blob: 2011368301945e444083f3f39d28f429bf767d17 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "manifest_parser.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <vector>
#include "graph.h"
#include "state.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "version.h"
ManifestParser::ManifestParser(State* state, FileReader* file_reader,
ManifestParserOptions options)
: Parser(state, file_reader),
options_(options), quiet_(false) {
env_ = &state->bindings_;
bool ManifestParser::Parse(const string& filename, const string& input,
string* err) {
lexer_.Start(filename, input);
for (;;) {
Lexer::Token token = lexer_.ReadToken();
switch (token) {
case Lexer::POOL:
if (!ParsePool(err))
return false;
case Lexer::BUILD:
if (!ParseEdge(err))
return false;
case Lexer::RULE:
if (!ParseRule(err))
return false;
case Lexer::DEFAULT:
if (!ParseDefault(err))
return false;
case Lexer::IDENT: {
string name;
EvalString let_value;
if (!ParseLet(&name, &let_value, err))
return false;
string value = let_value.Evaluate(env_);
// Check ninja_required_version immediately so we can exit
// before encountering any syntactic surprises.
if (name == "ninja_required_version")
env_->AddBinding(name, value);
case Lexer::INCLUDE:
if (!ParseFileInclude(false, err))
return false;
case Lexer::SUBNINJA:
if (!ParseFileInclude(true, err))
return false;
case Lexer::ERROR: {
return lexer_.Error(lexer_.DescribeLastError(), err);
case Lexer::TEOF:
return true;
case Lexer::NEWLINE:
return lexer_.Error(string("unexpected ") + Lexer::TokenName(token),
return false; // not reached
bool ManifestParser::ParsePool(string* err) {
string name;
if (!lexer_.ReadIdent(&name))
return lexer_.Error("expected pool name", err);
if (!ExpectToken(Lexer::NEWLINE, err))
return false;
if (state_->LookupPool(name) != NULL)
return lexer_.Error("duplicate pool '" + name + "'", err);
int depth = -1;
while (lexer_.PeekToken(Lexer::INDENT)) {
string key;
EvalString value;
if (!ParseLet(&key, &value, err))
return false;
if (key == "depth") {
string depth_string = value.Evaluate(env_);
depth = atol(depth_string.c_str());
if (depth < 0)
return lexer_.Error("invalid pool depth", err);
} else {
return lexer_.Error("unexpected variable '" + key + "'", err);
if (depth < 0)
return lexer_.Error("expected 'depth =' line", err);
state_->AddPool(new Pool(name, depth));
return true;
bool ManifestParser::ParseRule(string* err) {
string name;
if (!lexer_.ReadIdent(&name))
return lexer_.Error("expected rule name", err);
if (!ExpectToken(Lexer::NEWLINE, err))
return false;
if (env_->LookupRuleCurrentScope(name) != NULL)
return lexer_.Error("duplicate rule '" + name + "'", err);
Rule* rule = new Rule(name); // XXX scoped_ptr
while (lexer_.PeekToken(Lexer::INDENT)) {
string key;
EvalString value;
if (!ParseLet(&key, &value, err))
return false;
if (Rule::IsReservedBinding(key)) {
rule->AddBinding(key, value);
} else {
// Die on other keyvals for now; revisit if we want to add a
// scope here.
return lexer_.Error("unexpected variable '" + key + "'", err);
if (rule->bindings_["rspfile"].empty() !=
rule->bindings_["rspfile_content"].empty()) {
return lexer_.Error("rspfile and rspfile_content need to be "
"both specified", err);
if (rule->bindings_["command"].empty())
return lexer_.Error("expected 'command =' line", err);
return true;
bool ManifestParser::ParseLet(string* key, EvalString* value, string* err) {
if (!lexer_.ReadIdent(key))
return lexer_.Error("expected variable name", err);
if (!ExpectToken(Lexer::EQUALS, err))
return false;
if (!lexer_.ReadVarValue(value, err))
return false;
return true;
bool ManifestParser::ParseDefault(string* err) {
EvalString eval;
if (!lexer_.ReadPath(&eval, err))
return false;
if (eval.empty())
return lexer_.Error("expected target name", err);
do {
string path = eval.Evaluate(env_);
string path_err;
uint64_t slash_bits; // Unused because this only does lookup.
if (!CanonicalizePath(&path, &slash_bits, &path_err))
return lexer_.Error(path_err, err);
if (!state_->AddDefault(path, &path_err))
return lexer_.Error(path_err, err);
if (!lexer_.ReadPath(&eval, err))
return false;
} while (!eval.empty());
if (!ExpectToken(Lexer::NEWLINE, err))
return false;
return true;
bool ManifestParser::ParseEdge(string* err) {
vector<EvalString> ins, outs;
EvalString out;
if (!lexer_.ReadPath(&out, err))
return false;
while (!out.empty()) {
if (!lexer_.ReadPath(&out, err))
return false;
// Add all implicit outs, counting how many as we go.
int implicit_outs = 0;
if (lexer_.PeekToken(Lexer::PIPE)) {
for (;;) {
EvalString out;
if (!lexer_.ReadPath(&out, err))
return err;
if (out.empty())
if (outs.empty())
return lexer_.Error("expected path", err);
if (!ExpectToken(Lexer::COLON, err))
return false;
string rule_name;
if (!lexer_.ReadIdent(&rule_name))
return lexer_.Error("expected build command name", err);
const Rule* rule = env_->LookupRule(rule_name);
if (!rule)
return lexer_.Error("unknown build rule '" + rule_name + "'", err);
for (;;) {
// XXX should we require one path here?
