blob: 5f263d8335e19d977f7b648234209d7efc21f625 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.robolectric.pluginapi;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
* Represents a unique build of the Android SDK.
public abstract class Sdk implements Comparable<Sdk> {
private final int apiLevel;
protected Sdk(int apiLevel) {
this.apiLevel = apiLevel;
* Returns the Android API level for this SDK.
* <p>It must match the version reported by {@code android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT} provided
* within.
* @see <a href="">Android build numbers</a>
public final int getApiLevel() {
return apiLevel;
* Returns the Android Version for this SDK.
* <p>It should match the version reported by {@code android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE} provided
* within.
* <p>If this is an expensive operation, the implementation should cache the return value.
* @see <a href="">Android build numbers</a>
public abstract String getAndroidVersion();
* Returns the Android codename for this SDK.
* <p>It should match the version reported by {@code android.os.Build.VERSION.CODENAME} provided
* within.
* <p>If this is an expensive operation, the implementation should cache the return value.
public abstract String getAndroidCodeName();
* Returns the path to jar for this SDK.
public abstract Path getJarPath();
* Determines if this SDK is supported in the running Robolectric environment.
* An SDK might be unsupported if e.g. it requires a newer version of the JVM than is currently
* running.
* Unsupported SDKs should throw some explanatory exception when {@link #getJarPath()} is invoked.
* If this is an expensive operation, the implementation should cache the return value.
public abstract boolean isSupported();
* Returns a human-readable message explaining why this SDK isn't supported.
* If this is an expensive operation, the implementation should cache the return value.
public abstract String getUnsupportedMessage();
* Determines if this SDK is known by its provider.
* Unknown SDKs can serve as placeholder objects; they should throw some explanatory exception
* when {@link #getJarPath()} is invoked.
public boolean isKnown() {
return true;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (!(o instanceof Sdk)) {
return false;
Sdk sdk = (Sdk) o;
return apiLevel == sdk.apiLevel;
public int hashCode() {
return apiLevel;
public String toString() {
return "SDK " + apiLevel;
/** Instances of {@link Sdk} are ordered by the API level they implement. */
public int compareTo(@Nonnull Sdk o) {
return apiLevel - o.apiLevel;
* Verify that the SDK is supported.
* <p>Implementations should throw an exception if SDK is unsupported. They can choose to either
* throw org.junit.AssumptionViolatedException to just skip execution of tests on the SDK, with a
* warning, or throw a RuntimeException to fail the test.
* @param testClassName
public abstract void verifySupportedSdk(String testClassName);