
@@ -213,10 +174,10 @@
 punctuation \x00ae 123578 Registered sign (0xae)
 punctuation \x00af 23567 macron (0xaf)
 sign \x00b0 356 Degree sign (0xb0)
-math \x00b1 123458 PLUS-MINUS SIGN
+math \x00b1 12478 PLUS-MINUS SIGN
 punctuation \x00b2 238 SUPERSCRIPT TWO
 punctuation \x00b3 258 SUPERSCRIPT THREE
-punctuation \x00b4 468 acute ACCENT
+punctuation \x00b4 458 acute ACCENT
 sign \x00b5 236 MICRO SIGN
 punctuation \x00b6 1234568 PILCROW SIGN
 punctuation \x00b7 38 MIDDLE DOT
@@ -224,9 +185,9 @@
 punctuation \x00b9 28 SUPERSCRIPT ONE
 letter \x00ba 12345678 MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR
-punctuation \x00bc 13458 VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER
-punctuation \x00bd 458 VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF
-punctuation \x00be 3456 VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS
+punctuation \x00bc 1368 VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER
+punctuation \x00bd 468 VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF
+punctuation \x00be 13468 VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS
 punctuation \x00bf 34 INVERTED QUESTION MARK
 uppercase \x00c0 123567 Latin capital letter A with GRAVE
 uppercase \x00c1 1235678 Latin capital letter A with acute
@@ -244,20 +205,20 @@
 uppercase \x00cd 12678 Latin capital letter I with acute
 uppercase \x00ce 1467 Latin capital letter I with CIRCUMFLEX
 uppercase \x00cf 124567 Latin capital letter I with DIAERESIS
-uppercase \x00d0 1345678 Latin capital letter ETH
+uppercase \x00d0 67 Latin capital letter ETH
 uppercase \x00d1 1245678 Latin capital letter N with TILDE
 uppercase \x00d2 124678 Latin capital letter O with GRAVE
 uppercase \x00d3 34678 Latin capital letter O with acute
 uppercase \x00d4 14567 Latin capital letter O with CIRCUMFLEX
 uppercase \x00d5 145678 Latin capital letter O with TILDE
 uppercase \x00d6 24678 Latin capital letter O with DIAERESIS
-math \x00d7 13468 MULTIPLICATION SIGN
+math \x00d7 3456 MULTIPLICATION SIGN
 uppercase \x00d8 2467 Latin capital letter O with STROKE
 uppercase \x00d9 234567 Latin capital letter U with GRAVE
 uppercase \x00da 125678 Latin capital letter U with acute
 uppercase \x00db 1567 Latin capital letter U with CIRCUMFLEX
 uppercase \x00dc 12567 Latin capital letter U with DIAERESIS
-uppercase \x00dd 13478 Latin capital letter Y with acute (infinite?)
+uppercase \x00dd 235678 Latin capital letter Y with acute (infinite?)
 uppercase \x00de 1378 Latin capital letter THORN
 lowercase \x00df 23468 Latin small letter SHARP S
 lowercase \x00e0 12356 Latin small letter A with GRAVE
@@ -298,15 +259,15 @@
 sign \x0080 1578 #EURO SIGN (0x80)
 punctuation \x0082 457 #Low single quote (0x82)
 sign \x0083 58 #Flurihn (0x83)
-punctuation \x0084 2378 #Low quote (0x84)
+punctuation \x0084 467 #Low quote (0x84)
 punctuation \x0085 6 #Elipsis (0x85)
-letter \x0086 2357 #Dagger (0x86
-letter \x0087 23578 #Double dagger (0x87
+letter \x0086 45 #Dagger (0x86
+letter \x0087 456 #Double dagger (0x87
 letter \x0088 5678 #Modifier letter circumflex (0x88)
 math \x0089 245678 #permille sign (0x89)
 uppercase \x008a 23478 #Latin letter S with caron (0x8a)
 lowercase \x009a 2348
-punctuation \x008b 456 #SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x8b)
+punctuation \x008b 23578 #SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x8b)
 uppercase \x008c 13578 #Latin LIGATURE OE (0x8c)
 lowercase \x009c 1358
 uppercase \x008e 3467 #Latin capital letter Z with caron (0x8e)
@@ -316,9 +277,9 @@
 punctuation \x0093 237 #LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x93)
 punctuation \x0094 568 #RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x94)
 sign \x0095 37 #Bullit (0x95)
-sign \x0096 36 #EN DASH (0x96)
+sign \x0096 368 #EN DASH (0x96)
 sign \x0097 367 #Em DASH (0x97)
-sign \x0098 46 #small TILDE (0x98)
+sign \x0098 23478 #small TILDE (0x98)
 sign \x0099 234578 #TRADE MARK SIGN (0x99)
 punctuation \x009b 4567 #SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x9b)
 uppercase \x009f 2345678 #Latin capital letter Y with DIAERESIS (0x9f)
diff --git a/tables/da-dk-g08_1993.ctb b/tables/da-dk-g08_1993.ctb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0921ce8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tables/da-dk-g08_1993.ctb
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+# Liblouis: Danish table for 8 dots computer Braille (G0) 1993
+#  Copyright (C) 2014, 2016-2021, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
+#  This file is part of liblouis.
+#  liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+#  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
+#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+#  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License along with liblouis. If not, see
+#  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# This  is the Danish table for 8 dots computer Braille 1993.
+# Use this table for translation and back-translation of Danish 8 dots computer Braille (Octo-Braille).
+# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen, December 2022
+### Table Metadata
+#-name: Dansk computer 1993
+#-index-name: Danish, computer, 1993
+#-display-name: Danish computer braille (1993 standard)
+#+language: da
+#+type: computer
+#+contraction: no
+#+grade: 0
+#+dots: 8
+#+direction: both
+#+system: ddp
+#+version: 1993
+# Display upcodes
+include da-dk-octobraille_1993.dis
+### Character definitions
+sign \x0000 8 NULL
+sign \x0001 178 START OF HEADING
+sign \x0002 1278 START OF TEXT
+sign \x0003 1478 END OF TEXT
+sign \x0004 14578 END OF TRANSMISSION
+sign \x0005 24568 ENQUIRY
+sign \x0006 12478 ACKNOWLEDGE
+sign \x0007 124578 BELL
+sign \x0008 12578 BACKSPACE
+space \n 678 LINE FEED (LF)
+space \v 1368 LINE TABULATION
+space \f 12378 FORM FEED (FF)
+space \r 257 CARRIAGE RETURN (CR)
+sign \x000e 134578 SHIFT OUT
+sign \x000f 12358 SHIFT IN
+sign \x0010 123478 DATA LINK ESCAPE
+sign \x0011 1234578 DEVICE CONTROL ONE
+sign \x0012 13568 DEVICE CONTROL TWO
+sign \x0013 4578 DEVICE CONTROL THREE
+sign \x0014 268 DEVICE CONTROL FOUR
+sign \x0015 13678 NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGE
+sign \x0016 278 SYNCHRONOUS IDLE
+sign \x0018 78 CANCEL
+sign \x0019 68 END OF MEDIUM
+sign \x001a 135678 SUBSTITUTE
+sign \x001b 2678 ESCAPE
+sign \x001e 1234678 INFORMATION SEPARATOR TWO
+space \s 0 SPACE
+punctuation ! 235 EXCLAMATION MARK
+punctuation " 2356 QUOTATION MARK
+punctuation # 34568 NUMBER SIGN
+sign $ 25678 DOLLAR SIGN
+math % 24578 PERCENT SIGN
+sign & 123468 AMPERSAND
+punctuation ' 4 APOSTROPHE
+punctuation ( 2368 LEFT PARENTHESIS
+punctuation ) 3568 RIGHT PARENTHESIS
+punctuation * 35 ASTERISK
+math + 2358 PLUS SIGN
+punctuation , 2 COMMA
+punctuation - 368 HYPHEN-MINUS
+punctuation . 3 FULL STOP
+punctuation / 348 SLASH
+include digits8Dots.uti
+punctuation : 25 COLON
+punctuation ; 23 SEMICOLON
+math < 358 LESS-THAN SIGN
+math = 23568 EQUALS SIGN
+punctuation ? 26 QUESTION MARK
+sign @ 478 COMMERCIAL AT
+uppercase A 17 Latin capital letter A
+uppercase B 127 Latin capital letter B
+uppercase C 147 Latin capital letter C
+uppercase D 1457 Latin capital letter D
+uppercase E 157 Latin capital letter E
+uppercase F 1247 Latin capital letter F
+uppercase G 12457 Latin capital letter G
+uppercase H 1257 Latin capital letter H
+uppercase I 247 Latin capital letter I
+uppercase J 2457 Latin capital letter J
+uppercase K 137 Latin capital letter K
+uppercase L 1237 Latin capital letter L
+uppercase M 1347 Latin capital letter M
+uppercase N 13457 Latin capital letter N
+uppercase O 1357 Latin capital letter O
+uppercase P 12347 Latin capital letter P
+uppercase Q 123457 Latin capital letter Q
+uppercase R 12357 Latin capital letter R
+uppercase S 2347 Latin capital letter S
+uppercase T 23457 Latin capital letter T
+uppercase U 1367 Latin capital letter U
+uppercase V 12367 Latin capital letter V
+uppercase W 24567 Latin capital letter W
+uppercase X 13467 Latin capital letter X
+uppercase Y 134567 Latin capital letter Y
+uppercase Z 13567 Latin capital letter Z
+punctuation [ 23678 LEFT SQUARE BRACKET
+punctuation \\ 347 REVERSE SLASH
+punctuation ] 35678 RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET
+punctuation ^ 12348 CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT
+punctuation _ 3678 LOW LINE
+punctuation ` 5 GRAVE ACCENT
+lowercase a 1 Latin small letter A
+lowercase b 12 Latin small letter B
+lowercase c 14 Latin small letter C
+lowercase d 145 Latin small letter D
+lowercase e 15 Latin small letter E
+lowercase f 124 Latin small letter F
+lowercase g 1245 Latin small letter G
+lowercase h 125 Latin small letter H
+lowercase i 24 Latin small letter I
+lowercase j 245 Latin small letter J
+lowercase k 13 Latin small letter K
+lowercase l 123 Latin small letter L
+lowercase m 134 Latin small letter M
+lowercase n 1345 Latin small letter N
+lowercase o 135 Latin small letter O
+lowercase p 1234 Latin small letter P
+lowercase q 12345 Latin small letter Q
+lowercase r 1235 Latin small letter R
+lowercase s 234 Latin small letter S
+lowercase t 2345 Latin small letter T
+lowercase u 136 Latin small letter U
+lowercase v 1236 Latin small letter V
+lowercase w 2456 Latin small letter W
+lowercase x 1346 Latin small letter X
+lowercase y 13456 Latin small letter Y
+lowercase z 1356 Latin small letter Z
+punctuation { 123678 LEFT CURLY BRACKET
+punctuation | 4568 VERTICAL LINE
+punctuation } 345678 RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
+punctuation ~ 467 TILDE
+sign \x007f 7 DELETE
+sign \x20AC 1578 #EURO SIGN (0x80)
+sign \x0081 45 <control-0081>
+punctuation \x201A 457 #Low single quote (0x82)
+sign \x0192 58 #Flurihn (0x83)
+punctuation \x201E 2378 #Low quote (0x84)
+punctuation \x2026 6 #Elipsis (0x85)
+sign \x2020 2357 #Dagger (0x86
+sign \x2021 23578 #Double dagger (0x87
+sign \x02c6 5678 #Modifier letter circumflex (0x88)
+math \x2030 245678 #permille sign (0x89)
+uppercase \x0160 23478 #Latin  capital Letter S with caron (0x8a/0x9a)
+punctuation \x2039 456 #SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x8b)
+uppercase \x0152 13578 #Latin capital LIGATURE OE (0x8c)
+sign \x008d 3567 REVERSE LINE FEED (not defined in cp1252)
+uppercase \x017d 3467 #Latin capital letter Z with caron (0x8e)
+sign \x008f 27 SINGLE SHIFT THREE (not defined in cp1252)
+sign \x0090 357 DEVICE CONTROL STRING (not defined in cp1252)
+punctuation \x2018 47 #LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x91)
+punctuation \x2019 48 #RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x92)
+punctuation \x201c 237 #LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x93)
+punctuation \x201d 568 #RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x94)
+sign \x2022 37 #Bullit (0x95)
+sign \x2013 36 #EN DASH (0x96)
+sign \x2014 367 #Em DASH (0x97)
+sign \x02DC 46 #small TILDE (0x98)
+sign \x2122 234578 #TRADE MARK SIGN (0x99)
+lowercase \x0161 2348 #Latin  lowercase Letter S with caron (0x8a/0x9a)
+lowercase \x0153 1358 #Latin small LIGATURE OE (0x9c)
+letter \x009d 2567 OPERATING SYSTEM COMMAND
+lowercase \x017E 346 #Latin small letter Z with caron (0x9e)
+uppercase \x0178 2345678 #Latin capital letter Y with DIAERESIS (0x9f)
+# FIXME: this rule now actually works, so adapt tests
+punctuation \x00a0 23458 NO-BREAK SPACE (0xa0)
+punctuation \x00a1 256 INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK )0xa1)
+punctuation \x00a2 2578 CENT SIGN (0xa2)
+punctuation \x00a3 1238 POUND SIGN (0xa3)
+punctuation \x00a4 2367 CURRENCY SIGN (0xa4)
+punctuation \x00a5 67 YEN SIGN (0xa5)
+punctuation \x00a6 3478 BROKEN BAR (0xa6)
+punctuation \x00a7 578 SECTION SIGN (0xa7)
+punctuation \x00a8 56 DIAERESIS (0xa8)
+punctuation \x00a9 134678 COPYRIGHT SIGN (0xa9)
+letter \x00aa 234678 FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR (0xaa)
+punctuation \x00ac 34567 NOT SIGN (0xac)
+letter \x00ad 378 SOFT HYPHEN (0xad)
+punctuation \x00ae 123578 Registered sign (0xae)
+punctuation \x00af 23567 macron (0xaf)
+sign \x00b0 356 Degree sign (0xb0)
+math \x00b1 123458 PLUS-MINUS SIGN
+punctuation \x00b2 238 SUPERSCRIPT TWO
+punctuation \x00b3 258 SUPERSCRIPT THREE
+punctuation \x00b4 468 acute ACCENT
+sign \x00b5 236 MICRO SIGN
+punctuation \x00b6 1234568 PILCROW SIGN
+punctuation \x00b7 38 MIDDLE DOT
+punctuation \x00b8 4678 CEDILLA
+punctuation \x00b9 28 SUPERSCRIPT ONE
+letter \x00ba 12345678 MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR
+punctuation \x00bc 13458 VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER
+punctuation \x00bd 458 VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF
+punctuation \x00be 3456 VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS
+punctuation \x00bf 34 INVERTED QUESTION MARK
+uppercase \x00c0 123567 Latin capital letter A with GRAVE
+uppercase \x00c1 1235678 Latin capital letter A with acute
+uppercase \x00c2 1678 Latin capital letter A with CIRCUMFLEX
+uppercase \x00c3 14678 Latin capital letter A with TILDE
+uppercase \x00c4 34578 Latin capital letter A with DIAERESIS
+uppercase \x00c5 167 Latin capital letter A with RING ABOVE
+uppercase \x00c6 3457 Latin capital letter AE
+uppercase \x00c7 123467 Latin capital letter C with CEDILLA
+uppercase \x00c8 23467 Latin capital letter E with GRAVE
+uppercase \x00c9 1234567 Latin capital letter E with acute
+uppercase \x00ca 1267 Latin capital letter E with CIRCUMFLEX
+uppercase \x00cb 12467 Latin capital letter E with DIAERESIS
+uppercase \x00cc 15678 Latin capital letter I with GRAVE
+uppercase \x00cd 12678 Latin capital letter I with acute
+uppercase \x00ce 1467 Latin capital letter I with CIRCUMFLEX
+uppercase \x00cf 124567 Latin capital letter I with DIAERESIS
+uppercase \x00d0 1345678 Latin capital letter ETH
+uppercase \x00d1 1245678 Latin capital letter N with TILDE
+uppercase \x00d2 124678 Latin capital letter O with GRAVE
+uppercase \x00d3 34678 Latin capital letter O with acute
+uppercase \x00d4 14567 Latin capital letter O with CIRCUMFLEX
+uppercase \x00d5 145678 Latin capital letter O with TILDE
+uppercase \x00d6 24678 Latin capital letter O with DIAERESIS
+math \x00d7 13468 MULTIPLICATION SIGN
+uppercase \x00d8 2467 Latin capital letter O with STROKE
+uppercase \x00d9 234567 Latin capital letter U with GRAVE
+uppercase \x00da 125678 Latin capital letter U with acute
+uppercase \x00db 1567 Latin capital letter U with CIRCUMFLEX
+uppercase \x00dc 12567 Latin capital letter U with DIAERESIS
+uppercase \x00dd 13478 Latin capital letter Y with acute (infinite?)
+uppercase \x00de 1378 Latin capital letter THORN
+lowercase \x00df 23468 Latin small letter SHARP S
+lowercase \x00e0 12356 Latin small letter A with GRAVE
+lowercase \x00e1 123568 Latin small letter A with acute
+lowercase \x00e2 168 Latin small letter A with CIRCUMFLEX
+lowercase \x00e3 1468 Latin small letter A with TILDE
+lowercase \x00e4 3458 Latin small letter A with DIAERESIS
+lowercase \x00e5 16 Latin small letter A with RING ABOVE
+lowercase \x00e6 345 Latin small letter AE
+lowercase \x00e7 12346 Latin small letter C with CEDILLA
+lowercase \x00e8 2346 Latin small letter E with GRAVE
+lowercase \x00e9 123456 Latin small letter E with acute
+lowercase \x00ea 126 Latin small letter E with CIRCUMFLEX
+lowercase \x00eb 1246 Latin small letter E with DIAERESIS
+lowercase \x00ec 1568 Latin small letter I with GRAVE
+lowercase \x00ed 1268 Latin small letter I with acute
+lowercase \x00ee 146 Latin small letter I with CIRCUMFLEX
+lowercase \x00ef 12456 Latin small letter I with DIAERESIS
+lowercase \x00f0 134568 Latin small letter ETH
+lowercase \x00f1 124568 Latin small letter N with TILDE
+lowercase \x00f2 12468 Latin small letter O with GRAVE
+lowercase \x00f3 3468 Latin small letter O with acute
+lowercase \x00f4 1456 Latin small letter O with CIRCUMFLEX
+lowercase \x00f5 14568 Latin small letter O with TILDE
+lowercase \x00f6 2468 Latin small letter O with DIAERESIS
+math \x00f7 2568 DIVISION SIGN
+lowercase \x00f8 246 Latin small letter O with STROKE
+lowercase \x00f9 23456 Latin small letter U with GRAVE
+lowercase \x00fa 12568 Latin small letter U with acute
+lowercase \x00fb 156 Latin small letter U with CIRCUMFLEX
+lowercase \x00fc 1256 Latin small letter U with DIAERESIS
+lowercase \x00fd 1348 Latin small letter Y with acute
+lowercase \x00fe 138 Latin small letter THORN
+lowercase \x00ff 234568 Latin small letter Y with DIAERESIS
+# In CP-1252 the following chars are different from Unicode.
+# This placement ensures that Liblouis will always return the unicode when back-translating.
+sign \x0080 1578 #EURO SIGN (0x80)
+punctuation \x0082 457 #Low single quote (0x82)
+sign \x0083 58 #Flurihn (0x83)
+punctuation \x0084 2378 #Low quote (0x84)
+punctuation \x0085 6 #Elipsis (0x85)
+letter \x0086 2357 #Dagger (0x86
+letter \x0087 23578 #Double dagger (0x87
+letter \x0088 5678 #Modifier letter circumflex (0x88)
+math \x0089 245678 #permille sign (0x89)
+uppercase \x008a 23478 #Latin letter S with caron (0x8a)
+lowercase \x009a 2348
+punctuation \x008b 456 #SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x8b)
+uppercase \x008c 13578 #Latin LIGATURE OE (0x8c)
+lowercase \x009c 1358
+uppercase \x008e 3467 #Latin capital letter Z with caron (0x8e)
+lowercase \x009e 346
+punctuation \x0091 47 #LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x91)
+punctuation \x0092 48 #RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x92)
+punctuation \x0093 237 #LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x93)
+punctuation \x0094 568 #RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x94)
+sign \x0095 37 #Bullit (0x95)
+sign \x0096 36 #EN DASH (0x96)
+sign \x0097 367 #Em DASH (0x97)
+sign \x0098 46 #small TILDE (0x98)
+sign \x0099 234578 #TRADE MARK SIGN (0x99)
+punctuation \x009b 4567 #SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x9b)
+uppercase \x009f 2345678 #Latin capital letter Y with DIAERESIS (0x9f)
+#Unicode Braille patterns
+include braille-patterns.cti
+undefined 26
diff --git a/tables/da-dk-g16-lit.ctb b/tables/da-dk-g16-lit_1993.ctb
similarity index 95%
rename from tables/da-dk-g16-lit.ctb
rename to tables/da-dk-g16-lit_1993.ctb
index 19b4946..a9f1b3b 100644
--- a/tables/da-dk-g16-lit.ctb
+++ b/tables/da-dk-g16-lit_1993.ctb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# Liblouis: Danish table for 6 dots grade 1 forward translation (literary)
+# Liblouis: Danish table for 6 dots grade 1 forward translation (literary) 1993
-#  Copyright (C) 2014-2020, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
+#  Copyright (C) 2014, 2016-2021, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
 #  This file is part of liblouis.
@@ -20,17 +20,17 @@
-# This  is the Danish  6 dots grade 1 table for forward translation (literary / not back-translateable).
+# This  is the Danish  6 dots grade 1 table for forward translation (literary / not back-translateable) 1993.
 # The output from this table is mainly ment for embossing and not suited for back-translation.
-# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen, 200302
+# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen, December 2022
 ### Table Metadata
-#-name: Dansk fuldskrift 6-punkt
-#-index-name: Danish, uncontracted, 6-dot
-#-display-name: Danish 6-dot uncontracted braille
+#-name: Dansk fuldskrift 6-punkt 1993
+#-index-name: Danish, uncontracted, 6-dot, 1993
+#-display-name: Danish 6-dot uncontracted braille (1993 standard)
 #+language: da
 #+type: literary
@@ -38,9 +38,11 @@
 #+grade: 1
 #+dots: 6
 #+direction: forward
+#+system: ddp
+#+version: 1993
 # Display opcodes
-include da-dk-octobraille.dis
+include da-dk-octobraille_1993.dis
 ### Spaces
@@ -116,7 +118,7 @@
 punctuation ~ 45-6 TILDE
 # Misc unicode characters
-include da-dk-6miscChars.cti
+include da-dk-6miscChars_1993.cti
 # Litdigits
 include litdigits6Dots.uti
diff --git a/tables/da-dk-g16.ctb b/tables/da-dk-g16.ctb
index c92d11d..c1adf87 100644
--- a/tables/da-dk-g16.ctb
+++ b/tables/da-dk-g16.ctb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# Liblouis: Danish table for 6 dots grade 1 forward and backward translation 
+# Liblouis: Danish table for 6 dots grade 1 forward and backward translation 2022
-#  Copyright (C) 2014-2020, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
+#  Copyright (C) 2014, 2016-2022, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
 #  This file is part of liblouis.
@@ -18,13 +18,19 @@
 #  License along with liblouis. If not, see
 #  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen, 200302
+# This  is the Danish table for 6 dots grade 1 Braille (fuldskrift) DDP2022.
+# Use this table for translation and back-translation of Danish 6 dots grade 1 Braille.
+# See also: Den Danske Punktskrift 2022
+#           Det Danske Punktskriftsnævn
+#           https://www.blind.dk/punktskrift-2022
+# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen, December 2022
 ### Table Metadata
-#-name: Dansk fuldskrift 6-punkt
-#-index-name: Danish, uncontracted, 6-dot
-#-display-name: Danish 6-dot uncontracted braille
+#-name: Dansk fuldskrift 6-punkt 2022
+#-index-name: Danish, uncontracted, 6-dot, 2022
+#-display-name: Danish 6-dot uncontracted braille (2022 standard)
 #+language: da
 #+type: literary
@@ -32,20 +38,13 @@
 #+grade: 1
 #+dots: 6
 #+direction: both
+#+system: ddp
+#+version: 2022
 # Display opcodes
 include da-dk-octobraille.dis
 ### Spaces
-# These ctrl-chars have to have a representation, so that they can be properly converted back and forth.
-space \n 678 LINE FEED (LF)
-space \v 1368 LINE TABULATION
-space \f 12378 FORM FEED (FF)
-space \r 257 CARRIAGE RETURN (CR)
-space \x00a0 a
 include spaces.uti
 ### Character definitions
@@ -71,17 +70,22 @@
 punctuation \x00a7 346 SECTION SIGN (0xa7)
+lowercase \x00e0 12356 LATIN LETTER A WITH GRAVE
 lowercase \x00e5 16 LATIN LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
 lowercase \x00e6 345 LATIN LETTER AE
+lowercase \x00e8 2346 LATIN LETTER E WITH GRAVE
+lowercase \x00e9 123456 LATIN LETTER E WITH ACUTE
 lowercase \x00f8 246 LATIN LETTER O WITH STROKE
 lowercase \x00fc 1256 LATIN LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+base uppercase \x00c0 \x00e0 LATIN LETTER A WITH GRAVE
 base uppercase \x00c5 \x00e5 LATIN LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
 base uppercase \x00c6 \x00e6 LATIN LETTER AE
+base uppercase \x00c8 \x00e8 LATIN LETTER E WITH GRAVE
+base uppercase \x00c9 \x00e9 LATIN LETTER E WITH ACUTE
 base uppercase \x00d8 \x00f8 LATIN LETTER O WITH STROKE
 base uppercase \x00dc \x00fc LATIN LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
-math \x00f7 256 DIVISION SIGN
 # cover all other Braille patterns
 include braille-patterns.cti
@@ -89,25 +93,24 @@
 # Characters with two or more cells
 punctuation # 45-3456 NUMBER SIGN
-sign $ 45-256 DOLLAR SIGN
+sign $ 45-145 DOLLAR SIGN
 math % 245-356 PERCENT SIGN
-#sign & 6-12346 AMPERSAND
-#punctuation * 6-35 ASTERISK
 math + 45-235 PLUS SIGN
 math < 45-134 LESS-THAN SIGN
 math = 45-2356 EQUALS SIGN
 math > 45-234 GREATER-THAN SIGN
 sign @ 45-1 COMMERCIAL AT
 punctuation [ 5-236 LEFT SQUARE BRACKET
-punctuation \\ 45-16 REVERSE SLASH
+punctuation \\ 45-34 REVERSE SLASH
 punctuation ] 5-356 RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET
 punctuation ^ 45-346 CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT
 punctuation _ 45-36 LOW LINE
 punctuation ` 4 GRAVE ACCENT
 punctuation { 45-246 LEFT CURLY BRACKET
-punctuation | 4568 VERTICAL LINE
+punctuation | 45-1236 VERTICAL LINE
 punctuation } 45-135 RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
-punctuation ~ 467 TILDE (changed by pass 2 to not conflict with indicators
+punctuation ~ 45-23 TILDE
+math \x00f7 45-256 DIVISION SIGN
 # Misc unicode characters
 include da-dk-6miscChars.cti
@@ -121,36 +124,36 @@
 #hyphen - 36
-letsign 6
+letsign 56
 # No letsign before normal letters or letters with accents
 # Letters with accents are handled by pass2.
-noletsign abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzæøåäöü\x00df\x0149\x0153
+noletsign abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzæøåàäèéöü\x00df\x0149\x0153
 # Emphasis opcodes
 emphclass italic
 emphclass underline
 emphclass bold
-begemphphrase italic 56
-endemphphrase italic after 56
+begemphphrase italic 46
+endemphphrase italic after 46
-begemphphrase bold 56
-endemphphrase bold after 56
+begemphphrase bold 46
+endemphphrase bold after 46
-begemphphrase underline 56
-endemphphrase underline after 56
+begemphphrase underline 46
+endemphphrase underline after 46
-capsletter 46
+capsletter 6
 begcapsword 456
-endcapsword 6
-multind 6-46 letsign capsletter
-multind 46-6 capsletter letsign
-multind 6-456 letsign begcapsword
+endcapsword 56
+multind 56-6 letsign capsletter
+multind 6-56 capsletter letsign
+multind 46-456 letsign begcapsword
 numsign 3456
-multind 6-3456 letsign numsign
+multind 56-3456 letsign numsign
 #class of none-space characters that demand double dashes
 # Used in context lines later.
@@ -191,13 +194,6 @@
 #nofor correct "\x282f" "&"
 #nofor correct "\x2814" "*"
-# Try to distinguish between times (\x00d7) and bullit (\x2022),
-# which share the same Braille representation.
-nofor correct `["\x00d7"] "\x2022" 
-# nofor correct $d["\s\x00d7\s"]$d * #apparently doesn't work now
-nofor correct ["\x00d7"]!$d "\x2022" 
-nofor correct !$d["\x00d7"] "\x2022" 
 nofor correct "\x28a0" ? # Extraneous endcaps signs
 #nofor correct "\x2820" ?
 nofor correct "~\\456/" "|"
@@ -207,20 +203,13 @@
 # Punctuations, math and numbers
 #midnum , 2
 #midnum . 3
-# the following rule is doubtful, but probably does not apply.
 #midnum - 36
 endnum - 36
 #midnum / 34
 #midnum : 25
 midnum ^ 45-346
-midnum \x00d7 45-3
-# Remove space between § and numbers.
-noback begnum § 346
-begnum §\s 346
-begnum §§\s 346-346
-always §§ 346-346
+midnum \x00d7 45-35
 # Punctuation
 prepunc " 2356
@@ -235,8 +224,8 @@
 always ----- 36-36-36-36-36
 # these characters must be separated from ")" by a letsign.
-attribute SepToRightpar Jj%'\x2030\x0089\x201a\x0082\x2039\x009b\x2018\x0091\x2019\x0092\x203a\x009b
-after SepToRightpar always ) 6-356
+attribute SepToRightpar Jj%\x2030\x0089\x201a\x0082\x2039\x009b\x2018\x0091\x2019\x0092\x203a\x009b
+after SepToRightpar always ) 56-356
 prepunc ( 236
 postpunc ) 356
@@ -259,9 +248,9 @@
 noback context !$sw["-"]~ @36
 noback context `["-"]~ @36-36
-#ensure dot 6 between a digit and a letter
-noback context $dy[]$u @6
-noback context $dy$Spm.[]$u @6
+#ensure letsign between a digit and a letter
+noback context $dy[]$u @56
+noback context $dy$Spm.[]$u @56
 ### context - backward translation
@@ -277,27 +266,18 @@
 ### Pass 2 - forward translation
-# Correct tilde and vertical line
-noback pass2 @467 @45-6
-noback pass2 @4568 @45-456
-noback pass2 @6-5 @5 # no letsign before letters with accent
-noback pass2 @6-46-5 @46-5 # no letsign before cap letters with accent
-noback pass2 @6-46 @46-6 # Ensure correct order
+noback pass2 @56-5 @5 # no letsign before letters with accent
+noback pass2 @56-6-5 @6-5 # no letsign before cap letters with accent
+noback pass2 @56-6 @6-56 # Ensure correct order
  ### Pass 2 - backward
 ### Pass 3 - forward translation
 # Ensure there is only one letsign
- noback pass3 @6-6 @6
+ noback pass3 @56-56 @56
 # Ensure there is only one emphasis sign
-noback pass3 @56-56 @56
-noback pass3 @56-56-56 @56
+noback pass3 @46-46 @46
+noback pass3 @46-46-46 @46
-### Pass 3 - backward translation
-# save ~ and |  before inserting extra letsigns and endcapsword in pass 2.
-nofor pass3 @45-6 @468 # Create alternative representation of "~"
-nofor pass3 @45-456 @4568
diff --git a/tables/da-dk-g16-lit.ctb b/tables/da-dk-g16_1993.ctb
similarity index 61%
copy from tables/da-dk-g16-lit.ctb
copy to tables/da-dk-g16_1993.ctb
index 19b4946..71d0a77 100644
--- a/tables/da-dk-g16-lit.ctb
+++ b/tables/da-dk-g16_1993.ctb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# Liblouis: Danish table for 6 dots grade 1 forward translation (literary)
+# Liblouis: Danish table for 6 dots grade 1 forward and backward translation (1993)
-#  Copyright (C) 2014-2020, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
+#  Copyright (C) 2014, 2016-2021, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
 #  This file is part of liblouis.
@@ -18,29 +18,25 @@
 #  License along with liblouis. If not, see
 #  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# This  is the Danish  6 dots grade 1 table for forward translation (literary / not back-translateable).
-# The output from this table is mainly ment for embossing and not suited for back-translation.
-# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen, 200302
+# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen, December 2022
 ### Table Metadata
-#-name: Dansk fuldskrift 6-punkt
-#-index-name: Danish, uncontracted, 6-dot
-#-display-name: Danish 6-dot uncontracted braille
+#-name: Dansk fuldskrift 6-punkt 1993
+#-index-name: Danish, uncontracted, 6-dot, 1993
+#-display-name: Danish 6-dot uncontracted braille (1993 standard)
 #+language: da
 #+type: literary
 #+contraction: no
 #+grade: 1
 #+dots: 6
-#+direction: forward
+#+direction: both
+#+system: ddp
+#+version: 1993
 # Display opcodes
-include da-dk-octobraille.dis
+include da-dk-octobraille_1993.dis
 ### Spaces
@@ -81,13 +77,13 @@
 lowercase \x00e6 345 LATIN LETTER AE
 lowercase \x00f8 246 LATIN LETTER O WITH STROKE
 lowercase \x00fc 1256 LATIN LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
-math \x00f7 256 DIVISION SIGN
-# Uppercase letters
 base uppercase \x00c5 \x00e5 LATIN LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
 base uppercase \x00c6 \x00e6 LATIN LETTER AE
 base uppercase \x00d8 \x00f8 LATIN LETTER O WITH STROKE
-base uppercase \x00dc \x00fc LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+base uppercase \x00dc \x00fc LATIN LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+math \x00f7 256 DIVISION SIGN
 # cover all other Braille patterns
 include braille-patterns.cti
@@ -111,16 +107,16 @@
 punctuation _ 45-36 LOW LINE
 punctuation ` 4 GRAVE ACCENT
 punctuation { 45-246 LEFT CURLY BRACKET
-punctuation | 45-456 VERTICAL LINE
+punctuation | 4568 VERTICAL LINE
 punctuation } 45-135 RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
-punctuation ~ 45-6 TILDE
+punctuation ~ 467 TILDE (changed by pass 2 to not conflict with indicators
 # Misc unicode characters
-include da-dk-6miscChars.cti
+include da-dk-6miscChars_1993.cti
 # Litdigits
 include litdigits6Dots.uti
+midendnumericmodechars /,.:^
 undefined 26
 ### Braille indicators and special characters
@@ -148,24 +144,28 @@
 begemphphrase underline 56
 endemphphrase underline after 56
-capsletter 46 
+capsletter 46
 begcapsword 456
 endcapsword 6
+multind 6-46 letsign capsletter
+multind 46-6 capsletter letsign
+multind 6-456 letsign begcapsword
 numsign 3456
+multind 6-3456 letsign numsign
 #class of none-space characters that demand double dashes
 # Used in context lines later.
 #must be the first class defined.
 attribute charsWDoubleDash .,?!/:"'() # class w
-### Correct
+### Correct - forward translation
 # Chars that don't require a space before percent and permille:
 attribute charsBeforePercent "(\x201e\x0084\x201c\x0093\x201d\x0094\x00ab\x00bb #class x
 noback correct `["%"] *
-noback correct `["\x2030"] *
 noback correct !$sx["%"] " %"
+noback correct `["\x2030"] *
 noback correct !$sx["\x2030"] " \x2030"
 noback correct `["\x0089"] *
 noback correct !$sx["\x0089"] " \x2030"
@@ -186,43 +186,40 @@
 attribute apostrophes `\x201a\x0082\x2039\x008b\x2018\x0091\x2019\x0092\x203a\x009b\x00b4
 noback correct %apostrophes "'"
-# Convert most single caps to lowercase
+### Correct - backward translation
-#Special abbreviations with imbedded small letters.
-# Must be handled by case in this version of liblouis
-noback correct "KAbB" "KABB"
-noback correct "CUDiM" "CUDIM"
+# characters that may get mangled by the insertion of extra letsigns
+nofor correct "\x2818" "~"
+#nofor correct "\x282f" "&"
+#nofor correct "\x2814" "*"
-swapcc UpperLower ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\x00c0\x00c1\x00c2\x00c3\x00c4\x00c5\x00c6\x00c7\x00c8\x00c9\x00ca\x00cb\x00cc\x00cd\x00ce\x00cf\x00d0\x00d1\x00d2\x00d3\x00d4\x00d5\x00d6\x00d8\x00d9\x00da\x00db\x00dc\x00dd\x00de\x008a\x008c \
-                  abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\x00e0\x00e1\x00e2\x00e3\x00e4\x00e5\x00e6\x00e7\x00e8\x00e9\x00ea\x00eb\x00ec\x00ed\x00ee\x00ef\x00f0\x00f1\x00f2\x00f3\x00f4\x00f5\x00f6\x00f8\x00f9\x00fa\x00fb\x00fc\x00fd\x00fe\x009a\x009c
-swapcc UpperLowerExt \x0100\x0102\x0104\x0106\x0108\x010a\x010c\x010e\x0110\x0112\x0114\x0116\x0118\x011a\x011c\x011e\x0120\x0122\x0124\x0126\x0128\x012a\x012c\x012e\x0130\x0132\x0134\x0136\x0139\x013b\x013d\x013f\x0141\x0143\x0145\x0147\x014a\x014c\x014e\x0150\x0152\x0154\x0156\x0158\x015a\x015c\x015e\x0160\x0162\x0164\x0166\x0168\x016a\x016c\x016e\x0170\x0172\x0174\x0176\x0178\x0179\x017b\x017d\x0386\x0388\x0389\x038a\x038c\x038e\x038f\x0391\x0392\x0393\x0394\x0395\x0396\x0397\x0398\x0399\x039a\x039b\x039c\x039d\x039e\x039f\x03a0\x03a1\x03a3\x03a4\x03a5\x03a6\x03a7\x03a8\x03a9 \
-                     \x0101\x0103\x0105\x0107\x0109\x010b\x010d\x010f\x0111\x0113\x0115\x0117\x0119\x011b\x011d\x011f\x0121\x0123\x0125\x0127\x0129\x012b\x012d\x012f\x0131\x0133\x0135\x0137\x013a\x013c\x013e\x0140\x0142\x0144\x0146\x0148\x014b\x014d\x014f\x0151\x0153\x0155\x0157\x0159\x015b\x015d\x015f\x0161\x0163\x0165\x0167\x0169\x016b\x016d\x016f\x0171\x0173\x0175\x0177\x00ff\x017a\x017c\x017e\x03ac\x03ad\x03ae\x03af\x03cc\x03cd\x03ce\x03b1\x03b2\x03b3\x03b4\x03b5\x03b6\x03b7\x03b8\x03b9\x03ba\x03bb\x03bc\x03bd\x03be\x03bf\x03c0\x03c1\x03c3\x03c4\x03c5\x03c6\x03c7\x03c8\x03c9
+# Try to distinguish between times (\x00d7) and bullit (\x2022),
+# which share the same Braille representation.
+nofor correct `["\x00d7"] "\x2022" 
+# nofor correct $d["\s\x00d7\s"]$d * #apparently doesn't work now
+nofor correct ["\x00d7"]!$d "\x2022" 
+nofor correct !$d["\x00d7"] "\x2022" 
-# I is a special case
-noback correct _$sp["I"]$sp "i"
-noback correct `["I"]$sp "i"
-noback correct _$sp["I"]~ "i"
+nofor correct "\x28a0" ? # Extraneous endcaps signs
+#nofor correct "\x2820" ?
+nofor correct "~\\456/" "|"
-noback correct $sSpu[%UpperLower]$u %UpperLower
-noback correct `[%UpperLower]$u %UpperLower
-noback correct $sSpu[%UpperLowerExt]$u %UpperLowerExt
-noback correct `[%UpperLowerExt]$u %UpperLowerExt
+### Pass 1 - Forward and backward
 # Punctuations, math and numbers
-midnum , 2
-midnum . 3
+#midnum , 2
+#midnum . 3
 # the following rule is doubtful, but probably does not apply.
 #midnum - 36
 endnum - 36
-midnum / 34
-midnum : 25
+#midnum / 34
+#midnum : 25
 midnum ^ 45-346
-midnum \x00d7 45-3-3456
+midnum \x00d7 45-3
 # Remove space between § and numbers.
-begnum § 346
+noback begnum § 346
 begnum §\s 346
 begnum §§\s 346-346
 always §§ 346-346
@@ -232,6 +229,7 @@
 postpunc " 2356
 prepunc - 36
 postpunc - 36
+nofor always \s-\s 0-36-36-0
 always :- 25-36
 always ;- 23-36
 always --- 36-36-36
@@ -253,17 +251,7 @@
 always !!!! 235-235-235-235
 always !!!!! 235-235-235-235-235
-### Context rules
-# Substitutions for joinnum rules with common math signs
-noback context $dy$s["-"$s]$dy @36
-noback context $dy$s["+"$s]$dy @235
-noback context $dy$s["\x00d7"$s]$dy @3
-noback context $dy$s["\x00f7"$s]$dy @256
-noback context $dy$s["="$s]$dy @2356
-# Space on each side of = when between letters or punctuation.
-noback context $lp["="]$lp @0-2356-0
+### Context rules - forward translation
 # Ensure two dashes where appropriate.
 noback context $w["-"]$w @36
@@ -277,18 +265,41 @@
 noback context $dy[]$u @6
 noback context $dy$Spm.[]$u @6
-# Ensure dot 6 as nocaps
-#noback context $U2-50[]$u @6
+### context - backward translation
-### Pass 2
+# Ensure the correct number of dashes
+nofor context @36[@36-36] "--"
+nofor context [@36-36]@36 "--"
+nofor context $w[@36-36]$w "--"
+nofor context $sw[@36-36]$sw "-"
+nofor context `[@36-36]$sw "-"
+nofor context $sw[@36-36]~ "-"
+nofor context `@36-36~ "-"
+### Pass 2 - forward translation
+# Correct tilde and vertical line
+noback pass2 @467 @45-6
+noback pass2 @4568 @45-456
 noback pass2 @6-5 @5 # no letsign before letters with accent
 noback pass2 @6-46-5 @46-5 # no letsign before cap letters with accent
-noback pass2 @45-6-46 * # don't touch tilde before capnoback pass2 @6-46 @46-6 # Ensure correct order
+noback pass2 @6-46 @46-6 # Ensure correct order
+ ### Pass 2 - backward
+### Pass 3 - forward translation
 # Ensure there is only one letsign
- noback pass2 @6-6 @6
+ noback pass3 @6-6 @6
 # Ensure there is only one emphasis sign
-noback pass2 @56-56 @56
-noback pass2 @56-56-56 @56
+noback pass3 @56-56 @56
+noback pass3 @56-56-56 @56
+### Pass 3 - backward translation
+# save ~ and |  before inserting extra letsigns and endcapsword in pass 2.
+nofor pass3 @45-6 @468 # Create alternative representation of "~"
+nofor pass3 @45-456 @4568
diff --git a/tables/da-dk-g18.ctb b/tables/da-dk-g18.ctb
index efe79b2..ca4fb24 100644
--- a/tables/da-dk-g18.ctb
+++ b/tables/da-dk-g18.ctb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# Liblouis: Danish table for 8 dots grade 1
+# Liblouis: Danish table for 8 dots grade 1 2022
-#  Copyright (C) 2014-2020, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
+#  Copyright (C) 2014, 2016-2022, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
 #  This file is part of liblouis.
@@ -20,16 +20,19 @@
-# This  is the Danish table for 8 dots grade 1 (fuldskrift).
+# This  is the Danish table for 8 dots grade 1 (fuldskrift) 2022.
 # Use this table for translation and back-translation of Danish 8 dots grade 1.
+# See also: Den Danske Punktskrift 2022
+#           Det Danske Punktskriftsnævn
+#           https://www.blind.dk/punktskrift-2022
-# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen, 200302
+# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen, December 2022
 ### Table Metadata
-#-name: Dansk fuldskrift 8-punkt
-#-index-name: Danish, uncontracted, 8-dot
-#-display-name: Danish 8-dot uncontracted braille
+#-name: Dansk fuldskrift 8-punkt 2022
+#-index-name: Danish, uncontracted, 8-dot, 2022
+#-display-name: Danish 8-dot uncontracted braille (2022 standard)
 #+language: da
 #+type: literary
@@ -37,50 +40,21 @@
 #+grade: 1
 #+dots: 8
 #+direction: both
+#+system: ddp
+#+version: 2022
 # Display upcodes
 include da-dk-octobraille.dis
 ### Character definitions ###
+# Various spaces
+include spaces.uti
-sign \x0000 8 NULL
-sign \x0001 178 START OF HEADING
-sign \x0002 1278 START OF TEXT
-sign \x0003 1478 END OF TEXT
-sign \x0004 14578 END OF TRANSMISSION
-sign \x0005 24568 ENQUIRY
-sign \x0006 12478 ACKNOWLEDGE
-sign \x0007 124578 BELL
-sign \x0008 12578 BACKSPACE
-space \n 678 LINE FEED (LF)
-space \v 1368 LINE TABULATION
-space \f 12378 FORM FEED (FF)
-space \r 257 CARRIAGE RETURN (CR)
-sign \x000e 134578 SHIFT OUT
-sign \x000f 12358 SHIFT IN
-sign \x0010 123478 DATA LINK ESCAPE
-sign \x0011 1234578 DEVICE CONTROL ONE
-sign \x0012 13568 DEVICE CONTROL TWO
-sign \x0013 4578 DEVICE CONTROL THREE
-sign \x0014 268 DEVICE CONTROL FOUR
-sign \x0015 13678 NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGE
-sign \x0016 278 SYNCHRONOUS IDLE
-sign \x0018 78 CANCEL
-sign \x0019 68 END OF MEDIUM
-sign \x001a 135678 SUBSTITUTE
-sign \x001b 2678 ESCAPE
-sign \x001e 1234678 INFORMATION SEPARATOR TWO
-space \s 0 SPACE
 punctuation ! 235 EXCLAMATION MARK
 punctuation " 2356 QUOTATION MARK
 punctuation # 34568 NUMBER SIGN
-sign $ 25678 DOLLAR SIGN
-math % 24578 PERCENT SIGN
+sign $ 14578 DOLLAR SIGN
+math % 678 PERCENT SIGN
 sign & 123468 AMPERSAND
 punctuation ' 4 APOSTROPHE
 punctuation ( 2368 LEFT PARENTHESIS
@@ -88,130 +62,88 @@
 punctuation * 35 ASTERISK
 math + 2358 PLUS SIGN
 punctuation , 2 COMMA
-punctuation - 368 HYPHEN-MINUS
+punctuation - 36 HYPHEN-MINUS
 punctuation . 3 FULL STOP
 punctuation / 348 SLASH
+# Digits
 include digits8Dots.uti
 punctuation : 25 COLON
 punctuation ; 23 SEMICOLON
 math < 358 LESS-THAN SIGN
 math = 23568 EQUALS SIGN
 punctuation ? 26 QUESTION MARK
-sign @ 478 COMMERCIAL AT
-uppercase D 1457 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D
-uppercase F 1247 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F
-uppercase G 12457 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G
-uppercase H 1257 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H
-uppercase J 2457 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J
-uppercase L 1237 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L
-uppercase M 1347 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M
-uppercase N 13457 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N
-uppercase O 1357 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O
-uppercase P 12347 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P
-uppercase Q 123457 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q
-uppercase R 12357 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R
-uppercase S 2347 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S
-uppercase T 23457 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T
-uppercase U 1367 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U
-uppercase V 12367 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V
-uppercase W 24567 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W
-uppercase X 13467 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X
-uppercase Y 134567 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y
-uppercase Z 13567 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z
+sign @ 178 COMMERCIAL AT
+# Latin letters
+include latinLetterDef8Dots.uti
 punctuation [ 23678 LEFT SQUARE BRACKET
 punctuation \\ 347 REVERSE SLASH
 punctuation ] 35678 RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET
 punctuation ^ 12348 CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT
 punctuation _ 3678 LOW LINE
 punctuation ` 5 GRAVE ACCENT
-lowercase a 1 LATIN SMALL LETTER A
-lowercase b 12 LATIN SMALL LETTER B
-lowercase c 14 LATIN SMALL LETTER C
-lowercase d 145 LATIN SMALL LETTER D
-lowercase e 15 LATIN SMALL LETTER E
-lowercase f 124 LATIN SMALL LETTER F
-lowercase g 1245 LATIN SMALL LETTER G
-lowercase h 125 LATIN SMALL LETTER H
-lowercase i 24 LATIN SMALL LETTER I
-lowercase j 245 LATIN SMALL LETTER J
-lowercase k 13 LATIN SMALL LETTER K
-lowercase l 123 LATIN SMALL LETTER L
-lowercase m 134 LATIN SMALL LETTER M
-lowercase n 1345 LATIN SMALL LETTER N
-lowercase o 135 LATIN SMALL LETTER O
-lowercase p 1234 LATIN SMALL LETTER P
-lowercase q 12345 LATIN SMALL LETTER Q
-lowercase r 1235 LATIN SMALL LETTER R
-lowercase s 234 LATIN SMALL LETTER S
-lowercase t 2345 LATIN SMALL LETTER T
-lowercase u 136 LATIN SMALL LETTER U
-lowercase v 1236 LATIN SMALL LETTER V
-lowercase w 2456 LATIN SMALL LETTER W
-lowercase x 1346 LATIN SMALL LETTER X
-lowercase y 13456 LATIN SMALL LETTER Y
-lowercase z 1356 LATIN SMALL LETTER Z
+# Lowercase letters, see above
 punctuation { 123678 LEFT CURLY BRACKET
 punctuation | 4568 VERTICAL LINE
 punctuation } 345678 RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
-punctuation ~ 467 TILDE
+punctuation ~ 2378 TILDE
 sign \x007f 7 DELETE
 sign \x20AC 1578 #EURO SIGN (0x80)
-sign \x0081 45 <control-0081>
+sign \x0081 2357 <control-0081>
 punctuation \x201A 457 #Low single quote (0x82)
 sign \x0192 58 #Flurihn (0x83)
-punctuation \x201E 2378 #Low quote (0x84)
-letter \x2020 2357 #Dagger (0x86
-letter \x2021 23578 #Double dagger (0x87
-letter \x02c6 5678 #Modifier letter circumflex (0x88)
+punctuation \x201E 467 #Low quote (0x84)
+punctuation \x2026 6 #Elipsis (0x85)
+sign \x2020 45 #Dagger (0x86
+sign \x2021 456 #Double dagger (0x87
+sign \x02c6 5678 #Modifier letter circumflex (0x88)
 math \x2030 245678 #permille sign (0x89)
-uppercase \x0160 23478 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON (0x8a)
-punctuation \x2039 456 #SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x8b)
-uppercase \x0152 13578 #LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE (0x8c)
+punctuation \x2039 23578 #SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x8b)
+uppercase \x0152 13578 #Latin capital LIGATURE OE (0x8c)
 sign \x008d 3567 REVERSE LINE FEED (not defined in cp1252)
-uppercase \x017d 3467 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON (0x8e)
-letter \x008f 27 SINGLE SHIFT THREE (not defined in cp1252)
-letter \x0090 357 DEVICE CONTROL STRING (not defined in cp1252)
+uppercase \x017d 3467 #Latin capital letter Z with caron (0x8e)
+sign \x008f 27 SINGLE SHIFT THREE (not defined in cp1252)
+sign \x0090 357 DEVICE CONTROL STRING (not defined in cp1252)
 punctuation \x2018 47 #LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x91)
 punctuation \x2019 48 #RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x92)
 punctuation \x201c 237 #LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x93)
 punctuation \x201d 568 #RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x94)
 sign \x2022 37 #Bullit (0x95)
-sign \x02DC 46 #SMALL TILDE (0x98)
+sign \x2013 368 #EN DASH (0x96)
+sign \x2014 367 #Em DASH (0x97)
+sign \x02DC 23478 #small TILDE (0x98)
 sign \x2122 234578 #TRADE MARK SIGN (0x99)
-lowercase \x0161 2348 #LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON (0x9a)
-lowercase \x0153 1358 #LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE (0x9c)
+lowercase \x0153 1358 #Latin small LIGATURE OE (0x9c)
 letter \x009d 2567 OPERATING SYSTEM COMMAND
-lowercase \x017E 346 #LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON (0x9e)
-uppercase \x0178 2345678 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS (0x9f)
-punctuation \x00a0 23458 NO-BREAK SPACE (0xa0)
+lowercase \x017E 346 #Latin small letter Z with caron (0x9e)
+uppercase \x0178 2345678 #Latin capital letter Y with DIAERESIS (0x9f)
 punctuation \x00a1 256 INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK )0xa1)
 punctuation \x00a2 2578 CENT SIGN (0xa2)
-punctuation \x00a3 1238 POUND SIGN (0xa3)
+punctuation \x00a3 12378 POUND SIGN (0xa3)
 punctuation \x00a4 2367 CURRENCY SIGN (0xa4)
-punctuation \x00a5 67 YEN SIGN (0xa5)
+punctuation \x00a5 1345678 YEN SIGN (0xa5)
 punctuation \x00a6 3478 BROKEN BAR (0xa6)
 punctuation \x00a7 578 SECTION SIGN (0xa7)
 punctuation \x00a8 56 DIAERESIS (0xa8)
-punctuation \x00a9 134678 COPYRIGHT SIGN (0xa9)
+punctuation \x00a9 1478 COPYRIGHT SIGN (0xa9)
 letter \x00aa 234678 FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR (0xaa)
 punctuation \x00ac 34567 NOT SIGN (0xac)
 letter \x00ad 378 SOFT HYPHEN (0xad)
-punctuation \x00ae 123578 REGISTERED SIGN (0xae)
-punctuation \x00af 23567 MACRON (0xaf)
-sign \x00b0 356 DEGREE SIGN (0xb0)
-math \x00b1 123458 PLUS-MINUS SIGN
+punctuation \x00ae 123578 Registered sign (0xae)
+punctuation \x00af 23567 macron (0xaf)
+sign \x00b0 356 Degree sign (0xb0)
+math \x00b1 12478 PLUS-MINUS SIGN
 punctuation \x00b2 238 SUPERSCRIPT TWO
 punctuation \x00b3 258 SUPERSCRIPT THREE
-punctuation \x00b4 468 ACUTE ACCENT
+punctuation \x00b4 458 acute ACCENT
 sign \x00b5 236 MICRO SIGN
 punctuation \x00b6 1234568 PILCROW SIGN
 punctuation \x00b7 38 MIDDLE DOT
@@ -219,101 +151,104 @@
 punctuation \x00b9 28 SUPERSCRIPT ONE
 letter \x00ba 12345678 MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR
-punctuation \x00bc 13458 VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER
-punctuation \x00bd 458 VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF
-punctuation \x00be 3456 VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS
+punctuation \x00bc 1368 VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER
+punctuation \x00bd 468 VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF
+punctuation \x00be 13468 VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS
 punctuation \x00bf 34 INVERTED QUESTION MARK
-uppercase \x00c0 123567 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
-uppercase \x00c1 1235678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
-uppercase \x00c3 14678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE
-uppercase \x00c6 3457 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE
-uppercase \x00c7 123467 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
-uppercase \x00c8 23467 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
-uppercase \x00c9 1234567 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
-uppercase \x00cc 15678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
-uppercase \x00cd 12678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
-uppercase \x00d0 1345678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH
-uppercase \x00d1 1245678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE
-uppercase \x00d2 124678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
-uppercase \x00d3 34678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
-uppercase \x00d5 145678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE
-math \x00d7 13468 MULTIPLICATION SIGN
-uppercase \x00d9 234567 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
-uppercase \x00da 125678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
-uppercase \x00dd 13478 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE (infinite?)
-uppercase \x00de 1378 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN
-lowercase \x00df 23468 LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S
-lowercase \x00e0 12356 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
-lowercase \x00e1 123568 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
-lowercase \x00e3 1468 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE
-lowercase \x00e6 345 LATIN SMALL LETTER AE
-lowercase \x00e7 12346 LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
-lowercase \x00e8 2346 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
-lowercase \x00e9 123456 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
-lowercase \x00ec 1568 LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
-lowercase \x00ed 1268 LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
-lowercase \x00f0 134568 LATIN SMALL LETTER ETH
-lowercase \x00f1 124568 LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE
-lowercase \x00f2 12468 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
-lowercase \x00f3 3468 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
-lowercase \x00f5 14568 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE
+uppercase \x00c0 123567 Latin capital letter A with GRAVE
+uppercase \x00c1 1235678 Latin capital letter A with acute
+uppercase \x00c2 1678 Latin capital letter A with CIRCUMFLEX
+uppercase \x00c3 14678 Latin capital letter A with TILDE
+uppercase \x00c4 34578 Latin capital letter A with DIAERESIS
+uppercase \x00c5 167 Latin capital letter A with RING ABOVE
+uppercase \x00c6 3457 Latin capital letter AE
+uppercase \x00c7 123467 Latin capital letter C with CEDILLA
+uppercase \x00c8 23467 Latin capital letter E with GRAVE
+uppercase \x00c9 1234567 Latin capital letter E with acute
+uppercase \x00ca 1267 Latin capital letter E with CIRCUMFLEX
+uppercase \x00cb 12467 Latin capital letter E with DIAERESIS
+uppercase \x00cc 15678 Latin capital letter I with GRAVE
+uppercase \x00cd 12678 Latin capital letter I with acute
+uppercase \x00ce 1467 Latin capital letter I with CIRCUMFLEX
+uppercase \x00cf 124567 Latin capital letter I with DIAERESIS
+uppercase \x00d0 67 Latin capital letter ETH
+uppercase \x00d1 1245678 Latin capital letter N with TILDE
+uppercase \x00d2 124678 Latin capital letter O with GRAVE
+uppercase \x00d3 34678 Latin capital letter O with acute
+uppercase \x00d4 14567 Latin capital letter O with CIRCUMFLEX
+uppercase \x00d5 145678 Latin capital letter O with TILDE
+uppercase \x00d6 24678 Latin capital letter O with DIAERESIS
+math \x00d7 3456 MULTIPLICATION SIGN
+uppercase \x00d8 2467 Latin capital letter O with STROKE
+uppercase \x00d9 234567 Latin capital letter U with GRAVE
+uppercase \x00da 125678 Latin capital letter U with acute
+uppercase \x00db 1567 Latin capital letter U with CIRCUMFLEX
+uppercase \x00dc 12567 Latin capital letter U with DIAERESIS
+uppercase \x00dd 235678 Latin capital letter Y with acute (infinite?)
+uppercase \x00de 1378 Latin capital letter THORN
+lowercase \x00df 23468 Latin small letter SHARP S
+lowercase \x00e0 12356 Latin small letter A with GRAVE
+lowercase \x00e1 123568 Latin small letter A with acute
+lowercase \x00e2 168 Latin small letter A with CIRCUMFLEX
+lowercase \x00e3 1468 Latin small letter A with TILDE
+lowercase \x00e4 3458 Latin small letter A with DIAERESIS
+lowercase \x00e5 16 Latin small letter A with RING ABOVE
+lowercase \x00e6 345 Latin small letter AE
+lowercase \x00e7 12346 Latin small letter C with CEDILLA
+lowercase \x00e8 2346 Latin small letter E with GRAVE
+lowercase \x00e9 123456 Latin small letter E with acute
+lowercase \x00ea 126 Latin small letter E with CIRCUMFLEX
+lowercase \x00eb 1246 Latin small letter E with DIAERESIS
+lowercase \x00ec 1568 Latin small letter I with GRAVE
+lowercase \x00ed 1268 Latin small letter I with acute
+lowercase \x00ee 146 Latin small letter I with CIRCUMFLEX
+lowercase \x00ef 12456 Latin small letter I with DIAERESIS
+lowercase \x00f0 134568 Latin small letter ETH
+lowercase \x00f1 124568 Latin small letter N with TILDE
+lowercase \x00f2 12468 Latin small letter O with GRAVE
+lowercase \x00f3 3468 Latin small letter O with acute
+lowercase \x00f4 1456 Latin small letter O with CIRCUMFLEX
+lowercase \x00f5 14568 Latin small letter O with TILDE
+lowercase \x00f6 2468 Latin small letter O with DIAERESIS
 math \x00f7 2568 DIVISION SIGN
-lowercase \x00f8 246 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE
-lowercase \x00f9 23456 LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
-lowercase \x00fa 12568 LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
-lowercase \x00fd 1348 LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
-lowercase \x00fe 138 LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN
-lowercase \x00ff 234568 LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS
+lowercase \x00f8 246 Latin small letter O with STROKE
+lowercase \x00f9 23456 Latin small letter U with GRAVE
+lowercase \x00fa 12568 Latin small letter U with acute
+lowercase \x00fb 156 Latin small letter U with CIRCUMFLEX
+lowercase \x00fc 1256 Latin small letter U with DIAERESIS
+lowercase \x00fd 1348 Latin small letter Y with acute
+lowercase \x00fe 138 Latin small letter THORN
+lowercase \x00ff 234568 Latin small letter Y with DIAERESIS
 # In CP-1252 the following chars are different from Unicode.
 # This placement ensures that Liblouis will always return the unicode when back-translating.
 sign \x0080 1578 #EURO SIGN (0x80)
 punctuation \x0082 457 #Low single quote (0x82)
 sign \x0083 58 #Flurihn (0x83)
-punctuation \x0084 2378 #Low quote (0x84)
-letter \x0086 2357 #Dagger (0x86
-letter \x0087 23578 #Double dagger (0x87
+punctuation \x0084 467 #Low quote (0x84)
+punctuation \x0085 6 #Elipsis (0x85)
+letter \x0086 45 #Dagger (0x86
+letter \x0087 456 #Double dagger (0x87
 letter \x0088 5678 #Modifier letter circumflex (0x88)
 math \x0089 245678 #permille sign (0x89)
-uppercase \x008a 23478 #LATIN LETTER S WITH CARON (0x8a)
+uppercase \x008a 23478 #Latin letter S with caron (0x8a)
 lowercase \x009a 2348
-punctuation \x008b 456 #SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x8b)
-uppercase \x008c 13578 #LATIN LIGATURE OE (0x8c)
+punctuation \x008b 23578 #SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x8b)
+uppercase \x008c 13578 #Latin LIGATURE OE (0x8c)
 lowercase \x009c 1358
-uppercase \x008e 3467 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON (0x8e)
+uppercase \x008e 3467 #Latin capital letter Z with caron (0x8e)
 lowercase \x009e 346
 punctuation \x0091 47 #LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x91)
 punctuation \x0092 48 #RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x92)
 punctuation \x0093 237 #LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x93)
 punctuation \x0094 568 #RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x94)
 sign \x0095 37 #Bullit (0x95)
-sign \x0098 46 #SMALL TILDE (0x98)
+sign \x0096 368 #EN DASH (0x96)
+sign \x0097 367 #Em DASH (0x97)
+sign \x0098 23478 #small TILDE (0x98)
 sign \x0099 234578 #TRADE MARK SIGN (0x99)
 punctuation \x009b 4567 #SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x9b)
-uppercase \x009f 2345678 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS (0x9f)
+uppercase \x009f 2345678 #Latin capital letter Y with DIAERESIS (0x9f)
 #Unicode Braille patterns
 include braille-patterns.cti
@@ -321,12 +256,8 @@
 # characters that have letsign as part of their definition
 # (to be removed when the alwaysletsign opcode has been implemented).
-punctuation \x2026 6-3-3-3 #Elipsis (0x85)
-noback punctuation \x0085 6-3-3-3 #Elipsis (0x85)
-letter \x2013 6-36 #EN DASH (0x96)
-noback sign \x0096 6-36 #EN DASH (0x96)
-letter \x2014 6-367 #Em DASH (0x97)
-noback sign \x0097 6-367 #Em DASH (0x97)
+punctuation \x2026 56-3-3-3 #Elipsis (0x85)
+noback punctuation \x0085 56-3-3-3 #Elipsis (0x85)
 # Misc unicode characters
@@ -429,12 +360,14 @@
 noback lowercase \x0157 5-1235   Latin letter r with cedilla
 noback uppercase \x0158 5-12357  Latin letter r with caron
 noback lowercase \x0159 5-1235   Latin letter r with caron
-uppercase \x015a 5-2347          Latin letter s with acute
-lowercase \x015b 5-234           Latin letter s with acute
+noback uppercase \x015a 5-2347          Latin letter s with acute
+noback lowercase \x015b 5-234           Latin letter s with acute
 noback uppercase \x015c 5-2347   Latin letter s with circumflex
 noback lowercase \x015d 5-234    Latin letter s with circumflex
 noback uppercase \x015e 5-2347   Latin letter s with cedilla
 noback lowercase \x015f 5-234    Latin letter s with cedilla
+uppercase \x0160 5-2347 #Latin  capital Letter S with caron (0x8a/0x9a)
+lowercase \x0161 5-234 #Latin  lowercase Letter S with caron (0x8a/0x9a)
 uppercase \x0162 5-23457         Latin letter t with cedilla
 lowercase \x0163 5-2345          Latin letter t with cedilla
 noback uppercase \x0164 5-23457  Latin letter t with caron
@@ -462,6 +395,63 @@
 noback uppercase \x017b 5-13567  Latin letter z with dot above
 noback lowercase \x017c 5-1356   Latin letter z with dot above
 noback lowercase \x017f 5-234    Latin small letter long s
+# Punctuation and bullits
+noback punctuation \x2010 36 # Hyphen
+noback punctuation \x2011 36 # Non-breaking hyphen
+noback punctuation \x2012 36 # Figure dash
+sign \x2016 45-4568 # Double Vertical Line
+sign \x2017 45-3678 # Double low line
+noback punctuation \x201b 4 # Single High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark
+noback punctuation \x201f 2356 # Double High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark
+noback sign \x2023 37 #Triangular bullit
+noback punctuation \x203c 235-235 # Double Exclamation Mark
+noback punctuation \x203d 26-235 # Interrobang
+noback sign \x2043 37 # Hyphen bullet (0x95)
+noback punctuation \x2047 26-26 # Double question mark
+noback punctuation \x2048 26-235 # Question exclamation mark
+noback punctuation \x2049 235-26 # Exclamation question mark
+noback sign \x204c 37 # BLACK LEFTWARDS BULLET 
+noback sign \x204d 37 # BLACK RIGHTWARDS BULLET 
+# Arrows
+sign \x2190 45-1256-246 Left arrow
+sign \x2191 45-1256-346 Up arrow
+sign \x2192 45-1256-135 Right arrow
+sign \x2193 45-1256-146 Down arrow
+sign \x2194 45-1256-2456-1235-135 Left-right arrow
+sign \x2196 45-1256-156 Northwest arrow
+sign \x2197 45-1256-234 Northeast arrow
+sign \x2198 45-1256-126 Southeast arrow
+sign \x2199 45-1256-345 Southwest arrow
+sign \x21d4 45-1256-2456-2356-1235-135 Left-right double arrow
+# Math signs (experimental)
+math \x2200 45-1 # For all
+math \x2208 45-15 # Element of
+math \x2213 456-36 # Minus or plus
+math \x221d 456-5-23568 # Proportional to
+math \x2229 46-236 # Intersection
+math \x222a 46-235 # Union
+math \x2243 456-35 # approx. equal to
+math \x2245 5-45-35 # approx. equal to
+math \x2248 45-35 # approx. equal to
+math \x224f 45-5-23568 # Diff between or approx. equal to
+math \x2251 46-5-23568 # approx. equal to
+math \x2260 5-23568-4-156 # Not equal to
+math \x2261 456-123456 # Equivalent to
+math \x2264 456-358 # Less than or equal to
+math \x2265 456-267 # Greater than or equal to
+math \x226a 46-358 # Much less than
+math \x226b 46-267 # Much greater than
+math \x22c5 5-256 # Multiplication dot
+# Geometrical shapes
+noback sign \x25e6 37 #White bullet
 # Greek letters (with dots 458 as prefix)
@@ -528,8 +518,6 @@
 lowercase \x03CD 458-5-136   Greek letter upsilon with tonos
 lowercase \x03CE 458-5-2456  Greek letter omega with tonos
-include da-dk-8miscChars.cti
 # Rules for grade 1 and grade 2
 # Emphasis opcodes
@@ -537,14 +525,14 @@
 emphclass underline
 emphclass bold
-begemphphrase italic 56
-endemphphrase italic after 56
+begemphphrase italic 46
+endemphphrase italic after 46
-begemphphrase bold 56
-endemphphrase bold after 56
+begemphphrase bold 46
+endemphphrase bold after 46
-begemphphrase underline 56
-endemphphrase underline after 56
+begemphphrase underline 46
+endemphphrase underline after 46
 # Remove space between  and numbers.
 noback begnum § 578
@@ -552,10 +540,7 @@
 begnum §§\s 578-578
 always §§ 578-578
-# Remove space between ยง and numbers.
-# begnum ยง\s 578
 # Ensure there is only one emphasis sign
-noback pass2 @56-56 @56
-noback pass2 @56-56-56 @56
+noback pass2 @46-46 @46
+noback pass2 @46-46-46 @46
diff --git a/tables/da-dk-g18_1993.ctb b/tables/da-dk-g18_1993.ctb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c46652
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tables/da-dk-g18_1993.ctb
@@ -0,0 +1,563 @@
+# Liblouis: Danish table for 8 dots grade 1 1993
+#  Copyright (C) 2014, 2016-2021, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
+#  This file is part of liblouis.
+#  liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+#  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
+#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+#  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License along with liblouis. If not, see
+#  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# This  is the Danish table for 8 dots grade 1 (fuldskrift) 1993.
+# Use this table for translation and back-translation of Danish 8 dots grade 1.
+# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen, December 2022
+### Table Metadata
+#-name: Dansk fuldskrift 8-punkt 1993
+#-index-name: Danish, uncontracted, 8-dot, 1993
+#-display-name: Danish 8-dot uncontracted braille (1993 standard)
+#+language: da
+#+type: literary
+#+contraction: no
+#+grade: 1
+#+dots: 8
+#+direction: both
+#+system: ddp
+#+version: 1993
+# Display upcodes
+include da-dk-octobraille_1993.dis
+### Character definitions ###
+sign \x0000 8 NULL
+sign \x0001 178 START OF HEADING
+sign \x0002 1278 START OF TEXT
+sign \x0003 1478 END OF TEXT
+sign \x0004 14578 END OF TRANSMISSION
+sign \x0005 24568 ENQUIRY
+sign \x0006 12478 ACKNOWLEDGE
+sign \x0007 124578 BELL
+sign \x0008 12578 BACKSPACE
+space \n 678 LINE FEED (LF)
+space \v 1368 LINE TABULATION
+space \f 12378 FORM FEED (FF)
+space \r 257 CARRIAGE RETURN (CR)
+sign \x000e 134578 SHIFT OUT
+sign \x000f 12358 SHIFT IN
+sign \x0010 123478 DATA LINK ESCAPE
+sign \x0011 1234578 DEVICE CONTROL ONE
+sign \x0012 13568 DEVICE CONTROL TWO
+sign \x0013 4578 DEVICE CONTROL THREE
+sign \x0014 268 DEVICE CONTROL FOUR
+sign \x0015 13678 NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGE
+sign \x0016 278 SYNCHRONOUS IDLE
+sign \x0018 78 CANCEL
+sign \x0019 68 END OF MEDIUM
+sign \x001a 135678 SUBSTITUTE
+sign \x001b 2678 ESCAPE
+sign \x001e 1234678 INFORMATION SEPARATOR TWO
+space \s 0 SPACE
+punctuation ! 235 EXCLAMATION MARK
+punctuation " 2356 QUOTATION MARK
+punctuation # 34568 NUMBER SIGN
+sign $ 25678 DOLLAR SIGN
+math % 24578 PERCENT SIGN
+sign & 123468 AMPERSAND
+punctuation ' 4 APOSTROPHE
+punctuation ( 2368 LEFT PARENTHESIS
+punctuation ) 3568 RIGHT PARENTHESIS
+punctuation * 35 ASTERISK
+math + 2358 PLUS SIGN
+punctuation , 2 COMMA
+punctuation - 368 HYPHEN-MINUS
+punctuation . 3 FULL STOP
+punctuation / 348 SLASH
+include digits8Dots.uti
+punctuation : 25 COLON
+punctuation ; 23 SEMICOLON
+math < 358 LESS-THAN SIGN
+math = 23568 EQUALS SIGN
+punctuation ? 26 QUESTION MARK
+sign @ 478 COMMERCIAL AT
+uppercase D 1457 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D
+uppercase F 1247 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F
+uppercase G 12457 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G
+uppercase H 1257 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H
+uppercase J 2457 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J
+uppercase L 1237 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L
+uppercase M 1347 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M
+uppercase N 13457 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N
+uppercase O 1357 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O
+uppercase P 12347 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P
+uppercase Q 123457 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q
+uppercase R 12357 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R
+uppercase S 2347 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S
+uppercase T 23457 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T
+uppercase U 1367 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U
+uppercase V 12367 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V
+uppercase W 24567 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W
+uppercase X 13467 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X
+uppercase Y 134567 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y
+uppercase Z 13567 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z
+punctuation [ 23678 LEFT SQUARE BRACKET
+punctuation \\ 347 REVERSE SLASH
+punctuation ] 35678 RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET
+punctuation ^ 12348 CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT
+punctuation _ 3678 LOW LINE
+punctuation ` 5 GRAVE ACCENT
+lowercase a 1 LATIN SMALL LETTER A
+lowercase b 12 LATIN SMALL LETTER B
+lowercase c 14 LATIN SMALL LETTER C
+lowercase d 145 LATIN SMALL LETTER D
+lowercase e 15 LATIN SMALL LETTER E
+lowercase f 124 LATIN SMALL LETTER F
+lowercase g 1245 LATIN SMALL LETTER G
+lowercase h 125 LATIN SMALL LETTER H
+lowercase i 24 LATIN SMALL LETTER I
+lowercase j 245 LATIN SMALL LETTER J
+lowercase k 13 LATIN SMALL LETTER K
+lowercase l 123 LATIN SMALL LETTER L
+lowercase m 134 LATIN SMALL LETTER M
+lowercase n 1345 LATIN SMALL LETTER N
+lowercase o 135 LATIN SMALL LETTER O
+lowercase p 1234 LATIN SMALL LETTER P
+lowercase q 12345 LATIN SMALL LETTER Q
+lowercase r 1235 LATIN SMALL LETTER R
+lowercase s 234 LATIN SMALL LETTER S
+lowercase t 2345 LATIN SMALL LETTER T
+lowercase u 136 LATIN SMALL LETTER U
+lowercase v 1236 LATIN SMALL LETTER V
+lowercase w 2456 LATIN SMALL LETTER W
+lowercase x 1346 LATIN SMALL LETTER X
+lowercase y 13456 LATIN SMALL LETTER Y
+lowercase z 1356 LATIN SMALL LETTER Z
+punctuation { 123678 LEFT CURLY BRACKET
+punctuation | 4568 VERTICAL LINE
+punctuation } 345678 RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
+punctuation ~ 467 TILDE
+sign \x007f 7 DELETE
+sign \x20AC 1578 #EURO SIGN (0x80)
+sign \x0081 45 <control-0081>
+punctuation \x201A 457 #Low single quote (0x82)
+sign \x0192 58 #Flurihn (0x83)
+punctuation \x201E 2378 #Low quote (0x84)
+letter \x2020 2357 #Dagger (0x86
+letter \x2021 23578 #Double dagger (0x87
+letter \x02c6 5678 #Modifier letter circumflex (0x88)
+math \x2030 245678 #permille sign (0x89)
+uppercase \x0160 23478 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON (0x8a)
+punctuation \x2039 456 #SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x8b)
+uppercase \x0152 13578 #LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE (0x8c)
+sign \x008d 3567 REVERSE LINE FEED (not defined in cp1252)
+uppercase \x017d 3467 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON (0x8e)
+letter \x008f 27 SINGLE SHIFT THREE (not defined in cp1252)
+letter \x0090 357 DEVICE CONTROL STRING (not defined in cp1252)
+punctuation \x2018 47 #LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x91)
+punctuation \x2019 48 #RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x92)
+punctuation \x201c 237 #LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x93)
+punctuation \x201d 568 #RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x94)
+sign \x2022 37 #Bullit (0x95)
+sign \x02DC 46 #SMALL TILDE (0x98)
+sign \x2122 234578 #TRADE MARK SIGN (0x99)
+lowercase \x0161 2348 #LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON (0x9a)
+lowercase \x0153 1358 #LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE (0x9c)
+letter \x009d 2567 OPERATING SYSTEM COMMAND
+lowercase \x017E 346 #LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON (0x9e)
+uppercase \x0178 2345678 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS (0x9f)
+punctuation \x00a0 23458 NO-BREAK SPACE (0xa0)
+punctuation \x00a1 256 INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK )0xa1)
+punctuation \x00a2 2578 CENT SIGN (0xa2)
+punctuation \x00a3 1238 POUND SIGN (0xa3)
+punctuation \x00a4 2367 CURRENCY SIGN (0xa4)
+punctuation \x00a5 67 YEN SIGN (0xa5)
+punctuation \x00a6 3478 BROKEN BAR (0xa6)
+punctuation \x00a7 578 SECTION SIGN (0xa7)
+punctuation \x00a8 56 DIAERESIS (0xa8)
+punctuation \x00a9 134678 COPYRIGHT SIGN (0xa9)
+letter \x00aa 234678 FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR (0xaa)
+punctuation \x00ac 34567 NOT SIGN (0xac)
+letter \x00ad 378 SOFT HYPHEN (0xad)
+punctuation \x00ae 123578 REGISTERED SIGN (0xae)
+punctuation \x00af 23567 MACRON (0xaf)
+sign \x00b0 356 DEGREE SIGN (0xb0)
+math \x00b1 123458 PLUS-MINUS SIGN
+punctuation \x00b2 238 SUPERSCRIPT TWO
+punctuation \x00b3 258 SUPERSCRIPT THREE
+punctuation \x00b4 468 ACUTE ACCENT
+sign \x00b5 236 MICRO SIGN
+punctuation \x00b6 1234568 PILCROW SIGN
+punctuation \x00b7 38 MIDDLE DOT
+punctuation \x00b8 4678 CEDILLA
+punctuation \x00b9 28 SUPERSCRIPT ONE
+letter \x00ba 12345678 MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR
+punctuation \x00bc 13458 VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER
+punctuation \x00bd 458 VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF
+punctuation \x00be 3456 VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS
+punctuation \x00bf 34 INVERTED QUESTION MARK
+uppercase \x00c0 123567 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
+uppercase \x00c1 1235678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+uppercase \x00c3 14678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE
+uppercase \x00c6 3457 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE
+uppercase \x00c7 123467 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
+uppercase \x00c8 23467 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
+uppercase \x00c9 1234567 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+uppercase \x00cc 15678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
+uppercase \x00cd 12678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+uppercase \x00d0 1345678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH
+uppercase \x00d1 1245678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE
+uppercase \x00d2 124678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
+uppercase \x00d3 34678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+uppercase \x00d5 145678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE
+math \x00d7 13468 MULTIPLICATION SIGN
+uppercase \x00d9 234567 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
+uppercase \x00da 125678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+uppercase \x00dd 13478 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE (infinite?)
+uppercase \x00de 1378 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN
+lowercase \x00df 23468 LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S
+lowercase \x00e0 12356 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
+lowercase \x00e1 123568 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+lowercase \x00e3 1468 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE
+lowercase \x00e6 345 LATIN SMALL LETTER AE
+lowercase \x00e7 12346 LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
+lowercase \x00e8 2346 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
+lowercase \x00e9 123456 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+lowercase \x00ec 1568 LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
+lowercase \x00ed 1268 LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+lowercase \x00f0 134568 LATIN SMALL LETTER ETH
+lowercase \x00f1 124568 LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE
+lowercase \x00f2 12468 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
+lowercase \x00f3 3468 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+lowercase \x00f5 14568 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE
+math \x00f7 2568 DIVISION SIGN
+lowercase \x00f8 246 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE
+lowercase \x00f9 23456 LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
+lowercase \x00fa 12568 LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+lowercase \x00fd 1348 LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
+lowercase \x00fe 138 LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN
+lowercase \x00ff 234568 LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS
+# In CP-1252 the following chars are different from Unicode.
+# This placement ensures that Liblouis will always return the unicode when back-translating.
+sign \x0080 1578 #EURO SIGN (0x80)
+punctuation \x0082 457 #Low single quote (0x82)
+sign \x0083 58 #Flurihn (0x83)
+punctuation \x0084 2378 #Low quote (0x84)
+letter \x0086 2357 #Dagger (0x86
+letter \x0087 23578 #Double dagger (0x87
+letter \x0088 5678 #Modifier letter circumflex (0x88)
+math \x0089 245678 #permille sign (0x89)
+uppercase \x008a 23478 #LATIN LETTER S WITH CARON (0x8a)
+lowercase \x009a 2348
+punctuation \x008b 456 #SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x8b)
+uppercase \x008c 13578 #LATIN LIGATURE OE (0x8c)
+lowercase \x009c 1358
+uppercase \x008e 3467 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON (0x8e)
+lowercase \x009e 346
+punctuation \x0091 47 #LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x91)
+punctuation \x0092 48 #RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x92)
+punctuation \x0093 237 #LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x93)
+punctuation \x0094 568 #RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x94)
+sign \x0095 37 #Bullit (0x95)
+sign \x0098 46 #SMALL TILDE (0x98)
+sign \x0099 234578 #TRADE MARK SIGN (0x99)
+punctuation \x009b 4567 #SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x9b)
+uppercase \x009f 2345678 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS (0x9f)
+#Unicode Braille patterns
+include braille-patterns.cti
+# characters that have letsign as part of their definition
+# (to be removed when the alwaysletsign opcode has been implemented).
+punctuation \x2026 6-3-3-3 #Elipsis (0x85)
+noback punctuation \x0085 6-3-3-3 #Elipsis (0x85)
+letter \x2013 6-36 #EN DASH (0x96)
+noback sign \x0096 6-36 #EN DASH (0x96)
+letter \x2014 6-367 #Em DASH (0x97)
+noback sign \x0097 6-367 #Em DASH (0x97)
+# Misc unicode characters
+# Many of the characters below and in da-dk-8miscChars.cti have not
+# been defined in the Danish Braille standard.
+# The current implementation is purely experimental and subject to change.
+# Math chars and arrows etc. are inspired by UEB.
+# Latin Extended-A (\x0100-\x017f)
+# For each accented letter, the first occurring instance is chosen for back-translation.
+# There are no rules about this in the specs of Danish Braille,
+# So the choice is arbitrary and may change over time.
+uppercase \x0100 5-17            Latin letter a with macron
+lowercase \x0101 5-1             Latin letter a with macron
+noback uppercase \x0102 5-17     Latin letter a with breve
+noback lowercase \x0103 5-1      Latin letter a with breve
+noback uppercase \x0104 5-17     Latin letter a with ogonek
+noback lowercase \x0105 5-1      Latin letter a with ogonek
+uppercase \x0106 5-147           Latin letter c with acute
+lowercase \x0107 5-14            Latin letter c with acute
+noback uppercase \x0108 5-147    Latin letter c with circumflex
+noback lowercase \x0109 5-14     Latin letter c with circumflex
+noback uppercase \x010a 5-147    Latin letter c with dot above
+noback lowercase \x010b 5-14     Latin letter c with dot above
+noback uppercase \x010c 5-147    Latin letter c with caron
+noback lowercase \x010d 5-14     Latin letter c with caron
+uppercase \x010e 5-1457          Latin letter d with caron
+lowercase \x010f 5-145           Latin letter d with caron
+noback uppercase \x0110 5-1457   Latin letter d with stroke
+noback lowercase \x0111 5-145    Latin letter d with stroke
+uppercase \x0112 5-157           Latin letter e with macron
+lowercase \x0113 5-15            Latin letter e with macron
+noback uppercase \x0114 5-157    Latin letter e with breve
+noback lowercase \x0115 5-15     Latin letter e with breve
+noback uppercase \x0116 5-157    Latin letter e with dot above
+noback lowercase \x0117 5-15     Latin letter e with dot above
+noback uppercase \x0118 5-157    Latin letter e with ogonek
+noback lowercase \x0119 5-15     Latin letter e with ogonek
+noback uppercase \x011a 5-157    Latin letter e with caron
+noback lowercase \x011b 5-15     Latin letter e with caron
+uppercase \x011c 5-12457         Latin letter g with circumflex
+lowercase \x011d 5-1245          Latin letter g with circumflex
+noback uppercase \x011e 5-12457  Latin letter g with breve
+noback lowercase \x011f 5-1245   Latin letter g with breve
+noback uppercase \x0120 5-12457  Latin letter g with dot above
+noback lowercase \x0121 5-1245   Latin letter g with dot above
+noback uppercase \x0122 5-12457  Latin letter g with cedilla
+noback lowercase \x0123 5-1245   Latin letter g with cedilla
+uppercase \x0124 5-1257          Latin letter h with circumflex
+lowercase \x0125 5-125           Latin letter h with circumflex
+noback uppercase \x0126 5-1257   Latin letter h with stroke
+noback lowercase \x0127 5-125    Latin letter h with stroke
+uppercase \x0128 5-247           Latin letter i with tilde
+lowercase \x0129 5-24            Latin letter i with tilde
+noback uppercase \x012a 5-247    Latin letter i with macron
+noback lowercase \x012b 5-24     Latin letter i with macron
+noback uppercase \x012c 5-247    Latin letter i with breve
+noback lowercase \x012d 5-24     Latin letter i with breve
+noback uppercase \x012e 5-247    Latin letter i with ogonek
+noback lowercase \x012f 5-24     Latin letter i with ogonek
+noback uppercase \x0130 5-247    Latin capital letter i with dot above
+noback lowercase \x0131 5-24     Latin small dotless i
+noback uppercase \x0132 247-245  Latin ligature ij
+noback lowercase \x0133 24-245   Latin ligature ij
+uppercase \x0134 5-2457          Latin letter j with circumflex
+lowercase \x0135 5-245           Latin letter j with circumflex
+uppercase \x0136 5-137           Latin letter k with cedilla
+lowercase \x0137 5-13            Latin letter k with cedilla
+lowercase \x0138 5-12345         Small latin letter kra (Greenlandic q)
+uppercase \x0139 5-1237          Latin letter l with acute
+lowercase \x013a 5-123           Latin letter l with acute
+noback uppercase \x013b 5-1237   Latin letter l with cedilla
+noback lowercase \x013c 5-123    Latin letter l with cedilla
+noback uppercase \x013d 5-1237   Latin letter l with caron
+noback lowercase \x013e 5-123    Latin letter l with caron
+noback uppercase \x013f 5-1237   Latin letter l with middle dot
+noback lowercase \x0140 5-123    Latin letter l with middle dot
+noback uppercase \x0141 5-1237   Latin letter l with stroke
+noback lowercase \x0142 5-123    Latin letter l with stroke
+uppercase \x0143 5-13457         Latin letter n with acute
+lowercase \x0144 5-1345          Latin letter n with acute
+noback uppercase \x0145 5-13457  Latin letter n with cedilla
+noback lowercase \x0146 5-1345   Latin letter n with cedilla
+noback uppercase \x0147 5-13457  Latin letter n with caron
+noback lowercase \x0148 5-1345   Latin letter n with caron
+noback lowercase \x0149 4-1345   Latin small letter n preceeded by apostrophe
+noback uppercase \x014a 5-13457  Latin letter eng
+noback lowercase \x014b 5-1345   Latin letter eng
+uppercase \x014c 5-1357          Latin letter o with macron
+lowercase \x014d 5-135           Latin letter o with macron
+noback uppercase \x014e 5-1357   Latin letter o with breve
+noback lowercase \x014f 5-135    Latin letter o with breve
+noback uppercase \x0150 5-1357   Latin letter o with double acute
+noback lowercase \x0151 5-135    Latin letter o with double acute
+uppercase \x0154 5-12357         Latin letter r with acute
+lowercase \x0155 5-1235          Latin letter r with acute
+noback uppercase \x0156 5-12357  Latin letter r with cedilla
+noback lowercase \x0157 5-1235   Latin letter r with cedilla
+noback uppercase \x0158 5-12357  Latin letter r with caron
+noback lowercase \x0159 5-1235   Latin letter r with caron
+uppercase \x015a 5-2347          Latin letter s with acute
+lowercase \x015b 5-234           Latin letter s with acute
+noback uppercase \x015c 5-2347   Latin letter s with circumflex
+noback lowercase \x015d 5-234    Latin letter s with circumflex
+noback uppercase \x015e 5-2347   Latin letter s with cedilla
+noback lowercase \x015f 5-234    Latin letter s with cedilla
+uppercase \x0162 5-23457         Latin letter t with cedilla
+lowercase \x0163 5-2345          Latin letter t with cedilla
+noback uppercase \x0164 5-23457  Latin letter t with caron
+noback lowercase \x0165 5-2345   Latin letter t with caron
+noback uppercase \x0166 5-23457  Latin letter t with stroke
+noback lowercase \x0167 5-2345   Latin letter t with stroke
+uppercase \x0168 5-1367          Latin letter u with tilde
+lowercase \x0169 5-136           Latin letter u with tilde
+noback uppercase \x016a 5-1367   Latin letter u with macron
+noback lowercase \x016b 5-136    Latin letter u with macron
+noback uppercase \x016c 5-1367   Latin letter u with breve
+noback lowercase \x016d 5-136    Latin letter u with breve
+noback uppercase \x016e 5-1367   Latin letter u with ring above
+noback lowercase \x016f 5-136    Latin letter u with ring above
+noback uppercase \x0170 5-1367   Latin letter u with double acute
+noback lowercase \x0171 5-136    Latin letter u with double acute
+noback uppercase \x0172 5-1367   Latin letter u with ogonek
+noback lowercase \x0173 5-136    Latin letter u with ogonek
+uppercase \x0174 5-24567         Latin letter w with circumflex
+lowercase \x0175 5-2456          Latin letter w with circumflex
+uppercase \x0176 5-134567        Latin letter y with circumflex
+lowercase \x0177 5-13456         Latin letter y with circumflex
+uppercase \x0179 5-13567         Latin letter z with acute
+lowercase \x017a 5-1356          Latin letter z with acute
+noback uppercase \x017b 5-13567  Latin letter z with dot above
+noback lowercase \x017c 5-1356   Latin letter z with dot above
+noback lowercase \x017f 5-234    Latin small letter long s
+# Greek letters (with dots 458 as prefix)
+uppercase \x0386 458-5-17    Greek letter alpha with tonos
+uppercase \x0388 458-5-157   Greek letter epsilon with tonos
+uppercase \x0389 458-5-1567  Greek letter eta with tonos
+uppercase \x038A 458-5-247   Greek letter iota with sonos
+uppercase \x038C 458-5-1357  Greek letter omicron with tonos
+uppercase \x038E 458-5-1367  Greek letter upsilon with tonos
+uppercase \x038F 458-5-24567 Greek letter omega with tonos
+uppercase \x0391 458-17      Greek letter alpha
+uppercase \x0392 458-127     Greek letter beta
+uppercase \x0393 458-12457   Greek letter gamma
+uppercase \x0394 458-1457    Greek letter delta
+uppercase \x0395 458-157     Greek letter epsilon
+uppercase \x0396 458-13567   Greek letter zeta
+uppercase \x0397 458-1567    Greek letter eta
+uppercase \x0398 458-14567   Greek letter theta
+uppercase \x0399 458-247     Greek letter iota
+uppercase \x039A 458-137     Greek letter kappa
+uppercase \x039B 458-1237    Greek letter lamda
+uppercase \x039C 458-1347    Greek letter mu
+uppercase \x039D 458-13457   Greek letter nu
+uppercase \x039E 458-13467   Greek letter xi
+uppercase \x039F 458-1357    Greek letter omicron
+uppercase \x03A0 458-12347   Greek letter pi
+uppercase \x03A1 458-12357   Greek letter rho
+uppercase \x03A3 458-2347    Greek letter sigma
+uppercase \x03A4 458-23457   Greek letter tau
+uppercase \x03A5 458-1367    Greek letter upsilon
+uppercase \x03A6 458-1247    Greek letter phi
+uppercase \x03A7 458-123467  Greek letter chi
+uppercase \x03A8 458-134567  Greek letter psi
+uppercase \x03A9 458-24567   Greek letter omega
+lowercase \x03AC 458-5-1     Greek letter alpha with tonos
+lowercase \x03AD 458-5-15    Greek letter epsilon with tonos
+lowercase \x03AE 458-5-156   Greek letter eta with tonos
+lowercase \x03AF 458-5-24    Greek letter iota with sonos
+lowercase \x03B1 458-1       Greek letter alpha
+lowercase \x03B2 458-12      Greek letter beta
+lowercase \x03B3 458-1245    Greek letter gamma
+lowercase \x03B4 458-145     Greek letter delta
+lowercase \x03B5 458-15      Greek letter epsilon
+lowercase \x03B6 458-1356    Greek letter zeta
+lowercase \x03B7 458-156     Greek letter eta
+lowercase \x03B8 458-1456    Greek letter theta
+lowercase \x03B9 458-24      Greek letter iota
+lowercase \x03BA 458-13      Greek letter kappa
+lowercase \x03BB 458-123     Greek letter lamda
+lowercase \x03BC 458-134     Greek letter mu
+lowercase \x03BD 458-1345    Greek letter nu
+lowercase \x03BE 458-1346    Greek letter xi
+lowercase \x03BF 458-135     Greek letter omicron
+lowercase \x03C0 458-1234    Greek letter pi
+lowercase \x03C1 458-1235    Greek letter rho
+lowercase \x03C3 458-234     Greek letter sigma
+lowercase \x03C4 458-2345    Greek letter tau
+lowercase \x03C5 458-136     Greek letter upsilon
+lowercase \x03C6 458-124     Greek letter phi
+lowercase \x03C7 458-12346   Greek letter chi
+lowercase \x03C8 458-13456   Greek letter psi
+lowercase \x03C9 458-2456    Greek letter omega
+lowercase \x03CC 458-5-135   Greek letter omicron with tonos
+lowercase \x03CD 458-5-136   Greek letter upsilon with tonos
+lowercase \x03CE 458-5-2456  Greek letter omega with tonos
+include da-dk-8miscChars_1993.cti
+# Rules for grade 1 and grade 2
+# Emphasis opcodes
+emphclass italic
+emphclass underline
+emphclass bold
+begemphphrase italic 56
+endemphphrase italic after 56
+begemphphrase bold 56
+endemphphrase bold after 56
+begemphphrase underline 56
+endemphphrase underline after 56
+# Remove space between  and numbers.
+noback begnum § 578
+begnum §\s 578
+begnum §§\s 578-578
+always §§ 578-578
+# Remove space between ยง and numbers.
+# begnum ยง\s 578
+# Ensure there is only one emphasis sign
+noback pass2 @56-56 @56
+noback pass2 @56-56-56 @56
diff --git a/tables/hyph_brl_da_dk.dic b/tables/da-dk-g2.dic
similarity index 100%
rename from tables/hyph_brl_da_dk.dic
rename to tables/da-dk-g2.dic
diff --git a/tables/da-dk-g26-lit.ctb b/tables/da-dk-g26-lit_1993.ctb
similarity index 97%
rename from tables/da-dk-g26-lit.ctb
rename to tables/da-dk-g26-lit_1993.ctb
index b107b4b..d436bee 100644
--- a/tables/da-dk-g26-lit.ctb
+++ b/tables/da-dk-g26-lit_1993.ctb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# Liblouis: Danish table for 6 dots grade 2 forward translation (literary)
+# Liblouis: Danish table for 6 dots grade 2 forward translation (literary) 1993
-#  Copyright (C) 2014-2020, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
+#  Copyright (C) 2014, 2016-2021, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
 #  This file is part of liblouis.
@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@
 #  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 # This table is for 6 dots grade 2 literary Braille, embossable, not meant for back-translation.
-# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen, 200302
+# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen, December 2022
 ### Table Metadata
-#-name: Dansk forkortet 6-punkt
-#-index-name: Danish, contracted, 6-dot
-#-display-name: Danish 6-dot contracted braille
+#-name: Dansk forkortet 6-punkt 1993
+#-index-name: Danish, contracted, 6-dot, 1993
+#-display-name: Danish 6-dot contracted braille (1993 standard)
 #+language: da
 #+type: literary
@@ -33,11 +33,13 @@
 #+grade: 2
 #+dots: 6
 #+direction: forward
+#+system: ddp
+#+version: 1993
 #-has-nocross: yes
 # Display opcodes
-include da-dk-octobraille.dis
+include da-dk-octobraille_1993.dis
 ### Spaces
@@ -164,7 +166,7 @@
 math \x00f7 45-256 DIVISION SIGN
 # Misc unicode characters
-include da-dk-6miscChars.cti
+include da-dk-6miscChars_1993.cti
 # Litdigits
 include litdigits6Dots.uti
@@ -915,4 +917,4 @@
 # Include hyphenation file as the last thing
-include hyph_brl_da_dk.dic
+include da-dk-g2_1993.dic
diff --git a/tables/da-dk-g26.ctb b/tables/da-dk-g26.ctb
index ec41867..fd8b974 100644
--- a/tables/da-dk-g26.ctb
+++ b/tables/da-dk-g26.ctb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# Liblouis: Danish table for 6 dots grade 2 forward and backward translation 
+# Liblouis: Danish table for 6 dots grade 2 forward and backward translation (2022)
-#  Copyright (C) 2014-2020, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
+#  Copyright (C) 2014, 2016-2022, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
 #  This file is part of liblouis.
@@ -18,13 +18,19 @@
 #  License along with liblouis. If not, see
 #  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen, 200302
+# This  is the Danish table for 6 dots grade 1 Braille (fuldskrift) DDP2022.
+# Use this table for translation and back-translation of Danish 6 dots grade 1 Braille.
+# See also: Den Danske Punktskrift 2022
+#           Det Danske Punktskriftsnævn
+#           https://www.blind.dk/punktskrift-2022
+# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen, December 2022
 ### Table Metadata
-#-name: Dansk forkortet 6-punkt
-#-index-name: Danish, contracted, 6-dot
-#-display-name: Danish 6-dot contracted braille
+#-name: Dansk forkortet 6-punkt 2022
+#-index-name: Danish, contracted, 6-dot, 2022
+#-display-name: Danish 6-dot contracted braille (2022 standard)
 #+language: da
 #+type: literary
@@ -32,6 +38,8 @@
 #+grade: 2
 #+dots: 6
 #+direction: both
+#+system: ddp
+#+version: 2022
 #-has-nocross: yes
@@ -39,15 +47,6 @@
 include da-dk-octobraille.dis
 ### Spaces
-# These ctrl-chars have to have a representation, so that they can be properly converted back and forth.
-space \n 678 LINE FEED (LF)
-space \v 1368 LINE TABULATION
-space \f 12378 FORM FEED (FF)
-space \r 257 CARRIAGE RETURN (CR)
-space \x00a0 a
 include spaces.uti
 ### Character definitions
@@ -95,6 +94,9 @@
 lowercase z 13567
 punctuation | 4568 VERTICAL LINE
 punctuation ~ 467 TILDE (changed by pass 2 to not conflict with indicators
+lowercase \x00e0 123567 LATIN LETTER A WITH GRAVE
+lowercase \x00e8 23467 LATIN LETTER E WITH GRAVE
+lowercase \x00e9 1234567 LATIN LETTER E WITH ACUTE
 lowercase \x00fc 12567
 include digits6Dots.uti
@@ -132,6 +134,9 @@
 base uppercase W w
 base uppercase X x
 base uppercase Z z
+base uppercase \x00c0 \x00e0 LATIN LETTER A WITH GRAVE
+base uppercase \x00c8 \x00e8 LATIN LETTER E WITH GRAVE
+base uppercase \x00c9 \x00e9 LATIN LETTER E WITH ACUTE
 base uppercase \x00dc \x00fc
 base uppercase \x00c5 \x00e5 LATIN LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
 base uppercase \x00c6 \x00e6 LATIN LETTER AE
@@ -145,8 +150,8 @@
 punctuation # 45-3456 NUMBER SIGN
 sign $ 45-256 DOLLAR SIGN
 math % 245-356 PERCENT SIGN
-sign & 6-12346 AMPERSAND
-punctuation * 6-35 ASTERISK
+sign & 56-12346 AMPERSAND
+punctuation * 56-35 ASTERISK
 math + 45-235 PLUS SIGN
 math < 45-134 LESS-THAN SIGN
 math = 45-2356 EQUALS SIGN
@@ -159,7 +164,9 @@
 punctuation _ 45-36 LOW LINE
 punctuation ` 4 GRAVE ACCENT
 punctuation { 45-246 LEFT CURLY BRACKET
+punctuation | 45-1236 VERTICAL LINE
 punctuation } 45-135 RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
+punctuation ~ 45-23 TILDE
 math \x00f7 45-256 DIVISION SIGN
 # Misc unicode characters
@@ -177,9 +184,10 @@
 ### Braille indicators and special characters
-#hyphen - 36
+# the hyphen opcode apparently breaks double dash rules
+# hyphen - 36
-letsign 6
+letsign 56
 noletsign Ii\x00df\x0149\x0152\x0153
@@ -188,24 +196,24 @@
 emphclass underline
 emphclass bold
-begemphphrase italic 56
-endemphphrase italic after 56
+begemphphrase italic 46
+endemphphrase italic after 46
-begemphphrase bold 56
-endemphphrase bold after 56
+begemphphrase bold 46
+endemphphrase bold after 46
-begemphphrase underline 56
-endemphphrase underline after 56
+begemphphrase underline 46
+endemphphrase underline after 46
-capsletter 46
+capsletter 6
 begcapsword 456
-endcapsword 6
-multind 6-46 letsign capsletter
-multind 46-6 capsletter letsign
-multind 6-456 letsign begcapsword
+endcapsword 56
+multind 56-6 letsign capsletter
+multind 6-56 capsletter letsign
+multind 56-456 letsign begcapsword
 numsign 3456
-multind 6-3456 letsign numsign
+multind 56-3456 letsign numsign
 #class of none-space characters that demand double dashes
 # Used in context lines later.
@@ -246,13 +254,6 @@
 #nofor correct "\x282f" "&"
 #nofor correct "\x2814" "*"
-# Try to distinguish between times (\x00d7) and bullit (\x2022),
-# which share the same Braille representation.
-nofor correct `["\x00d7"] "\x2022" 
-# nofor correct $d["\s\x00d7\s"]$d * #apparently doesn't work now
-nofor correct ["\x00d7"]!$d "\x2022" 
-nofor correct !$d["\x00d7"] "\x2022" 
 nofor correct "\x28a0" ? # Extraneous endcaps signs
 #nofor correct "\x2820" ?
 nofor correct "~\\456/" "|"
@@ -260,18 +261,12 @@
 #ensure \xf800\xf801 between a digit and a letter
 noback correct $dy[]$l "\xf800\xf801"
 noback correct $dy$Spm.[]$l "\xf800\xf801"
-### Pass 1 - Forward and backward
-# Remove space between § and numbers.
-noback begnum § 346
-begnum §\s 346
-begnum §§\s 346-346
-always §§ 346-346
+### Pass 1 - Forward and backward
 # Punctuations, math and numbers
 #midnum , 2
 #midnum . 3
-# the following rule is doubtful, but probably does not apply.
 #midnum - 36
 endnum - 36
 #midnum / 34
@@ -280,21 +275,20 @@
 nofor midnum ^ 45-346
 midnum ^ 45-346
-midnum \x00d7 45-3
+midnum \x00d7 45-35
 # various back rules for math signs etc.
 nofor midnum % 0-245-356-0-3456
 nofor endnum % 0-245-356
 nofor endnum \x2030 0-245-356-356
-nofor midnum \x00d7 45-3
-#nofor midnum \x00d7 3
+nofor midnum \x00d7 45-35
 # Punctuation
 prepunc " 2356
 postpunc " 2356
-always /\s 6-34-0
-always \s/ 0-6-34
-nofor always / 6-34
+always /\s 56-34-0
+always \s/ 0-56-34
+nofor always / 56-34
 prepunc - 36
 postpunc - 36
 nofor always \s-\s 0-36-36-0
@@ -306,45 +300,45 @@
 # Star enclosed by parentheses
 always (*) 236-35-356
-before punctuation before sign always ( 6-236
+before punctuation before sign always ( 56-236
 # these characters must be separated from ")" by a letsign.
 attribute SepToRightpar Jj%'\x2030\x0089\x201a\x0082\x2039\x009b\x2018\x0091\x2019\x0092\x203a\x009b
-after SepToRightpar always ) 6-356
-after punctuation after sign always ) 6-356
+after SepToRightpar always ) 56-356
+after punctuation after sign always ) 56-356
 prepunc ( 236
 postpunc ) 356
 always .) 3-356
-always ( 6-236
-always ) 6-356
+always ( 56-236
+always ) 56-356
 # extra back rules for ")"
 nofor after punctuation always ) 356
-nofor always \x00b0 4-356
-nofor always ') 4-6-356
+nofor always \x00b0 45-356
+nofor always ') 4-56-356
 nofor always ") 2356-356
 nofor endword j) 245-356
-nofor always ) 6-356
+nofor always ) 56-356
 always ... 3-3-3
 # Exclamation and "fra"
 always fra! 124-1235-1-235
 always !fra 235-124-1235-1
-always ?! 26-6-235
-always )! 356-6-235
-always (!) 236-6-235-356
+always ?! 26-56-235
+always )! 356-56-235
+always (!) 236-56-235-356
 always "fra" 2356-124-1235-1-2356
-always "!" 2356-6-235-2356
+always "!" 2356-56-235-2356
 always !! 235-235
 always !!! 235-235-235
 always !!!! 235-235-235-235
 always !!!!! 235-235-235-235-235
-always '! 4-6-235
-always \s! 0-6-235
-prepunc ! 6-235
-always \x00a1 6-256
+always '! 4-56-235
+always \s! 0-56-235
+prepunc ! 56-235
+always \x00a1 56-256
 ### Contractions ###
@@ -355,26 +349,6 @@
 nocont @
 nocont ://
 nocont www
-nocont .com
-nocont .dk
-nocont .eu
-nocont .edu
-nocont .gov
-nocont .mil
-nocont .net
-nocont .org
-nocont .uk
-nocont .doc
-nocont .exe
-nocont .htm
-nocont .tex
-nocont .txt
-nocont .gif
-nocont .jpg
-nocont .png
-nocont .wav
-nocont .tar
-nocont .zip
 # Ensure no contractions in English ordinal numbers
 endnum nd 6-1345-145
@@ -387,32 +361,54 @@
 word aldrig 1-35
 word aig =
 word alle 1-15
-begnum ae 6-1-15
+begnum ae 56-1-15
 contraction ae
 word allerede 1-123-1235
-begnum alr 6-1-123-1235
+begnum alr 56-1-123-1235
 contraction alr
 word alligevel 1-123-1236
-begnum alv 6-1-123-1236
+begnum alv 56-1-123-1236
 contraction alv
 word altid 1-2345-145
-begnum atd 6-1-2345-145
+begnum atd 56-1-2345-145
 contraction atd
 word altså 1-16
-begnum aå 6-1-16
+begnum aå 56-1-16
 contraction aå
+word arbejde 1-12-1456
+word abde =
+word arbejdede 1-12-1456-1456
+word abdede =
+word arbejder 1-12-23456
+word abder =
+word arbejdet 1-12-2346
+word abdet =
 word at 1
+word betyde 12-2345-1456
+word btde =
+word betyder 12-2345-23456
+word btder =
 word blevet 12-2345
-begnum bt 6-12-2345
+begnum bt 56-12-2345
 contraction bt
 word blev 12-1236
-begnum bv 6-12-1236
+begnum bv 56-12-1236
 contraction bv
 word blive 12-3456
-word bve 12-1236-15
+word bve =
 word bliver 12
+word danmark 145-1345-13
+begnum dnk 56-145-1345-13
+contraction dnk
+word danmarks 145-1345-13-234
+begnum dnks 56-145-1345-13-234
+contraction dnks
+word dansk 145-123456
+word dsk =
+word danske 145-123456-15
+word dske =
 word derefter 23456-1356
 word derst =
 word deres 256
@@ -437,27 +433,35 @@
 word derunder 23456-12345
 word derved 23456-1236
 word din 145-1345
-begnum dn 6-145-1345
+begnum dn 56-145-1345
 contraction dn
 word disse 145-234
-begnum ds 6-145-234
+begnum ds 56-145-234
 contraction ds
 word dit 145-2345
-begnum dt 6-145-2345
+begnum dt 56-145-2345
 contraction dt
 word du 145
 word efter 1356
+word eftersom 1356-234
+word sts =
 word eller 15
 word endnu 15-136
-begnum eu 6-15-136
+begnum eu 56-15-136
 contraction eu
+word faktisk 124-13-2345
+begnum fkt 56-124-13-2345
+contraction fkt
 word fik 124-13
-begnum fk 6-124-13
+begnum fk 56-124-13
 contraction fk
+word forbi 124-12
+begnum fb 56-124-12
+contraction fb
 word fordi 124-145
-begnum fd 6-124-145
+begnum fd 56-124-145
 contraction fd
 word forskellige 124-123456-15
 word fske =
@@ -466,22 +470,32 @@
 word forskellig 124-123456
 word fsk =
 word for 124
+word fortælle 124-1256
+word fte =
+word fortæller 124-2345-156
+word fter =
 word fra 235
 word første 124-1356-15
+word fste =
 word først 124-1356
+word fst =
 word før 246
+word gang 1245-1245
+begnum gg 56-1245-1245
+contraction gg
+word gange 1245-12456
+word gge =
 word ganske 1245-123456
 word gennem 12456
-word ge =
 word gik 1245-13
-begnum gk 6-1245-13
+begnum gk 56-1245-13
 contraction gk
 word gør 1245
 word ham 236
 word hans 13456-234
-begnum ys 6-13456-234
+begnum ys 56-13456-234
 contraction ys
 word han 13456
 word har 125
@@ -489,18 +503,35 @@
 word hde =
 word have 125-3456
 word hve =
-word helt 125-2345
-begnum ht 6-125-2345
-contraction ht
+word hele 125-123-15
+begnum hle 56-125-123-15
+contraction hle
+word heller 125-123-1235
+begnum hlr 56-125-123-1235
+contraction hlr
+#word helt 125-2345
+#begnum ht 6-125-2345
+#contraction ht
 word hendes 125-234
-begnum hs 6-125-234
+begnum hs 56-125-234
 contraction hs
 word hende 125-145
-begnum hd 6-125-145
+begnum hd 56-125-145
 contraction hd
+word hjælpe 125-1234-15
+begnum hpe 56-125-1234-15
+contraction hpe
+word hjælpende 125-1234-15-1345-1456 # *** temporary patch
+word hjælper 125-1234-156
+word hper =
 word hun 136
 word hvad 2456
-word hv =
+word hvilke 2456-13
+word hvk =
+word hvilken 2456-13-126
+word hvken =
+word hvilket 2456-13-346
+word hvket =
 word hvis 2456-234
 word hvs =
 word hvordan 34-1
@@ -532,12 +563,13 @@
 word ige =
 word igen 35
 word (igen) 236-24-1245-126-356
-word ig =
 word ikke 24-13
-begnum ik 6-24-13
+begnum ik 56-24-13
 contraction ik
-word imidlertid 24-24
-begnum ii 6-24-24
+word ingen 24-126
+word ien =
+word ingenting 24-24
+begnum ii 56-24-24
 contraction ii
 word jeg 245
@@ -551,17 +583,45 @@
 word komme 13-146
 word kme =
 word kom 13-134
-begnum km 6-13-134
+begnum km 56-13-134
 contraction km
 word kunne 13-1246
 word kne =
+word kvinde 13-1236-1456
+word kvde =
+word kvindes 13-1236-1456-234
+word kvdes =
+word kvinden 13-1236-12346
+word kvden =
+word kvindens 13-1236-12346-234
+word kvdens =
+word kvinder 13-1236-23456
+word kvder =
+word kvinders 13-1236-23456-234
+word kvders =
+word kvinderne 13-1236-23456-1246
+word kvderne =
+word kvindernes 13-1236-23456-1246-234
+word kvdernes =
+word lang 123-1245
+begnum lg 56-123-1245
+contraction lg
+word lange 123-12456
+begnum lge 56-123-12456
+contraction lge
+word langt 123-1245-2345
+begnum lgt 56-123-1245-2345
+contraction lgt
+word lidt 123-2345
+begnum lt 56-123-2345
+contraction lt
 word ligesom 123-234
-begnum ls 6-123-234
+begnum ls 56-123-234
 contraction ls
 word lige 123
 word lille 123-123
-begnum ll 6-123-123
+begnum ll 56-123-123
 contraction ll
 word mange 134-12456
@@ -574,122 +634,247 @@
 word mellem 146-134
 word mem =
 word men 146
-word me =
+word menneske 146-123456-15
+word meske =
+word menneskes 146-123456-15-234
+word meskes =
+word menneskene 146-123456-15-1246
+word meskene =
+word menneskenes 146-123456-15-1246-234
+word meskenes =
+word mennesker 146-123456-156
+word meskr =
+word menneskers 146-123456-156-234
+word meskrs =
+word mennesket 146-123456-346
+word meskt =
+word menneskets 146-123456-346-234
+word meskts =
 word min 134-1345
-begnum mn 6-134-1345
+begnum mn 56-134-1345
 contraction mn
 word mit 134-2345
-begnum mt 6-145-2345
+begnum mt 56-145-2345
 contraction mt
+word mulighed 134-123-125
+begnum mlh 56-134-123-125
+contraction mlh
+word muligheds 134-123-125-234
+begnum mlhs 56-134-123-125-234
+contraction mlhs
+word muligheden 134-123-125-126
+begnum mlhen 56-134-123-125-15-1345
+contraction mlhen
+word mulighedens 134-123-125-126-234
+begnum mlhens 56-134-123-125-15-1345-234
+contraction mlhens
+word muligheder 134-123-125-156
+word mlhder =
+word muligheders 134-123-125-156-234
+word mlhders =
+word mulighederne 134-123-125-156-1246
+word mlhderne =
+word mulighedernes 134-123-125-156-1246-234
+word mlhdernes =
 word måske 134-123456
 word msk =
 word måtte 134-1256
 word mte =
+word naturlig 1345-2345-123
+begnum ntl 56-1345-2345-123
+contraction ntl
+word naturligt 1345-2345-123-2345
+begnum ntlt 56-1345-2345-123-2345
+contraction ntlt
 word naturligvis 1345-2345-1236
-begnum ntv 6-1345-2345-1236
+begnum ntv 56-1345-2345-1236
 contraction ntv
-word nd =
 word ned 1246
-word ne =
 word nogen 1345-1345
-begnum nn 6-1345-1345
+begnum nn 56-1345-1345
 contraction nn
+word nogensinde 1345-234-1456
+word nsde =
 word noget 1345-2345
-begnum nt 6-1345-2345
+begnum nt 56-1345-2345
 contraction nt
 word nogle 1345-123-15
-begnum nle 6-1345-123-15
+begnum nle 56-1345-123-15
 contraction nle
+word næste 1345-1256
+word nte =
+word næsten 1345-126
+word nen =
 word når 1345
 word også 14-16
-begnum cå 6-14-16
+begnum cå 56-14-16
 contraction cå
 word og 14
 word omkring 135-134-13
-begnum omk 6-135-134-13
+begnum omk 56-135-134-13
 contraction omk
 word op 135
 word or =
+word organisation 1346-1245-234
+word orgs =
+word organisations 1346-1245-234-234
+word orgss =
+word organisationen 1346-1245-234-126
+word orgsen =
+word organisationens 1346-1245-234-126-234
+word orgsens =
+word organisationer 1346-1245-234-156
+word orgser =
+word organisationers 1346-1245-234-156-234
+word orgsers =
+word organisationerne 1346-1245-234-156-1246
+word orgserne =
+word organisationernes 1346-1245-234-156-1246-234
+word orgsernes =
 word over 1346
+word problem 1234-12
+begnum pb 56-1234-12
+contraction pb
+word problems 1234-12-234
+begnum pbs 56-1234-12-234
+contraction pb
+word problemet 1234-12-346
+word pbet =
+word problemets 1234-12-346-234
+word pbets =
+word problemer 1234-12-156
+word pber =
+word problemers 1234-12-156-234
+word pbers =
+word problemerne 1234-12-156-1246
+word pberne =
+word problemernes 1234-12-156-1246-234
+word pbernes =
+word punktskrift 1234-1345-123456
+word pnsk =
 word på 1234
 word ret 12356
-word re 1235-15
 word rigtige 1235-12456
 word rge =
 word rigtigt 1235-2345
-begnum rt 6-1235-2345
+begnum rt 56-1235-2345
 contraction rt
 word rigtig 1235
 word sagde 234-1456
 word sammen 234-134
-begnum sm 6-234-134
+begnum sm 56-234-134
 contraction sm
 word samme 234-146
 word sme =
+word samtidig 234-134-2345
+begnum smt 56-234-134-2345
+contraction smt
 word selvfølgelig 234-1236-124
-begnum svf 6-234-1236-124
+begnum svf 56-234-1236-124
 contraction svf
 word selv 234-1236
-begnum sv 6-234-1236
+begnum sv 56-234-1236
 contraction sv
 word sidste 234-1356-15
 word sste =
 word sidst 234-1356
 word sst =
 word sin 234-1345
-begnum sn 6-234-1345
+begnum sn 56-234-1345
 contraction sn
 word sit 234-2345
-begnum st 6-234-2345
+begnum st 56-234-2345
 contraction st
 word skal 123456
-word sk =
 word skulle 123456-123-15
 word skle =
 word snart 234-1235
-begnum sr 6-234-1235
+begnum sr 56-234-1235
 contraction sr
 word som 234
+word spørgsmål 234-1234-134
+begnum spm 56-234-1234-134
+contraction spm
+word spørgsmåls 234-1234-134-234
+begnum spms 56-234-1234-134-234
+contraction spms
+word spørgsmålet 234-1234-134-346
+word spmet =
+word spørgsmålets 234-1234-134-346-234
+word spmets =
+word spørgsmålene 234-1234-134-1246
+word spmne =
+word spørgsmålenes 234-1234-134-1246-234
+word spmnes =
+word stadig 1356-1245
+word stg =
 word sådan 16-1
-begnum åa 6-16-1
+begnum åa 56-16-1
 contraction åa
 word således 16-15
-begnum åe 6-16-15
+begnum åe 56-16-15
 contraction åe
 word så 16
 word tid 2345-145
-begnum td 6-2345-145
+begnum td 56-2345-145
 contraction td
+word tidlig 2345-145-123
+begnum tdl 56-2345-145-123
+contraction tdl
+word tidlige 2345-145-123-12456
+word tdlge =
+word tidligere 2345-145-123-12356
+word tdlre =
+word tidligst 2345-145-123-1356
+word tdlst =
 word tilbage 2345-12
-begnum tb 6-2345-12
+begnum tb 56-2345-12
 contraction tb
+word tilfælde 2345-124
+begnum tf 56-2345-124
+contraction tf
 word til 2345
 word under 12345
-sufword var- =
-sufword var. =
-word var 36
-word ve 3456
+word vanskelig 1236-123456
+word vsk =
+word vanskelige 1236-123456-15
+word vske =
+word vanskeligt 1236-123456-2345
+word vskt =
+word var 3456
 word ved 1236
+word vidste 1236-1356-15
+word vste =
 word ville 1236-123-15
-begnum vle 6-1236-123-15
+begnum vle 56-1236-123-15
 contraction vle
 word vil 1236-123
-begnum vl 6-1236-123
+begnum vl 56-1236-123
 contraction vl
+word virkelig 1236-1235-13
+begnum vrk 56-1236-1235-13
+contraction vrk
 word været 1236-2345
-begnum vt 6-1236-2345
+begnum vt 56-1236-2345
 contraction vt
 word være 345
-#Part words
+word øjeblik 246-245-12
+begnum øjb 56-246-245-12
+contraction øjb
+#Part words and words
+begword dansk 145-123456
+begword dsk =
 nocross always den 12346
 nocross always der 23456
 nocross always det 2346
@@ -697,21 +882,33 @@
 nocross always en 126
 nocross always er 156
 nocross always et 346
-nocross always ge 12456
-#nocross always hvor 34
-nocross always hv 2456
-nocross always ig 35
-nocross always me 146
-nocross always nd 12345
-nocross always ne 1246
-nocross always or 1346
-nocross always re 12356
-nocross always sk 123456
-nocross always st 1356
+nocross begword gang 1245-1245
+begword gg 56-1245-1245
+nocross begword gange 1245-1-1345-12456 # *** temporary patch
+nocross partword ge 12456
+begword hjælpe 125-1234-15
+nocross partword hv 2456
+nocross partword ig 35
+begword kvinde 13-1236-1456
+begword kvde =
+nocross partword me 146
+begword menneske 146-123456-15
+begword meske =
+nocross partword nd 12345
+nocross partword ne 1246
+nocross partword or 1346
+begword organisation 1346-1245-234
+begword orgs =
+begword problem 1234-12
+nocross partword re 12356
+nocross partword sk 123456
+nocross partword st 1356
 nocross always te 1256
+begword virkelig 1236-1235-13
+always www 2456-2456-2456
 # Numsign/"ve", special case when back-translating
-noback nocross always ve 3456
+noback nocross partword ve 3456
 # Additional words containing "hvor"
 # these are made explicit in 6-dots to handle / better
@@ -898,26 +1095,14 @@
 # Corrections of letters with accents
 nofor sufword aïda 1-5-24-145-1
 nofor sufword anaïs 1-1345-1-5-24-234
-nofor sufword barsebäck 12-1-1235-234-15-12-345-14-13
-nofor sufword bohè 12-135-125-5-15
+nofor sufword antonín 1-1345-2345-135-1345-5-24-1345
 nofor sufword château 14-125-5-1-1256-1-136
 nofor sufword citroën 14-24-2345-1235-135-5-15-1345
-nofor sufword däniken 145-345-1345-24-13-126
-nofor word fór 124-5-135-1235
-nofor sufword göran 1245-246-1235-1-1345
-nofor sufword göring 1245-246-1235-24-1345-1245
-nofor word händel 125-345-1345-1456-123
-nofor word händels 125-345-1345-1456-123-234
-nofor sufword lagerlöf 123-1-1245-156-123-246-124
+nofor sufword dvořák 145-1236-135-5-1235-5-1-13
 nofor sufword márquez 134-5-1-1235-6-12345-136-15-6-1356
 nofor sufword miró 134-24-1235-5-135
-nofor sufword moliè 134-135-123-24-5-15
-nofor sufword norröna 1345-1346-1235-246-1345-1
-nofor sufword tannhäus 2345-1-1345-1345-125-345-136-234
 nofor sufword tórshavn 2345-5-135-1235-234-125-1-1236-1345
  nofor sufword václav 1236-5-1-14-123-1-1236
-nofor sufword verän 1236-156-345-1345
-nofor sufword weizsäck 6-2456-15-24-6-1356-234-345-14-13
 # Common combinations of one word contractions with slash
 word af/på 356-34-1234
@@ -939,105 +1124,109 @@
 always etc 346-14
 # Ensure no one-letter word contraction before or after a dash
-endword -af 36-1-124
-begword af- 1-124-36
-endword -altid 36-1-2345-145
-begword altid- 1-2345-145-36
-endword -at 36-1-2345
-endword -a 36-6-1
-begword at- 1-2345-36
-endword -og 36-135-1245
-endword -c 36-6-14
-begword og- 135-1245-36
-endword -du 36-145-136
-endword -d 36-6-145
-begword du- 145-136-36
-endword -efter 36-15-124-2345-156
-endword -z 36-6-1356
-begword efter- 15-124-2345-156-36
+prfword -af 36-1-124
+sufword af- 1-124-36
+prfword -altid 36-1-2345-145
+sufword altid- 1-2345-145-36
+prfword -at 36-1-2345
+prfword -a 36-56-1
+sufword at- 1-2345-36
+prfword -og 36-135-1245
+prfword -c 36-56-14
+sufword og- 135-1245-36
+prfword -du 36-145-136
+prfword -d 36-56-145
+sufword du- 145-136-36
+prfword -efter 36-15-124-2345-156
+prfword -z 36-56-1356
+sufword efter- 15-124-2345-156-36
 midword -efter- 36-1356-36
-endword -e 36-6-15
-endword -for 36-124-1346
-endword -f 36-6-124
-begword for- 124-1346-36
-endword -fra 36-124-1235-1
-begword fra- 124-1235-1-36
-endword -g 36-6-1245
-endword -gennem 36-1245-126-1246-134
-begword gennem- 1245-126-1246-134-36
-endword -ham 36-125-1-134
-begword ham- 125-1-134-36
-endword -han 36-125-1-1345
-endword -y 36-6-13456
-begword han- 125-1-1345-36
-endword -har 36-125-1-1235
-endword -h 36-6-125
-begword har- 125-1-1235-36
-endword -hun 36-125-136-1345
-endword -u 36-6-136
-begword hun- 125-136-1345-36
-endword -j 36-6-245
-endword -kan 36-13-1-1345
-endword -k 36-6-13
-begword kan- 13-1-1345-36
-endword -lige 36-123-24-12456
-endword -l 36-6-123
-begword lige- 123-24-12456-36
-endword -med 36-146-145
-endword -m 36-6-134
-begword med- 146-145-36
-endword -men 36-134-126
-begword men- 134-126-36
- endword -ned 36-1246-145
-begword ned- 1246-145-36
-endword -når 36-1345-16-1235
-endword -n 36-6-1345
-begword når- 1345-16-1235-36
-endword -op 36-135-1234
-endword -o 36-6-135
-begword op- 135-1234-36
-endword -over 36-135-1236-156
-endword -x 36-6-1346
-begword over- 135-1236-156-36
-endword -på 36-1234-16
-endword -p 36-6-1234
-begword på- 1234-16-36
+prfword -e 36-56-15
+prfword -for 36-124-1346
+prfword -f 36-56-124
+sufword for- 124-1346-36
+prfword -fra 36-124-1235-1
+sufword fra- 124-1235-1-36
+prfword -g 36-56-1245
+prfword -gennem 36-1245-126-1246-134
+sufword gennem- 1245-126-1246-134-36
+prfword -ham 36-125-1-134
+sufword ham- 125-1-134-36
+prfword -han 36-125-1-1345
+prfword -y 36-56-13456
+sufword han- 125-1-1345-36
+prfword -har 36-125-1-1235
+prfword -h 36-56-125
+sufword har- 125-1-1235-36
+prfword -hun 36-125-136-1345
+prfword -u 36-56-136
+sufword hun- 125-136-1345-36
+prfword -j 36-56-245
+prfword -kan 36-13-1-1345
+prfword -k 36-56-13
+sufword kan- 13-1-1345-36
+prfword -lige 36-123-24-12456
+prfword -l 36-56-123
+sufword lige- 123-24-12456-36
+prfword -med 36-146-145
+prfword -m 36-56-134
+sufword med- 146-145-36
+prfword -men 36-134-126
+sufword men- 134-126-36
+ prfword -ned 36-1246-145
+sufword ned- 1246-145-36
+prfword -når 36-1345-16-1235
+prfword -n 36-56-1345
+sufword når- 1345-16-1235-36
+prfword -op 36-135-1234
+prfword -o 36-56-135
+sufword op- 135-1234-36
+prfword -over 36-135-1236-156
+prfword -x 36-56-1346
+sufword over- 135-1236-156-36
+prfword -på 36-1234-16
+prfword -p 36-56-1234
+sufword på- 1234-16-36
 midword -på- 36-1234-36
-endword -ret 36-1235-346
-begword ret- 1235-346-36
+prfword -ret 36-1235-346
+sufword ret- 1235-346-36
 midword -ret- 36-12356-36
-endword -rigtig 36-1235-35-2345-35
-endword -r 36-6-1235
-begword rigtig- 1235-35-2345-35-36
+prfword -à 36-56-12356
+prfword -rigtig 36-1235-35-2345-35
+prfword -r 36-56-1235
+sufword rigtig- 1235-35-2345-35-36
 midword -rigtig- 36-1235-36
-endword -skal 36-123456-1-123
-begword skal- 123456-1-123-36
+prfword -skal 36-123456-1-123
+sufword skal- 123456-1-123-36
 midword -skal- 36-123456-36
-endword -som 36-234-135-134
-endword -s 36-6-234
-begword som- 234-135-134-36
+prfword -é 36-56-123456
+prfword -som 36-234-135-134
+prfword -s 36-56-234
+sufword som- 234-135-134-36
 midword -som- 36-234-36
-endword -så 36-234-16
-endword -å 36-6-16
-begword så- 234-16-36
-endword -til 36-2345-24-123
-endword -t 36-6-2345
-begword til- 2345-24-123-36
+prfword -så 36-234-16
+prfword -å 36-56-16
+sufword så- 234-16-36
+prfword -til 36-2345-24-123
+prfword -t 36-56-2345
+sufword til- 2345-24-123-36
 midword -til- 36-2345-36
-endword -under 36-136-1345-23456
-begword under- 136-1345-23456-36
+prfword -under 36-136-1345-23456
+sufword under- 136-1345-23456-36
 midword -under- 36-12345-36
-endword -ved 36-1236-15-145
-endword -v 36-6-1236
-begword ved- 1236-15-145-36
+prfword -var 36-1236-1-1235
+sufword var- 1236-1-1235-36
+midword -var- 36-3456-36
+prfword -ved 36-1236-15-145
+prfword -v 36-56-1236
+sufword ved- 1236-15-145-36
 midword -ved- 36-1236-36
 ### Context rules - forward translation
 # Exclamation at beginning of string
-noback context `["!"] @6-235
+noback context `["!"] @56-235
 # Ensure two dashes where appropriate.
 noback context $w["-"]$w @36
@@ -1049,7 +1238,7 @@
 noback context `["-"]~ @36-36
 # Ensure letsign between letter and numsign
-noback context $l[]$D @6
+noback context $l[]$D @56
 ### context - backward translation
@@ -1067,78 +1256,77 @@
 ### Pass 2 - forward translation
 # No "nd", "hv", "or", or "st" after a digit and a letsign
-noback pass2 @234f-123f-2456 @6-125-1236
-noback pass2 @234f-123f-12345 @6-1345-145
-noback pass2 @234f-123f-1346 @6-135-1235
-noback pass2 @234f-123f-1356 @6-234-2345
-noback pass2 @234f-123f-1256 @6-2345-15
+noback pass2 @234f-123f-2456 @56-125-1236
+noback pass2 @234f-123f-12345 @56-1345-145
+noback pass2 @234f-123f-1346 @56-135-1235
+noback pass2 @234f-123f-1356 @56-234-2345
+noback pass2 @234f-123f-1256 @56-2345-15
 # extra lines to correct hyphenation errors caused by \xf801
-noback pass2 @234f-123f-135-3456-1235 @6-135-1236-156
-noback pass2 @234f-123f-3456 @6-1236-15
+noback pass2 @234f-123f-135-3456-1235 @56-135-1236-156
+noback pass2 @234f-123f-3456 @56-1236-15
-noback pass2 @234f-123f @6
+noback pass2 @234f-123f @56
 # Correct chars defined as 8 dots because they include letsign
-noback pass2 @467 @45-6
+noback pass2 @467 @45-23
 noback pass2 @4568 @45-456
-noback pass2 @123457 @6-12345
-noback pass2 @24567 @6-2456
-noback pass2 @13467 @6-1346
-noback pass2 @13567 @6-1356
-noback pass2 @12567 @6-1256
+noback pass2 @123457 @56-12345
+noback pass2 @24567 @56-2456
+noback pass2 @13467 @56-1346
+noback pass2 @13567 @56-1356
+noback pass2 @123567 @56-12356
+noback pass2 @23467 @56-2346
+noback pass2 @1234567 @56-123456
+noback pass2 @12567 @56-1256
-noback pass2 @6-5 @5 # no letsign before letters with accent
-noback pass2 @6-46-5 @46-5 # no letsign before cap letters with accent
-noback pass2 @234f-123f-46-5 @46-5 # no letsign before cap letters with accent
-noback pass2 _$D[@6-46-6] *
-noback pass2 _$D[@6-46] *
-noback pass2 @6-46-6 @46-6 # Ensure correct order and no double letsign
-noback pass2 @6-46 @46-6 # Ensure correct order
+#special case for www
+noback pass2 @24567-24567-24567 @2456-2456-2456
+noback pass2 @56-5 @5 # no letsign before letters with accent
+noback pass2 @56-6-5 @6-5 # no letsign before cap letters with accent
+noback pass2 @234f-123f-6-5 @6-5 # no letsign before cap letters with accent
+noback pass2 _$D[@56-6-56] *
+noback pass2 _$D[@56-6] *
  ### Pass 2 - backward
-# Insert letsign between number (with extra punctuation) and capsletter sign
-#nofor pass2 @3456$l.$Spm$l.@3$l.@3[]@46 @6
-#nofor pass2 @3456$l.$Spm$l.@3[]@46 @6
-#nofor pass2 @3456$l.$Spm$Spm[]@46 @6
-#nofor pass2 @3456$l.$Spm[]@46 @6
-# Insert letsign between number (with extra punctuation) and capsword sign
-#nofor pass2 @3456$l.$Spm$l.@3$l.@3[]@456 @6
-#nofor pass2 @3456$l.$Spm$l.@34$l.@34[]@456 @6
-#nofor pass2 @3456$l.$Spm$l.@36$l.@36[]@456 @6
-#nofor pass2 @3456$l.$Spm$l.@3[]@456 @6
-#nofor pass2 @3456$l.$Spm$l.@34[]@456 @6
-#nofor pass2 @3456$l.$Spm$l.@36[]@456 @6
-#nofor pass2 @3456$l.$Spm$Spm[]@456 @6
-#nofor pass2 @3456$l.$Spm[]@456 @6
-#nofor pass2 @3456$l.[]@456 @6
-#nofor pass2 $l[]@46 @6
-#nofor pass2 $a[]@456 @6
+#special case for www
+nofor pass2 @2456-2456-2456 @24567-24567-24567
 ### Pass 3 - forward translation
+noback pass3 @56-6-56 @56-6 # Ensure correct order and no double letsign
+noback pass3 @6-56 @56-6 # Ensure correct order
 # Ensure there is only one letsign
- noback pass3 @6-6 @6
+ noback pass3 @56-56 @56
 # Ensure there is only one emphasis sign
-noback pass3 @56-56 @56
-noback pass3 @56-56-56 @56
+noback pass3 @46-46 @46
+noback pass3 @46-46-46 @46
 ### Pass 3 - backward translation
 # Save letters that have been defined with letsign as part of their definitions
-nofor pass3 @6-12345 @123457
-nofor pass3 @6-2456 @24567
-nofor pass3 @6-1346 @13467
-nofor pass3 @6-1356 @13567
-nofor pass3 @6-1256 @6-12567
+nofor pass3 @56-6-12345 @6-123457
+nofor pass3 @56-12345 @123457
+nofor pass3 @56-6-2456 @6-24567
+nofor pass3 @56-2456 @24567
+nofor pass3 @56-6-1346 @6-13467
+nofor pass3 @56-1346 @13467
+nofor pass3 @56-6-1356 @6-13567
+nofor pass3 @56-1356 @13567
+nofor pass3 @56-6-12356 @6-123567
+nofor pass3 @56-12356 @123567
+nofor pass3 @56-6-2346 @6-23467
+nofor pass3 @56-2346 @23467
+nofor pass3 @56-6-123456 @6-1234567
+nofor pass3 @56-123456 @1234567
+nofor pass3 @56-6-1256 @6-12567
+nofor pass3 @56-1256 @12567
 # save ~ and |  before inserting extra letsigns and endcapsword in pass 2.
-nofor pass3 @45-6 @467 # Create alternative representation of "~"
+nofor pass3 @45-23 @467 # Create alternative representation of "~"
 nofor pass3 @45-456 @4568
 # Include hyphenation file as the last thing
-include hyph_brl_da_dk.dic
+include da-dk-g2.dic
diff --git a/tables/da-dk-g26_1993.ctb b/tables/da-dk-g26_1993.ctb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c54135f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tables/da-dk-g26_1993.ctb
@@ -0,0 +1,1146 @@
+# Liblouis: Danish table for 6 dots grade 2 forward and backward translation 1993
+#  Copyright (C) 2014, 2016-2021, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
+#  This file is part of liblouis.
+#  liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+#  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
+#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+#  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License along with liblouis. If not, see
+#  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen, December 2022
+### Table Metadata
+#-name: Dansk forkortet 6-punkt 1993
+#-index-name: Danish, contracted, 6-dot, 1993
+#-display-name: Danish 6-dot contracted braille (1993 standard)
+#+language: da
+#+type: literary
+#+contraction: full
+#+grade: 2
+#+dots: 6
+#+direction: both
+#+system: ddp
+#+version: 1993
+#-has-nocross: yes
+# Display opcodes
+include da-dk-octobraille_1993.dis
+### Spaces
+# These ctrl-chars have to have a representation, so that they can be properly converted back and forth.
+space \n 678 LINE FEED (LF)
+space \v 1368 LINE TABULATION
+space \f 12378 FORM FEED (FF)
+space \r 257 CARRIAGE RETURN (CR)
+space \x00a0 a
+include spaces.uti
+### Character definitions
+# Definition of dot cells
+punctuation ! 235 EXCLAMATION MARK
+punctuation " 2356 QUOTATION MARK
+punctuation ' 4 APOSTROPHE
+punctuation ( 236 LEFT PARENTHESIS
+punctuation ) 356 RIGHT PARENTHESIS
+punctuation , 2 COMMA
+punctuation - 36 HYPHEN-MINUS
+punctuation . 3 FULL STOP
+punctuation / 34 SLASH
+punctuation : 25 COLON
+punctuation ; 23 SEMICOLON
+punctuation ? 26 QUESTION MARK
+lowercase a 1
+lowercase b 12
+lowercase c 14
+lowercase d 145
+lowercase e 15
+lowercase f 124
+lowercase g 1245
+lowercase h 125
+lowercase i 24
+lowercase j 245
+lowercase k 13
+lowercase l 123
+lowercase m 134
+lowercase n 1345
+lowercase o 135
+lowercase p 1234
+lowercase r 1235
+lowercase s 234
+lowercase t 2345
+lowercase u 136
+lowercase v 1236
+lowercase y 13456
+#use 8 dots for the following chars to avoid conflict with indicators
+lowercase q 123457
+lowercase w 24567
+lowercase x 13467
+lowercase z 13567
+punctuation | 4568 VERTICAL LINE
+punctuation ~ 467 TILDE (changed by pass 2 to not conflict with indicators
+lowercase \x00fc 12567
+include digits6Dots.uti
+punctuation \x00a7 346 SECTION SIGN (0xa7)
+lowercase \x00e5 16 LATIN LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
+lowercase \x00e6 345 LATIN LETTER AE
+lowercase \x00f8 246 LATIN LETTER O WITH STROKE
+# Uppercase letters
+base uppercase A a
+base uppercase B b
+base uppercase C c
+base uppercase D d
+base uppercase E e
+base uppercase F f
+base uppercase G g
+base uppercase H h
+base uppercase I i
+base uppercase J j
+base uppercase K k
+base uppercase L l
+base uppercase M m
+base uppercase N n
+base uppercase O o
+base uppercase P p
+base uppercase R r
+base uppercase S s
+base uppercase T t
+base uppercase U u
+base uppercase V v
+base uppercase Y y
+base uppercase Q q
+base uppercase W w
+base uppercase X x
+base uppercase Z z
+base uppercase \x00dc \x00fc
+base uppercase \x00c5 \x00e5 LATIN LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
+base uppercase \x00c6 \x00e6 LATIN LETTER AE
+base uppercase \x00d8 \x00f8 LATIN LETTER O WITH STROKE
+# cover all other Braille patterns
+include braille-patterns.cti
+# Characters with two or more cells
+punctuation # 45-3456 NUMBER SIGN
+sign $ 45-256 DOLLAR SIGN
+math % 245-356 PERCENT SIGN
+sign & 6-12346 AMPERSAND
+punctuation * 6-35 ASTERISK
+math + 45-235 PLUS SIGN
+math < 45-134 LESS-THAN SIGN
+math = 45-2356 EQUALS SIGN
+math > 45-234 GREATER-THAN SIGN
+sign @ 45-1 COMMERCIAL AT
+punctuation [ 5-236 LEFT SQUARE BRACKET
+punctuation \\ 45-16 REVERSE SLASH
+punctuation ] 5-356 RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET
+punctuation ^ 45-346 CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT
+punctuation _ 45-36 LOW LINE
+punctuation ` 4 GRAVE ACCENT
+punctuation { 45-246 LEFT CURLY BRACKET
+punctuation } 45-135 RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
+math \x00f7 45-256 DIVISION SIGN
+# Misc unicode characters
+include da-dk-6miscChars_1993.cti
+# Extra chars for private use:
+space \xf800 234f # Used to force a hidden word boundary
+letter \xf801 123f # Used to prevent word contractions in certain cases
+# Litdigits
+include litdigits6Dots.uti
+midendnumericmodechars /,.:^
+undefined 26
+### Braille indicators and special characters
+#hyphen - 36
+letsign 6
+noletsign Ii\x00df\x0149\x0152\x0153
+# Emphasis opcodes
+emphclass italic
+emphclass underline
+emphclass bold
+begemphphrase italic 56
+endemphphrase italic after 56
+begemphphrase bold 56
+endemphphrase bold after 56
+begemphphrase underline 56
+endemphphrase underline after 56
+capsletter 46
+begcapsword 456
+endcapsword 6
+multind 6-46 letsign capsletter
+multind 46-6 capsletter letsign
+multind 6-456 letsign begcapsword
+numsign 3456
+multind 6-3456 letsign numsign
+#class of none-space characters that demand double dashes
+# Used in context lines later.
