| # 10.8.1 page 133 |
| |
| amount |
| am.t |
| |
| baroness |
| b>o;s |
| |
| bastion |
| bas;n |
| |
| blessing |
| b.s+ |
| |
| business |
| busi;s |
| |
| cancel |
| c.el |
| |
| carefully |
| c>e;lly |
| |
| cement |
| ce;t |
| |
| cheerful |
| *e};l |
| |
| chockfull |
| *ock;ll |
| |
| circuity |
| circu;y |
| |
| commencement |
| comm;e;t |
| |
| comment |
| com;t |
| |
| confusion |
| 3fu.n |
| |
| country |
| c.try |
| |
| county |
| c.ty |
| |
| creation |
| cr1;n |
| |
| dancer |
| d.er |
| |
| deity |
| de;y |
| |
| Du Plessis |
| ,du ,p.sis |
| |
| experienced |
| exp}i;ed |
| |
| expressionless |
| expres.n.s |
| |
| extramental |
| extra;tal |
| |
| fences |
| f;es |
| |
| finesse |
| fi;se |
| |
| found |
| f.d |
| |
| fractional |
| frac;nal |
| Frances |
| ,fr.es |
| |
| governess |
| gov};s |
| |
| Guinness |
| ,gu9;s |
| |
| incongruous |
| 9c;gru|s |
| |
| influenceable |
| 9flu;eable |
| |
| lioness |
| lio;s |
| |
| longevity |
| l;gev;y |
| |
| memento |
| me;to |
| |
| mongoose |
| m;goose |
| |
| mountain |
| m.ta9 |
| |
| noblesse |
| nob.se |
| |
| persuasion |
| p}sua.n |
| |
| pity |
| p;y |
| |
| pongee |
| p;gee |
| |
| prong |
| pr;g |
| |
| rationally |
| ra;nally |
| |
| rotation |
| rota;n |
| |
| Rountree |
| ,r.tree |
| |
| séance |
| s~/e.e |
| |
| silenced |
| sil;ed |
| |
| sinfulness |
| s9;l;s |
| |
| Spencer |
| ,sp;er |
| |
| sponge |
| sp;ge |
| |
| sound |
| s.d |
| |
| sublessee |
| sub.see |
| |
| Tennessee |
| ,t5;see |
| |
| thence |
| ?;e |
| |
| tongue |
| t;gue |
| |
| unfulfilled |
| un;lfill$ |
| |
| unless |
| un.s |
| |
| unlessoned |
| un.son$ |
| |
| Wenceslaus |
| ,w;eslaus |
| |
| wounded |
| w.d$ |
| |
| "alone"ness |
| 8al"o0ness |
| |
| ancestor |
| ance/or |
| |
| channel-less |
| *annel-less |
| |
| congruous |
| 3gru|s |
| |
| electroencephalogram |
| electro5cephalogram |
| |
| encephalitis |
| 5cephalitis |
| |
| fiancé |
| fianc~/e |
| |
| inessential |
| 9ess5tial |
| |
| lessee |
| lessee |
| |
| moongod |
| moongod |
| |
| nongaseous |
| nongase|s |
| |
| one-ness |
| "o-ness |
| |
| 'ound |
| '|nd |
| |
| pityard |
| pity>d |
| |
| ~under |
| ++++ |
| regardless |
| re_1g>d_'less |
| |
| # 10.8.2 page 135 |
| |
| AttenTION! |
| ,att5,,tion6 |
| |
| AWful |
| ,,aw,'ful |
| |
| ELesson |
| ,e,lesson |
| |
| ExperiMental |
| ,exp}i,m5tal |
| |
| MyAncestor |
| ,my,ance/or |
| |
| # 10.8.4 page 135 |
| |
| chieftainess |
| *iefta9ess |
| |
| citizeness |
| citiz5ess |
| |
| heatheness |
| h1!ness |
| |
| # 10.9.1 page 136 |
| |
| You should receive your letter tomorrow afternoon. |
| ,y %d rcv yr lr tm afn4 |
| |
| an about-face from the quick-witted go-between |
| an ab-face f ! qk-witt$ g-2t |
| |
| "Good-bye, Miss Little-Smythe!" |
| 8,gd-bye1 ,miss ,ll-,smy!60 |
| |
| (braille–first writing system for blind people) |
| "<brl,-f/ writ+ sy/em = bl p"> |
| |
| ~italic |
| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