EvalString in;
if (!lexer_.ReadPath(&in, err))
return false;
if (in.empty())
// Add all implicit deps, counting how many as we go.
int implicit = 0;
if (lexer_.PeekToken(Lexer::PIPE)) {
for (;;) {
EvalString in;
if (!lexer_.ReadPath(&in, err))
return err;
if (in.empty())
// Add all order-only deps, counting how many as we go.
int order_only = 0;
if (lexer_.PeekToken(Lexer::PIPE2)) {
for (;;) {
EvalString in;
if (!lexer_.ReadPath(&in, err))
return false;
if (in.empty())
if (!ExpectToken(Lexer::NEWLINE, err))
return false;
// Bindings on edges are rare, so allocate per-edge envs only when needed.
bool has_indent_token = lexer_.PeekToken(Lexer::INDENT);
BindingEnv* env = has_indent_token ? new BindingEnv(env_) : env_;
while (has_indent_token) {
string key;
EvalString val;
if (!ParseLet(&key, &val, err))
return false;
env->AddBinding(key, val.Evaluate(env_));
has_indent_token = lexer_.PeekToken(Lexer::INDENT);
Edge* edge = state_->AddEdge(rule);
edge->env_ = env;
string pool_name = edge->GetBinding("pool");
if (!pool_name.empty()) {
Pool* pool = state_->LookupPool(pool_name);
if (pool == NULL)
return lexer_.Error("unknown pool name '" + pool_name + "'", err);
edge->pool_ = pool;
for (size_t i = 0, e = outs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
string path = outs[i].Evaluate(env);
string path_err;
uint64_t slash_bits;
if (!CanonicalizePath(&path, &slash_bits, &path_err))
return lexer_.Error(path_err, err);
if (!state_->AddOut(edge, path, slash_bits)) {
if (options_.dupe_edge_action_ == kDupeEdgeActionError) {
lexer_.Error("multiple rules generate " + path + " [-w dupbuild=err]",
return false;
} else {
if (!quiet_) {
Warning("multiple rules generate %s. "
"builds involving this target will not be correct; "
"continuing anyway [-w dupbuild=warn]",
if (e - i <= static_cast<size_t>(implicit_outs))
if (edge->outputs_.empty()) {
// All outputs of the edge are already created by other edges. Don't add
// this edge. Do this check before input nodes are connected to the edge.
delete edge;
return true;
edge->implicit_outs_ = implicit_outs;
for (vector<EvalString>::iterator i = ins.begin(); i != ins.end(); ++i) {
string path = i->Evaluate(env);
string path_err;
uint64_t slash_bits;
if (!CanonicalizePath(&path, &slash_bits, &path_err))
return lexer_.Error(path_err, err);
state_->AddIn(edge, path, slash_bits);
edge->implicit_deps_ = implicit;
edge->order_only_deps_ = order_only;
if (options_.phony_cycle_action_ == kPhonyCycleActionWarn &&
edge->maybe_phonycycle_diagnostic()) {
// CMake 2.8.12.x and 3.0.x incorrectly write phony build statements
// that reference themselves. Ninja used to tolerate these in the
// build graph but that has since been fixed. Filter them out to
// support users of those old CMake versions.
Node* out = edge->outputs_[0];
vector<Node*>::iterator new_end =
remove(edge->inputs_.begin(), edge->inputs_.end(), out);
if (new_end != edge->inputs_.end()) {
edge->inputs_.erase(new_end, edge->inputs_.end());
if (!quiet_) {
Warning("phony target '%s' names itself as an input; "
"ignoring [-w phonycycle=warn]",
// Multiple outputs aren't (yet?) supported with depslog.
string deps_type = edge->GetBinding("deps");
if (!deps_type.empty() && edge->outputs_.size() > 1) {
return lexer_.Error("multiple outputs aren't (yet?) supported by depslog; "
"bring this up on the mailing list if it affects you",
// Lookup, validate, and save any dyndep binding. It will be used later
// to load generated dependency information dynamically, but it must
// be one of our manifest-specified inputs.
string dyndep = edge->GetUnescapedDyndep();
if (!dyndep.empty()) {
uint64_t slash_bits;
if (!CanonicalizePath(&dyndep, &slash_bits, err))
return false;
edge->dyndep_ = state_->GetNode(dyndep, slash_bits);
vector<Node*>::iterator dgi =
std::find(edge->inputs_.begin(), edge->inputs_.end(), edge->dyndep_);
if (dgi == edge->inputs_.end()) {
return lexer_.Error("dyndep '" + dyndep + "' is not an input", err);
return true;
bool ManifestParser::ParseFileInclude(bool new_scope, string* err) {
EvalString eval;
if (!lexer_.ReadPath(&eval, err))
return false;
string path = eval.Evaluate(env_);
ManifestParser subparser(state_, file_reader_, options_);
if (new_scope) {
subparser.env_ = new BindingEnv(env_);
} else {
subparser.env_ = env_;
if (!subparser.Load(path, err, &lexer_))
return false;
if (!ExpectToken(Lexer::NEWLINE, err))
return false;
return true;