+#must be the first class defined.
+attribute charsWDoubleDash .,?!/:"'() # class w
+### Correct - forward translation
+# Chars that don't require a space before percent and permille:
+attribute charsBeforePercent "(\x201e\x0084\x201c\x0093\x201d\x0094\x00ab\x00bb #class x
+noback correct `["%"] *
+noback correct !$sx["%"] " %"
+noback correct `["\x2030"] *
+noback correct !$sx["\x2030"] " \x2030"
+noback correct `["\x0089"] *
+noback correct !$sx["\x0089"] " \x2030"
+# Chars to be treated like digits when switching back to letter mode
+attribute extraDigits \x00bc\x00bd\x00be
+#Use the "correct" opcode to convert chars that can't be back-translated
+# and make the table more simple.
+# Dashes
+attribute dashes \x2013\x2014\x0096\x0097\x00ad
+noback correct %dashes "-"
+attribute quotes \x201e\x0084\x201c\x0093\x201d\x0094\x00ab\x00bb 
+noback correct %quotes "\""
+attribute apostrophes `\x201a\x0082\x2039\x008b\x2018\x0091\x2019\x0092\x203a\x009b\x00b4
+noback correct %apostrophes "'"
+### Correct - backward translation
+# characters that may get mangled by the insertion of extra letsigns
+nofor correct "\x2818" "~"
+#nofor correct "\x282f" "&"
+#nofor correct "\x2814" "*"
+# Try to distinguish between times (\x00d7) and bullit (\x2022),
+# which share the same Braille representation.
+nofor correct `["\x00d7"] "\x2022" 
+# nofor correct $d["\s\x00d7\s"]$d * #apparently doesn't work now
+nofor correct ["\x00d7"]!$d "\x2022" 
+nofor correct !$d["\x00d7"] "\x2022" 
+nofor correct "\x28a0" ? # Extraneous endcaps signs
+#nofor correct "\x2820" ?
+nofor correct "~\\456/" "|"
+#ensure \xf800\xf801 between a digit and a letter
+noback correct $dy[]$l "\xf800\xf801"
+noback correct $dy$Spm.[]$l "\xf800\xf801"
+### Pass 1 - Forward and backward
+# Remove space between § and numbers.
+noback begnum § 346
+begnum §\s 346
+begnum §§\s 346-346
+always §§ 346-346
+# Punctuations, math and numbers
+#midnum , 2
+#midnum . 3
+# the following rule is doubtful, but probably does not apply.
+#midnum - 36
+endnum - 36
+#midnum / 34
+#midnum : 25
+nofor midnum ^ 346
+nofor midnum ^ 45-346
+midnum ^ 45-346
+midnum \x00d7 45-3
+# various back rules for math signs etc.
+nofor midnum % 0-245-356-0-3456
+nofor endnum % 0-245-356
+nofor endnum \x2030 0-245-356-356
+nofor midnum \x00d7 45-3
+#nofor midnum \x00d7 3
+# Punctuation
+prepunc " 2356
+postpunc " 2356
+always /\s 6-34-0
+always \s/ 0-6-34
+nofor always / 6-34
+prepunc - 36
+postpunc - 36
+nofor always \s-\s 0-36-36-0
+always :- 25-36
+always ;- 23-36
+always --- 36-36-36
+always ---- 36-36-36-36
+always ----- 36-36-36-36-36
+# Star enclosed by parentheses
+always (*) 236-35-356
+before punctuation before sign always ( 6-236
+# these characters must be separated from ")" by a letsign.
+attribute SepToRightpar Jj%'\x2030\x0089\x201a\x0082\x2039\x009b\x2018\x0091\x2019\x0092\x203a\x009b
+after SepToRightpar always ) 6-356
+after punctuation after sign always ) 6-356
+prepunc ( 236
+postpunc ) 356
+always .) 3-356
+always ( 6-236
+always ) 6-356
+# extra back rules for ")"
+nofor after punctuation always ) 356
+nofor always \x00b0 4-356
+nofor always ') 4-6-356
+nofor always ") 2356-356
+nofor endword j) 245-356
+nofor always ) 6-356
+always ... 3-3-3
+# Exclamation and "fra"
+always fra! 124-1235-1-235
+always !fra 235-124-1235-1
+always ?! 26-6-235
+always )! 356-6-235
+always (!) 236-6-235-356
+always "fra" 2356-124-1235-1-2356
+always "!" 2356-6-235-2356
+always !! 235-235
+always !!! 235-235-235
+always !!!! 235-235-235-235
+always !!!!! 235-235-235-235-235
+always '! 4-6-235
+always \s! 0-6-235
+prepunc ! 6-235
+always \x00a1 6-256
+### Contractions ###
+#Special sequences, urls emails and file names.
+nocont $
+nocont \x005c
+nocont @
+nocont ://
+nocont www
+nocont .com
+nocont .dk
+nocont .eu
+nocont .edu
+nocont .gov
+nocont .mil
+nocont .net
+nocont .org
+nocont .uk
+nocont .doc
+nocont .exe
+nocont .htm
+nocont .tex
+nocont .txt
+nocont .gif
+nocont .jpg
+nocont .png
+nocont .wav
+nocont .tar
+nocont .zip
+# Ensure no contractions in English ordinal numbers
+endnum nd 6-1345-145
+endnum st 6-234-2345
+endnum ve 6-1236-15
+word af 356
+always 'af 4-1-124
+word aldrig 1-35
+word aig =
+word alle 1-15
+begnum ae 6-1-15
+contraction ae
+word allerede 1-123-1235
+begnum alr 6-1-123-1235
+contraction alr
+word alligevel 1-123-1236
+begnum alv 6-1-123-1236
+contraction alv
+word altid 1-2345-145
+begnum atd 6-1-2345-145
+contraction atd
+word altså 1-16
+begnum aå 6-1-16
+contraction aå
+word at 1
+word blevet 12-2345
+begnum bt 6-12-2345
+contraction bt
+word blev 12-1236
+begnum bv 6-12-1236
+contraction bv
+word blive 12-3456
+word bve 12-1236-15
+word bliver 12
+word derefter 23456-1356
+word derst =
+word deres 256
+word derfor 23456-124
+word derf =
+word derigennem 23456-24-12456
+word derige 1456-1235-24-12456
+word dermed 23456-134
+word derm =
+word derned 23456-1246
+word derne =
+word derop 23456-135
+word dero =
+word derover 23456-1346
+word deror =
+word derpå 23456-1234
+word derp =
+word dersom 23456-234
+word ders =
+word dertil 23456-2345
+word dert =
+word derunder 23456-12345
+word derved 23456-1236
+word din 145-1345
+begnum dn 6-145-1345
+contraction dn
+word disse 145-234
+begnum ds 6-145-234
+contraction ds
+word dit 145-2345
+begnum dt 6-145-2345
+contraction dt
+word du 145
+word efter 1356
+word eller 15
+word endnu 15-136
+begnum eu 6-15-136
+contraction eu
+word fik 124-13
+begnum fk 6-124-13
+contraction fk
+word fordi 124-145
+begnum fd 6-124-145
+contraction fd
+word forskellige 124-123456-15
+word fske =
+word forskelligt 124-123456-2345
+word fskt =
+word forskellig 124-123456
+word fsk =
+word for 124
+word fra 235
+word første 124-1356-15
+word først 124-1356
+word før 246
+word ganske 1245-123456
+word gennem 12456
+word ge =
+word gik 1245-13
+begnum gk 6-1245-13
+contraction gk
+word gør 1245
+word ham 236
+word hans 13456-234
+begnum ys 6-13456-234
+contraction ys
+word han 13456
+word har 125
+word havde 125-1456
+word hde =
+word have 125-3456
+word hve =
+word helt 125-2345
+begnum ht 6-125-2345
+contraction ht
+word hendes 125-234
+begnum hs 6-125-234
+contraction hs
+word hende 125-145
+begnum hd 6-125-145
+contraction hd
+word hun 136
+word hvad 2456
+word hv =
+word hvis 2456-234
+word hvs =
+word hvordan 34-1
+word hvora 34-6-1
+word hvorefter 34-1356
+word hvorst 34-234-2345
+word hvorfor 34-124
+word hvorf 34-6-124
+word hvorigennem 34-24-12456
+word hvorledes 34-15
+word hvore 34-6-15
+word hvormed 34-134
+word hvorm 34-6-134
+word hvornår 34-1345
+word hvorn 34-6-1345
+word hvorover 34-1346
+word hvoror 34-135-1235
+word hvorpå 34-1234
+word hvorp 34-6-1234
+word hvortil 34-2345
+word hvort 34-6-2345
+word hvorunder 34-12345
+word hvornd 34-1345-145
+word hvorved 34-1236
+word hvorv 34-6-1236
+word hvor 34
+word igennem 24-12456
+word ige =
+word igen 35
+word (igen) 236-24-1245-126-356
+word ig =
+word ikke 24-13
+begnum ik 6-24-13
+contraction ik
+word imidlertid 24-24
+begnum ii 6-24-24
+contraction ii
+word jeg 245
+word jeg) 245-6-356
+word kan 13
+word kommer 13-156
+word ker =
+word kommet 13-346
+word ket =
+word komme 13-146
+word kme =
+word kom 13-134
+begnum km 6-13-134
+contraction km
+word kunne 13-1246
+word kne =
+word ligesom 123-234
+begnum ls 6-123-234
+contraction ls
+word lige 123
+word lille 123-123
+begnum ll 6-123-123
+contraction ll
+word mange 134-12456
+word mge =
+word med 134
+word megen 146-126
+word meen =
+word meget 146-346
+word meet =
+word mellem 146-134
+word mem =
+word men 146
+word me =
+word min 134-1345
+begnum mn 6-134-1345
+contraction mn
+word mit 134-2345
+begnum mt 6-145-2345
+contraction mt
+word måske 134-123456
+word msk =
+word måtte 134-1256
+word mte =
+word naturligvis 1345-2345-1236
+begnum ntv 6-1345-2345-1236
+contraction ntv
+word nd =
+word ned 1246
+word ne =
+word nogen 1345-1345
+begnum nn 6-1345-1345
+contraction nn
+word noget 1345-2345
+begnum nt 6-1345-2345
+contraction nt
+word nogle 1345-123-15
+begnum nle 6-1345-123-15
+contraction nle
+word når 1345
+word også 14-16
+begnum cå 6-14-16
+contraction cå
+word og 14
+word omkring 135-134-13
+begnum omk 6-135-134-13
+contraction omk
+word op 135
+word or =
+word over 1346
+word på 1234
+word ret 12356
+word re 1235-15
+word rigtige 1235-12456
+word rge =
+word rigtigt 1235-2345
+begnum rt 6-1235-2345
+contraction rt
+word rigtig 1235
+word sagde 234-1456
+word sammen 234-134
+begnum sm 6-234-134
+contraction sm
+word samme 234-146
+word sme =
+word selvfølgelig 234-1236-124
+begnum svf 6-234-1236-124
+contraction svf
+word selv 234-1236
+begnum sv 6-234-1236
+contraction sv
+word sidste 234-1356-15
+word sste =
+word sidst 234-1356
+word sst =
+word sin 234-1345
+begnum sn 6-234-1345
+contraction sn
+word sit 234-2345
+begnum st 6-234-2345
+contraction st
+word skal 123456
+word sk =
+word skulle 123456-123-15
+word skle =
+word snart 234-1235
+begnum sr 6-234-1235
+contraction sr
+word som 234
+word sådan 16-1
+begnum åa 6-16-1
+contraction åa
+word således 16-15
+begnum åe 6-16-15
+contraction åe
+word så 16
+word tid 2345-145
+begnum td 6-2345-145
+contraction td
+word tilbage 2345-12
+begnum tb 6-2345-12
+contraction tb
+word til 2345
+word under 12345
+sufword var- =
+sufword var. =
+word var 36
+word ve 3456
+word ved 1236
+word ville 1236-123-15
+begnum vle 6-1236-123-15
+contraction vle
+word vil 1236-123
+begnum vl 6-1236-123
+contraction vl
+word været 1236-2345
+begnum vt 6-1236-2345
+contraction vt
+word være 345
+#Part words
+nocross always den 12346
+nocross always der 23456
+nocross always det 2346
+nocross always de 1456
+nocross always en 126
+nocross always er 156
+nocross always et 346
+nocross always ge 12456
+#nocross always hvor 34
+nocross always hv 2456
+nocross always ig 35
+nocross always me 146
+nocross always nd 12345
+nocross always ne 1246
+nocross always or 1346
+nocross always re 12356
+nocross always sk 123456
+nocross always st 1356
+nocross always te 1256
+# Numsign/"ve", special case when back-translating
+noback nocross always ve 3456
+# Additional words containing "hvor"
+# these are made explicit in 6-dots to handle / better
+word hvoraf 34-1-124
+word hvorfra 34-124-1235-1
+word hvorhen 34-125-126
+word hvorhenne 34-125-126-1246
+word hvori 34-24
+word hvoriblandt 34-24-12-123-1-12345-2345
+word hvorimellem 34-24-146-123-123-15-134
+word hvorimod 34-24-134-135-145
+word hvorlænge 34-123-345-1345-12456
+word hvormange 34-134-1-1345-12456
+word hvorom 34-135-134
+word hvormeget 34-146-1245-346
+word hvorudfra 34-136-145-124-1235-1
+word hvorvidt 34-1236-24-145-2345
+word ihvorvel 24-34-3456-123
+# Rules and corrections for back-translation
+#ve special case
+nofor midendword ve 3456
+# nondigletters covers small letters from k + various part word contractions with dots 5 or 6. Necesary to ensure correct back-translation.
+attribute nondigletter klmnopqrstuvwxyzæøå\x017e\x00e0\x00e7\x00e8\x00e9\x00ea\x00eb\x00ee\x00ef\x00f4\x00f9\x00fb\x00fc\x283f\x2829\x282b\x2837
+nofor before nondigletter begword ve 3456
+nofor before nondigletter begword vea 3456-1
+nofor sufword veade 3456-1-1456
+nofor sufword veader 3456-1-23456
+nofor sufword veage 3456-1-12456
+nofor before nondigletter begword veag 3456-1-1245
+# veb
+nofor before nondigletter begword veb 3456-12
+nofor before nondigletter begword veba 3456-12-1
+nofor before nondigletter begword vebb 3456-12-12
+nofor sufword vebbest 3456-12-12-15-1356
+nofor before nondigletter begword vebe 3456-12-15
+nofor before nondigletter begword vebi 3456-12-24
+# vec
+nofor before nondigletter begword vec 3456-14
+nofor before nondigletter begword vecchi 3456-14-14-125-24
+# ved
+nofor before nondigletter begword ved 3456-145
+nofor before nondigletter begword veda 3456-145-1
+nofor sufword vedaer 3456-145-1-156
+nofor before nondigletter begword vedb 3456-145-12
+nofor sufword vedben 3456-145-12-126
+nofor sufword vedbend 3456-145-12-15-12345
+nofor sufword vedbenden 3456-145-12-126-12346
+nofor before nondigletter begword vedc 3456-145-14
+nofor before nondigletter begword vedd 3456-145-145
+nofor before nondigletter begword vedda 3456-145-145-1
+nofor sufword vedde 3456-145-1456
+nofor sufword veddet 3456-145-2346
+nofor sufword vede 3456-1456
+nofor sufword veden 3456-12346
+nofor sufword veder 3456-23456
+nofor sufword vedet 3456-2346
+nofor before nondigletter begword vedf 3456-145-124
+nofor before nondigletter begword vedfa 3456-145-124-1
+nofor before nondigletter begword vedfe 3456-145-124-15
+nofor before nondigletter begword vedfi 3456-145-124-24
+nofor before nondigletter begword vedg 3456-145-1245
+nofor before nondigletter begword vedga 3456-145-1245-1
+nofor sufword vedge 3456-145-12456
+nofor before nondigletter begword vedgi 3456-145-1245-24
+nofor before nondigletter begword vedh 3456-145-125
+nofor before nondigletter begword vedha 3456-145-125-1
+nofor before nondigletter begword vedhe 3456-145-125-15
+nofor before nondigletter begword vedhef 3456-145-125-15-124
+nofor sufword vedhefte 3456-145-125-15-124-1256
+nofor before nondigletter begword vedhi 3456-145-125-24
+nofor before nondigletter begword vedi 3456-145-24
+nofor before nondigletter begword vedj 3456-145-245
+nofor sufword vedst 3456-145-1356
+nofor sufword vedte 3456-145-1256
+# vee
+nofor before nondigletter begword vee 3456-15
+nofor before nondigletter begword veeb 3456-15-12
+nofor sufword veen 3456-126
+nofor sufword veer 3456-156
+nofor sufword veet 3456-346
+# vef
+nofor before nondigletter begword vef 3456-124
+nofor before nondigletter begword vefa 3456-124-1
+nofor before nondigletter begword vefe 3456-124-15
+nofor before nondigletter begword vefi 3456-124-24
+# veg
+nofor before nondigletter begword veg 3456-1245
+nofor before nondigletter begword vega 3456-1245-1
+nofor sufword vege 3456-12456
+nofor sufword vegen 3456-1245-126
+nofor word veget 3456-1245-346
+nofor sufword vegger 3456-1245-1245-156
+nofor before nondigletter begword vegi 3456-1245-24
+nofor sufword vegst 3456-1245-1356
+# veh
+nofor before nondigletter begword veh 3456-125
+nofor before nondigletter begword veha 3456-125-1
+nofor sufword vehand 3456-125-1-12345
+nofor sufword vehage 3456-125-1-23456
+nofor before nondigletter begword vehe 3456-125-15
+nofor before nondigletter begword vehi 3456-125-24
+# vei
+nofor before nondigletter begword vei 3456-24
+nofor before nondigletter begword veibe 3456-24-12-15
+nofor sufword veide 3456-24-1456
+nofor sufword veien 3456-24-126
+nofor sufword veige 3456-24-12456
+nofor before nondigletter begword veij 3456-24-245
+nofor sufword veind 3456-24-12345
+# vej
+nofor before nondigletter begword vej 3456-245
+nofor before nondigletter begword veja 3456-245-1
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejadga 3456-245-1-145-1245-1
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejaf 3456-245-1-124
+nofor sufword vejafde 3456-245-1-124-1456
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejafgif 3456-245-1-124-1245-24-124
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejb 3456-245-12
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejba 3456-245-12-1
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejbe 3456-245-12-15
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejbi 3456-245-12-24
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejbid 3456-245-12-24-145
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejc 3456-245-14
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejd 3456-245-145
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejda 3456-245-145-1
+nofor sufword vejde 3456-245-1456
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejdi 3456-245-145-24
+nofor before nondigletter begword veje 3456-245-15
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejea 3456-245-15-1
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejeb 3456-245-15-12
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejed 3456-245-15-145
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejeda 3456-245-15-145-1
+nofor sufword vejede 3456-245-15-1456
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejef 3456-245-15-124
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejeg 3456-245-15-1245
+nofor sufword vejege 3456-245-15-12456
+nofor sufword vejen 3456-245-126
+nofor sufword vejene 3456-245-15-1246
+nofor sufword vejer 3456-245-156
+nofor word vejet 3456-245-346
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejf 3456-245-124
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejfa 3456-245-124-1
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejfe 3456-245-124-15
+nofor sufword vejfest 3456-245-124-15-1356
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejfi 3456-245-124-24
+nofor begword vejfor 3456-245-124-1346
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejg 3456-245-1245
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejga 3456-245-1245-1
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejgaa 3456-245-1245-1-1
+nofor sufword vejge 3456-245-12456
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejgi 3456-245-1245-24
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejh 3456-245-125
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejha 3456-245-125-1
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejhe 3456-245-125-15
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejhi 3456-245-125-24
+nofor sufword vejhist 3456-245-125-24-1356
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejhj 3456-245-125-245
+nofor before nondigletter begword veji 3456-245-24
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejid 3456-245-24-145
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejj 3456-245-245
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejja 3456-245-245-1
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejje 3456-245-245-15
+nofor before nondigletter begword vejji 3456-245-245-24
+nofor sufword vejor 3456-245-1346
+nofor begword vejst 3456-245-1356
+nofor always vend 3456-12345
+nofor always veor 3456-1346
+nofor always vest 3456-1356
+nofor always vete 3456-1256
+# Corrections of letters with accents
+nofor sufword aïda 1-5-24-145-1
+nofor sufword anaïs 1-1345-1-5-24-234
+nofor sufword barsebäck 12-1-1235-234-15-12-345-14-13
+nofor sufword bohè 12-135-125-5-15
+nofor sufword château 14-125-5-1-1256-1-136
+nofor sufword citroën 14-24-2345-1235-135-5-15-1345
+nofor sufword däniken 145-345-1345-24-13-126
+nofor word fór 124-5-135-1235
+nofor sufword göran 1245-246-1235-1-1345
+nofor sufword göring 1245-246-1235-24-1345-1245
+nofor word händel 125-345-1345-1456-123
+nofor word händels 125-345-1345-1456-123-234
+nofor sufword lagerlöf 123-1-1245-156-123-246-124
+nofor sufword márquez 134-5-1-1235-6-12345-136-15-6-1356
+nofor sufword miró 134-24-1235-5-135
+nofor sufword moliè 134-135-123-24-5-15
+nofor sufword norröna 1345-1346-1235-246-1345-1
+nofor sufword tannhäus 2345-1-1345-1345-125-345-136-234
+nofor sufword tórshavn 2345-5-135-1235-234-125-1-1236-1345
+ nofor sufword václav 1236-5-1-14-123-1-1236
+nofor sufword verän 1236-156-345-1345
+nofor sufword weizsäck 6-2456-15-24-6-1356-234-345-14-13
+# Common combinations of one word contractions with slash
+word af/på 356-34-1234
+word du/i 145-34-24
+word eller/og 15-34-14
+word fra/til 235-34-2345
+word han/hun 13456-34-136
+word hun/han 136-34-13456
+word i/du 24-34-145
+word og/eller 14-34-15
+word over/under 1346-34-12345
+word på/af 1234-34-356
+word til/fra 2345-34-235
+word under/over 12345-34-1346
+# no backtrans of ^1 and `2. use contractions
+nofor always eta 346-1
+nofor always etb 346-12
+always etc 346-14
+# Ensure no one-letter word contraction before or after a dash
+endword -af 36-1-124
+begword af- 1-124-36
+endword -altid 36-1-2345-145
+begword altid- 1-2345-145-36
+endword -at 36-1-2345
+endword -a 36-6-1
+begword at- 1-2345-36
+endword -og 36-135-1245
+endword -c 36-6-14
+begword og- 135-1245-36
+endword -du 36-145-136
+endword -d 36-6-145
+begword du- 145-136-36
+endword -efter 36-15-124-2345-156
+endword -z 36-6-1356
+begword efter- 15-124-2345-156-36
+midword -efter- 36-1356-36
+endword -e 36-6-15
+endword -for 36-124-1346
+endword -f 36-6-124
+begword for- 124-1346-36
+endword -fra 36-124-1235-1
+begword fra- 124-1235-1-36
+endword -g 36-6-1245
+endword -gennem 36-1245-126-1246-134
+begword gennem- 1245-126-1246-134-36
+endword -ham 36-125-1-134
+begword ham- 125-1-134-36
+endword -han 36-125-1-1345
+endword -y 36-6-13456
+begword han- 125-1-1345-36
+endword -har 36-125-1-1235
+endword -h 36-6-125
+begword har- 125-1-1235-36
+endword -hun 36-125-136-1345
+endword -u 36-6-136
+begword hun- 125-136-1345-36
+endword -j 36-6-245
+endword -kan 36-13-1-1345
+endword -k 36-6-13
+begword kan- 13-1-1345-36
+endword -lige 36-123-24-12456
+endword -l 36-6-123
+begword lige- 123-24-12456-36
+endword -med 36-146-145
+endword -m 36-6-134
+begword med- 146-145-36
+endword -men 36-134-126
+begword men- 134-126-36
+ endword -ned 36-1246-145
+begword ned- 1246-145-36
+endword -når 36-1345-16-1235
+endword -n 36-6-1345
+begword når- 1345-16-1235-36
+endword -op 36-135-1234
+endword -o 36-6-135
+begword op- 135-1234-36
+endword -over 36-135-1236-156
+endword -x 36-6-1346
+begword over- 135-1236-156-36
+endword -på 36-1234-16
+endword -p 36-6-1234
+begword på- 1234-16-36
+midword -på- 36-1234-36
+endword -ret 36-1235-346
+begword ret- 1235-346-36
+midword -ret- 36-12356-36
+endword -rigtig 36-1235-35-2345-35
+endword -r 36-6-1235
+begword rigtig- 1235-35-2345-35-36
+midword -rigtig- 36-1235-36
+endword -skal 36-123456-1-123
+begword skal- 123456-1-123-36
+midword -skal- 36-123456-36
+endword -som 36-234-135-134
+endword -s 36-6-234
+begword som- 234-135-134-36
+midword -som- 36-234-36
+endword -så 36-234-16
+endword -å 36-6-16
+begword så- 234-16-36
+endword -til 36-2345-24-123
+endword -t 36-6-2345
+begword til- 2345-24-123-36
+midword -til- 36-2345-36
+endword -under 36-136-1345-23456
+begword under- 136-1345-23456-36
+midword -under- 36-12345-36
+endword -ved 36-1236-15-145
+endword -v 36-6-1236
+begword ved- 1236-15-145-36
+midword -ved- 36-1236-36
+### Context rules - forward translation
+# Exclamation at beginning of string
+noback context `["!"] @6-235
+# Ensure two dashes where appropriate.
+noback context $w["-"]$w @36
+noback context $sw["-"]"\xf800\xf801" @36
+noback context $sw["-"]$sw @36-36
+noback context `["-"]$sw @36-36
+noback context $sw["-"]~ @36-36
+noback context !$sw["-"]~ @36
+noback context `["-"]~ @36-36
+# Ensure letsign between letter and numsign
+noback context $l[]$D @6
+### context - backward translation
+# Ensure the correct number of dashes
+nofor context @36[@36-36] "--"
+nofor context [@36-36]@36 "--"
+nofor context $w[@36-36]$w "--"
+nofor context $sw[@36-36]$sw "-"
+nofor context `[@36-36]$sw "-"
+nofor context $sw[@36-36]~ "-"
+nofor context `@36-36~ "-"
+### Pass 2 - forward translation
+# No "nd", "hv", "or", or "st" after a digit and a letsign
+noback pass2 @234f-123f-2456 @6-125-1236
+noback pass2 @234f-123f-12345 @6-1345-145
+noback pass2 @234f-123f-1346 @6-135-1235
+noback pass2 @234f-123f-1356 @6-234-2345
+noback pass2 @234f-123f-1256 @6-2345-15
+# extra lines to correct hyphenation errors caused by \xf801
+noback pass2 @234f-123f-135-3456-1235 @6-135-1236-156
+noback pass2 @234f-123f-3456 @6-1236-15
+noback pass2 @234f-123f @6
+# Correct chars defined as 8 dots because they include letsign
+noback pass2 @467 @45-6
+noback pass2 @4568 @45-456
+noback pass2 @123457 @6-12345
+noback pass2 @24567 @6-2456
+noback pass2 @13467 @6-1346
+noback pass2 @13567 @6-1356
+noback pass2 @12567 @6-1256
+noback pass2 @6-5 @5 # no letsign before letters with accent
+noback pass2 @6-46-5 @46-5 # no letsign before cap letters with accent
+noback pass2 @234f-123f-46-5 @46-5 # no letsign before cap letters with accent
+noback pass2 _$D[@6-46-6] *
+noback pass2 _$D[@6-46] *
+noback pass2 @6-46-6 @46-6 # Ensure correct order and no double letsign
+noback pass2 @6-46 @46-6 # Ensure correct order
+ ### Pass 2 - backward
+# Insert letsign between number (with extra punctuation) and capsletter sign
+#nofor pass2 @3456$l.$Spm$l.@3$l.@3[]@46 @6
+#nofor pass2 @3456$l.$Spm$l.@3[]@46 @6
+#nofor pass2 @3456$l.$Spm$Spm[]@46 @6
+#nofor pass2 @3456$l.$Spm[]@46 @6
+# Insert letsign between number (with extra punctuation) and capsword sign
+#nofor pass2 @3456$l.$Spm$l.@3$l.@3[]@456 @6
+#nofor pass2 @3456$l.$Spm$l.@34$l.@34[]@456 @6
+#nofor pass2 @3456$l.$Spm$l.@36$l.@36[]@456 @6
+#nofor pass2 @3456$l.$Spm$l.@3[]@456 @6
+#nofor pass2 @3456$l.$Spm$l.@34[]@456 @6
+#nofor pass2 @3456$l.$Spm$l.@36[]@456 @6
+#nofor pass2 @3456$l.$Spm$Spm[]@456 @6
+#nofor pass2 @3456$l.$Spm[]@456 @6
+#nofor pass2 @3456$l.[]@456 @6
+#nofor pass2 $l[]@46 @6
+#nofor pass2 $a[]@456 @6
+### Pass 3 - forward translation
+# Ensure there is only one letsign
+ noback pass3 @6-6 @6
+# Ensure there is only one emphasis sign
+noback pass3 @56-56 @56
+noback pass3 @56-56-56 @56
+### Pass 3 - backward translation
+# Save letters that have been defined with letsign as part of their definitions
+nofor pass3 @6-12345 @123457
+nofor pass3 @6-2456 @24567
+nofor pass3 @6-1346 @13467
+nofor pass3 @6-1356 @13567
+nofor pass3 @6-1256 @6-12567
+# save ~ and |  before inserting extra letsigns and endcapsword in pass 2.
+nofor pass3 @45-6 @467 # Create alternative representation of "~"
+nofor pass3 @45-456 @4568
+# Include hyphenation file as the last thing
+include da-dk-g2_1993.dic
diff --git a/tables/da-dk-g26l-lit.ctb b/tables/da-dk-g26l-lit_1993.ctb
similarity index 96%
rename from tables/da-dk-g26l-lit.ctb
rename to tables/da-dk-g26l-lit_1993.ctb
index 941ffea..624b01c 100644
--- a/tables/da-dk-g26l-lit.ctb
+++ b/tables/da-dk-g26l-lit_1993.ctb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# Liblouis: Danish table for 6 dots grade 1.5 (grade 2l) literary, forward translation only
+# Liblouis: Danish table for 6 dots grade 1.5 (grade 2l) literary, forward translation only 1993
-#  Copyright (C) 2014-2020, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
+#  Copyright (C) 2014, 2016-2021, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
 #  This file is part of liblouis.
@@ -18,12 +18,13 @@
 #  License along with liblouis. If not, see
 #  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen, 200302
+# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen, December 2022
 ### Table Metadata
-#-index-name: Danish, partially contracted, 6-dot
-#-display-name: Danish 6-dot partially contracted braille
+#-name: Dansk lille forkortelse 6-punkt litterær 1993
+#-index-name: Danish, partially contracted, 6-dot, 1993
+#-display-name: Danish 6-dot partially contracted braille (1993 standard)
 #+language: da
 #+type: literary
@@ -31,9 +32,11 @@
 #+grade: 1.5
 #+dots: 6
 #+direction: forward
+#+system: ddp
+#+version: 1993
 # Display opcodes
-include da-dk-octobraille.dis
+include da-dk-octobraille_1993.dis
 ### Spaces
@@ -160,7 +163,7 @@
 math \x00f7 45-256 DIVISION SIGN
 # Misc unicode characters
-include da-dk-6miscChars.cti
+include da-dk-6miscChars_1993.cti
 # Litdigits
 include litdigits6Dots.uti
diff --git a/tables/da-dk-g26l.ctb b/tables/da-dk-g26l_1993.ctb
similarity index 96%
rename from tables/da-dk-g26l.ctb
rename to tables/da-dk-g26l_1993.ctb
index e2e6138..9e9de9b 100644
--- a/tables/da-dk-g26l.ctb
+++ b/tables/da-dk-g26l_1993.ctb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# Liblouis: Danish table for 6 dots grade 1.5 (grade 2l) forward and backward translation 
+# Liblouis: Danish table for 6 dots grade 1.5 (grade 2l) forward and backward translation 1993
-#  Copyright (C) 2014-2020, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
+#  Copyright (C) 2014, 2016-2021, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
 #  This file is part of liblouis.
@@ -18,12 +18,13 @@
 #  License along with liblouis. If not, see
 #  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen, 200302
+# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen, December 2022
 ### Table Metadata
-#-index-name: Danish, partially contracted, 6-dot
-#-display-name: Danish 6-dot partially contracted braille
+#-name: Dansk lille forkortelse 1993
+#-index-name: Danish, partially contracted, 6-dot, 1993
+#-display-name: Danish 6-dot partially contracted braille (1993 standard)
 #+language: da
 #+type: literary
@@ -31,9 +32,11 @@
 #+grade: 1.5
 #+dots: 6
 #+direction: both
+#+system: ddp
+#+version: 1993
 # Display opcodes
-include da-dk-octobraille.dis
+include da-dk-octobraille_1993.dis
 ### Spaces
@@ -160,7 +163,7 @@
 math \x00f7 45-256 DIVISION SIGN
 # Misc unicode characters
-include da-dk-6miscChars.cti
+include da-dk-6miscChars_1993.cti
 # Litdigits
 include litdigits6Dots.uti
diff --git a/tables/da-dk-g28.ctb b/tables/da-dk-g28.ctb
index dca5545..9383f68 100644
--- a/tables/da-dk-g28.ctb
+++ b/tables/da-dk-g28.ctb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# liblouis: Danish, table for 8 dots grade 2 (forward and backward translation)
+# liblouis: Danish, table for 8 dots grade 2 forward and backward translation (2022)
-#  Copyright (C) 2014-2020, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
+#  Copyright (C) 2014, 2016-2022, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
 #  This file is part of liblouis.
@@ -20,16 +20,19 @@
-# This  is the Danish table for 8 dots grade 2 (stor forkortelse).
-# Use this table for translation and back-translation of Danish 8 dots grade 2.
+# This  is the Danish table for 8 dots grade 2 Braille (stor forkortelse) (2022).
+# Use this table for translation and back-translation of Danish 8 dots Braille grade 2.
+# See also: Den Danske Punktskrift 2022
+#           Det Danske Punktskriftsnævn
+#           https://www.blind.dk/punktskrift-2022
-# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen, 200302
+# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen, December 2022
 ### Table Metadata
-#-name: Dansk forkortet 8-punkt
-#-index-name: Danish, contracted, 8-dot
-#-display-name: Danish 8-dot contracted braille
+#-name: Dansk forkortet 8-punkt 2022
+#-index-name: Danish, contracted, 8-dot, 2022
+#-display-name: Danish 8-dot contracted braille (2022 standard)
 #+language: da
 #+type: literary
@@ -37,6 +40,8 @@
 #+grade: 2
 #+dots: 8
 #+direction: both
+#+system: ddp
+#+version: 2022
 #-has-nocross: yes
@@ -44,62 +49,36 @@
 include da-dk-octobraille.dis
 ### Character definitions ###
+# Various spaces
+include spaces.uti
-sign \x0000 8 NULL
-sign \x0001 178 START OF HEADING
-sign \x0002 1278 START OF TEXT
-sign \x0003 1478 END OF TEXT
-sign \x0004 14578 END OF TRANSMISSION
-sign \x0005 24568 ENQUIRY
-sign \x0006 12478 ACKNOWLEDGE
-sign \x0007 124578 BELL
-sign \x0008 12578 BACKSPACE
-space \n 678 LINE FEED (LF)
-space \v 1368 LINE TABULATION
-space \f 12378 FORM FEED (FF)
-space \r 257 CARRIAGE RETURN (CR)
-sign \x000e 134578 SHIFT OUT
-sign \x000f 12358 SHIFT IN
-sign \x0010 123478 DATA LINK ESCAPE
-sign \x0011 1234578 DEVICE CONTROL ONE
-sign \x0012 13568 DEVICE CONTROL TWO
-sign \x0013 4578 DEVICE CONTROL THREE
-sign \x0014 268 DEVICE CONTROL FOUR
-sign \x0015 13678 NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGE
-sign \x0016 278 SYNCHRONOUS IDLE
-sign \x0018 78 CANCEL
-sign \x0019 68 END OF MEDIUM
-sign \x001a 135678 SUBSTITUTE
-sign \x001b 2678 ESCAPE
-sign \x001e 1234678 INFORMATION SEPARATOR TWO
-space \s 0 SPACE
 punctuation ! 235 EXCLAMATION MARK
 punctuation " 2356 QUOTATION MARK
 punctuation # 34568 NUMBER SIGN
-sign $ 25678 DOLLAR SIGN
-math % 24578 PERCENT SIGN
+sign $ 14578 DOLLAR SIGN
+math % 678 PERCENT SIGN
 sign & 123468 AMPERSAND
 punctuation ' 4 APOSTROPHE
 punctuation ( 2368 LEFT PARENTHESIS
 punctuation ) 3568 RIGHT PARENTHESIS
 math + 2358 PLUS SIGN
 punctuation , 2 COMMA
-punctuation - 368 HYPHEN-MINUS
+punctuation - 36 HYPHEN-MINUS
 punctuation . 3 FULL STOP
 punctuation / 348 SLASH
+# Digits
 include digits8Dots.uti
 punctuation : 25 COLON
 punctuation ; 23 SEMICOLON
 math < 358 LESS-THAN SIGN
 math = 23568 EQUALS SIGN
 punctuation ? 26 QUESTION MARK
-sign @ 478 COMMERCIAL AT
+sign @ 178 COMMERCIAL AT
+# Latin letters
 lowercase a 1 LATIN LETTER A
 lowercase b 12 LATIN LETTER B
 lowercase c 14 LATIN LETTER C
@@ -122,6 +101,7 @@
 lowercase u 136 LATIN LETTER U
 lowercase v 1236 LATIN LETTER V
 lowercase y 13456 LATIN LETTER Y
 punctuation [ 23678 LEFT SQUARE BRACKET
 punctuation ] 35678 RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET
 punctuation ^ 12348 CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT
@@ -130,78 +110,62 @@
 punctuation { 123678 LEFT CURLY BRACKET
 punctuation | 4568 VERTICAL LINE
 punctuation } 345678 RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
-punctuation ~ 467 TILDE
+punctuation ~ 2378 TILDE
 sign \x007f 7 DELETE
 sign \x20AC 1578 #EURO SIGN (0x80)
-noback sign \x0080 1578 #EURO SIGN (0x80)
-sign \x0081 45 <control-0081>
+sign \x0081 2357 <control-0081>
 punctuation \x201A 457 #Low single quote (0x82)
-noback punctuation \x0082 457 #Low single quote (0x82)
 sign \x0192 58 #Flurihn (0x83)
-noback sign \x0083 58 #Flurihn (0x83)
-punctuation \x201E 2378 #Low quote (0x84)
-noback punctuation \x0084 2378 #Low quote (0x84)
-letter \x2020 2357 #Dagger (0x86
-noback letter \x0086 2357 #Dagger (0x86
-letter \x2021 23578 #Double dagger (0x87
-noback letter \x0087 23578 #Double dagger (0x87
-letter \x02c6 5678 #Modifier letter circumflex (0x88)
-noback letter \x0088 5678 #Modifier letter circumflex (0x88)
+punctuation \x201E 467 #Low quote (0x84)
+sign \x2020 45 #Dagger (0x86
+sign \x2021 456 #Double dagger (0x87
+sign \x02c6 5678 #Modifier letter circumflex (0x88)
 math \x2030 245678 #permille sign (0x89)
-noback math \x0089 245678 #permille sign (0x89)
-lowercase \x0161 2348 #LATIN LETTER S WITH CARON (0x8a)
-noback lowercase \x009a 2348 #LATIN LETTER S WITH CARON (0x8a)
-punctuation \x2039 456 #SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x8b)
-noback punctuation \x008b 456 #SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x8b)
-lowercase \x0153 1358 #LATIN LIGATURE OE (0x8c)
-noback lowercase \x009c 1358 #LATIN LIGATURE OE (0x8c)
+punctuation \x2039 23578 #SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x8b)
+uppercase \x0152 13578 #Latin capital LIGATURE OE (0x8c)
 sign \x008d 3567 REVERSE LINE FEED (not defined in cp1252)
-letter \x008f 27 SINGLE SHIFT THREE (not defined in cp1252)
-letter \x0090 357 DEVICE CONTROL STRING (not defined in cp1252)
+sign \x008f 27 SINGLE SHIFT THREE (not defined in cp1252)
+sign \x0090 357 DEVICE CONTROL STRING (not defined in cp1252)
 punctuation \x2018 47 #LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x91)
-noback punctuation \x0091 47 #LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x91)
 punctuation \x2019 48 #RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x92)
-noback punctuation \x0092 48 #RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x92)
 punctuation \x201c 237 #LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x93)
-noback punctuation \x0093 237 #LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x93)
 punctuation \x201d 568 #RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x94)
-noback punctuation \x0094 568 #RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x94)
 sign \x2022 37 #Bullit (0x95)
-noback sign \x0095 37 #Bullit (0x95)
-sign \x02DC 46 #SMALL TILDE (0x98)
-noback sign \x0098 46 #SMALL TILDE (0x98)
+sign \x2013 368 #EN DASH (0x96)
+sign \x2014 367 #Em DASH (0x97)
+sign \x02DC 23478 #small TILDE (0x98)
 sign \x2122 234578 #TRADE MARK SIGN (0x99)
-noback sign \x0099 234578 #TRADE MARK SIGN (0x99)
-noback punctuation \x009b 4567 #SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x9b)
+lowercase \x0153 1358 #Latin small LIGATURE OE (0x9c)
 letter \x009d 2567 OPERATING SYSTEM COMMAND
-lowercase \x00ff 234568 #LATIN LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS (0x9f)
-noback uppercase \x009f 2345678 #LATIN LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS (0x9f)
-punctuation \x00a0 23458 NO-BREAK SPACE (0xa0)
+uppercase \x0178 2345678 #Latin capital letter Y with DIAERESIS (0x9f)
 punctuation \x00a1 256 INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK )0xa1)
 punctuation \x00a2 2578 CENT SIGN (0xa2)
-punctuation \x00a3 1238 POUND SIGN (0xa3)
-punctuation \x00a5 67 YEN SIGN (0xa5)
+punctuation \x00a3 12378 POUND SIGN (0xa3)
+punctuation \x00a5 1345678 YEN SIGN (0xa5)
 punctuation \x00a6 3478 BROKEN BAR (0xa6)
 punctuation \x00a7 578 SECTION SIGN (0xa7)
-punctuation \x00a9 134678 COPYRIGHT SIGN (0xa9)
+punctuation \x00a8 56 DIAERESIS (0xa8)
+punctuation \x00a9 1478 COPYRIGHT SIGN (0xa9)
 letter \x00aa 234678 FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR (0xaa)
 letter \x00ad 378 SOFT HYPHEN (0xad)
-punctuation \x00ae 123578 REGISTERED SIGN (0xae)
-punctuation \x00af 23567 MACRON (0xaf)
-math \x00b1 123458 PLUS-MINUS SIGN
+punctuation \x00ae 123578 Registered sign (0xae)
+punctuation \x00af 23567 macron (0xaf)
+math \x00b1 12478 PLUS-MINUS SIGN
 punctuation \x00b2 238 SUPERSCRIPT TWO
 punctuation \x00b3 258 SUPERSCRIPT THREE
-punctuation \x00b4 468 ACUTE ACCENT
+punctuation \x00b4 458 acute ACCENT
 punctuation \x00b6 1234568 PILCROW SIGN
 punctuation \x00b7 38 MIDDLE DOT
 punctuation \x00b8 4678 CEDILLA
 punctuation \x00b9 28 SUPERSCRIPT ONE
 letter \x00ba 12345678 MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR
-punctuation \x00bc 13458 VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER
-punctuation \x00bd 458 VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF
+punctuation \x00bc 1368 VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER
+punctuation \x00bd 468 VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF
+punctuation \x00be 13468 VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS
+punctuation \x00bf 34 INVERTED QUESTION MARK
 lowercase \x00e1 123568 LATIN LETTER A WITH ACUTE
 lowercase \x00e2 168 LATIN LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 lowercase \x00e3 1468 LATIN LETTER A WITH TILDE
@@ -216,13 +180,13 @@
 lowercase \x00f3 3468 LATIN LETTER O WITH ACUTE
 lowercase \x00f5 14568 LATIN LETTER O WITH TILDE
 lowercase \x00f6 2468 LATIN LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
-math \x00d7 13468 MULTIPLICATION SIGN
+math \x00f7 2568 DIVISION SIGN
 lowercase \x00f8 246 LATIN LETTER O WITH STROKE
 lowercase \x00fa 12568 LATIN LETTER U WITH ACUTE
 lowercase \x00fd 1348 LATIN LETTER Y WITH ACUTE (infinite?)
 lowercase \x00fe 138 LATIN LETTER THORN
 lowercase \x00df 23468 LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S
-math \x00f7 2568 DIVISION SIGN
+lowercase \x00ff 234568 LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS
 # Character used for capslettersign
 # Resides in the "private use area", and shouldn't conflict with anything.
@@ -231,44 +195,69 @@
 # Used as dash where dash should act as space.
 space \xf8fe ef
+# In CP-1252 the following chars are different from Unicode.
+# This placement ensures that Liblouis will always return the unicode when back-translating.
+noback sign \x0080 1578 #EURO SIGN (0x80)
+noback punctuation \x0082 457 #Low single quote (0x82)
+noback sign \x0083 58 #Flurihn (0x83)
+noback punctuation \x0084 467 #Low quote (0x84)
+noback letter \x0086 45 #Dagger (0x86
+noback letter \x0087 456 #Double dagger (0x87
+noback letter \x0088 5678 #Modifier letter circumflex (0x88)
+noback math \x0089 245678 #permille sign (0x89)
+noback uppercase \x008a 5-2347 #Latin letter S with caron (0x8a)
+noback lowercase \x009a 5-234
+noback punctuation \x008b 23578 #SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x8b)
+noback uppercase \x008c 13578 #Latin LIGATURE OE (0x8c)
+noback lowercase \x009c 1358
+noback uppercase \x008e 3467 #Latin capital letter Z with caron (0x8e)
+noback lowercase \x009e 346
+noback punctuation \x0091 47 #LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x91)
+noback punctuation \x0092 48 #RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x92)
+noback punctuation \x0093 237 #LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x93)
+noback punctuation \x0094 568 #RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x94)
+noback sign \x0095 37 #Bullit (0x95)
+noback sign \x0096 368 #EN DASH (0x96)
+noback sign \x0097 367 #Em DASH (0x97)
+noback sign \x0098 23478 #small TILDE (0x98)
+noback sign \x0099 234578 #TRADE MARK SIGN (0x99)
+noback punctuation \x009b 4567 #SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x9b)
+noback uppercase \x009f 2345678 #Latin capital letter Y with DIAERESIS (0x9f)
 #Unicode Braille patterns
 include braille-patterns.cti
 # characters that have letsign as part of their definition
 # (to be removed when the alwaysletsign opcode has been implemented).
-punctuation * 6-35 ASTERISK
-lowercase q 6-12345 LATIN LETTER Q
-lowercase w 6-2456 LATIN LETTER W
-lowercase x 6-1346 LATIN LETTER X
-lowercase z 6-1356 LATIN LETTER Z
-punctuation \\ 6-347 REVERSE SLASH
-punctuation \x2026 6-3-3-3 #Elipsis (0x85)
-noback punctuation \x0085 6-3-3-3 #Elipsis (0x85)
-lowercase \x017e 6-346 #LATIN  LETTER Z WITH CARON (0x8e)
-noback lowercase \x009e 6-346 #LATIN  LETTER Z WITH CARON (0x8e)
-letter \x2013 6-36 #EN DASH (0x96)
-noback sign \x0096 6-36 #EN DASH (0x96)
-letter \x2014 6-367 #Em DASH (0x97)
-noback sign \x0097 6-367 #Em DASH (0x97)
-punctuation \x00a4 6-2367 CURRENCY SIGN (0xa4)
-punctuation \x00a8 6-56 DIAERESIS (0xa8)
-punctuation \x00ac 6-34567 NOT SIGN (0xac)
-sign \x00b0 4-356 DEGREE SIGN (0xb0)
-sign \x00b5 6-236 MICRO SIGN
-punctuation \x00be 6-3456 VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS
-punctuation \x00bf 6-34 INVERTED QUESTION MARK
-lowercase \x00e0 6-12356 LATIN  LETTER A WITH GRAVE
-lowercase \x00e7 6-12346 LATIN  LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
-lowercase \x00e8 6-2346 LATIN  LETTER E WITH GRAVE
-lowercase \x00e9 6-123456 LATIN  LETTER E WITH ACUTE
-lowercase \x00ea 6-126 LATIN  LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
-lowercase \x00eb 6-1246 LATIN  LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
-lowercase \x00ee 6-146 LATIN  LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
-lowercase \x00ef 6-12456 LATIN  LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
-lowercase \x00f4 6-1456 LATIN  LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
-lowercase \x00f9 6-23456 LATIN  LETTER U WITH GRAVE
-lowercase \x00fb 6-156 LATIN  LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
-lowercase \x00fc 6-1256 LATIN  LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
+punctuation * 56-35 ASTERISK
+lowercase q 56-12345 LATIN LETTER Q
+lowercase w 56-2456 LATIN LETTER W
+lowercase x 56-1346 LATIN LETTER X
+lowercase z 56-1356 LATIN LETTER Z
+punctuation \\ 56-347 REVERSE SLASH
+punctuation \x2026 56-3-3-3 #Elipsis (0x85)
+noback punctuation \x0085 56-3-3-3 #Elipsis (0x85)
+lowercase \x017e 56-346  #LATIN  LETTER Z WITH CARON (0x8e)
+noback lowercase \x009e 56-346 #LATIN  LETTER Z WITH CARON (0x8e)
+punctuation \x00a4 56-2367 CURRENCY SIGN (0xa4)
+punctuation \x00a8 56-56 DIAERESIS (0xa8)
+punctuation \x00ac 56-34567 NOT SIGN (0xac)
+sign \x00b0 56-356 Degree sign (0xb0)
+sign \x00b5 56-236 MICRO SIGN
+punctuation \x00bf 56-34 INVERTED QUESTION MARK
+math \x00d7 56-3456 MULTIPLICATION SIGN
+lowercase \x00e0 56-12356 LATIN  LETTER A WITH GRAVE
+lowercase \x00e7 56-12346 LATIN  LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
+lowercase \x00e8 56-2346 LATIN  LETTER E WITH GRAVE
+lowercase \x00e9 56-123456 LATIN  LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+lowercase \x00ea 56-126 LATIN  LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+lowercase \x00eb 56-1246 LATIN  LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
+lowercase \x00ee 56-146 LATIN  LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+lowercase \x00ef 56-12456 LATIN  LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
+lowercase \x00f4 56-1456 LATIN  LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+lowercase \x00f9 56-23456 LATIN  LETTER U WITH GRAVE
+lowercase \x00fb 56-156 LATIN  LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+lowercase \x00fc 56-1256 LATIN  LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
 # Misc unicode characters
@@ -328,9 +317,10 @@
 lowercase \x0155 5-1235 Latin letter r with acute
 noback lowercase \x0157 5-1235 Latin letter r with cedilla
 noback lowercase \x0159 5-1235 Latin letter r with caron
-lowercase \x015b 5-234 Latin letter s with acute
+noback lowercase \x015b 5-234 Latin letter s with acute
 noback lowercase \x015d 5-234 Latin letter s with circumflex
 noback lowercase \x015f 5-234 Latin letter s with cedilla
+lowercase \x0161 5-234 #Latin  lowercase Letter S with caron (0x8a/0x9a)
 lowercase \x0163 5-2345 Latin letter t with cedilla
 noback lowercase \x0165 5-2345 Latin letter t with caron
 noback lowercase \x0167 5-2345 Latin letter t with stroke
@@ -346,8 +336,64 @@
 noback lowercase \x017c 5-1356 Latin letter z with dot above
 noback lowercase \x017f 5-234 Latin small letter long s
-# Greek letters (with dots 458 as prefix)
+# Greek letters (with do# Punctuation and bullits
+noback punctuation \x2010 36 # Hyphen
+noback punctuation \x2011 36 # Non-breaking hyphen
+noback punctuation \x2012 36 # Figure dash
+sign \x2016 45-4568 # Double Vertical Line
+sign \x2017 45-3678 # Double low line
+noback punctuation \x201b 4 # Single High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark
+noback punctuation \x201f 2356 # Double High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark
+noback sign \x2023 37 #Triangular bullit
+noback punctuation \x203c 235-235 # Double Exclamation Mark
+noback punctuation \x203d 26-235 # Interrobang
+noback sign \x2043 37 # Hyphen bullet (0x95)
+noback punctuation \x2047 26-26 # Double question mark
+noback punctuation \x2048 26-235 # Question exclamation mark
+noback punctuation \x2049 235-26 # Exclamation question mark
+noback sign \x204c 37 # BLACK LEFTWARDS BULLET 
+noback sign \x204d 37 # BLACK RIGHTWARDS BULLET 
+# Arrows
+sign \x2190 45-1256-246 Left arrow
+sign \x2191 45-1256-346 Up arrow
+sign \x2192 45-1256-135 Right arrow
+sign \x2193 45-1256-146 Down arrow
+sign \x2194 45-1256-2456-1235-135 Left-right arrow
+sign \x2196 45-1256-156 Northwest arrow
+sign \x2197 45-1256-234 Northeast arrow
+sign \x2198 45-1256-126 Southeast arrow
+sign \x2199 45-1256-345 Southwest arrow
+sign \x21d4 45-1256-2456-2356-1235-135 Left-right double arrow
+# Math signs (experimental)
+math \x2200 45-1 # For all
+math \x2208 45-15 # Element of
+math \x2213 456-36 # Minus or plus
+math \x221d 456-5-23568 # Proportional to
+math \x2229 46-236 # Intersection
+math \x222a 46-235 # Union
+math \x2243 456-35 # approx. equal to
+math \x2245 5-45-35 # approx. equal to
+math \x2248 45-35 # approx. equal to
+math \x224f 45-5-23568 # Diff between or approx. equal to
+math \x2251 46-5-23568 # approx. equal to
+math \x2260 5-23568-4-156 # Not equal to
+math \x2261 456-123456 # Equivalent to
+math \x2264 456-358 # Less than or equal to
+math \x2265 456-267 # Greater than or equal to
+math \x226a 46-358 # Much less than
+math \x226b 46-267 # Much greater than
+math \x22c5 5-256 # Multiplication dot
+# Geometrical shapes
+noback sign \x25e6 37 #White bullet
+# Greek letters with dots 458 as prefix)
 lowercase \x03AC 458-5-1 Greek letter alpha with tonos
 lowercase \x03AD 458-5-15 Greek letter epsilon with tonos
 lowercase \x03AE 458-5-156 Greek letter eta with tonos
@@ -381,8 +427,6 @@
 lowercase \x03C8 458-13456 Greek letter Psi
 lowercase \x03C9 458-2456 Greek letter Omega
-include da-dk-8miscChars.cti
 # Uppercase letters
 base uppercase A a LATIN LETTER A
@@ -566,11 +610,11 @@
 comp6 W 6-24567
 comp6 X 6-13467
 comp6 Y 134567
-comp6 Z 6-13567
+comp6 Z 56-13567
 comp6 \x008a 23478
 comp6 \x008c 13578
-comp6 \x008e 6-3467
-comp6 \x00c0 6-123567
+comp6 \x008e 56-3467
+comp6 \x00c0 56-123567
 comp6 \x00c1 1235678
 comp6 \x00c2 1678
 comp6 \x00c3 14678
@@ -586,7 +630,7 @@
 comp6 \x00cd 12678
 comp6 \x00ce 6-1467
 comp6 \x00cf 6-124567
-comp6 \x00d0 1345678
+comp6 \x00d0 67
 comp6 \x00d1 1245678
 comp6 \x00d2 124678
 comp6 \x00d3 34678
@@ -711,44 +755,44 @@
 nofor always N 13457
 nofor always O 1357
 nofor always P 12347
-nofor always Q 6-123457
+nofor always Q 56-123457
 nofor always R 12357
 nofor always S 2347
 nofor always T 23457
 nofor always U 1367
 nofor always V 12367
-nofor always W 6-24567
-nofor always X 6-13467
+nofor always W 56-24567
+nofor always X 56-13467
 nofor always Y 134567
-nofor always Z 6-13567
-nofor always \x00c0 6-123567
+nofor always Z 56-13567
+nofor always \x00c0 56-123567
 nofor always \x00c1 1235678
 nofor always \x00c2 1678
 nofor always \x00c3 14678
 nofor always \x00c4 34578
 nofor always \x00c5 167
 nofor always \x00c6 3457
-nofor always \x00c7 6-123467
-nofor always \x00c8 6-23467
-nofor always \x00c9 6-1234567
-nofor always \x00ca 6-1267
-nofor always \x00cb 6-12467
+nofor always \x00c7 56-123467
+nofor always \x00c8 56-23467
+nofor always \x00c9 56-1234567
+nofor always \x00ca 56-1267
+nofor always \x00cb 56-12467
 nofor always \x00cc 15678
 nofor always \x00cd 12678
-nofor always \x00ce 6-1467
-nofor always \x00cf 6-124567
-nofor always \x00d0 1345678
+nofor always \x00ce 56-1467
+nofor always \x00cf 56-124567
+nofor always \x00d0 67
 nofor always \x00d1 1245678
 nofor always \x00d2 124678
 nofor always \x00d3 34678
-nofor always \x00d4 6-14567
+nofor always \x00d4 56-14567
 nofor always \x00d5 145678
 nofor always \x00d6 24678
 nofor always \x00d8 2467
-nofor always \x00d9 6-234567
+nofor always \x00d9 56-234567
 nofor always \x00da 125678
-nofor always \x00db 6-1567
-nofor always \x00dc 6-12567
+nofor always \x00db 56-1567
+nofor always \x00dc 56-12567
 nofor always \x00dd 13478
 nofor always \x00de 1378
 nofor always \x0100 5-17
@@ -765,15 +809,14 @@
 nofor always \x014c 5-1357
 nofor always \x0152 13578
 nofor always \x0154 5-12357
-nofor always \x015a 5-2347
-nofor always \x0160 23478
+nofor always \x0160 5-2347
 nofor always \x0162 5-23457
 nofor always \x0168 5-1367
 nofor always \x0174 5-24567
 nofor always \x0176 5-134567
 nofor always \x0178 2345678
 nofor always \x0179 5-13567
-nofor always \x017d 6-3467
+nofor always \x017d 56-3467
 nofor always \x0386 458-5-17
 nofor always \x0388 458-5-157
 nofor always \x0389 458-5-1567
@@ -809,30 +852,28 @@
 ### misc opcodes ###
 # Emphasis opcodes
-# Emphasis opcodes
 emphclass italic
 emphclass underline
 emphclass bold
-begemphphrase italic 56
-endemphphrase italic after 56
+begemphphrase italic 46
+endemphphrase italic after 46
-begemphphrase bold 56
-endemphphrase bold after 56
+begemphphrase bold 46
+endemphphrase bold after 46
-begemphphrase underline 56
-endemphphrase underline after 56
+begemphphrase underline 46
+endemphphrase underline after 46
 # special symbols
-decpoint , 2
-hyphen - 368
-letsign 6
+hyphen - 36
+letsign 56
 noletsign IQWXZiqwxz\x0149
 noletsignbefore 1234567890
 capsletter f
-multind f-6 capsletter letsign
-multind 6-f letsign capsletter
+multind f-56 capsletter letsign
+multind 56-f letsign capsletter
 # The Danish use of letsign differs somewhat from the LibLouis way.
@@ -840,13 +881,13 @@
 # Ensure that we have letsign between a digit and "st"
 # and nd after a digit is not contracted
-noback context _$d["st"]!$l @6-234-2345
-noback context _$d["st"]~ @6-234-2345
+noback context _$d["st"]!$l @56-234-2345
+noback context _$d["st"]~ @56-234-2345
 noback context _$d["nd"]!$l @1345-145
 noback context _$d["nd"]~ @1345-145
 # The following lines are to ensure that we get a letsign between a digit and a single letter.
-noback context $d[]$l!$l @6
-noback context $d[]$l~ @6
+noback context $d[]$l!$l @56
+noback context $d[]$l~ @56
 ### Correct - Forward translation
@@ -854,7 +895,7 @@
 noback correct $U["-"] "\xf8fe"
 # Special characters that always need letsigns because they represent contractions
-always \x00a1 6-256 # inverted exclamationmark
+always \x00a1 56-256 # inverted exclamationmark
 #Special sequences, urls emails and file names.
 nocont $
@@ -862,64 +903,61 @@
 nocont @
 nocont ://
 nocont www
-nocont .com
-nocont .dk
-nocont .eu
-nocont .edu
-nocont .gov
-nocont .mil
-nocont .net
-nocont .org
-nocont .uk
-nocont .doc
-nocont .exe
-nocont .htm
-nocont .tex
-nocont .txt
-nocont .gif
-nocont .jpg
-nocont .png
-nocont .wav
-nocont .tar
-nocont .zip
-# Remove space between § and numbers.