| According to him, neither Little Rock, Much Hadham nor Port Said would be much fun. |
| ,ac to hm1 .7nei ,ll ,rock1 ,m* ,_hham nor ,port ,sd.' wd 2 m* fun4 |
| |
| to-night |
| to-ni<t |
| |
| above/below |
| above_/bel{ |
| |
| ,,pr9t_/,,braille |
| |
| friend@rogers.com |
| fri5d`arog}s4com |
| |
| www.living.beyond.myself.org |
| www4liv+4beyond4myself4org |
| |
| # 10.9.2 page 137 |
| |
| aboveground |
| abvgr.d |
| |
| belowdecks |
| 2ldecks |
| |
| Friendly Islands |
| ,frly ,isl&s |
| |
| godchildren |
| god*n |
| |
| goodafternoon |
| gdafn |
| |
| hereabouts |
| "habs |
| |
| lettermen |
| lrm5 |
| |
| Quicker Delivery |
| ,qk} ,deliv}y |
| |
| repaid |
| repd |
| |
| suchlike |
| s*like |
| |
| Our boyfriends mustn't miss tomorrow's afterdinner speaker! |
| ,|r boyfrs m/n't miss tm's afd9n} sp1k}6 |
| |
| Mr Letterman could've quickly rebrailled the Aftercare Newsletter. |
| ,mr ,lrman cd've qkly rebrld ! ,afc>e ,newslr4 |
| |
| I am brailling the newsletters' headlines. |
| ,i am braill+ ! newslrs' h1dl9es4 |
| |
| friend(s) |
| fri5d"<s"> |
| |
| ~bold |
| ++ |
| littler |
| littl~1} |
| |
| print/braille |
| pr9t_/braille |
| |
| ~italic |
| ++ |
| unnecessary |
| .1un.'necess>y |
| |
| www.afterschool.gov |
| www4aft}s*ool4gov |
| |
| aftereffect |
| aft}e6ect |
| |
| afterimage |
| aft}image |
| |
| blinded |
| bl9d$ |
| |
| blinding |
| bl9d+ |
| |
| befriended |
| 2fri5d$ |
| |
| friendy |
| fri5dy |
| |
| abouts |
| ab|ts |
| |
| acrosses |
| acrosses |
| |
| againe |
| aga9e |
| |
| almosts |
| almo/s |
| |
| hims |
| hims |
| |
| hereinbefore |
| "h9be=e |
| |
| hereinbelow |
| "h9bel{ |
| |
| inbetween |
| 9betwe5 |
| |
| misconceived |
| misconceiv$ |
| |
| "couldx" |
| 8c|ldx0 |
| |
| Himalayas |
| ,himalayas |
| |
| Suchet |
| ,su*et |
| |
| Yourcenar |
| ,y|rc5> |
| |
| # 10.9.3 page 139 |
| |
| Braillette board |
| ,brltte bo>d |
| |
| Marcillat-en-Combraille, France |
| ,m>cillat-en-,combrl1 ,fr.e |
| |
| Greatford Hall |
| ,grt=d ,hall |
| |
| greatgreatgreatgrandchildren |
| grtgrtgrtgr&*n |
| |
| Greatorex |
| ,grtorex |
| |
| Blindcraft |
| ,blcraft |
| |
| Blindheim |
| ,blheim |
| |
| Firstbank |
| ,f/bank |
| |
| Firstchoice |
| ,f/*oice |
| |
| "goodz" |
| 8gdz0 |
| |
| Mr Feelgreat from Goodge Street |
| |
| ,mr ,feelgrt f ,gdge ,/reet |
| |
| Ms Letterkenny's Littleport home. |
| ,ms ,lrk5ny's ,llport home4 |
| |
| Quicksburg, Virginia |
| ,qksburg1 ,virg9ia |
| |
| Blindoc |
| ,bl9doc |
| |
| www.braillex.com |
| www4braillex4com |
| |
| Firstamerica |
| ,fir/am}ica |
| |
| Goodacre |
| ,goodacre |
| |
| Littlearm |
| ,little>m |
| |
| Letterewe Estate |
| ,lett}ewe ,e/ate |
| |
| Mr Linkletter of Portlittle |
| ,mr ,l9klett} ( ,portlittle |
| |
| Bisquick Pancake Mix |
| ,bisquick ,pancake ,mix |
| |
| Ted Makegood of Goodena |
| ,t$ ,makegood ( ,good5a |
| |
| # 10.9.4 page 140 |
| |
| Herf gun |
| ,herf gun |
| |
| "mst" files |
| 8mst0 files |
| |
| ~italic |
| +++++++ |
| .1,,somesch ,,riv} |
| |
| www.sch.edu.au |
| www4s*4$u4au |
