blob: be77ae83b1d008f0e5ad85437886522266a24706 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Implementation of the BlockBuilder class.
// TODO(rogerm): Revisit the BasicBlockDecomposer/BlockBuilder interface
// via the BasicBlockSubgraph. Consider copying out the block data into
// the subgraph instead of having it reference the original block.
#include "syzygy/block_graph/block_builder.h"
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "syzygy/block_graph/basic_block.h"
#include "syzygy/block_graph/basic_block_assembler.h"
#include "syzygy/block_graph/basic_block_subgraph.h"
#include "syzygy/block_graph/block_graph.h"
#include "syzygy/common/align.h"
#include "syzygy/core/assembler.h"
namespace block_graph {
namespace {
// A bunch of handy typedefs for some verbose types.
typedef BlockGraph::Block Block;
typedef BlockGraph::Offset Offset;
typedef BlockGraph::Size Size;
typedef BasicBlockSubGraph::BlockDescription BlockDescription;
typedef BasicBlockSubGraph::BlockDescriptionList BlockDescriptionList;
typedef BasicBlockSubGraph::BasicBlockOrdering BasicBlockOrdering;
typedef BasicBlockOrdering::const_iterator BasicBlockOrderingConstIter;
typedef BlockDescriptionList::const_iterator BlockDescriptionConstIter;
typedef BasicBlock::Instructions::const_iterator InstructionConstIter;
typedef BasicBlock::Successors::const_iterator SuccessorConstIter;
// Definitions of various length NOP codes for 32-bit X86. We use the same
// ones that are typically used by MSVC and recommended by Intel.
const uint8 kNop1[1] = { 0x90 };
// 66 NOP
const uint8 kNop2[2] = { 0x66, 0x90 };
// LEA REG, 0 (REG) (8-bit displacement)
const uint8 kNop3[3] = { 0x66, 0x66, 0x90 };
// NOP DWORD PTR [EAX + 0] (8-bit displacement)
const uint8 kNop4[4] = { 0x0F, 0x1F, 0x40, 0x00 };
// NOP DWORD PTR [EAX + EAX*1 + 0] (8-bit displacement)
const uint8 kNop5[5] = { 0x0F, 0x1F, 0x44, 0x00, 0x00 };
// LEA REG, 0 (REG) (32-bit displacement)
const uint8 kNop6[6] = { 0x66, 0x0F, 0x1F, 0x44, 0x00, 0x00 };
// LEA REG, 0 (REG) (32-bit displacement)
const uint8 kNop7[7] = { 0x0F, 0x1F, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
// NOP DWORD PTR [EAX + EAX*1 + 0] (32-bit displacement)
const uint8 kNop8[8] = { 0x0F, 0x1F, 0x84, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
// NOP WORD PTR [EAX + EAX*1 + 0] (32-bit displacement)
const uint8 kNop9[9] = { 0x66, 0x0F, 0x1F, 0x84, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
// Collect all of the various NOPs in an array indexable by their length.
const uint8* kNops[] = { NULL, kNop1, kNop2, kNop3, kNop4, kNop5, kNop6,
kNop7, kNop8, kNop9 };
const size_t kInvalidSize = -1;
// Updates the tag info map for the given taggable object.
void UpdateTagInfoMap(const TagSet& tag_set,
TaggedObjectType type,
BlockGraph::Block* block,
BlockGraph::Offset offset,
BlockGraph::Size size,
TagInfoMap* tag_info_map) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BlockGraph::Block*>(NULL), block);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<TagInfoMap*>(NULL), tag_info_map);
TagInfo tag_info(type, block, offset, size);
TagSet::const_iterator tag_it = tag_set.begin();
for (; tag_it != tag_set.end(); ++tag_it)
// Checks that any BasicEndBlocks are at the end of their associated
// basic-block order.
bool EndBlocksAreWellPlaced(BasicBlockSubGraph* subgraph) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BasicBlockSubGraph*>(NULL), subgraph);
BasicBlockSubGraph::BlockDescriptionList::iterator bd_it =
for (; bd_it != subgraph->block_descriptions().end(); ++bd_it) {
BasicBlockSubGraph::BasicBlockOrdering& bbs = bd_it->basic_block_order;
BasicBlockSubGraph::BasicBlockOrdering::iterator bb_it = bbs.begin();
BasicBlockSubGraph::BasicBlockOrdering::iterator bb_it_end = bbs.end();
bool end_block_seen = false;
for (; bb_it != bb_it_end; ++bb_it) {
if ((*bb_it)->type() == BasicBlock::BASIC_END_BLOCK) {
end_block_seen = true;
} else {
// If we've already seen a basic end block and now we've encountered
// a basic block of another type then the BB order is invalid.