-noback begnum § 578
-begnum §\s 578
-begnum §§\s 578-578
-always §§ 578-578
 word af 356
+always 'af 4-1-124
 word aldrig 1-35
 word aig =
 word alle 1-15
-begnum ae 6-1-15
+begnum ae 56-1-15
 contraction ae
 word allerede 1-123-1235
-begnum alr 6-1-123-1235
+begnum alr 56-1-123-1235
 contraction alr
 word alligevel 1-123-1236
-begnum alv 6-1-123-1236
+begnum alv 56-1-123-1236
 contraction alv
 word altid 1-2345-145
-begnum atd 6-1-2345-145
+begnum atd 56-1-2345-145
 contraction atd
 word altså 1-16
-begnum aå 6-1-16
+begnum aå 56-1-16
 contraction aå
+word arbejde 1-12-1456
+word abde =
+word arbejdede 1-12-1456-1456
+word abdede =
+word arbejder 1-12-23456
+word abder =
+word arbejdet 1-12-2346
+word abdet =
 word at 1
+word betyde 12-2345-1456
+word btde =
+word betyder 12-2345-23456
+word btder =
 word blevet 12-2345
-begnum bt 6-12-2345
+begnum bt 56-12-2345
 contraction bt
 word blev 12-1236
-begnum bv 6-12-1236
+begnum bv 56-12-1236
 contraction bv
 word blive 12-3456
-word bve 12-1236-15
+word bve =
 word bliver 12
+word danmark 145-1345-13
+begnum dnk 56-145-1345-13
+contraction dnk
+word danmarks 145-1345-13-234
+begnum dnks 56-145-1345-13-234
+contraction dnks
+word dansk 145-123456
+word dsk =
+word danske 145-123456-15
+word dske =
 word derefter 23456-1356
 word derst =
 word deres 256
@@ -944,27 +982,35 @@
 word derunder 23456-12345
 word derved 23456-1236
 word din 145-1345
-begnum dn 6-145-1345
+begnum dn 56-145-1345
 contraction dn
 word disse 145-234
-begnum ds 6-145-234
+begnum ds 56-145-234
 contraction ds
 word dit 145-2345
-begnum dt 6-145-2345
+begnum dt 56-145-2345
 contraction dt
 word du 145
 word efter 1356
+word eftersom 1356-234
+word sts =
 word eller 15
 word endnu 15-136
-begnum eu 6-15-136
+begnum eu 56-15-136
 contraction eu
+word faktisk 124-13-2345
+begnum fkt 56-124-13-2345
+contraction fkt
 word fik 124-13
-begnum fk 6-124-13
+begnum fk 56-124-13
 contraction fk
+word forbi 124-12
+begnum fb 56-124-12
+contraction fb
 word fordi 124-145
-begnum fd 6-124-145
+begnum fd 56-124-145
 contraction fd
 word forskellige 124-123456-15
 word fske =
@@ -973,22 +1019,33 @@
 word forskellig 124-123456
 word fsk =
 word for 124
+word fortælle 124-1256
+word fte =
+word fortæller 124-2345-156
+word fter =
 word fra 235
 word første 124-1356-15
+word fste =
 word først 124-1356
+word fst =
 word før 246
+word gang 1245-1245
+begnum gg 56-1245-1245
+contraction gg
+word gange 1245-12456
+word gge =
+word gangene 1245-1245-15-1246
 word ganske 1245-123456
 word gennem 12456
-word ge =
 word gik 1245-13
-begnum gk 6-1245-13
+begnum gk 56-1245-13
 contraction gk
 word gør 1245
 word ham 236
 word hans 13456-234
-begnum ys 6-13456-234
+begnum ys 56-13456-234
 contraction ys
 word han 13456
 word har 125
@@ -996,18 +1053,35 @@
 word hde =
 word have 125-3456
 word hve =
-word helt 125-2345
-begnum ht 6-125-2345
-contraction ht
+word hele 125-123-15
+begnum hle 56-125-123-15
+contraction hle
+word heller 125-123-1235
+begnum hlr 56-125-123-1235
+contraction hlr
+#word helt 125-2345
+#begnum ht 6-125-2345
+#contraction ht
 word hendes 125-234
-begnum hs 6-125-234
+begnum hs 56-125-234
 contraction hs
 word hende 125-145
-begnum hd 6-125-145
+begnum hd 56-125-145
 contraction hd
+word hjælpe 125-1234-15
+begnum hpe 56-125-1234-15
+contraction hpe
+word hjælpende 125-1234-15-1345-1456 # *** temporary patch
+word hjælper 125-1234-156
+word hper =
 word hun 136
 word hvad 2456
-word hv =
+word hvilke 2456-13
+word hvk =
+word hvilken 2456-13-126
+word hvken =
+word hvilket 2456-13-346
+word hvket =
 word hvis 2456-234
 word hvs =
 word hvordan 34-1
@@ -1038,15 +1112,18 @@
 word igennem 24-12456
 word ige =
 word igen 35
-word ig =
+word (igen) 236-24-1245-126-356
 word ikke 24-13
-begnum ik 6-24-13
+begnum ik 56-24-13
 contraction ik
-word imidlertid 24-24
-begnum ii 6-24-24
+word ingen 24-126
+word ien =
+word ingenting 24-24
+begnum ii 56-24-24
 contraction ii
 word jeg 245
+word jeg) 245-6-356
 word kan 13
 word kommer 13-156
@@ -1056,17 +1133,45 @@
 word komme 13-146
 word kme =
 word kom 13-134
-begnum km 6-13-134
+begnum km 56-13-134
 contraction km
 word kunne 13-1246
 word kne =
+word kvinde 13-1236-1456
+word kvde =
+word kvindes 13-1236-1456-234
+word kvdes =
+word kvinden 13-1236-12346
+word kvden =
+word kvindens 13-1236-12346-234
+word kvdens =
+word kvinder 13-1236-23456
+word kvder =
+word kvinders 13-1236-23456-234
+word kvders =
+word kvinderne 13-1236-23456-1246
+word kvderne =
+word kvindernes 13-1236-23456-1246-234
+word kvdernes =
+word lang 123-1245
+begnum lg 56-123-1245
+contraction lg
+word lange 123-12456
+begnum lge 56-123-12456
+contraction lge
+word langt 123-1245-2345
+begnum lgt 56-123-1245-2345
+contraction lgt
+word lidt 123-2345
+begnum lt 56-123-2345
+contraction lt
 word ligesom 123-234
-begnum ls 6-123-234
+begnum ls 56-123-234
 contraction ls
 word lige 123
 word lille 123-123
-begnum ll 6-123-123
+begnum ll 56-123-123
 contraction ll
 word mange 134-12456
@@ -1079,123 +1184,247 @@
 word mellem 146-134
 word mem =
 word men 146
-word me =
+word menneske 146-123456-15
+word meske =
+word menneskes 146-123456-15-234
+word meskes =
+word menneskene 146-123456-15-1246
+word meskene =
+word menneskenes 146-123456-15-1246-234
+word meskenes =
+word mennesker 146-123456-156
+word meskr =
+word menneskers 146-123456-156-234
+word meskrs =
+word mennesket 146-123456-346
+word meskt =
+word menneskets 146-123456-346-234
+word meskts =
 word min 134-1345
-begnum mn 6-134-1345
+begnum mn 56-134-1345
 contraction mn
 word mit 134-2345
-begnum mt 6-145-2345
+begnum mt 56-145-2345
 contraction mt
+word mulighed 134-123-125
+begnum mlh 56-134-123-125
+contraction mlh
+word muligheds 134-123-125-234
+begnum mlhs 56-134-123-125-234
+contraction mlhs
+word muligheden 134-123-125-126
+begnum mlhen 56-134-123-125-15-1345
+contraction mlhen
+word mulighedens 134-123-125-126-234
+begnum mlhens 56-134-123-125-15-1345-234
+contraction mlhens
+word muligheder 134-123-125-156
+word mlhder =
+word muligheders 134-123-125-156-234
+word mlhders =
+word mulighederne 134-123-125-156-1246
+word mlhderne =
+word mulighedernes 134-123-125-156-1246-234
+word mlhdernes =
 word måske 134-123456
 word msk =
 word måtte 134-1256
 word mte =
+word naturlig 1345-2345-123
+begnum ntl 56-1345-2345-123
+contraction ntl
+word naturligt 1345-2345-123-2345
+begnum ntlt 56-1345-2345-123-2345
+contraction ntlt
 word naturligvis 1345-2345-1236
-begnum ntv 6-1345-2345-1236
+begnum ntv 56-1345-2345-1236
 contraction ntv
-word nd =
 word ned 1246
-word ne =
 word nogen 1345-1345
-begnum nn 6-1345-1345
+begnum nn 56-1345-1345
 contraction nn
+word nogensinde 1345-234-1456
+word nsde =
 word noget 1345-2345
-begnum nt 6-1345-2345
+begnum nt 56-1345-2345
 contraction nt
 word nogle 1345-123-15
-begnum nle 6-1345-123-15
+begnum nle 56-1345-123-15
 contraction nle
+word næste 1345-1256
+word nte =
+word næsten 1345-126
+word nen =
 word når 1345
 word også 14-16
-begnum cå 6-14-16
+begnum cå 56-14-16
 contraction cå
 word og 14
 word omkring 135-134-13
-begnum omk 6-135-134-13
+begnum omk 56-135-134-13
 contraction omk
 word op 135
 word or =
+word organisation 1346-1245-234
+word orgs =
+word organisations 1346-1245-234-234
+word orgss =
+word organisationen 1346-1245-234-126
+word orgsen =
+word organisationens 1346-1245-234-126-234
+word orgsens =
+word organisationer 1346-1245-234-156
+word orgser =
+word organisationers 1346-1245-234-156-234
+word orgsers =
+word organisationerne 1346-1245-234-156-1246
+word orgserne =
+word organisationernes 1346-1245-234-156-1246-234
+word orgsernes =
 word over 1346
+word problem 1234-12
+begnum pb 56-1234-12
+contraction pb
+word problems 1234-12-234
+begnum pbs 56-1234-12-234
+contraction pb
+word problemet 1234-12-346
+word pbet =
+word problemets 1234-12-346-234
+word pbets =
+word problemer 1234-12-156
+word pber =
+word problemers 1234-12-156-234
+word pbers =
+word problemerne 1234-12-156-1246
+word pberne =
+word problemernes 1234-12-156-1246-234
+word pbernes =
+word punktskrift 1234-1345-123456
+word pnsk =
 word på 1234
 word ret 12356
-word re 1235-15
 word rigtige 1235-12456
 word rge =
 word rigtigt 1235-2345
-begnum rt 6-1235-2345
+begnum rt 56-1235-2345
 contraction rt
 word rigtig 1235
 word sagde 234-1456
 word sammen 234-134
-begnum sm 6-234-134
+begnum sm 56-234-134
 contraction sm
 word samme 234-146
 word sme =
+word samtidig 234-134-2345
+begnum smt 56-234-134-2345
+contraction smt
 word selvfølgelig 234-1236-124
-begnum svf 6-234-1236-124
+begnum svf 56-234-1236-124
 contraction svf
 word selv 234-1236
-begnum sv 6-234-1236
+begnum sv 56-234-1236
 contraction sv
 word sidste 234-1356-15
 word sste =
 word sidst 234-1356
 word sst =
 word sin 234-1345
-begnum sn 6-234-1345
+begnum sn 56-234-1345
 contraction sn
 word sit 234-2345
-begnum st 6-234-2345
+begnum st 56-234-2345
 contraction st
 word skal 123456
-word sk =
 word skulle 123456-123-15
 word skle =
 word snart 234-1235
-begnum sr 6-234-1235
+begnum sr 56-234-1235
 contraction sr
 word som 234
+word spørgsmål 234-1234-134
+begnum spm 56-234-1234-134
+contraction spm
+word spørgsmåls 234-1234-134-234
+begnum spms 56-234-1234-134-234
+contraction spms
+word spørgsmålet 234-1234-134-346
+word spmet =
+word spørgsmålets 234-1234-134-346-234
+word spmets =
+word spørgsmålene 234-1234-134-1246
+word spmne =
+word spørgsmålenes 234-1234-134-1246-234
+word spmnes =
+word stadig 1356-1245
+word stg =
 word sådan 16-1
-begnum åa 6-16-1
+begnum åa 56-16-1
 contraction åa
 word således 16-15
-begnum åe 6-16-15
+begnum åe 56-16-15
 contraction åe
 word så 16
-word te 1256
 word tid 2345-145
-begnum td 6-2345-145
+begnum td 56-2345-145
 contraction td
+word tidlig 2345-145-123
+begnum tdl 56-2345-145-123
+contraction tdl
+word tidlige 2345-145-123-12456
+word tdlge =
+word tidligere 2345-145-123-12356
+word tdlre =
+word tidligst 2345-145-123-1356
+word tdlst =
 word tilbage 2345-12
-begnum tb 6-2345-12
+begnum tb 56-2345-12
 contraction tb
+word tilfælde 2345-124
+begnum tf 56-2345-124
+contraction tf
 word til 2345
 word under 12345
-word var- =
-word var. =
-word var 36
-word ve 3456
+word vanskelig 1236-123456
+word vsk =
+word vanskelige 1236-123456-15
+word vske =
+word vanskeligt 1236-123456-2345
+word vskt =
+word var 3456
 word ved 1236
+word vidste 1236-1356-15
+word vste =
 word ville 1236-123-15
-begnum vle 6-1236-123-15
+begnum vle 56-1236-123-15
 contraction vle
 word vil 1236-123
-begnum vl 6-1236-123
+begnum vl 56-1236-123
 contraction vl
+word virkelig 1236-1235-13
+begnum vrk 56-1236-1235-13
+contraction vrk
 word været 1236-2345
-begnum vt 6-1236-2345
+begnum vt 56-1236-2345
 contraction vt
 word være 345
-#Part words
+word øjeblik 246-245-12
+begnum øjb 56-246-245-12
+contraction øjb
+#Part words and words
+begword dansk 145-123456
+begword dsk =
 nocross always den 12346
 nocross always der 23456
 nocross always det 2346
@@ -1203,19 +1432,34 @@
 nocross always en 126
 nocross always er 156
 nocross always et 346
-nocross always ge 12456
-nocross always hvor 34
-nocross always hv 2456
-nocross always ig 35
-nocross always me 146
-nocross always nd 12345
-nocross always ne 1246
-nocross always or 1346
-nocross always re 12356
-nocross always sk 123456
-nocross always st 1356
+nocross begword gang 1245-1245
+begword gg 56-1245-1245
+nocross begword gange 1245-1-1345-12456 # *** temporary patch
+nocross partword ge 12456
+begword hjælpe 125-1234-15
+nocross partword hv 2456
+nocross partword hvor 34
+nocross partword ig 35
+begword kvinde 13-1236-1456
+begword kvde =
+nocross partword me 146
+begword menneske 146-123456-15
+begword meske =
+nocross partword nd 12345
+nocross partword ne 1246
+nocross partword or 1346
+begword organisation 1346-1245-234
+begword orgs =
+begword problem 1234-12
+begword pb 56-1234-12
+nocross partword re 12356
+nocross partword sk 123456
+nocross partword st 1356
 nocross always te 1256
-nocross always ve 3456
+begword virkelig 1236-1235-13
+nocross partword ve 3456
+nofor always www 2456-2456-2456 # does not work forward because of nocont
 #special cases with dropped signs
 # which can be both punctuations and contractions.
@@ -1225,160 +1469,167 @@
 always !! 235-235
 always !!! 235-235-235
 always "fra" 2356-124-1235-1-2356
-after punctuation always ! 6-235
+after punctuation always ! 56-235
 always 'af 4-1-124
-always \s! 0-6-235
-prepunc ! 6-235
-nofor always ! 6-235
-noback context `["!"] @6-235
+always \s! 0-56-235
+prepunc ! 56-235
+nofor always ! 56-235
+noback context `["!"] @56-235
 # Ensure no one-letter word contraction before or after a dash
-prfword -af 368-1-124
-sufword af- 1-124-368
-prfword -at 368-1-2345
-sufword at- 1-2345-368
-prfword -deres 368-1456-12356-234
-sufword deres- 1456-12356-234-368
-prfword -du 368-145-136
-sufword du- 145-136-368
-prfword -efter 368-15-124-2345-156
-sufword efter- 15-124-2345-156-368
-prfword -for 368-124-1346
-sufword for- 124-1346-368
-prfword -fra 368-124-1235-1
-sufword fra- 124-1235-1-368
-prfword -gennem 368-1245-126-1246-134
-sufword gennem- 1245-126-1246-134-368
-prfword -ham 368-125-1-134
-sufword ham- 125-1-134-368
-prfword -han 368-125-1-1345
-sufword han- 125-1-1345-368
-prfword -har 368-125-1-1235
-sufword har- 125-1-1235-368
-prfword -hun 368-125-136-1345
-sufword hun- 125-136-1345-368
-prfword -kan 368-13-1-1345
-sufword kan- 13-1-1345-368
-prfword -lige 368-123-24-12456
-sufword lige- 123-24-12456-368
-prfword -med 368-146-145
-sufword med- 146-145-368
-prfword -men 368-134-126
-sufword men- 134-126-368
-prfword -ned 368-1246-145
-sufword ned- 1246-145-368
-prfword -når 368-1345-16-1235
-sufword når- 1345-16-1235-368
-prfword -og 368-135-1245
-sufword og- 135-1245-368
-prfword -op 368-135-1234
-sufword op- 135-1234-368
-prfword -over 368-135-1236-156
-sufword over- 135-1236-156-368
-prfword -på 368-1234-16
-sufword på- 1234-16-368
-prfword -ret 368-1235-346
-sufword ret- 1235-346-368
-prfword -rigtig 368-1235-35-2345-35
-sufword rigtig- 1235-35-2345-35-368
-prfword -skal 368-123456-1-123
-sufword skal- 123456-1-123-368
-prfword -som 368-234-135-134
-sufword som- 234-135-134-368
-prfword -så 368-234-16
-sufword så- 234-16-368
-prfword -til 368-2345-24-123
-sufword til- 2345-24-123-368
-prfword -under 368-136-1345-23456
-sufword under- 136-1345-23456-368
-prfword -ved 368-1236-15-145
-sufword ved- 1236-15-145-368
-prfword -være 368-1236-345-12356
-sufword være- 1236-345-12356-368
+prfword -af 36-1-124
+sufword af- 1-124-36
+prfword -at 36-1-2345
+sufword at- 1-2345-36
+prfword -deres 36-1456-12356-234
+sufword deres- 1456-12356-234-36
+prfword -du 36-145-136
+sufword du- 145-136-36
+prfword -efter 36-15-124-2345-156
+sufword efter- 15-124-2345-156-36
+prfword -for 36-124-1346
+sufword for- 124-1346-36
+prfword -fra 36-124-1235-1
+sufword fra- 124-1235-1-36
+prfword -gennem 36-1245-126-1246-134
+sufword gennem- 1245-126-1246-134-36
+prfword -ham 36-125-1-134
+sufword ham- 125-1-134-36
+prfword -han 36-125-1-1345
+sufword han- 125-1-1345-36
+prfword -har 36-125-1-1235
+sufword har- 125-1-1235-36
+prfword -hun 36-125-136-1345
+sufword hun- 125-136-1345-36
+prfword -kan 36-13-1-1345
+sufword kan- 13-1-1345-36
+prfword -lige 36-123-24-12456
+sufword lige- 123-24-12456-36
+prfword -med 36-146-145
+sufword med- 146-145-36
+prfword -men 36-134-126
+sufword men- 134-126-36
+prfword -ned 36-1246-145
+sufword ned- 1246-145-36
+prfword -når 36-1345-16-1235
+sufword når- 1345-16-1235-36
+prfword -og 36-135-1245
+sufword og- 135-1245-36
+prfword -op 36-135-1234
+sufword op- 135-1234-36
+prfword -over 36-135-1236-156
+sufword over- 135-1236-156-36
+prfword -på 36-1234-16
+sufword på- 1234-16-36
+prfword -ret 36-1235-346
+sufword ret- 1235-346-36
+prfword -rigtig 36-1235-35-2345-35
+sufword rigtig- 1235-35-2345-35-36
+prfword -skal 36-123456-1-123
+sufword skal- 123456-1-123-36
+prfword -som 36-234-135-134
+sufword som- 234-135-134-36
+prfword -så 36-234-16
+sufword så- 234-16-36
+prfword -til 36-2345-24-123
+sufword til- 2345-24-123-36
+prfword -under 36-136-1345-23456
+sufword under- 136-1345-23456-36
+prfword -ved 36-1236-15-145
+sufword ved- 1236-15-145-36
+prfword -være 36-1236-345-12356
+sufword være- 1236-345-12356-36
 # *** patches for various Liblouis bugs
 # this file will be removed when the bugs are fixed
-nofor always a 6-1
-nofor always b 6-12
-nofor always c 6-14
-nofor always d 6-145
-nofor always e 6-15
-nofor always f 6-124
-nofor always g 6-1245
-nofor always h 6-125
-nofor always j 6-245
-nofor always k 6-13
-nofor always l 6-123
-nofor always m 6-134
-nofor always n 6-1345
-nofor always o 6-135
-nofor always p 6-1234
-nofor always q 6-12345
-nofor always r 6-1235
-nofor always s 6-234
-nofor always t 6-2345
-nofor always u 6-136
-nofor always v 6-1236
-nofor always w 6-2456
-nofor always x 6-1346
-nofor always y 6-13456
-nofor always z 6-1356
-nofor always æ 6-345
-nofor always ø 6-246
-nofor always å 6-16
+nofor always a 56-1
+nofor always b 56-12
+nofor always c 56-14
+nofor always d 56-145
+nofor always e 56-15
+nofor always f 56-124
+nofor always g 56-1245
+nofor always h 56-125
+nofor always j 56-245
+nofor always k 56-13
+nofor always l 56-123
+nofor always m 56-134
+nofor always n 56-1345
+nofor always o 56-135
+nofor always p 56-1234
+nofor always q 56-12345
+nofor always r 56-1235
+nofor always s 56-234
+nofor always t 56-2345
+nofor always u 56-136
+nofor always v 56-1236
+nofor always w 56-2456
+nofor always x 56-1346
+nofor always y 56-13456
+nofor always z 56-1356
+nofor always æ 56-345
+nofor always ø 56-246
+nofor always å 56-16
-nofor always A 6-17
-nofor always B 6-127
-nofor always C 6-147
-nofor always D 6-1457
-nofor always E 6-157
-nofor always F 6-1247
-nofor always G 6-12457
-nofor always H 6-1257
-nofor always J 6-2457
-nofor always K 6-137
-nofor always L 6-1237
-nofor always M 6-1347
-nofor always N 6-13457
-nofor always O 6-1357
-nofor always P 6-12347
-nofor always Q 6-123457
-nofor always R 6-12357
-nofor always S 6-2347
-nofor always T 6-23457
-nofor always U 6-1367
-nofor always V 6-12367
-nofor always W 6-24567
-nofor always X 6-13467
-nofor always Y 6-134567
-nofor always Z 6-13567
-nofor always Æ 6-3457
-nofor always Ø 6-2467
-nofor always Å 6-167
+nofor always A 56-17
+nofor always B 56-127
+nofor always C 56-147
+nofor always D 56-1457
+nofor always E 56-157
+nofor always F 56-1247
+nofor always G 56-12457
+nofor always H 56-1257
+nofor always J 56-2457
+nofor always K 56-137
+nofor always L 56-1237
+nofor always M 56-1347
+nofor always N 56-13457
+nofor always O 56-1357
+nofor always P 56-12347
+nofor always Q 56-123457
+nofor always R 56-12357
+nofor always S 56-2347
+nofor always T 56-23457
+nofor always U 56-1367
+nofor always V 56-12367
+nofor always W 56-24567
+nofor always X 56-13467
+nofor always Y 56-134567
+nofor always Z 56-13567
+nofor always Æ 56-3457
+nofor always Ø 56-2467
+nofor always Å 56-167
 # if a word contraction is followed by a punctuation and another word immediately after,
 # The contracted word before the punctuation will back-translate as its components
 attribute wordlimit /,!.:’()?"'\x00ab_\x201d\x0094\x2019\x0092\x00bb
 nofor before wordlimit begword af 356
 nofor before wordlimit begword aldrig 1-35
-nofor before wordlimit begword aig =
 nofor before wordlimit begword alle 1-15
 nofor before wordlimit begword allerede 1-123-1235
 nofor before wordlimit begword alligevel 1-123-1236
 nofor before wordlimit begword altid 1-2345-145
 nofor before wordlimit begword altså 1-16
+nofor before wordlimit begword arbejde 1-12-1456
+nofor before wordlimit begword arbejdede 1-12-1456-1456
+nofor before wordlimit begword arbejder 1-12-23456
+nofor before wordlimit begword arbejdet 1-12-2346
 nofor before wordlimit begword at 1
+nofor before wordlimit begword betyde 12-2345-1456
+nofor before wordlimit begword betyder 12-2345-23456
 nofor before wordlimit begword blevet 12-2345
 nofor before wordlimit begword blev 12-1236
 nofor before wordlimit begword blive 12-3456
 nofor before wordlimit begword bve 12-1236-15
 nofor before wordlimit begword bliver 12
+nofor before wordlimit begword danmark 145-1345-13
+nofor before wordlimit begword danmarks 145-1345-13-234
+nofor before wordlimit begword dansk 145-123456
 nofor before wordlimit begword derefter 23456-1356
 nofor before wordlimit begword derst =
 nofor before wordlimit begword deres 256
@@ -1408,10 +1659,13 @@
 nofor before wordlimit begword du 145
 nofor before wordlimit begword efter 1356
+nofor before wordlimit begword eftersom 1356-234
 nofor before wordlimit begword eller 15
 nofor before wordlimit begword endnu 15-136
+nofor before wordlimit begword faktisk 124-13-2345
 nofor before wordlimit begword fik 124-13
+nofor before wordlimit begword forbi 124-12
 nofor before wordlimit begword fordi 124-145
 nofor before wordlimit begword forskellige 124-123456-15
 nofor before wordlimit begword fske =
@@ -1420,11 +1674,15 @@
 nofor before wordlimit begword forskellig 124-123456
 nofor before wordlimit begword fsk =
 nofor before wordlimit begword for 124
+nofor before wordlimit begword fortælle 124-1256
+nofor before wordlimit begword fortæller 124-2345-156
 nofor before wordlimit begword fra 235
 nofor before wordlimit begword første 124-1356-15
 nofor before wordlimit begword først 124-1356
 nofor before wordlimit begword før 246
+nofor before wordlimit begword gang 1245-1245
+nofor before wordlimit begword gange 1245-12456
 nofor before wordlimit begword ganske 1245-123456
 nofor before wordlimit begword gennem 12456
 nofor before wordlimit begword ge =
@@ -1439,12 +1697,19 @@
 nofor before wordlimit begword hde =
 nofor before wordlimit begword have 125-3456
 nofor before wordlimit begword hve =
+nofor before wordlimit begword hele 125-123-15
+nofor before wordlimit begword heller 125-123-1235
 nofor before wordlimit begword helt 125-2345
 nofor before wordlimit begword hendes 125-234
 nofor before wordlimit begword hende 125-145
+nofor before wordlimit begword hjælpe 125-1234-15
+nofor before wordlimit begword hjælper 125-1234-156
 nofor before wordlimit begword hun 136
 nofor before wordlimit begword hvad 2456
 nofor before wordlimit begword hv =
+nofor before wordlimit begword hvilke 2456-13
+nofor before wordlimit begword hvilken 2456-13-126
+nofor before wordlimit begword hvilket 2456-13-346
 nofor before wordlimit begword hvis 2456-234
 nofor before wordlimit begword hvs =
 nofor before wordlimit begword hvordan 34-1
@@ -1466,7 +1731,8 @@
 nofor before wordlimit begword igen 35
 nofor before wordlimit begword ig =
 nofor before wordlimit begword ikke 24-13
-nofor before wordlimit begword imidlertid 24-24
+nofor before wordlimit begword ingen 24-126
+nofor before wordlimit begword ingenting 24-24
 nofor before wordlimit begword jeg 245
@@ -1480,7 +1746,19 @@
 nofor before wordlimit begword kom 13-134
 nofor before wordlimit begword kunne 13-1246
 nofor before wordlimit begword kne =
+nofor before wordlimit begword kvinde 13-1236-1456
+word kvindes 13-1236-1456-234
+nofor before wordlimit begword kvinden 13-1236-12346
+nofor before wordlimit begword kvindens 13-1236-12346-234
+nofor before wordlimit begword kvinder 13-1236-23456
+nofor before wordlimit begword kvinders 13-1236-23456-234
+nofor before wordlimit begword kvinderne 13-1236-23456-1246
+nofor before wordlimit begword kvindernes 13-1236-23456-1246-234
+nofor before wordlimit begword lang 123-1245
+nofor before wordlimit begword lange 123-12456
+nofor before wordlimit begword langt 123-1245-2345
+nofor before wordlimit begword lidt 123-2345
 nofor before wordlimit begword ligesom 123-234
 nofor before wordlimit begword lige 123
 nofor before wordlimit begword lille 123-123
@@ -1496,20 +1774,41 @@
 nofor before wordlimit begword mem =
 nofor before wordlimit begword men 146
 nofor before wordlimit begword me =
+nofor before wordlimit begword menneske 146-123456
+nofor before wordlimit begword menneskes 146-123456-234
+nofor before wordlimit begword menneskene 146-123456-15-1246
+nofor before wordlimit begword menneskenes 146-123456-15-1246-234
+nofor before wordlimit begword mennesker 146-123456-156
+nofor before wordlimit begword menneskers 146-123456-156-234
+nofor before wordlimit begword mennesket 146-123456-346
+nofor before wordlimit begword menneskets 146-123456-346-234
 nofor before wordlimit begword min 134-1345
 nofor before wordlimit begword mit 134-2345
+nofor before wordlimit begword mulighed 134-123-125
+nofor before wordlimit begword muligheds 134-123-125-234
+nofor before wordlimit begword muligheden 134-123-125-126
+nofor before wordlimit begword mulighedens 134-123-125-126-234
+nofor before wordlimit begword muligheder 134-123-125-156
+nofor before wordlimit begword muligheders 134-123-125-156-234
+nofor before wordlimit begword mulighederne 134-123-125-156-1246
+nofor before wordlimit begword mulighedernes 134-123-125-156-1246-234
 nofor before wordlimit begword måske 134-123456
 nofor before wordlimit begword msk =
 nofor before wordlimit begword måtte 134-1256
 nofor before wordlimit begword mte =
+nofor before wordlimit begword naturlig 1345-2345-123
+nofor before wordlimit begword naturligt 1345-2345-123-2345
 nofor before wordlimit begword naturligvis 1345-2345-1236
 nofor before wordlimit begword nd =
 nofor before wordlimit begword ned 1246
 nofor before wordlimit begword ne =
 nofor before wordlimit begword nogen 1345-1345
+nofor before wordlimit begword nogensinde 1345-234-1456
 nofor before wordlimit begword noget 1345-2345
 nofor before wordlimit begword nogle 1345-123-15
+nofor before wordlimit begword næste 1345-1256
+nofor before wordlimit begword næsten 1345-126
 nofor before wordlimit begword når 1345
 nofor before wordlimit begword også 14-16
@@ -1517,8 +1816,25 @@
 nofor before wordlimit begword omkring 135-134-13
 nofor before wordlimit begword op 135
 nofor before wordlimit begword or =
+nofor before wordlimit begword organisation 1346-1245-234
+nofor before wordlimit begword organisations 1346-1245-234-234
+nofor before wordlimit begword organisationen 1346-1245-234-126
+nofor before wordlimit begword organisationens 1346-1245-234-126-234
+nofor before wordlimit begword organisationer 1346-1245-234-156
+nofor before wordlimit begword organisationers 1346-1245-234-156-234
+nofor before wordlimit begword organisationerne 1346-1245-234-156-1246
+nofor before wordlimit begword organisationernes 1346-1245-234-156-1246-234
 nofor before wordlimit begword over 1346
+nofor before wordlimit begword problem 1234-12
+nofor before wordlimit begword problems 1234-12-234
+nofor before wordlimit begword problemet 1234-12-346
+nofor before wordlimit begword problemets 1234-12-346-234
+nofor before wordlimit begword problemer 1234-12-156
+nofor before wordlimit begword problemers 1234-12-156-234
+nofor before wordlimit begword problemerne 1234-12-156-1246
+nofor before wordlimit begword problemernes 1234-12-156-1246-234
+nofor before wordlimit begword punktskrift 1234-1345-123456
 nofor before wordlimit begword på 1234
 nofor before wordlimit begword ret 12356
@@ -1532,6 +1848,7 @@
 nofor before wordlimit begword sammen 234-134
 nofor before wordlimit begword samme 234-146
 nofor before wordlimit begword sme =
+nofor before wordlimit begword samtidig 234-134-2345
 nofor before wordlimit begword selvfølgelig 234-1236-124
 nofor before wordlimit begword selv 234-1236
 nofor before wordlimit begword sidste 234-1356-15
@@ -1546,28 +1863,46 @@
 nofor before wordlimit begword skle =
 nofor before wordlimit begword snart 234-1235
 nofor before wordlimit begword som 234
+nofor before wordlimit begword spørgsmål 234-1234-134
+nofor before wordlimit begword spørgsmåls 234-1234-134-234
+nofor before wordlimit begword spørgsmålet 234-1234-134-346
+nofor before wordlimit begword spørgsmålets 234-1234-134-346-234
+nofor before wordlimit begword spørgsmålene 234-1234-134-1246
+nofor before wordlimit begword spørgsmålenes 234-1234-134-1246-234
+nofor before wordlimit begword stadig 1356-1245
 nofor before wordlimit begword sådan 16-1
 nofor before wordlimit begword således 16-15
 nofor before wordlimit begword så 16
 nofor before wordlimit begword tid 2345-145
+nofor before wordlimit begword tidlig 2345-145-123
+nofor before wordlimit begword tidlige 2345-145-123-12456
+nofor before wordlimit begword tidligere 2345-145-123-12356
+nofor before wordlimit begword tidligst 2345-145-123-1356
 nofor before wordlimit begword tilbage 2345-12
+nofor before wordlimit begword tilfælde 2345-124
 nofor before wordlimit begword til 2345
 nofor before wordlimit begword under 12345
-nofor before wordlimit begword var- =
-nofor before wordlimit begword var 36
+nofor before wordlimit begword vanskelig 1236-123456
+nofor before wordlimit begword vanskelige 1236-123456-15
+nofor before wordlimit begword vanskeligt 1236-123456-2345
+nofor before wordlimit begword var 3456
 nofor before wordlimit begword ved 1236
+nofor before wordlimit begword vidste 1236-1356-15
 nofor before wordlimit begword ville 1236-123-15
 nofor before wordlimit begword vil 1236-123
+nofor before wordlimit begword virkelig 1236-1235-13
 nofor before wordlimit begword været 1236-2345
 nofor before wordlimit begword være 345
+nofor before wordlimit begword øjeblik 246-245-12
 # Problems solved with pass 2
 # Convert the fake "space hyphen" back to a normal hyphen.
-noback pass2 @ef @368
+noback pass2 @ef @36
 ### Multi-pass opcodes for converting the virtual capsletter sign @f into dot 7.
@@ -1578,7 +1913,7 @@
 # Generic forward convert of @f-... to @...7
 noback pass2 @f-235 @2357
 # Conversion with letsign.
-noback pass2 @f-6-235 @6-2357
+noback pass2 @f-56-235 @56-2357
 # Conversion with dot 5, which is used for accent marker in higher unicode pages.
 noback pass2 @f-5-235 @5-2357
 # Generic backward conversion.
@@ -1589,19 +1924,13 @@
 # Same for the following characters.
 noback pass2 @f-35 @357
-noback pass2 @f-6-35 @6-357
+noback pass2 @f-56-35 @56-357
 noback pass2 @f-5-35 @5-357
 nofor pass2 @357 @f-35
 nofor pass2 @5-357 @f-5-35
-noback pass2 @f-36 @367
-noback pass2 @f-6-36 @6-367
-noback pass2 @f-5-36 @5-367
-nofor pass2 @367 @f-36
-nofor pass2 @5-367 @f-5-36
 noback pass2 @f-1 @17
-noback pass2 @f-6-1 @6-17
+noback pass2 @f-56-1 @56-17
 noback pass2 @f-5-1 @5-17
 nofor pass2 @17 @f-1
 nofor pass2 @5-17 @f-5-1
@@ -1609,28 +1938,28 @@
 nofor pass2 @458-5-17 @f-458-5-1
 noback pass2 @f-12 @127
-noback pass2 @f-6-12 @6-127
+noback pass2 @f-56-12 @56-127
 noback pass2 @f-5-12 @5-127
 nofor pass2 @127 @f-12
 nofor pass2 @5-127 @f-5-12
 nofor pass2 @458-127 @f-458-12
 noback pass2 @f-14 @147
-noback pass2 @f-6-14 @6-147
+noback pass2 @f-56-14 @56-147
 noback pass2 @f-5-14 @5-147
 nofor pass2 @147 @f-14
 nofor pass2 @5-147 @f-5-14
 nofor pass2 @458-147 @f-458-14
 noback pass2 @f-145 @1457
-noback pass2 @f-6-145 @6-1457
+noback pass2 @f-56-145 @56-1457
 noback pass2 @f-5-145 @5-1457
 nofor pass2 @1457 @f-145
 nofor pass2 @5-1457 @f-5-145
 nofor pass2 @458-1457 @f-458-145
 noback pass2 @f-15 @157
-noback pass2 @f-6-15 @6-157
+noback pass2 @f-56-15 @56-157
 noback pass2 @f-5-15 @5-157
 nofor pass2 @157 @f-15
 nofor pass2 @5-157 @f-5-15
@@ -1638,27 +1967,27 @@
 nofor pass2 @458-5-157 @f-458-5-15
 noback pass2 @f-124 @1247
-noback pass2 @f-6-124 @6-1247
+noback pass2 @f-56-124 @56-1247
 noback pass2 @f-5-124 @5-1247
 nofor pass2 @1247 @f-124
 nofor pass2 @5-1247 @f-5-124
 nofor pass2 @458-1247 @f-458-124
 noback pass2 @f-1245 @12457
-noback pass2 @f-6-1245 @6-12457
+noback pass2 @f-56-1245 @56-12457
 noback pass2 @f-5-1245 @5-12457
 nofor pass2 @12457 @f-1245
 nofor pass2 @5-12457 @f-5-1245
 nofor pass2 @458-12457 @f-458-1245
 noback pass2 @f-125 @1257
-noback pass2 @f-6-125 @6-1257
+noback pass2 @f-56-125 @56-1257
 noback pass2 @f-5-125 @5-1257
 nofor pass2 @1257 @f-125
 nofor pass2 @5-1257 @f-5-125
 noback pass2 @f-24 @247
-noback pass2 @f-6-24 @6-247
+noback pass2 @f-56-24 @56-247
 noback pass2 @f-5-24 @5-247
 nofor pass2 @247 @f-24
 nofor pass2 @5-247 @f-5-24
@@ -1666,41 +1995,41 @@
 nofor pass2 @458-5-247 @f-458-5-24
 noback pass2 @f-245 @2457
-noback pass2 @f-6-245 @6-2457
+noback pass2 @f-56-245 @56-2457
 noback pass2 @f-5-245 @5-2457
 nofor pass2 @2457 @f-245
 nofor pass2 @5-2457 @f-5-245
 noback pass2 @f-13 @137
-noback pass2 @f-6-13 @6-137
+noback pass2 @f-56-13 @56-137
 noback pass2 @f-5-13 @5-137
 nofor pass2 @137 @f-13
 nofor pass2 @5-137 @f-5-13
 nofor pass2 @458-137 @f-458-13
 noback pass2 @f-123 @1237
-noback pass2 @f-6-123 @6-1237
+noback pass2 @f-56-123 @56-1237
 noback pass2 @f-5-123 @5-1237
 nofor pass2 @1237 @f-123
 nofor pass2 @5-1237 @f-5-123
 nofor pass2 @458-1237 @f-458-123
 noback pass2 @f-134 @1347
-noback pass2 @f-6-134 @6-1347
+noback pass2 @f-56-134 @56-1347
 noback pass2 @f-5-134 @5-1347
 nofor pass2 @1347 @f-134
 nofor pass2 @5-1347 @f-5-134
 nofor pass2 @458-1347 @f-458-134
 noback pass2 @f-1345 @13457
-noback pass2 @f-6-1345 @6-13457
+noback pass2 @f-56-1345 @56-13457
 noback pass2 @f-5-1345 @5-13457
 nofor pass2 @13457 @f-1345
 nofor pass2 @5-13457 @f-5-1345
 nofor pass2 @458-13457 @f-458-1345
 noback pass2 @f-135 @1357
-noback pass2 @f-6-135 @6-1357
+noback pass2 @f-56-135 @56-1357
 noback pass2 @f-5-135 @5-1357
 nofor pass2 @1357 @f-135
 nofor pass2 @5-1357 @f-5-135
@@ -1708,41 +2037,41 @@
 nofor pass2 @458-5-1357 @f-458-5-135
 noback pass2 @f-1234 @12347
-noback pass2 @f-6-1234 @6-12347
+noback pass2 @f-56-1234 @56-12347
 noback pass2 @f-5-1234 @5-12347
 nofor pass2 @12347 @f-1234
 nofor pass2 @5-12347 @f-5-1234
 nofor pass2 @458-12347 @f-458-1234
 noback pass2 @f-12345 @123457
-noback pass2 @f-6-12345 @6-123457
+noback pass2 @f-56-12345 @56-123457
 noback pass2 @f-5-12345 @5-123457
 nofor pass2 @123457 @f-12345
 nofor pass2 @5-123457 @f-5-12345
 noback pass2 @f-1235 @12357
-noback pass2 @f-6-1235 @6-12357
+noback pass2 @f-56-1235 @56-12357
 noback pass2 @f-5-1235 @5-12357
 nofor pass2 @12357 @f-1235
 nofor pass2 @5-12357 @f-5-1235
 nofor pass2 @458-12357 @f-458-1235
 noback pass2 @f-234 @2347
-noback pass2 @f-6-234 @6-2347
+noback pass2 @f-56-234 @56-2347
 noback pass2 @f-5-234 @5-2347
 nofor pass2 @2347 @f-234
 nofor pass2 @5-2347 @f-5-234
 nofor pass2 @458-2347 @f-458-234
 noback pass2 @f-2345 @23457
-noback pass2 @f-6-2345 @6-23457
+noback pass2 @f-56-2345 @56-23457
 noback pass2 @f-5-2345 @5-23457
 nofor pass2 @23457 @f-2345
 nofor pass2 @5-23457 @f-5-2345
 nofor pass2 @458-23457 @f-458-2345
 noback pass2 @f-136 @1367
-noback pass2 @f-6-136 @6-1367
+noback pass2 @f-56-136 @56-1367
 noback pass2 @f-5-136 @5-1367
 nofor pass2 @1367 @f-136
 nofor pass2 @5-1367 @f-5-136
@@ -1750,13 +2079,13 @@
 nofor pass2 @458-5-1367 @f-458-5-136
 noback pass2 @f-1236 @12367
-noback pass2 @f-6-1236 @6-12367
+noback pass2 @f-56-1236 @56-12367
 noback pass2 @f-5-1236 @5-12367
 nofor pass2 @12367 @f-1236
 nofor pass2 @5-12367 @f-5-1236
 noback pass2 @f-2456 @24567
-noback pass2 @f-6-2456 @6-24567
+noback pass2 @f-56-2456 @56-24567
 noback pass2 @f-5-2456 @5-24567
 nofor pass2 @24567 @f-2456
 nofor pass2 @5-24567 @f-5-2456
@@ -1764,240 +2093,239 @@
 nofor pass2 @458-5-24567 @f-458-5-2456
 noback pass2 @f-1346 @13467
-noback pass2 @f-6-1346 @6-13467
+noback pass2 @f-56-1346 @56-13467
 noback pass2 @f-5-1346 @5-13467
 nofor pass2 @13467 @f-1346
 nofor pass2 @5-13467 @f-5-1346
 nofor pass2 @458-13467 @f-458-1346
 noback pass2 @f-13456 @134567
-noback pass2 @f-6-13456 @6-134567
+noback pass2 @f-56-13456 @56-134567
 noback pass2 @f-5-13456 @5-134567
 nofor pass2 @134567 @f-13456
 nofor pass2 @5-134567 @f-5-13456
 nofor pass2 @458-134567 @f-458-13456
 noback pass2 @f-1356 @13567
-noback pass2 @f-6-1356 @6-13567
+noback pass2 @f-56-1356 @56-13567
 noback pass2 @f-5-1356 @5-13567
 nofor pass2 @13567 @f-1356
 nofor pass2 @5-13567 @f-5-1356
 nofor pass2 @458-13567 @f-458-1356
 noback pass2 @f-34 @347
-noback pass2 @f-6-34 @6-347
+noback pass2 @f-56-34 @56-347
 noback pass2 @f-5-34 @5-347
 nofor pass2 @347 @f-34
 nofor pass2 @5-347 @f-5-34
 noback pass2 @f-346 @3467
-noback pass2 @f-6-346 @6-3467
+noback pass2 @f-56-346 @56-3467
 noback pass2 @f-5-346 @5-3467
 nofor pass2 @3467 @f-346
 nofor pass2 @5-3467 @f-5-346
-noback pass2 @f-2348 @23478
-noback pass2 @f-6-2348 @6-23478
-noback pass2 @f-5-2348 @5-23478
-nofor pass2 @23478 @f-2348
-nofor pass2 @5-23478 @f-5-2348
+#noback pass2 @f-2348 @23478
+#noback pass2 @f-56-2348 @56-23478
+#noback pass2 @f-5-2348 @5-23478
+#nofor pass2 @23478 @f-2348
+#nofor pass2 @5-23478 @f-5-2348
 noback pass2 @f-1358 @13578
-noback pass2 @f-6-1358 @6-13578
+noback pass2 @f-56-1358 @56-13578
 noback pass2 @f-5-1358 @5-13578
 nofor pass2 @13578 @f-1358
 nofor pass2 @5-13578 @f-5-1358
 noback pass2 @f-234568 @2345678
-noback pass2 @f-6-234568 @6-2345678
+noback pass2 @f-56-234568 @56-2345678
 noback pass2 @f-5-234568 @5-2345678
 nofor pass2 @2345678 @f-234568
 nofor pass2 @5-2345678 @f-5-234568
 noback pass2 @f-236 @2367
-noback pass2 @f-6-236 @6-2367
+noback pass2 @f-56-236 @56-2367
 noback pass2 @f-5-236 @5-2367
 nofor pass2 @2367 @f-236
 nofor pass2 @5-2367 @f-5-236
 noback pass2 @f-256 @2567
-noback pass2 @f-6-256 @6-2567
+noback pass2 @f-56-256 @56-2567
 noback pass2 @f-5-256 @5-2567
 nofor pass2 @2567 @f-256
 nofor pass2 @5-2567 @f-5-256
 noback pass2 @f-356 @3567
-noback pass2 @f-6-356 @6-3567
+noback pass2 @f-56-356 @56-3567
 noback pass2 @f-5-356 @5-3567
 nofor pass2 @3567 @f-356
 nofor pass2 @5-3567 @f-5-356
 noback pass2 @f-3456 @34567
-noback pass2 @f-6-3456 @6-34567
+noback pass2 @f-56-3456 @56-34567
 noback pass2 @f-5-3456 @5-34567
 nofor pass2 @34567 @f-3456
 nofor pass2 @5-34567 @f-5-3456
 noback pass2 @f-12356 @123567
-noback pass2 @f-6-12356 @6-123567
+noback pass2 @f-56-12356 @56-123567
 noback pass2 @f-5-12356 @5-123567
 nofor pass2 @123567 @f-12356
 nofor pass2 @5-123567 @f-5-12356
 noback pass2 @f-123568 @1235678
-noback pass2 @f-6-123568 @6-1235678
+noback pass2 @f-56-123568 @56-1235678
 noback pass2 @f-5-123568 @5-1235678
 nofor pass2 @1235678 @f-123568
 nofor pass2 @5-1235678 @f-5-123568
 noback pass2 @f-168 @1678
-noback pass2 @f-6-168 @6-1678
+noback pass2 @f-56-168 @56-1678
 noback pass2 @f-5-168 @5-1678
 nofor pass2 @1678 @f-168
 nofor pass2 @5-1678 @f-5-168
 noback pass2 @f-1468 @14678
-noback pass2 @f-6-1468 @6-14678
+noback pass2 @f-56-1468 @56-14678
 noback pass2 @f-5-1468 @5-14678
 nofor pass2 @14678 @f-1468
 nofor pass2 @5-14678 @f-5-1468
 noback pass2 @f-3458 @34578
-noback pass2 @f-6-3458 @6-34578
+noback pass2 @f-56-3458 @56-34578
 noback pass2 @f-5-3458 @5-34578
 nofor pass2 @34578 @f-3458
 nofor pass2 @5-34578 @f-5-3458
 noback pass2 @f-16 @167
-noback pass2 @f-6-16 @6-167
+noback pass2 @f-56-16 @56-167
 noback pass2 @f-5-16 @5-167
 nofor pass2 @167 @f-16
 nofor pass2 @5-167 @f-5-16
 noback pass2 @f-345 @3457
-noback pass2 @f-6-345 @6-3457
+noback pass2 @f-56-345 @56-3457
 noback pass2 @f-5-345 @5-3457
 nofor pass2 @3457 @f-345
 nofor pass2 @5-3457 @f-5-345
 noback pass2 @f-12346 @123467
-noback pass2 @f-6-12346 @6-123467
+noback pass2 @f-56-12346 @56-123467
 noback pass2 @f-5-12346 @5-123467
 nofor pass2 @123467 @f-12346
 nofor pass2 @5-123467 @f-5-12346
 nofor pass2 @458-123467 @f-458-12346
 noback pass2 @f-2346 @23467
-noback pass2 @f-6-2346 @6-23467
+noback pass2 @f-56-2346 @56-23467
 noback pass2 @f-5-2346 @5-23467
 nofor pass2 @23467 @f-2346
 nofor pass2 @5-23467 @f-5-2346
 noback pass2 @f-123456 @1234567
-noback pass2 @f-6-123456 @6-1234567
+noback pass2 @f-56-123456 @56-1234567
 noback pass2 @f-5-123456 @5-1234567
 nofor pass2 @1234567 @f-123456
 nofor pass2 @5-1234567 @f-5-123456
 noback pass2 @f-126 @1267
-noback pass2 @f-6-126 @6-1267
+noback pass2 @f-56-126 @56-1267
 noback pass2 @f-5-126 @5-1267
 nofor pass2 @1267 @f-126
 nofor pass2 @5-1267 @f-5-126
 noback pass2 @f-1246 @12467
-noback pass2 @f-6-1246 @6-12467
+noback pass2 @f-56-1246 @56-12467
 noback pass2 @f-5-1246 @5-12467
 nofor pass2 @12467 @f-1246
 nofor pass2 @5-12467 @f-5-1246
 noback pass2 @f-1568 @15678
-noback pass2 @f-6-1568 @6-15678
+noback pass2 @f-56-1568 @56-15678
 noback pass2 @f-5-1568 @5-15678
 nofor pass2 @15678 @f-1568
 nofor pass2 @5-15678 @f-5-1568
 noback pass2 @f-1268 @12678
-noback pass2 @f-6-1268 @6-12678
+noback pass2 @f-56-1268 @56-12678
 noback pass2 @f-5-1268 @5-12678
 nofor pass2 @12678 @f-1268
 nofor pass2 @5-12678 @f-5-1268
 noback pass2 @f-146 @1467
-noback pass2 @f-6-146 @6-1467
+noback pass2 @f-56-146 @56-1467
 noback pass2 @f-5-146 @5-1467
 nofor pass2 @1467 @f-146
 nofor pass2 @5-1467 @f-5-146
 noback pass2 @f-12456 @124567
-noback pass2 @f-6-12456 @6-124567
+noback pass2 @f-56-12456 @56-124567
 noback pass2 @f-5-12456 @5-124567
 nofor pass2 @124567 @f-12456
 nofor pass2 @5-124567 @f-5-12456
-noback pass2 @f-134568 @1345678
-noback pass2 @f-6-134568 @6-1345678
-noback pass2 @f-5-134568 @5-1345678
-nofor pass2 @1345678 @f-134568
-nofor pass2 @5-1345678 @f-5-134568
+# Eth (does not follow the normal rules)
+noback pass2 @f-134568 @67
+noback pass2 @f-56-134568 @56-67
+nofor pass2 @67 @f-134568
 noback pass2 @f-124568 @1245678
-noback pass2 @f-6-124568 @6-1245678
+noback pass2 @f-56-124568 @56-1245678
 noback pass2 @f-5-124568 @5-1245678
 nofor pass2 @1245678 @f-124568
 nofor pass2 @5-1245678 @f-5-124568
 noback pass2 @f-12468 @124678
-noback pass2 @f-6-12468 @6-124678
+noback pass2 @f-56-12468 @56-124678
 noback pass2 @f-5-12468 @5-124678
 nofor pass2 @124678 @f-12468
 nofor pass2 @5-124678 @f-5-12468
 noback pass2 @f-3468 @34678
-noback pass2 @f-6-3468 @6-34678
+noback pass2 @f-56-3468 @56-34678
 noback pass2 @f-5-3468 @5-34678
 nofor pass2 @34678 @f-3468
 nofor pass2 @5-34678 @f-5-3468
 noback pass2 @f-1456 @14567
-noback pass2 @f-6-1456 @6-14567
+noback pass2 @f-56-1456 @56-14567
 noback pass2 @f-5-1456 @5-14567
 nofor pass2 @14567 @f-1456
 nofor pass2 @5-14567 @f-5-1456
 nofor pass2 @458-14567 @f-458-1456
 noback pass2 @f-14568 @145678
-noback pass2 @f-6-14568 @6-145678
+noback pass2 @f-56-14568 @56-145678
 noback pass2 @f-5-14568 @5-145678
 nofor pass2 @145678 @f-14568
 nofor pass2 @5-145678 @f-5-14568
 noback pass2 @f-2468 @24678
-noback pass2 @f-6-2468 @6-24678
+noback pass2 @f-56-2468 @56-24678
 noback pass2 @f-5-2468 @5-24678
 nofor pass2 @24678 @f-2468
 nofor pass2 @5-24678 @f-5-2468
 noback pass2 @f-246 @2467
-noback pass2 @f-6-246 @6-2467
+noback pass2 @f-56-246 @56-2467
 noback pass2 @f-5-246 @5-2467
 nofor pass2 @2467 @f-246
 nofor pass2 @5-2467 @f-5-246
 noback pass2 @f-23456 @234567
-noback pass2 @f-6-23456 @6-234567
+noback pass2 @f-56-23456 @56-234567
 noback pass2 @f-5-23456 @5-234567
 nofor pass2 @234567 @f-23456
 nofor pass2 @5-234567 @f-5-23456
 noback pass2 @f-12568 @125678
-noback pass2 @f-6-12568 @6-125678
+noback pass2 @f-56-12568 @56-125678
 noback pass2 @f-5-12568 @5-125678
 nofor pass2 @125678 @f-12568
 nofor pass2 @5-125678 @f-5-12568
 noback pass2 @f-156 @1567
-noback pass2 @f-6-156 @6-1567
+noback pass2 @f-56-156 @56-1567
 noback pass2 @f-5-156 @5-1567
 nofor pass2 @1567 @f-156
 nofor pass2 @5-1567 @f-5-156
@@ -2005,57 +2333,56 @@
 nofor pass2 @458-5-1567 @f-458-5-156
 noback pass2 @f-1256 @12567
-noback pass2 @f-6-1256 @6-12567
+noback pass2 @f-56-1256 @56-12567
 noback pass2 @f-5-1256 @5-12567
 nofor pass2 @12567 @f-1256
 nofor pass2 @5-12567 @f-5-1256
 noback pass2 @f-1348 @13478
-noback pass2 @f-6-1348 @6-13478
+noback pass2 @f-56-1348 @56-13478
 noback pass2 @f-5-1348 @5-13478
 nofor pass2 @13478 @f-1348
 nofor pass2 @5-13478 @f-5-1348
 noback pass2 @f-138 @1378
-noback pass2 @f-6-138 @6-1378
+noback pass2 @f-56-138 @56-1378
 noback pass2 @f-5-138 @5-1378
 nofor pass2 @1378 @f-138
 nofor pass2 @5-1378 @f-5-138
 noback pass2 @f-234568 @2345678
-noback pass2 @f-6-234568 @6-2345678
+noback pass2 @f-56-234568 @56-2345678
 noback pass2 @f-5-234568 @5-2345678
 nofor pass2 @2345678 @f-234568
 nofor pass2 @5-2345678 @f-5-234568
 # Tweak to keep letsign for letters that should always have letsign.
 # Letsign will be removed by the multind opcode. So we insert an extra one.
-nofor pass2 @6-123457 @f-6-6-12345
-nofor pass2 @6-24567 @f-6-6-2456
-nofor pass2 @6-13467 @f-6-6-1346
-nofor pass2 @6-134567 @f-6-6-13456
-nofor pass2 @6-13567 @f-6-6-1356
-nofor pass2 @6-123567 @f-6-6-12356
-nofor pass2 @6-123467 @f-6-6-12346
-nofor pass2 @6-23467 @f-6-6-2346
-nofor pass2 @6-1234567 @f-6-6-123456
-nofor pass2 @6-1267 @f-6-6-126
-nofor pass2 @6-12467 @f-6-6-1246
-nofor pass2 @6-1467 @f-6-6-146
-nofor pass2 @6-124567 @f-6-6-12456
-nofor pass2 @6-14567 @f-6-6-1456
-nofor pass2 @6-234567 @f-6-6-23456
-nofor pass2 @6-1567 @f-6-6-156
-nofor pass2 @6-12567 @f-6-6-1256
+nofor pass2 @56-123457 @f-56-56-12345
+nofor pass2 @56-24567 @f-56-56-2456
+nofor pass2 @56-13467 @f-56-56-1346
+nofor pass2 @56-13567 @f-56-56-1356
+nofor pass2 @56-123567 @f-56-56-12356
+nofor pass2 @56-123467 @f-56-56-12346
+nofor pass2 @56-23467 @f-56-56-2346
+nofor pass2 @56-1234567 @f-56-56-123456
+nofor pass2 @56-1267 @f-56-56-126
+nofor pass2 @56-12467 @f-56-56-1246
+nofor pass2 @56-1467 @f-56-56-146
+nofor pass2 @56-124567 @f-56-56-12456
+nofor pass2 @56-14567 @f-56-56-1456
+nofor pass2 @56-234567 @f-56-56-23456
+nofor pass2 @56-1567 @f-56-56-156
+nofor pass2 @56-12567 @f-56-56-1256
+nofor pass2 @56-3467 @f-56-56-346
 # Ensure that punctuation signs etc. are not "tolowered" when they have a letsign, but only when they act as a partword contraction.
-nofor pass2 @6-347 *
-nofor pass2 @6-2357 *
-nofor pass2 @6-3467 *
-nofor pass2 @6-2567 *
-nofor pass2 @6-2367 *
-nofor pass2 @6-34567 *
-nofor pass2 @6-367 *
+nofor pass2 @56-347 *
+nofor pass2 @56-2357 *
+nofor pass2 @56-2567 *
+nofor pass2 @56-2367 *
+nofor pass2 @56-34567 *
+nofor pass2 @56-367 *
 # remove any superfluous capsletter marks.
 noback pass2 @f ?
@@ -2063,15 +2390,23 @@
 # Pass 3
 # Remove any superfluous letsigns and only keep one.
-noback pass3 @6-6 @6
+noback pass3 @56-56 @56
+# Ensure there is only one emphasis sign
+# Danish Braille only has one emphasis sign,
+# so don't repeat if more than one emphasis type is present.
+noback pass3 @46-46 @46
+noback pass3 @46-46-46 @46
 # Remove letsigns before letters marked with indicator for accents or greek letters.
-noback pass3 @6-5 @5
-noback pass3 @6-458 @458
-# Ensure there is only one emphasis sign
-noback pass3 @56-56 @56
-noback pass3 @56-56-56 @56
+noback pass3 @56-5 @5
+noback pass3 @56-458 @458
+# Remove letsigns from www
+noback pass3 @56-2456-56-2456-56-2456 @2456-2456-2456
+noback pass3 @56-24567-56-2456-56-2456 @24567-2456-2456
+noback pass3 @56-24567-56-24567-56-24567 @24567-24567-24567
 # Include hyphenation file as the last thing
-include hyph_brl_da_dk.dic
+include da-dk-g2.dic
diff --git a/tables/da-dk-g28l.ctb b/tables/da-dk-g28_1993.ctb
similarity index 71%
copy from tables/da-dk-g28l.ctb
copy to tables/da-dk-g28_1993.ctb
index 7a34d58..b605c27 100644
--- a/tables/da-dk-g28l.ctb
+++ b/tables/da-dk-g28_1993.ctb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# liblouis: Danish, table for 8 dots grade 1.5, partial contraction (forward and backward translation)
+# liblouis: Danish, table for 8 dots grade 2 (forward and backward translation) 1993
-#  Copyright (C) 2014-2020, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
+#  Copyright (C) 2014, 2016-2021, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
 #  This file is part of liblouis.
@@ -20,27 +20,30 @@
+# This  is the Danish table for 8 dots grade 2 (stor forkortelse) 1993.
+# Use this table for translation and back-translation of Danish 8 dots grade 2.
-# This  is the Danish table for 8 dots grade 2l/1.5 limited contractions (lille forkortelse).
-# Use this table for translation and back-translation of Danish 8 dots grade 2 limited.
-# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen, 200302
+# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen, December 2022
 ### Table Metadata
-#-index-name: Danish, partially contracted, 8-dot
-#-display-name: Danish 8-dot partially contracted braille
+#-name: Dansk forkortet 8-punkt 1993
+#-index-name: Danish, contracted, 8-dot, 1993
+#-display-name: Danish 8-dot contracted braille (1993 standard)
 #+language: da
 #+type: literary
-#+contraction: partial
-#+grade: 1.5
+#+contraction: full
+#+grade: 2
 #+dots: 8
 #+direction: both
+#+system: ddp
+#+version: 1993
+#-has-nocross: yes
-# Display opcodes
-include da-dk-octobraille.dis
+# Display upcodes
+include da-dk-octobraille_1993.dis
 ### Character definitions ###
@@ -177,6 +180,7 @@
 lowercase \x00ff 234568 #LATIN LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS (0x9f)
 noback uppercase \x009f 2345678 #LATIN LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS (0x9f)
 punctuation \x00a0 23458 NO-BREAK SPACE (0xa0)
+punctuation \x00a1 256 INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK )0xa1)
 punctuation \x00a2 2578 CENT SIGN (0xa2)
 punctuation \x00a3 1238 POUND SIGN (0xa3)
 punctuation \x00a5 67 YEN SIGN (0xa5)
@@ -200,25 +204,25 @@
 punctuation \x00bc 13458 VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER
 punctuation \x00bd 458 VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF
-lowercase \x00e1 123568 LATIN  LETTER A WITH ACUTE
-lowercase \x00e2 168 LATIN  LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
-lowercase \x00e3 1468 LATIN  LETTER A WITH TILDE
-lowercase \x00e4 3458 LATIN  LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+lowercase \x00e1 123568 LATIN LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+lowercase \x00e2 168 LATIN LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+lowercase \x00e3 1468 LATIN LETTER A WITH TILDE
+lowercase \x00e4 3458 LATIN LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
 lowercase \x00e5 16 LATIN LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
 lowercase \x00e6 345 LATIN LETTER AE
-lowercase \x00ec 1568 LATIN  LETTER I WITH GRAVE
-lowercase \x00ed 1268 LATIN  LETTER I WITH ACUTE
-lowercase \x00f0 134568 LATIN  LETTER ETH
-lowercase \x00f1 124568 LATIN  LETTER N WITH TILDE
-lowercase \x00f2 12468 LATIN  LETTER O WITH GRAVE
-lowercase \x00f3 3468 LATIN  LETTER O WITH ACUTE
-lowercase \x00f5 14568 LATIN  LETTER O WITH TILDE
-lowercase \x00f6 2468 LATIN  LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+lowercase \x00ec 1568 LATIN LETTER I WITH GRAVE
+lowercase \x00ed 1268 LATIN LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+lowercase \x00f0 134568 LATIN LETTER ETH
+lowercase \x00f1 124568 LATIN LETTER N WITH TILDE
+lowercase \x00f2 12468 LATIN LETTER O WITH GRAVE
+lowercase \x00f3 3468 LATIN LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+lowercase \x00f5 14568 LATIN LETTER O WITH TILDE
+lowercase \x00f6 2468 LATIN LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
 math \x00d7 13468 MULTIPLICATION SIGN
 lowercase \x00f8 246 LATIN LETTER O WITH STROKE
-lowercase \x00fa 12568 LATIN  LETTER U WITH ACUTE
-lowercase \x00fd 1348 LATIN  LETTER Y WITH ACUTE (infinite?)
-lowercase \x00fe 138 LATIN  LETTER THORN
+lowercase \x00fa 12568 LATIN LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+lowercase \x00fd 1348 LATIN LETTER Y WITH ACUTE (infinite?)
+lowercase \x00fe 138 LATIN LETTER THORN
 lowercase \x00df 23468 LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S
 math \x00f7 2568 DIVISION SIGN
@@ -226,6 +230,9 @@
 # Resides in the "private use area", and shouldn't conflict with anything.
 sign \xf8ff f
+# Used as dash where dash should act as space.
+space \xf8fe ef
 #Unicode Braille patterns
 include braille-patterns.cti
@@ -339,7 +346,7 @@
 lowercase \x0177 5-13456 Latin letter y with circumflex
 lowercase \x017a 5-1356 Latin letter z with acute
 noback lowercase \x017c 5-1356 Latin letter z with dot above
-noback lowercase \x017f 5-234 Latin small letter long s 
+noback lowercase \x017f 5-234 Latin small letter long s
 # Greek letters (with dots 458 as prefix)
@@ -376,7 +383,7 @@
 lowercase \x03C8 458-13456 Greek letter Psi
 lowercase \x03C9 458-2456 Greek letter Omega
-include da-dk-8miscChars.cti
+include da-dk-8miscChars_1993.cti
 # Uppercase letters
@@ -395,7 +402,7 @@
 base uppercase M m LATIN LETTER M
 base uppercase N n LATIN LETTER N
 base uppercase O o LATIN LETTER O
-base uppercase P p LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P
+base uppercase P p LATIN LETTER P
 base uppercase Q q LATIN LETTER Q
 base uppercase R r LATIN LETTER R
 base uppercase S s LATIN LETTER S
@@ -406,14 +413,14 @@
 base uppercase X x LATIN LETTER X
 base uppercase Y y LATIN LETTER Y
 base uppercase Z z LATIN LETTER Z
-base uppercase \x008a \x009a #LATIN LETTER S WITH CARON (0x8a)
-base uppercase \x008c \x009c #LATIN LIGATURE OE (0x8c)
-base uppercase \x008e \x009e #LATIN  LETTER Z WITH CARON (0x8e)
+base uppercase \x008a \x009a LATIN LETTER S WITH CARON (0x8a)
+base uppercase \x008c \x009c LATIN LIGATURE OE (0x8c)
+base uppercase \x008e \x009e LATIN  LETTER Z WITH CARON (0x8e)
 base uppercase \x00c0 \x00e0 LATIN  LETTER A WITH GRAVE
-base uppercase \x00c1 \x00e1 LATIN  LETTER A WITH ACUTE
-base uppercase \x00c2 \x00e2 LATIN  LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
-base uppercase \x00c3 \x00e3 LATIN  LETTER A WITH TILDE
-base uppercase \x00c4 \x00e4 LATIN  LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
+base uppercase \x00c1 \x00e1 LATIN LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+base uppercase \x00c2 \x00e2 LATIN LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
+base uppercase \x00c3 \x00e3 LATIN LETTER A WITH TILDE
+base uppercase \x00c4 \x00e4 LATIN LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
 base uppercase \x00c5 \x00e5 LATIN LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
 base uppercase \x00c6 \x00e6 LATIN LETTER AE
 base uppercase \x00c7 \x00e7 LATIN  LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
@@ -421,24 +428,24 @@
 base uppercase \x00c9 \x00e9 LATIN  LETTER E WITH ACUTE
 base uppercase \x00ca \x00ea LATIN  LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 base uppercase \x00cb \x00eb LATIN  LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
-base uppercase \x00cc \x00ec LATIN  LETTER I WITH GRAVE
-base uppercase \x00cd \x00ed LATIN  LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+base uppercase \x00cc \x00ec LATIN LETTER I WITH GRAVE
+base uppercase \x00cd \x00ed LATIN LETTER I WITH ACUTE
 base uppercase \x00ce \x00ee LATIN  LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 base uppercase \x00cf \x00ef LATIN  LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
-base uppercase \x00d0 \x00f0 LATIN  LETTER ETH
-base uppercase \x00d1 \x00f1 LATIN  LETTER N WITH TILDE
-base uppercase \x00d2 \x00f2 LATIN  LETTER O WITH GRAVE
-base uppercase \x00d3 \x00f3 LATIN  LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+base uppercase \x00d0 \x00f0 LATIN LETTER ETH
+base uppercase \x00d1 \x00f1 LATIN LETTER N WITH TILDE
+base uppercase \x00d2 \x00f2 LATIN LETTER O WITH GRAVE
+base uppercase \x00d3 \x00f3 LATIN LETTER O WITH ACUTE
 base uppercase \x00d4 \x00f4 LATIN  LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
-base uppercase \x00d5 \x00f5 LATIN  LETTER O WITH TILDE
-base uppercase \x00d6 \x00f6 LATIN  LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
+base uppercase \x00d5 \x00f5 LATIN LETTER O WITH TILDE
+base uppercase \x00d6 \x00f6 LATIN LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
 base uppercase \x00d8 \x00f8 LATIN LETTER O WITH STROKE
 base uppercase \x00d9 \x00f9 LATIN  LETTER U WITH GRAVE
-base uppercase \x00da \x00fa LATIN  LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+base uppercase \x00da \x00fa LATIN LETTER U WITH ACUTE
 base uppercase \x00db \x00fb LATIN  LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
 base uppercase \x00dc \x00fc LATIN  LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
-base uppercase \x00dd \x00fd LATIN  LETTER Y WITH ACUTE (infinite?)
-base uppercase \x00de \x00fe LATIN  LETTER THORN
+base uppercase \x00dd \x00fd LATIN LETTER Y WITH ACUTE (infinite?)
+base uppercase \x00de \x00fe LATIN LETTER THORN
 base uppercase \x0100 \x0101 Latin letter a with macron
 base uppercase \x0102 \x0103 Latin letter a with breve
 base uppercase \x0104 \x0105 Latin letter a with ogonek
@@ -479,14 +486,14 @@
 base uppercase \x014c \x014d Latin letter o with macron
 base uppercase \x014e \x014f Latin letter o with breve
 base uppercase \x0150 \x0151 Latin letter o with double acute
-base uppercase \x0152 \x0153 #LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE (0x8c)
+base uppercase \x0152 \x0153 LATIN LIGATURE OE (0x8c)
 base uppercase \x0154 \x0155 Latin letter r with acute
 base uppercase \x0156 \x0157 Latin letter r with cedilla
 base uppercase \x0158 \x0159 Latin letter r with caron
 base uppercase \x015a \x015b Latin letter s with acute
 base uppercase \x015c \x015d Latin letter s with circumflex
 base uppercase \x015e \x015f Latin letter s with cedilla
-base uppercase \x0160 \x0161 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON (0x8a)
+base uppercase \x0160 \x0161 LATIN LETTER S WITH CARON (0x8a)
 base uppercase \x0162 \x0163 Latin letter t with cedilla
 base uppercase \x0164 \x0165 Latin letter t with caron
 base uppercase \x0166 \x0167 Latin letter t with stroke
@@ -498,10 +505,10 @@
 base uppercase \x0172 \x0173 Latin letter u with ogonek
 base uppercase \x0174 \x0175 Latin letter w with circumflex
 base uppercase \x0176 \x0177 Latin letter y with circumflex
-base uppercase \x0178 \x00ff #LATIN LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS (0x9f)
+base uppercase \x0178 \x00ff LATIN LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS (0x9f)
 base uppercase \x0179 \x017a Latin letter z with acute
 base uppercase \x017b \x017c Latin letter z with dot above
-base uppercase \x017d \x017e #LATIN  LETTER Z WITH CARON (0x8e)
+base uppercase \x017d \x017e LATIN  LETTER Z WITH CARON (0x8e)
 base uppercase \x0386 \x03AC Greek letter alpha with tonos
 base uppercase \x0388 \x03AD Greek letter epsilon with tonos
 base uppercase \x0389 \x03AE Greek letter eta with tonos
@@ -801,10 +808,10 @@
 nofor always \x03A8 458-134567
 nofor always \x03A9 458-24567
 ### misc opcodes ###
 # Emphasis opcodes
+# Emphasis opcodes
 emphclass italic
 emphclass underline
 emphclass bold
@@ -822,7 +829,7 @@
 decpoint , 2
 hyphen - 368
 letsign 6
-noletsign Ii\x0138\x0149
+noletsign IQWXZiqwxz\x0149
 noletsignbefore 1234567890
 capsletter f
@@ -839,12 +846,19 @@
 noback context _$d["st"]~ @6-234-2345
 noback context _$d["nd"]!$l @1345-145
 noback context _$d["nd"]~ @1345-145
-# Ensure that we get a letsign between a digit and a single letter.
+# The following lines are to ensure that we get a letsign between a digit and a single letter.
 noback context $d[]$l!$l @6
 noback context $d[]$l~ @6
-#Special sequences, urls emails and file names.