| |
| # 10.9.5 page 141 |
| |
| ab initio |
| ;ab 9itio |
| |
| et al– |
| et ;al,- |
| Al-Azar |
| ;,al-,az> |
| Alt.: 3000 ft. |
| ;,alt43 #cjjj ft4 |
| |
| "Hm, would Al like this CD?" |
| 8;,hm1 wd ;,al l ? ;,,cd80 |
| |
| Grtsamada |
| ;,grtsamada |
| |
| ;,,blcup |
| |
| spelled "ei" or "ie"? |
| spell$ 8;ei0 or 8ie08 |
| |
| gd lnch. TM sd yu shd meet me b4 yr mtg 2 read lr. wl b qk. l8r. |
| ;gd ln*4 ;,,tm ;sd yu shd meet me b#d ;yr mtg #b r1d ;lr4 wl ;b ;qk4 l#hr4 |
| |
| # 10.9.6 page 141 |
| |
| Dobrljin |
| ;;,dobrljin |
| |
| ozbrl |
| ;;ozbrl |
| |
| # Appendix 1.2 |
| |
| ahimsa |
| ahimsa |
| |
| braillist |
| brailli/ |
| |
| declaration |
| decl>a;n |
| |
| drafter |
| draft} |
| |
| lacrosse |
| lacrosse |
| |
| marabout |
| m>ab|t |
| |
| mustache |
| mu/a*e |
| |
| mustang |
| mu/ang |
| |
| muster |
| mu/} |
| |
| necessarily |
| necess>ily |
| |
| rafter |
| raft} |
| |
| shoulder |
| %|ld} |
| |
| # Appendix 1.3 |
| |
| abouts |
| ab|ts |
| |
| acrosses |
| acrosses |
| |
| againe |
| aga9e |
| |
| almosts |
| almo/s |
| |
| hims |
| hims |
| |
| # Appendix 1.4 |
| |
| aftereffect |
| aft}e6ect |
| |
| afterimage |
| aft}image |
| |
| blinded |
| bl9d$ |
| |
| blinding |
| bl9d+ |
| |
| befriended |
| 2fri5d$ |
| |
| # Appendix 1.5 |
| |
| hereinbefore |
| "h9be=e |
| |
| inbetween |
| 9betwe5 |
| |
| misconceived |
| misconceiv$ |
| |
| ~end |
| |
| # 10.10.2 page 142 |
| advanced adv.ed aright a"r |
| bastion bas;n coherence coh];e |
| Congo ,3go congratulate 3gratulate |
| congruity 3gru;y dancer d.er |
| dispirited di_s$ distinct 4t9ct |
| disturbed 4turb$ happiness happi;s |
| meander me&] named "nd |
| oneness "o;s thence ?;e |
| timer "tr vengeance v5ge.e |
| wither )] |
| captainess capta9ess |
| |
| # 10.10.3 page 142 |
| afford af=d bathed ba!d |
| calisthenics calis!nics coffee C(fee |
| effort ef=t gathered ga!r$ |
| Leander ,le&] offer (f] |
| office (fice other o!r |
| Parthenon ,p>!non proffer pr(f] |
| slithered sli!r$ theatre !atre |
| then !n weathered w1!r$ |
| thence ?;e |
| |
| # 10.10.4 page 143 |
| beatitude 2atitude Beatrix ,2atrix |
| bedraggled 2dra7l$ benevolence 2nevol;e |
| benighted 2ni<t$ benign 2nign |
| berated 2rat$ |
| congee 3gee congenial 3g5ial |
| dishonesty 4h"o/y distance 4t.e |
| |
| beach b1* beautiful b1uti;l |
| bed b$ benefit b5efit |
| benzene b5z5e berth B]? |
| dish di% dishevelled di%evell$ |
| |
| # 10.10.5 page 143 |
| bacchanal bac*anal bear be> |
| fear fe> heart he>t |
| nearly ne>ly nuclear nucle> |
| saccharine sac*>9e sting /+ |
| egghead e7h1d |
| |
| # 10.10.6 page 144 |
| Clemenceau ,clem;eau commenced comm;ed |
| experienced exp]i;ed |
| influenceable 9flu;eable |
| silenceable sil;eable |
| silencer sil;er Spencer ,sp;er |
| |
| # 10.10.7 page 144 |
| adhered adh]$ adherent adh]5t |
| adherer adh]] cohered coh]$ |
| component compon5t effulgent e6ulg5t |
| heredity h]$;y onerous on]\s |
| opponent oppon5t Parthian ,p>?ian |
| poisoned poison$ prisoner prison] |