if (end_block_seen) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Basic-block order has end-block in invalid location!";
return false;
return true;
// Adds a new label to a block, or merges a label with an existing one. This is
// used because labels may collide when creating a new block, as BasicEndBlocks
// have zero size.
void AddOrMergeLabel(BlockGraph::Offset offset,
const BlockGraph::Label& label,
BlockGraph::Block* block) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BlockGraph::Block*>(NULL), block);
BlockGraph::Label previous_label;
if (block->GetLabel(offset, &previous_label)) {
std::string new_name = + ", " +;
BlockGraph::LabelAttributes new_attr = previous_label.attributes() |
CHECK(block->SetLabel(offset, new_name, new_attr));
} else {
CHECK(block->SetLabel(offset, label));
// A utility class to package up the context in which new blocks are generated.
class MergeContext {
// Initialize a MergeContext with the block graph and original block.
MergeContext(BlockGraph* bg, const Block* ob, TagInfoMap* tag_info_map)
: sub_graph_(NULL), block_graph_(bg), original_block_(ob),
tag_info_map_(tag_info_map) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BlockGraph*>(NULL), bg);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<TagInfoMap*>(NULL), tag_info_map);
// Accessor.
const BlockVector& new_blocks() const { return new_blocks_; }
// Generate all of the blocks described in @p subgraph.
// @param subgraph Defines the block properties and basic blocks to use
// for each of the blocks to be created.
bool GenerateBlocks(const BasicBlockSubGraph& subgraph);
// Transfers incoming references from the original block to the
// newly generated block or blocks.
// @param subgraph The subgraph.
void TransferReferrers(const BasicBlockSubGraph* subgraph) const;
// A clean-up function to remove the original block from which @p subgraph
// is derived (if any) from the block graph. This must only be performed
// after having updated the block graph with the new blocks and transferred
// all references to the new block(s).
// @param subgraph The subgraph.
void RemoveOriginalBlock(BasicBlockSubGraph* subgraph);
typedef BlockGraph::Block::SourceRange SourceRange;
// Temporary data structures used during layouting.
// This can effectively have 3 states:
// condition == Successor::kInvalidCondition && successor == NULL.
// The successor is unused.
// condition == Successor::kInvalidCondition && successor != NULL.
// The successor is elided (has no representation in the block).
// condition != Successor::kInvalidCondition && successor != NULL.
// The successor will have an explicit representation in the block.
struct SuccessorLayoutInfo {
// The condition flags for this successor.
// Set to Successor::kInvalidCondition if unused or elided.
Successor::Condition condition;
// The reference this condition refers to.
BasicBlockReference reference;
// The size of this successor's manifestation.
Size size;
// A pointer to the original successor. This is used for propagating tags.
// This is set to NULL if the successor isn't used at all.
const Successor* successor;
struct BasicBlockLayoutInfo {
// The basic block this layout info concerns. Useful for debugging.
const BasicBlock* basic_block;
// Stores the block that basic_block will be manifested in.
Block* block;
// Current start offset for basic_block in block.
Offset start_offset;
// Size of basic_block.
Size basic_block_size;
// The label to assign our successor(s), if any.
BlockGraph::Label successor_label;
// The source range this successor originally occupied, if any.
SourceRange successor_source_range;
// Layout info for this block's successors.
SuccessorLayoutInfo successors[2];
typedef std::map<const BasicBlock*, BasicBlockLayoutInfo>
// Update the new block with the source range for the bytes in the
// range [new_offset, new_offset + new_size).
// @param source_range The source range (if any) to assign.
// @param new_offset The offset in the new block where the original bytes
// will now live.
// @param new_size The number of bytes the new range occupies.
// @param new_block The block to change.
void CopySourceRange(const SourceRange& source_range,
Offset new_offset,
Size new_size,
Block* new_block);
// Copy @p references to @p new_block, starting at @p offset.
// @param references The references to copy.
// @param offset The starting offset in @p new_block to copy to.