+### Correct - Forward translation
+# Ensure that capsnocont does not stretch across dashes
+noback correct $U["-"] "\xf8fe"
+# Special characters that always need letsigns because they represent contractions
+always \x00a1 6-256 # inverted exclamationmark
+#Special sequences, urls emails and file names.
 nocont $
 nocont \\ # line cannot end with a backslash
 nocont @
@@ -871,143 +885,424 @@
 nocont .tar
 nocont .zip
 # Remove space between § and numbers.
 noback begnum § 578
 begnum §\s 578
 begnum §§\s 578-578
 always §§ 578-578
-# Word contractions with only 1 cell
+word af 356
+word aldrig 1-35
+word aig =
+word alle 1-15
+begnum ae 6-1-15
+contraction ae
+word allerede 1-123-1235
+begnum alr 6-1-123-1235
+contraction alr
+word alligevel 1-123-1236
+begnum alv 6-1-123-1236
+contraction alv
+word altid 1-2345-145
+begnum atd 6-1-2345-145
+contraction atd
+word altså 1-16
+begnum aå 6-1-16
+contraction aå
 word at 1
+word blevet 12-2345
+begnum bt 6-12-2345
+contraction bt
+word blev 12-1236
+begnum bv 6-12-1236
+contraction bv
+word blive 12-3456
+word bve 12-1236-15
 word bliver 12
-word den 12346
-word der 23456
-word det 2346
-word de 1456
+word derefter 23456-1356
+word derst =
+word deres 256
+word derfor 23456-124
+word derf =
+word derigennem 23456-24-12456
+word derige 1456-1235-24-12456
+word dermed 23456-134
+word derm =
+word derned 23456-1246
+word derne =
+word derop 23456-135
+word dero =
+word derover 23456-1346
+word deror =
+word derpå 23456-1234
+word derp =
+word dersom 23456-234
+word ders =
+word dertil 23456-2345
+word dert =
+word derunder 23456-12345
+word derved 23456-1236
+word din 145-1345
+begnum dn 6-145-1345
+contraction dn
+word disse 145-234
+begnum ds 6-145-234
+contraction ds
+word dit 145-2345
+begnum dt 6-145-2345
+contraction dt
 word du 145
 word efter 1356
 word eller 15
-word en 126
-word er 156
-word et 346
+word endnu 15-136
+begnum eu 6-15-136
+contraction eu
+word fik 124-13
+begnum fk 6-124-13
+contraction fk
+word fordi 124-145
+begnum fd 6-124-145
+contraction fd
+word forskellige 124-123456-15
+word fske =
+word forskelligt 124-123456-2345
+word fskt =
+word forskellig 124-123456
+word fsk =
 word for 124
+word fra 235
+word første 124-1356-15
+word først 124-1356
 word før 246
+word ganske 1245-123456
 word gennem 12456
+word ge =
+word gik 1245-13
+begnum gk 6-1245-13
+contraction gk
 word gør 1245
+word ham 236
+word hans 13456-234
+begnum ys 6-13456-234
+contraction ys
 word han 13456
 word har 125
+word havde 125-1456
+word hde =
+word have 125-3456
+word hve =
+word helt 125-2345
+begnum ht 6-125-2345
+contraction ht
+word hendes 125-234
+begnum hs 6-125-234
+contraction hs
+word hende 125-145
+begnum hd 6-125-145
+contraction hd
 word hun 136
 word hvad 2456
+word hv =
+word hvis 2456-234
+word hvs =
+word hvordan 34-1
+word hvora 34-6-1
+word hvorefter 34-1356
+word hvorst 34-234-2345
+word hvorfor 34-124
+word hvorf 34-6-124
+word hvorigennem 34-24-12456
+word hvorledes 34-15
+word hvore 34-6-15
+word hvormed 34-134
+word hvorm 34-6-134
+word hvornår 34-1345
+word hvorn 34-6-1345
+word hvorover 34-1346
+word hvoror 34-135-1235
+word hvorpå 34-1234
+word hvorp 34-6-1234
+word hvortil 34-2345
+word hvort 34-6-2345
+word hvorunder 34-12345
+word hvornd 34-1345-145
+word hvorved 34-1236
+word hvorv 34-6-1236
 word hvor 34
+word igennem 24-12456
+word ige =
+word igen 35
+word ig =
+word ikke 24-13
+begnum ik 6-24-13
+contraction ik
+word imidlertid 24-24
+begnum ii 6-24-24
+contraction ii
 word jeg 245
 word kan 13
+word kommer 13-156
+word ker =
+word kommet 13-346
+word ket =
+word komme 13-146
+word kme =
+word kom 13-134
+begnum km 6-13-134
+contraction km
+word kunne 13-1246
+word kne =
+word ligesom 123-234
+begnum ls 6-123-234
+contraction ls
 word lige 123
+word lille 123-123
+begnum ll 6-123-123
+contraction ll
+word mange 134-12456
+word mge =
 word med 134
+word megen 146-126
+word meen =
+word meget 146-346
+word meet =
+word mellem 146-134
+word mem =
 word men 146
+word me =
+word min 134-1345
+begnum mn 6-134-1345
+contraction mn
+word mit 134-2345
+begnum mt 6-145-2345
+contraction mt
+word måske 134-123456
+word msk =
+word måtte 134-1256
+word mte =
+word naturligvis 1345-2345-1236
+begnum ntv 6-1345-2345-1236
+contraction ntv
+word nd =
 word ned 1246
+word ne =
+word nogen 1345-1345
+begnum nn 6-1345-1345
+contraction nn
+word noget 1345-2345
+begnum nt 6-1345-2345
+contraction nt
+word nogle 1345-123-15
+begnum nle 6-1345-123-15
+contraction nle
 word når 1345
+word også 14-16
+begnum cå 6-14-16
+contraction cå
 word og 14
+word omkring 135-134-13
+begnum omk 6-135-134-13
+contraction omk
 word op 135
+word or =
 word over 1346
 word på 1234
 word ret 12356
+word re 1235-15
+word rigtige 1235-12456
+word rge =
+word rigtigt 1235-2345
+begnum rt 6-1235-2345
+contraction rt
 word rigtig 1235
+word sagde 234-1456
+word sammen 234-134
+begnum sm 6-234-134
+contraction sm
+word samme 234-146
+word sme =
+word selvfølgelig 234-1236-124
+begnum svf 6-234-1236-124
+contraction svf
+word selv 234-1236
+begnum sv 6-234-1236
+contraction sv
+word sidste 234-1356-15
+word sste =
+word sidst 234-1356
+word sst =
+word sin 234-1345
+begnum sn 6-234-1345
+contraction sn
+word sit 234-2345
+begnum st 6-234-2345
+contraction st
 word skal 123456
+word sk =
+word skulle 123456-123-15
+word skle =
+word snart 234-1235
+begnum sr 6-234-1235
+contraction sr
 word som 234
+word sådan 16-1
+begnum åa 6-16-1
+contraction åa
+word således 16-15
+begnum åe 6-16-15
+contraction åe
 word så 16
 word te 1256
+word tid 2345-145
+begnum td 6-2345-145
+contraction td
+word tilbage 2345-12
+begnum tb 6-2345-12
+contraction tb
 word til 2345
 word under 12345
-word ved 1236
+word var- =
+word var. =
+word var 36
 word ve 3456
+word ved 1236
+word ville 1236-123-15
+begnum vle 6-1236-123-15
+contraction vle
+word vil 1236-123
+begnum vl 6-1236-123
+contraction vl
+word været 1236-2345
+begnum vt 6-1236-2345
+contraction vt
 word være 345
-### Exceptions ###
+#Part words
+nocross always den 12346
+nocross always der 23456
+nocross always det 2346
+nocross always de 1456
+nocross always en 126
+nocross always er 156
+nocross always et 346
+nocross always ge 12456
+nocross always hvor 34
+nocross always hv 2456
+nocross always ig 35
+nocross always me 146
+nocross always nd 12345
+nocross always ne 1246
+nocross always or 1346
+nocross always re 12356
+nocross always sk 123456
+nocross always st 1356
+nocross always te 1256
+nocross always ve 3456
-# Ensure no single cell word contraction before or after a dash
-word -at 368-1-2345
-word at- 1-2345-368
-word -bliver 368-12-123-24-1236-15-1235
-word bliver- 12-123-24-1236-15-1235-368
-word -den 368-145-15-1345
-word den- 145-15-1345-368
-word -der 368-145-15-1235
-word der- 145-15-1235-368
-word -det 368-145-15-2345
-word det- 145-15-2345-368
-word -de 368-145-15
-word de- 145-15-368
-word -du 368-145-136
-word du- 145-136-368
-word -efter 368-15-124-2345-15-1235
-word efter- 15-124-2345-15-1235-368
-word -er 368-15-1235
-word er- 15-1235-368
-word -et 368-15-2345
-word et- 15-2345-368
-word -for 368-124-135-1235
-word for- 124-135-1235-368
-word -før 368-124-246-1235
-word før- 124-246-1235-368
-word -gennem 368-1245-15-1345-1345-15-134
-word gennem- 1245-15-1345-1345-15-134-368
-word -gør 368-1245-246-1235
-word gør- 1245-246-1235-368
-word -han 368-125-1-1345
-word han- 125-1-1345-368
-word -har 368-125-1-1235
-word har- 125-1-1235-368
-word -hun 368-125-136-1345
-word hun- 125-136-1345-368
-word -kan 368-13-1-1345
-word kan- 13-1-1345-368
-word -lige 368-123-24-12456
-word lige- 123-24-12456-368
-word -med 368-146-145
-word med- 146-145-368
-word -men 368-134-126
-word men- 134-126-368
-word -ned 368-1345-15-145
-word ned- 1345-15-145-368
-word -når 368-1345-16-1235
-word når- 1345-16-1235-368
-word -og 368-135-1245
-word og- 135-1245-368
-word -op 368-135-1234
-word op- 135-1234-368
-word -over 368-135-1236-15-1235
-word over- 135-1236-15-1235-368
-word -på 368-1234-16
-word på- 1234-16-368
-word -ret 368-1235-15-2345
-word ret- 1235-15-2345-368
-word -rigtig 368-1235-24-1245-2345-24-1245
-word rigtig- 1235-24-1245-2345-24-1245-368
-word -skal 368-234-13-1-123
-word skal- 234-13-1-123-368
-word -som 368-234-135-134
-word som- 234-135-134-368
-word -så 368-234-16
-word så- 234-16-368
-word -te 368-2345-15
-word te- 2345-15-368
-word -til 368-2345-24-123
-word til- 2345-24-123-368
-word -under 368-136-1345-145-15-1235
-word under- 136-1345-145-15-1235-368
-word -ved 368-1236-15-145
-word ved- 1236-15-145-368
-word -ve 368-1236-15
-word ve- 1236-15-368
-word -være 368-1236-345-1235-15
-word Være- 1236-345-1235-15-368
+#special cases with dropped signs
+# which can be both punctuations and contractions.
-### Patches ###
-# the following sections are to compensate for various behaviours and problems in liblouis.
-# They will be removed, as the issues are resolved.
+always fra! 124-1235-1-235
+always !fra 235-124-1235-1
+always !! 235-235
+always !!! 235-235-235
+always "fra" 2356-124-1235-1-2356
+after punctuation always ! 6-235
+always 'af 4-1-124
-# Ensure correct back-translation of word contractions before various punctuation.
+always \s! 0-6-235
+prepunc ! 6-235
+nofor always ! 6-235
+noback context `["!"] @6-235
+# Ensure no one-letter word contraction before or after a dash
+prfword -af 368-1-124
+sufword af- 1-124-368
+prfword -at 368-1-2345
+sufword at- 1-2345-368
+prfword -deres 368-1456-12356-234
+sufword deres- 1456-12356-234-368
+prfword -du 368-145-136
+sufword du- 145-136-368
+prfword -efter 368-15-124-2345-156
+sufword efter- 15-124-2345-156-368
+prfword -for 368-124-1346
+sufword for- 124-1346-368
+prfword -fra 368-124-1235-1
+sufword fra- 124-1235-1-368
+prfword -gennem 368-1245-126-1246-134
+sufword gennem- 1245-126-1246-134-368
+prfword -ham 368-125-1-134
+sufword ham- 125-1-134-368
+prfword -han 368-125-1-1345
+sufword han- 125-1-1345-368
+prfword -har 368-125-1-1235
+sufword har- 125-1-1235-368
+prfword -hun 368-125-136-1345
+sufword hun- 125-136-1345-368
+prfword -kan 368-13-1-1345
+sufword kan- 13-1-1345-368
+prfword -lige 368-123-24-12456
+sufword lige- 123-24-12456-368
+prfword -med 368-146-145
+sufword med- 146-145-368
+prfword -men 368-134-126
+sufword men- 134-126-368
+prfword -ned 368-1246-145
+sufword ned- 1246-145-368
+prfword -når 368-1345-16-1235
+sufword når- 1345-16-1235-368
+prfword -og 368-135-1245
+sufword og- 135-1245-368
+prfword -op 368-135-1234
+sufword op- 135-1234-368
+prfword -over 368-135-1236-156
+sufword over- 135-1236-156-368
+prfword -på 368-1234-16
+sufword på- 1234-16-368
+prfword -ret 368-1235-346
+sufword ret- 1235-346-368
+prfword -rigtig 368-1235-35-2345-35
+sufword rigtig- 1235-35-2345-35-368
+prfword -skal 368-123456-1-123
+sufword skal- 123456-1-123-368
+prfword -som 368-234-135-134
+sufword som- 234-135-134-368
+prfword -så 368-234-16
+sufword så- 234-16-368
+prfword -til 368-2345-24-123
+sufword til- 2345-24-123-368
+prfword -under 368-136-1345-23456
+sufword under- 136-1345-23456-368
+prfword -ved 368-1236-15-145
+sufword ved- 1236-15-145-368
+prfword -være 368-1236-345-12356
+sufword være- 1236-345-12356-368
+# *** patches for various Liblouis bugs
+# this file will be removed when the bugs are fixed
 nofor always a 6-1
 nofor always b 6-12
@@ -1070,51 +1365,213 @@
 # if a word contraction is followed by a punctuation and another word immediately after,
 # The contracted word before the punctuation will back-translate as its components
 attribute wordlimit /,!.:’()?"'\x00ab_\x201d\x0094\x2019\x0092\x00bb
+nofor before wordlimit begword af 356
+nofor before wordlimit begword aldrig 1-35
+nofor before wordlimit begword aig =
+nofor before wordlimit begword alle 1-15
+nofor before wordlimit begword allerede 1-123-1235
+nofor before wordlimit begword alligevel 1-123-1236
+nofor before wordlimit begword altid 1-2345-145
+nofor before wordlimit begword altså 1-16
 nofor before wordlimit begword at 1
+nofor before wordlimit begword blevet 12-2345
+nofor before wordlimit begword blev 12-1236
+nofor before wordlimit begword blive 12-3456
+nofor before wordlimit begword bve 12-1236-15
 nofor before wordlimit begword bliver 12
-nofor before wordlimit begword den 12346
-nofor before wordlimit begword der 23456
-nofor before wordlimit begword det 2346
-nofor before wordlimit begword de 1456
+nofor before wordlimit begword derefter 23456-1356
+nofor before wordlimit begword derst =
+nofor before wordlimit begword deres 256
+nofor before wordlimit begword derfor 23456-124
+nofor before wordlimit begword derf =
+nofor before wordlimit begword derigennem 23456-24-12456
+nofor before wordlimit begword derige 1456-1235-24-12456
+nofor before wordlimit begword dermed 23456-134
+nofor before wordlimit begword derm =
+nofor before wordlimit begword derned 23456-1246
+nofor before wordlimit begword derne =
+nofor before wordlimit begword derop 23456-135
+nofor before wordlimit begword dero =
+nofor before wordlimit begword derover 23456-1346
+nofor before wordlimit begword deror =
+nofor before wordlimit begword derpå 23456-1234
+nofor before wordlimit begword derp =
+nofor before wordlimit begword dersom 23456-234
+nofor before wordlimit begword ders =
+nofor before wordlimit begword dertil 23456-2345
+nofor before wordlimit begword dert =
+nofor before wordlimit begword derunder 23456-12345
+nofor before wordlimit begword derved 23456-1236
+nofor before wordlimit begword din 145-1345
+nofor before wordlimit begword disse 145-234
+nofor before wordlimit begword dit 145-2345
 nofor before wordlimit begword du 145
 nofor before wordlimit begword efter 1356
 nofor before wordlimit begword eller 15
-nofor before wordlimit begword en 126
-nofor before wordlimit begword er 156
-nofor before wordlimit begword et 346
+nofor before wordlimit begword endnu 15-136
+nofor before wordlimit begword fik 124-13
+nofor before wordlimit begword fordi 124-145
+nofor before wordlimit begword forskellige 124-123456-15
+nofor before wordlimit begword fske =
+nofor before wordlimit begword forskelligt 124-123456-2345
+nofor before wordlimit begword fskt =
+nofor before wordlimit begword forskellig 124-123456
+nofor before wordlimit begword fsk =
 nofor before wordlimit begword for 124
+nofor before wordlimit begword fra 235
+nofor before wordlimit begword første 124-1356-15
+nofor before wordlimit begword først 124-1356
 nofor before wordlimit begword før 246
+nofor before wordlimit begword ganske 1245-123456
 nofor before wordlimit begword gennem 12456
+nofor before wordlimit begword ge =
+nofor before wordlimit begword gik 1245-13
 nofor before wordlimit begword gør 1245
+nofor before wordlimit begword ham 236
+nofor before wordlimit begword hans 13456-234
 nofor before wordlimit begword han 13456
 nofor before wordlimit begword har 125
+nofor before wordlimit begword havde 125-1456
+nofor before wordlimit begword hde =
+nofor before wordlimit begword have 125-3456
+nofor before wordlimit begword hve =
+nofor before wordlimit begword helt 125-2345
+nofor before wordlimit begword hendes 125-234
+nofor before wordlimit begword hende 125-145
 nofor before wordlimit begword hun 136
 nofor before wordlimit begword hvad 2456
+nofor before wordlimit begword hv =
+nofor before wordlimit begword hvis 2456-234
+nofor before wordlimit begword hvs =
+nofor before wordlimit begword hvordan 34-1
+nofor before wordlimit begword hvorefter 34-1356
+nofor before wordlimit begword hvorfor 34-124
+nofor before wordlimit begword hvorigennem 34-24-12456
+nofor before wordlimit begword hvorledes 34-15
+nofor before wordlimit begword hvormed 34-134
+nofor before wordlimit begword hvornår 34-1345
+nofor before wordlimit begword hvorover 34-1346
+nofor before wordlimit begword hvorpå 34-1234
+nofor before wordlimit begword hvortil 34-2345
+nofor before wordlimit begword hvorunder 34-12345
+nofor before wordlimit begword hvorved 34-1236
 nofor before wordlimit begword hvor 34
+nofor before wordlimit begword igennem 24-12456
+nofor before wordlimit begword ige =
+nofor before wordlimit begword igen 35
+nofor before wordlimit begword ig =
+nofor before wordlimit begword ikke 24-13
+nofor before wordlimit begword imidlertid 24-24
 nofor before wordlimit begword jeg 245
 nofor before wordlimit begword kan 13
+nofor before wordlimit begword kommer 13-156
+nofor before wordlimit begword ker =
+nofor before wordlimit begword kommet 13-346
+nofor before wordlimit begword ket =
+nofor before wordlimit begword komme 13-146
+nofor before wordlimit begword kme =
+nofor before wordlimit begword kom 13-134
+nofor before wordlimit begword kunne 13-1246
+nofor before wordlimit begword kne =
+nofor before wordlimit begword ligesom 123-234
 nofor before wordlimit begword lige 123
+nofor before wordlimit begword lille 123-123
+nofor before wordlimit begword mange 134-12456
+nofor before wordlimit begword mge =
 nofor before wordlimit begword med 134
+nofor before wordlimit begword megen 146-126
+nofor before wordlimit begword meen =
+nofor before wordlimit begword meget 146-346
+nofor before wordlimit begword meet =
+nofor before wordlimit begword mellem 146-134
+nofor before wordlimit begword mem =
 nofor before wordlimit begword men 146
+nofor before wordlimit begword me =
+nofor before wordlimit begword min 134-1345
+nofor before wordlimit begword mit 134-2345
+nofor before wordlimit begword måske 134-123456
+nofor before wordlimit begword msk =
+nofor before wordlimit begword måtte 134-1256
+nofor before wordlimit begword mte =
+nofor before wordlimit begword naturligvis 1345-2345-1236
+nofor before wordlimit begword nd =
 nofor before wordlimit begword ned 1246
+nofor before wordlimit begword ne =
+nofor before wordlimit begword nogen 1345-1345
+nofor before wordlimit begword noget 1345-2345
+nofor before wordlimit begword nogle 1345-123-15
 nofor before wordlimit begword når 1345
+nofor before wordlimit begword også 14-16
 nofor before wordlimit begword og 14
+nofor before wordlimit begword omkring 135-134-13
 nofor before wordlimit begword op 135
+nofor before wordlimit begword or =
 nofor before wordlimit begword over 1346
 nofor before wordlimit begword på 1234
 nofor before wordlimit begword ret 12356
+nofor before wordlimit begword re 1235-15
+nofor before wordlimit begword rigtige 1235-12456
+nofor before wordlimit begword rge =
+nofor before wordlimit begword rigtigt 1235-2345
 nofor before wordlimit begword rigtig 1235
+nofor before wordlimit begword sagde 234-1456
+nofor before wordlimit begword sammen 234-134
+nofor before wordlimit begword samme 234-146
+nofor before wordlimit begword sme =
+nofor before wordlimit begword selvfølgelig 234-1236-124
+nofor before wordlimit begword selv 234-1236
+nofor before wordlimit begword sidste 234-1356-15
+nofor before wordlimit begword sste =
+nofor before wordlimit begword sidst 234-1356
+nofor before wordlimit begword sst =
+nofor before wordlimit begword sin 234-1345
+nofor before wordlimit begword sit 234-2345
 nofor before wordlimit begword skal 123456
+nofor before wordlimit begword sk =
+nofor before wordlimit begword skulle 123456-123-15
+nofor before wordlimit begword skle =
+nofor before wordlimit begword snart 234-1235
 nofor before wordlimit begword som 234
+nofor before wordlimit begword sådan 16-1
+nofor before wordlimit begword således 16-15
 nofor before wordlimit begword så 16
-nofor before wordlimit begword te 1256
+nofor before wordlimit begword tid 2345-145
+nofor before wordlimit begword tilbage 2345-12
 nofor before wordlimit begword til 2345
 nofor before wordlimit begword under 12345
+nofor before wordlimit begword var- =
+nofor before wordlimit begword var 36
 nofor before wordlimit begword ved 1236
+nofor before wordlimit begword ville 1236-123-15
+nofor before wordlimit begword vil 1236-123
+nofor before wordlimit begword været 1236-2345
 nofor before wordlimit begword være 345
-### Problems solved with pass 2 ###
+# Problems solved with pass 2
+# Convert the fake "space hyphen" back to a normal hyphen.
+noback pass2 @ef @368
+### Multi-pass opcodes for converting the virtual capsletter sign @f into dot 7.
 # Most of these lines are temporary.
 # They will be written with a few swap sets when the swapdd opcode has been fixed.
@@ -1139,6 +1596,12 @@
 nofor pass2 @357 @f-35
 nofor pass2 @5-357 @f-5-35
+noback pass2 @f-36 @367
+noback pass2 @f-6-36 @6-367
+noback pass2 @f-5-36 @5-367
+nofor pass2 @367 @f-36
+nofor pass2 @5-367 @f-5-36
 noback pass2 @f-1 @17
 noback pass2 @f-6-1 @6-17
 noback pass2 @f-5-1 @5-17
@@ -1594,10 +2057,13 @@
 nofor pass2 @6-2567 *
 nofor pass2 @6-2367 *
 nofor pass2 @6-34567 *
+nofor pass2 @6-367 *
 # remove any superfluous capsletter marks.
 noback pass2 @f ?
+# Pass 3
 # Remove any superfluous letsigns and only keep one.
 noback pass3 @6-6 @6
@@ -1605,7 +2071,9 @@
 noback pass3 @6-5 @5
 noback pass3 @6-458 @458
 # Ensure there is only one emphasis sign
 noback pass3 @56-56 @56
 noback pass3 @56-56-56 @56
+# Include hyphenation file as the last thing
+include da-dk-g2_1993.dic
diff --git a/tables/da-dk-g28l.ctb b/tables/da-dk-g28l_1993.ctb
similarity index 98%
rename from tables/da-dk-g28l.ctb
rename to tables/da-dk-g28l_1993.ctb
index 7a34d58..cca1bd0 100644
--- a/tables/da-dk-g28l.ctb
+++ b/tables/da-dk-g28l_1993.ctb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# liblouis: Danish, table for 8 dots grade 1.5, partial contraction (forward and backward translation)
+# liblouis: Danish, table for 8 dots grade 1.5, partial contraction (forward and backward translation) 1993
-#  Copyright (C) 2014-2020, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
+#  Copyright (C) 2014, 2016-2021, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
 #  This file is part of liblouis.
@@ -21,15 +21,16 @@
-# This  is the Danish table for 8 dots grade 2l/1.5 limited contractions (lille forkortelse).
+# This  is the Danish table for 8 dots grade 2l/1.5 limited contractions (lille forkortelse) 1993.
 # Use this table for translation and back-translation of Danish 8 dots grade 2 limited.
-# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen, 200302
+# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen, December 2022
 ### Table Metadata
-#-index-name: Danish, partially contracted, 8-dot
-#-display-name: Danish 8-dot partially contracted braille
+#-name: Dansk lille forkortelse 8-punkt 1993
+#-index-name: Danish, partially contracted, 8-dot, 1993
+#-display-name: Danish 8-dot partially contracted braille (1993 standard)
 #+language: da
 #+type: literary
@@ -37,10 +38,12 @@
 #+grade: 1.5
 #+dots: 8
 #+direction: both
+#+system: ddp
+#+version: 1993
 # Display opcodes
-include da-dk-octobraille.dis
+include da-dk-octobraille_1993.dis
 ### Character definitions ###
@@ -376,7 +379,7 @@
 lowercase \x03C8 458-13456 Greek letter Psi
 lowercase \x03C9 458-2456 Greek letter Omega
-include da-dk-8miscChars.cti
+include da-dk-8miscChars_1993.cti
 # Uppercase letters
diff --git a/tables/hyph_brl_da_dk.dic b/tables/da-dk-g2_1993.dic
similarity index 100%
copy from tables/hyph_brl_da_dk.dic
copy to tables/da-dk-g2_1993.dic
diff --git a/tables/da-dk-octobraille.dis b/tables/da-dk-octobraille.dis
index 213072c..8380c05 100644
--- a/tables/da-dk-octobraille.dis
+++ b/tables/da-dk-octobraille.dis
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# Liblouis: Display table for Danish CP1252 Octo Braille
+# Liblouis: Display table for Danish CP1252 Octo Braille (2022)
-#  Copyright (C) 2014-2020, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
+#  Copyright (C) 2014, 2016-2022, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
 #  This file is part of liblouis.
@@ -22,22 +22,25 @@
 # This file contains display definitions for Danish 8 dot Braille.
 # It should be included in high level tables to ensure correct mapping of characters to dot patterns.
+# See also: Den Danske Punktskrift 2022
+#           Det Danske Punktskriftsnævn
+#           https://www.blind.dk/punktskrift-2022
-# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen 200302
+# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen December 2022
 display \x0000 8 NULL
-display \x0001 178 START OF HEADING
+display \x0001 478 START OF HEADING
 display \x0002 1278 START OF TEXT
-display \x0003 1478 END OF TEXT
-display \x0004 14578 END OF TRANSMISSION
+display \x0003 134678 END OF TEXT
+display \x0004 25678 END OF TRANSMISSION
 display \x0005 24568 ENQUIRY
-display \x0006 12478 ACKNOWLEDGE
+display \x0006 123458 ACKNOWLEDGE
 display \x0007 124578 BELL
 display \x0008 12578 BACKSPACE
-display \n 678 LINE FEED (LF)
-display \v 1368 LINE TABULATION
-display \f 12378 FORM FEED (FF)
+display \n 24578 LINE FEED (LF)
+display \v 13458 LINE TABULATION
+display \f 1238 FORM FEED (FF)
 display \r 257 CARRIAGE RETURN (CR)
 display \x000e 134578 SHIFT OUT
 display \x000f 12358 SHIFT IN
@@ -56,13 +59,13 @@
 display \x001c 45678 INFORMATION SEPARATOR FOUR
 display \x001e 1234678 INFORMATION SEPARATOR TWO
-display \x001f 235678 INFORMATION SEPARATOR ONE
+display \x001f 13478 INFORMATION SEPARATOR ONE
 display \s 0 SPACE
 display ! 235 EXCLAMATION MARK
 display " 2356 QUOTATION MARK
 display # 34568 NUMBER SIGN
-display $ 25678 DOLLAR SIGN
-display % 24578 PERCENT SIGN
+display $ 14578 DOLLAR SIGN
+display % 678 PERCENT SIGN
 display & 123468 AMPERSAND
 display ' 4 APOSTROPHE
 display ( 2368 LEFT PARENTHESIS
@@ -70,7 +73,7 @@
 display * 35 ASTERISK
 display + 2358 PLUS SIGN
 display , 2 COMMA
-display - 368 HYPHEN-MINUS
+display - 36 HYPHEN-MINUS
 display . 3 FULL STOP
 display / 348 SLASH
 display 0 2458 #0
@@ -89,7 +92,7 @@
 display = 23568 EQUALS SIGN
 display > 267 GREATER-THAN SIGN
 display ? 26 QUESTION MARK
-display @ 478 COMMERCIAL AT
+display @ 178 COMMERCIAL AT
@@ -151,20 +154,20 @@
 display { 123678 LEFT CURLY BRACKET
 display | 4568 VERTICAL LINE
 display } 345678 RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
-display ~ 467 TILDE
+display ~ 2378 TILDE
 display \x007f 7 DELETE
 display \x0080 1578 #EURO SIGN (0x80)
-display \x0081 45 <control-0081> (not defined in cp1252)
+display \x0081 2357 <control-0081> (not defined in cp1252)
 display \x0082 457 #Low single quote (0x82)
 display \x0083 58 #Flurihn (0x83)
-display \x0084 2378 #Low quote (0x84)
+display \x0084 467 #Low quote (0x84)
 display \x0085 6 #Elipsis (0x85)
-display \x0086 2357 #Dagger (0x86
-display \x0087 23578 #Double dagger (0x87
+display \x0086 45 #Dagger (0x86
+display \x0087 456 #Double dagger (0x87
 display \x0088 5678 #Modifier letter circumflex (0x88)
 display \x0089 245678 #permille sign (0x89)
-display \x008a 23478 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON (0x8a)
+display \x008a 46 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON (0x8a)
 display \x008c 13578 #LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE (0x8c)
 display \x008d 3567 REVERSE LINE FEED (not defined in cp1252)
 display \x008e 3467 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON (0x8e)
@@ -175,9 +178,9 @@
 display \x0093 237 #LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x93)
 display \x0094 568 #RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x94)
 display \x0095 37 #Bullit (0x95)
-display \x0096 36 #EN DASH (0x96)
+display \x0096 368 #EN DASH (0x96)
 display \x0097 367 #Em DASH (0x97)
-display \x0098 46 #SMALL TILDE (0x98)
+display \x0098 23478 #SMALL TILDE (0x98)
 display \x0099 234578 #TRADE MARK SIGN (0x99)
 display \x009a 2348 #LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON (0x9a)
@@ -187,13 +190,13 @@
 display \x009f 2345678 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS (0x9f)
 display \x00a1 256 INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK )0xa1)
 display \x00a2 2578 CENT SIGN (0xa2)
-display \x00a3 1238 POUND SIGN (0xa3)
+display \x00a3 12378 POUND SIGN (0xa3)
 display \x00a4 2367 CURRENCY SIGN (0xa4)
-display \x00a5 67 YEN SIGN (0xa5)
+display \x00a5 1345678 YEN SIGN (0xa5)
 display \x00a6 3478 BROKEN BAR (0xa6)
 display \x00a7 578 SECTION SIGN (0xa7)
 display \x00a8 56 DIAERESIS (0xa8)
-display \x00a9 134678 COPYRIGHT SIGN (0xa9)
+display \x00a9 1478 COPYRIGHT SIGN (0xa9)
 display \x00aa 234678 FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR (0xaa)
 display \x00ac 34567 NOT SIGN (0xac)
@@ -201,10 +204,10 @@
 display \x00ae 123578 REGISTERED SIGN (0xae)
 display \x00af 23567 MACRON (0xaf)
 display \x00b0 356 DEGREE SIGN (0xb0)
-display \x00b1 123458 PLUS-MINUS SIGN
+display \x00b1 12478 PLUS-MINUS SIGN
 display \x00b2 238 SUPERSCRIPT TWO
 display \x00b3 258 SUPERSCRIPT THREE
-display \x00b4 468 ACUTE ACCENT
+display \x00b4 458 ACUTE ACCENT
 display \x00b5 236 MICRO SIGN
 display \x00b6 1234568 PILCROW SIGN
 display \x00b7 38 MIDDLE DOT
@@ -212,9 +215,9 @@
 display \x00b9 28 SUPERSCRIPT ONE
 display \x00ba 12345678 MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR
-display \x00bc 13458 VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER
-display \x00bd 458 VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF
+display \x00bc 1368 VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER
+display \x00bd 468 VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF
 display \x00bf 34 INVERTED QUESTION MARK
 display \x00c0 123567 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
 display \x00c1 1235678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
@@ -232,20 +235,20 @@
-display \x00d0 1345678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH
+display \x00d0 67 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH
 display \x00d1 1245678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE
 display \x00d2 124678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
 display \x00d5 145678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE
-display \x00d7 13468 MULTIPLICATION SIGN
+display \x00d7 3456 MULTIPLICATION SIGN
 display \x00d9 234567 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
 display \x00da 125678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
-display \x00dd 13478 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE (infinite?)
+display \x00dd 235678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE (infinite?)
 display \x00de 1378 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN
 display \x00df 23468 LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S
 display \x00e0 12356 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
@@ -284,17 +287,17 @@
 # Unicode characters corresponding to \x0080 - \x009f In Windows CP-1252.
 # Necessary for Braille display drivers delivering Unicode as Braille input to Liblouis
-nofor display \x20ac 1578 #EURO SIGN (0x80)
-nofor display \x201a 457 #Low single quote (0x82)
+nofor display \x20AC 1578 #EURO SIGN (0x80)
+nofor display \x201A 457 #Low single quote (0x82)
 nofor display \x0192 58 #Flurihn (0x83)
-nofor display \x201e 2378 #Low quote (0x84)
+nofor display \x201E 467 #Low quote (0x84)
 nofor display \x2026 6 #Elipsis (0x85)
-nofor display \x2020 2357 #Dagger (0x86
-nofor display \x2021 23578 #Double dagger (0x87
+nofor display \x2020 45 #Dagger (0x86
+nofor display \x2021 456 #Double dagger (0x87
 nofor display \x02c6 5678 #Modifier letter circumflex (0x88)
 nofor display \x2030 245678 #permille sign (0x89)
 nofor display \x0160 23478 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON (0x8a)
-nofor display \x2039 456 #SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x8b)
+nofor display \x2039 23578 #SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x8b)
 nofor display \x0152 13578 #LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE (0x8c)
 nofor display \x017d 3467 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON (0x8e)
 nofor display \x2018 47 #LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x91)
@@ -302,12 +305,12 @@
 nofor display \x201c 237 #LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x93)
 nofor display \x201d 568 #RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x94)
 nofor display \x2022 37 #Bullit (0x95)
-nofor display \x2013 36 #EN DASH (0x96)
+nofor display \x2013 368 #EN DASH (0x96)
 nofor display \x2014 367 #Em DASH (0x97)
-nofor display \x02dc 46 #SMALL TILDE (0x98)
+nofor display \x02DC 23478 #SMALL TILDE (0x98)
 nofor display \x2122 234578 #TRADE MARK SIGN (0x99)
 nofor display \x0161 2348 #LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON (0x9a)
-nofor display \x203a 4567 #SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x9b)
+nofor display \x203A 4567 #SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x9b)
 nofor display \x0153 1358 #LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE (0x9c)
 nofor display \x017e 346 #LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON (0x9e)
 nofor display \x0178 2345678 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS (0x9f)
diff --git a/tables/da-dk-octobraille_1993.dis b/tables/da-dk-octobraille_1993.dis
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0634581
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tables/da-dk-octobraille_1993.dis
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+# Liblouis: Display table for Danish CP1252 Octo Braille (1993)
+#  Copyright (C) 2014, 2016-2021, Bue Vester-Andersen <bue@vester-andersen.dk>
+#  This file is part of liblouis.
+#  liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+#  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
+#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+#  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License along with liblouis. If not, see
+#  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# This file contains display definitions for Danish 8 dot Braille.
+# It should be included in high level tables to ensure correct mapping of characters to dot patterns.
+# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen December 2022
+display \x0000 8 NULL
+display \x0001 178 START OF HEADING
+display \x0002 1278 START OF TEXT
+display \x0003 1478 END OF TEXT
+display \x0004 14578 END OF TRANSMISSION
+display \x0005 24568 ENQUIRY
+display \x0006 12478 ACKNOWLEDGE
+display \x0007 124578 BELL
+display \x0008 12578 BACKSPACE
+display \n 678 LINE FEED (LF)
+display \v 1368 LINE TABULATION
+display \f 12378 FORM FEED (FF)
+display \r 257 CARRIAGE RETURN (CR)
+display \x000e 134578 SHIFT OUT
+display \x000f 12358 SHIFT IN
+display \x0010 123478 DATA LINK ESCAPE
+display \x0011 1234578 DEVICE CONTROL ONE
+display \x0012 13568 DEVICE CONTROL TWO
+display \x0013 4578 DEVICE CONTROL THREE
+display \x0014 268 DEVICE CONTROL FOUR
+display \x0015 13678 NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGE
+display \x0016 278 SYNCHRONOUS IDLE
+display \x0017 3578 END OF TRANSMISSION BLOCK
+display \x0018 78 CANCEL
+display \x0019 68 END OF MEDIUM
+display \x001a 135678 SUBSTITUTE
+display \x001b 2678 ESCAPE
+display \x001c 45678 INFORMATION SEPARATOR FOUR
+display \x001e 1234678 INFORMATION SEPARATOR TWO
+display \x001f 235678 INFORMATION SEPARATOR ONE
+display \s 0 SPACE
+display ! 235 EXCLAMATION MARK
+display " 2356 QUOTATION MARK
+display # 34568 NUMBER SIGN
+display $ 25678 DOLLAR SIGN
+display % 24578 PERCENT SIGN
+display & 123468 AMPERSAND
+display ' 4 APOSTROPHE
+display ( 2368 LEFT PARENTHESIS
+display ) 3568 RIGHT PARENTHESIS
+display * 35 ASTERISK
+display + 2358 PLUS SIGN
+display , 2 COMMA
+display - 368 HYPHEN-MINUS
+display . 3 FULL STOP
+display / 348 SLASH
+display 0 2458 #0
+display 1 18 #1
+display 2 128 #2
+display 3 148 #3
+display 4 1458 #4
+display 5 158 #5
+display 6 1248 #6
+display 7 12458 #7
+display 8 1258 #8
+display 9 248 #9
+display : 25 COLON
+display ; 23 SEMICOLON
+display < 358 LESS-THAN SIGN
+display = 23568 EQUALS SIGN
+display > 267 GREATER-THAN SIGN
+display ? 26 QUESTION MARK
+display @ 478 COMMERCIAL AT
+display Q 123457 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q
+display Y 134567 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y
+display [ 23678 LEFT SQUARE BRACKET
+display \\ 347 REVERSE SLASH
+display ] 35678 RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET
+display ^ 12348 CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT
+display _ 3678 LOW LINE
+display ` 5 GRAVE ACCENT
+display b 12 LATIN SMALL LETTER B
+display c 14 LATIN SMALL LETTER C
+display d 145 LATIN SMALL LETTER D
+display e 15 LATIN SMALL LETTER E
+display f 124 LATIN SMALL LETTER F
+display g 1245 LATIN SMALL LETTER G
+display h 125 LATIN SMALL LETTER H
+display i 24 LATIN SMALL LETTER I
+display j 245 LATIN SMALL LETTER J
+display k 13 LATIN SMALL LETTER K
+display l 123 LATIN SMALL LETTER L
+display m 134 LATIN SMALL LETTER M
+display n 1345 LATIN SMALL LETTER N
+display o 135 LATIN SMALL LETTER O
+display p 1234 LATIN SMALL LETTER P
+display q 12345 LATIN SMALL LETTER Q
+display r 1235 LATIN SMALL LETTER R
+display s 234 LATIN SMALL LETTER S
+display t 2345 LATIN SMALL LETTER T
+display u 136 LATIN SMALL LETTER U
+display v 1236 LATIN SMALL LETTER V
+display w 2456 LATIN SMALL LETTER W
+display x 1346 LATIN SMALL LETTER X
+display y 13456 LATIN SMALL LETTER Y
+display z 1356 LATIN SMALL LETTER Z
+display { 123678 LEFT CURLY BRACKET
+display | 4568 VERTICAL LINE
+display } 345678 RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
+display ~ 467 TILDE
+display \x007f 7 DELETE
+display \x0080 1578 #EURO SIGN (0x80)
+display \x0081 45 <control-0081> (not defined in cp1252)
+display \x0082 457 #Low single quote (0x82)
+display \x0083 58 #Flurihn (0x83)
+display \x0084 2378 #Low quote (0x84)
+display \x0085 6 #Elipsis (0x85)
+display \x0086 2357 #Dagger (0x86
+display \x0087 23578 #Double dagger (0x87
+display \x0088 5678 #Modifier letter circumflex (0x88)
+display \x0089 245678 #permille sign (0x89)
+display \x008a 23478 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON (0x8a)
+display \x008c 13578 #LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE (0x8c)
+display \x008d 3567 REVERSE LINE FEED (not defined in cp1252)
+display \x008e 3467 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON (0x8e)
+display \x008f 27 SINGLE SHIFT THREE (not defined in cp1252)
+display \x0090 357 DEVICE CONTROL STRING (not defined in cp1252)
+display \x0091 47 #LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x91)
+display \x0092 48 #RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x92)
+display \x0093 237 #LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x93)
+display \x0094 568 #RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x94)
+display \x0095 37 #Bullit (0x95)
+display \x0096 36 #EN DASH (0x96)
+display \x0097 367 #Em DASH (0x97)
+display \x0098 46 #SMALL TILDE (0x98)
+display \x0099 234578 #TRADE MARK SIGN (0x99)
+display \x009a 2348 #LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON (0x9a)
+display \x009c 1358 #LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE (0x9c)
+display \x009d 2567 OPERATING SYSTEM COMMAND
+display \x009e 346 #LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON (0x9e)
+display \x009f 2345678 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS (0x9f)
+display \x00a1 256 INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK )0xa1)
+display \x00a2 2578 CENT SIGN (0xa2)
+display \x00a3 1238 POUND SIGN (0xa3)
+display \x00a4 2367 CURRENCY SIGN (0xa4)
+display \x00a5 67 YEN SIGN (0xa5)
+display \x00a6 3478 BROKEN BAR (0xa6)
+display \x00a7 578 SECTION SIGN (0xa7)
+display \x00a8 56 DIAERESIS (0xa8)
+display \x00a9 134678 COPYRIGHT SIGN (0xa9)
+display \x00aa 234678 FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR (0xaa)
+display \x00ac 34567 NOT SIGN (0xac)
+display \x00ad 378 SOFT HYPHEN (0xad)
+display \x00ae 123578 REGISTERED SIGN (0xae)
+display \x00af 23567 MACRON (0xaf)
+display \x00b0 356 DEGREE SIGN (0xb0)
+display \x00b1 123458 PLUS-MINUS SIGN
+display \x00b2 238 SUPERSCRIPT TWO
+display \x00b3 258 SUPERSCRIPT THREE
+display \x00b4 468 ACUTE ACCENT
+display \x00b5 236 MICRO SIGN
+display \x00b6 1234568 PILCROW SIGN
+display \x00b7 38 MIDDLE DOT
+display \x00b8 4678 CEDILLA
+display \x00b9 28 SUPERSCRIPT ONE
+display \x00ba 12345678 MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR
+display \x00bc 13458 VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER
+display \x00bd 458 VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF
+display \x00bf 34 INVERTED QUESTION MARK
+display \x00c0 123567 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
+display \x00c1 1235678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+display \x00c6 3457 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE
+display \x00c9 1234567 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+display \x00d0 1345678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH
+display \x00d1 1245678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE
+display \x00d2 124678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
+display \x00d5 145678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE
+display \x00d7 13468 MULTIPLICATION SIGN
+display \x00d9 234567 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
+display \x00da 125678 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+display \x00dd 13478 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE (infinite?)
+display \x00de 1378 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN
+display \x00df 23468 LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S
+display \x00e0 12356 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
+display \x00e1 123568 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE
+display \x00e3 1468 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE
+display \x00e6 345 LATIN SMALL LETTER AE
+display \x00e8 2346 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE
+display \x00e9 123456 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
+display \x00ec 1568 LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE
+display \x00ed 1268 LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE
+display \x00f0 134568 LATIN SMALL LETTER ETH
+display \x00f1 124568 LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE
+display \x00f2 12468 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE
+display \x00f3 3468 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE
+display \x00f5 14568 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE
+display \x00f7 2568 DIVISION SIGN
+display \x00f9 23456 LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE
+display \x00fa 12568 LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE
+display \x00fd 1348 LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
+display \x00fe 138 LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN
+# Unicode characters corresponding to \x0080 - \x009f In Windows CP-1252.
+# Necessary for Braille display drivers delivering Unicode as Braille input to Liblouis
+nofor display \x20ac 1578 #EURO SIGN (0x80)
+nofor display \x201a 457 #Low single quote (0x82)
+nofor display \x0192 58 #Flurihn (0x83)
+nofor display \x201e 2378 #Low quote (0x84)
+nofor display \x2026 6 #Elipsis (0x85)
+nofor display \x2020 2357 #Dagger (0x86
+nofor display \x2021 23578 #Double dagger (0x87
+nofor display \x02c6 5678 #Modifier letter circumflex (0x88)
+nofor display \x2030 245678 #permille sign (0x89)
+nofor display \x0160 23478 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON (0x8a)
+nofor display \x2039 456 #SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x8b)
+nofor display \x0152 13578 #LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE (0x8c)
+nofor display \x017d 3467 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON (0x8e)
+nofor display \x2018 47 #LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x91)
+nofor display \x2019 48 #RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x92)
+nofor display \x201c 237 #LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x93)
+nofor display \x201d 568 #RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK (0x94)
+nofor display \x2022 37 #Bullit (0x95)
+nofor display \x2013 36 #EN DASH (0x96)
+nofor display \x2014 367 #Em DASH (0x97)
+nofor display \x02dc 46 #SMALL TILDE (0x98)
+nofor display \x2122 234578 #TRADE MARK SIGN (0x99)
+nofor display \x0161 2348 #LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON (0x9a)
+nofor display \x203a 4567 #SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (0x9b)
+nofor display \x0153 1358 #LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE (0x9c)
+nofor display \x017e 346 #LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON (0x9e)
+nofor display \x0178 2345678 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS (0x9f)
diff --git a/tables/hu-backtranslate-word-corrections.cti b/tables/hu-backtranslate-word-corrections.cti
index 4399b42..4a191e4 100644
--- a/tables/hu-backtranslate-word-corrections.cti
+++ b/tables/hu-backtranslate-word-corrections.cti
@@ -90,6 +90,8 @@
 nofor correct "csúccsok" "csúcscsok"	For example csúcscsoki word
 nofor correct "Csúccsok" "Csúcscsok"	For example Csúcscsoki word
 nofor correct "CSÚCCSOK" "CSÚCSCSOK"	For example CSÚCSCSOKI word
+nofor correct "ümölccserj" "ümölcscserj"	For example gyümölcscserjéket word
 #ggy, gygy backtranslation rule corrections
 nofor correct "szalaggyak" *
@@ -160,6 +162,27 @@
 nofor correct "néggyűrű" "négygyűrű"	For example négygyűrűs word
 nofor correct "Néggyűrű" "Négygyűrű"	For example Négygyűrűs word
 nofor correct "NÉGGYŰRŰ" "NÉGYGYŰRŰ"	For example NÉGYGYŰRŰS word
+nofor correct "haraggyűj" *	For example haraggyűjtögetés word
+nofor correct "Haraggyűj" *	For example Haraggyűjtögetés word
+nofor correct "HARAGGYŰJ" *	For example HARAGGYŰJTÖGETÉS word
+nofor correct "aggyűjtögeté" "agygyűjtögeté"	For example agygyűjtögetés word
+nofor correct "Aggyűjtögeté" "Agygyűjtögeté"	For example Agygyűjtögetés word
+nofor correct "meggyönyör" *	For example meggyönyörködtetni word not need apply a special exception
+nofor correct "Meggyönyör" *	For example Meggyönyörködtetni word not need apply a special exception
+nofor correct "MEGGYÖNYÖR" *	For example MEGGYÖNYÖRKÖDTETNI word not need apply a special exception
+nofor correct "leggyönyör" *	For example leggyönyörűbb, legesleggyönyörűbb word not need apply a special correction
+nofor correct "Leggyönyör" *	For example Leggyönyörűbb word not need apply a special correction
+nofor correct "LEGGYÖNYÖR" *	For example LEGGYÖNYÖRŰBB word not need apply a special word correction
+nofor correct "eggyönyör" "egygyönyör"	For example egygyönyör word
+nofor correct "Eggyönyör" "Egygyönyör"	For example Egygyönyörű word
+nofor correct "EGGYÖNYÖR" "EGYGYÖNYÖR"	For example EGYGYÖNYÖR word
+nofor correct "hazugsággy" *    For example hazugsággyártó word
+nofor correct "Hazugsággy" *    For example Hazugsággyártó word
+nofor correct "HAZUGSÁGGY" *    For example HAZUGSÁGGYÁRTÓ word
+nofor correct "ággyártó" "ágygyártó"	For example ágygyártó word
+nofor correct "Ággyártó" "Ágygyártó"	For example Ágygyártó word
+nofor correct "ÁGGYÁRTÓ" "ÁGYGYÁRTÓ"	For example ÁGYGYÁRTÓ word
 #nyny, nyny letters related backtranslate corrections
 nofor correct "rannyak" "ranynyak"	For example aranynyakláncának word
@@ -239,6 +262,12 @@
 nofor correct "árkánnyo" "árkánynyo"	For example sárkánynyomozó word
 nofor correct "ÁRKÁNNYO" "ÁRKÁNYNYO"	For example SÁRKÁNYNYOMOZÓ word
+nofor correct "áránnyáj" "áránynyáj"	For example báránynyáj word
+nofor correct "ÁRÁNNYÁJ" "ÁRÁNYNYÁJ"	For example BÁRÁNYNYÁJ word
+nofor correct "ránnyila" "ránynyila"	For example iránynyilakkal word
+nofor correct "RÁNNYILA" "RÁNYNYILA"	For example IRÁNYNYILAKKAL word
+nofor correct "ásárosnaménny" *	For example Vásárosnaménnyal word
+nofor correct "ÁSÁROSNAMÉNNY" *	fOR example VÁSÁROSNAMÉNNYAL word
 #lyly letters related backtranslate corrections
 nofor correct "amelylyel" *
@@ -530,7 +559,8 @@
 nofor correct "vadásszínp" "vadászszínp"	for example vadászszínpad word
 nofor correct "Vadásszínp" "Vadászszínp"	For example Vadászszínpad word
 nofor correct "VADÁSSZÍNP" "VADÁSZSZÍNP"	For example VADÁSZSZÍNPAD word
-nofor correct "egyésszakért" "egyészszakért"	For example vegyészszakértő word
+nofor correct "egyéssza" "egyészsza"	For example vegyészszakértő, vegyészszakma words
+nofor correct "EGYÉSSZA" "EGYÉSZSZA"	For example VEGYÉSZSZAKMA word
 nofor correct "válaszszák" "válasszák"
 nofor correct "Válaszszák" "Válasszák"
 nofor correct "ónusszab" "ónuszszab"	For example bónuszszabályzat word
@@ -853,6 +883,85 @@
 nofor correct "ukrásszto" "ukrászszto"	For example cukrászsztori word
 nofor correct "UKRÁSSZTO" "UKRÁSZSZTO"	For example CUKRÁSZSZTORI word
+nofor correct "örösszí" *   For example vörösszínű word
+nofor correct "ÖRÖSSZÍ" *   For example VÖRÖSSZÍNŰ word
+nofor correct "összín" "öszszín"	For example löszszín word
+nofor correct "ÖSSZÍN" "ÖSZSZÍN"	For example LÖSZSZÍN word
+nofor correct "tússzer" "túszszer"	For example túszszerű word
+nofor correct "Tússzer" "Túszszer"	For example Túszszerű word
+nofor correct "TÚSSZER" "TÚSZSZER"	For example TÚSZSZERŰ word
+nofor correct "itnesszek" "itneszszek"	For example fitneszszektor word
+nofor correct "ITNESSZEK" "ITNESZSZEK"	For example FITNESZSZEKTOR word
+nofor correct "idásszakm" "idászszakm"	For example hidászszakma word
+nofor correct "oksszáll" "okszszáll"	For example kokszszállítás word
+nofor correct "OKSSZÁLL" "OKSZSZÁLL"	For example KOKSZSZÁLLÍTÁS word
+nofor correct "énisszer" "éniszszer"	For example péniszszerű word
+nofor correct "ÉNISSZER" "ÉNISZSZER"	For example PÉNISZSZERŰ word
+nofor correct "itnesszép" "itneszszép"	For example fitneszszépség word
+nofor correct "ITNESSZÉP" "ITNESZSZÉP"	For example FITNESZSZÉPSÉG word
+nofor correct "kalásszer" "kalászszer"	For example kalászszerű, búzakalászszerű words
+nofor correct "Kalásszer" "Kalászszer"	For example Kalászszerű word
+nofor correct "KALÁSSZER" "KALÁSZSZER"	For example KALÁSZSZERŰ word
+nofor correct "kertésszöv" "kertészszöv"	For example kertészszövetség word
+nofor correct "Kertésszöv" "Kertészszöv"	For example Kertészszövetség word
+nofor correct "KERTÉSSZÖV" "KERTÉSZSZÖV"	Foor example KERTÉSZSZÖVETSÉG word
+nofor correct "enisszülő" "eniszszülő"	For example teniszszülőként word
+nofor correct "ENISSZÜLŐ" "ENISZSZÜLŐ"	For example TENISZSZÜLŐ word
+nofor correct "ülköléssz" *	For example tülkölésszerű word
+nofor correct "ÜLKÖLÉSSZ" *	For example TÜLKÖLÉSSZERŰ word
+nofor correct "ülésszeg" *	For example ülésszegélyekre word
+nofor correct "Ülésszeg" *	For example Ülésszegélyekre word
+nofor correct "ÜLÉSSZEG" *	For example ÜLÉSSZEGÉLYEKRE word
+nofor correct "Régésszem" "Régészszem"	For example Régészszemmel word
+nofor correct "RÉGÉSSZEM" "RÉGÉSZSZEM"	For example RÉGÉSZSZEMMEL word
+nofor correct "átesszere" "áteszszere"	For example váteszszerep word
+nofor correct "ÁTESSZERE" "ÁTESZSZERE"	For example VÁTESZSZEREPBEN word
+nofor correct "odrásszell" "odrászszell"	For example fodrászszellem word
+nofor correct "ODRÁSSZELL" "ODRÁSZSZELL"	For example FODRÁSZSZELLEM word
+nofor correct "erasszer" "eraszszer"	For example teraszszerű word
+nofor correct "ERASSZER" "ERASZSZER"	For example TERASZSZERŰ word
+nofor correct "ősszimb" "őszszimb"	For example őszszimbólum word
+nofor correct "Ősszimb" "Őszszimb"	For example Őszszimbólum word
+nofor correct "ŐSSZIMB" "ŐSZSZIMB"	For example ŐSZSZIMBÓLUM word
+nofor correct "busszemé" "buszszemé"	For example omnibuszszemélynek word
+nofor correct "Busszemé" "Buszszemé"	For example Buszszemélyzet word
+nofor correct "BUSSZEMÉ" "BUSZSZEMÉ"	For example OMNIBUSZSZEMÉLYNEK word
+nofor correct "űvésszfé" "űvészszfé"	For example művészszférából word
+nofor correct "ŰVÉSSZFÉ" "ŰVÉSZSZFÉ"	For example MŰVÉSZSZFÉRÁBÓL word
+nofor correct "dománnyújt" "dománynyújt"	For example adománynyújtást word
+nofor correct "DOMÁNNYÚJT" "DOMÁNYNYÚJT"	For example ADOMÁNYNYÚJTÁST word
+nofor correct "fűrésszá" "fűrészszá"	For example fűrészszámot word
+nofor correct "Fűrésszá" "Fűrészszá"	For example Fűrészszámot word
+nofor correct "FŰRÉSSZÁ" "FŰRÉSZSZÁ"	For example FŰRÉSZSZÁMOT word
+nofor correct "gyásszí" "gyászszí"	For example gyászszínű word
+nofor correct "Gyásszí" "Gyászszí"	For example Gyászszínű word
+nofor correct "GYÁSSZÍ" "GYÁSZSZÍ"	For example GYÁSZSZÍNŰ word
+nofor correct "arázzsí" "arázszsí"	For example varázszsírral word
+nofor correct "ARÁZZSÍ" "ARÁZSZSÍ"	For example VARÁZSZSÍRRAL word
+nofor correct "övésszem" "övészszem"	For example lövészszemüveget word
+nofor correct "ÖVÉSSZEM" "ÖVÉSZSZEM"	For example LÖVÉSZSZEMÜVEGET word
+nofor correct "egyésszöv" "egyészszöv"	For example Vegyészszövetség word
+nofor correct "EGYÉSSZÖV" "EGYÉSZSZÖV"	For example VEGYÉSZSZÖVETSÉG word
+nofor correct "ermésszór" *	For example termésszórás word
+nofor correct "ERMÉSSZÓR" *	For example TERMÉSSZÓRÁS word
+nofor correct "árcisszed" "árciszszed"  For example nárciszszedés word
+nofor correct "ÁRCISSZED" "ÁRCISZSZED"  For example nÁRCISZSZEDÉS word
+nofor correct "erkesszelle" "erkeszszelle"	For example cserkeszszellemiséget word
+nofor correct "odrássztá" "odrászsztá"	For example fodrászsztár word
+nofor correct "ODRÁSSZTÁ" "ODRÁSZSZTÁ"	For example FODRÁSZSZTÁR word
+nofor correct "eksszezo" "ekszszezo"	For example kekszszezon word
+nofor correct "EKSSZEZO" "EKSZSZEZO"	For example KEKSZSZEZON words
+nofor correct "násszoba" "nászszoba"	For example nászszoba word
+nofor correct "Násszoba" "Nászszoba"	For example Nászszoba word
+nofor correct "NÁSSZOBA" "NÁSZSZOBA"	For example NÁSZSZOBA word
+nofor correct "eánsszer" "eánszszer"	For example szeánszszerű word
+nofor correct "EÁNSSZER" "EÁNSZSZER"	For example SZEÁNSZSZERŰEN word
+nofor correct "ésszívat" "észszívat"	For example részszívatásátadás word
+nofor correct "ÉSZSZÍVAT" "ÉSZSZÍVAT"	For example RÉSZSZÍVATÁSÁTADÁS word
+nofor correct "ambusszem" "ambuszszem"	For example bambuszszemcse word
+nofor correct "AMBUSSZEM" "AMBUSZSZEM"	For example bambuszszemcse word
 #zszs backtranslated word corrections
 nofor correct "törzszsel" "törzzsel"
diff --git a/tables/hu-exceptionwords.cti b/tables/hu-exceptionwords.cti
index e21748b..b7cfaf8 100644
--- a/tables/hu-exceptionwords.cti
+++ b/tables/hu-exceptionwords.cti
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
 partword párduc =	For example párduccsík word
 partword ribanc =	For example ribanccsizma word
 partword homotópia =	For example homotópiacsoport word
-#partword olimpia =	For example olimpiacsapat word
+partword olimpia =	For example olimpiacsapat word
 always piacsek 1234-24-1-146-15-13
 partword szendvicszab 156-15-1345-145-1236-24-146-126-1-12	For example szendvicszabáló word
 begword hecc =	For example heccsajtójának word
@@ -152,6 +152,8 @@
 always harcstíl 125-1-1235-14-234-2345-34-123	For example harcstílus word
 always metáncs 134-15-2345-4-1345-146	For example metáncsökkentéssel word
 always arcsej 1-1235-14-234-15-245	For example arcsebész, arcsejtekkel word
+always lánccsopo 123-4-1345-14-146-135-1234-135	For example lánccsoport word
+always bíbiccs 12-34-12-24-14-146	For example bíbiccsapat word
 #gy, ggy related exceptions
 #This exception section containing word parts and full words with need marking ggy letter pairs with single g and gy braille dot combination
@@ -351,6 +353,9 @@
 always maggyűlöl 134-1-1245-1456-23456-123-12345-123	For example maggyűlölő word
 always veszteséggy 1236-15-156-2345-15-234-16-1245-1456	For example veszteséggyártás word
 always szalaggyen 156-1-123-1-1245-1456-15-1345	For example szalaggyengeség word
+always tréninggy 2345-1235-16-1345-24-1345-1245-1456	For example tréninggyakorlatokon word
+always sárgasággy 234-4-1235-1245-1-234-4-1245-1456	For example sárgasággyanús word
+always pitypanggy 1234-24-1256-1234-1-1345-1245-1456	For example pitypanggyökér word
 #ny, nny related exceptions
 #Following exception parts need marking nny letter pairs with single n and nny braille dot combinations
@@ -477,6 +482,7 @@
 always bödönny 12-12345-145-12345-1345-1246	For example bödönnyi word
 always uránnyo 136-1235-4-1345-1246-135	For example uránnyom word
 always betonny 12-15-2345-135-1345-1246	For example betonnyaralóba, betonnyílás word
+begword szénnyel 156-16-1345-1246-15-123	For example szénnyelő word
 #ly related exceptions
 #This exception parts need marking ly letters with two single l and y letter combination
@@ -1555,6 +1561,19 @@
 always pácienssz 1234-4-14-24-15-1345-234-156	For example páciensszám word
 always protézissz 1234-1235-135-2345-16-126-24-234-156	For example protézisszám, protézisszár, protézisszár-hossztól words
 always kenderessz 13-15-1345-145-15-1235-15-234-156	For example Kenderesszigeti-tavak word
+always berendezéssz 12-15-1235-15-1345-145-15-126-16-234-156	For example berendezésszállító word
+always fasizmussz 124-1-234-24-126-134-16-234-156	For example fasizmusszakértő word
+begword gázsapk 1245-4-126-234-1-1234-13	For example gázsapka word
+always bocsátássz 12-135-146-4-2345-4-234-156	For example kibocsátásszabályozás word
+always golyóssz 1245-135-456-246-234-156	For example golyósszelep word
+always isszín 24-234-156-34-1345	For example kisszínpad, kocsisszín words
+always hasszúr 125-1-234-156-346-1235	For example hasszúrás word
+always ülköléssz 12356-123-13-12345-123-16-234-156	For example tülkölésszerű word
+always ösztönzéssz 12345-156-2345-12345-1345-126-16-234-156	For example ösztönzésszakmai word
+begword birssz 12-24-1235-234-156	For example birsszeleteket, birsszezon word
+always hamiszá 125-1-134-24-234-126-4	For example hamiszászlós word
+always kezdeményezéssz 13-15-126-145-15-134-16-234-156	For example kezdeményezésszervezés word
+always ébredéssz 16-12-1235-15-145-16-234-156	For example ébredésszerű word
 #ty, tty related exceptions
 #This exception part containing english words with need presenting original english braille rules
@@ -1681,11 +1700,13 @@
 always szívásza 156-34-1236-4-234-126-1	For example szívászajcsökkentés word
 begword gázsok 1245-4-126-234-135-13	For example gázsokk word
 begword gázsor 1245-4-126-234-135-1235	For example gázsor word
-begword gázspórol 1245-4-126-234-1234-246-1235-135-123	For example gázspórolás word
+partword gázspórol 1245-4-126-234-1234-246-1235-135-123	For example gázspórolás word
 begword gázzsaro 1245-4-126-345-1-1235-135	For example gázzsarolás word
 begword jazz 245-1-126-126	For example jazzsláger, jazzsztár, jazzszaxofon words
 begword ülészs 12356-123-16-234-345	For example ülészsebben word
 begword gázsikkasz 1245-4-126-234-24-13-13-1-156	For example gázsikkasztás word
+always lovaszs 123-135-1236-1-234-345	For example lovaszsonglőr word
+always birszs 12-24-1235-234-345	For example birszselé word
 #Historical person names related exceptions
 always táncsics 2345-4-1345-146-24-146	Táncsics Mihály is a historical person for 1848. march 15 hungarian revolution
diff --git a/tables/hu-hu-g1_braille_input.cti b/tables/hu-hu-g1_braille_input.cti
index 24c0047..8e146af 100644
--- a/tables/hu-hu-g1_braille_input.cti
+++ b/tables/hu-hu-g1_braille_input.cti
@@ -258,6 +258,7 @@
 prepunc ly 456
 postpunc ly 456
 always ly 456
+noback pass2 $D.[@36-456-6]%notaccentedletters. @36-456
 endnum lly 456-456	General need replacing ly letters with a combined dot combination
 endnum -lly 36-456-456	General need replacing ly letters with a combined dot
@@ -283,6 +284,7 @@
 prepunc ty 1256	General need replacing ty letter pairs with a combined dot combination
 postpunc ty 1256	General need replacing ty letter pairs with a combined dot combination
 always ty 1256
+noback pass2 $D.[@36-1256-6]%notaccentedletters. @36-1256
 endnum tty 1256-1256		General need replacing ty letter pairs with a combined dot combination
 endnum -tty 36-1256-1256		General need replacing ty letter pairs with a combined dot combination
@@ -327,6 +329,7 @@
 prepunc zs 345
 postpunc zs 345
 always zs 345
+noback pass2 $D.[@36-345-6]%notaccentedletters. @36-345
 endnum zzs 345-345	General need replacing zs letters with a combined dot combination
 endnum -zzs 36-345-345	General need replacing zs letters with a combined dot combination
diff --git a/tables/ka.utb b/tables/ka.utb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e04fcfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tables/ka.utb
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+#-index-name: Georgian
+#-display-name: Georgian braille
+#-author: Harris Mowbray
+#-maintainer: Harris Mowbray <harrismowbray@yahoo.com>
+#-copyright: 2022, Harris Mowbray
+#-license: LGPLv2.1
+# Braille teacher Mariam Mikiashvili is the de facto authority of
+# braille in Georgia in the absence of a formal authority. She is the
+# Georgian braille expert and responsible for teaching young people
+# braille. Any change to Georgian braille should go through her first.
+# See http://liblouis.org/braille-specs/georgian/ for some more
+# background information about Georgian braille.
+#  Written by Harris Mowbray in 2022
+#  This file is part of liblouis.
+#  liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+#  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
+#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+#  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License along with liblouis. If not, see
+#  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+space	\s	0
+punctuation	\x00a0	0	# NO-BREAK SPACE
+space	\x2002	0	# EN SPACE
+space	\x2003	0	# EM SPACE
+space	\x2004	0	# THREE-PER-EM SPACE
+space	\x2005	0	# FOUR-PER-EM SPACE
+space	\x2006	0	# SIX-PER-EM SPACE
+punctuation	\x2007	0	# FIGURE SPACE
+space	\x2008	0	# PUNCTUATION SPACE
+space	\x2009	0	# THIN SPACE
+space	\x200a	0	# HAIR SPACE
+punctuation	\x202f	0	# NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE
+letter	\x10d0	1	# GEORGIAN LETTER AN
+letter	\x10d1	12	# GEORGIAN LETTER BAN
+letter	\x10d2	1245	# GEORGIAN LETTER GAN
+letter	\x10d3	145	# GEORGIAN LETTER DON
+letter	\x10d4	15	# GEORGIAN LETTER EN
+letter	\x10d5	2456	# GEORGIAN LETTER VIN
+letter	\x10d6	1356	# GEORGIAN LETTER ZEN
+letter	\x10d7	124	# GEORGIAN LETTER TAN
+letter	\x10d8	24	# GEORGIAN LETTER IN
+letter	\x10d9	13	# GEORGIAN LETTER KAN
+letter	\x10da	123	# GEORGIAN LETTER LAS
+letter	\x10db	134	# GEORGIAN LETTER MAN
+letter	\x10dc	1345	# GEORGIAN LETTER NAR
+letter	\x10dd	135	# GEORGIAN LETTER ON
+letter	\x10de	1234	# GEORGIAN LETTER PAR
+letter	\x10df	245	# GEORGIAN LETTER ZHAR
+letter	\x10e0	1235	# GEORGIAN LETTER RAE
+letter	\x10e1	234	# GEORGIAN LETTER SAN
+letter	\x10e2	2345	# GEORGIAN LETTER TAR
+letter	\x10e3	136	# GEORGIAN LETTER UN
+letter	\x10e4	1236	# GEORGIAN LETTER PHAR
+letter	\x10e5	12456	# GEORGIAN LETTER KHAR
+letter	\x10e6	1246	# GEORGIAN LETTER GHAN
+letter	\x10e7	2346	# GEORGIAN LETTER QAR
+letter	\x10e8	156	# GEORGIAN LETTER SHIN
+letter	\x10e9	12345	# GEORGIAN LETTER CHIN
+letter	\x10ea	14	# GEORGIAN LETTER CAN
+letter	\x10eb	13456	# GEORGIAN LETTER JIL
+letter	\x10ec	1456	# GEORGIAN LETTER CIL
+letter	\x10ed	1346	# GEORGIAN LETTER CHAR
+letter	\x10ee	125	# GEORGIAN LETTER XAN
+letter	\x10ef	246	# GEORGIAN LETTER JHAN
+letter	\x10f0	12346	# GEORGIAN LETTER HAE
+include digits6Dots.uti
+include litdigits6Dots.uti
+numsign 3456
+punctuation	!	235
+punctuation	„	236
+punctuation	“	356
+punctuation	.	256
+punctuation	$	256
+punctuation	\x20be	346	# LARI SIGN
+punctuation	%	1256
+punctuation	(	2356
+punctuation	)	2356
+punctuation	*	35
+punctuation	#	345
+punctuation	&	123456
+punctuation	+	235
+punctuation	-	36
+punctuation	º	36
+punctuation	,	2
+punctuation	/	34
+punctuation	\\	16
+punctuation	:	25
+punctuation	;	23
+punctuation	<	246
+punctuation	=	2356
+punctuation	>	135
+punctuation	?	26
+punctuation	@	4
+punctuation	[	126
+punctuation	]	345
+punctuation	_	36
+punctuation	{	12356
+punctuation	}	23456
+# Contexts
+prepunc ( 2356
+postpunc ) 2356
+postpunc ! 235
diff --git a/tables/lg-ug-g1.utb b/tables/lg-ug-g1.utb
index 57e3e5b..3cc1397 100644
--- a/tables/lg-ug-g1.utb
+++ b/tables/lg-ug-g1.utb
@@ -3,9 +3,8 @@
 #-display-name: Luganda braille
 #-index-name: Luganda
-#-author-name: Jake Kyle
-#-maintainer-name: Jake Kyle
-#-maintainer-email: jake@compassbraille.org
+#-author: Jake Kyle
+#-maintainer: Jake Kyle <jake@compassbraille.org>
 #+language: lg
 #+type: literary
diff --git a/tables/ny-mw.utb b/tables/ny-mw.utb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..616a443
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tables/ny-mw.utb
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# liblouis: Chichewa (Malawi)
+#  This file is part of liblouis.
+#  liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+#  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
+#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+#  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License along with liblouis. If not, see
+#  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#-index-name: Chichewa
+#-display-name: Chichewa braille
+#-author: Jake Kyle
+#-author: Dipendra Manocha
+#-author: Martin Kieti
+#-maintainer: Jake Kyle <jake@compassbraille.org>
+#-updated: 2022
+#+language: ny
+#+type: literary
+#+contraction: no
+#-copyright: 2022, Compass Braille <http://www.compassbraille.org>
+#-copyright: 2022, the DAISY Consortium <https://daisy.org/>
+#-license: LGPLv2.1
+# Copyright (C) 2022 by Compass Braille <http://www.compassbraille.org>
+# Copyright (C) 2022 by the DAISY Consortium <https://daisy.org/>
+# With contributions from DAISY Consortium under project supported by Microsoft.
+# This table is based on information provided by Ezekiel Kumwenda, Executive
+# Director of Malawi Union of the Blind, and Martin Kieti of The DAISY
+# Consortium in contact with Chichewa Braille readers. According to this
+# information:
+#  - Chichewa (also known as Chinyanja) uses Latin script.
+#  - Grade 2 braille is not used for Chichewa language.
+#  - Unified English Braille has not been adopted in Malawi.
+# The Braille code is thus most similar to Standard English Braille Grade 1
+# rather than Unified English Braille Grade 1. This is a similar situation to
+# Swahili (Kenya) Grade 1 code and therefore this table is based on Swahili
+# (Kenya) Grade 1 table with minor differences due to different letters being
+# legitimate standalone words.
+# Unlike in Swahili, the letter 'u' is not a standalone word in Chichewa. These
+# rules override Swahili table rules to ensure the letter 'u' is preceded by the
+# letter sign when it appears on its own.
+lowercase u 136
+base uppercase U u
+contraction u
+contraction U
+# Swahili (Kenya) Grade 1 table
+include sw-ke-g1.utb
+# Unlike in Swahili, the letter 'a' is a standalone word in Chichewa and so
+# must not be preceded by the letter sign.
+word a 1
+word A 1
diff --git a/tables/rw-rw-g1.utb b/tables/rw-rw-g1.utb
index be1f0c7..7e0027a 100644
--- a/tables/rw-rw-g1.utb
+++ b/tables/rw-rw-g1.utb
@@ -3,9 +3,8 @@
 #-index-name: Kinyarwanda
 #-display-name: Kinyarwanda braille
-#-author-name: Jake Kyle
-#-maintainer-name: Jake Kyle
-#-maintainer-email: jake@compassbraille.org
+#-author: Jake Kyle
+#-maintainer: Jake Kyle <jake@compassbraille.org>
diff --git a/tables/sv-g0.utb b/tables/sv-g0.utb
index 41e001d..81db89a 100644
--- a/tables/sv-g0.utb
+++ b/tables/sv-g0.utb
@@ -24,9 +24,8 @@
 #  Punktskriftsnämnden (the Swedish Braille Authority) and
 #  Insyn Scandinavia AB.
-#-author-name: Insyn Scandinavia AB
-#-maintainer-name: Insyn Scandinavia AB
-#-maintainer-email: david@insyn.se
+#-author: Insyn Scandinavia AB
+#-maintainer: Insyn Scandinavia AB <david@insyn.se>
 #  This braille table is based on the following documentation:
 #  Svenska skrivregler för punktskrift:
diff --git a/tables/sv-g1.ctb b/tables/sv-g1.ctb
index 712e9c8..b8af284 100644
--- a/tables/sv-g1.ctb
+++ b/tables/sv-g1.ctb
@@ -18,9 +18,8 @@
 #  Punktskriftsnämnden (the Swedish Braille Authority) and
 #  Insyn Scandinavia AB.
-#-author-name: Insyn Scandinavia AB
-#-maintainer-name: Insyn Scandinavia AB
-#-maintainer-email: david@insyn.se
+#-author: Insyn Scandinavia AB
+#-maintainer: Insyn Scandinavia AB <david@insyn.se>
 #  This braille table is based on the following documentation:
 #  Svenska skrivregler för punktskrift:
diff --git a/tables/sv-g2.ctb b/tables/sv-g2.ctb
index eb013f4..24d9629 100644
--- a/tables/sv-g2.ctb
+++ b/tables/sv-g2.ctb
@@ -18,9 +18,8 @@
 #  Punktskriftsnämnden (the Swedish Braille Authority) and
 #  Insyn Scandinavia AB.
-#-author-name: Insyn Scandinavia AB
-#-maintainer-name: Insyn Scandinavia AB
-#-maintainer-email: david@insyn.se
+#-author: Insyn Scandinavia AB
+#-maintainer: Insyn Scandinavia AB <david@insyn.se>
 #  This braille table is based on the following documentation:
 #  Svenska skrivregler för punktskrift:
diff --git a/tables/sw-ke-g1-2.ctb b/tables/sw-ke-g1-2.ctb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0cc180
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tables/sw-ke-g1-2.ctb
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# liblouis: Swahili (Kenya) (Grade 1.2)
+#  This file is part of liblouis.
