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// RUN: %s Max=15000 Matrix=200 Complex=20000 Iterator=20000 | grep DONE
// OOPACK - a benchmark for comparing OOP vs. C-style programming.
// Copyright (C) 1995 Arch D. Robison
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// For a copy of the GNU General Public License, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// OOPACK: a benchmark for comparing OOP vs. C-style programming.
// Version: 1.7
// Author: Arch D. Robison (
// Kuck & Associates
// 1906 Fox Dr.
// Champaign IL 61820
// Web Info:
// Code last revised: November 21, 1995
// Comments last revised: March 23, 1998
// This benchmark program contains a suite of tests that measure the relative
// performance of object-oriented-programming (OOP) in C++ versus just writing
// plain C-style code in C++. All of the tests are written so that a
// compiler can in principle transform the OOP code into the C-style code.
// After you run this benchmark and discover just how much you are paying to
// use object-oriented programming, you will probably say: OOP? ACK!
// (Unless, of course, you have Kuck & Associates' C++ compiler.)
// Compile with your favorite C++ compiler. E.g. ``CC -O2 oopack.C''.
// On most machines, no special command-line options are required.
// For Suns only, you need to define the symbol ``sun4''.
// E.g. ``g++ -O -Dsun4 oopack.C''.
// To run the benchmark, run
// a.out Max=50000 Matrix=500 Complex=20000 Iterator=50000
// This runs the four tests for the specified number of iterations.
// E.g., the Max test is run for 50000 iterations. You may want to
// adjust the number of iterations to be small enough to get
// an answer in reasonable time, but large enough to get a reasonably
// accurate answer.
// Below is an example command line and the program's output.
// We used an SGI Origin 200 running IRIX 6.4 (64bit).
// % KCC_3.3a +K3 -O2 oopack.C
// % a.out Max=100000 Matrix=2000 Complex=200000 Iterator=200000
// OOPACK Version 1.7
// For results on various systems and compilers, examine this Web Page:
// Report your results by sending e-mail to
// For a run to be accepted, adjust the number of iterations for each test
// so that each time reported is greater than 10 seconds.
// Send this output, along with:
// * your
// + name -------------------
// + company/institution ----
// * the compiler
// + name -------------------
// + version number ---------
// + options used -----------
// * the operating system
// + name -------------------
// + version number ---------
// * the machine
// + manufacturer -----------
// + model number -----------
// + processor clock speed --
// + cache memory size ------
// Seconds Mflops
// Test Iterations C OOP C OOP Ratio
// ---- ---------- ----------- ----------- -----
// Max 100000 1.4 1.4 71.4 71.4 1.0
// Matrix 2000 3.4 3.3 147.9 150.2 1.0
// Complex 200000 7.8 7.3 204.9 218.9 0.9
// Iterator 200000 2.2 2.2 177.8 177.8 1.0
// The ``Test'' column gives the names of the four tests that are run.
// The ``Iterations'' column gives the number of iterations that a test
// was run. The two ``Seconds'' columns give the C-style and OOP-style
// running times for a test. The two ``Mflops'' columns give the
// corresponding megaflop rates. The ``Ratio'' column gives the ratio
// between the times.
// Beware that a low ``Ratio'' could indicate either that the OOP-style
// code is compiled very well, or that the C-style code is compiled poorly.
// OOPACK performance figures for KAI's C++ and some other compilers
// can be found in
// Revision History
// 9/17/93 Version 1.0 released
// 10/5/93 Allow results to be printed even if checksums do not match.
// 10/5/93 Increased ``Tolerance'' to allow 10-second runs on RS/6000.
// 10/5/93 Version 1.1 released
// 1/10/94 Change author's address from Shell to KAI
// 1/13/94 Added #define's for conditional compilation of individual tests
// 1/21/94 Converted test functions to virtual members of class Benchmark.
// 10/11/94 Added routine to inform user of command-line usage.
// 10/11/94 Version 1.5 released.
// 11/21/95 V1.6 Added "mail results to" message in output
// 11/28/95 V1.7 Added company/institution to requested information
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// The source-code begins with the benchmark computations themselves and
// ends with code for collecting statistics. Each benchmark ``Foo'' is
// a class FooBenchmark derived from class Benchmark. The relevant methods
// are:
// init - Initialize the input data for the benchmark
// c_style - C-style code
// oop_style - OOP-style code
// check - computes number of floating-point operations and a checksum.
const int BenchmarkListMax = 4;
class Benchmark {
void time_both( int iteration_count ) const;
void time_one( void (Benchmark::*function)() const, int iterations, double& sec, double& Mflop, double& checksum ) const;
virtual const char * name() const = 0;
virtual void init() const = 0;
virtual void c_style() const = 0;
virtual void oop_style() const = 0;
virtual void check( int iterations, double& flops, double& checksum ) const = 0;
static Benchmark * find( const char * name );
static Benchmark * list[BenchmarkListMax];
static int count;
Benchmark() {list[count++] = this;}
// The initializer for Benchmark::count *must* precede the declarations
// of derived of class Benchmark.
int Benchmark::count = 0;
Benchmark * Benchmark::list[BenchmarkListMax];
// The ``iterations'' argument is the number of times that the benchmark
// computation was called. The computed checksum that ensures that the
// C-style code and OOP code are computing the same result. This
// variable also prevents really clever optimizers from removing the
// the guts of the computations that otherwise would be unused.