// @param new_block The block to copy the references to.
// @pre Layouting has been done for all referred basic blocks.
void CopyReferences(const BasicBlock::BasicBlockReferenceMap& references,
Offset offset,
Block* new_block);
// Assemble the instruction(s) to implement the successors in @p info.
// @param info The layout info for the basic block in question.
bool AssembleSuccessors(const BasicBlockLayoutInfo& info);
// Insert NOPs into the given byte range.
// @param offset the offset at which to insert NOPs.
// @param bytes the number of NOP bytes to insert.
// @param new_block the block in which to insert the NOPs.
bool InsertNops(Offset offset, Size bytes, Block* new_block);
// Copy the given @p instructions to the current working block.
// @param instructions The instructions to copy.
// @param offset The offset where the @p instructions should be inserted.
// @param new_block the block in which to insert the instructions.
bool CopyInstructions(const BasicBlock::Instructions& instructions,
Offset offset,
Block* new_block);
// Copy the data (or padding bytes) in @p basic_block into new working block.
// @param basic_block The basic_block to copy.
// @param offset The offset where the @p basic_block should be inserted.
// @param new_block the block in which to insert the data.
bool CopyData(const BasicDataBlock* basic_block,
Offset offset,
Block* new_block);
// Initializes layout information for @p order and stores it in layout_info_.
// @param order The basic block ordering to process.
// @param block The destination block for this ordering.
bool InitializeBlockLayout(const BasicBlockOrdering& order, Block* block);
// Generates a layout for @p order. This layout will arrange each basic block
// in the ordering back-to-back with minimal reach encodings on each
// successor, while respecting basic block alignments.
// @param order The basic block ordering to process.
bool GenerateBlockLayout(const BasicBlockOrdering& order);
// Generates a layout for @p subgraph and stores it in layout_info_.
// @param subgraph The subgraph to process.
bool GenerateLayout(const BasicBlockSubGraph& subgraph);
// Populate a new block with data and/or instructions per
// its corresponding layout.
// @param order their ordering.
bool PopulateBlock(const BasicBlockOrdering& order);
// Populate all new blocks with data and/or instructions per layout_info_.
// @param subgraph The subgraph to process.
bool PopulateBlocks(const BasicBlockSubGraph& subgraph);
// Transfer all external referrers that refer to @p bb to point to
// bb's new location instead of to the original block.
// @param bb The basic block.
void UpdateReferrers(const BasicBlock* bb) const;
// Returns the minimal successor size for @p condition.
static Size GetShortSuccessorSize(Successor::Condition condition);
// Returns the maximal successor size for @p condition.
static Size GetLongSuccessorSize(Successor::Condition condition);
// Computes and returns the required successor size for @p successor.
// @param info The layout info for the basic block.
// @param start_offset Offset from the start of @p info.basic_block to
// the first byte of the successor.
// @param successor The successor to size.
Size ComputeRequiredSuccessorSize(const BasicBlockLayoutInfo& info,
Offset start_offset,
const SuccessorLayoutInfo& successor);
// Finds the layout info for a given basic block.
// @param bb The basic block whose layout info is desired.
BasicBlockLayoutInfo& FindLayoutInfo(const BasicBlock* bb);
const BasicBlockLayoutInfo& FindLayoutInfo(const BasicBlock* bb) const;
// Resolves a basic block reference to a block reference.
// @param type The desired type of the returned reference.
// @param size The desired size of the returned reference.
// @param ref The basic block reference to resolve.
// @pre GenerateLayout has succeeded.
BlockGraph::Reference ResolveReference(BlockGraph::ReferenceType type,
Size size,
const BasicBlockReference& ref) const;
// Resolves a basic block reference to a block reference.
// @param ref The basic block reference to resolve.
// @pre GenerateLayout has succeeded.
BlockGraph::Reference ResolveReference(const BasicBlockReference& ref) const;
// The subgraph we're layouting.
const BasicBlockSubGraph* sub_graph_;
// Layout info.
BasicBlockLayoutInfoMap layout_info_;
// The block graph in which the new blocks are generated.
BlockGraph* const block_graph_;
// The original block from which the new blocks are derived.
const Block* original_block_;
// The tag info map tracking all user data in the subgraph.
TagInfoMap* tag_info_map_;
// The set of blocks generated in this context so far.
