blob: 699f29973986654df075619081800466e6103b8a [file] [log] [blame]
package org.robolectric.shadows;
import static android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN;
import static org.robolectric.shadow.api.Shadow.directlyOn;
import static org.robolectric.util.reflector.Reflector.reflector;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
import android.view.Display;
import android.view.Display.HdrCapabilities;
import android.view.Surface;
import android.view.WindowManager;
import org.robolectric.RuntimeEnvironment;
import org.robolectric.annotation.Implementation;
import org.robolectric.annotation.Implements;
import org.robolectric.annotation.RealObject;
import org.robolectric.util.reflector.Accessor;
import org.robolectric.util.reflector.ForType;
* It is possible to override some display properties using setters on {@link ShadowDisplay}.
* @see <a href="">device configuration</a> for details.
@Implements(value = Display.class)
public class ShadowDisplay {
* Returns the default display.
* @return the default display
public static Display getDefaultDisplay() {
WindowManager windowManager =
(WindowManager) RuntimeEnvironment.application.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE);
return windowManager.getDefaultDisplay();
@RealObject Display realObject;
private Float refreshRate;
// the following fields are used only for Jelly Bean...
private String name;
private Integer displayId;
private Integer width;
private Integer height;
private Integer realWidth;
private Integer realHeight;
private Integer densityDpi;
private Float xdpi;
private Float ydpi;
private Float scaledDensity;
private Integer rotation;
private Integer pixelFormat;
* If {@link #setScaledDensity(float)} has been called, {@link DisplayMetrics#scaledDensity} will
* be modified to reflect the value specified. Note that this is not a realistic state.
* @deprecated This behavior is deprecated and will be removed in Robolectric 3.7.
protected void getMetrics(DisplayMetrics outMetrics) {
if (isJB()) {
outMetrics.density = densityDpi * DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT_SCALE;
outMetrics.densityDpi = densityDpi;
outMetrics.scaledDensity = scaledDensity;
outMetrics.widthPixels = width;
outMetrics.heightPixels = height;
outMetrics.xdpi = xdpi;
outMetrics.ydpi = ydpi;
} else {
directlyOn(realObject, Display.class).getMetrics(outMetrics);
if (scaledDensity != null) {
outMetrics.scaledDensity = scaledDensity;
* If {@link #setScaledDensity(float)} has been called, {@link DisplayMetrics#scaledDensity} will
* be modified to reflect the value specified. Note that this is not a realistic state.
* @deprecated This behavior is deprecated and will be removed in Robolectric 3.7.
protected void getRealMetrics(DisplayMetrics outMetrics) {
if (isJB()) {
outMetrics.widthPixels = realWidth;
outMetrics.heightPixels = realHeight;
} else {
directlyOn(realObject, Display.class).getRealMetrics(outMetrics);
if (scaledDensity != null) {
outMetrics.scaledDensity = scaledDensity;
* If {@link #setDisplayId(int)} has been called, this method will return the specified value.
* @deprecated This behavior is deprecated and will be removed in Robolectric 3.7.
protected int getDisplayId() {
return displayId == null
? directlyOn(realObject, Display.class).getDisplayId()
: displayId;
* If {@link #setRefreshRate(float)} has been called, this method will return the specified value.
* @deprecated This behavior is deprecated and will be removed in Robolectric 3.7.
protected float getRefreshRate() {
if (refreshRate != null) {
return refreshRate;
float realRefreshRate = directlyOn(realObject, Display.class).getRefreshRate();
// refresh rate may be set by native code. if its 0, set to 60fps
if (realRefreshRate < 0.1) {
realRefreshRate = 60;
return realRefreshRate;
* If {@link #setPixelFormat(int)} has been called, this method will return the specified value.
* @deprecated This behavior is deprecated and will be removed in Robolectric 3.7.
protected int getPixelFormat() {
return pixelFormat == null
? directlyOn(realObject, Display.class).getPixelFormat()
: pixelFormat;
@Implementation(maxSdk = JELLY_BEAN)
protected void getSizeInternal(Point outSize, boolean doCompat) {
outSize.x = width;
outSize.y = height;
@Implementation(maxSdk = JELLY_BEAN)
protected void getCurrentSizeRange(Point outSmallestSize, Point outLargestSize) {
int minimum = Math.min(width, height);
int maximum = Math.max(width, height);
outSmallestSize.set(minimum, minimum);
outLargestSize.set(maximum, maximum);
@Implementation(maxSdk = JELLY_BEAN)
protected void getRealSize(Point outSize) {
outSize.set(realWidth, realHeight);
* Changes the density for this display.
* Any registered {@link android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.DisplayListener}s will be
* notified of the change.
public void setDensity(float density) {
setDensityDpi((int) (density * DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT));
* Changes the density for this display.
* Any registered {@link android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.DisplayListener}s will be
* notified of the change.
public void setDensityDpi(int densityDpi) {
if (isJB()) {
this.densityDpi = densityDpi;
} else {
di -> di.logicalDensityDpi = densityDpi);
* Changes the horizontal DPI for this display.