+#  liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+#  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
+#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+#  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License along with liblouis. If not, see
+#  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#-index-name: Swahili, contracted, grade 1.2
+#-display-name: Swahili grade 1.2 contracted braille
+#-author: Jake Kyle
+#-author: Dipendra Manocha
+#-author: Martin Kieti
+#-maintainer: Jake Kyle <jake@compassbraille.org>
+#-updated: 2022
+#+contraction: partial
+#-copyright: 2022, Compass Braille <http://www.compassbraille.org>
+#-copyright: 2022, the DAISY Consortium <https://daisy.org/>
+#-license: LGPLv2.1
+# Copyright (C) 2022 by Compass Braille <http://www.compassbraille.org>
+# Copyright (C) 2022 by the DAISY Consortium <https://daisy.org/>
+# With contributions from DAISY Consortium under project supported by Microsoft.
+# This table was created using information contained in a document entitled
+# "Kenya Swahili Braille Code" (see <http://liblouis.org/braille-specs/swahili/>)
+# which was derived from the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development's Swahili
+# Braille Manual: “Mwongozo wa Breli Ya Kiswahili”.
+# The Braille code is graded into 6 grades: 1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 2. This is
+# in line with the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development’s Curriculum
+# Designs for Kiswahili Braille. 
+# The Braille code in the document was adopted at a Stakeholders Workshop held
+# at the Swiss Lenana Mount Hotel on 25th August 2022.
+include sw-ke-g1.utb
+# Single Character Word Signs Part 1
+# The following characters represent words commonly used in Swahili language.
+# They represent these words when they stand alone, that is, when they are
+# preceeded and followed by a space. 
+word bora 12 b
+word chai 14 c
+word dawa 145 d
+word elfu 15 e
+word fora 124 f
+word gogo 1245 g
+word homa 125 h
+word imani 24 i
+word jambo 245 j
+word kilimo 13 k
+word ladha 123 l
+word maji 134 m
+word neno 1345 n
+word orodha 135 o
+word pilipili 1234 p
+word kwamba 12345 kw
+word roho 1235 r
+word somo 234 s
+word taarifa 2345 t
+# word ushirika 136 u may be confused with word 'u'
+word vyema 1236 v
+word wizara 2456 w
+word mbegu 1346 mb
+word yai 13456 y
+word ziwa 1356 z
+# -- end of table --
diff --git a/tables/sw-ke-g1-3.ctb b/tables/sw-ke-g1-3.ctb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b92ffd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tables/sw-ke-g1-3.ctb
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# liblouis: Swahili (Kenya) Grade 1.3
+#  This file is part of liblouis.
+#  liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+#  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
+#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+#  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License along with liblouis. If not, see
+#  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#-index-name: Swahili, contracted, grade 1.3
+#-display-name: Swahili grade 1.3 contracted braille
+#-author: Jake Kyle
+#-author: Dipendra Manocha
+#-author: Martin Kieti
+#-maintainer: Jake Kyle <jake@compassbraille.org>
+#-updated: 2022
+#+contraction: partial
+#-copyright: 2022, Compass Braille <http://www.compassbraille.org>
+#-copyright: 2022, the DAISY Consortium <https://daisy.org/>
+#-license: LGPLv2.1
+# Copyright (C) 2022 by Compass Braille <http://www.compassbraille.org>
+# Copyright (C) 2022 by the DAISY Consortium <https://daisy.org/>
+# With contributions from DAISY Consortium under project supported by Microsoft.
+# This table was created using information contained in a document entitled
+# "Kenya Swahili Braille Code" (see <http://liblouis.org/braille-specs/swahili/>)
+# which was derived from the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development's Swahili
+# Braille Manual: “Mwongozo wa Breli Ya Kiswahili”.
+# The Braille code is graded into 6 grades: 1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 2. This is
+# in line with the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development’s Curriculum
+# Designs for Kiswahili Braille. 
+# The Braille code in the document was adopted at a Stakeholders Workshop held
+# at the Swiss Lenana Mount Hotel on 25th August 2022.
+include sw-ke-g1-2.ctb
+# Single Cell Contractions
+partword nd 1246
+partword tw 156
+partword kw 12345
+partword ng 346
+partword ny 12456
+partword ch 16
+partword gh 126
+partword sw 12356
+partword sh 146
+partword th 1456
+partword dh 2346
+partword st 34
+partword end 12346
+partword mb 1346
+partword mw 123456
+partword nz 23456
+# Apostrophe
+always ng' 346-3
+always ng'o 346-3-135
+# Double Letter Contractions
+# These double-letter contractions are used at all places, that is, at the
+# beiginning, middle and end of a word.
+partword aa 345
+partword ee 26
+partword ii 35
+partword oo 246
+partword uu 1256
+# Contractions That Represent Whole Words 
+# These contractions are used to represent whole words. When used, they should
+# not be followed by another letter or word. However, they can be preceeded or
+# followed by punctuations. 
+word mwanafunzi 123456 mw
+word swali 12356 sw
+word chama 16 ch
+word ghali 126 gh
+word shule 146 sh
+word thabiti 1456 th
+word ndani 1246 nd
+word starehe 34 st
+word ngoma 346 ng
+word nyama 12456 ny
+word dhahabu 2346 dh
+word twende 156 tw
+# -- end of table --
diff --git a/tables/sw-ke-g1-4.ctb b/tables/sw-ke-g1-4.ctb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fc04d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tables/sw-ke-g1-4.ctb
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# liblouis: Swahili (Kenya) Grade 1.4
+#  This file is part of liblouis.
+#  liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+#  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
+#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+#  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License along with liblouis. If not, see
+#  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#-index-name: Swahili, contracted, grade 1.4
+#-display-name: Swahili grade 1.4 contracted braille
+#-author: Jake Kyle
+#-author: Dipendra Manocha
+#-author: Martin Kieti
+#-maintainer: Jake Kyle <jake@compassbraille.org>
+#-updated: 2022
+#+contraction: partial
+#-copyright: 2022, Compass Braille <http://www.compassbraille.org>
+#-copyright: 2022, the DAISY Consortium <https://daisy.org/>
+#-license: LGPLv2.1
+# Copyright (C) 2022 by Compass Braille <http://www.compassbraille.org>
+# Copyright (C) 2022 by the DAISY Consortium <https://daisy.org/>
+# With contributions from DAISY Consortium under project supported by Microsoft.
+# This table was created using information contained in a document entitled
+# "Kenya Swahili Braille Code" (see <http://liblouis.org/braille-specs/swahili/>)
+# which was derived from the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development's Swahili
+# Braille Manual: “Mwongozo wa Breli Ya Kiswahili”.
+# The Braille code is graded into 6 grades: 1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 2. This is
+# in line with the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development’s Curriculum
+# Designs for Kiswahili Braille. 
+# The Braille code in the document was adopted at a Stakeholders Workshop held
+# at the Swiss Lenana Mount Hotel on 25th August 2022.
+include sw-ke-g1-3.ctb
+# Contractions Using Dot 5 Followed by a Single Letter or Single Cell Contraction 
+# When dot 5 is followed by a single letter, the two create a contraction as follows:
+always bibi 5-12 5b
+always changa 5-14 5c
+always dini 5-145 5d
+always embe 5-15 5e
+always fungu 5-124 5f
+always ganda 5-1245 5g
+always hapa 5-125 5h
+always jiji 5-245 5j
+always kata 5-13 5k
+always lala 5-123 5l
+always mimi 5-134 5m
+always nyinyi 5-1345 5n
+always ona 5-135 5o
+always pamba 5-1234 5p
+always rudi 5-1235 5r
+always sisi 5-234 5s
+always taka 5-2345 5t
+always unda 5-136 5u
+always vita 5-1236 5v
+always wazi 5-2456 5w
+always yawe 5-13456 5y
+always zuri 5-1356 5z
+always changamoto 5-16 5ch
+always sheria 5-146 5sh
+always theluji 5-1456 5th
+always mwalimu 5-123456 5mw
+always dhati 5-2346 5dh
+always swahili 5-12356 5sw
+# Contractions Using Dots 456 Followed by a Single Letter or Single Cell Contraction
+# The contractions are created using dots 456 imediately preceeding the first letter
+# of the word. They can be used anywhere in the word. 
+always baba 456-12 456b
+always dada 456-145 456d
+always jibu 456-245 456j
+always kaka 456-13 456k
+always mama 456-134 456m
+always nyanya 456-1345 456n
+always sema 456-234 456s
+always wewe 456-2456 456w - not supplied in document but in Duxbury
+always yeye 456-13456 456y
+always shangazi 456-146 456sh
+# -- end of table --
diff --git a/tables/sw-ke-g1-5.ctb b/tables/sw-ke-g1-5.ctb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7714088
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tables/sw-ke-g1-5.ctb
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# liblouis: Swahili (Kenya) Grade 1.5
+#  This file is part of liblouis.
+#  liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+#  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
+#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+#  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License along with liblouis. If not, see
+#  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#-index-name: Swahili, contracted, grade 1.5
+#-display-name: Swahili grade 1.5 contracted braille
+#-author: Jake Kyle
+#-author: Dipendra Manocha
+#-author: Martin Kieti
+#-maintainer: Jake Kyle <jake@compassbraille.org>
+#-updated: 2022
+#+contraction: partial
+#-copyright: 2022, Compass Braille <http://www.compassbraille.org>
+#-copyright: 2022, the DAISY Consortium <https://daisy.org/>
+#-license: LGPLv2.1
+# Copyright (C) 2022 by Compass Braille <http://www.compassbraille.org>
+# Copyright (C) 2022 by the DAISY Consortium <https://daisy.org/>
+# With contributions from DAISY Consortium under project supported by Microsoft.
+# This table was created using information contained in a document entitled
+# "Kenya Swahili Braille Code" (see <http://liblouis.org/braille-specs/swahili/>)
+# which was derived from the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development's Swahili
+# Braille Manual: “Mwongozo wa Breli Ya Kiswahili”.
+# The Braille code is graded into 6 grades: 1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 2. This is
+# in line with the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development’s Curriculum
+# Designs for Kiswahili Braille. 
+# The Braille code in the document was adopted at a Stakeholders Workshop held
+# at the Swiss Lenana Mount Hotel on 25th August 2022.
+include sw-ke-g1-4.ctb
+# Contractions Using Dots 46 and Dots 56
+# Notes:
+# 1.	The contractions for ‘ote‘ ‘enye‘  ‘ond‘ and ‘ong‘ cannot be used
+# at the beginning of a word, that is, there cannot be a space before the
+# contractions. 
+# 2.	The contractions for ‘lea‘ and ‘lia‘ cannot be used as complete words,
+# that is, there cannot be a space before and after the contractions. 
+midendword ote 46-15 46e
+midendword enye 56-15 56e
+midendword ond 46-145 46d
+midendword ong 56-1245 56g
+midendword lia 46-123 46l
+midendword lea 56-123 56l
+# -- end of table --
diff --git a/tables/sw-ke-g1.utb b/tables/sw-ke-g1.utb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29abafe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tables/sw-ke-g1.utb
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+# liblouis: Swahili (Kenya) Grade 1
+#  This file is part of liblouis.
+#  liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+#  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
+#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+#  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License along with liblouis. If not, see
+#  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#-index-name: Swahili, uncontracted
+#-display-name: Swahili uncontracted braille
+#-author: Jake Kyle
+#-author: Dipendra Manocha
+#-author: Martin Kieti
+#-maintainer: Jake Kyle <jake@compassbraille.org>
+#-updated: 2022
+#+contraction: no
+#-copyright: 2022, Compass Braille <http://www.compassbraille.org>
+#-copyright: 2022, the DAISY Consortium <https://daisy.org/>
+#-license: LGPLv2.1
+# Copyright (C) 2022 by Compass Braille <http://www.compassbraille.org>
+# Copyright (C) 2022 by the DAISY Consortium <https://daisy.org/>
+# With contributions from DAISY Consortium under project supported by Microsoft.
+# This table was created using information contained in a document entitled
+# "Kenya Swahili Braille Code" (see <http://liblouis.org/braille-specs/swahili/>)
+# which was derived from the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development's Swahili
+# Braille Manual: “Mwongozo wa Breli Ya Kiswahili”.
+# The Braille code is graded into 6 grades: 1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 2. This is
+# in line with the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development’s Curriculum
+# Designs for Kiswahili Braille. 
+# The Braille code in the document was adopted at a Stakeholders Workshop held
+# at the Swiss Lenana Mount Hotel on 25th August 2022.
+# Default display table
+include text_nabcc.dis
+# Character definitions
+# Spaces
+space \t 9 tab
+space \x001b 1b escape character for html back-translation
+space \x00A0 a NO-BREAK SPACE <noBreak> 0020 NON-BREAKING SPACE
+noback correct "\x200b" "\s"
+include spaces.uti
+# Other characters
+include latinLetterDef6Dots.uti
+include litdigits6Dots.uti
+include digits6Dots.uti
+# Signs
+noback sign † 145-236 dagger \x2020
+noback sign ♀ 124-236 female sign \x2640
+sign £ 4-123
+noback sign ♂ 134-236
+noback sign ‡ 135-246 double dagger
+noback sign ¶ 1234-345
+noback sign § 234-3
+sign % 25-1234
+sign $ 4-256
+sign * 35-35
+noback sign ° 356 degrees
+sign ¢ 4-14 cent
+sign € 4-15 euro
+sign ¥ 4-13456
+sign & 12346
+sign @ 4-2346
+sign ʹ 4-35 minute or foot sign (a single prime)
+sign ʺ 4-35-35 second or inch sign (a double prime)
+noback sign # 4-3456
+sign © 45-14
+sign ® 45-1235 registered trade mark
+sign ™ 45-2345 trade mark
+noback sign • 456-256 bullet
+sign 〃 5-2 ditto
+sign ~ 5-36 tilde
+sign \x005C 5-34 back oblique stroke
+sign ^ 456-126
+# Maths symbols
+math + 56-235 plus
+math × 56-236 multiply
+math ÷ 56-256 divide
+math = 56-2356 equals
+math < 246 less than
+math > 135 greater than
+math ¼ 3456-1-256 quarter
+math ½ 3456-1-23 half
+math ¾ 3456-14-256 three quarters
+math √ 146 square root
+math ² 346-23 superscript two
+math ³ 346-25 superscript three
+math \x2080 16-356 subscript zero
+math \x2081 16-2 subscript one
+math \x2082 16-23 subscript two
+math \x2083 16-25 subscript three
+math \x2084 16-256 subscript four
+math \x2085 16-26 subscript five
+math \x2086 16-235 subscript six
+math \x2087 16-2356 subscript seven
+math \x2088 16-236 subscript eight
+math \x2089 16-35 subscript nine
+# Punctuation
+punctuation . 256 fullstop
+punctuation , 2 comma
+punctuation ; 23 semi-colon
+punctuation : 25 full colon
+punctuation ! 235 exclamation mark
+punctuation ? 236 question mark
+punctuation ' 3 apostrophe
+punctuation " 236 quotation mark
+punctuation ‘ 6-236 open quotation mark
+punctuation ’ 356-3 close quotation mark
+punctuation “ 236 double open quotation mark
+punctuation ” 356 double close quotation mark
+punctuation < 456-2356 open angled brackets
+punctuation > 456-2356 close angled brackets
+punctuation ( 2356 open parenthesis
+punctuation ) 2356 close parenthesis
+punctuation / 456-34 oblique stroke
+punctuation [ 6-2356 open square bracket
+punctuation ] 2356-3 close square bracket
+punctuation { 46-2356 open curly braces
+punctuation } 46-2356 close curly braces
+punctuation - 36 hyphen
+punctuation – 36-36 en dash
+punctuation — 36-36-36 em dash
+punctuation … 36-36 ellipsis \x2026
+punctuation _ 456 underscore
+# Braille indicators
+numsign 3456
+letsign 56
+noletsignafter '
+noletsignbefore '
+capsletter 6
+begcapsword 6-6
+endcapsword 6-3
+lencapsphrase 3
+begcapsphrase 6-6-6
+endcapsphrase after 6-3
+emphclass italic
+emphletter italic 46
+begemphword italic 46
+endemphword italic 46-3
+lenemphphrase italic 3
+begemphphrase italic 46-46
+endemphphrase italic after 46-3
+# Characters within numbers which will not terminate numeric mode
+numericmodechars .,-:
+# Characters other than space indicating word boundary
+seqdelimiter - hyphen
+seqdelimiter – en dash
+seqdelimiter — em dash
+seqdelimiter \x005C back oblique stroke
+seqdelimiter ([{"“'‘)]}”’,;:.!?…/
+# Signs in context
+noback begnum £ 123
+begnum $ 256
+begnum # 4
+endnum % 0-25-1234
+# Maths in context
+noback midnum + 0-56-235
+nofor always +\s 56-235
+joinnum + 56-235
+joinword + 56-235
+noback midnum \s-\s 0-56-36
+nofor always -\s 56-36
+joinnum - 56-36
+joinword - 56-36
+noback midnum × 0-56-236
+nofor always ×\s 56-236
+joinnum × 56-236
+joinword × 56-236
+noback midnum ÷ 0-56-256
+nofor always ÷\s 56-256
+joinnum ÷ 56-256
+joinword ÷ 56-256
+noback midnum = 0-56-2356
+nofor always =\s 56-2356
+joinnum = 56-2356
+joinword = 56-2356
+midnum \s<\s 0-246-0
+midnum \s>\s 0-135-0
+midnum < 0-246-0
+midnum > 0-135-0
+midword \s<\s 0-246-0
+midword \s>\s 0-135-0
+midword < 0-246-0
+midword > 0-135-0
+midnum ^ 346-3456
+# Punctuation in context
+midnum . 2 decimal point
+midnum : 3456
+postpunc ” 356
+noback postpunc " 356
+prepunc “ 236
+noback prepunc " 236
+prepunc < 456-2356 open angled brackets
+postpunc > 456-2356 close angled brackets
+noback always ( 2356
+prepunc ( 2356
+postpunc ) 2356
+prepunc { 46-2356
+postpunc } 46-2356
+noback always \s-\s 36-36
+noback always ... 36-36 ellipsis with fullstops
+# single letter words
+word u 136
+word U 136
+# apostrophe single letter words
+always 'o 3-135
+# Roman Numerals
+nofor word ii 56-24-24
+nofor word iii 56-24-24-24
+nofor word iv 56-24-1236
+nofor word vi 56-1236-24
+nofor word vii 56-1236-24-24
+nofor word viii 56-1236-24-24-24
+nofor word ix 56-24-1346
+nofor word x 56-1346
+nofor word xi 56-1346-24
+nofor word xii 56-1346-24-24
+nofor word xiii 56-1346-24-24-24
+contraction ii
+contraction iii
+contraction iv
+contraction vi
+contraction vii
+contraction viii
+contraction ix
+contraction xi
+contraction xii
+contraction xiii
+include braille-patterns.cti
+# Possible corrections needed
+noback correct $l["’"]$l "'" where close single quote used instead of apostrophe
+# -- end of table --
diff --git a/tables/sw-ke-g2.ctb b/tables/sw-ke-g2.ctb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ebe6cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tables/sw-ke-g2.ctb
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+# liblouis: Swahili (Kenya) Grade 2
+#  This file is part of liblouis.
+#  liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+#  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
+#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+#  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#  License along with liblouis. If not, see
+#  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#-index-name: Swahili, contracted, grade 2
+#-display-name: Swahili grade 2 contracted braille
+#-author: Jake Kyle
+#-author: Dipendra Manocha
+#-author: Martin Kieti
+#-maintainer: Jake Kyle <jake@compassbraille.org>
+#-updated: 2022
+#+contraction: full
+#-copyright: 2022, Compass Braille <http://www.compassbraille.org>
+#-copyright: 2022, the DAISY Consortium <https://daisy.org/>
+#-license: LGPLv2.1
+# Copyright (C) 2022 by Compass Braille <http://www.compassbraille.org>
+# Copyright (C) 2022 by the DAISY Consortium <https://daisy.org/>
+# With contributions from DAISY Consortium under project supported by Microsoft.
+# This table was created using information contained in a document entitled
+# "Kenya Swahili Braille Code" (see <http://liblouis.org/braille-specs/swahili/>)
+# which was derived from the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development's Swahili
+# Braille Manual: “Mwongozo wa Breli Ya Kiswahili”.
+# The Braille code is graded into 6 grades: 1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 2. This is
+# in line with the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development’s Curriculum
+# Designs for Kiswahili Braille. 
+# The Braille code in the document was adopted at a Stakeholders Workshop held
+# at the Swiss Lenana Mount Hotel on 25th August 2022.
+include sw-ke-g1-5.ctb
+# Word Contractions
+# These contractions are created when the word is standing alone. The word can be
+# preceeded or followed by a punctuation. If the word contraction consists of
+# characters that can be contracted, the character contraction also applies. 
+word afadhali 1-124-2346 afdh
+word ahadi 1-125-145 ahd
+word alama 1-123-134 alm
+word amani 1-134 am
+word anwani 1-1345-2456 anw
+word asante 1-234 as
+word asubuhi 1-234-12 asb
+word baadaye 12-145-13456 bdy
+word badala 12-145-123 bdl
+word bahati 12-125-2345 bht
+word barabara 12-1235-12 brb
+word barua 12-1235 br
+word barua-pepe 12-1235-1234 brp
+word basi 12-234 bs
+word bila 12-123 bl
+word bonyeza 12-12456-1356 bnyz
+word bwana 12-2456 bw
+word chakula 16-13-123 chkl
+word cheti 16-2345 cht
+word chini 16-1345 chn
+word chora 16-1235 chr
+word chumba 16-1346 chmb
+word daftari 145-124-2345 dft
+word daima 145-134 dm
+word dakika 145-13 dk
+word daktari 145-13-2345 dkt
+word darasa 145-1235-234 drs
+word dawati 145-2456-2345 dwt
+word desturi 145-234-2345 dst
+word dijitali 145-245-2345 djt
+word dirisha 145-1235-146 drsh
+word dogo 145-1245 dg
+word dondoo 145-1246 dnd
+word ekari 15-13-1235 ekr
+word elektroniki 15-123-13-2345 elkt
+word elimu 15-123 el
+word eneo 15-1345 en
+word eropleni 15-1235-1234 erp
+word fafanua 124-124-1345 ffn
+word fahamu 124-125-134 fhm
+word faida 124-145 fd
+word fedha 124-2346 fdh
+word fimbo 124-1346 fmb
+word fulani 124-123-1345 fln
+word furaha 124-1235-125 frh
+word gani 1245-1345 gn
+word gari 1245-1235 gr
+word gazeti 1245-1356-2345 gzt
+word ghasia 126-234 ghs
+word ghafla 126-124-123 ghfl
+word gharama 126-1235-134 ghrm
+word hasa 125-234 hs
+word habari 125-12-1235 hbr
+word hadithi 125-145-1456 hdth
+word haja 125-245 hj
+word hakuna 125-13-1345 hkn
+word halafu 125-123-124 hlf
+word haraka 125-1235-13 hrk
+word harakati 125-1235-13-2345 hrkt
+word haramu 125-1235-134 hrm
+word hasara 125-234-1235 hsr
+word hatari 125-2345-1235 htr
+word hekima 125-13-134 hkm
+word hesabu 125-234-12 hsb
+word heshima 125-146-134 hshm
+word himiza 125-134-1356 hmz
+word hisabati 125-234-12-2345 hsbt
+word hospitali 125-234-1234-2345 hspt
+word hoteli 125-2345-123 htl
+word huru 125-1235 hr
+word ibuka 24-12-13 ibk
+word imara 24-134-1235 imr
+word ishara 24-146-1235 ishr
+word ingawa 24-346-2456 ingw
+word isipokuwa 24-234-1234-13 ispk
+word itifaki 24-2345-124-13 itfk
+word itikadi 24-2345-13-145 itkd
+word jumla 245-134-123 jml
+word jamhuri 245-134-125-1235 jmhr
+word jawabu 245-2456-12 jwb
+word jemedari 245-134-145-1235 jmdr
+word jeshi 245-146 jsh
+word jimbo 245-1346 jmb
+word jinsia 245-1345-234 jns
+word juhudi 245-125-145 jhd
+word jukumu 245-13-134 jkm
+word jumlisha 245-134-123-146 jmlsh
+word jumuia 245-134 jm
+word kazi 13-1356 kz
+word kabati 13-12-2345 kbt
+word kabisa 13-12-234 kbs
+word kama 13-134 km
+word kamati 13-134-2345 kmt
+word kanisa 13-1345-234 kns
+word karatasi 13-1235-2345-234 krts
+word karibu 13-1235-12 krb
+word kaskazini 13-234-13-1356 kskz
+word kati 13-2345 kt
+word katika 13-2345-13 ktk
+word kidato 13-145-2345 kdt
+word kijana 13-245-1345 kjn
+word kila 13-123 kl
+word kipakatalishi 13-1234-13-2345-146 kpktsh
+word kitabu 13-2345-12 ktb
+word kuliko 13-123-13 klk
+word kusini 13-234-1345 ksn
+word kwa\smfano 12345-134-124 qmf
+word kwamfano 12345-134-124 qmf - in case without space
+word labda 123-12-145 lbd
+word lahaja 123-125-245 lhj
+word lakini 123-13-1345 lkn
+word lawama 123-2456-134 lwm
+word lazima 123-1356-134 lzm
+word lingana 123-346-1345 lngn
+word linganisha 123-346-1345-146 lngnsh
+word lugha 123-126 lgh
+word mbali 1346-123 mbl
+word madhumuni 134-2346-134-1345 mdhmn
+word magharibi 134-126-12 mghb
+word mahali 134-125-123 mhl
+word maisha 134-146 msh
+word mara 134-1235 mr
+word mashariki 134-146-13 mshk
+word mbalimbali 1346-123-1346 mblmb
+word mfano 134-124 mf
+word mjadala 134-245-145-123 mjdl
+word moja 134-245 mj
+word mpira 134-1234-1235 mpr
+word msichana 134-234-16 msch
+word msikiti 134-234-13-2345 mskt
+word mtandao 134-2345-1246 mtnd
+word muhimu 134-125-134 mhm
+word nafasi 1345-124-234 nfs
+word namna 1345-134-1345 nmn
+word nini 1345-1345 nn
+word nukta 1345-13-2345 nkt
+word omba 135-1346 omb
+word okoa 135-13 ok
+word ogopa 135-1245-1234 ogp
+word ofisi 135-124-234 ofs
+word omboleza 135-1346-123-1356 omblz
+word pamoja 1234-134-245 pmj
+word pasipo 1234-234-1234 psp
+word peleleza 1234-123-1356 plz
+word pole 1234-123 pl
+word polepole 1234-123-1234 plp
+word refu 1235-124 rf
+word rafiki 1235-124-13 rfk
+word raha 1235-125 rh
+word ramani 1235-134-1345 rmn
+word raslimali 1235-234-123 rsl
+word ratiba 1235-2345-12 rtb
+word runinga 1235-1345-346 rnng
+word rununu 1235-1345-1345 rnn
+word sana 234-1345 sn
+word sababu 234-12-12 sbb
+word salamu 234-123-134 slm
+word samahani 234-134-125-1345 smhn
+word sambaza 234-134-12-1356 smbz
+word sasa 234-234 ss
+word sawa 234-2456 sw
+word sawasawa 234-2456-234 sws
+word sehemu 146-134 shm
+word serikali 234-1235-13-123 srkl
+word shabaha 146-12-125 shbh
+word shughuli 146-126-123 shghl
+word shukkrani 146-13-1235-1345 shkrn
+word siku 234-13 sk
+word simu 234-134 sm
+word taratibu 2345-1235-2345 trt
+word tafadhali 2345-124-2346 tfdh
+word tarakilishi 2345-1235-13-146 trksh
+word tarehe 2345-1235-125 trh
+word tayari 2345-13456-1235 tyr
+word teknolojia 2345-13-1345-245 tknj
+word tena 2345-1345 tn
+word thamani 1456-134-1345 thmn
+word tofauti 2345-124-2345 tft
+word tovuti 2345-1236-2345 tvt
+word ukurasa 136-13-1235 ukr
+word ujamaa 136-245-134 ujm
+word umoja 136-134-245 umj
+word upesi 136-1234-234 ups
+word utandawazi 136-2345-1345-145-1356 utndz
+word uhuru 136-125-1235 uhr
+word vijana 1236-245-1345 vjn
+word vema 1236-134 vm
+word vile 1236-123 vl
+word vilevile 1236-123-1236 vlv
+word virusi 1236-1235-234 vrs
+word vitabu 1236-2345-12 vtb
+word vizuri 1236-1356-1235 vzr
+word vuguvugu 1236-1245-1236 vgv
+word wasiwasi 2456-234-2456 wsw
+word wakati 2456-13-2345 wkt
+word wakili 2456-13-123 wkl
+word wala 2456-123 wl
+word walakini 2456-123-13-1345 wlkn
+word wimbo 2456-1346 wmb
+word yaliyomo 13456-123-134 ylm
+word yaani 13456-1345 yn
+word yamkini 13456-134-13 ymk
+word yule 13456-123 yl
+word yuleyule 13456-123-13456 yly
+word zima 1356-134 zm
+word zaidi 1356-145 zd
+word zamani 1356-134-1345 zmn
+word zawadi 1356-2456-145 zwd
+# Abbreviations that could be confused with word contractions.
+contraction yn # for name 'Yohani'
+# -- end of table --
diff --git a/tables/zh-tw.ctb b/tables/zh-tw.ctb
index bdaac48..b9ef806 100644
--- a/tables/zh-tw.ctb
+++ b/tables/zh-tw.ctb
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Bopomofo-based Chinese Braille Table
+# Taiwanese bopomofo braille
 #  Copyright (C) 2008-2017 Coscell Kao <coscell@gmail.com>
 #  Copyright (C) 2017-2022 nvda-tw <https://groups.io/g/nvda-tw>
@@ -19,12 +19,24 @@
 #  License along with liblouis. If not, see
 #  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#-name: Taiwan zhuyin
+#-index-name: Mandarin, Taiwan, bopomofo
+#-display-name: Taiwanese bopomofo braille
+#+language: cmn
+#+region: cmn-TW
+#+type: literary
+#+system: cmn-bopomofo
+#+direction: forward
 # Currently maintained by Sponge Jhan <school510587@yahoo.com.tw>
-# Version: 2022-08
+# Version: 2022-12
-# This table mainly conforms to the rules listed in the
-# following Wikipedia page to braille Han characters:
-# <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiwanese_Braille>
+# This table mainly conforms to the rules presented in the
+# following references:
+# The Wikipedia page <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiwanese_Braille>
+# The official textbook <https://special.moe.gov.tw/bookInfo.php?guid=2FD8F4A0-DFBA-C84B-9E94-C1FAB30DA33D&paid=39&token=e5292f3f32c84020653eafb7b82c9bc8>
 # However, characters from other languages and various
 # symbols may be supported to reach better readability
 # of modern documents.
@@ -3270,7 +3282,7 @@
 letter \x377F 135-126-4
 letter \x3780 1235-1246-3
 letter \x3781 246-5
-letter \x3782 124-1246-5
+letter \x3782 124-1246-4
 letter \x3783 13-16-2
 letter \x3784 1236-3
 letter \x3785 14-25-5
@@ -22604,7 +22616,7 @@
 letter \x8342 1235-35-3
 letter \x8343 245-45-2
 letter \x8344 13-2456-3
-letter \x8345 145-345-3
+letter \x8345 145-345-2
 letter \x8346 13-13456-3
 letter \x8347 15-13456-5
 letter \x8348 12-12456-4
@@ -31037,6 +31049,7 @@
 word \x5527 13-16-2
 begword \x5B50 125-156-4
 word \x5B50 125-156-4
+word \x5FAC 1234-1346-2
 word \x636E 13-1256-3
 word \x7947 245-16-2
 word \x830D 13-16-2
@@ -31048,6 +31061,7 @@
 #begin Han character rules
 noback correct ["\x6597"]"\x522B\x6C14" "\x9B25"
 noback correct _1"\x6597"["\x522B"]"\x6C14" "\x5F46"
+noback correct _2"\x7275\x4E00"["\x53D1"] "\x9AEE"
 noback correct _1"\x95F9"["\x522B"]"\x626D" "\x5F46"
 noback correct ["\x5EB5"]"\x853C" "\x83F4"
 noback correct _1"\x809D"["\x810F"] "\x81DF"
@@ -32774,9 +32788,9 @@
 noback correct "\x4EEA" "\x5100"
 noback correct "\x4EEC" "\x5011"
 noback correct "\x4EED" "\x4EDE"
-noback correct _1"\x7121"["\x4EF7"]"\x4E8B" "\x4EF7"
-noback correct _1"\x8D70"["\x4EF7"]"\x99B3\x66F8" "\x4EF7"
 noback correct _1"\x662D"["\x4EF7"] "\x4EF7"
+noback correct _1"\x8D70"["\x4EF7"]"\x99B3\x66F8" "\x4EF7"
+noback correct _1"\x7121"["\x4EF7"]"\x4E8B" "\x4EF7"
 noback correct "\x4EF7" "\x50F9"
 noback correct "\x4EFA" "\x5009"
 noback correct "\x4EFE" "\x4F4E"
@@ -32934,9 +32948,9 @@
 noback correct "\x51D6" "\x6E96"
 noback correct "\x51DB" "\x51DC"
 noback correct "\x51DF" "\x7006"
+noback correct _2"\x7A97\x660E"["\x51E0"]"\x6DE8" "\x51E0"
 noback correct _3"\x660E\x7A97\x6DE8"["\x51E0"] "\x51E0"
 noback correct _1"\x8336"["\x51E0"] "\x51E0"
-noback correct _2"\x7A97\x660E"["\x51E0"]"\x6DE8" "\x51E0"
 noback correct "\x51E0" "\x5E7E"
 noback correct "\x51E2" "\x51E1"
 noback correct "\x51E3" "\x51E1"
@@ -33057,7 +33071,7 @@
 noback correct "\x538B" "\x58D3"
 noback correct "\x538C" "\x53AD"
 noback correct "\x538D" "\x5399"
-noback correct "\x5390" "\x9F8E"
+noback correct "\x5390" "\x9F90"
 noback correct "\x5395" "\x5EC1"
 noback correct "\x539B" "\x5EF3"
 noback correct "\x53A0" "\x5EC1"
@@ -33083,6 +33097,7 @@
 noback correct "\x53CE" "\x6536"
 noback correct "\x53CF" "\x592C"
 noback correct "\x53D0" "\x72AE"
+noback correct "\x53D1" "\x767C"
 noback correct "\x53D8" "\x8B8A"
 noback correct "\x53D9" "\x6558"
 noback correct "\x53DC" "\x53DF"
@@ -33485,8 +33500,8 @@
 noback correct "\x5C32" "\x5C37"
 noback correct "\x5C34" "\x5C37"
 noback correct "\x5C36" "\x5C37"
-noback correct _1"\x96DE"["\x5C38"]"\x725B\x5F9E" "\x5C38"
 noback correct ["\x5C38"]"\x5B50" "\x5C38"
+noback correct _1"\x96DE"["\x5C38"]"\x725B\x5F9E" "\x5C38"
 noback correct "\x5C38" "\x5C4D"
 noback correct "\x5C3D" "\x76E1"
 noback correct "\x5C42" "\x5C64"
@@ -33515,6 +33530,7 @@
 noback correct ["\x5CAD"]"\x5DC6" "\x5CAD"
 noback correct "\x5CAD" "\x5DBA"
 noback correct "\x5CB4" "\x5D87"
+noback correct ["\x5CB9"]"\x5D7D" "\x5CB9"
 noback correct "\x5CB9" "\x5CA7"
 noback correct "\x5CBD" "\x5D2C"
 noback correct "\x5CBF" "\x5DCB"
@@ -33609,8 +33625,8 @@
 noback correct "\x5E77" "\x5E76"
 noback correct "\x5E7A" "\x4E48"
 noback correct _1"\x8349"["\x5E7F"]"\x7A81\x5982\x5CD9" "\x5E7F"
-noback correct _2"\x8606\x96EA"["\x5E7F"] "\x5E7F"
 noback correct _2"\x67B6\x5D16"["\x5E7F"] "\x5E7F"
+noback correct _2"\x8606\x96EA"["\x5E7F"] "\x5E7F"
 noback correct "\x5E7F" "\x5EE3"
 noback correct "\x5E81" "\x5EF3"
 noback correct "\x5E83" "\x5EE3"
@@ -34103,9 +34119,9 @@
 noback correct "\x680F" "\x6B04"
 noback correct "\x6810" "\x67E1"
 noback correct "\x6811" "\x6A39"
+noback correct _1"\x7F8A"["\x6816"]"\x83DC" "\x6816"
 noback correct ["\x6816"]"\x6816" "\x6816"
 noback correct _1"\x6816"["\x6816"] "\x6816"
-noback correct _1"\x7F8A"["\x6816"]"\x83DC" "\x6816"
 noback correct "\x6816" "\x68F2"
 noback correct "\x681E" "\x520A"
 noback correct "\x6822" "\x67CF"
@@ -34882,8 +34898,8 @@
 noback correct "\x79C6" "\x7A08"
 noback correct "\x79CA" "\x5E74"
 noback correct "\x79CC" "\x79CB"
-noback correct ["\x79CD"]"\x5E2B\x4E2D" "\x79CD"
 noback correct ["\x79CD"]"\x5E2B\x9053" "\x79CD"
+noback correct ["\x79CD"]"\x5E2B\x4E2D" "\x79CD"
 noback correct "\x79CD" "\x7A2E"
 noback correct "\x79D0" "\x8018"
 noback correct "\x79D4" "\x7CB3"
@@ -35661,11 +35677,11 @@
 noback correct "\x8885" "\x88CA"
 noback correct "\x8886" "\x8918"
 noback correct "\x8887" "\x88A1"
-noback correct ["\x889C"]"\x809A" "\x889C"
-noback correct ["\x889C"]"\x80F8" "\x889C"
-noback correct _1"\x5BF6"["\x889C"]"\x695A\x5BAE\x8170" "\x889C"
 noback correct ["\x889C"]"\x8179" "\x889C"
+noback correct ["\x889C"]"\x80F8" "\x889C"
 noback correct ["\x889C"]"\x984D" "\x889C"
+noback correct _1"\x5BF6"["\x889C"]"\x695A\x5BAE\x8170" "\x889C"
+noback correct ["\x889C"]"\x809A" "\x889C"
 noback correct "\x889C" "\x896A"
 noback correct "\x88A0" "\x889F"
 noback correct "\x88AD" "\x8972"
@@ -36567,7 +36583,6 @@
 noback correct "\x955F" "\x93C7"
 noback correct "\x9560" "\x93D0"
 noback correct "\x9561" "\x9414"
-noback correct "\x9562" "\x941D"
 noback correct "\x9563" "\x9410"
 noback correct "\x9564" "\x93F7"
 noback correct "\x9565" "\x9465"
@@ -37366,6 +37381,7 @@
 noback correct "\x9F8A" "\x9F6A"
 noback correct "\x9F8B" "\x9F72"
 noback correct "\x9F8C" "\x9F77"
+noback correct "\x9F8E" "\x9F90"
 noback correct "\x9F99" "\x9F8D"
 noback correct "\x9F9A" "\x9F94"
 noback correct "\x9F9B" "\x9F95"
@@ -37843,7 +37859,7 @@
 noback correct "\xFAD3" "\x4018"
 noback correct "\xFAD4" "\x4039"
 noback correct "\xFAD8" "\x9F43"
-noback correct "\xFAD9" "\x9F8E"
+noback correct "\xFAD9" "\x9F90"
 # \x4E00\x671D\x5929\x5B50\x4E00\x671D\x81E3 16-3-12-146-2-124-2345-3-125-156-4-16-3-12-146-2-12-136-2
 noback context _1"\x4E00"["\x671D"]"\x5929\x5B50\x4E00\x671D\x81E3" @12-146-2
@@ -38746,6 +38762,10 @@
 noback context ["\x5BB6"]"\x7D2F\x5343\x91D1" @13-23456-3
 noback context _1"\x5BB6"["\x7D2F"]"\x5343\x91D1" @14-356-4
+# \x5BB6\x9577\x88E1\x77ED 13-23456-3-12-1346-2-14-16-4-145-12456-4
+noback context ["\x5BB6"]"\x9577\x88E1\x77ED" @13-23456-3
+noback context _1"\x5BB6"["\x9577"]"\x88E1\x77ED" @12-1346-2
 # \x5BF8\x6709\x6240\x9577 245-123456-5-234-4-15-25-4-12-1346-2
 noback context _3"\x5BF8\x6709\x6240"["\x9577"] @12-1346-2
@@ -39586,6 +39606,9 @@
 noback context _1"\x767E"["\x4E86"]"\x5343\x7576" @14-246-4
 noback context _3"\x767E\x4E86\x5343"["\x7576"] @145-1346-5
+# \x767E\x767C\x767E\x4E2D 135-2456-4-12345-345-3-135-2456-4-1-12346-5
+noback context _3"\x767E\x767C\x767E"["\x4E2D"] @1-12346-5
 # \x7684\x7684\x78BA\x78BA 145-16-2-145-16-2-245-236-5-245-236-5
 noback context ["\x7684"]"\x7684\x78BA\x78BA" @145-16-2
 noback context _1"\x7684"["\x7684"]"\x78BA\x78BA" @145-16-2
@@ -40481,6 +40504,11 @@
 noback context ["\x4E0D"]"\x8457\x624B" @135-34-5
 noback context _1"\x4E0D"["\x8457"]"\x624B" @1-25-2
+# \x4E0D\x8457\x97CE 135-34-5-1-25-2-35-5
+noback context ["\x4E0D"]"\x8457\x97CE" @135-34-5
+noback context _1"\x4E0D"["\x8457"]"\x97CE" @1-25-2
+noback context _2"\x4E0D\x8457"["\x97CE"] @35-5
 # \x4E0D\x9577\x773C 135-34-5-1-1346-4-2345-4
 noback context ["\x4E0D"]"\x9577\x773C" @135-34-5
 noback context _1"\x4E0D"["\x9577"]"\x773C" @1-1346-4
@@ -40762,6 +40790,9 @@
 # \x516C\x7F8A\x50B3 13-12346-3-46-2-1-12456-5
 noback context _2"\x516C\x7F8A"["\x50B3"] @1-12456-5
+# \x516D\x90FD\x5BE8 14-234-5-145-34-3-1-2456-5
+noback context _1"\x516D"["\x90FD"]"\x5BE8" @145-34-3
 # \x5176\x5F9E\x5982 245-16-2-125-12346-5-1245-34-2
 noback context ["\x5176"]"\x5F9E\x5982" @245-16-2
 noback context _1"\x5176"["\x5F9E"]"\x5982" @125-12346-5
@@ -41875,6 +41906,12 @@
 noback context ["\x70AE"]"\x7F8A\x809A" @135-146-3
 noback context _2"\x70AE\x7F8A"["\x809A"] @145-34-4
+# \x70BA\x5229\x4F86 1246-5-14-16-5-14-2456-2
+noback context ["\x70BA"]"\x5229\x4F86" @1246-5
+# \x70BA\x5229\x5F80 1246-5-14-16-5-456-4
+noback context ["\x70BA"]"\x5229\x5F80" @1246-5
 # \x70BA\x541B\x958B 1246-5-13-256-3-123-2456-3
 noback context ["\x70BA"]"\x541B\x958B" @1246-5
@@ -42528,6 +42565,9 @@
 noback context ["\x90A3"]"\x6B21\x6F32" @1345-345-5
 noback context _2"\x90A3\x6B21"["\x6F32"] @12-1346-2
+# \x90FD\x638C\x883B 145-34-3-1-1346-4-134-1236-2
+noback context ["\x90FD"]"\x638C\x883B" @145-34-3
 # \x90FD\x6703\x5340 145-34-3-1235-1246-5-245-1256-3
 noback context ["\x90FD"]"\x6703\x5340" @145-34-3
@@ -42804,9 +42844,6 @@
 # \x371D\x5A40 2345-4-2346-3
 noback context ["\x371D"]"\x5A40" @2345-4
-# \x3787\x3782 1246-4-124-1246-4
-noback context _1"\x3787"["\x3782"] @124-1246-4
 # \x37CE\x3811 124-1246-4-125-1246-5
 noback context ["\x37CE"]"\x3811" @124-1246-4
@@ -44290,6 +44327,12 @@
 # \x5357\x5B50 1345-1236-2-125-156-4
 noback context _1"\x5357"["\x5B50"] @125-156-4
+# \x535F\x5429 135-34-4-12345-136-3
+noback context ["\x535F"]"\x5429" @135-34-4
+# \x535F\x55F5 1234-34-3-124-12346-3
+noback context ["\x535F"]"\x55F5" @1234-34-3
 # \x5360\x535C 1-1236-3-135-34-4
 noback context ["\x5360"]"\x535C" @1-1236-3
@@ -45110,6 +45153,9 @@
 # \x56B4\x5B50 2345-2-125-156-4
 noback context _1"\x56B4"["\x5B50"] @125-156-4
+# \x56C1\x543A 1345-346-5-1245-34-2
+noback context _1"\x56C1"["\x543A"] @1245-34-2
 # \x56C8\x6399 16-5-1-1356-3
 noback context _1"\x56C8"["\x6399"] @1-1356-3
@@ -45326,6 +45372,9 @@
 # \x58D3\x5377 23456-3-13-45-5
 noback context _1"\x58D3"["\x5377"] @13-45-5
+# \x58EB\x5B50 24-156-5-125-156-4
+noback context _1"\x58EB"["\x5B50"] @125-156-4
 # \x58EB\x87C6 24-156-5-134-345-2
 noback context _1"\x58EB"["\x87C6"] @134-345-2
@@ -45989,6 +46038,9 @@
 # \x5CAD\x5D64 14-13456-2-13456-2
 noback context _1"\x5CAD"["\x5D64"] @13456-2
+# \x5CB9\x5D7D 124-246-2-145-16-5
+noback context _1"\x5CB9"["\x5D7D"] @145-16-5
 # \x5CFD\x5D25 15-23456-2-135-16-4
 noback context _1"\x5CFD"["\x5D25"] @135-16-4
@@ -47542,6 +47594,9 @@
 noback context ["\x65FD"]"\x65FD" @1-123456-5
 noback context _1"\x65FD"["\x65FD"] @1-123456-5
+# \x660E\x5B50 134-13456-2-125-156-4
+noback context _1"\x660E"["\x5B50"] @125-156-4
 # \x660E\x9419 134-13456-2-145-1356-3
 noback context _1"\x660E"["\x9419"] @145-1356-3
@@ -48881,6 +48936,9 @@
 # \x70CF\x79C5 34-3-1345-345-2
 noback context _1"\x70CF"["\x79C5"] @1345-345-2
+# \x70CF\x84F2 34-3-245-234-3
+noback context _1"\x70CF"["\x84F2"] @245-234-3
 # \x70CF\x9EAE 34-3-245-1256-4
 noback context _1"\x70CF"["\x9EAE"] @245-1256-4
@@ -48958,6 +49016,9 @@
 # \x71C9\x714C 145-123456-3-1235-456-2
 noback context ["\x71C9"]"\x714C" @145-123456-3
+# \x71CE\x796D 14-246-5-13-16-5
+noback context ["\x71CE"]"\x796D" @14-246-5
 # \x71D5\x4E39 2345-3-145-1236-3
 noback context ["\x71D5"]"\x4E39" @2345-3
@@ -49009,6 +49070,9 @@
 # \x725B\x979E 1345-234-2-135-356-3
 noback context _1"\x725B"["\x979E"] @135-356-3
+# \x7262\x5B50 14-146-2-125-156-4
+noback context _1"\x7262"["\x5B50"] @125-156-4
 # \x7279\x8ABF 124-2346-5-124-246-2
 noback context _1"\x7279"["\x8ABF"] @124-246-2
@@ -49092,6 +49156,9 @@
 # \x7368\x8655 145-34-2-12-34-4
 noback context _1"\x7368"["\x8655"] @12-34-4
+# \x7384\x5B50 15-45-2-125-156-4
+noback context _1"\x7384"["\x5B50"] @125-156-4
 # \x7387\x5148 24-2356-5-15-2345-3
 noback context ["\x7387"]"\x5148" @24-2356-5
@@ -51019,6 +51086,9 @@
 # \x84EE\x5B50 14-2345-2-125-156-4
 noback context _1"\x84EE"["\x5B50"] @125-156-4
+# \x84F2\x842E 12345-34-3-1256-2
+noback context ["\x84F2"]"\x842E" @12345-34-3
 # \x84FC\x83AA 14-34-5-2346-2
 noback context ["\x84FC"]"\x83AA" @14-34-5
@@ -53157,6 +53227,9 @@
 # \x967D\x5B50 46-2-125-156-4
 noback context _1"\x967D"["\x5B50"] @125-156-4
+# \x967D\x84F2 46-2-15-1256-3
+noback context _1"\x967D"["\x84F2"] @15-1256-3
 # \x9683\x9E8B 1256-2-134-16-2
 noback context ["\x9683"]"\x9E8B" @1256-2
@@ -53680,6 +53753,10 @@
 # \x9F8D\x5B50 14-12346-2-125-156-4
 noback context _1"\x9F8D"["\x5B50"] @125-156-4
+# \x9F9C\x7386 245-234-3-245-156-2
+noback context ["\x9F9C"]"\x7386" @245-234-3
+noback context _1"\x9F9C"["\x7386"] @245-156-2
 # \x9F9C\x7B74 13-1246-3-245-2346-5
 noback context _1"\x9F9C"["\x7B74"] @245-2346-5
diff --git a/tables/zh_TW.tbl b/tables/zh_TW.tbl
deleted file mode 100644
index 86ed4eb..0000000
--- a/tables/zh_TW.tbl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#-index-name: Mandarin, Taiwan
-#-display-name: Taiwanese braille
-# Marked as "direction:forward" by Bue Vester-Andersen
-# as there are only very few backward tests.
-# TODO: Please add a reference to official documentation about
-# the implemented braille code. Preferably submit the documents
-# to https://github.com/liblouis/braille-specs.
