[compiler-rt][SystemZ] Work around ASAN failures via -fno-partial-inlining

Since updating the SystemZ LLVM build bot system to Ubuntu 18.04, all bots
are red due to two ASAN failures.  It turns out these are triggered due to
building the ASAN support libraries, in particular the interceptor routines
using GCC 7.  Specifically, at least on our platform, this compiler decides
to "partially inline" some of those interceptors, creating intermediate
stub routines like "__interceptor_recvfrom.part.321".  These will show up
in the backtraces at interception points, causing testsuite failures.

As a workaround to get the build bots green again, this patch adds the
-fno-partial-inlining command line option when building the common
sanitizer support libraries on s390x, if that option is supported by
the compiler.

git-svn-id: https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/compiler-rt/trunk@363679 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 1baac01..ae4ed38 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -288,6 +288,15 @@
   append_list_if(COMPILER_RT_HAS_FNO_FUNCTION_SECTIONS_FLAG -fno-function-sections TARGET_powerpc64le_CFLAGS)
+# The following is a workaround for s390x.  This avoids creation of "partial
+# inline" function fragments when building the asan libraries with certain
+# GCC versions.  The presence of those fragments, in particular for the
+# interceptors, changes backtraces seen in asan error cases, which causes
+# testsuite failures.
   # Replace the /M[DT][d] flags with /MT, and strip any definitions of _DEBUG,
   # which cause definition mismatches at link time.
diff --git a/cmake/config-ix.cmake b/cmake/config-ix.cmake
index 06b57a3..bfbd797 100644
--- a/cmake/config-ix.cmake
+++ b/cmake/config-ix.cmake
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
 check_cxx_compiler_flag("-Werror -msse4.2"   COMPILER_RT_HAS_MSSE4_2_FLAG)
 check_cxx_compiler_flag(--sysroot=.          COMPILER_RT_HAS_SYSROOT_FLAG)
 check_cxx_compiler_flag("-Werror -mcrc"      COMPILER_RT_HAS_MCRC_FLAG)
+check_cxx_compiler_flag(-fno-partial-inlining COMPILER_RT_HAS_FNO_PARTIAL_INLINING_FLAG)
   # MinGW warns if -fvisibility-inlines-hidden is used.