| shadow %ad[ sooner soon] |
| stoned /on$ telephoned telephon$ |
| Thaddeus ,?addeus toner ton] |
| advanced adv.ed |
| |
| # 10.10.8 page 145 |
| apartheid a"pheid asthma as?ma |
| dishevelled di%evell$ gingham g+ham |
| hypotheses hypo!ses isthmus is?mus |
| posthumous po/hum\s stronghold /r;ghold |
| towhee t[hee where'er :]e'] |
| whereas ":as wherever :]"e |
| |
| # 10.10.9 page 145 |
| chemotherapy *emo!rapy |
| chlordane *lordane whaddaya :addaya |
| |
| # 10.10.10 page 145 |
| enough–bein' 5,-2in' |
| in..... in44444 |
| Was that in?–in bounds? ,0 t 98,-in b.ds8 |
| "Enough!" ^8,5\<6^0 |
| IN MY HOUSE ,,,9 my h\se,' |
| |
| # 10.11.1 page 146 |
| Airedale ,airedale Bighorn ,bighorn |
| blowhard bl[h>d bottleneck bottleneck |
| carthorse c>thorse cowherd c[h]d |
| dumbbell dumbbell egghead e7h1d |
| fathead fath1d flearidden fl1ridd5 |
| grasshopper grasshopp] |
| hideaway hideaway indiarubber 9diaru2] |
| insofar 9sof> Jamestown ,jamest[n |
| kettledrum kettledrum |
| longhand l;gh& northeast nor?1/ |
| painstaking pa9stak+ photoflash photofla% |
| pineapple p9eapple rawhide rawhide |
| Southend ,s\?5d stateroom /ateroom |
| storeroom /oreroom stronghold /r;ghold |
| sweetheart sweethe>t tearoom t1room |
| toenail toenail wiseacre wiseacre |
| |
| # 10.11.2 page 146 |
| Cunnyngham ,cunnyngham |
| knighthood kni<thood mishandle mish&le |
| mishap mishap mishear mishe> |
| Newhaven ,newhav5 shanghaied %anghai$ |
| Sontheim ,sontheim stronghold /r;ghold |
| Brigham ,bri<am Chatham ,*a?am |
| Higham ,Hi<am |
| |
| # 10.11.3 page 147 |
| bedazzle 2dazzle bedevil 2devil |
| benighted 2ni<t$ benumb 2numb |
| berate 2rate bereave 2r1ve |
| congeal 3g1l congruent 3gru5t |
| disharmony 4h>mony dishonest 4h"o/ |
| |
| # 10.11.4 page 147 |
| preamplifier preamplifi] |
| readjust readju/ reappoint reappo9t |
| reassure reassure |
| |
| # 10.11.5 page 147 |
| abbreviate a2reviate accent a35t |
| affect a6ect aggressive a7ressive |
| aqueduct aqu$uct arise >ise |
| Benedict ,b5$ict deduce d$uce |
| denominate d5om9ate denote d5ote |
| denouement d5\e;t denounce d5\nce |
| derail d]ail deregister d]egi/] |
| derivable d]ivable derogatory d]ogatory |
| edacious $aci\s edict $ict |
| edition $i;n educe $uce |
| effaceable e6ac1ble effect e6ect |
| enormous 5orm\s enounce 5\nce |
| enumerate 5um]ate erase ]ase |
| erosion ]o.n froward fr[>d |
| irredentist irr$5ti/ malediction mal$ic;n |
| mistake mi/ake mistrust mi/ru/ |
| multinomial mult9omial |
| pandemonium p&emonium |
| perinatal p]9atal predate pr$ate |
| predecease pr$ec1se predecessor pr$ecessor |
| predestine pr$e/9e predicament pr$ica;t |
| prediction pr$ic;n predominate pr$om9ate |
| prerequisite pr]equisite |
| prerogative pr]ogative |
| profanity pr(an;y professor pr(essor |
| profile pr(ile profoundly pr(.dly |
| profusion pr(u.n redact r$act |
| rededicate r$$icate redeemable r$eemable |
| redouble r$\ble renege r5ege |
| renegotiate r5egotiate |