-include zh-tw.ctb
-include braille-patterns.cti
diff --git a/tests/Makefile.am b/tests/Makefile.am
index e1f237e..2b0329f 100644
--- a/tests/Makefile.am
+++ b/tests/Makefile.am
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@
 	-I$(top_builddir)/gnulib		\
+AM_CPPFLAGS += -fprofile-instr-generate -fcoverage-mapping
 LDADD =							\
 	$(top_builddir)/liblouis/liblouis.la		\
 	$(top_builddir)/gnulib/libgnu.la		\
@@ -78,20 +82,25 @@
 	braille-specs/cop-eg.yaml			  \
 	braille-specs/cs_harness.yaml			  \
 	braille-specs/cs-comp8_harness.yaml		  \
+	braille-specs/da-dk-g08_1993.yaml			  \
 	braille-specs/da-dk-g08.yaml			  \
+	braille-specs/da-dk-g16_1993.yaml			  \
 	braille-specs/da-dk-g16.yaml			  \
-	braille-specs/da-dk-g16-dictionary_harness.yaml	  \
-	braille-specs/da-dk-g16-lit.yaml		  \
-	braille-specs/da-dk-g18-dictionary_harness.yaml	  \
+	braille-specs/da-dk-g16-lit_1993.yaml		  \
+	braille-specs/da-dk-g18_1993.yaml			  \
 	braille-specs/da-dk-g18.yaml			  \
+	braille-specs/da-dk-g26_1993.yaml			  \
 	braille-specs/da-dk-g26.yaml			  \
+	braille-specs/da-dk-g26-dictionary_harness_1993.yaml	  \
 	braille-specs/da-dk-g26-dictionary_harness.yaml	  \
-	braille-specs/da-dk-g26-lit.yaml		  \
-	braille-specs/da-dk-g26l.yaml			  \
-	braille-specs/da-dk-g26l-lit.yaml		  \
+	braille-specs/da-dk-g26-lit_1993.yaml		  \
+	braille-specs/da-dk-g26l_1993.yaml			  \
+	braille-specs/da-dk-g26l-lit_1993.yaml		  \
+	braille-specs/da-dk-g28-dictionary_harness_1993.yaml	  \
 	braille-specs/da-dk-g28-dictionary_harness.yaml	  \
+	braille-specs/da-dk-g28_1993.yaml			  \
 	braille-specs/da-dk-g28.yaml			  \
-	braille-specs/da-dk-g28l.yaml			  \
+	braille-specs/da-dk-g28l_1993.yaml			  \
 	braille-specs/de-comp6.yaml			  \
 	braille-specs/de-de-comp8.yaml 			  \
 	braille-specs/de-eurobrl6.yaml			  \
@@ -106,6 +115,7 @@
 	braille-specs/de-g2-sbs.yaml			  \
 	braille-specs/de-g2-detailed-specs.yaml		  \
 	braille-specs/de-g2-dictionary.yaml		  \
+	braille-specs/de-g2-blista-dictionary.yaml	  \
 	braille-specs/el-backward.yaml			  \
 	braille-specs/el-forward.yaml			  \
 	braille-specs/en-GB-g2.yaml			  \
@@ -166,6 +176,7 @@
 	braille-specs/hu-hu-g2-numbers.yaml		  \
 	braille-specs/iu-ca-g1_harness.yaml		  \
 	braille-specs/ja-kantenji.yaml			  \
+	braille-specs/ka.yaml				  \
 	braille-specs/kk.yaml				  \
 	braille-specs/kmr.yaml				  \
 	braille-specs/ko-2006-g2_harness.yaml		  \
@@ -186,6 +197,7 @@
 	braille-specs/no_g2_harness.yaml		  \
 	braille-specs/no_harness.yaml			  \
 	braille-specs/no_typeform_harness.yaml		  \
+	braille-specs/ny-mw.yaml			  \
 	braille-specs/pa.yaml				  \
 	braille-specs/pl-g1.yaml			  \
 	braille-specs/pl-pl-comp8_harness.yaml		  \
@@ -199,6 +211,8 @@
 	braille-specs/sr-g1_harness.yaml		  \
 	braille-specs/st-g2.yaml			  \
 	braille-specs/sv.yaml				  \
+	braille-specs/sw-ke-dictionary.yaml		  \
+	braille-specs/sw-ke.yaml			  \
 	braille-specs/ta-ta-g1_harness.yaml		  \
 	braille-specs/tt.yaml				  \
 	braille-specs/uk.yaml				  \
@@ -299,3 +313,14 @@
 	WINEPATH=$(top_builddir)/tools						\
 	WINE=$(WINE)								\
+fuzzing_fuzz_translate_SOURCES = fuzzing/fuzz_translate.c
+fuzzing_fuzz_translate_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/liblouis/liblouis.la
+fuzzing_fuzz_translate_CFLAGS = \
+	-fsanitize=address,fuzzer,undefined \
+	-fno-omit-frame-pointer \
+	-g -O2
+noinst_PROGRAMS = fuzzing/fuzz_translate
diff --git a/tests/braille-specs/Makefile.am b/tests/braille-specs/Makefile.am
index 79357e1..f603b1b 100644
--- a/tests/braille-specs/Makefile.am
+++ b/tests/braille-specs/Makefile.am
@@ -11,20 +11,25 @@
 	cop-eg.yaml				\
 	cs_harness.yaml				\
 	cs-comp8_harness.yaml			\
+	da-dk-g08_1993.yaml				\
 	da-dk-g08.yaml				\
+	da-dk-g16_1993.yaml				\
 	da-dk-g16.yaml				\
-	da-dk-g16-dictionary_harness.yaml	\
-	da-dk-g16-lit.yaml			\
-	da-dk-g18-dictionary_harness.yaml	\
+	da-dk-g16-lit_1993.yaml			\
+	da-dk-g18_1993.yaml				\
 	da-dk-g18.yaml				\
+	da-dk-g26_1993.yaml				\
 	da-dk-g26.yaml				\
+	da-dk-g26-dictionary_harness_1993.yaml	\
 	da-dk-g26-dictionary_harness.yaml	\
-	da-dk-g26-lit.yaml			\
-	da-dk-g26l.yaml				\
-	da-dk-g26l-lit.yaml			\
+	da-dk-g26-lit_1993.yaml			\
+	da-dk-g26l_1993.yaml				\
+	da-dk-g26l-lit_1993.yaml			\
+	da-dk-g28-dictionary_harness_1993.yaml	\
 	da-dk-g28-dictionary_harness.yaml	\
+	da-dk-g28_1993.yaml				\
 	da-dk-g28.yaml				\
-	da-dk-g28l.yaml				\
+	da-dk-g28l_1993.yaml				\
 	de-comp6.yaml				\
 	de-de-comp8.yaml			\
 	de-eurobrl6.yaml			\
@@ -38,6 +43,7 @@
 	de-g2.yaml				\
 	de-g2-detailed-specs.yaml		\
 	de-g2-dictionary.yaml			\
+	de-g2-blista-dictionary.yaml 		\
 	de-g2-sbs.yaml				\
 	el-backward.yaml			\
 	el-forward.yaml				\
@@ -100,6 +106,7 @@
 	hu-hu-g2-numbers.yaml			\
 	iu-ca-g1_harness.yaml			\
 	ja-kantenji.yaml			\
+	ka.yaml					\
 	kk.yaml					\
 	kmr.yaml				\
 	ko-2006-g2_harness.yaml			\
@@ -120,6 +127,7 @@
 	no_g2_harness.yaml			\
 	no_harness.yaml				\
 	no_typeform_harness.yaml		\
+	ny-mw.yaml				\
 	pa.yaml					\
 	pl-g1.yaml				\
 	pl-pl-comp8_harness.yaml		\
@@ -133,6 +141,8 @@
 	sr-g1_harness.yaml			\
 	st-g2.yaml				\
 	sv.yaml					\
+	sw-ke-dictionary.yaml			\
+	sw-ke.yaml				\
 	ta-ta-g1_harness.yaml			\
 	tt.yaml					\
 	uk.yaml					\
@@ -143,6 +153,7 @@
 	xh-g2.yaml				\
 	zh-chn.yaml				\
 	zh-tw.yaml				\
+	zh-tw-dictionary.yaml				\
 	zhcn-cbs.yaml				\
 	zhcn-g1.yaml				\
diff --git a/tests/braille-specs/da-dk-g08.yaml b/tests/braille-specs/da-dk-g08.yaml
index 9f501f5..a241dc2 100644
--- a/tests/braille-specs/da-dk-g08.yaml
+++ b/tests/braille-specs/da-dk-g08.yaml
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
   language: da
   grade: 0
   dots: 8
+  system: ddp
+  version: 2022
   __assert-match: da-dk-g08.ctb
 flags: {testmode: bothDirections}
@@ -10,8 +12,8 @@
   - [' ', ' ']
   - ['"', '⠶']
-  - ['$', '⣲']
-  - ['%', '⣚']
+  - ['$', '⣙']
+  - ['%', '⣠']
   - ['&', '⢯']
   - ['''', '⠈']
   - ['(', '⢦']
@@ -19,7 +21,7 @@
   - ['*', '⠔']
   - ['+', '⢖']
   - [',', '⠂']
-  - ['-', '⢤']
+  - ['-', '⠤']
   - ['.', '⠄']
   - ['/', '⢌']
   - ['0', '⢚']
@@ -38,7 +40,7 @@
   - ['=', '⢶']
   - ['>', '⡢']
   - ['?', '⠢']
-  - ['@', '⣈']
+  - ['@', '⣁']
   - ['A', '⡁']
   - ['B', '⡃']
   - ['C', '⡉']
@@ -100,18 +102,18 @@
   - ['{', '⣧']
   - ['|', '⢸']
   - ['}', '⣼']
-  - ['~', '⡨']
+  - ['~', '⣆']
   - ['€', '⣑']
   - ['‚', '⡘']
   - ['ƒ', '⢐']
-  - ['„', '⣆']
+  - ['„', '⡨']
   - ['…', '⠠']
-  - ['†', '⡖']
-  - ['‡', '⣖']
+  - ['†', '⠘']
+  - ['‡', '⠸']
   - ['ˆ', '⣰']
   - ['‰', '⣺']
-  - ['Š', '⣎']
-  - ['‹', '⠸']
+  - ['Š', '⠨']
+  - ['‹', '⣖']
   - ['Œ', '⣕']
   - ['Ž', '⡬']
   - ['‘', '⡈']
@@ -119,9 +121,9 @@
   - ['“', '⡆']
   - ['”', '⢰']
   - ['•', '⡄']
-  - ['–', '⠤']
+  - ['–', '⢤']
   - ['—', '⡤']
-  - ['˜', '⠨']
+  - ['˜', '⣎']
   - ['™', '⣞']
   - ['š', '⢎']
   - ['›', '⡸']
@@ -131,13 +133,13 @@
   - [' ', '⢞']
   - ['¡', '⠲']
   - ['¢', '⣒']
-  - ['£', '⢇']
+  - ['£', '⣇']
   - ['¤', '⡦']
-  - ['¥', '⡠']
+  - ['¥', '⣽']
   - ['¦', '⣌']
   - ['§', '⣐']
   - ['¨', '⠰']
-  - ['©', '⣭']
+  - ['©', '⣉']
   - ['ª', '⣮']
   - ['«', '⡐']
   - ['¬', '⡼']
@@ -145,10 +147,10 @@
   - ['®', '⣗']
   - ['¯', '⡶']
   - ['°', '⠴']
-  - ['±', '⢟']
+  - ['±', '⣋']
   - ['²', '⢆']
   - ['³', '⢒']
-  - ['´', '⢨']
+  - ['´', '⢘']
   - ['µ', '⠦']
   - ['¶', '⢿']
   - ['·', '⢄']
@@ -156,9 +158,9 @@
   - ['¹', '⢂']
   - ['º', '⣿']
   - ['»', '⡰']
-  - ['¼', '⢝']
-  - ['½', '⢘']
-  - ['¾', '⠼']
+  - ['¼', '⢥']
+  - ['½', '⢨']
+  - ['¾', '⢭']
   - ['À', '⡷']
   - ['Á', '⣷']
   - ['Â', '⣡']
@@ -175,20 +177,20 @@
   - ['Í', '⣣']
   - ['Î', '⡩']
   - ['Ï', '⡻']
-  - ['Ð', '⣽']
+  - ['Ð', '⡠']
   - ['Ñ', '⣻']
   - ['Ò', '⣫']
   - ['Ó', '⣬']
   - ['Ô', '⡹']
   - ['Õ', '⣹']
   - ['Ö', '⣪']
-  - ['×', '⢭']
+  - ['×', '⠼']
   - ['Ø', '⡪']
   - ['Ù', '⡾']
   - ['Ú', '⣳']
   - ['Û', '⡱']
   - ['Ü', '⡳']
-  - ['Ý', '⣍']
+  - ['Ý', '⣶']
   - ['Þ', '⣅']
   - ['ß', '⢮']
   - ['à', '⠷']
diff --git a/tests/braille-specs/da-dk-g08_1993.yaml b/tests/braille-specs/da-dk-g08_1993.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5d38cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/braille-specs/da-dk-g08_1993.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+display: unicode-without-blank.dis
+  language: da
+  grade: 0
+  dots: 8
+  system: ddp
+  version: 1993
+  __assert-match: da-dk-g08_1993.ctb
+flags: {testmode: bothDirections}
+# Test all characters from 0x21 to 0xff
+  - [' ', ' ']
+  - ['"', '⠶']
+  - ['$', '⣲']
+  - ['%', '⣚']
+  - ['&', '⢯']
+  - ['''', '⠈']
+  - ['(', '⢦']
+  - [')', '⢴']
+  - ['*', '⠔']
+  - ['+', '⢖']
+  - [',', '⠂']
+  - ['-', '⢤']
+  - ['.', '⠄']
+  - ['/', '⢌']
+  - ['0', '⢚']
+  - ['1', '⢁']
+  - ['2', '⢃']
+  - ['3', '⢉']
+  - ['4', '⢙']
+  - ['5', '⢑']
+  - ['6', '⢋']
+  - ['7', '⢛']
+  - ['8', '⢓']
+  - ['9', '⢊']
+  - [':', '⠒']
+  - [';', '⠆']
+  - ['<', '⢔']
+  - ['=', '⢶']
+  - ['>', '⡢']
+  - ['?', '⠢']
+  - ['@', '⣈']
+  - ['A', '⡁']
+  - ['B', '⡃']
+  - ['C', '⡉']
+  - ['D', '⡙']
+  - ['E', '⡑']
+  - ['F', '⡋']
+  - ['G', '⡛']
+  - ['H', '⡓']
+  - ['I', '⡊']
+  - ['J', '⡚']
+  - ['K', '⡅']
+  - ['L', '⡇']
+  - ['M', '⡍']
+  - ['N', '⡝']
+  - ['O', '⡕']
+  - ['P', '⡏']
+  - ['Q', '⡟']
+  - ['R', '⡗']
+  - ['S', '⡎']
+  - ['T', '⡞']
+  - ['U', '⡥']
+  - ['V', '⡧']
+  - ['W', '⡺']
+  - ['X', '⡭']
+  - ['Y', '⡽']
+  - ['Z', '⡵']
+  - ['[', '⣦']
+  - ['\\', '⡌']
+  - [']', '⣴']
+  - ['^', '⢏']
+  - ['_', '⣤']
+  - ['`', '⠐']
+  - ['a', '⠁']
+  - ['b', '⠃']
+  - ['c', '⠉']
+  - ['d', '⠙']
+  - ['e', '⠑']
+  - ['f', '⠋']
+  - ['g', '⠛']
+  - ['h', '⠓']
+  - ['i', '⠊']
+  - ['j', '⠚']
+  - ['k', '⠅']
+  - ['l', '⠇']
+  - ['m', '⠍']
+  - ['n', '⠝']
+  - ['o', '⠕']
+  - ['p', '⠏']
+  - ['q', '⠟']
+  - ['r', '⠗']
+  - ['s', '⠎']
+  - ['t', '⠞']
+  - ['u', '⠥']
+  - ['v', '⠧']
+  - ['w', '⠺']
+  - ['x', '⠭']
+  - ['y', '⠽']
+  - ['z', '⠵']
+  - ['{', '⣧']
+  - ['|', '⢸']
+  - ['}', '⣼']
+  - ['~', '⡨']
+  - ['€', '⣑']
+  - ['‚', '⡘']
+  - ['ƒ', '⢐']
+  - ['„', '⣆']
+  - ['…', '⠠']
+  - ['†', '⡖']
+  - ['‡', '⣖']
+  - ['ˆ', '⣰']
+  - ['‰', '⣺']
+  - ['Š', '⣎']
+  - ['‹', '⠸']
+  - ['Œ', '⣕']
+  - ['Ž', '⡬']
+  - ['‘', '⡈']
+  - ['’', '⢈']
+  - ['“', '⡆']
+  - ['”', '⢰']
+  - ['•', '⡄']
+  - ['–', '⠤']
+  - ['—', '⡤']
+  - ['˜', '⠨']
+  - ['™', '⣞']
+  - ['š', '⢎']
+  - ['›', '⡸']
+  - ['œ', '⢕']
+  - ['ž', '⠬']
+  - ['Ÿ', '⣾']
+  - [' ', '⢞']
+  - ['¡', '⠲']
+  - ['¢', '⣒']
+  - ['£', '⢇']
+  - ['¤', '⡦']
+  - ['¥', '⡠']
+  - ['¦', '⣌']
+  - ['§', '⣐']
+  - ['¨', '⠰']
+  - ['©', '⣭']
+  - ['ª', '⣮']
+  - ['«', '⡐']
+  - ['¬', '⡼']
+  - ['­', '⣄']
+  - ['®', '⣗']
+  - ['¯', '⡶']
+  - ['°', '⠴']
+  - ['±', '⢟']
+  - ['²', '⢆']
+  - ['³', '⢒']
+  - ['´', '⢨']
+  - ['µ', '⠦']
+  - ['¶', '⢿']
+  - ['·', '⢄']
+  - ['¸', '⣨']
+  - ['¹', '⢂']
+  - ['º', '⣿']
+  - ['»', '⡰']
+  - ['¼', '⢝']
+  - ['½', '⢘']
+  - ['¾', '⠼']
+  - ['À', '⡷']
+  - ['Á', '⣷']
+  - ['Â', '⣡']
+  - ['Ã', '⣩']
+  - ['Ä', '⣜']
+  - ['Å', '⡡']
+  - ['Æ', '⡜']
+  - ['Ç', '⡯']
+  - ['È', '⡮']
+  - ['É', '⡿']
+  - ['Ê', '⡣']
+  - ['Ë', '⡫']
+  - ['Ì', '⣱']
+  - ['Í', '⣣']
+  - ['Î', '⡩']
+  - ['Ï', '⡻']
+  - ['Ð', '⣽']
+  - ['Ñ', '⣻']
+  - ['Ò', '⣫']
+  - ['Ó', '⣬']
+  - ['Ô', '⡹']
+  - ['Õ', '⣹']
+  - ['Ö', '⣪']
+  - ['×', '⢭']
+  - ['Ø', '⡪']
+  - ['Ù', '⡾']
+  - ['Ú', '⣳']
+  - ['Û', '⡱']
+  - ['Ü', '⡳']
+  - ['Ý', '⣍']
+  - ['Þ', '⣅']
+  - ['ß', '⢮']
+  - ['à', '⠷']
+  - ['á', '⢷']
+  - ['â', '⢡']
+  - ['ã', '⢩']
+  - ['ä', '⢜']
+  - ['å', '⠡']
+  - ['æ', '⠜']
+  - ['ç', '⠯']
+  - ['è', '⠮']
+  - ['é', '⠿']
+  - ['ê', '⠣']
+  - ['ë', '⠫']
+  - ['ì', '⢱']
+  - ['í', '⢣']
+  - ['î', '⠩']
+  - ['ï', '⠻']
+  - ['ð', '⢽']
+  - ['ñ', '⢻']
+  - ['ò', '⢫']
+  - ['ó', '⢬']
+  - ['ô', '⠹']
+  - ['õ', '⢹']
+  - ['ö', '⢪']
+  - ['÷', '⢲']
+  - ['ø', '⠪']
+  - ['ù', '⠾']
+  - ['ú', '⢳']
+  - ['û', '⠱']
+  - ['ü', '⠳']
+  - ['ý', '⢍']
+  - ['þ', '⢅']
+  - ['ÿ', '⢾']
+# Pangram
+  - ['Quizdeltagerne spiste jordbær med fløde, mens cirkusklovnen Walther spillede på xylofon.', '⡟⠥⠊⠵⠙⠑⠇⠞⠁⠛⠑⠗⠝⠑ ⠎⠏⠊⠎⠞⠑ ⠚⠕⠗⠙⠃⠜⠗ ⠍⠑⠙ ⠋⠇⠪⠙⠑⠂ ⠍⠑⠝⠎ ⠉⠊⠗⠅⠥⠎⠅⠇⠕⠧⠝⠑⠝ ⡺⠁⠇⠞⠓⠑⠗ ⠎⠏⠊⠇⠇⠑⠙⠑ ⠏⠡ ⠭⠽⠇⠕⠋⠕⠝⠄']
diff --git a/tests/braille-specs/da-dk-g16-dictionary_harness.yaml b/tests/braille-specs/da-dk-g16-dictionary_harness.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6385d2d..0000000
--- a/tests/braille-specs/da-dk-g16-dictionary_harness.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237383 +0,0 @@
-display: unicode-without-blank.dis
-  language: da
-  grade: 1
-  dots: 6
-  direction: both
-  __assert-match: da-dk-g16.ctb
-  - ['%', ⠚⠴]
-  - ['%-grænsen', ⠚⠴⠤⠛⠗⠜⠝⠎⠑⠝]
-  - ['%-maling', ⠚⠴⠤⠍⠁⠇⠊⠝⠛]
-  - ['%-satsen', ⠚⠴⠤⠎⠁⠞⠎⠑⠝]
-  - ['%-tallene', ⠚⠴⠤⠞⠁⠇⠇⠑⠝⠑]
-  - ['*+', ⠔⠘⠖]
-  - ['*-', ⠔⠤]
-  - ['*-område', ⠔⠤⠕⠍⠗⠡⠙⠑]
-  - [+, ⠘⠖]
-  - [++, ⠘⠖⠘⠖]
-  - [+++, ⠘⠖⠘⠖⠘⠖]
-  - ['-0', ⠤⠼⠚]
-  - ['-1', ⠤⠼⠁]
-  - ['-10', ⠤⠼⠁⠚]
-  - ['-11', ⠤⠼⠁⠁]
-  - ['-110', ⠤⠼⠁⠁⠚]
-  - ['-111', ⠤⠼⠁⠁⠁]
-  - ['-12', ⠤⠼⠁⠃]
-  - ['-13', ⠤⠼⠁⠉]
-  - ['-14', ⠤⠼⠁⠙]
-  - ['-15', ⠤⠼⠁⠑]
-  - [-157s, ⠤⠼⠁⠑⠛⠠⠎]
-  - ['-16', ⠤⠼⠁⠋]
-  - ['-17', ⠤⠼⠁⠛]
-  - ['-18', ⠤⠼⠁⠓]
-  - ['-180', ⠤⠼⠁⠓⠚]
-  - ['-19', ⠤⠼⠁⠊]
-  - ['-2', ⠤⠼⠃]
-  - ['-20', ⠤⠼⠃⠚]
-  - ['-200', ⠤⠼⠃⠚⠚]
-  - ['-21', ⠤⠼⠃⠁]
-  - ['-22', ⠤⠼⠃⠃]
-  - ['-220', ⠤⠼⠃⠃⠚]
-  - ['-23', ⠤⠼⠃⠉]
-  - ['-24', ⠤⠼⠃⠙]
-  - ['-25', ⠤⠼⠃⠑]
-  - ['-26', ⠤⠼⠃⠋]
-  - ['-27', ⠤⠼⠃⠛]
-  - ['-28', ⠤⠼⠃⠓]
-  - ['-29', ⠤⠼⠃⠊]
-  - ['-3', ⠤⠼⠉]
-  - ['-30', ⠤⠼⠉⠚]
-  - ['-31', ⠤⠼⠉⠁]
-  - ['-38', ⠤⠼⠉⠓]
-  - ['-4', ⠤⠼⠙]
-  - ['-40', ⠤⠼⠙⠚]
-  - ['-400', ⠤⠼⠙⠚⠚]
-  - ['-44', ⠤⠼⠙⠙]
-  - [-445s, ⠤⠼⠙⠙⠑⠠⠎]
-  - ['-45', ⠤⠼⠙⠑]
-  - ['-5', ⠤⠼⠑]
-  - ['-50', ⠤⠼⠑⠚]
-  - ['-55', ⠤⠼⠑⠑]
-  - ['-56', ⠤⠼⠑⠋]
-  - ['-6', ⠤⠼⠋]
-  - ['-63', ⠤⠼⠋⠉]
-  - ['-64', ⠤⠼⠋⠙]
-  - ['-65', ⠤⠼⠋⠑]
-  - ['-68', ⠤⠼⠋⠓]
-  - ['-7', ⠤⠼⠛]
-  - ['-70', ⠤⠼⠛⠚]
-  - [-70erne, ⠤⠼⠛⠚⠠⠑⠗⠝⠑]
-  - ['-78', ⠤⠼⠛⠓]
-  - ['-8', ⠤⠼⠓]
-  - ['-80', ⠤⠼⠓⠚]
-  - [-80erne, ⠤⠼⠓⠚⠠⠑⠗⠝⠑]
-  - ['-85', ⠤⠼⠓⠑]
-  - ['-86', ⠤⠼⠓⠋]
-  - ['-87', ⠤⠼⠓⠛]
-  - ['-88', ⠤⠼⠓⠓]
-  - ['-89', ⠤⠼⠓⠊]
-  - ['-9', ⠤⠼⠊]
-  - ['-90', ⠤⠼⠊⠚]
-  - ['-91', ⠤⠼⠊⠁]
-  - ['-92', ⠤⠼⠊⠃]
-  - [-adresse, ⠤⠁⠙⠗⠑⠎⠎⠑]
-  - [-aften, ⠤⠁⠋⠞⠑⠝]
-  - [-agtige, ⠤⠁⠛⠞⠊⠛⠑]
-  - [-aktionen, ⠤⠁⠅⠞⠊⠕⠝⠑⠝]
-  - [-aktioner, ⠤⠁⠅⠞⠊⠕⠝⠑⠗]
-  - [-album, ⠤⠁⠇⠃⠥⠍]
-  - [-albums, ⠤⠁⠇⠃⠥⠍⠎]
-  - [-all, ⠤⠁⠇⠇]
-  - [-alt, ⠤⠁⠇⠞]
-  - [-am, ⠤⠁⠍]
-  - [-analyse, ⠤⠁⠝⠁⠇⠽⠎⠑]
-  - [-antologi, ⠤⠁⠝⠞⠕⠇⠕⠛⠊]
-  - [-antologier, ⠤⠁⠝⠞⠕⠇⠕⠛⠊⠑⠗]
-  - [-arrangement, ⠤⠁⠗⠗⠁⠝⠛⠑⠍⠑⠝⠞]
-  - [-arrangementer, ⠤⠁⠗⠗⠁⠝⠛⠑⠍⠑⠝⠞⠑⠗]
-  - [-as, ⠤⠁⠎]
-  - [-aspektet, ⠤⠁⠎⠏⠑⠅⠞⠑⠞]
-  - [-attitude, ⠤⠁⠞⠞⠊⠞⠥⠙⠑]
-  - [-bam, ⠤⠃⠁⠍]
-  - [-baser, ⠤⠃⠁⠎⠑⠗]
-  - [-begrebet, ⠤⠃⠑⠛⠗⠑⠃⠑⠞]
-  - [-bents, ⠤⠃⠑⠝⠞⠎]
-  - [-bestilling, ⠤⠃⠑⠎⠞⠊⠇⠇⠊⠝⠛]
-  - [-besætningen, ⠤⠃⠑⠎⠜⠞⠝⠊⠝⠛⠑⠝]
-  - [-bh, ⠤⠃⠓]
-  - [-bil, ⠤⠃⠊⠇]
-  - [-biler, ⠤⠃⠊⠇⠑⠗]
-  - [-billeder, ⠤⠃⠊⠇⠇⠑⠙⠑⠗]
-  - [-billedet, ⠤⠃⠊⠇⠇⠑⠙⠑⠞]
-  - [-blade, ⠤⠃⠇⠁⠙⠑]
-  - [-bokserne, ⠤⠃⠕⠅⠎⠑⠗⠝⠑]
-  - [-bold, ⠤⠃⠕⠇⠙]
-  - [-breve, ⠤⠃⠗⠑⠧⠑]
-  - [-brit, ⠤⠃⠗⠊⠞]
-  - [-bukser, ⠤⠃⠥⠅⠎⠑⠗]
-  - [-busser, ⠤⠃⠥⠎⠎⠑⠗]
-  - [-butik, ⠤⠃⠥⠞⠊⠅]
-  - [-by, ⠤⠃⠽]
-  - [-bånd, ⠤⠃⠡⠝⠙]
-  - [-båndet, ⠤⠃⠡⠝⠙⠑⠞]
-  - [-bøger, ⠤⠃⠪⠛⠑⠗]
-  - [-bøgerne, ⠤⠃⠪⠛⠑⠗⠝⠑]
-  - [-bølge, ⠤⠃⠪⠇⠛⠑]
-  - [-computere, ⠤⠉⠕⠍⠏⠥⠞⠑⠗⠑]
-  - [-coo, ⠤⠉⠕⠕]
-  - [-cypriotisk, ⠤⠉⠽⠏⠗⠊⠕⠞⠊⠎⠅]
-  - [-cypriotiske, ⠤⠉⠽⠏⠗⠊⠕⠞⠊⠎⠅⠑]
-  - [-da, ⠤⠙⠁]
-  - [-dagen, ⠤⠙⠁⠛⠑⠝]
-  - [-damm, ⠤⠙⠁⠍⠍]
-  - [-de, ⠤⠙⠑]
-  - [-dec, ⠤⠙⠑⠉]
-  - [-del, ⠤⠙⠑⠇]
-  - [-den, ⠤⠙⠑⠝]
-  - [-der, ⠤⠙⠑⠗]
-  - [-designere, ⠤⠙⠑⠎⠊⠛⠝⠑⠗⠑]
-  - [-det, ⠤⠙⠑⠞]
-  - [-diktatur, ⠤⠙⠊⠅⠞⠁⠞⠥⠗]
-  - [-diktaturet, ⠤⠙⠊⠅⠞⠁⠞⠥⠗⠑⠞]
-  - [-dirigent, ⠤⠙⠊⠗⠊⠛⠑⠝⠞]
-  - [-drenge, ⠤⠙⠗⠑⠝⠛⠑]
-  - [-drift, ⠤⠙⠗⠊⠋⠞]
-  - [-du, ⠤⠙⠥]
-  - [-dynamo, ⠤⠙⠽⠝⠁⠍⠕]
-  - [-edward, ⠤⠑⠙⠺⠁⠗⠙]
-  - [-efter, ⠤⠑⠋⠞⠑⠗]
-  - [-ejere, ⠤⠑⠚⠑⠗⠑]
-  - [-eksperten, ⠤⠑⠅⠎⠏⠑⠗⠞⠑⠝]
-  - [-en, ⠤⠑⠝]
-  - [-ende, ⠤⠑⠝⠙⠑]
-  - [-er, ⠤⠑⠗]
-  - [-ere, ⠤⠑⠗⠑]
-  - [-esprit, ⠤⠑⠎⠏⠗⠊⠞]
-  - [-essens, ⠤⠑⠎⠎⠑⠝⠎]
-  - [-et, ⠤⠑⠞]
-  - [-europa, ⠤⠑⠥⠗⠕⠏⠁]
-  - [-feltet, ⠤⠋⠑⠇⠞⠑⠞]
-  - [-festival, ⠤⠋⠑⠎⠞⠊⠧⠁⠇]
-  - [-film, ⠤⠋⠊⠇⠍]
-  - [-filmen, ⠤⠋⠊⠇⠍⠑⠝]
-  - [-filmene, ⠤⠋⠊⠇⠍⠑⠝⠑]
-  - [-fly, ⠤⠋⠇⠽]
-  - [-folk, ⠤⠋⠕⠇⠅]
-  - [-fonde, ⠤⠋⠕⠝⠙⠑]
-  - [-fordi, ⠤⠋⠕⠗⠙⠊]
-  - [-forebyggelse, ⠤⠋⠕⠗⠑⠃⠽⠛⠛⠑⠇⠎⠑]
-  - [-foreninger, ⠤⠋⠕⠗⠑⠝⠊⠝⠛⠑⠗]
-  - [-forestilling, ⠤⠋⠕⠗⠑⠎⠞⠊⠇⠇⠊⠝⠛]
-  - [-forfattere, ⠤⠋⠕⠗⠋⠁⠞⠞⠑⠗⠑]
-  - [-forhandlere, ⠤⠋⠕⠗⠓⠁⠝⠙⠇⠑⠗⠑]
-  - [-form, ⠤⠋⠕⠗⠍]
-  - [-formede, ⠤⠋⠕⠗⠍⠑⠙⠑]
-  - [-forpligtelser, ⠤⠋⠕⠗⠏⠇⠊⠛⠞⠑⠇⠎⠑⠗]
-  - [-forslag, ⠤⠋⠕⠗⠎⠇⠁⠛]
-  - [-fortolker, ⠤⠋⠕⠗⠞⠕⠇⠅⠑⠗]
-  - [-fr, ⠤⠋⠗]
-  - [-fra, ⠤⠋⠗⠁]
-  - [-fradrag, ⠤⠋⠗⠁⠙⠗⠁⠛]
-  - [-fradraget, ⠤⠋⠗⠁⠙⠗⠁⠛⠑⠞]
-  - [-frakker, ⠤⠋⠗⠁⠅⠅⠑⠗]
-  - [-fre, ⠤⠋⠗⠑]
-  - [-fred, ⠤⠋⠗⠑⠙]
-  - [-frihed, ⠤⠋⠗⠊⠓⠑⠙]
-  - [-funktioner, ⠤⠋⠥⠝⠅⠞⠊⠕⠝⠑⠗]
-  - [-fædre, ⠤⠋⠜⠙⠗⠑]
-  - [-fødder, ⠤⠋⠪⠙⠙⠑⠗]
-  - [-født, ⠤⠋⠪⠙⠞]
-  - [-fødte, ⠤⠋⠪⠙⠞⠑]
-  - [-gruppen, ⠤⠛⠗⠥⠏⠏⠑⠝]
-  - [-guldvinder, ⠤⠛⠥⠇⠙⠧⠊⠝⠙⠑⠗]
-  - [-gæld, ⠤⠛⠜⠇⠙]
-  - [-hallen, ⠤⠓⠁⠇⠇⠑⠝]
-  - [-handel, ⠤⠓⠁⠝⠙⠑⠇]
-  - [-helt, ⠤⠓⠑⠇⠞]
-  - [-historie, ⠤⠓⠊⠎⠞⠕⠗⠊⠑]
-  - [-historier, ⠤⠓⠊⠎⠞⠕⠗⠊⠑⠗]
-  - [-hjælp, ⠤⠓⠚⠜⠇⠏]
-  - [-hold, ⠤⠓⠕⠇⠙]
-  - [-holdet, ⠤⠓⠕⠇⠙⠑⠞]
-  - [-holdets, ⠤⠓⠕⠇⠙⠑⠞⠎]
-  - [-holdning, ⠤⠓⠕⠇⠙⠝⠊⠝⠛]
-  - [-hun, ⠤⠓⠥⠝]
-  - [-hvad, ⠤⠓⠧⠁⠙]
-  - [-hvilket, ⠤⠓⠧⠊⠇⠅⠑⠞]
-  - [-hvis, ⠤⠓⠧⠊⠎]
-  - [-hvor, ⠤⠓⠧⠕⠗]
-  - [-hvordan, ⠤⠓⠧⠕⠗⠙⠁⠝]
-  - [-hvorfor, ⠤⠓⠧⠕⠗⠋⠕⠗]
-  - [-i, ⠤⠊]
-  - [-idrætten, ⠤⠊⠙⠗⠜⠞⠞⠑⠝]
-  - [-ikke, ⠤⠊⠅⠅⠑]
-  - [-importører, ⠤⠊⠍⠏⠕⠗⠞⠪⠗⠑⠗]
-  - [-inden, ⠤⠊⠝⠙⠑⠝]
-  - [-indkøb, ⠤⠊⠝⠙⠅⠪⠃]
-  - [-indtægter, ⠤⠊⠝⠙⠞⠜⠛⠞⠑⠗]
-  - [-institution, ⠤⠊⠝⠎⠞⠊⠞⠥⠞⠊⠕⠝]
-  - [-interesserede, ⠤⠊⠝⠞⠑⠗⠑⠎⠎⠑⠗⠑⠙⠑]
-  - [-isme, ⠤⠊⠎⠍⠑]
-  - [-ismer, ⠤⠊⠎⠍⠑⠗]
-  - [-ja, ⠤⠚⠁]
-  - [-jakke, ⠤⠚⠁⠅⠅⠑]
-  - [-jamen, ⠤⠚⠁⠍⠑⠝]
-  - [-jap, ⠤⠚⠁⠏]
-  - [-jeg, ⠤⠚⠑⠛]
-  - [-jo, ⠤⠚⠕]
-  - [-journalist, ⠤⠚⠕⠥⠗⠝⠁⠇⠊⠎⠞]
-  - [-juni, ⠤⠚⠥⠝⠊]
-  - [-junta, ⠤⠚⠥⠝⠞⠁]
-  - [-kalundborg, ⠤⠅⠁⠇⠥⠝⠙⠃⠕⠗⠛]
-  - [-kamera, ⠤⠅⠁⠍⠑⠗⠁]
-  - [-kamp, ⠤⠅⠁⠍⠏]
-  - [-kampen, ⠤⠅⠁⠍⠏⠑⠝]
-  - [-kaptajnen, ⠤⠅⠁⠏⠞⠁⠚⠝⠑⠝]
-  - [-kat, ⠤⠅⠁⠞]
-  - [-katastrofen, ⠤⠅⠁⠞⠁⠎⠞⠗⠕⠋⠑⠝]
-  - [-kem, ⠤⠅⠑⠍]
-  - [-kild, ⠤⠅⠊⠇⠙]
-  - [-kin, ⠤⠅⠊⠝]
-  - [-klasse, ⠤⠅⠇⠁⠎⠎⠑]
-  - [-klassen, ⠤⠅⠇⠁⠎⠎⠑⠝]
-  - [-klasser, ⠤⠅⠇⠁⠎⠎⠑⠗]
-  - [-klausulen, ⠤⠅⠇⠁⠥⠎⠥⠇⠑⠝]
-  - [-kommer, ⠤⠅⠕⠍⠍⠑⠗]
-  - [-koncernen, ⠤⠅⠕⠝⠉⠑⠗⠝⠑⠝]
-  - [-koncert, ⠤⠅⠕⠝⠉⠑⠗⠞]
-  - [-koncerter, ⠤⠅⠕⠝⠉⠑⠗⠞⠑⠗]
-  - [-koner, ⠤⠅⠕⠝⠑⠗]
-  - [-kontoen, ⠤⠅⠕⠝⠞⠕⠑⠝]
-  - [-kort, ⠤⠅⠕⠗⠞]
-  - [-kr, ⠤⠅⠗]
-  - [-kranse, ⠤⠅⠗⠁⠝⠎⠑]
-  - [-kultur, ⠤⠅⠥⠇⠞⠥⠗]
-  - [-kunne, ⠤⠅⠥⠝⠝⠑]
-  - [-kup, ⠤⠅⠥⠏]
-  - [-kuppet, ⠤⠅⠥⠏⠏⠑⠞]
-  - [-kursus, ⠤⠅⠥⠗⠎⠥⠎]
-  - [-kvinde, ⠤⠅⠧⠊⠝⠙⠑]
-  - [-kvinden, ⠤⠅⠧⠊⠝⠙⠑⠝]
-  - [-kvinder, ⠤⠅⠧⠊⠝⠙⠑⠗]
-  - [-kvinders, ⠤⠅⠧⠊⠝⠙⠑⠗⠎]
-  - [-laboratorier, ⠤⠇⠁⠃⠕⠗⠁⠞⠕⠗⠊⠑⠗]
-  - [-land, ⠤⠇⠁⠝⠙]
-  - [-langt, ⠤⠇⠁⠝⠛⠞]
-  - [-leder, ⠤⠇⠑⠙⠑⠗]
-  - [-ledere, ⠤⠇⠑⠙⠑⠗⠑]
-  - [-lederen, ⠤⠇⠑⠙⠑⠗⠑⠝]
-  - [-legatet, ⠤⠇⠑⠛⠁⠞⠑⠞]
-  - [-lig, ⠤⠇⠊⠛]
-  - [-ligesom, ⠤⠇⠊⠛⠑⠎⠕⠍]
-  - [-lignende, ⠤⠇⠊⠛⠝⠑⠝⠙⠑]
-  - [-liste, ⠤⠇⠊⠎⠞⠑]
-  - [-lossepladser, ⠤⠇⠕⠎⠎⠑⠏⠇⠁⠙⠎⠑⠗]
-  - [-læser, ⠤⠇⠜⠎⠑⠗]
-  - [-læsere, ⠤⠇⠜⠎⠑⠗⠑]
-  - [-lørdag, ⠤⠇⠪⠗⠙⠁⠛]
-  - [-manchester, ⠤⠍⠁⠝⠉⠓⠑⠎⠞⠑⠗]
-  - [-mand, ⠤⠍⠁⠝⠙]
-  - [-marts, ⠤⠍⠁⠗⠞⠎]
-  - [-maskiner, ⠤⠍⠁⠎⠅⠊⠝⠑⠗]
-  - [-materiale, ⠤⠍⠁⠞⠑⠗⠊⠁⠇⠑]
-  - [-med, ⠤⠍⠑⠙]
-  - [-medlemmer, ⠤⠍⠑⠙⠇⠑⠍⠍⠑⠗]
-  - [-men, ⠤⠍⠑⠝]
-  - [-menneske, ⠤⠍⠑⠝⠝⠑⠎⠅⠑]
-  - [-metoden, ⠤⠍⠑⠞⠕⠙⠑⠝]
-  - [-metoder, ⠤⠍⠑⠞⠕⠙⠑⠗]
-  - [-mode, ⠤⠍⠕⠙⠑]
-  - [-mor, ⠤⠍⠕⠗]
-  - [-museet, ⠤⠍⠥⠎⠑⠑⠞]
-  - [-måling, ⠤⠍⠡⠇⠊⠝⠛]
-  - [-mændene, ⠤⠍⠜⠝⠙⠑⠝⠑]
-  - [-mærke, ⠤⠍⠜⠗⠅⠑]
-  - [-mærker, ⠤⠍⠜⠗⠅⠑⠗]
-  - [-mærkerne, ⠤⠍⠜⠗⠅⠑⠗⠝⠑]
-  - [-mærket, ⠤⠍⠜⠗⠅⠑⠞]
-  - [-møde, ⠤⠍⠪⠙⠑]
-  - [-mødre, ⠤⠍⠪⠙⠗⠑]
-  - [-mønster, ⠤⠍⠪⠝⠎⠞⠑⠗]
-  - [-mønter, ⠤⠍⠪⠝⠞⠑⠗]
-  - [-neb, ⠤⠝⠑⠃]
-  - [-nej, ⠤⠝⠑⠚]
-  - [-nh2, ⠤⠝⠓⠼⠃]
-  - [-niveau, ⠤⠝⠊⠧⠑⠁⠥]
-  - [-no, ⠤⠝⠕]
-  - [-nogle, ⠤⠝⠕⠛⠇⠑]
-  - [-nov, ⠤⠝⠕⠧]
-  - [-nu, ⠤⠝⠥]
-  - [-nummer, ⠤⠝⠥⠍⠍⠑⠗]
-  - [-nummeret, ⠤⠝⠥⠍⠍⠑⠗⠑⠞]
-  - [-ny, ⠤⠝⠽]
-  - [-nyrer, ⠤⠝⠽⠗⠑⠗]
-  - [-når, ⠤⠝⠡⠗]
-  - [-også, ⠤⠕⠛⠎⠡]
-  - [-oh, ⠤⠕⠓]
-  - [-okt, ⠤⠕⠅⠞]
-  - [-om, ⠤⠕⠍]
-  - [-område, ⠤⠕⠍⠗⠡⠙⠑]
-  - [-oorr-, ⠤⠕⠕⠗⠗⠤]
-  - [-operationer, ⠤⠕⠏⠑⠗⠁⠞⠊⠕⠝⠑⠗]
-  - [-opfattelse, ⠤⠕⠏⠋⠁⠞⠞⠑⠇⠎⠑]
-  - [-opfattelsen, ⠤⠕⠏⠋⠁⠞⠞⠑⠇⠎⠑⠝]
-  - [-opførelse, ⠤⠕⠏⠋⠪⠗⠑⠇⠎⠑]
-  - [-ordning, ⠤⠕⠗⠙⠝⠊⠝⠛]
-  - [-overleveringen, ⠤⠕⠧⠑⠗⠇⠑⠧⠑⠗⠊⠝⠛⠑⠝]
-  - [-oxid, ⠤⠕⠭⠊⠙]
-  - [-pakker, ⠤⠏⠁⠅⠅⠑⠗]
-  - [-pe, ⠤⠏⠑]
-  - [-piller, ⠤⠏⠊⠇⠇⠑⠗]
-  - [-plade, ⠤⠏⠇⠁⠙⠑]
-  - [-pladen, ⠤⠏⠇⠁⠙⠑⠝]
-  - [-plads, ⠤⠏⠇⠁⠙⠎]
-  - [-pladsen, ⠤⠏⠇⠁⠙⠎⠑⠝]
-  - [-pladserne, ⠤⠏⠇⠁⠙⠎⠑⠗⠝⠑]
-  - [-plakat, ⠤⠏⠇⠁⠅⠁⠞]
-  - [-pol, ⠤⠏⠕⠇]
-  - [-politik, ⠤⠏⠕⠇⠊⠞⠊⠅]
-  - [-princip, ⠤⠏⠗⠊⠝⠉⠊⠏]
-  - [-princippet, ⠤⠏⠗⠊⠝⠉⠊⠏⠏⠑⠞]
-  - [-prisen, ⠤⠏⠗⠊⠎⠑⠝]
-  - [-priser, ⠤⠏⠗⠊⠎⠑⠗]
-  - [-proces, ⠤⠏⠗⠕⠉⠑⠎]
-  - [-processen, ⠤⠏⠗⠕⠉⠑⠎⠎⠑⠝]
-  - [-producenten, ⠤⠏⠗⠕⠙⠥⠉⠑⠝⠞⠑⠝]
-  - [-produkt, ⠤⠏⠗⠕⠙⠥⠅⠞]
-  - [-produkter, ⠤⠏⠗⠕⠙⠥⠅⠞⠑⠗]
-  - [-program, ⠤⠏⠗⠕⠛⠗⠁⠍]
-  - [-programmerne, ⠤⠏⠗⠕⠛⠗⠁⠍⠍⠑⠗⠝⠑]
-  - [-projekt, ⠤⠏⠗⠕⠚⠑⠅⠞]
-  - [-projektet, ⠤⠏⠗⠕⠚⠑⠅⠞⠑⠞]
-  - [-punkterne, ⠤⠏⠥⠝⠅⠞⠑⠗⠝⠑]
-  - [-pædagog, ⠤⠏⠜⠙⠁⠛⠕⠛]
-  - [-re, ⠤⠗⠑]
-  - [-redaktør, ⠤⠗⠑⠙⠁⠅⠞⠪⠗]
-  - [-regimer, ⠤⠗⠑⠛⠊⠍⠑⠗]
-  - [-reglen, ⠤⠗⠑⠛⠇⠑⠝]
-  - [-reklamerne, ⠤⠗⠑⠅⠇⠁⠍⠑⠗⠝⠑]
-  - [-ret, ⠤⠗⠑⠞]
-  - [-revyen, ⠤⠗⠑⠧⠽⠑⠝]
-  - [-risiko, ⠤⠗⠊⠎⠊⠅⠕]
-  - [-roer, ⠤⠗⠕⠑⠗]
-  - [-rom, ⠤⠗⠕⠍]
-  - [-rubrikken, ⠤⠗⠥⠃⠗⠊⠅⠅⠑⠝]
-  - [-saft, ⠤⠎⠁⠋⠞]
-  - [-sag, ⠤⠎⠁⠛]
-  - [-sagen, ⠤⠎⠁⠛⠑⠝]
-  - [-salat, ⠤⠎⠁⠇⠁⠞]
-  - [-samarbejde, ⠤⠎⠁⠍⠁⠗⠃⠑⠚⠙⠑]
-  - [-san, ⠤⠎⠁⠝]
-  - [-sangen, ⠤⠎⠁⠝⠛⠑⠝]
-  - [-scener, ⠤⠎⠉⠑⠝⠑⠗]
-  - [-science, ⠤⠎⠉⠊⠑⠝⠉⠑]
-  - [-seddel, ⠤⠎⠑⠙⠙⠑⠇]
-  - [-sedler, ⠤⠎⠑⠙⠇⠑⠗]
-  - [-selskabets, ⠤⠎⠑⠇⠎⠅⠁⠃⠑⠞⠎]
-  - [-selv-bord, ⠤⠎⠑⠇⠧⠤⠃⠕⠗⠙]
-  - [-serie, ⠤⠎⠑⠗⠊⠑]
-  - [-serien, ⠤⠎⠑⠗⠊⠑⠝]
-  - [-singlen, ⠤⠎⠊⠝⠛⠇⠑⠝]
-  - [-situation, ⠤⠎⠊⠞⠥⠁⠞⠊⠕⠝]
-  - [-skal, ⠤⠎⠅⠁⠇]
-  - [-skat, ⠤⠎⠅⠁⠞]
-  - [-skatten, ⠤⠎⠅⠁⠞⠞⠑⠝]
-  - [-skilt, ⠤⠎⠅⠊⠇⠞]
-  - [-skilte, ⠤⠎⠅⠊⠇⠞⠑]
-  - [-skiltene, ⠤⠎⠅⠊⠇⠞⠑⠝⠑]
-  - [-skiltet, ⠤⠎⠅⠊⠇⠞⠑⠞]
-  - [-skolen, ⠤⠎⠅⠕⠇⠑⠝]
-  - [-skoler, ⠤⠎⠅⠕⠇⠑⠗]
-  - [-sludder, ⠤⠎⠇⠥⠙⠙⠑⠗]
-  - [-sovj, ⠤⠎⠕⠧⠚]
-  - [-spejle, ⠤⠎⠏⠑⠚⠇⠑]
-  - [-spil, ⠤⠎⠏⠊⠇]
-  - [-sprogede, ⠤⠎⠏⠗⠕⠛⠑⠙⠑]
-  - [-sproget, ⠤⠎⠏⠗⠕⠛⠑⠞]
-  - [-standard, ⠤⠎⠞⠁⠝⠙⠁⠗⠙]
-  - [-sted, ⠤⠎⠞⠑⠙]
-  - [-stemme, ⠤⠎⠞⠑⠍⠍⠑]
-  - [-stemning, ⠤⠎⠞⠑⠍⠝⠊⠝⠛]
-  - [-stil, ⠤⠎⠞⠊⠇]
-  - [-stilen, ⠤⠎⠞⠊⠇⠑⠝]
-  - [-stjerner, ⠤⠎⠞⠚⠑⠗⠝⠑⠗]
-  - [-struktur, ⠤⠎⠞⠗⠥⠅⠞⠥⠗]
-  - [-strukturer, ⠤⠎⠞⠗⠥⠅⠞⠥⠗⠑⠗]
-  - [-studerende, ⠤⠎⠞⠥⠙⠑⠗⠑⠝⠙⠑]
-  - [-studierne, ⠤⠎⠞⠥⠙⠊⠑⠗⠝⠑]
-  - [-studiet, ⠤⠎⠞⠥⠙⠊⠑⠞]
-  - [-studium, ⠤⠎⠞⠥⠙⠊⠥⠍]
-  - [-styre, ⠤⠎⠞⠽⠗⠑]
-  - [-styrede, ⠤⠎⠞⠽⠗⠑⠙⠑]
-  - [-styret, ⠤⠎⠞⠽⠗⠑⠞]
-  - [-styrke, ⠤⠎⠞⠽⠗⠅⠑]
-  - [-stævner, ⠤⠎⠞⠜⠧⠝⠑⠗]
-  - [-stævnerne, ⠤⠎⠞⠜⠧⠝⠑⠗⠝⠑]
-  - [-sv, ⠤⠎⠧]
-  - [-svar, ⠤⠎⠧⠁⠗]
-  - [-symfonien, ⠤⠎⠽⠍⠋⠕⠝⠊⠑⠝]
-  - [-syndromet, ⠤⠎⠽⠝⠙⠗⠕⠍⠑⠞]
-  - [-systemet, ⠤⠎⠽⠎⠞⠑⠍⠑⠞]
-  - [-så, ⠤⠎⠡]
-  - [-sølv, ⠤⠎⠪⠇⠧]
-  - [-søndag, ⠤⠎⠪⠝⠙⠁⠛]
-  - [-sør, ⠤⠎⠪⠗]
-  - [-ta, ⠤⠞⠁]
-  - [-tal, ⠤⠞⠁⠇]
-  - [-talende, ⠤⠞⠁⠇⠑⠝⠙⠑]
-  - [-tekn, ⠤⠞⠑⠅⠝]
-  - [-tel, ⠤⠞⠑⠇]
-  - [-teoretiske, ⠤⠞⠑⠕⠗⠑⠞⠊⠎⠅⠑]
-  - [-tid, ⠤⠞⠊⠙]
-  - [-tiden, ⠤⠞⠊⠙⠑⠝]
-  - [-tilbehør, ⠤⠞⠊⠇⠃⠑⠓⠪⠗]
-  - [-tilbud, ⠤⠞⠊⠇⠃⠥⠙]
-  - [-tingene, ⠤⠞⠊⠝⠛⠑⠝⠑]
-  - [-titlen, ⠤⠞⠊⠞⠇⠑⠝]
-  - [-tjeneste, ⠤⠞⠚⠑⠝⠑⠎⠞⠑]
-  - [-tl, ⠤⠞⠇]
-  - [-tog, ⠤⠞⠕⠛]
-  - [-ton, ⠤⠞⠕⠝]
-  - [-tral-la-la, ⠤⠞⠗⠁⠇⠤⠇⠁⠤⠇⠁]
-  - [-tv, ⠤⠞⠧]
-  - [-ty, ⠤⠞⠽]
-  - [-type, ⠤⠞⠽⠏⠑]
-  - [-tyrk, ⠤⠞⠽⠗⠅]
-  - [-uc-, ⠤⠥⠉⠤]
-  - [-ud, ⠤⠥⠙]
-  - [-uddannelse, ⠤⠥⠙⠙⠁⠝⠝⠑⠇⠎⠑]
-  - [-uddannelsen, ⠤⠥⠙⠙⠁⠝⠝⠑⠇⠎⠑⠝]
-  - [-uddannelser, ⠤⠥⠙⠙⠁⠝⠝⠑⠇⠎⠑⠗]
-  - [-uddannet, ⠤⠥⠙⠙⠁⠝⠝⠑⠞]
-  - [-udgaver, ⠤⠥⠙⠛⠁⠧⠑⠗]
-  - [-udgifter, ⠤⠥⠙⠛⠊⠋⠞⠑⠗]
-  - [-udgivelsesår, ⠤⠥⠙⠛⠊⠧⠑⠇⠎⠑⠎⠡⠗]
-  - [-udover, ⠤⠥⠙⠕⠧⠑⠗]
-  - [-udsendelser, ⠤⠥⠙⠎⠑⠝⠙⠑⠇⠎⠑⠗]
-  - [-udsendelserne, ⠤⠥⠙⠎⠑⠝⠙⠑⠇⠎⠑⠗⠝⠑]
-  - [-udstilling, ⠤⠥⠙⠎⠞⠊⠇⠇⠊⠝⠛]
-  - [-udstillingen, ⠤⠥⠙⠎⠞⠊⠇⠇⠊⠝⠛⠑⠝]
-  - [-udstyr, ⠤⠥⠙⠎⠞⠽⠗]
-  - [-uheld, ⠤⠥⠓⠑⠇⠙]
-  - [-ung, ⠤⠥⠝⠛]
-  - [-uniformer, ⠤⠥⠝⠊⠋⠕⠗⠍⠑⠗]
-  - [-us, ⠤⠥⠎]
-  - [-vi, ⠤⠧⠊]
-  - [-vid, ⠤⠧⠊⠙]
-  - [-viden, ⠤⠧⠊⠙⠑⠝]
-  - [-video, ⠤⠧⠊⠙⠑⠕]
-  - [-vil, ⠤⠧⠊⠇]
-  - [-vindere, ⠤⠧⠊⠝⠙⠑⠗⠑]
-  - [-vores, ⠤⠧⠕⠗⠑⠎]
-  - [-vurdering, ⠤⠧⠥⠗⠙⠑⠗⠊⠝⠛]
-  - [-vægge, ⠤⠧⠜⠛⠛⠑]
-  - [-vægt, ⠤⠧⠜⠛⠞]
-  - [-værker, ⠤⠧⠜⠗⠅⠑⠗]
-  - [-år, ⠤⠡⠗]
-  - [-økon, ⠤⠪⠅⠕⠝]
-  - ['0', ⠼⠚]
-  - [0-, ⠼⠚⠤]
-  - [0-0, ⠼⠚⠤⠼⠚]
-  - [0-0-0, ⠼⠚⠤⠼⠚⠤⠼⠚]
-  - [0-1, ⠼⠚⠤⠼⠁]
-  - [0-10, ⠼⠚⠤⠼⠁⠚]
-  - [0-100, ⠼⠚⠤⠼⠁⠚⠚]
-  - [0-11, ⠼⠚⠤⠼⠁⠁]
-  - [0-14, ⠼⠚⠤⠼⠁⠙]
-  - [0-14-87, ⠼⠚⠤⠼⠁⠙⠤⠼⠓⠛]
-  - [0-14-årige, ⠼⠚⠤⠼⠁⠙⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑]
-  - [0-2, ⠼⠚⠤⠼⠃]
-  - [0-2-årige, ⠼⠚⠤⠼⠃⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑]
-  - [0-2-åriges, ⠼⠚⠤⠼⠃⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑⠎]
-  - [0-3, ⠼⠚⠤⠼⠉]
-  - [0-30, ⠼⠚⠤⠼⠉⠚]
-  - [0-4, ⠼⠚⠤⠼⠙]
-  - [0-40, ⠼⠚⠤⠼⠙⠚]
-  - [0-6, ⠼⠚⠤⠼⠋]
-  - [0-7, ⠼⠚⠤⠼⠛]
-  - [0-75-85, ⠼⠚⠤⠼⠛⠑⠤⠼⠓⠑]
-  - [0-liter, ⠼⠚⠤⠠⠇⠊⠞⠑⠗]
-  - [0-liters, ⠼⠚⠤⠠⠇⠊⠞⠑⠗⠎]
-  - [0-løsning, ⠼⠚⠤⠠⠇⠪⠎⠝⠊⠝⠛]
-  - [0-serie, ⠼⠚⠤⠠⠎⠑⠗⠊⠑]
-  - [0-årige, ⠼⠚⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑]
-  - ['00', ⠼⠚⠚]
-  - [00-, ⠼⠚⠚⠤]
-  - [00-00, ⠼⠚⠚⠤⠼⠚⠚]
-  - [00-01, ⠼⠚⠚⠤⠼⠚⠁]
-  - [00-02, ⠼⠚⠚⠤⠼⠚⠃]
-  - [00-04, ⠼⠚⠚⠤⠼⠚⠙]
-  - [00-05, ⠼⠚⠚⠤⠼⠚⠑]
-  - [00-06, ⠼⠚⠚⠤⠼⠚⠋]
-  - [00-08, ⠼⠚⠚⠤⠼⠚⠓]
-  - [00-09, ⠼⠚⠚⠤⠼⠚⠊]
-  - [00-1, ⠼⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁]
-  - [00-10, ⠼⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠚]
-  - [00-11, ⠼⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠁]
-  - [00-12, ⠼⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠃]
-  - [00-13, ⠼⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠉]
-  - [00-14, ⠼⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠙]
-  - [00-15, ⠼⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠑]
-  - [00-16, ⠼⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠋]
-  - [00-17, ⠼⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠛]
-  - [00-18, ⠼⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠓]
-  - [00-19, ⠼⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠊]
-  - [00-20, ⠼⠚⠚⠤⠼⠃⠚]
-  - [00-21, ⠼⠚⠚⠤⠼⠃⠁]
-  - [00-22, ⠼⠚⠚⠤⠼⠃⠃]
-  - [00-23, ⠼⠚⠚⠤⠼⠃⠉]
-  - [00-5, ⠼⠚⠚⠤⠼⠑]
-  - [00-8, ⠼⠚⠚⠤⠼⠓]
-  - [00-9, ⠼⠚⠚⠤⠼⠊]
-  - [00-ca, ⠼⠚⠚⠤⠠⠉⠁]
-  - [00-tiden, ⠼⠚⠚⠤⠠⠞⠊⠙⠑⠝]
-  - ['000', ⠼⠚⠚⠚]
-  - [000-, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤]
-  - [000-1, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁]
-  - [000-10, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠚]
-  - [000-100, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠚⠚]
-  - [000-11, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠁]
-  - [000-110, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠁⠚]
-  - [000-12, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠃]
-  - [000-120, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠃⠚]
-  - [000-125, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠃⠑]
-  - [000-13, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠉]
-  - [000-14, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠙]
-  - [000-140, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠙⠚]
-  - [000-15, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠑]
-  - [000-150, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠑⠚]
-  - [000-20, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠃⠚]
-  - [000-200, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠃⠚⠚]
-  - [000-220, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠃⠃⠚]
-  - [000-25, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠃⠑]
-  - [000-3, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠉]
-  - [000-30, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠉⠚]
-  - [000-300, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠉⠚⠚]
-  - [000-33, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠉⠉]
-  - [000-4, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠙]
-  - [000-40, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠙⠚]
-  - [000-400, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠙⠚⠚]
-  - [000-5, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠑]
-  - [000-50, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠑⠚]
-  - [000-500, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠑⠚⠚]
-  - [000-6, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠋]
-  - [000-60, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠋⠚]
-  - [000-600, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠋⠚⠚]
-  - [000-7, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠛]
-  - [000-70, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠛⠚]
-  - [000-75, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠛⠑]
-  - [000-8, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠓]
-  - [000-80, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠓⠚]
-  - [000-800, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠓⠚⠚]
-  - [000-90, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠊⠚]
-  - [000-kroners, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠠⠅⠗⠕⠝⠑⠗⠎]
-  - [000-vis, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠤⠠⠧⠊⠎]
-  - ['0000', ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠚]
-  - ['0001', ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠁]
-  - ['0005', ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠑]
-  - [000er, ⠼⠚⠚⠚⠠⠑⠗]
-  - ['001', ⠼⠚⠚⠁]
-  - [0019, ⠼⠚⠚⠁⠊]
-  - ['002', ⠼⠚⠚⠃]
-  - ['003', ⠼⠚⠚⠉]
-  - ['0031', ⠼⠚⠚⠉⠁]
-  - ['0033', ⠼⠚⠚⠉⠉]
-  - ['004', ⠼⠚⠚⠙]
-  - ['0047', ⠼⠚⠚⠙⠛]
-  - ['005', ⠼⠚⠚⠑]
-  - [0059, ⠼⠚⠚⠑⠊]
-  - ['006', ⠼⠚⠚⠋]
-  - ['007', ⠼⠚⠚⠛]
-  - [009, ⠼⠚⠚⠊]
-  - [0090, ⠼⠚⠚⠊⠚]
-  - ['01', ⠼⠚⠁]
-  - [01-, ⠼⠚⠁⠤]
-  - [01-13, ⠼⠚⠁⠤⠼⠁⠉]
-  - [01-22, ⠼⠚⠁⠤⠼⠃⠃]
-  - [01-23, ⠼⠚⠁⠤⠼⠃⠉]
-  - [01-området, ⠼⠚⠁⠤⠠⠕⠍⠗⠡⠙⠑⠞]
-  - [01-tiden, ⠼⠚⠁⠤⠠⠞⠊⠙⠑⠝]
-  - ['010', ⠼⠚⠁⠚]
-  - ['0100', ⠼⠚⠁⠚⠚]
-  - [0100ra, ⠼⠚⠁⠚⠚⠠⠗⠁]
-  - [010992, ⠼⠚⠁⠚⠊⠊⠃]
-  - ['011', ⠼⠚⠁⠁]
-  - [011292, ⠼⠚⠁⠁⠃⠊⠃]
-  - ['012', ⠼⠚⠁⠃]
-  - ['013', ⠼⠚⠁⠉]
-  - ['015', ⠼⠚⠁⠑]
-  - ['016', ⠼⠚⠁⠋]
-  - ['0170', ⠼⠚⠁⠛⠚]
-  - [018, ⠼⠚⠁⠓]
-  - ['02', ⠼⠚⠃]
-  - [02-06, ⠼⠚⠃⠤⠼⠚⠋]
-  - [02-område, ⠼⠚⠃⠤⠠⠕⠍⠗⠡⠙⠑]
-  - [02-området, ⠼⠚⠃⠤⠠⠕⠍⠗⠡⠙⠑⠞]
-  - [02-tiden, ⠼⠚⠃⠤⠠⠞⠊⠙⠑⠝]
-  - ['020', ⠼⠚⠃⠚]
-  - ['0200', ⠼⠚⠃⠚⠚]
-  - [0200ra, ⠼⠚⠃⠚⠚⠠⠗⠁]
-  - [020492, ⠼⠚⠃⠚⠙⠊⠃]
-  - [020692, ⠼⠚⠃⠚⠋⠊⠃]
-  - [020792, ⠼⠚⠃⠚⠛⠊⠃]
-  - [021192, ⠼⠚⠃⠁⠁⠊⠃]
-  - ['023', ⠼⠚⠃⠉]
-  - ['024', ⠼⠚⠃⠙]
-  - ['025', ⠼⠚⠃⠑]
-  - ['026', ⠼⠚⠃⠋]
-  - ['027', ⠼⠚⠃⠛]
-  - [028, ⠼⠚⠃⠓]
-  - [0288, ⠼⠚⠃⠓⠓]
-  - ['03', ⠼⠚⠉]
-  - [03-, ⠼⠚⠉⠤]
-  - [03-02, ⠼⠚⠉⠤⠼⠚⠃]
-  - [03-12, ⠼⠚⠉⠤⠼⠁⠃]
-  - [03-område, ⠼⠚⠉⠤⠠⠕⠍⠗⠡⠙⠑]
-  - [03-vejr, ⠼⠚⠉⠤⠠⠧⠑⠚⠗]
-  - ['030', ⠼⠚⠉⠚]
-  - ['0300', ⠼⠚⠉⠚⠚]
-  - [0300ra, ⠼⠚⠉⠚⠚⠠⠗⠁]
-  - [030392, ⠼⠚⠉⠚⠉⠊⠃]
-  - [030492, ⠼⠚⠉⠚⠙⠊⠃]
-  - [030892, ⠼⠚⠉⠚⠓⠊⠃]
-  - [031292, ⠼⠚⠉⠁⠃⠊⠃]
-  - ['031754', ⠼⠚⠉⠁⠛⠑⠙]
-  - ['032', ⠼⠚⠉⠃]
-  - ['033', ⠼⠚⠉⠉]
-  - ['034', ⠼⠚⠉⠙]
-  - ['035', ⠼⠚⠉⠑]
-  - ['036', ⠼⠚⠉⠋]
-  - ['037', ⠼⠚⠉⠛]
-  - [038, ⠼⠚⠉⠓]
-  - [039, ⠼⠚⠉⠊]
-  - [03erne, ⠼⠚⠉⠠⠑⠗⠝⠑]
-  - ['04', ⠼⠚⠙]
-  - [04-tiden, ⠼⠚⠙⠤⠠⠞⠊⠙⠑⠝]
-  - ['040', ⠼⠚⠙⠚]
-  - [0400ra, ⠼⠚⠙⠚⠚⠠⠗⠁]
-  - [040592, ⠼⠚⠙⠚⠑⠊⠃]
-  - [040692, ⠼⠚⠙⠚⠋⠊⠃]
-  - [040992, ⠼⠚⠙⠚⠊⠊⠃]
-  - ['041', ⠼⠚⠙⠁]
-  - [041192, ⠼⠚⠙⠁⠁⠊⠃]
-  - ['043', ⠼⠚⠙⠉]
-  - ['044', ⠼⠚⠙⠙]
-  - ['045', ⠼⠚⠙⠑]
-  - ['046', ⠼⠚⠙⠋]
-  - [048, ⠼⠚⠙⠓]
-  - [04s, ⠼⠚⠙⠠⠎]
-  - ['05', ⠼⠚⠑]
-  - [05-00, ⠼⠚⠑⠤⠼⠚⠚]
-  - [05-01, ⠼⠚⠑⠤⠼⠚⠁]
-  - [05-06, ⠼⠚⠑⠤⠼⠚⠋]
-  - [05-09, ⠼⠚⠑⠤⠼⠚⠊]
-  - [05-11, ⠼⠚⠑⠤⠼⠁⠁]
-  - [05-16, ⠼⠚⠑⠤⠼⠁⠋]
-  - [05-17, ⠼⠚⠑⠤⠼⠁⠛]
-  - ['050', ⠼⠚⠑⠚]
-  - [0500ra, ⠼⠚⠑⠚⠚⠠⠗⠁]
-  - [050392, ⠼⠚⠑⠚⠉⠊⠃]
-  - ['052', ⠼⠚⠑⠃]
-  - ['053', ⠼⠚⠑⠉]
-  - ['054', ⠼⠚⠑⠙]
-  - ['055', ⠼⠚⠑⠑]
-  - [058, ⠼⠚⠑⠓]
-  - ['06', ⠼⠚⠋]
-  - [06-02, ⠼⠚⠋⠤⠼⠚⠃]
-  - [06-2, ⠼⠚⠋⠤⠼⠃]
-  - [06-området, ⠼⠚⠋⠤⠠⠕⠍⠗⠡⠙⠑⠞]
-  - ['060', ⠼⠚⠋⠚]
-  - ['0600', ⠼⠚⠋⠚⠚]
-  - [060492, ⠼⠚⠋⠚⠙⠊⠃]
-  - [060892, ⠼⠚⠋⠚⠓⠊⠃]
-  - ['061', ⠼⠚⠋⠁]
-  - ['063', ⠼⠚⠋⠉]
-  - ['064', ⠼⠚⠋⠙]
-  - ['065', ⠼⠚⠋⠑]
-  - ['067', ⠼⠚⠋⠛]
-  - [069, ⠼⠚⠋⠊]
-  - ['07', ⠼⠚⠛]
-  - ['070', ⠼⠚⠛⠚]
-  - [070192, ⠼⠚⠛⠚⠁⠊⠃]
-  - [070792, ⠼⠚⠛⠚⠛⠊⠃]
-  - [071292, ⠼⠚⠛⠁⠃⠊⠃]
-  - ['073', ⠼⠚⠛⠉]
-  - ['074', ⠼⠚⠛⠙]
-  - ['075', ⠼⠚⠛⠑]
-  - ['076', ⠼⠚⠛⠋]
-  - ['077', ⠼⠚⠛⠛]
-  - [08, ⠼⠚⠓]
-  - [08-12, ⠼⠚⠓⠤⠼⠁⠃]
-  - [080, ⠼⠚⠓⠚]
-  - [0800, ⠼⠚⠓⠚⠚]
-  - [080492, ⠼⠚⠓⠚⠙⠊⠃]
-  - [082, ⠼⠚⠓⠃]
-  - [084, ⠼⠚⠓⠙]
-  - [085, ⠼⠚⠓⠑]
-  - [086, ⠼⠚⠓⠋]
-  - [087, ⠼⠚⠓⠛]
-  - [088, ⠼⠚⠓⠓]
-  - [09, ⠼⠚⠊]
-  - [09-11, ⠼⠚⠊⠤⠼⠁⠁]
-  - [09-tiden, ⠼⠚⠊⠤⠠⠞⠊⠙⠑⠝]
-  - [09-vejr, ⠼⠚⠊⠤⠠⠧⠑⠚⠗]
-  - [090, ⠼⠚⠊⠚]
-  - [0904-0277, ⠼⠚⠊⠚⠙⠤⠼⠚⠃⠛⠛]
-  - [0904-1273, ⠼⠚⠊⠚⠙⠤⠼⠁⠃⠛⠉]
-  - [0907-4732, ⠼⠚⠊⠚⠛⠤⠼⠙⠛⠉⠃]
-  - [090792, ⠼⠚⠊⠚⠛⠊⠃]
-  - [091092, ⠼⠚⠊⠁⠚⠊⠃]
-  - [092, ⠼⠚⠊⠃]
-  - [095, ⠼⠚⠊⠑]
-  - [096, ⠼⠚⠊⠋]
-  - [098, ⠼⠚⠊⠓]
-  - [099, ⠼⠚⠊⠊]
-  - [0d, ⠼⠚⠠⠙]
-  - [0e, ⠼⠚⠠⠑]
-  - [0g, ⠼⠚⠠⠛]
-  - ['1', ⠼⠁]
-  - [1-, ⠼⠁⠤]
-  - [1-0, ⠼⠁⠤⠼⠚]
-  - [1-1, ⠼⠁⠤⠼⠁]
-  - [1-10, ⠼⠁⠤⠼⠁⠚]
-  - [1-11, ⠼⠁⠤⠼⠁⠁]
-  - [1-12, ⠼⠁⠤⠼⠁⠃]
-  - [1-13, ⠼⠁⠤⠼⠁⠉]
-  - [1-16, ⠼⠁⠤⠼⠁⠋]
-  - [1-18, ⠼⠁⠤⠼⠁⠓]
-  - [1-19, ⠼⠁⠤⠼⠁⠊]
-  - [1-1990, ⠼⠁⠤⠼⠁⠊⠊⠚]
-  - [1-2, ⠼⠁⠤⠼⠃]
-  - [1-2-3, ⠼⠁⠤⠼⠃⠤⠼⠉]
-  - [1-2-3-4, ⠼⠁⠤⠼⠃⠤⠼⠉⠤⠼⠙]
-  - [1-3, ⠼⠁⠤⠼⠉]
-  - [1-4, ⠼⠁⠤⠼⠙]
-  - [1-5, ⠼⠁⠤⠼⠑]
-  - [1-6, ⠼⠁⠤⠼⠋]
-  - [1-7, ⠼⠁⠤⠼⠛]
-  - [1-8, ⠼⠁⠤⠼⠓]
-  - [1-88, ⠼⠁⠤⠼⠓⠓]
-  - [1-9, ⠼⠁⠤⠼⠊]
-  - [1-91, ⠼⠁⠤⠼⠊⠁]
-  - [1-93, ⠼⠁⠤⠼⠊⠉]
-  - [1-bil, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠃⠊⠇]
-  - [1-biler, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠃⠊⠇⠑⠗]
-  - [1-bit, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠃⠊⠞]
-  - [1-cyl, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠉⠽⠇]
-  - [1-cylindrede, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠉⠽⠇⠊⠝⠙⠗⠑⠙⠑]
-  - [1-karriere, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠅⠁⠗⠗⠊⠑⠗⠑]
-  - [1-kører, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠅⠪⠗⠑⠗]
-  - [1-liter, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠇⠊⠞⠑⠗]
-  - [1-liters, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠇⠊⠞⠑⠗⠎]
-  - [1-løb, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠇⠪⠃]
-  - [1-model, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠍⠕⠙⠑⠇]
-  - [1-pilot, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠏⠊⠇⠕⠞]
-  - [1-piloter, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠏⠊⠇⠕⠞⠑⠗]
-  - [1-plans, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠏⠇⠁⠝⠎]
-  - [1-race, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠗⠁⠉⠑]
-  - [1-racer, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠗⠁⠉⠑⠗]
-  - [1-racere, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠗⠁⠉⠑⠗⠑]
-  - [1-rums, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠗⠥⠍⠎]
-  - [1-rums-boliger, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠗⠥⠍⠎⠤⠃⠕⠇⠊⠛⠑⠗]
-  - [1-sikrede, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠎⠊⠅⠗⠑⠙⠑]
-  - [1-sikret, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠎⠊⠅⠗⠑⠞]
-  - [1-sporten, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠎⠏⠕⠗⠞⠑⠝]
-  - [1-stjerne, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠎⠞⠚⠑⠗⠝⠑]
-  - [1-tal, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠞⠁⠇]
-  - [1-taller, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠞⠁⠇⠇⠑⠗]
-  - [1-tallet, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠞⠁⠇⠇⠑⠞]
-  - [1-team, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠞⠑⠁⠍]
-  - [1-teamene, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠞⠑⠁⠍⠑⠝⠑]
-  - [1-times, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠞⠊⠍⠑⠎]
-  - [1-toppen, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠞⠕⠏⠏⠑⠝]
-  - [1-tri-chlor-ethan, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠞⠗⠊⠤⠉⠓⠇⠕⠗⠤⠑⠞⠓⠁⠝]
-  - [1-verdenen, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠧⠑⠗⠙⠑⠝⠑⠝]
-  - [1-verdensmester, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠧⠑⠗⠙⠑⠝⠎⠍⠑⠎⠞⠑⠗]
-  - [1-året, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠡⠗⠑⠞]
-  - [1-årig, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛]
-  - [1-årige, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑]
-  - [1-årigt, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠞]
-  - [1-års, ⠼⠁⠤⠠⠡⠗⠎]
-  - ['10', ⠼⠁⠚]
-  - [10-, ⠼⠁⠚⠤]
-  - [10-0, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠚]
-  - [10-00, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠚⠚]
-  - [10-02, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠚⠃]
-  - [10-1, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠁]
-  - [10-10, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠁⠚]
-  - [10-11, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠁⠁]
-  - [10-11-årige, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠁⠁⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑]
-  - [10-12, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠁⠃]
-  - [10-12-14, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠁⠃⠤⠼⠁⠙]
-  - [10-13, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠁⠉]
-  - [10-14, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠁⠙]
-  - [10-15, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠁⠑]
-  - [10-16, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠁⠋]
-  - [10-17, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠁⠛]
-  - [10-18, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠁⠓]
-  - [10-19, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠁⠊]
-  - [10-2, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠃]
-  - [10-20, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠃⠚]
-  - [10-20-30, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠃⠚⠤⠼⠉⠚]
-  - [10-21, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠃⠁]
-  - [10-22, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠃⠃]
-  - [10-23, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠃⠉]
-  - [10-25, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠃⠑]
-  - [10-30, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠉⠚]
-  - [10-4, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠙]
-  - [10-5, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠑]
-  - [10-6, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠋]
-  - [10-7, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠛]
-  - [10-8, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠓]
-  - [10-9, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠊]
-  - [10-90, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠊⠚]
-  - [10-91, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠊⠁]
-  - [10-92, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠼⠊⠃]
-  - [10-dages, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠠⠙⠁⠛⠑⠎]
-  - [10-dages-udvalg, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠠⠙⠁⠛⠑⠎⠤⠥⠙⠧⠁⠇⠛]
-  - [10-doblet, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠠⠙⠕⠃⠇⠑⠞]
-  - [10-fly, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠠⠋⠇⠽]
-  - [10-krone, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠠⠅⠗⠕⠝⠑]
-  - [10-liste, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠠⠇⠊⠎⠞⠑]
-  - [10-listen, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠠⠇⠊⠎⠞⠑⠝]
-  - [10-maskinpistol, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠠⠍⠁⠎⠅⠊⠝⠏⠊⠎⠞⠕⠇]
-  - [10-punkts, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠠⠏⠥⠝⠅⠞⠎]
-  - [10-punkts-programmet, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠠⠏⠥⠝⠅⠞⠎⠤⠏⠗⠕⠛⠗⠁⠍⠍⠑⠞]
-  - [10-tal, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠠⠞⠁⠇]
-  - [10-tiden, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠠⠞⠊⠙⠑⠝]
-  - [10-turs, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠠⠞⠥⠗⠎]
-  - [10-år, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠠⠡⠗]
-  - [10-året, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠠⠡⠗⠑⠞]
-  - [10-årig, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛]
-  - [10-årige, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑]
-  - [10-årigt, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠞]
-  - [10-års, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠠⠡⠗⠎]
-  - [10-års-jubilæum, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠠⠡⠗⠎⠤⠚⠥⠃⠊⠇⠜⠥⠍]
-  - [10-ører, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠠⠪⠗⠑⠗]
-  - [10-øres, ⠼⠁⠚⠤⠠⠪⠗⠑⠎]
-  - ['100', ⠼⠁⠚⠚]
-  - [100-, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠤]
-  - [100-110, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠁⠚]
-  - [100-120, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠃⠚]
-  - [100-125, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠃⠑]