BlockVector new_blocks_;
bool MergeContext::GenerateBlocks(const BasicBlockSubGraph& subgraph) {
sub_graph_ = &subgraph;
if (!GenerateLayout(subgraph) || !PopulateBlocks(subgraph)) {
// Remove generated blocks (this is safe as they're all disconnected)
// and return false.
BlockVector::iterator it = new_blocks_.begin();
for (; it != new_blocks_.end(); ++it) {
sub_graph_ = NULL;
return false;
sub_graph_ = NULL;
return true;
void MergeContext::TransferReferrers(const BasicBlockSubGraph* subgraph) const {
// Iterate through the layout info, and update each referenced BB.
BasicBlockLayoutInfoMap::const_iterator it = layout_info_.begin();
for (; it != layout_info_.end(); ++it)
void MergeContext::CopySourceRange(const SourceRange& source_range,
Offset new_offset,
Size new_size,
Block* new_block) {
DCHECK_LE(0, new_offset);
DCHECK_NE(0U, new_size);
// If the range is empty, there's nothing to do.
if (source_range.size() == 0)
// Insert the new source range mapping into the new block.
bool inserted = new_block->source_ranges().Insert(
Block::DataRange(new_offset, new_size), source_range);
bool MergeContext::AssembleSuccessors(const BasicBlockLayoutInfo& info) {
BasicBlock::Instructions instructions;
BasicBlockAssembler assm(info.start_offset + info.basic_block_size,
instructions.begin(), &instructions);
// Copy the successor label, if any, to where it belongs.
if (info.successor_label.IsValid()) {
AddOrMergeLabel(info.start_offset + info.basic_block_size,
Offset successor_start = info.start_offset + info.basic_block_size;
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(info.successors); ++i) {
const SuccessorLayoutInfo& successor = info.successors[i];
// Exit loop early if appropriate.
if (successor.condition == Successor::kInvalidCondition &&
successor.successor == NULL) {
// A pointer to the original successor should always be set for any
// manifested or elided successor.
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<Successor*>(NULL), successor.successor);
// If this represents an elided successor then simply emit tag information
// and continue.
if (successor.condition == Successor::kInvalidCondition) {
// Update the tag-info map for the successor.
UpdateTagInfoMap(successor.successor->tags(), kSuccessorTag, info.block,
successor_start, 0, tag_info_map_);
kReferenceTag, info.block, successor_start, 0,
// Default to a short reference.
ValueSize reference_size = core::kSize8Bit;
if (successor.size != GetShortSuccessorSize(successor.condition))
reference_size = core::kSize32Bit;
// Construct the reference we're going to deposit into the instruction
// list first.
UntypedReference untyped_ref(successor.reference);
// For debugging, we stomp the correct offset into the re-generated block
// for block-internal references.
BlockGraph::Reference resolved_ref = ResolveReference(successor.reference);
// Default to the offset immediately following the successor, which
// will translate to a zero pc-relative offset.
Offset ref_offset = successor_start + successor.size;
if (resolved_ref.referenced() == info.block)
ref_offset = resolved_ref.offset();
Immediate dest(ref_offset, reference_size, untyped_ref);
// Assemble the instruction.
switch (successor.condition) {
case Successor::kConditionAbove:
case Successor::kConditionAboveOrEqual:
case Successor::kConditionBelow:
case Successor::kConditionBelowOrEqual:
case Successor::kConditionEqual:
case Successor::kConditionGreater:
case Successor::kConditionGreaterOrEqual:
case Successor::kConditionLess:
case Successor::kConditionLessOrEqual:
case Successor::kConditionNotEqual:
case Successor::kConditionNotOverflow:
case Successor::kConditionNotParity:
case Successor::kConditionNotSigned:
case Successor::kConditionOverflow:
case Successor::kConditionParity:
case Successor::kConditionSigned:
assm.j(static_cast<core::ConditionCode>(successor.condition), dest);
case Successor::kConditionTrue:;
return false;
// Make sure the assembler produced what we expected.
DCHECK_EQ(successor.size, instructions.back().size());
DCHECK_EQ(1u, instructions.back().references().size());
// Copy the tags that are associated with the successor reference to the
// appropriately sized instruction reference. CopyInstructions will then
// take care of updating the tag info map.
instructions.back().references().begin()->second.tags() =
// Update the tag-info map for the successor.
