blob: 0cdeb45bed2a73bdc0231fe88494a3c26f732447 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "deps_log.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <unistd.h>
#include "graph.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "test.h"
namespace {
const char kTestFilename[] = "DepsLogTest-tempfile";
struct DepsLogTest : public testing::Test {
virtual void SetUp() {
// In case a crashing test left a stale file behind.
virtual void TearDown() {
TEST_F(DepsLogTest, WriteRead) {
State state1;
DepsLog log1;
string err;
EXPECT_TRUE(log1.OpenForWrite(kTestFilename, &err));
ASSERT_EQ("", err);
vector<Node*> deps;
deps.push_back(state1.GetNode("foo.h", 0));
deps.push_back(state1.GetNode("bar.h", 0));
log1.RecordDeps(state1.GetNode("out.o", 0), 1, deps);
deps.push_back(state1.GetNode("foo.h", 0));
deps.push_back(state1.GetNode("bar2.h", 0));
log1.RecordDeps(state1.GetNode("out2.o", 0), 2, deps);
DepsLog::Deps* log_deps = log1.GetDeps(state1.GetNode("out.o", 0));
ASSERT_EQ(1, log_deps->mtime);
ASSERT_EQ(2, log_deps->node_count);
ASSERT_EQ("foo.h", log_deps->nodes[0]->path());
ASSERT_EQ("bar.h", log_deps->nodes[1]->path());
State state2;
DepsLog log2;
EXPECT_TRUE(log2.Load(kTestFilename, &state2, &err));
ASSERT_EQ("", err);
ASSERT_EQ(log1.nodes().size(), log2.nodes().size());
for (int i = 0; i < (int)log1.nodes().size(); ++i) {
Node* node1 = log1.nodes()[i];
Node* node2 = log2.nodes()[i];
ASSERT_EQ(i, node1->id());
ASSERT_EQ(node1->id(), node2->id());
// Spot-check the entries in log2.
DepsLog::Deps* log_deps = log2.GetDeps(state2.GetNode("out2.o", 0));
ASSERT_EQ(2, log_deps->mtime);
ASSERT_EQ(2, log_deps->node_count);
ASSERT_EQ("foo.h", log_deps->nodes[0]->path());
ASSERT_EQ("bar2.h", log_deps->nodes[1]->path());
TEST_F(DepsLogTest, LotsOfDeps) {
const int kNumDeps = 100000; // More than 64k.
State state1;
DepsLog log1;
string err;
EXPECT_TRUE(log1.OpenForWrite(kTestFilename, &err));
ASSERT_EQ("", err);
vector<Node*> deps;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumDeps; ++i) {
char buf[32];
sprintf(buf, "file%d.h", i);
deps.push_back(state1.GetNode(buf, 0));
log1.RecordDeps(state1.GetNode("out.o", 0), 1, deps);
DepsLog::Deps* log_deps = log1.GetDeps(state1.GetNode("out.o", 0));
ASSERT_EQ(kNumDeps, log_deps->node_count);
State state2;
DepsLog log2;
EXPECT_TRUE(log2.Load(kTestFilename, &state2, &err));
ASSERT_EQ("", err);
DepsLog::Deps* log_deps = log2.GetDeps(state2.GetNode("out.o", 0));
ASSERT_EQ(kNumDeps, log_deps->node_count);
// Verify that adding the same deps twice doesn't grow the file.
TEST_F(DepsLogTest, DoubleEntry) {
// Write some deps to the file and grab its size.
int file_size;
State state;
DepsLog log;
string err;
EXPECT_TRUE(log.OpenForWrite(kTestFilename, &err));
ASSERT_EQ("", err);
vector<Node*> deps;
deps.push_back(state.GetNode("foo.h", 0));
deps.push_back(state.GetNode("bar.h", 0));
log.RecordDeps(state.GetNode("out.o", 0), 1, deps);
struct stat st;
ASSERT_EQ(0, stat(kTestFilename, &st));
file_size = (int)st.st_size;
ASSERT_GT(file_size, 0);
// Now reload the file, and read the same deps.
State state;
DepsLog log;
string err;
EXPECT_TRUE(log.Load(kTestFilename, &state, &err));
EXPECT_TRUE(log.OpenForWrite(kTestFilename, &err));
ASSERT_EQ("", err);
vector<Node*> deps;
deps.push_back(state.GetNode("foo.h", 0));
deps.push_back(state.GetNode("bar.h", 0));
log.RecordDeps(state.GetNode("out.o", 0), 1, deps);
struct stat st;
ASSERT_EQ(0, stat(kTestFilename, &st));
int file_size_2 = (int)st.st_size;
ASSERT_EQ(file_size, file_size_2);
// Verify that adding the new deps works and can be compacted away.