// Each of the following symbols must be defined to enable a test, or
// undefined to disable a test. The reason for doing this with the
// preprocessor is that some compilers may choke on specific tests.
#define HAVE_MAX 1
#define HAVE_MATRIX 1
#define HAVE_COMPLEX 1
const int N = 1000;
// Max benchmark
// This benchmark measures how well a C++ compiler inlines a function that
// returns the result of a comparison.
// The functions C_Max and OOP_Max compute the maximum over a vector.
// The only difference is that C_Max writes out the comparison operation
// explicitly, and OOP_Max calls an inline function to do the comparison.
// This benchmark is included because some compilers do not compile
// inline functions into conditional branches as well as they might.
const int M = 1000; // Dimension of vector
double U[M]; // The vector
double MaxResult; // Result of max computation
class MaxBenchmark: public Benchmark {
const char * name() const {return "Max";}
void init() const;
void c_style() const;
void oop_style() const;
void check( int iterations, double& flops, double& checksum ) const;
} TheMaxBenchmark;
void MaxBenchmark::c_style() const // Compute max of vector (C-style)
double max = U[0];
for( int k=1; k<M; k++ ) // Loop over vector elements
if( U[k] > max )
MaxResult = max;
inline int Greater( double i, double j )
return i>j;
void MaxBenchmark::oop_style() const // Compute max of vector (OOP-style)
double max = U[0];
for( int k=1; k<M; k++ ) // Loop over vector elements
if( Greater( U[k], max ) )
MaxResult = max;
void MaxBenchmark::init() const
for( int k=0; k<M; k++ )
U[k] = k&1 ? -k : k;
void MaxBenchmark::check( int iterations, double& flops, double& checksum ) const
flops = (double)M*iterations;
checksum = MaxResult;
#endif /* HAVE_MAX */
// Matrix benchmark
// This benchmark measures how well a C++ compiler performs constant propagation and
// strength-reduction on classes. C_Matrix multiplies two matrices using C-style code;
// OOP_Matrix does the same with OOP-style code. To maximize performance on most RISC
// processors, the benchmark requires that the compiler perform strength-reduction and
// constant-propagation in order to simplify the indexing calculations in the inner loop.
const int L = 50; // Dimension of (square) matrices.
double C[L*L], D[L*L], E[L*L]; // The matrices to be multiplied.
class MatrixBenchmark: public Benchmark {
const char * name() const {return "Matrix";}
void init() const;
void c_style() const;
void oop_style() const;
void check( int iterations, double& flops, double& checksum ) const;
} TheMatrixBenchmark;
void MatrixBenchmark::c_style() const { // Compute E=C*D with C-style code.
for( int i=0; i<L; i++ )
for( int j=0; j<L; j++ ) {
double sum = 0;
for( int k=0; k<L; k++ )
sum += C[L*i+k]*D[L*k+j];
E[L*i+j] = sum;
class Matrix { // Class Matrix represents a matrix stored in row-major format (same as C).
double *data; // Pointer to matrix data
int rows, cols; // Number of rows and columns
Matrix( int rows_, int cols_, double * data_ ) :
data(data_), rows(rows_), cols(cols_)
double& operator()( int i, int j ) { // Access element at row i, column j
return data[cols*i+j];
void MatrixBenchmark::oop_style() const { // Compute E=C*D with OOP-style code.
Matrix c( L, L, C ); // Set up three matrices
Matrix d( L, L, D );
Matrix e( L, L, E );
for( int i=0; i<e.rows; i++ ) // Do matrix-multiplication
for( int j=0; j<e.cols; j++ ) {
double sum = 0;
for( int k=0; k<e.cols; k++ )
sum += c(i,k)*d(k,j);
e(i,j) = sum;
void MatrixBenchmark::init() const
for( int j=0; j<L*L; j++ ) {
C[j] = j+1;
D[j] = 1.0/(j+1);
void MatrixBenchmark::check( int iterations, double& flops, double& checksum ) const
double sum = 0;
for( int k=0; k<L*L; k++ )
sum += E[k];
checksum = sum;
flops = 2.0*L*L*L*iterations;
#endif /* HAVE_MATRIX */
// Iterator benchmark
// Iterators are a common abstraction in object-oriented programming, which
// unfortunately may incur a high cost if compiled inefficiently.