UpdateTagInfoMap(successor.successor->tags(), kSuccessorTag, info.block,
successor_start, successor.size, tag_info_map_);
// Walk our start address forwards.
successor_start += successor.size;
if (info.successor_source_range.size() != 0) {
Instruction& instr = instructions.back();
// Attribute this instruction to the original successor's source range.
if (!instructions.empty()) {
Offset start_offset = info.start_offset + info.basic_block_size;
return CopyInstructions(instructions, start_offset, info.block);
return true;
bool MergeContext::InsertNops(Offset offset, Size bytes, Block* new_block) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<Block*>(NULL), new_block);
uint8* buffer = new_block->GetMutableData();
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(NULL), buffer);
size_t kMaxNopLength = arraysize(kNops) - 1;
buffer += offset;
while (bytes >= kMaxNopLength) {
::memcpy(buffer, kNops[kMaxNopLength], kMaxNopLength);
buffer += kMaxNopLength;
bytes -= kMaxNopLength;
if (bytes > 0) {
DCHECK_GT(kMaxNopLength, bytes);
::memcpy(buffer, kNops[bytes], bytes);
return true;
bool MergeContext::CopyInstructions(
const BasicBlock::Instructions& instructions,
Offset offset, Block* new_block) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<Block*>(NULL), new_block);
DCHECK_EQ(BasicBlock::BASIC_CODE_BLOCK, new_block->type());
// Get the target buffer.
uint8* buffer = new_block->GetMutableData();
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(NULL), buffer);
// Copy the instruction data and assign each instruction an offset.
InstructionConstIter it = instructions.begin();
for (; it != instructions.end(); ++it) {
const Instruction& instruction = *it;
// Update the tag-info map for the instruction.
UpdateTagInfoMap(instruction.tags(), kInstructionTag, new_block,
offset, instruction.size(), tag_info_map_);
// Copy the instruction bytes.
::memcpy(buffer + offset,, instruction.size());
// Preserve the label on the instruction, if any.
if (instruction.has_label())
AddOrMergeLabel(offset, instruction.label(), new_block);
// Record the source range.
offset, instruction.size(),
// Copy references.
CopyReferences(instruction.references(), offset, new_block);
// Update the offset/bytes_written.
offset += instruction.size();
return true;
void MergeContext::CopyReferences(
const BasicBlock::BasicBlockReferenceMap& references,
Offset offset, Block* new_block) {
BasicBlock::BasicBlockReferenceMap::const_iterator it = references.begin();
for (; it != references.end(); ++it) {
BlockGraph::Reference resolved = ResolveReference(it->second);
Offset ref_offset = offset + it->first;
CHECK(new_block->SetReference(ref_offset, resolved));
// Update the tag-info map for this reference.
UpdateTagInfoMap(it->second.tags(), kReferenceTag, new_block, ref_offset,
resolved.size(), tag_info_map_);
bool MergeContext::CopyData(const BasicDataBlock* data_block,
Offset offset,
Block* new_block) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BasicDataBlock*>(NULL), data_block);
DCHECK_EQ(BasicBlock::BASIC_DATA_BLOCK, data_block->type());
// Get the target buffer.
uint8* buffer = new_block->GetMutableData();
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(NULL), buffer);
// Copy the basic-new_block_'s data bytes.
::memcpy(buffer + offset, data_block->data(), data_block->size());
// Record the source range.
offset, data_block->size(),
CopyReferences(data_block->references(), offset, new_block);
return true;
bool MergeContext::InitializeBlockLayout(const BasicBlockOrdering& order,
Block* new_block) {
// Populate the initial layout info.
BasicBlockOrderingConstIter it = order.begin();
for (; it != order.end(); ++it) {
const BasicBlock* bb = *it;
// Propagate BB alignment to the parent block.
if (bb->alignment() > new_block->alignment())
// Create and initialize the layout info for this block.
DCHECK(layout_info_.find(bb) == layout_info_.end());
BasicBlockLayoutInfo& info = layout_info_[bb];
info.basic_block = bb;
info.block = new_block;
info.start_offset = 0;
info.basic_block_size = kInvalidSize;
const BasicCodeBlock* code_block = BasicCodeBlock::Cast(bb);
if (code_block != NULL)
info.basic_block_size = code_block->GetInstructionSize();
const BasicDataBlock* data_block = BasicDataBlock::Cast(bb);
if (data_block != NULL)
info.basic_block_size = data_block->size();
const BasicEndBlock* end_block = BasicEndBlock::Cast(bb);
if (end_block != NULL)
info.basic_block_size = end_block->size();
// The size must have been set.