TEST_F(DepsLogTest, Recompact) {
const char kManifest[] =
"rule cc\n"
" command = cc\n"
" deps = gcc\n"
"build out.o: cc\n"
"build other_out.o: cc\n";
// Write some deps to the file and grab its size.
int file_size;
State state;
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(AssertParse(&state, kManifest));
DepsLog log;
string err;
ASSERT_TRUE(log.OpenForWrite(kTestFilename, &err));
ASSERT_EQ("", err);
vector<Node*> deps;
deps.push_back(state.GetNode("foo.h", 0));
deps.push_back(state.GetNode("bar.h", 0));
log.RecordDeps(state.GetNode("out.o", 0), 1, deps);
deps.push_back(state.GetNode("foo.h", 0));
deps.push_back(state.GetNode("baz.h", 0));
log.RecordDeps(state.GetNode("other_out.o", 0), 1, deps);
struct stat st;
ASSERT_EQ(0, stat(kTestFilename, &st));
file_size = (int)st.st_size;
ASSERT_GT(file_size, 0);
// Now reload the file, and add slightly different deps.
int file_size_2;
State state;
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(AssertParse(&state, kManifest));
DepsLog log;
string err;
ASSERT_TRUE(log.Load(kTestFilename, &state, &err));
ASSERT_TRUE(log.OpenForWrite(kTestFilename, &err));
ASSERT_EQ("", err);
vector<Node*> deps;
deps.push_back(state.GetNode("foo.h", 0));
log.RecordDeps(state.GetNode("out.o", 0), 1, deps);
struct stat st;
ASSERT_EQ(0, stat(kTestFilename, &st));
file_size_2 = (int)st.st_size;
// The file should grow to record the new deps.
ASSERT_GT(file_size_2, file_size);
// Now reload the file, verify the new deps have replaced the old, then
// recompact.
int file_size_3;
State state;
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(AssertParse(&state, kManifest));
DepsLog log;
string err;
ASSERT_TRUE(log.Load(kTestFilename, &state, &err));
Node* out = state.GetNode("out.o", 0);
DepsLog::Deps* deps = log.GetDeps(out);
ASSERT_EQ(1, deps->mtime);
ASSERT_EQ(1, deps->node_count);
ASSERT_EQ("foo.h", deps->nodes[0]->path());
Node* other_out = state.GetNode("other_out.o", 0);
deps = log.GetDeps(other_out);
ASSERT_EQ(1, deps->mtime);
ASSERT_EQ(2, deps->node_count);
ASSERT_EQ("foo.h", deps->nodes[0]->path());
ASSERT_EQ("baz.h", deps->nodes[1]->path());
ASSERT_TRUE(log.Recompact(kTestFilename, &err));
// The in-memory deps graph should still be valid after recompaction.
deps = log.GetDeps(out);
ASSERT_EQ(1, deps->mtime);
ASSERT_EQ(1, deps->node_count);
ASSERT_EQ("foo.h", deps->nodes[0]->path());
ASSERT_EQ(out, log.nodes()[out->id()]);
deps = log.GetDeps(other_out);
ASSERT_EQ(1, deps->mtime);
ASSERT_EQ(2, deps->node_count);
ASSERT_EQ("foo.h", deps->nodes[0]->path());
ASSERT_EQ("baz.h", deps->nodes[1]->path());
ASSERT_EQ(other_out, log.nodes()[other_out->id()]);
// The file should have shrunk a bit for the smaller deps.
struct stat st;
ASSERT_EQ(0, stat(kTestFilename, &st));
file_size_3 = (int)st.st_size;
ASSERT_LT(file_size_3, file_size_2);
// Now reload the file and recompact with an empty manifest. The previous
// entries should be removed.
State state;
// Intentionally not parsing kManifest here.
DepsLog log;
string err;
ASSERT_TRUE(log.Load(kTestFilename, &state, &err));
Node* out = state.GetNode("out.o", 0);
DepsLog::Deps* deps = log.GetDeps(out);
ASSERT_EQ(1, deps->mtime);
ASSERT_EQ(1, deps->node_count);
ASSERT_EQ("foo.h", deps->nodes[0]->path());
Node* other_out = state.GetNode("other_out.o", 0);
deps = log.GetDeps(other_out);
ASSERT_EQ(1, deps->mtime);
ASSERT_EQ(2, deps->node_count);
ASSERT_EQ("foo.h", deps->nodes[0]->path());
ASSERT_EQ("baz.h", deps->nodes[1]->path());
ASSERT_TRUE(log.Recompact(kTestFilename, &err));
// The previous entries should have been removed.
deps = log.GetDeps(out);
deps = log.GetDeps(other_out);
// The .h files pulled in via deps should no longer have ids either.