| renewable r5ewable renumber r5umb] |
| reread r]1d sedate s$ate |
| Vandyke ,v&yke |
| But: |
| aerofoil a]ofoil antitype antitype |
| biofeedback biofe$back |
| centimeter c5timet] cofounder cof.d] |
| disulphide disulphide filofax filofax |
| gasometer gasomet] inessential 9ess5tial |
| infrared 9frar$ kilowatt kilowatt |
| microfilm microfilm prounion prounion |
| retroflex retroflex riboflavin riboflav9 |
| styrofoam /yrofoam subbasement subbase;t |
| unamended unam5d$ underived und]iv$ |
| |
| # 10.11.6 page 149 |
| anteater ant1t] |
| contradistinction 3tradi/9c;n |
| disease 41se extramental extra;tal |
| heartsease he>ts1se incongruity 9c;gru;y |
| incongruous 9c;gru\s indistinct 9di/9ct |
| indistinguishable 9di/+ui%able |
| motheaten mo?1t5 northeast nor?1/ |
| redistribution r$i/ribu;n |
| speakeasy sp1k1sy spreadeagle spr1d1gle |
| uncongenial unc;g5ial undisturbed undi/urb$ |
| unfulfilled un;lfill$ unlessoned un.son$ |
| |
| disingenuous 49g5u\s |
| electroencephalogram electro5cephalogram |
| |
| # 10.11.7 page 150 |
| acreage acr1ge agreeable agre1ble |
| arboreal >bor1l baroness b>o;s |
| boredom bor$om Brigham ,bri<am |
| changeability *ang1bil;y |
| chargeable *>g1ble Chatham ,*a?am |
| delineate del91te dukedom duk$om |
| effaceable e6ac1ble European ,europ1n |
| finery f9]y foreseeably =ese1bly |
| freedom fre$om genealogy g51logy |
| governess gov];s Higham ,hi<am |
| imagery imag]y laureate laur1te |
| likeable lik1ble lineage l91ge |
| lineal l91l lioness lio;s |
| midwifery midwif]y mileage mil1ge |
| noticeable notic1ble oleaginous ol1g9\s |
| orangery orang]y peaceable p1c1ble |
| permeable p]m1ble permeate p]m1te |
| popedom pop$om rateable rat1ble |
| savagery savag]y venereal v5]1l |
| |
| biscuity biscuity chieftainess *iefta9ess |
| Chisholm ,*isholm citizeness citiz5ess |
| fruity fruity orangeade orangeade |
| rabbity ra2ity twofold twofold |
| |
| # 10.11.8 page 151 |
| areaway >1way ebbing e2+ |
| eggplant e7plant ideas id1s |
| seaman s1man seashore s1%ore |
| stiffly /i6ly teatime t1"t |
| |
| # 10.11.9 page 151 |
| aerial a]ial aerobic a]obic |
| Baedeker ,ba$ek] |
| Betws-y-Coed ,BEtws-;y-,co$ |
| Blaenau Ffestiniog ,bla5au ,ffe/9iog |
| Caernarvon ,ca]n>von Daedalus ,da$alus |
| diaeresis dia]esis |
| encyclopaedia 5cyclopa$ia |
| faerie fa]ie Goering ,go]+ |
| Gruenfeld ,gru5feld Judaean ,juda1n |
| Liliaceae ,liliac1e maenad ma5ad |
| Oedipus ,o$ipus orthopaedic or?opa$ic |
| paean pa1n phoenix pho5ix |
| Schoenberg ,s*o5b]g subpoena subpo5a |
| |
| færie fa^6erie |
| |
| # 10.12.1 page 152 |
| WHO ,,who [World Health Organisation] |
| OED ,,oed [Oxford English Dictionary] |
| kwh or kWh kwh or k,wh |
| CH6-1234 ,,ch#f-#abcd |
| W2N 6CH ,w#b,n #f,,ch |
| US ,,us [United States] |
| MSH ,,msh [Markham-Stouffville Hospital] |
| DAR ,,dar [Daughters of the American Revolution] |
| EST ,,est [Eastern Standard Time] |
| TEN/gh ,,ten_/gh [initials at end of letter] |
| ChE ,ch,e [Chemical Engineer] |