DCHECK_NE(kInvalidSize, info.basic_block_size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(info.successors); ++i) {
info.successors[i].condition = Successor::kInvalidCondition;
info.successors[i].size = 0;
info.successors[i].successor = NULL;
// Find the next basic block, if any.
BasicBlockOrderingConstIter next_it(it);
const BasicBlock* next_bb = NULL;
if (next_it != order.end())
next_bb = *(next_it);
if (code_block == NULL)
// Go through and decide how to manifest the successors for the current
// basic block. A basic block has zero, one or two successors, and any
// successor that refers to the next basic block in sequence is elided, as
// it's most efficient for execution to simply fall through. We do this in
// two nearly-identical code blocks, as the handling is only near-identical
// for each of two possible successors.
DCHECK_GE(2U, code_block->successors().size());
SuccessorConstIter succ_it = code_block->successors().begin();
SuccessorConstIter succ_end = code_block->successors().end();
// Process the first successor, if any.
size_t manifested_successors = 0;
size_t elided_successors = 0;
if (succ_it != succ_end) {
const BasicBlock* destination_bb = succ_it->reference().basic_block();
// Record the source range of the original successor.
if (succ_it->source_range().size() != 0) {
DCHECK_EQ(0U, info.successor_source_range.size());
info.successor_source_range = succ_it->source_range();
// Record the label of the original successor.
if (succ_it->has_label())
info.successor_label = succ_it->label();
// Only manifest this successor if it's not referencing the next block.
SuccessorLayoutInfo& successor =
info.successors[manifested_successors + elided_successors];
successor.successor = &(*succ_it);
if (destination_bb == NULL || destination_bb != next_bb) {
successor.condition = succ_it->condition();
successor.reference = succ_it->reference();
} else {
// Go to the next successor, if any.
// Process the second successor, if any.
if (succ_it != succ_end) {
const BasicBlock* destination_bb = succ_it->reference().basic_block();
// Record the source range of the original successor.
if (succ_it->source_range().size() != 0) {
DCHECK_EQ(0U, info.successor_source_range.size());
info.successor_source_range = succ_it->source_range();
// Record the label of the original successor.
if (succ_it->has_label()) {
info.successor_label = succ_it->label();
// Only manifest this successor if it's not referencing the next block.
SuccessorLayoutInfo& successor =
info.successors[manifested_successors + elided_successors];
successor.successor = &(*succ_it);
if (destination_bb == NULL || destination_bb != next_bb) {
Successor::Condition condition = succ_it->condition();
// If we've already manifested a successor above, it'll be for the
// complementary condition to ours. While it's correct to manifest it
// as a conditional branch, it's more efficient to manifest as an
// unconditional jump.
if (manifested_successors != 0) {
condition = Successor::kConditionTrue;
successor.condition = condition;
successor.reference = succ_it->reference();
} else {
// A basic-block can have at most 2 successors by definition. Since we emit
// a successor layout struct for each one (whether or not its elided), we
// expect there to have been as many successors emitted as there are
// successors in the basic block itself.
manifested_successors + elided_successors);
manifested_successors + elided_successors);
return true;
bool MergeContext::GenerateBlockLayout(const BasicBlockOrdering& order) {
BasicBlockOrderingConstIter it = order.begin();
// Loop over the layout, expanding successors until stable.
while (true) {
bool expanded_successor = false;
// Update the start offset for each of the BBs, respecting the BB alignment
// constraints.
it = order.begin();
Offset next_block_start = 0;
Block* new_block = NULL;
for (; it != order.end(); ++it) {
BasicBlockLayoutInfo& info = FindLayoutInfo(*it);
next_block_start = common::AlignUp(next_block_start,
info.start_offset = next_block_start;
if (new_block == NULL)
new_block = info.block;
DCHECK(new_block == info.block);
next_block_start += info.basic_block_size +
info.successors[0].size +
// See whether there's a need to expand the successor sizes.
it = order.begin();
for (; it != order.end(); ++it) {
const BasicBlock* bb = *it;
BasicBlockLayoutInfo& info = FindLayoutInfo(bb);
// Compute the start offset for this block's first successor.