ASSERT_EQ(-1, state.LookupNode("foo.h")->id());
ASSERT_EQ(-1, state.LookupNode("baz.h")->id());
// The file should have shrunk more.
struct stat st;
ASSERT_EQ(0, stat(kTestFilename, &st));
int file_size_4 = (int)st.st_size;
ASSERT_LT(file_size_4, file_size_3);
// Verify that invalid file headers cause a new build.
TEST_F(DepsLogTest, InvalidHeader) {
const char *kInvalidHeaders[] = {
"", // Empty file.
"# ninjad", // Truncated first line.
"# ninjadeps\n", // No version int.
"# ninjadeps\n\001\002", // Truncated version int.
"# ninjadeps\n\001\002\003\004" // Invalid version int.
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(kInvalidHeaders) / sizeof(kInvalidHeaders[0]);
++i) {
FILE* deps_log = fopen(kTestFilename, "wb");
ASSERT_TRUE(deps_log != NULL);
fwrite(kInvalidHeaders[i], 1, strlen(kInvalidHeaders[i]), deps_log));
ASSERT_EQ(0 ,fclose(deps_log));
string err;
DepsLog log;
State state;
ASSERT_TRUE(log.Load(kTestFilename, &state, &err));
EXPECT_EQ("bad deps log signature or version; starting over", err);
// Simulate what happens when loading a truncated log file.
TEST_F(DepsLogTest, Truncated) {
// Create a file with some entries.
State state;
DepsLog log;
string err;
EXPECT_TRUE(log.OpenForWrite(kTestFilename, &err));
ASSERT_EQ("", err);
vector<Node*> deps;
deps.push_back(state.GetNode("foo.h", 0));
deps.push_back(state.GetNode("bar.h", 0));
log.RecordDeps(state.GetNode("out.o", 0), 1, deps);
deps.push_back(state.GetNode("foo.h", 0));
deps.push_back(state.GetNode("bar2.h", 0));
log.RecordDeps(state.GetNode("out2.o", 0), 2, deps);
// Get the file size.
struct stat st;
ASSERT_EQ(0, stat(kTestFilename, &st));
// Try reloading at truncated sizes.
// Track how many nodes/deps were found; they should decrease with
// smaller sizes.
int node_count = 5;
int deps_count = 2;
for (int size = (int)st.st_size; size > 0; --size) {
string err;
ASSERT_TRUE(Truncate(kTestFilename, size, &err));
State state;
DepsLog log;
EXPECT_TRUE(log.Load(kTestFilename, &state, &err));
if (!err.empty()) {
// At some point the log will be so short as to be unparseable.
ASSERT_GE(node_count, (int)log.nodes().size());
node_count = log.nodes().size();
// Count how many non-NULL deps entries there are.
int new_deps_count = 0;
for (vector<DepsLog::Deps*>::const_iterator i = log.deps().begin();
i != log.deps().end(); ++i) {
if (*i)
ASSERT_GE(deps_count, new_deps_count);
deps_count = new_deps_count;
// Run the truncation-recovery logic.
TEST_F(DepsLogTest, TruncatedRecovery) {
// Create a file with some entries.
State state;
DepsLog log;
string err;
EXPECT_TRUE(log.OpenForWrite(kTestFilename, &err));
ASSERT_EQ("", err);
vector<Node*> deps;
deps.push_back(state.GetNode("foo.h", 0));
deps.push_back(state.GetNode("bar.h", 0));
log.RecordDeps(state.GetNode("out.o", 0), 1, deps);
deps.push_back(state.GetNode("foo.h", 0));
deps.push_back(state.GetNode("bar2.h", 0));
log.RecordDeps(state.GetNode("out2.o", 0), 2, deps);
// Shorten the file, corrupting the last record.
struct stat st;
ASSERT_EQ(0, stat(kTestFilename, &st));
string err;
ASSERT_TRUE(Truncate(kTestFilename, st.st_size - 2, &err));
// Load the file again, add an entry.
State state;
DepsLog log;
string err;
EXPECT_TRUE(log.Load(kTestFilename, &state, &err));
ASSERT_EQ("premature end of file; recovering", err);
// The truncated entry should've been discarded.
EXPECT_EQ(NULL, log.GetDeps(state.GetNode("out2.o", 0)));
EXPECT_TRUE(log.OpenForWrite(kTestFilename, &err));
ASSERT_EQ("", err);
// Add a new entry.
vector<Node*> deps;
deps.push_back(state.GetNode("foo.h", 0));
deps.push_back(state.GetNode("bar2.h", 0));
log.RecordDeps(state.GetNode("out2.o", 0), 3, deps);
// Load the file a third time to verify appending after a mangled
// entry doesn't break things.
State state;
DepsLog log;
string err;
EXPECT_TRUE(log.Load(kTestFilename, &state, &err));
// The truncated entry should exist.
DepsLog::Deps* deps = log.GetDeps(state.GetNode("out2.o", 0));
} // anonymous namespace