| MCh ,m,ch [Master of Surgery, from "Chirurgiae"] |
| POW ,,pow [prisoner of war] |
| |
| # 10.12.2 page 153 |
| S. Da. ;,s4 ,da4 N S ;,n ;,s |
| Xft. ,xft4 G.B.S. ,g4,b4,s4 |
| C. P. E. Bach ;,c4 ;,p4 ;,e4 ,ba* |
| J-P. Sartre ;;,j-,p4 ,s>tre |
| V & A ;,v @& ,a p. 15 ;p4 #ae |
| c 1600 ;c #afjj 7 L #g ;,l |
| 3 N m #c ;,n ;m [3 newton metres] |
| Macbeth V i 8 or V.i.8 |
| ,macbe? ;,v i #h or ,v4i4#h |
| U. of K. ;,u4 ( ;,k4 |
| Can ,c [Canada] It. ,x4 [Italian] |
| |
| FORTRAN ,,=tran AFofL ,a,f(,l |
| prof pr( |
| |
| CANDU reactor ,,c&u r1ctor |
| ch. 7 ch4 #g ch.7 *4#g |
| par3 p>#c 4-Hers #d-,h]s |
| qwerty qw]ty radar rad> |
| BEd ,b,$ ed. $4 |
| NOW ,,n[ Ariz ,>iz |
| BCer ,b,c] St ,st |
| St. ,st4 |
| CHUM Radio ,,*um ,radio |
| START ,,/>t [Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty] |
| Sh$40 ,%@s#dj [40 Shanghai dollars] |
| 1 in. #a in4 9-in dia. #i-9 dia4 |
| Belg. ,belg4 cont. 3t4 |
| Dist. ,4t4 nem. con. nem4 con4 |
| ASEAN ,,as1n SEATO ,,s1to |
| 7 ins #g 9s 7ins #g;ins |
| Inc. ,9c4 Gov. Gen. ,gov4 ,g54 |
| Minn. ,m9n4 MiniPC ,m9i,,pc |
| MInstP ,m,9/,p [Member, Institute of Physics] |
| INXS ,,9xs [rock band "in excess"] |
| 1-800-INFO #a-#hjj-,,9fo |
| |
| CD ;,,cd FRS ;,,frs |
| 3 yrs 6 mths #c ;yrs #f m?s |
| |
| # 10.12.3 page 155 |
| braille_it_better@learn.org |
| braille.-it.-bett]@ale>n4org |
| children-do-great@teach.net |
| *n-d-gr1t@at1*4net |
| world@large.com _w@al>ge4com |
| www.rubberchicken.com/menus |
| www4ru2]*ick54com_/m5us |
| www.one.in.a.hundred.org |
| www4"o494a4hundr$4org |
| http://www.99chances.com |
| http3_/_/www4#ii;'*.es4com |
| c:\brailledocuments\letters.txt |
| C3_*brailledocu;ts_*lett]s4txt |
| c:\contractions\wordsigns.doc |
| c3_*contrac;ns_*^wsigns4doc |
| c:\InfoForSteven\PhoneNumbers.xls |
| c3_*,9fo,=,/ev5_*,ph"o,numb]s4xls |
| c:\ideas\child-of-the-sea.doc |
| c3_*id1s_**ild-(-!-sea4doc |
| c:\poem ideas\my child's smile.doc |
| c3_*poem id1s_*my *'s smile4doc |
| c:\2010DIARY\March.txt |
| c3_*#bjaj;',,di>y_*,m>*4txt |
| |
| # 10.12.4 page 156 |
| coulda cda [could have] mebbe me2e [maybe] |
| th' th' [the] pinny p9ny [penny] |
| depity dep;y [deputy] your yr [you're] |
| wher :] [where] somers som]s [somewhere] |
| theirselves _!selves [themselves] |
| dint d9t [didn't] bofe b(e [both] |
| 'stracted '/ract$ [distracted] |
| fayther fay!r [father] |
| distruction 4truc;n [destruction] |
| fer f] [for] musta m/a [must have] |
| goodun gdun [good one] lyedee ly$ee [lady] |
| com'ere com']e [come here] |
| |
| # 10.12.5 page 156 |
| th– th,- say pl... say pl444 |
| Tell me wh-. ,tell me wh-4 |
| -tion -tion -ccio -ccio |
| -ean -ean -ence -5ce |
| -ing -9g -ount -\nt |
| -in -in -est -e/ |
| -ed -$ -ar -> |
| ar- >- be- be- |
| -es -es -s -;s |
| ~s @9s |
| |
| # 10.12.6 page 157 |
| Bighorn ,bighorn chemotherapy *emo!rapy |
| Hades ,hades Hermione ,h]mione |
| Mortimer ,mortim] Newhaven ,newhav5 |
| OED ,,oed [Oxford English Dictionary] |
| Stalingrad ,/al9grad US ,,us [United States] |