// The iterator benchmark below computes a dot-product using C-style code
// and OOP-style code. All methods of the iterator are inline, and in
// principle correspond exactly to the C-style code.
// Note that the OOP-style code uses two iterators, but the C-style
// code uses a single index. Good common-subexpression elimination should,
// in principle, reduce the two iterators to a single index variable, or
// conversely, good strength-reduction should convert the single index into
// two iterators!
double A[N];
double B[N];
double IteratorResult;
class IteratorBenchmark: public Benchmark {
const char * name() const {return "Iterator";}
void init() const;
void c_style() const;
void oop_style() const;
void check( int iterations, double& flops, double& checksum ) const;
} TheIteratorBenchmark;
void IteratorBenchmark::c_style() const // Compute dot-product with C-style code
double sum = 0;
for( int i=0; i<N; i++ )
sum += A[i]*B[i];
IteratorResult = sum;
class Iterator { // Iterator for iterating over array of double
int index; // Index of current element
const int limit; // 1 + index of last element
double * const array; // Pointer to array
double look() {return array[index];} // Get current element
void next() {index++;} // Go to next element
int done() {return index>=limit;} // True iff no more elements
Iterator( double * array1, int limit1 ) :
void IteratorBenchmark::oop_style() const // Compute dot-product with OOP-style code
double sum = 0;
for( Iterator ai(A,N), bi(B,N); !ai.done();, )
sum += ai.look()*bi.look();
IteratorResult = sum;
void IteratorBenchmark::init() const
for( int i=0; i<N; i++ ) {
A[i] = i+1;
B[i] = 1.0/(i+1);
void IteratorBenchmark::check( int iterations, double& flops, double& checksum ) const {
flops = 2*N*iterations;
checksum = IteratorResult;
#endif /* HAVE_ITERATOR */
// Complex benchmark
// Complex numbers are a common abstraction in scientific programming.
// This benchmark measures how fast they are in C++ relative to the same
// calculation done by explicitly writing out the real and imaginary parts.
// The calculation is a complex-valued ``SAXPY'' operation.
// The complex arithmetic is all inlined, so in principle the code should
// run as fast as the version using explicit real and imaginary parts.
class ComplexBenchmark: public Benchmark {
const char * name() const {return "Complex";}
void init() const;
void c_style() const;
void oop_style() const;
void check( int iterations, double& flops, double& checksum ) const;
} TheComplexBenchmark;
class Complex {
double re, im;
Complex( double r, double i ) : re(r), im(i) {}
Complex() {}
inline Complex operator+( Complex a, Complex b ) // Complex add
return Complex(, );
inline Complex operator*( Complex a, Complex b ) // Complex multiply
return Complex(**,** );
Complex X[N], Y[N]; // Arrays used by benchmark
void ComplexBenchmark::c_style() const // C-style complex-valued SAXPY operation
double factor_re = 0.5;
double factor_im = 0.86602540378443864676;
for( int k=0; k<N; k++ ) {
Y[k].re = Y[k].re + factor_re*X[k].re - factor_im*X[k].im;
Y[k].im = Y[k].im + factor_re*X[k].im + factor_im*X[k].re;
void ComplexBenchmark::oop_style() const // OOP-style complex-valued SAXPY operation
Complex factor( 0.5, 0.86602540378443864676 );
for( int k=0; k<N; k++ )
Y[k] = Y[k] + factor*X[k];
void ComplexBenchmark::init() const
for( int k=0; k<N; k++ ) {
X[k] = Complex( k+1, 1.0/(k+1) );
Y[k] = Complex( 0, 0 );
void ComplexBenchmark::check( int iterations, double& flops, double& checksum ) const {
double sum = 0;
for( int k=0; k<N; k++ )
sum += Y[k].re + Y[k].im;
checksum = sum;
flops = 8*N*iterations;
#endif /* HAVE_COMPLEX */
// End of benchmark computations.
// All the code below is for running and timing the benchmarks.
#if defined(sun4) && !defined(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)
// Sun/4 include-files seem to be missing CLOCKS_PER_SEC.
#define CLOCKS_PER_SEC 1000000
// TimeOne
// Time a single benchmark computation.
// Inputs
// function = pointer to function to be run and timed.
// iterations = number of times to call function.
// Outputs
// sec = Total number of seconds for calls of function.
// Mflop = Megaflop rate of function.