-  - [100-1250, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠃⠑⠚]
-  - [100-150, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠑⠚]
-  - [100-200, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠤⠼⠃⠚⠚]
-  - [100-300, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠤⠼⠉⠚⠚]
-  - [100-400, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠤⠼⠙⠚⠚]
-  - [100-kroneseddel, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠤⠠⠅⠗⠕⠝⠑⠎⠑⠙⠙⠑⠇]
-  - [100-meterløb, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠤⠠⠍⠑⠞⠑⠗⠇⠪⠃]
-  - [100-rubelsedler, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠤⠠⠗⠥⠃⠑⠇⠎⠑⠙⠇⠑⠗]
-  - [100-turneringen, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠤⠠⠞⠥⠗⠝⠑⠗⠊⠝⠛⠑⠝]
-  - [100-året, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠤⠠⠡⠗⠑⠞]
-  - [100-årig, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛]
-  - [100-årige, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑]
-  - [100-års, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠤⠠⠡⠗⠎]
-  - ['1000', ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠚]
-  - [1000-, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠚⠤]
-  - [1000-1200, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠃⠚⠚]
-  - [1000-1500, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠑⠚⠚]
-  - [1000-2000, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠃⠚⠚⠚]
-  - [1000-500, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠑⠚⠚]
-  - [1000-700, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠚⠤⠼⠛⠚⠚]
-  - [1000-kubikkeren, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠚⠤⠠⠅⠥⠃⠊⠅⠅⠑⠗⠑⠝]
-  - [1000-pladsersaftalen, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠚⠤⠠⠏⠇⠁⠙⠎⠑⠗⠎⠁⠋⠞⠁⠇⠑⠝]
-  - [1000-tallet, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠚⠤⠠⠞⠁⠇⠇⠑⠞]
-  - [1000-årige, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠚⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑]
-  - [1000-års, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠚⠤⠠⠡⠗⠎]
-  - ['10000', ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠚⠚]
-  - ['100000', ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠚⠚⠚]
-  - ['1000000', ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠚⠚⠚⠚]
-  - [1000ra, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠚⠠⠗⠁]
-  - ['1001', ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠁]
-  - [1001-nats, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠁⠤⠠⠝⠁⠞⠎]
-  - [1001-nats-broderier, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠁⠤⠠⠝⠁⠞⠎⠤⠃⠗⠕⠙⠑⠗⠊⠑⠗]
-  - ['1002', ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠃]
-  - ['1003', ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠉]
-  - ['1004', ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠙]
-  - ['1005', ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠑]
-  - ['1006', ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠋]
-  - ['1007', ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠛]
-  - ['1008', ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠓]
-  - ['1009', ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠊]
-  - [100a, ⠼⠁⠚⠚⠠⠁]
-  - ['101', ⠼⠁⠚⠁]
-  - ['1010', ⠼⠁⠚⠁⠚]
-  - ['1011', ⠼⠁⠚⠁⠁]
-  - ['101192', ⠼⠁⠚⠁⠁⠊⠃]
-  - ['1012', ⠼⠁⠚⠁⠃]
-  - ['1013', ⠼⠁⠚⠁⠉]
-  - ['1014', ⠼⠁⠚⠁⠙]
-  - ['1015', ⠼⠁⠚⠁⠑]
-  - ['1016', ⠼⠁⠚⠁⠋]
-  - ['1017', ⠼⠁⠚⠁⠛]
-  - ['1018', ⠼⠁⠚⠁⠓]
-  - ['1019', ⠼⠁⠚⠁⠊]
-  - ['102', ⠼⠁⠚⠃]
-  - [102-103, ⠼⠁⠚⠃⠤⠼⠁⠚⠉]
-  - [102-190, ⠼⠁⠚⠃⠤⠼⠁⠊⠚]
-  - [102-års, ⠼⠁⠚⠃⠤⠠⠡⠗⠎]
-  - ['1020', ⠼⠁⠚⠃⠚]
-  - ['10200', ⠼⠁⠚⠃⠚⠚]
-  - ['1023', ⠼⠁⠚⠃⠉]
-  - ['10230', ⠼⠁⠚⠃⠉⠚]
-  - ['10231', ⠼⠁⠚⠃⠉⠁]
-  - ['1024', ⠼⠁⠚⠃⠙]
-  - ['1025', ⠼⠁⠚⠃⠑]
-  - ['103', ⠼⠁⠚⠉]
-  - ['1030', ⠼⠁⠚⠉⠚]
-  - ['1031', ⠼⠁⠚⠉⠁]
-  - ['1032', ⠼⠁⠚⠉⠃]
-  - ['1035', ⠼⠁⠚⠉⠑]
-  - ['1036', ⠼⠁⠚⠉⠋]
-  - ['1039', ⠼⠁⠚⠉⠊]
-  - ['104', ⠼⠁⠚⠙]
-  - ['1040', ⠼⠁⠚⠙⠚]
-  - ['1043', ⠼⠁⠚⠙⠉]
-  - ['1045', ⠼⠁⠚⠙⠑]
-  - ['1046', ⠼⠁⠚⠙⠋]
-  - ['1048', ⠼⠁⠚⠙⠓]
-  - ['105', ⠼⠁⠚⠑]
-  - [105-145, ⠼⠁⠚⠑⠤⠼⠁⠙⠑]
-  - [105-institutioner, ⠼⠁⠚⠑⠤⠠⠊⠝⠎⠞⠊⠞⠥⠞⠊⠕⠝⠑⠗]
-  - [105-institutionerne, ⠼⠁⠚⠑⠤⠠⠊⠝⠎⠞⠊⠞⠥⠞⠊⠕⠝⠑⠗⠝⠑]
-  - [105-serie, ⠼⠁⠚⠑⠤⠠⠎⠑⠗⠊⠑]
-  - ['1050', ⠼⠁⠚⠑⠚]
-  - [1050-800, ⠼⠁⠚⠑⠚⠤⠼⠓⠚⠚]
-  - ['1051', ⠼⠁⠚⠑⠁]
-  - ['1052', ⠼⠁⠚⠑⠃]
-  - ['1054', ⠼⠁⠚⠑⠙]
-  - ['1055', ⠼⠁⠚⠑⠑]
-  - ['1056', ⠼⠁⠚⠑⠋]
-  - ['1057', ⠼⠁⠚⠑⠛]
-  - ['10577', ⠼⠁⠚⠑⠛⠛]
-  - ['1058', ⠼⠁⠚⠑⠓]
-  - ['106', ⠼⠁⠚⠋]
-  - [106-serien, ⠼⠁⠚⠋⠤⠠⠎⠑⠗⠊⠑⠝]
-  - ['1060', ⠼⠁⠚⠋⠚]
-  - ['1062', ⠼⠁⠚⠋⠃]
-  - ['1063', ⠼⠁⠚⠋⠉]
-  - ['1064', ⠼⠁⠚⠋⠙]
-  - ['1066', ⠼⠁⠚⠋⠋]
-  - ['1067', ⠼⠁⠚⠋⠛]
-  - ['1068', ⠼⠁⠚⠋⠓]
-  - ['1069', ⠼⠁⠚⠋⠊]
-  - ['107', ⠼⠁⠚⠛]
-  - ['1070', ⠼⠁⠚⠛⠚]
-  - ['1071', ⠼⠁⠚⠛⠁]
-  - ['1072', ⠼⠁⠚⠛⠃]
-  - ['1074', ⠼⠁⠚⠛⠙]
-  - ['1075', ⠼⠁⠚⠛⠑]
-  - ['1077', ⠼⠁⠚⠛⠛]
-  - ['108', ⠼⠁⠚⠓]
-  - ['1080', ⠼⠁⠚⠓⠚]
-  - [1080-86, ⠼⠁⠚⠓⠚⠤⠼⠓⠋]
-  - ['1083', ⠼⠁⠚⠓⠉]
-  - ['1084', ⠼⠁⠚⠓⠙]
-  - ['1085', ⠼⠁⠚⠓⠑]
-  - ['1086', ⠼⠁⠚⠓⠋]
-  - ['1088', ⠼⠁⠚⠓⠓]
-  - ['109', ⠼⠁⠚⠊]
-  - ['1091', ⠼⠁⠚⠊⠁]
-  - ['1093', ⠼⠁⠚⠊⠉]
-  - ['1095', ⠼⠁⠚⠊⠑]
-  - ['1098', ⠼⠁⠚⠊⠓]
-  - ['1099', ⠼⠁⠚⠊⠊]
-  - [10dec91, ⠼⠁⠚⠠⠙⠑⠉⠼⠊⠁]
-  - [10erne, ⠼⠁⠚⠠⠑⠗⠝⠑]
-  - [10w, ⠼⠁⠚⠠⠺]
-  - [10x10, ⠼⠁⠚⠠⠭⠼⠁⠚]
-  - [10x15, ⠼⠁⠚⠠⠭⠼⠁⠑]
-  - ['11', ⠼⠁⠁]
-  - [11-, ⠼⠁⠁⠤]
-  - [11-0, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠼⠚]
-  - [11-02, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠼⠚⠃]
-  - [11-07, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠼⠚⠛]
-  - [11-1, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠼⠁]
-  - [11-11, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠼⠁⠁]
-  - [11-12, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠼⠁⠃]
-  - [11-13, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠼⠁⠉]
-  - [11-14, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠼⠁⠙]
-  - [11-15, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠼⠁⠑]
-  - [11-16, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠼⠁⠋]
-  - [11-17, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠼⠁⠛]
-  - [11-18, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠼⠁⠓]
-  - [11-2, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠼⠃]
-  - [11-20, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠼⠃⠚]
-  - [11-21, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠼⠃⠁]
-  - [11-23, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠼⠃⠉]
-  - [11-3, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠼⠉]
-  - [11-32, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠼⠉⠃]
-  - [11-4, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠼⠙]
-  - [11-6, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠼⠋]
-  - [11-7, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠼⠛]
-  - [11-8, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠼⠓]
-  - [11-89, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠼⠓⠊]
-  - [11-9, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠼⠊]
-  - [11-91, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠼⠊⠁]
-  - [11-92, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠼⠊⠃]
-  - [11-mands, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠠⠍⠁⠝⠙⠎]
-  - [11-meter, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠠⠍⠑⠞⠑⠗]
-  - [11-tal, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠠⠞⠁⠇]
-  - [11-taller, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠠⠞⠁⠇⠇⠑⠗]
-  - [11-tiden, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠠⠞⠊⠙⠑⠝]
-  - [11-timers-reglen, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠠⠞⠊⠍⠑⠗⠎⠤⠗⠑⠛⠇⠑⠝]
-  - [11-årig, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛]
-  - [11-årige, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑]
-  - [11-års, ⠼⠁⠁⠤⠠⠡⠗⠎]
-  - ['110', ⠼⠁⠁⠚]
-  - [110-115, ⠼⠁⠁⠚⠤⠼⠁⠁⠑]
-  - [110-120, ⠼⠁⠁⠚⠤⠼⠁⠃⠚]
-  - [110-851005, ⠼⠁⠁⠚⠤⠼⠓⠑⠁⠚⠚⠑]
-  - ['1100', ⠼⠁⠁⠚⠚]
-  - [1100-, ⠼⠁⠁⠚⠚⠤]
-  - [1100-1500, ⠼⠁⠁⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠑⠚⠚]
-  - [1100-800, ⠼⠁⠁⠚⠚⠤⠼⠓⠚⠚]
-  - [1100-850, ⠼⠁⠁⠚⠚⠤⠼⠓⠑⠚]
-  - [1100-tallet, ⠼⠁⠁⠚⠚⠤⠠⠞⠁⠇⠇⠑⠞]
-  - ['11000', ⠼⠁⠁⠚⠚⠚]
-  - [1100ra, ⠼⠁⠁⠚⠚⠠⠗⠁]
-  - ['1101', ⠼⠁⠁⠚⠁]
-  - ['11010', ⠼⠁⠁⠚⠁⠚]
-  - ['1103', ⠼⠁⠁⠚⠉]
-  - ['1105', ⠼⠁⠁⠚⠑]
-  - ['1107', ⠼⠁⠁⠚⠛]
-  - ['1108', ⠼⠁⠁⠚⠓]
-  - ['111', ⠼⠁⠁⠁]
-  - ['1110', ⠼⠁⠁⠁⠚]
-  - ['1111', ⠼⠁⠁⠁⠁]
-  - ['1112', ⠼⠁⠁⠁⠃]
-  - ['1113', ⠼⠁⠁⠁⠉]
-  - ['1114', ⠼⠁⠁⠁⠙]
-  - ['1116', ⠼⠁⠁⠁⠋]
-  - ['1118', ⠼⠁⠁⠁⠓]
-  - ['1119', ⠼⠁⠁⠁⠊]
-  - ['112', ⠼⠁⠁⠃]
-  - ['1120', ⠼⠁⠁⠃⠚]
-  - ['1122', ⠼⠁⠁⠃⠃]
-  - ['1123', ⠼⠁⠁⠃⠉]
-  - ['1124', ⠼⠁⠁⠃⠙]
-  - ['1125', ⠼⠁⠁⠃⠑]
-  - [1125-900, ⠼⠁⠁⠃⠑⠤⠼⠊⠚⠚]
-  - [1125-975, ⠼⠁⠁⠃⠑⠤⠼⠊⠛⠑]
-  - ['1126', ⠼⠁⠁⠃⠋]
-  - ['1127', ⠼⠁⠁⠃⠛]
-  - ['1129', ⠼⠁⠁⠃⠊]
-  - ['113', ⠼⠁⠁⠉]
-  - ['1130', ⠼⠁⠁⠉⠚]
-  - ['1131', ⠼⠁⠁⠉⠁]
-  - ['1132', ⠼⠁⠁⠉⠃]
-  - ['1134', ⠼⠁⠁⠉⠙]
-  - ['1136', ⠼⠁⠁⠉⠋]
-  - ['1138', ⠼⠁⠁⠉⠓]
-  - ['113865', ⠼⠁⠁⠉⠓⠋⠑]
-  - ['1139', ⠼⠁⠁⠉⠊]
-  - ['114', ⠼⠁⠁⠙]
-  - ['1140', ⠼⠁⠁⠙⠚]
-  - ['1143', ⠼⠁⠁⠙⠉]
-  - ['1145', ⠼⠁⠁⠙⠑]
-  - ['1146', ⠼⠁⠁⠙⠋]
-  - [1146-57, ⠼⠁⠁⠙⠋⠤⠼⠑⠛]
-  - ['1147', ⠼⠁⠁⠙⠛]
-  - ['1148', ⠼⠁⠁⠙⠓]
-  - ['11490', ⠼⠁⠁⠙⠊⠚]
-  - ['115', ⠼⠁⠁⠑]
-  - ['1150', ⠼⠁⠁⠑⠚]
-  - [1150-800, ⠼⠁⠁⠑⠚⠤⠼⠓⠚⠚]
-  - ['1151', ⠼⠁⠁⠑⠁]
-  - ['1152', ⠼⠁⠁⠑⠃]
-  - ['1154', ⠼⠁⠁⠑⠙]
-  - ['1155', ⠼⠁⠁⠑⠑]
-  - ['1156', ⠼⠁⠁⠑⠋]
-  - ['1157', ⠼⠁⠁⠑⠛]
-  - ['1158', ⠼⠁⠁⠑⠓]
-  - ['1159', ⠼⠁⠁⠑⠊]
-  - ['116', ⠼⠁⠁⠋]
-  - ['1160', ⠼⠁⠁⠋⠚]
-  - ['11600', ⠼⠁⠁⠋⠚⠚]
-  - ['1162', ⠼⠁⠁⠋⠃]
-  - ['1163', ⠼⠁⠁⠋⠉]
-  - ['1164', ⠼⠁⠁⠋⠙]
-  - ['1165', ⠼⠁⠁⠋⠑]
-  - ['1167', ⠼⠁⠁⠋⠛]
-  - ['1169', ⠼⠁⠁⠋⠊]
-  - ['117', ⠼⠁⠁⠛]
-  - ['1170', ⠼⠁⠁⠛⠚]
-  - ['1171', ⠼⠁⠁⠛⠁]
-  - ['1172', ⠼⠁⠁⠛⠃]
-  - ['1173', ⠼⠁⠁⠛⠉]
-  - ['1174', ⠼⠁⠁⠛⠙]
-  - ['1176', ⠼⠁⠁⠛⠋]
-  - ['1179', ⠼⠁⠁⠛⠊]
-  - ['118', ⠼⠁⠁⠓]
-  - ['1180', ⠼⠁⠁⠓⠚]
-  - ['1181', ⠼⠁⠁⠓⠁]
-  - ['1183', ⠼⠁⠁⠓⠉]
-  - ['1185', ⠼⠁⠁⠓⠑]
-  - ['1187', ⠼⠁⠁⠓⠛]
-  - ['1189', ⠼⠁⠁⠓⠊]
-  - [118a, ⠼⠁⠁⠓⠠⠁]
-  - ['119', ⠼⠁⠁⠊]
-  - ['1190', ⠼⠁⠁⠊⠚]
-  - ['1192', ⠼⠁⠁⠊⠃]
-  - ['1194', ⠼⠁⠁⠊⠙]
-  - ['1195', ⠼⠁⠁⠊⠑]
-  - ['1197', ⠼⠁⠁⠊⠛]
-  - ['1198', ⠼⠁⠁⠊⠓]
-  - ['1199', ⠼⠁⠁⠊⠊]
-  - [11a, ⠼⠁⠁⠠⠁]
-  - [11feb92, ⠼⠁⠁⠠⠋⠑⠃⠼⠊⠃]
-  - [11fri, ⠼⠁⠁⠠⠋⠗⠊]
-  - ['12', ⠼⠁⠃]
-  - [12-, ⠼⠁⠃⠤]
-  - [12-01, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠼⠚⠁]
-  - [12-10, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠼⠁⠚]
-  - [12-11, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠼⠁⠁]
-  - [12-12, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠼⠁⠃]
-  - [12-13, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠼⠁⠉]
-  - [12-13-, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠼⠁⠉⠤]
-  - [12-13-årige, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠼⠁⠉⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑]
-  - [12-14, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠼⠁⠙]
-  - [12-1400, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠼⠁⠙⠚⠚]
-  - [12-15, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠼⠁⠑]
-  - [12-16, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠼⠁⠋]
-  - [12-17, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠼⠁⠛]
-  - [12-18, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠼⠁⠓]
-  - [12-19, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠼⠁⠊]
-  - [12-20, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠼⠃⠚]
-  - [12-21, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠼⠃⠁]
-  - [12-22, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠼⠃⠃]
-  - [12-23, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠼⠃⠉]
-  - [12-24, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠼⠃⠙]
-  - [12-7, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠼⠛]
-  - [12-8, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠼⠓]
-  - [12-88, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠼⠓⠓]
-  - [12-9, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠼⠊]
-  - [12-cyl, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠠⠉⠽⠇]
-  - [12-cylindrede, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠠⠉⠽⠇⠊⠝⠙⠗⠑⠙⠑]
-  - [12-cylindret, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠠⠉⠽⠇⠊⠝⠙⠗⠑⠞]
-  - [12-gears, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠠⠛⠑⠁⠗⠎]
-  - [12-måneders, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠠⠍⠡⠝⠑⠙⠑⠗⠎]
-  - [12-strenget, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠠⠎⠞⠗⠑⠝⠛⠑⠞]
-  - [12-tiden, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠠⠞⠊⠙⠑⠝]
-  - [12-timers, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠠⠞⠊⠍⠑⠗⠎]
-  - [12-ugers, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠠⠥⠛⠑⠗⠎]
-  - [12-ventilet, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠠⠧⠑⠝⠞⠊⠇⠑⠞]
-  - [12-årig, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛]
-  - [12-årige, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑]
-  - [12-årigt, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠞]
-  - [12-års, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠠⠡⠗⠎]
-  - [12-årsalderen, ⠼⠁⠃⠤⠠⠡⠗⠎⠁⠇⠙⠑⠗⠑⠝]
-  - ['120', ⠼⠁⠃⠚]
-  - [120-, ⠼⠁⠃⠚⠤]
-  - [120-130, ⠼⠁⠃⠚⠤⠼⠁⠉⠚]
-  - [120-150, ⠼⠁⠃⠚⠤⠼⠁⠑⠚]
-  - ['1200', ⠼⠁⠃⠚⠚]
-  - [1200-1000, ⠼⠁⠃⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠚⠚⠚]
-  - [1200-1300, ⠼⠁⠃⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠉⠚⠚]
-  - [1200-700, ⠼⠁⠃⠚⠚⠤⠼⠛⠚⠚]
-  - [1200-800, ⠼⠁⠃⠚⠚⠤⠼⠓⠚⠚]
-  - [1200-tallet, ⠼⠁⠃⠚⠚⠤⠠⠞⠁⠇⠇⠑⠞]
-  - ['12000', ⠼⠁⠃⠚⠚⠚]
-  - ['120000', ⠼⠁⠃⠚⠚⠚⠚]
-  - ['1202', ⠼⠁⠃⠚⠃]
-  - ['120392', ⠼⠁⠃⠚⠉⠊⠃]
-  - ['1204', ⠼⠁⠃⠚⠙]
-  - ['1205', ⠼⠁⠃⠚⠑]
-  - ['1206', ⠼⠁⠃⠚⠋]
-  - ['1207', ⠼⠁⠃⠚⠛]
-  - ['1208', ⠼⠁⠃⠚⠓]
-  - [1208-1285, ⠼⠁⠃⠚⠓⠤⠼⠁⠃⠓⠑]
-  - ['120892', ⠼⠁⠃⠚⠓⠊⠃]
-  - ['121', ⠼⠁⠃⠁]
-  - ['1210', ⠼⠁⠃⠁⠚]
-  - ['121092', ⠼⠁⠃⠁⠚⠊⠃]
-  - ['1211', ⠼⠁⠃⠁⠁]
-  - ['121192', ⠼⠁⠃⠁⠁⠊⠃]
-  - ['1212', ⠼⠁⠃⠁⠃]
-  - ['1214', ⠼⠁⠃⠁⠙]
-  - ['1215', ⠼⠁⠃⠁⠑]
-  - ['1216', ⠼⠁⠃⠁⠋]
-  - [1216-1272, ⠼⠁⠃⠁⠋⠤⠼⠁⠃⠛⠃]
-  - [1216-50, ⠼⠁⠃⠁⠋⠤⠼⠑⠚]
-  - ['1217', ⠼⠁⠃⠁⠛]
-  - ['1218', ⠼⠁⠃⠁⠓]
-  - ['1219', ⠼⠁⠃⠁⠊]
-  - [121eren, ⠼⠁⠃⠁⠠⠑⠗⠑⠝]
-  - ['122', ⠼⠁⠃⠃]
-  - [122-123, ⠼⠁⠃⠃⠤⠼⠁⠃⠉]
-  - [122-43, ⠼⠁⠃⠃⠤⠼⠙⠉]
-  - ['1220', ⠼⠁⠃⠃⠚]
-  - ['1225', ⠼⠁⠃⠃⠑]
-  - ['1226', ⠼⠁⠃⠃⠋]
-  - ['1227', ⠼⠁⠃⠃⠛]
-  - ['123', ⠼⠁⠃⠉]
-  - [123-05-92, ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠤⠼⠚⠑⠤⠼⠊⠃]
-  - [123-145, ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠤⠼⠁⠙⠑]
-  - [123-2, ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠤⠼⠃]
-  - [123-3, ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠤⠼⠉]
-  - [123-43, ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠤⠼⠙⠉]
-  - [123-44, ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠤⠼⠙⠙]
-  - [123-45, ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠤⠼⠙⠑]
-  - [123-46, ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠤⠼⠙⠋]
-  - [123-47, ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠤⠼⠙⠛]
-  - [123-48, ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠤⠼⠙⠓]
-  - [123-49, ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠤⠼⠙⠊]
-  - [123-50, ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠤⠼⠑⠚]
-  - [123-51, ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠤⠼⠑⠁]
-  - ['1230', ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠚]
-  - ['1231', ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠁]
-  - ['1232', ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠃]
-  - ['1234', ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠙]
-  - ['1234567', ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠙⠑⠋⠛]
-  - ['1235', ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠑]
-  - ['1239', ⠼⠁⠃⠉⠊]
-  - ['124', ⠼⠁⠃⠙]
-  - ['1240', ⠼⠁⠃⠙⠚]
-  - ['1241', ⠼⠁⠃⠙⠁]
-  - ['1244', ⠼⠁⠃⠙⠙]
-  - ['1248', ⠼⠁⠃⠙⠓]
-  - [1248-54, ⠼⠁⠃⠙⠓⠤⠼⠑⠙]
-  - ['125', ⠼⠁⠃⠑]
-  - [125-126, ⠼⠁⠃⠑⠤⠼⠁⠃⠋]
-  - [125-135, ⠼⠁⠃⠑⠤⠼⠁⠉⠑]
-  - [125-150, ⠼⠁⠃⠑⠤⠼⠁⠑⠚]
-  - [125-175, ⠼⠁⠃⠑⠤⠼⠁⠛⠑]
-  - [125-året, ⠼⠁⠃⠑⠤⠠⠡⠗⠑⠞]
-  - [125-årige, ⠼⠁⠃⠑⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑]
-  - ['1250', ⠼⠁⠃⠑⠚]
-  - [1250-1350, ⠼⠁⠃⠑⠚⠤⠼⠁⠉⠑⠚]
-  - [1250-700, ⠼⠁⠃⠑⠚⠤⠼⠛⠚⠚]
-  - [1250-800, ⠼⠁⠃⠑⠚⠤⠼⠓⠚⠚]
-  - [1250-900, ⠼⠁⠃⠑⠚⠤⠼⠊⠚⠚]
-  - ['125000', ⠼⠁⠃⠑⠚⠚⠚]
-  - ['1252', ⠼⠁⠃⠑⠃]
-  - ['1253', ⠼⠁⠃⠑⠉]
-  - ['1254', ⠼⠁⠃⠑⠙]
-  - ['1255', ⠼⠁⠃⠑⠑]
-  - ['1256', ⠼⠁⠃⠑⠋]
-  - ['1257', ⠼⠁⠃⠑⠛]
-  - ['1258', ⠼⠁⠃⠑⠓]
-  - ['126', ⠼⠁⠃⠋]
-  - ['1260', ⠼⠁⠃⠋⠚]
-  - ['1261', ⠼⠁⠃⠋⠁]
-  - ['1262', ⠼⠁⠃⠋⠃]
-  - ['1263', ⠼⠁⠃⠋⠉]
-  - ['1264', ⠼⠁⠃⠋⠙]
-  - ['1265', ⠼⠁⠃⠋⠑]
-  - ['1266', ⠼⠁⠃⠋⠋]
-  - ['1268', ⠼⠁⠃⠋⠓]
-  - ['127', ⠼⠁⠃⠛]
-  - ['1270', ⠼⠁⠃⠛⠚]
-  - ['1272', ⠼⠁⠃⠛⠃]
-  - ['1273', ⠼⠁⠃⠛⠉]
-  - ['1274', ⠼⠁⠃⠛⠙]
-  - ['1275', ⠼⠁⠃⠛⠑]
-  - ['1277', ⠼⠁⠃⠛⠛]
-  - ['1278', ⠼⠁⠃⠛⠓]
-  - ['128', ⠼⠁⠃⠓]
-  - ['1280', ⠼⠁⠃⠓⠚]
-  - [1280-1200, ⠼⠁⠃⠓⠚⠤⠼⠁⠃⠚⠚]
-  - ['1281521', ⠼⠁⠃⠓⠁⠑⠃⠁]
-  - ['1282', ⠼⠁⠃⠓⠃]
-  - [1282-84, ⠼⠁⠃⠓⠃⠤⠼⠓⠙]
-  - ['1284', ⠼⠁⠃⠓⠙]
-  - ['1285', ⠼⠁⠃⠓⠑]
-  - ['1286', ⠼⠁⠃⠓⠋]
-  - ['1287', ⠼⠁⠃⠓⠛]
-  - ['1289', ⠼⠁⠃⠓⠊]
-  - ['129', ⠼⠁⠃⠊]
-  - ['1290', ⠼⠁⠃⠊⠚]
-  - [1290-1000, ⠼⠁⠃⠊⠚⠤⠼⠁⠚⠚⠚]
-  - ['1291', ⠼⠁⠃⠊⠁]
-  - ['1292', ⠼⠁⠃⠊⠃]
-  - ['1293', ⠼⠁⠃⠊⠉]
-  - ['1294', ⠼⠁⠃⠊⠙]
-  - ['1295', ⠼⠁⠃⠊⠑]
-  - ['12950', ⠼⠁⠃⠊⠑⠚]
-  - ['1297', ⠼⠁⠃⠊⠛]
-  - ['1298', ⠼⠁⠃⠊⠓]
-  - ['1299', ⠼⠁⠃⠊⠊]
-  - [12dec91, ⠼⠁⠃⠠⠙⠑⠉⠼⠊⠁]
-  - [12s, ⠼⠁⠃⠠⠎]
-  - [12vejr1, ⠼⠁⠃⠠⠧⠑⠚⠗⠼⠁]
-  - [12vejr2, ⠼⠁⠃⠠⠧⠑⠚⠗⠼⠃]
-  - [12x12, ⠼⠁⠃⠠⠭⠼⠁⠃]
-  - ['13', ⠼⠁⠉]
-  - [13-, ⠼⠁⠉⠤]
-  - [13-01, ⠼⠁⠉⠤⠼⠚⠁]
-  - [13-10, ⠼⠁⠉⠤⠼⠁⠚]
-  - [13-11, ⠼⠁⠉⠤⠼⠁⠁]
-  - [13-13, ⠼⠁⠉⠤⠼⠁⠉]
-  - [13-14, ⠼⠁⠉⠤⠼⠁⠙]
-  - [13-14-årige, ⠼⠁⠉⠤⠼⠁⠙⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑]
-  - [13-15, ⠼⠁⠉⠤⠼⠁⠑]
-  - [13-16, ⠼⠁⠉⠤⠼⠁⠋]
-  - [13-17, ⠼⠁⠉⠤⠼⠁⠛]
-  - [13-18, ⠼⠁⠉⠤⠼⠁⠓]
-  - [13-20, ⠼⠁⠉⠤⠼⠃⠚]
-  - [13-23, ⠼⠁⠉⠤⠼⠃⠉]
-  - [13-24, ⠼⠁⠉⠤⠼⠃⠙]
-  - [13-3, ⠼⠁⠉⠤⠼⠉]
-  - [13-30, ⠼⠁⠉⠤⠼⠉⠚]
-  - [13-5, ⠼⠁⠉⠤⠼⠑]
-  - [13-6, ⠼⠁⠉⠤⠼⠋]
-  - [13-9, ⠼⠁⠉⠤⠼⠊]
-  - [13-skalaen, ⠼⠁⠉⠤⠠⠎⠅⠁⠇⠁⠑⠝]
-  - [13-tal, ⠼⠁⠉⠤⠠⠞⠁⠇]
-  - [13-taller, ⠼⠁⠉⠤⠠⠞⠁⠇⠇⠑⠗]
-  - [13-tiden, ⠼⠁⠉⠤⠠⠞⠊⠙⠑⠝]
-  - [13-tommer, ⠼⠁⠉⠤⠠⠞⠕⠍⠍⠑⠗]
-  - [13-ugers, ⠼⠁⠉⠤⠠⠥⠛⠑⠗⠎]
-  - [13-årig, ⠼⠁⠉⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛]
-  - [13-årige, ⠼⠁⠉⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑]
-  - [13-åriges, ⠼⠁⠉⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑⠎]
-  - [13-års, ⠼⠁⠉⠤⠠⠡⠗⠎]
-  - ['130', ⠼⠁⠉⠚]
-  - [130-140, ⠼⠁⠉⠚⠤⠼⠁⠙⠚]
-  - [130-kilo-klassen, ⠼⠁⠉⠚⠤⠠⠅⠊⠇⠕⠤⠅⠇⠁⠎⠎⠑⠝]
-  - [130-årige, ⠼⠁⠉⠚⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑]
-  - ['1300', ⠼⠁⠉⠚⠚]
-  - [1300-, ⠼⠁⠉⠚⠚⠤]
-  - [1300-1000, ⠼⠁⠉⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠚⠚⠚]
-  - [1300-800, ⠼⠁⠉⠚⠚⠤⠼⠓⠚⠚]
-  - [1300-tallet, ⠼⠁⠉⠚⠚⠤⠠⠞⠁⠇⠇⠑⠞]
-  - ['13000', ⠼⠁⠉⠚⠚⠚]
-  - ['130000', ⠼⠁⠉⠚⠚⠚⠚]
-  - [1300ra, ⠼⠁⠉⠚⠚⠠⠗⠁]
-  - ['1301', ⠼⠁⠉⠚⠁]
-  - ['1302', ⠼⠁⠉⠚⠃]
-  - ['1303', ⠼⠁⠉⠚⠉]
-  - ['1304', ⠼⠁⠉⠚⠙]
-  - ['130492', ⠼⠁⠉⠚⠙⠊⠃]
-  - ['1305', ⠼⠁⠉⠚⠑]
-  - ['1306', ⠼⠁⠉⠚⠋]
-  - ['1307', ⠼⠁⠉⠚⠛]
-  - ['1308', ⠼⠁⠉⠚⠓]
-  - [130r, ⠼⠁⠉⠚⠠⠗]
-  - [130x200, ⠼⠁⠉⠚⠠⠭⠼⠃⠚⠚]
-  - ['131', ⠼⠁⠉⠁]
-  - ['1310', ⠼⠁⠉⠁⠚]
-  - [1310-1000, ⠼⠁⠉⠁⠚⠤⠼⠁⠚⠚⠚]
-  - ['1311', ⠼⠁⠉⠁⠁]
-  - ['13120', ⠼⠁⠉⠁⠃⠚]
-  - ['1313', ⠼⠁⠉⠁⠉]
-  - ['1314', ⠼⠁⠉⠁⠙]
-  - ['1315', ⠼⠁⠉⠁⠑]
-  - ['1316', ⠼⠁⠉⠁⠋]
-  - ['132', ⠼⠁⠉⠃]
-  - ['1320', ⠼⠁⠉⠃⠚]
-  - ['1321', ⠼⠁⠉⠃⠁]
-  - ['1323', ⠼⠁⠉⠃⠉]
-  - ['1325', ⠼⠁⠉⠃⠑]
-  - ['1326', ⠼⠁⠉⠃⠋]
-  - ['1327', ⠼⠁⠉⠃⠛]
-  - ['1328', ⠼⠁⠉⠃⠓]
-  - ['133', ⠼⠁⠉⠉]
-  - ['1330', ⠼⠁⠉⠉⠚]
-  - ['1332', ⠼⠁⠉⠉⠃]
-  - ['1335', ⠼⠁⠉⠉⠑]
-  - ['1337', ⠼⠁⠉⠉⠛]
-  - ['1338', ⠼⠁⠉⠉⠓]
-  - ['134', ⠼⠁⠉⠙]
-  - ['1340', ⠼⠁⠉⠙⠚]
-  - ['1341', ⠼⠁⠉⠙⠁]
-  - ['1346', ⠼⠁⠉⠙⠋]
-  - ['1347', ⠼⠁⠉⠙⠛]
-  - ['1348', ⠼⠁⠉⠙⠓]
-  - ['1349', ⠼⠁⠉⠙⠊]
-  - ['135', ⠼⠁⠉⠑]
-  - ['1350', ⠼⠁⠉⠑⠚]
-  - ['135000', ⠼⠁⠉⠑⠚⠚⠚]
-  - ['1352', ⠼⠁⠉⠑⠃]
-  - ['1355', ⠼⠁⠉⠑⠑]
-  - ['1356', ⠼⠁⠉⠑⠋]
-  - ['1357', ⠼⠁⠉⠑⠛]
-  - ['1358', ⠼⠁⠉⠑⠓]
-  - ['136', ⠼⠁⠉⠋]
-  - ['1360', ⠼⠁⠉⠋⠚]
-  - ['1361', ⠼⠁⠉⠋⠁]
-  - ['1362', ⠼⠁⠉⠋⠃]
-  - ['1363', ⠼⠁⠉⠋⠉]
-  - ['1364', ⠼⠁⠉⠋⠙]
-  - ['1366', ⠼⠁⠉⠋⠋]
-  - ['1368', ⠼⠁⠉⠋⠓]
-  - ['1369', ⠼⠁⠉⠋⠊]
-  - ['137', ⠼⠁⠉⠛]
-  - ['1370', ⠼⠁⠉⠛⠚]
-  - ['1371', ⠼⠁⠉⠛⠁]
-  - ['1372', ⠼⠁⠉⠛⠃]
-  - ['1375', ⠼⠁⠉⠛⠑]
-  - ['1377', ⠼⠁⠉⠛⠛]
-  - ['138', ⠼⠁⠉⠓]
-  - ['1380', ⠼⠁⠉⠓⠚]
-  - ['1381', ⠼⠁⠉⠓⠁]
-  - ['1385', ⠼⠁⠉⠓⠑]
-  - ['1386', ⠼⠁⠉⠓⠋]
-  - ['1387', ⠼⠁⠉⠓⠛]
-  - ['1389', ⠼⠁⠉⠓⠊]
-  - [1389-1442, ⠼⠁⠉⠓⠊⠤⠼⠁⠙⠙⠃]
-  - [138s, ⠼⠁⠉⠓⠠⠎]
-  - ['139', ⠼⠁⠉⠊]
-  - ['1390', ⠼⠁⠉⠊⠚]
-  - ['1393', ⠼⠁⠉⠊⠉]
-  - ['1395', ⠼⠁⠉⠊⠑]
-  - [1396-1439, ⠼⠁⠉⠊⠋⠤⠼⠁⠙⠉⠊]
-  - ['1397', ⠼⠁⠉⠊⠛]
-  - ['1398', ⠼⠁⠉⠊⠓]
-  - ['1399', ⠼⠁⠉⠊⠊]
-  - [13a, ⠼⠁⠉⠠⠁]
-  - [13b, ⠼⠁⠉⠠⠃]
-  - ['14', ⠼⠁⠙]
-  - [14-, ⠼⠁⠙⠤]
-  - [14-10, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠼⠁⠚]
-  - [14-11, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠼⠁⠁]
-  - [14-12, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠼⠁⠃]
-  - [14-13, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠼⠁⠉]
-  - [14-14, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠼⠁⠙]
-  - [14-15, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠼⠁⠑]
-  - [14-15-års-alderen, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠼⠁⠑⠤⠠⠡⠗⠎⠤⠁⠇⠙⠑⠗⠑⠝]
-  - [14-16, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠼⠁⠋]
-  - [14-17, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠼⠁⠛]
-  - [14-18, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠼⠁⠓]
-  - [14-18-årige, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠼⠁⠓⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑]
-  - [14-19, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠼⠁⠊]
-  - [14-20, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠼⠃⠚]
-  - [14-21, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠼⠃⠁]
-  - [14-22, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠼⠃⠃]
-  - [14-23, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠼⠃⠉]
-  - [14-24, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠼⠃⠙]
-  - [14-25, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠼⠃⠑]
-  - [14-26, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠼⠃⠋]
-  - [14-28, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠼⠃⠓]
-  - [14-29, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠼⠃⠊]
-  - [14-30, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠼⠉⠚]
-  - [14-8, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠼⠓]
-  - [14-9, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠼⠊]
-  - [14-dages, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠠⠙⠁⠛⠑⠎]
-  - [14-tiden, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠠⠞⠊⠙⠑⠝]
-  - [14-tommer, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠠⠞⠕⠍⠍⠑⠗]
-  - [14-årig, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛]
-  - [14-årige, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑]
-  - [14-åriges, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑⠎]
-  - [14-årigt, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠞]
-  - [14-års, ⠼⠁⠙⠤⠠⠡⠗⠎]
-  - ['140', ⠼⠁⠙⠚]
-  - [140-150, ⠼⠁⠙⠚⠤⠼⠁⠑⠚]
-  - ['1400', ⠼⠁⠙⠚⠚]
-  - [1400-, ⠼⠁⠙⠚⠚⠤]
-  - [1400-1000, ⠼⠁⠙⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠚⠚⠚]
-  - [1400-1200, ⠼⠁⠙⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠃⠚⠚]
-  - [1400-1500, ⠼⠁⠙⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠑⠚⠚]
-  - [1400-1500-tallet, ⠼⠁⠙⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠑⠚⠚⠤⠠⠞⠁⠇⠇⠑⠞]
-  - [1400-950, ⠼⠁⠙⠚⠚⠤⠼⠊⠑⠚]
-  - [1400-tallet, ⠼⠁⠙⠚⠚⠤⠠⠞⠁⠇⠇⠑⠞]
-  - [1400-tals, ⠼⠁⠙⠚⠚⠤⠠⠞⠁⠇⠎]
-  - ['14000', ⠼⠁⠙⠚⠚⠚]
-  - [1400ra, ⠼⠁⠙⠚⠚⠠⠗⠁]
-  - ['1401', ⠼⠁⠙⠚⠁]
-  - ['1402', ⠼⠁⠙⠚⠃]
-  - ['1404', ⠼⠁⠙⠚⠙]
-  - ['1405', ⠼⠁⠙⠚⠑]
-  - ['1408', ⠼⠁⠙⠚⠓]
-  - ['1409', ⠼⠁⠙⠚⠊]
-  - ['141', ⠼⠁⠙⠁]
-  - ['1410', ⠼⠁⠙⠁⠚]
-  - ['141092', ⠼⠁⠙⠁⠚⠊⠃]
-  - ['1411', ⠼⠁⠙⠁⠁]
-  - ['1412', ⠼⠁⠙⠁⠃]
-  - ['1413', ⠼⠁⠙⠁⠉]
-  - ['1414', ⠼⠁⠙⠁⠙]
-  - ['1415', ⠼⠁⠙⠁⠑]
-  - ['1416', ⠼⠁⠙⠁⠋]
-  - ['1419', ⠼⠁⠙⠁⠊]
-  - ['142', ⠼⠁⠙⠃]
-  - ['1420', ⠼⠁⠙⠃⠚]
-  - ['1422', ⠼⠁⠙⠃⠃]
-  - ['1425', ⠼⠁⠙⠃⠑]
-  - ['1427', ⠼⠁⠙⠃⠛]
-  - ['1428', ⠼⠁⠙⠃⠓]
-  - ['1429', ⠼⠁⠙⠃⠊]
-  - ['143', ⠼⠁⠙⠉]
-  - ['1430', ⠼⠁⠙⠉⠚]
-  - ['1431', ⠼⠁⠙⠉⠁]
-  - ['1433', ⠼⠁⠙⠉⠉]
-  - ['1434', ⠼⠁⠙⠉⠙]
-  - ['1435', ⠼⠁⠙⠉⠑]
-  - ['1436', ⠼⠁⠙⠉⠋]
-  - ['1437', ⠼⠁⠙⠉⠛]
-  - [1438-1532, ⠼⠁⠙⠉⠓⠤⠼⠁⠑⠉⠃]
-  - ['144', ⠼⠁⠙⠙]
-  - ['1440', ⠼⠁⠙⠙⠚]
-  - [1440-1200, ⠼⠁⠙⠙⠚⠤⠼⠁⠃⠚⠚]
-  - ['144000', ⠼⠁⠙⠙⠚⠚⠚]
-  - ['1441', ⠼⠁⠙⠙⠁]
-  - ['1442', ⠼⠁⠙⠙⠃]
-  - ['1445', ⠼⠁⠙⠙⠑]
-  - ['1448', ⠼⠁⠙⠙⠓]
-  - ['1449', ⠼⠁⠙⠙⠊]
-  - ['145', ⠼⠁⠙⠑]
-  - ['1450', ⠼⠁⠙⠑⠚]
-  - ['1451', ⠼⠁⠙⠑⠁]
-  - ['1453', ⠼⠁⠙⠑⠉]
-  - ['1454', ⠼⠁⠙⠑⠙]
-  - ['1455', ⠼⠁⠙⠑⠑]
-  - ['1456', ⠼⠁⠙⠑⠋]
-  - ['1457', ⠼⠁⠙⠑⠛]
-  - ['1458', ⠼⠁⠙⠑⠓]
-  - ['1459', ⠼⠁⠙⠑⠊]
-  - ['146', ⠼⠁⠙⠋]
-  - ['1460', ⠼⠁⠙⠋⠚]
-  - ['1461', ⠼⠁⠙⠋⠁]
-  - ['1463', ⠼⠁⠙⠋⠉]
-  - ['1464', ⠼⠁⠙⠋⠙]
-  - ['1466', ⠼⠁⠙⠋⠋]
-  - ['1469', ⠼⠁⠙⠋⠊]
-  - ['147', ⠼⠁⠙⠛]
-  - ['1470', ⠼⠁⠙⠛⠚]
-  - [1470-71, ⠼⠁⠙⠛⠚⠤⠼⠛⠁]
-  - ['1471', ⠼⠁⠙⠛⠁]
-  - ['1472', ⠼⠁⠙⠛⠃]
-  - ['1474', ⠼⠁⠙⠛⠙]
-  - ['1475', ⠼⠁⠙⠛⠑]
-  - [1475-1200, ⠼⠁⠙⠛⠑⠤⠼⠁⠃⠚⠚]
-  - ['1476', ⠼⠁⠙⠛⠋]
-  - ['1477', ⠼⠁⠙⠛⠛]
-  - ['1478', ⠼⠁⠙⠛⠓]
-  - ['1479', ⠼⠁⠙⠛⠊]
-  - ['148', ⠼⠁⠙⠓]
-  - [148-228, ⠼⠁⠙⠓⠤⠼⠃⠃⠓]
-  - ['1480', ⠼⠁⠙⠓⠚]
-  - ['1481', ⠼⠁⠙⠓⠁]
-  - ['1482', ⠼⠁⠙⠓⠃]
-  - ['1483', ⠼⠁⠙⠓⠉]
-  - ['1485', ⠼⠁⠙⠓⠑]
-  - ['1486', ⠼⠁⠙⠓⠋]
-  - ['1487', ⠼⠁⠙⠓⠛]
-  - ['1488', ⠼⠁⠙⠓⠓]
-  - ['149', ⠼⠁⠙⠊]
-  - ['1490', ⠼⠁⠙⠊⠚]
-  - [1490erne, ⠼⠁⠙⠊⠚⠠⠑⠗⠝⠑]
-  - ['1491', ⠼⠁⠙⠊⠁]
-  - ['1492', ⠼⠁⠙⠊⠃]
-  - [1492-, ⠼⠁⠙⠊⠃⠤]
-  - ['1493', ⠼⠁⠙⠊⠉]
-  - ['1495', ⠼⠁⠙⠊⠑]
-  - ['1496', ⠼⠁⠙⠊⠋]
-  - ['1497', ⠼⠁⠙⠊⠛]
-  - ['1498', ⠼⠁⠙⠊⠓]
-  - ['1499', ⠼⠁⠙⠊⠊]
-  - [14c, ⠼⠁⠙⠠⠉]
-  - ['15', ⠼⠁⠑]
-  - [15-, ⠼⠁⠑⠤]
-  - [15-0, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠚]
-  - [15-00, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠚⠚]
-  - [15-01, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠚⠁]
-  - [15-1, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠁]
-  - [15-10, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠁⠚]
-  - [15-11, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠁⠁]
-  - [15-12, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠁⠃]
-  - [15-13, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠁⠉]
-  - [15-14, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠁⠙]
-  - [15-15, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠁⠑]
-  - [15-16, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠁⠋]
-  - [15-16-årig, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠁⠋⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛]
-  - [15-16-årige, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠁⠋⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑]
-  - [15-1600, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠁⠋⠚⠚]
-  - [15-16årige, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠁⠋⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑]
-  - [15-17, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠁⠛]
-  - [15-17-årige, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠁⠛⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑]
-  - [15-18, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠁⠓]
-  - [15-19, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠁⠊]
-  - [15-19-årige, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠁⠊⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑]
-  - [15-2, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠃]
-  - [15-20, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠃⠚]
-  - [15-21, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠃⠁]
-  - [15-22, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠃⠃]
-  - [15-23, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠃⠉]
-  - [15-24, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠃⠙]
-  - [15-25, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠃⠑]
-  - [15-26, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠃⠋]
-  - [15-28, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠃⠓]
-  - [15-29, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠃⠊]
-  - [15-3, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠉]
-  - [15-30, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠉⠚]
-  - [15-30-årige, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠉⠚⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑]
-  - [15-35, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠉⠑]
-  - [15-4, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠙]
-  - [15-40, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠙⠚]
-  - [15-45, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠙⠑]
-  - [15-5, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠑]
-  - [15-50, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠑⠚]
-  - [15-6, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠋]
-  - [15-60, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠋⠚]
-  - [15-7, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠛]
-  - [15-8, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠓]
-  - [15-9, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠼⠊]
-  - [15-dages, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠠⠙⠁⠛⠑⠎]
-  - [15-tiden, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠠⠞⠊⠙⠑⠝]
-  - [15-tommer, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠠⠞⠕⠍⠍⠑⠗]
-  - [15-vejr, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠠⠧⠑⠚⠗]
-  - [15-årig, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛]
-  - [15-årige, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑]
-  - [15-års, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠠⠡⠗⠎]
-  - [15-års-grænsen, ⠼⠁⠑⠤⠠⠡⠗⠎⠤⠛⠗⠜⠝⠎⠑⠝]
-  - ['150', ⠼⠁⠑⠚]
-  - [150-200, ⠼⠁⠑⠚⠤⠼⠃⠚⠚]
-  - [150-300, ⠼⠁⠑⠚⠤⠼⠉⠚⠚]
-  - [150-årige, ⠼⠁⠑⠚⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑]
-  - ['1500', ⠼⠁⠑⠚⠚]
-  - [1500-, ⠼⠁⠑⠚⠚⠤]
-  - [1500-1000, ⠼⠁⠑⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠚⠚⠚]
-  - [1500-1100, ⠼⠁⠑⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠁⠚⠚]
-  - [1500-1200, ⠼⠁⠑⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠃⠚⠚]
-  - [1500-1400, ⠼⠁⠑⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠙⠚⠚]
-  - [1500-1600, ⠼⠁⠑⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠋⠚⠚]
-  - [1500-1700, ⠼⠁⠑⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠛⠚⠚]
-  - [1500-2000, ⠼⠁⠑⠚⠚⠤⠼⠃⠚⠚⠚]
-  - [1500-tallet, ⠼⠁⠑⠚⠚⠤⠠⠞⠁⠇⠇⠑⠞]
-  - [1500-tallets, ⠼⠁⠑⠚⠚⠤⠠⠞⠁⠇⠇⠑⠞⠎]
-  - [1500-tals, ⠼⠁⠑⠚⠚⠤⠠⠞⠁⠇⠎]
-  - [1500-årene, ⠼⠁⠑⠚⠚⠤⠠⠡⠗⠑⠝⠑]
-  - ['15000', ⠼⠁⠑⠚⠚⠚]
-  - ['150000', ⠼⠁⠑⠚⠚⠚⠚]
-  - [1500ra, ⠼⠁⠑⠚⠚⠠⠗⠁]
-  - ['1501', ⠼⠁⠑⠚⠁]
-  - ['1502', ⠼⠁⠑⠚⠃]
-  - ['1503', ⠼⠁⠑⠚⠉]
-  - ['1505', ⠼⠁⠑⠚⠑]
-  - ['1506', ⠼⠁⠑⠚⠋]
-  - ['1507', ⠼⠁⠑⠚⠛]
-  - ['150792', ⠼⠁⠑⠚⠛⠊⠃]
-  - ['1508', ⠼⠁⠑⠚⠓]
-  - [1508-12, ⠼⠁⠑⠚⠓⠤⠼⠁⠃]
-  - ['1509', ⠼⠁⠑⠚⠊]
-  - ['151', ⠼⠁⠑⠁]
-  - ['1510', ⠼⠁⠑⠁⠚]
-  - ['1511', ⠼⠁⠑⠁⠁]
-  - ['1512', ⠼⠁⠑⠁⠃]
-  - ['151292', ⠼⠁⠑⠁⠃⠊⠃]
-  - ['1513', ⠼⠁⠑⠁⠉]
-  - [1513-16, ⠼⠁⠑⠁⠉⠤⠼⠁⠋]
-  - ['1514', ⠼⠁⠑⠁⠙]
-  - ['1515', ⠼⠁⠑⠁⠑]
-  - ['1516', ⠼⠁⠑⠁⠋]
-  - ['1517', ⠼⠁⠑⠁⠛]
-  - ['1519', ⠼⠁⠑⠁⠊]
-  - [1519-21, ⠼⠁⠑⠁⠊⠤⠼⠃⠁]
-  - ['152', ⠼⠁⠑⠃]
-  - ['1520', ⠼⠁⠑⠃⠚]
-  - [1520erne, ⠼⠁⠑⠃⠚⠠⠑⠗⠝⠑]
-  - ['1521', ⠼⠁⠑⠃⠁]
-  - ['1522', ⠼⠁⠑⠃⠃]
-  - ['1523', ⠼⠁⠑⠃⠉]
-  - [1523-33, ⠼⠁⠑⠃⠉⠤⠼⠉⠉]
-  - ['1524', ⠼⠁⠑⠃⠙]
-  - ['1525', ⠼⠁⠑⠃⠑]
-  - [1525-800, ⠼⠁⠑⠃⠑⠤⠼⠓⠚⠚]
-  - ['1526', ⠼⠁⠑⠃⠋]
-  - ['1527', ⠼⠁⠑⠃⠛]
-  - ['1528', ⠼⠁⠑⠃⠓]
-  - ['1529', ⠼⠁⠑⠃⠊]
-  - ['153', ⠼⠁⠑⠉]
-  - ['1530', ⠼⠁⠑⠉⠚]
-  - [1530erne, ⠼⠁⠑⠉⠚⠠⠑⠗⠝⠑]
-  - ['1531', ⠼⠁⠑⠉⠁]
-  - ['1532', ⠼⠁⠑⠉⠃]
-  - [1532-33, ⠼⠁⠑⠉⠃⠤⠼⠉⠉]
-  - ['1533', ⠼⠁⠑⠉⠉]
-  - ['1534', ⠼⠁⠑⠉⠙]
-  - [1534-36, ⠼⠁⠑⠉⠙⠤⠼⠉⠋]
-  - ['1535', ⠼⠁⠑⠉⠑]
-  - ['1536', ⠼⠁⠑⠉⠋]
-  - [1536-42, ⠼⠁⠑⠉⠋⠤⠼⠙⠃]
-  - ['1537', ⠼⠁⠑⠉⠛]
-  - ['1538', ⠼⠁⠑⠉⠓]
-  - ['1539', ⠼⠁⠑⠉⠊]
-  - ['154', ⠼⠁⠑⠙]
-  - ['1540', ⠼⠁⠑⠙⠚]
-  - [1540erne, ⠼⠁⠑⠙⠚⠠⠑⠗⠝⠑]
-  - ['1542', ⠼⠁⠑⠙⠃]
-  - ['1543', ⠼⠁⠑⠙⠉]
-  - ['1544', ⠼⠁⠑⠙⠙]
-  - ['1545', ⠼⠁⠑⠙⠑]
-  - ['1546', ⠼⠁⠑⠙⠋]
-  - [1546-1601, ⠼⠁⠑⠙⠋⠤⠼⠁⠋⠚⠁]
-  - ['1547', ⠼⠁⠑⠙⠛]
-  - ['1548', ⠼⠁⠑⠙⠓]
-  - ['1549', ⠼⠁⠑⠙⠊]
-  - ['155', ⠼⠁⠑⠑]
-  - [155-161, ⠼⠁⠑⠑⠤⠼⠁⠋⠁]
-  - ['1550', ⠼⠁⠑⠑⠚]
-  - [1550erne, ⠼⠁⠑⠑⠚⠠⠑⠗⠝⠑]
-  - ['1552', ⠼⠁⠑⠑⠃]
-  - ['1553', ⠼⠁⠑⠑⠉]
-  - ['1554', ⠼⠁⠑⠑⠙]
-  - ['1555', ⠼⠁⠑⠑⠑]
-  - ['1556', ⠼⠁⠑⠑⠋]
-  - ['1558', ⠼⠁⠑⠑⠓]
-  - ['1559', ⠼⠁⠑⠑⠊]
-  - ['156', ⠼⠁⠑⠋]
-  - ['1560', ⠼⠁⠑⠋⠚]
-  - ['1561', ⠼⠁⠑⠋⠁]
-  - ['1562', ⠼⠁⠑⠋⠃]
-  - ['1563', ⠼⠁⠑⠋⠉]
-  - ['1564', ⠼⠁⠑⠋⠙]
-  - [1564-1642, ⠼⠁⠑⠋⠙⠤⠼⠁⠋⠙⠃]
-  - ['1565', ⠼⠁⠑⠋⠑]
-  - ['1567', ⠼⠁⠑⠋⠛]
-  - ['1568', ⠼⠁⠑⠋⠓]
-  - ['1569', ⠼⠁⠑⠋⠊]
-  - ['157', ⠼⠁⠑⠛]
-  - ['1570', ⠼⠁⠑⠛⠚]
-  - ['1571', ⠼⠁⠑⠛⠁]
-  - ['1572', ⠼⠁⠑⠛⠃]
-  - ['1573', ⠼⠁⠑⠛⠉]
-  - ['1575', ⠼⠁⠑⠛⠑]
-  - ['1576', ⠼⠁⠑⠛⠋]
-  - ['1578', ⠼⠁⠑⠛⠓]
-  - ['1579', ⠼⠁⠑⠛⠊]
-  - ['158', ⠼⠁⠑⠓]
-  - ['1580', ⠼⠁⠑⠓⠚]
-  - [1580erne, ⠼⠁⠑⠓⠚⠠⠑⠗⠝⠑]
-  - ['1581', ⠼⠁⠑⠓⠁]
-  - ['1582', ⠼⠁⠑⠓⠃]
-  - ['1583', ⠼⠁⠑⠓⠉]
-  - ['1584', ⠼⠁⠑⠓⠙]
-  - ['1585', ⠼⠁⠑⠓⠑]
-  - ['1586', ⠼⠁⠑⠓⠋]
-  - ['1587', ⠼⠁⠑⠓⠛]
-  - ['1588', ⠼⠁⠑⠓⠓]
-  - ['1589', ⠼⠁⠑⠓⠊]
-  - ['159', ⠼⠁⠑⠊]
-  - ['1590', ⠼⠁⠑⠊⠚]
-  - ['1591', ⠼⠁⠑⠊⠁]
-  - ['1592', ⠼⠁⠑⠊⠃]
-  - ['1593', ⠼⠁⠑⠊⠉]
-  - ['1594', ⠼⠁⠑⠊⠙]
-  - ['1595', ⠼⠁⠑⠊⠑]
-  - ['1596', ⠼⠁⠑⠊⠋]
-  - [1596-1650, ⠼⠁⠑⠊⠋⠤⠼⠁⠋⠑⠚]
-  - ['1597', ⠼⠁⠑⠊⠛]
-  - ['1598', ⠼⠁⠑⠊⠓]
-  - ['1599', ⠼⠁⠑⠊⠊]
-  - [15aug91, ⠼⠁⠑⠠⠁⠥⠛⠼⠊⠁]
-  - [15vejr1, ⠼⠁⠑⠠⠧⠑⠚⠗⠼⠁]
-  - [15w, ⠼⠁⠑⠠⠺]
-  - [15x15, ⠼⠁⠑⠠⠭⠼⠁⠑]
-  - ['16', ⠼⠁⠋]
-  - [16-, ⠼⠁⠋⠤]
-  - [16-10, ⠼⠁⠋⠤⠼⠁⠚]
-  - [16-13, ⠼⠁⠋⠤⠼⠁⠉]
-  - [16-14, ⠼⠁⠋⠤⠼⠁⠙]
-  - [16-16, ⠼⠁⠋⠤⠼⠁⠋]
-  - [16-17, ⠼⠁⠋⠤⠼⠁⠛]
-  - [16-17-årige, ⠼⠁⠋⠤⠼⠁⠛⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑]
-  - [16-1700, ⠼⠁⠋⠤⠼⠁⠛⠚⠚]
-  - [16-18, ⠼⠁⠋⠤⠼⠁⠓]
-  - [16-19, ⠼⠁⠋⠤⠼⠁⠊]
-  - [16-20, ⠼⠁⠋⠤⠼⠃⠚]
-  - [16-21, ⠼⠁⠋⠤⠼⠃⠁]
-  - [16-21-årige, ⠼⠁⠋⠤⠼⠃⠁⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑]
-  - [16-24, ⠼⠁⠋⠤⠼⠃⠙]
-  - [16-30, ⠼⠁⠋⠤⠼⠉⠚]
-  - [16-42, ⠼⠁⠋⠤⠼⠙⠃]
-  - [16-bit, ⠼⠁⠋⠤⠠⠃⠊⠞]
-  - [16-eskadrille, ⠼⠁⠋⠤⠠⠑⠎⠅⠁⠙⠗⠊⠇⠇⠑]
-  - [16-finalen, ⠼⠁⠋⠤⠠⠋⠊⠝⠁⠇⠑⠝]
-  - [16-mands, ⠼⠁⠋⠤⠠⠍⠁⠝⠙⠎]
-  - [16-mandstrup, ⠼⠁⠋⠤⠠⠍⠁⠝⠙⠎⠞⠗⠥⠏]
-  - [16-siders, ⠼⠁⠋⠤⠠⠎⠊⠙⠑⠗⠎]
-  - [16-tiden, ⠼⠁⠋⠤⠠⠞⠊⠙⠑⠝]
-  - [16-tommer, ⠼⠁⠋⠤⠠⠞⠕⠍⠍⠑⠗]
-  - [16-ugers, ⠼⠁⠋⠤⠠⠥⠛⠑⠗⠎]
-  - [16-ventil, ⠼⠁⠋⠤⠠⠧⠑⠝⠞⠊⠇]
-  - [16-ventilede, ⠼⠁⠋⠤⠠⠧⠑⠝⠞⠊⠇⠑⠙⠑]
-  - [16-ventiler, ⠼⠁⠋⠤⠠⠧⠑⠝⠞⠊⠇⠑⠗]
-  - [16-ventilet, ⠼⠁⠋⠤⠠⠧⠑⠝⠞⠊⠇⠑⠞]
-  - [16-årig, ⠼⠁⠋⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛]
-  - [16-årige, ⠼⠁⠋⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑]
-  - ['160', ⠼⠁⠋⠚]
-  - [160-165, ⠼⠁⠋⠚⠤⠼⠁⠋⠑]
-  - [160-170, ⠼⠁⠋⠚⠤⠼⠁⠛⠚]
-  - [160-180, ⠼⠁⠋⠚⠤⠼⠁⠓⠚]
-  - ['1600', ⠼⠁⠋⠚⠚]
-  - [1600-, ⠼⠁⠋⠚⠚⠤]
-  - [1600-1000, ⠼⠁⠋⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠚⠚⠚]
-  - [1600-1200, ⠼⠁⠋⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠃⠚⠚]
-  - [1600-1700, ⠼⠁⠋⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠛⠚⠚]
-  - [1600-1730, ⠼⠁⠋⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠛⠉⠚]
-  - [1600-tallet, ⠼⠁⠋⠚⠚⠤⠠⠞⠁⠇⠇⠑⠞]
-  - [1600-tallets, ⠼⠁⠋⠚⠚⠤⠠⠞⠁⠇⠇⠑⠞⠎]
-  - [1600-tals, ⠼⠁⠋⠚⠚⠤⠠⠞⠁⠇⠎]
-  - [1600-årene, ⠼⠁⠋⠚⠚⠤⠠⠡⠗⠑⠝⠑]
-  - [1600-årenes, ⠼⠁⠋⠚⠚⠤⠠⠡⠗⠑⠝⠑⠎]
-  - ['16000', ⠼⠁⠋⠚⠚⠚]
-  - [1600ra, ⠼⠁⠋⠚⠚⠠⠗⠁]
-  - ['1601', ⠼⠁⠋⠚⠁]
-  - ['1602', ⠼⠁⠋⠚⠃]
-  - ['1603', ⠼⠁⠋⠚⠉]
-  - ['1604', ⠼⠁⠋⠚⠙]
-  - ['1605', ⠼⠁⠋⠚⠑]
-  - ['1606', ⠼⠁⠋⠚⠋]
-  - ['1607', ⠼⠁⠋⠚⠛]
-  - ['1608', ⠼⠁⠋⠚⠓]
-  - ['1609', ⠼⠁⠋⠚⠊]
-  - [1609-70, ⠼⠁⠋⠚⠊⠤⠼⠛⠚]
-  - ['161', ⠼⠁⠋⠁]
-  - ['1610', ⠼⠁⠋⠁⠚]
-  - ['1611', ⠼⠁⠋⠁⠁]
-  - [1611-1613, ⠼⠁⠋⠁⠁⠤⠼⠁⠋⠁⠉]
-  - ['1612', ⠼⠁⠋⠁⠃]
-  - ['1613', ⠼⠁⠋⠁⠉]
-  - ['1615', ⠼⠁⠋⠁⠑]
-  - ['1616', ⠼⠁⠋⠁⠋]
-  - ['1617', ⠼⠁⠋⠁⠛]
-  - ['1618', ⠼⠁⠋⠁⠓]
-  - ['1619', ⠼⠁⠋⠁⠊]
-  - ['162', ⠼⠁⠋⠃]
-  - [162-rækkers, ⠼⠁⠋⠃⠤⠠⠗⠜⠅⠅⠑⠗⠎]
-  - ['1620', ⠼⠁⠋⠃⠚]
-  - ['1621', ⠼⠁⠋⠃⠁]
-  - ['1622', ⠼⠁⠋⠃⠃]
-  - ['1623', ⠼⠁⠋⠃⠉]
-  - ['1624', ⠼⠁⠋⠃⠙]
-  - ['1625', ⠼⠁⠋⠃⠑]
-  - [1625-1300, ⠼⠁⠋⠃⠑⠤⠼⠁⠉⠚⠚]
-  - [1625-1500, ⠼⠁⠋⠃⠑⠤⠼⠁⠑⠚⠚]
-  - ['1626', ⠼⠁⠋⠃⠋]
-  - ['1627', ⠼⠁⠋⠃⠛]
-  - ['1628', ⠼⠁⠋⠃⠓]
-  - ['1629', ⠼⠁⠋⠃⠊]
-  - ['163', ⠼⠁⠋⠉]
-  - ['1630', ⠼⠁⠋⠉⠚]
-  - [1630-85, ⠼⠁⠋⠉⠚⠤⠼⠓⠑]
-  - ['1631', ⠼⠁⠋⠉⠁]
-  - ['1632', ⠼⠁⠋⠉⠃]
-  - [1632-1704, ⠼⠁⠋⠉⠃⠤⠼⠁⠛⠚⠙]
-  - ['1633', ⠼⠁⠋⠉⠉]
-  - ['1634', ⠼⠁⠋⠉⠙]
-  - ['1635', ⠼⠁⠋⠉⠑]
-  - ['1636', ⠼⠁⠋⠉⠋]
-  - ['1637', ⠼⠁⠋⠉⠛]
-  - ['1638', ⠼⠁⠋⠉⠓]
-  - ['1639', ⠼⠁⠋⠉⠊]
-  - [1639-44, ⠼⠁⠋⠉⠊⠤⠼⠙⠙]
-  - ['164', ⠼⠁⠋⠙]
-  - ['1640', ⠼⠁⠋⠙⠚]
-  - [1640erne, ⠼⠁⠋⠙⠚⠠⠑⠗⠝⠑]
-  - ['1641', ⠼⠁⠋⠙⠁]
-  - ['1642', ⠼⠁⠋⠙⠃]
-  - [1642-49, ⠼⠁⠋⠙⠃⠤⠼⠙⠊]
-  - ['1643', ⠼⠁⠋⠙⠉]
-  - [1643-51, ⠼⠁⠋⠙⠉⠤⠼⠑⠁]
-  - ['1644', ⠼⠁⠋⠙⠙]
-  - [1644-1710, ⠼⠁⠋⠙⠙⠤⠼⠁⠛⠁⠚]
-  - [1644-1911, ⠼⠁⠋⠙⠙⠤⠼⠁⠊⠁⠁]
-  - ['1645', ⠼⠁⠋⠙⠑]
-  - [1645-1715, ⠼⠁⠋⠙⠑⠤⠼⠁⠛⠁⠑]
-  - ['1646', ⠼⠁⠋⠙⠋]
-  - ['1647', ⠼⠁⠋⠙⠛]
-  - ['1648', ⠼⠁⠋⠙⠓]
-  - ['1649', ⠼⠁⠋⠙⠊]
-  - ['165', ⠼⠁⠋⠑]
-  - [165-170, ⠼⠁⠋⠑⠤⠼⠁⠛⠚]
-  - ['1650', ⠼⠁⠋⠑⠚]
-  - [1650-56, ⠼⠁⠋⠑⠚⠤⠼⠑⠋]
-  - [1650erne, ⠼⠁⠋⠑⠚⠠⠑⠗⠝⠑]
-  - [1650ernes, ⠼⠁⠋⠑⠚⠠⠑⠗⠝⠑⠎]
-  - ['1651', ⠼⠁⠋⠑⠁]
-  - ['1652', ⠼⠁⠋⠑⠃]
-  - ['1653', ⠼⠁⠋⠑⠉]
-  - ['1654', ⠼⠁⠋⠑⠙]
-  - ['1655', ⠼⠁⠋⠑⠑]
-  - ['1656', ⠼⠁⠋⠑⠋]
-  - [1656-63, ⠼⠁⠋⠑⠋⠤⠼⠋⠉]
-  - ['1657', ⠼⠁⠋⠑⠛]
-  - [1657-58, ⠼⠁⠋⠑⠛⠤⠼⠑⠓]
-  - [1657-60, ⠼⠁⠋⠑⠛⠤⠼⠋⠚]
-  - ['1658', ⠼⠁⠋⠑⠓]
-  - [1658-60, ⠼⠁⠋⠑⠓⠤⠼⠋⠚]
-  - ['1659', ⠼⠁⠋⠑⠊]
-  - ['166', ⠼⠁⠋⠋]
-  - ['1660', ⠼⠁⠋⠋⠚]
-  - [1660-1740, ⠼⠁⠋⠋⠚⠤⠼⠁⠛⠙⠚]
-  - [1660-61, ⠼⠁⠋⠋⠚⠤⠼⠋⠁]
-  - ['1661', ⠼⠁⠋⠋⠁]
-  - ['1662', ⠼⠁⠋⠋⠃]
-  - ['1663', ⠼⠁⠋⠋⠉]
-  - ['1664', ⠼⠁⠋⠋⠙]
-  - ['1665', ⠼⠁⠋⠋⠑]
-  - ['1666', ⠼⠁⠋⠋⠋]
-  - [1666-77, ⠼⠁⠋⠋⠋⠤⠼⠛⠛]
-  - ['1667', ⠼⠁⠋⠋⠛]
-  - ['1668', ⠼⠁⠋⠋⠓]
-  - ['1669', ⠼⠁⠋⠋⠊]
-  - ['167', ⠼⠁⠋⠛]
-  - ['1670', ⠼⠁⠋⠛⠚]
-  - ['1671', ⠼⠁⠋⠛⠁]
-  - ['1672', ⠼⠁⠋⠛⠃]
-  - ['1673', ⠼⠁⠋⠛⠉]
-  - ['1674', ⠼⠁⠋⠛⠙]
-  - ['1675', ⠼⠁⠋⠛⠑]
-  - [1675-79, ⠼⠁⠋⠛⠑⠤⠼⠛⠊]
-  - ['1676', ⠼⠁⠋⠛⠋]
-  - ['1677', ⠼⠁⠋⠛⠛]
-  - ['1678', ⠼⠁⠋⠛⠓]
-  - ['1679', ⠼⠁⠋⠛⠊]
-  - ['168', ⠼⠁⠋⠓]
-  - ['1680', ⠼⠁⠋⠓⠚]
-  - [1680erne, ⠼⠁⠋⠓⠚⠠⠑⠗⠝⠑]
-  - [1680ernes, ⠼⠁⠋⠓⠚⠠⠑⠗⠝⠑⠎]
-  - ['1681', ⠼⠁⠋⠓⠁]
-  - ['1682', ⠼⠁⠋⠓⠃]
-  - ['1683', ⠼⠁⠋⠓⠉]
-  - [1684-1754, ⠼⠁⠋⠓⠙⠤⠼⠁⠛⠑⠙]
-  - ['1685', ⠼⠁⠋⠓⠑]
-  - ['1686', ⠼⠁⠋⠓⠋]
-  - ['1687', ⠼⠁⠋⠓⠛]
-  - ['1688', ⠼⠁⠋⠓⠓]
-  - ['1689', ⠼⠁⠋⠓⠊]
-  - ['169', ⠼⠁⠋⠊]
-  - ['1690', ⠼⠁⠋⠊⠚]
-  - ['1692', ⠼⠁⠋⠊⠃]
-  - ['1693', ⠼⠁⠋⠊⠉]
-  - ['1694', ⠼⠁⠋⠊⠙]
-  - ['1695', ⠼⠁⠋⠊⠑]
-  - ['1696', ⠼⠁⠋⠊⠋]
-  - ['1697', ⠼⠁⠋⠊⠛]
-  - ['1698', ⠼⠁⠋⠊⠓]
-  - ['1699', ⠼⠁⠋⠊⠊]
-  - [16b, ⠼⠁⠋⠠⠃]
-  - [16de, ⠼⠁⠋⠠⠙⠑]
-  - [16dec91, ⠼⠁⠋⠠⠙⠑⠉⠼⠊⠁]
-  - [16s, ⠼⠁⠋⠠⠎]
-  - [16th, ⠼⠁⠋⠠⠞⠓]
-  - [16v, ⠼⠁⠋⠠⠧]
-  - [16v-modellen, ⠼⠁⠋⠠⠧⠤⠍⠕⠙⠑⠇⠇⠑⠝]
-  - [16v-motor, ⠼⠁⠋⠠⠧⠤⠍⠕⠞⠕⠗]
-  - ['17', ⠼⠁⠛]
-  - [17-, ⠼⠁⠛⠤]
-  - [17-02, ⠼⠁⠛⠤⠼⠚⠃]
-  - [17-03, ⠼⠁⠛⠤⠼⠚⠉]
-  - [17-04, ⠼⠁⠛⠤⠼⠚⠙]
-  - [17-05, ⠼⠁⠛⠤⠼⠚⠑]
-  - [17-13, ⠼⠁⠛⠤⠼⠁⠉]
-  - [17-14, ⠼⠁⠛⠤⠼⠁⠙]
-  - [17-15, ⠼⠁⠛⠤⠼⠁⠑]
-  - [17-16, ⠼⠁⠛⠤⠼⠁⠋]
-  - [17-17, ⠼⠁⠛⠤⠼⠁⠛]
-  - [17-18, ⠼⠁⠛⠤⠼⠁⠓]
-  - [17-18-årige, ⠼⠁⠛⠤⠼⠁⠓⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑]
-  - [17-19, ⠼⠁⠛⠤⠼⠁⠊]
-  - [17-20, ⠼⠁⠛⠤⠼⠃⠚]
-  - [17-22, ⠼⠁⠛⠤⠼⠃⠃]
-  - [17-23, ⠼⠁⠛⠤⠼⠃⠉]
-  - [17-24, ⠼⠁⠛⠤⠼⠃⠙]
-  - [17-25, ⠼⠁⠛⠤⠼⠃⠑]
-  - [17-34, ⠼⠁⠛⠤⠼⠉⠙]
-  - [17-35, ⠼⠁⠛⠤⠼⠉⠑]
-  - [17-9, ⠼⠁⠛⠤⠼⠊]
-  - [17-dobbelte, ⠼⠁⠛⠤⠠⠙⠕⠃⠃⠑⠇⠞⠑]
-  - [17-tiden, ⠼⠁⠛⠤⠠⠞⠊⠙⠑⠝]
-  - [17-tommer, ⠼⠁⠛⠤⠠⠞⠕⠍⠍⠑⠗]
-  - [17-årig, ⠼⠁⠛⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛]
-  - [17-årige, ⠼⠁⠛⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑]
-  - [17-åriges, ⠼⠁⠛⠤⠠⠡⠗⠊⠛⠑⠎]
-  - [17-års, ⠼⠁⠛⠤⠠⠡⠗⠎]
-  - ['170', ⠼⠁⠛⠚]
-  - [170-175, ⠼⠁⠛⠚⠤⠼⠁⠛⠑]
-  - [170-180, ⠼⠁⠛⠚⠤⠼⠁⠓⠚]
-  - ['1700', ⠼⠁⠛⠚⠚]
-  - [1700-, ⠼⠁⠛⠚⠚⠤]
-  - [1700-1200, ⠼⠁⠛⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠃⠚⠚]
-  - [1700-1800, ⠼⠁⠛⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠓⠚⠚]
-  - [1700-1800-tallet, ⠼⠁⠛⠚⠚⠤⠼⠁⠓⠚⠚⠤⠠⠞⠁⠇⠇⠑⠞]
-  - [1700-tal, ⠼⠁⠛⠚⠚⠤⠠⠞⠁⠇]
-  - [1700-tallet, ⠼⠁⠛⠚⠚⠤⠠⠞⠁⠇⠇⠑⠞]
-  - [1700-tallets, ⠼⠁⠛⠚⠚⠤⠠⠞⠁⠇⠇⠑⠞⠎]
-  - [1700-tals, ⠼⠁⠛⠚⠚⠤⠠⠞⠁⠇⠎]
-  - [1700-årene, ⠼⠁⠛⠚⠚⠤⠠⠡⠗⠑⠝⠑]
-  - [1700-årenes, ⠼⠁⠛⠚⠚⠤⠠⠡⠗⠑⠝⠑⠎]
-  - ['17000', ⠼⠁⠛⠚⠚⠚]
-  - ['1701', ⠼⠁⠛⠚⠁]
-  - [1701-13, ⠼⠁⠛⠚⠁⠤⠼⠁⠉]
-  - ['1702', ⠼⠁⠛⠚⠃]
-  - ['1703', ⠼⠁⠛⠚⠉]
-  - ['1704', ⠼⠁⠛⠚⠙]
-  - ['1705', ⠼⠁⠛⠚⠑]
-  - ['1706', ⠼⠁⠛⠚⠋]
-  - ['170692', ⠼⠁⠛⠚⠋⠊⠃]
-  - ['1707', ⠼⠁⠛⠚⠛]
-  - [1707-83, ⠼⠁⠛⠚⠛⠤⠼⠓⠉]
-  - ['1708', ⠼⠁⠛⠚⠓]
-  - ['1709', ⠼⠁⠛⠚⠊]
-  - ['171', ⠼⠁⠛⠁]
-  - ['1710', ⠼⠁⠛⠁⠚]
-  - [1710nm, ⠼⠁⠛⠁⠚⠠⠝⠍]
-  - [1710nma, ⠼⠁⠛⠁⠚⠠⠝⠍⠁]
-  - [1710nmb, ⠼⠁⠛⠁⠚⠠⠝⠍⠃]
-  - [1710nmc, ⠼⠁⠛⠁⠚⠠⠝⠍⠉]
-  - ['1711', ⠼⠁⠛⠁⠁]
-  - ['171192', ⠼⠁⠛⠁⠁⠊⠃]
-  - ['1712', ⠼⠁⠛⠁⠃]
-  - ['171292', ⠼⠁⠛⠁⠃⠊⠃]
-  - ['1713', ⠼⠁⠛⠁⠉]
-  - ['1714', ⠼⠁⠛⠁⠙]
-  - ['1715', ⠼⠁⠛⠁⠑]
-  - ['1716', ⠼⠁⠛⠁⠋]
-  - ['1717', ⠼⠁⠛⠁⠛]
-  - ['1718', ⠼⠁⠛⠁⠓]
-  - ['1719', ⠼⠁⠛⠁⠊]
-  - ['172', ⠼⠁⠛⠃]
-  - ['1720', ⠼⠁⠛⠃⠚]
-  - ['1721', ⠼⠁⠛⠃⠁]
-  - ['1722', ⠼⠁⠛⠃⠃]
-  - ['1723', ⠼⠁⠛⠃⠉]
-  - ['1724', ⠼⠁⠛⠃⠙]
-  - [1724-1804, ⠼⠁⠛⠃⠙⠤⠼⠁⠓⠚⠙]
-  - ['1725', ⠼⠁⠛⠃⠑]