| Vietnamese ,vietnamese |
| |
| # 10.12.7 page 157 |
| Berea ,2rea [or] ,b]ea |
| Ione ,ione [or] ,i"o |
| Simone ,simone [or] ,sim"o |
| Townshend ,t[nsh5d [or] ,t[n%5d |
| Twillingate ,twill9gate [or] ,twill+ate |
| |
| # 10.12.11 page 158 |
| thecond thentury !cond !ntury [second century] |
| thenotaph !notaph [cenotaph] |
| sisther or thithter sis!r or ?i?t] [sister] |
| thuthpenthe ?u?p5! [suspense] |
| |
| # 10.12.12 page 158 |
| knowledge ^1"k^'l$ge "just"ice 8ju/0ice |
| rather ra.1?.'] verY v],y |
| you'll y'll go'n go'n |
| shall .1%.'all child(ish) *ild"<i%"> |
| this'll ?'ll out'a \t'a |
| grandEST gr&,,e/ profit .1pro.'fit |
| with(er) )"<]"> "the"s 8!0s |
| THIRSTy ,,?ir/,'y ni(gh)t ni"<<">t |
| touched t\^1*^'$ flowing fl[.1+ |
| mist-ing mi/-.19g thou're ?\'re |
| enough 5\_1< wer(e) w]"<e"> |
| his'n his'n in't 9't |
| invalid .19.'valid (be)long "<be">l;g |
| dissent .1dis.'s5t O'Connor ,o',connor |
| "en"gage 850gage uneaten un.1eat5 |
| CliffEdge ,cliff,$ge dragg(ing) dragg"<+"> |
| rubb'd rubb'd NorthEast ,nor?,ea/ |
| those ?_2ose there(upon) "!"<^u"> |
| HANDsome ,,h&,'"s WordPerfect ,^w,p]fect |
| founDAtion f\n,d,a;n boundary b.d.1>y |
| judg"mental" judg^8m5tal^0 |
| count(less) c.t"<less"> CarLess ,c>,less |
| grey'ound grey'\nd |
| togetherness toge!r.1ness |
| "be"friend 8be0fri5d |
| |
| # 10.12.13 page 160 |
| t-n ;t-;n J----y ;,j----;y |
| s– ;s,- S— ;,s",- |
| n...ce n444ce [niece] fr...nd fr444nd [friend] |
| w...ghed w444<$ [weighed] |
| |
| # 10.12.14 page 160 |
| we-e-ellll we-;e-ellll |
| a-a-ah—ch-o-o-oh a-a-ah,-ch-o-o-oh |
| mmm-more mmm-m shhhh %hhh |
| errrr ]rrr pfft p6t |
| doodle-e-do doodle-;e-d |
| the-e-enk !-;e-5k so-o-o-o s-o-o-o |
| as-s-s-s z-;;s-s-s aaarrrggghh aa>rr7<h |
| hm ;hm br-r-r br-;r-;r |
| cooooountry coooo.try ggggood g7good |
| lllittle ;lllittle loooong looo;g |
| sisterrr si/]rr |
| |
| # 10.12.15 page 160 |
| Take the dog for a w-a-l-k. |
| ,take ! dog = a ;;w-a-l-k4 |
| w-i-n-d-o-w ;;w-i-n-d-o-w |
| M-a-c-L-e-a-n ;;,m-a-c-,l-e-a-n |
| N O W! ;,n ,o ;,w6 |
| U-N-I-T-E-D ;;,u-,n-,i-,t-,e-,d |
| |
| # 10.12.16 page 161 |
| d-d-day ;d-;d-"d ch-child ch-* |
| y-y-you ;y-;y-y b...but b444but |
| c-c-c-conceive ;c-;c-;c-3cv |
| st-st-stay st-st-/ay s-s-stutter ;s-;s-/utt] |
| g-good ;g-gd qu-quick qu-qk |
| m-m-m-mine ;m-;m-;m-m9e |
| wh-where wh-": f-f-father ;f-;f-"f |
| th-the th-! de-ce-ce-cease de-ce-ce-c1se |
| s-s-s-s-super-st-stition |
| ;;s-s-s-s-;'sup]-st-/i;n |
| th-these th-^! g-ghost ;g-<o/ |
| gr-ground gr-gr.d lea-leave lea-l1ve |
| m-must ;m-m/ w-what ;w-:at |
| c-can't ;c-c't w-was ;w-was |
| ch-ch-children ch-ch-*n th-themselves th-!mvs |
| b-b-below ;b-;b-2l |
| |
| # 10.12.17 page 162 |
| for-ev-er-more =-ev-]-more |
| not-with-stand-ing not-)-/&-9g |
| some-one "s-"o |
| en-chant-ment en-*ant-m5t |
| in-fea-si-ble 9-fea-si-ble |
| child-ish-ly *-i%-ly |
| dis-in-ter-est dis-9-t]-e/ |
| al-be-it ;al-be-it |
| friend-li-ness fr-li-ness |