* Any registered {@link android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.DisplayListener}s will be
* notified of the change.
public void setXdpi(float xdpi) {
if (isJB()) {
this.xdpi = xdpi;
} else {
di -> di.physicalXDpi = xdpi);
* Changes the vertical DPI for this display.
* Any registered {@link android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.DisplayListener}s will be
* notified of the change.
public void setYdpi(float ydpi) {
if (isJB()) {
this.ydpi = ydpi;
} else {
di -> di.physicalYDpi = ydpi);
* Changes the scaled density for this display.
* @deprecated This method is deprecated and will be removed in Robolectric 3.7.
public void setScaledDensity(float scaledDensity) {
this.scaledDensity = scaledDensity;
* Changes the ID for this display.
* Any registered {@link android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.DisplayListener}s will be
* notified of the change.
* @deprecated This method is deprecated and will be removed in Robolectric 3.7.
public void setDisplayId(int displayId) {
this.displayId = displayId;
* Changes the name for this display.
* Any registered {@link android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.DisplayListener}s will be
* notified of the change.
public void setName(String name) {
if (isJB()) { = name;
} else {
di -> = name);
* Changes the flags for this display.
* Any registered {@link android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.DisplayListener}s will be
* notified of the change.
public void setFlags(int flags) {
reflector(_Display_.class, realObject).setFlags(flags);
if (!isJB()) {
di -> di.flags = flags);
* Changes the width available to the application for this display.
* Any registered {@link android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.DisplayListener}s will be
* notified of the change.
* @param width the new width in pixels
public void setWidth(int width) {
if (isJB()) {
this.width = width;
} else {
di -> di.appWidth = width);
* Changes the height available to the application for this display.
* Any registered {@link android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.DisplayListener}s will be
* notified of the change.
* @param height new height in pixels
public void setHeight(int height) {
if (isJB()) {
this.height = height;
} else {
di -> di.appHeight = height);
* Changes the simulated physical width for this display.
* Any registered {@link android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.DisplayListener}s will be
* notified of the change.
* @param width the new width in pixels
public void setRealWidth(int width) {
if (isJB()) {
this.realWidth = width;
} else {
di -> di.logicalWidth = width);
* Changes the simulated physical height for this display.
* Any registered {@link android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.DisplayListener}s will be
* notified of the change.
* @param height the new height in pixels
public void setRealHeight(int height) {
if (isJB()) {
this.realHeight = height;
} else {
di -> di.logicalHeight = height);
* Changes the refresh rate for this display.
* Any registered {@link android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.DisplayListener}s will be
* notified of the change.
public void setRefreshRate(float refreshRate) {
this.refreshRate = refreshRate;
* Changes the rotation for this display.
* Any registered {@link android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.DisplayListener}s will be
* notified of the change.
* @param rotation one of {@link Surface#ROTATION_0}, {@link Surface#ROTATION_90},
* {@link Surface#ROTATION_180}, {@link Surface#ROTATION_270}
public void setRotation(int rotation) {
if (isJB()) {
this.rotation = rotation;
} else {
di -> di.rotation = rotation);
* Changes the pixel format for this display.
* @deprecated This method is deprecated and will be removed in Robolectric 3.7.
public void setPixelFormat(int pixelFormat) {
this.pixelFormat = pixelFormat;
* Changes the simulated state for this display, such as whether it is on or off
* Any registered {@link android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.DisplayListener}s will be
* notified of the change.
* @param state the new state: one of {@link Display#STATE_OFF}, {@link Display#STATE_ON},
* {@link Display#STATE_DOZE}, {@link Display#STATE_DOZE_SUSPEND}, or
* {@link Display#STATE_UNKNOWN}.
public void setState(int state) {
if (!isJB()) {
di -> di.state = state);
* Set HDR capabilities to the display sourced with displayId. see {@link HdrCapabilities} for
* supportedHdrTypes.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the method is called below Android vesrsion N.
public void setDisplayHdrCapabilities(
int displayId,
float maxLuminance,
float maxAverageLuminance,
float minLuminance,
int... supportedHdrTypes) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("HDR capabilities are not supported below Android N");
displayConfig -> {
displayConfig.hdrCapabilities =
new HdrCapabilities(
supportedHdrTypes, maxLuminance, maxAverageLuminance, minLuminance);
private boolean isJB() {
return RuntimeEnvironment.getApiLevel() == JELLY_BEAN;
void configureForJBOnly(Configuration configuration, DisplayMetrics displayMetrics) {
int widthPx = (int) (configuration.screenWidthDp * displayMetrics.density);
int heightPx = (int) (configuration.screenHeightDp * displayMetrics.density);
name = "Built-in screen";
displayId = 0;
width = widthPx;
height = heightPx;
realWidth = widthPx;
realHeight = heightPx;
densityDpi = displayMetrics.densityDpi;
xdpi = (float) displayMetrics.densityDpi;
ydpi = (float) displayMetrics.densityDpi;
scaledDensity = displayMetrics.densityDpi * DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT_SCALE;
rotation = configuration.orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT
? Surface.ROTATION_0
: Surface.ROTATION_90;
/** Accessor interface for {@link Display}'s internals. */
interface _Display_ {
void setFlags(int flags);