// checksum = checksum computed by function.
void Benchmark::time_one( void (Benchmark::*function)() const, int iterations, double& sec, double& Mflop, double& checksum ) const
// Initialize and run code once to load caches
// Initialize and run code.
clock_t t0 = clock();
for( int k=0; k<iterations; k++ )
clock_t t1 = clock();
// Update checksum and compute number of floating-point operations.
double flops;
check( iterations, flops, checksum );
sec = (t1-t0) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
Mflop = flops/sec*1e-6;
// The variable ``C_Seconds'' is the time in seconds in which to run the
// C-style benchmarks.
double C_Seconds = 1;
// The variable ``Tolerance'' is the maximum allowed relative difference
// between the C and OOP checksums. Machines with multiply-add
// instructions may produce different answers when they use those
// instructions rather than separate instructions.
// There is nothing magic about the 32, it's just the result of tweaking.
const double Tolerance = 64*DBL_EPSILON;
Benchmark * Benchmark::find( const char * name ) {
for( int i=0; i<count; i++ )
if( strcmp( name, list[i]->name() )== 0 )
return list[i];
return NULL;
// Benchmark::time_both
// Runs the C and Oop versions of a benchmark computation, and print the
// results.
// Inputs
// name = name of the benchmark
// c_style = benchmark written in C-style code
// oop_style = benchmark written in OOP-style code
// check = routine to compute checksum on answer
void Benchmark::time_both( int iterations ) const {
// Run the C-style code.
double c_sec, c_Mflop, c_checksum;
time_one( &Benchmark::c_style, iterations, c_sec, c_Mflop, c_checksum );
// Run the OOP-style code.
double oop_sec, oop_Mflop, oop_checksum;
time_one( &Benchmark::oop_style, iterations, oop_sec, oop_Mflop, oop_checksum );
// Compute execution-time ratio of OOP to C. This is also the
// reciprocal of the Megaflop ratios.
double ratio = oop_sec/c_sec;
// Compute the absolute and relative differences between the checksums
// for the two codes.
double diff = c_checksum - oop_checksum;
double min = c_checksum < oop_checksum ? c_checksum : oop_checksum;
double rel = diff/min;
// If the relative difference exceeds the tolerance, print an error-message,
// otherwise print the statistics.
if( rel > Tolerance || rel < -Tolerance ) {
printf( "%-10s: warning: relative checksum error of %g between C (%g) and oop (%g)\n",
name(), rel, c_checksum, oop_checksum );
printf( "%-10s %10d %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f\n",
name(), iterations, c_sec, oop_sec, c_Mflop, oop_Mflop, ratio );
const char * Version = "Version 1.7"; // The OOPACK version number
void Usage( int /*argc*/, char * argv[] ) {
printf( "Usage:\t%s test1=iterations1 test2=iterations2 ...\n", argv[0] );
printf( "E.g.:\ta.out Max=5000 Matrix=50 Complex=2000 Iterator=5000\n" );
int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
// The available benchmarks are automatically put into the list of available benchmarks
// by the constructor for Benchmark.
// Check if user does not know command-line format.
if( argc==1 ) {
Usage( argc, argv );
int i;
for( i=1; i<argc; i++ ) {
if( !isalpha(argv[i][0]) )
Usage( argc, argv );
// Print the request for results
printf("OOPACK %s\n",Version);
printf("For results on various systems and compilers, examine this Web Page:\n");
printf("Report your results by sending e-mail to\n");
printf("For a run to be accepted, adjust the number of iterations for each test\n");
printf("so that each time reported is greater than 10 seconds.\n");
printf("Send this output, along with:\n");
printf(" * your\n");
printf(" + name ------------------- \n");
printf(" + company/institution ---- \n");
printf(" * the compiler\n");
printf(" + name ------------------- \n");
printf(" + version number --------- \n");
printf(" + options used ----------- \n");
printf(" * the operating system\n");
printf(" + name ------------------- \n");
printf(" + version number --------- \n");
printf(" * the machine\n");
printf(" + manufacturer ----------- \n");
printf(" + model number ----------- \n");
printf(" + processor clock speed -- \n");
printf(" + cache memory size ------ \n");
// Print header.
printf("%-10s %10s %11s %11s %5s\n", "", "", "Seconds ", "Mflops ", "" );
printf("%-10s %10s %5s %5s %5s %5s %5s\n",
"Test", "Iterations", " C ", "OOP", " C ", "OOP", "Ratio" );
printf("%-10s %10s %11s %11s %5s\n", "----", "----------", "-----------", "-----------", "-----" );
for( i=1; i<argc; i++ ) {
const char * test_name = strtok( argv[i], "=" );
const char * rhs = strtok( NULL, "" );
if( rhs==NULL ) {
printf("missing iteration count for test '%s'\n", test_name );
} else {
int test_count = (int)strtol( rhs, 0, 0 );
Benchmark * b = Benchmark::find( test_name );
if( b==NULL ) {
printf("skipping non-existent test = '%s'\n", test_name );
} else {
b->time_both( test_count );
/* Print blank line. */
return 0;