| for-get-ting =-get-t+ bless-ed b.s-$ |
| out-side \-side be-low be-l[ |
| |
| # 10.13.1 page 162 |
| anteroom ante- room |
| bandanna ban- danna |
| Catherine ,ca?- ]9e |
| "Freedom!" 8,free- dom60 |
| history his- tory |
| nightingale ni<t9- gale |
| profound.) pro- f.d4"> |
| |
| # 10.13.2 page 163 |
| about-face ab- face |
| air-conditioned air- 3di;n$ |
| Aix-en-Provence ,aix-en- ,prov;e |
| Al-Azar ;,al- ,az> |
| channel-less *annel- less |
| CHILD-LIKE ,,*- ,,l |
| ebb-tide ebb- tide |
| father-in-law "f- 9-law |
| first-begotten f/- 2gott5 |
| for the teach-in. .7= ! t1*- 94.' |
| go-between g- 2t |
| had-enough mood _h- 5 mood |
| his-and-hers his- &-h]s |
| (in-depth) "<9- dep?"> |
| in-depth .19- dep? |
| man-eater man- eat] |
| mother-in-law "m-9- law |
| out-of-the-way \-(- !-way |
| part-time "p- "t |
| self-control self- 3trol |
| shut-ins %ut- 9s |
| teach-in.) t1*- 94"> |
| "to-ing and fro-ing" 8to-9g & fro- 9g0 |
| word-for-word ^w- =-^w |
| would-be wd- be |
| |
| "had-enough" mood 8_h- 5\<0 mood |
| "In-depth 8,in- dep? |
| teach-in. t1*- in4 |
| |
| # 10.13.3 page 164 |
| childlike *ild- like |
| everything "ey- ?+ |
| furthermore fur!r- more |
| outcome \t- come |
| standstill /&- /ill |
| whichever :i*- "e |
| |
| # 10.13.4 page 165 |
| meningitis m5- 9gitis |
| nightingale ni<t- 9gale |
| showering.) %[]- 9g4"> |
| SmithInge ,smi?- ,9ge |
| |
| # 10.13.5 page 165 |
| "Comin'?" 8,com- in'80 and: ^8,com- in'8^0 |
| (Disentangle "<,45- tangle |
| disinherit 4in- h]it |
| enjoy en- joy |
| linen... l9- en444 |
| shortenin' %ort- 5in' |
| |
| # 10.13.6 page 165 |
| always—except alw ,-except or: alw,- except |
| |
| # 10.13.7 page 166 |
| not his—my name n his ,-my "n or: n his,- my "n |
| |
| # 10.13.8 page 166 |
| Enough—in my case ,5 ,-in my case or: ,5\<,- in my case |
| (enough—in my case) "<5,- 9 my case"> or: "<5 ,-in my case"> |
| |
| # 10.13.9 page 166 |
| bacon ba- con |
| "Disgusting!" 8,dis- gu/+60 |
| disobedient 4o- b$i5t |
| howbeit h[- beit |
| inconvenient in- conv5i5t |
| indistinct 9dis- t9ct |
| (redistribute "<re- di/ribute |
| unbecoming un- becom+ |
| unconcerned uncon- c]n$ |
| |
| # 10.13.10 page 167 |
| eggnog egg- nog motheaten mo?- eat5 |
| peanut pea- nut stiffly /iff- ly |
| |
| # 10.13.11 page 167 |
| carefully c>e- fully |
| CEMENT.) ,,ce- m5t4"> |
| confusion? 3fu- sion8 |
| expressionless expres- sion.s |
| fundamentally funda- m5tally |
| reliance reli- ance |
| rotations rota- tions |
| vitality vital- ity |
| |
| # 10.13.12 page 167 |
| aboveground abv- gr.d |
| afterimage aft]- image |
| befriending." 2fri5d- 9g40 |
| blinded?) bl9d- $8"> |
| blindness bl- ness |
| friendliness fr- li;s |
| girlfriend girl- fr |
| Goodall ,good- all |
| Goodwood ,gd- wood |
| grandchildren gr&- *n |
| Hapgood ,hap- good |
| hereinafter "h9- af |
| hereinbelow "h9- bel[ |
| immediately imm- ly |
| Letterman ,lr- man |
| Linkletter ,l9k- lett] |
| preconceived pre- conceiv$ |
| unnecessary un- nec |