blob: 6547c4d42900d85622238dc68dcb9caa02253d96 [file] [log] [blame]
This file describes how to build liblouis.dll That is the only binary
file needed by someone who wishes to use liblouis in an application. The
tables are in the tables subdirectory of the liblouis distribution. For
an overview of liblouis see README.
First, obtain the liblouis source, either by downloading the latest
tarball or from the Git repository. See HACKING for instructions.
If you downloaded the tarball, unpack it.
To build liblouis.dll you will need the Microsoft command-line C/C++
tools. You will also have to set environment variables correctly. You
can download the Community version of Microsoft Visual Studio, including
Visual C++, and the Microsoft Windows SDK for free. It has a batch file
that sets environment variables and then displays a command prompt.
You might have to add the Visual Studio path
(C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community) to the
"Path" of the environment variables manually.
Next, go to the subdirectory windows. Edit the file If you
want 32-bit Unicode change the 2 in the line UCS=2 to a 4.
Open the "VS 2017 Developer Command Prompt" from the Start menu and use the
"cd" command goto the "\liblouis-x.x.x\windows" folder, then type:
nmake /f Makefile.nmake
The directory will contain liblouis.dll and liblouis.lib, along with
object files. Note that those liblouis.dll and liblouis.lib only are for
32-bit usage.