Offset start_offset = info.start_offset + info.basic_block_size;
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(info.successors); ++i) {
SuccessorLayoutInfo& successor = info.successors[i];
// Exit the loop if this (and possibly the subsequent) successor
// is un-manifested.
if (successor.condition == Successor::kInvalidCondition &&
successor.successor == NULL) {
// Skip over elided successors.
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<Successor*>(NULL), successor.successor);
if (successor.condition == Successor::kInvalidCondition)
// Compute the new size and update the start offset for the next
// successor (if any).
Size new_size =
ComputeRequiredSuccessorSize(info, start_offset, successor);
start_offset += new_size;
// Keep the biggest offset used by this jump. A jump may temporarily
// appear shorter when the start offset of this basic block has moved
// but the offset of the target basic block still needs to be updated
// within this iteration.
new_size = std::max(successor.size, new_size);
// Check whether we're expanding this successor.
if (new_size != successor.size) {
successor.size = new_size;
expanded_successor = true;
if (!expanded_successor) {
// We've achieved a stable layout and we know that next_block_start
// is the size of the new block, so resize it and allocate the data now.
return true;
bool MergeContext::GenerateLayout(const BasicBlockSubGraph& subgraph) {
// Create each new block and initialize a layout for it.
BlockDescriptionConstIter it = subgraph.block_descriptions().begin();
for (; it != subgraph.block_descriptions().end(); ++it) {
const BlockDescription& description = *it;
// Skip the block if it's empty.
if (description.basic_block_order.empty())
Block* new_block = block_graph_->AddBlock(
description.type, 0,;
if (new_block == NULL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create block '" << << "'.";
return false;
// Save this block in the set of newly generated blocks. On failure, this
// list will be used by GenerateBlocks() to clean up after itself.
// Initialize the new block's properties.
// Initialize the layout for this block.
if (!InitializeBlockLayout(description.basic_block_order, new_block)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to initialize layout for basic block '" << << "'";
return false;
// Now generate a layout for each ordering.
it = subgraph.block_descriptions().begin();
for (; it != subgraph.block_descriptions().end(); ++it) {
const BlockDescription& description = *it;
// Skip the block if it's empty.
if (description.basic_block_order.empty())
// Generate the layout for this block.
if (!GenerateBlockLayout(description.basic_block_order)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to generate a layout for basic block '" << << "'";
return false;
return true;
bool MergeContext::PopulateBlock(const BasicBlockOrdering& order) {
// Populate the new block with basic blocks.
BasicBlockOrderingConstIter bb_iter = order.begin();
BasicBlockOrderingConstIter bb_end = order.end();
BlockGraph::Offset prev_offset = 0;
for (; bb_iter != bb_end; ++bb_iter) {
const BasicBlock* bb = *bb_iter;
const BasicBlockLayoutInfo& info = FindLayoutInfo(bb);
// Determine the tag type and size associated with this basic block.
TaggedObjectType tag_type = kBasicDataBlockTag;
size_t tag_size = info.basic_block_size;
if (bb->type() == BasicBlock::BASIC_CODE_BLOCK) {
// We include the size of the successors if its a basic code block.
tag_type = kBasicCodeBlockTag;
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(info.successors); ++i) {
if (info.successors[i].condition != Successor::kInvalidCondition)
tag_size += info.successors[i].size;
// Update the tag-info map for the basic block.
UpdateTagInfoMap(bb->tags(), tag_type, info.block, info.start_offset,
tag_size, tag_info_map_);
// Handle any padding for alignment.
if (info.start_offset > prev_offset) {
if (!InsertNops(prev_offset, info.start_offset - prev_offset,
info.block)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to insert NOPs for '" << bb->name() << "'.";
return false;
prev_offset = info.start_offset + info.basic_block_size +
info.successors[0].size + info.successors[1].size;
// Handle data basic blocks.
const BasicDataBlock* data_block = BasicDataBlock::Cast(bb);
if (data_block != NULL) {
// If the basic-block is labeled, copy the label.
if (data_block->has_label())
AddOrMergeLabel(info.start_offset, data_block->label(), info.block);
// Copy its data.
if (!CopyData(data_block, info.start_offset, info.block)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to copy data for '" << bb->name() << "'.";
return false;
// Handle code basic blocks.
const BasicCodeBlock* code_block = BasicCodeBlock::Cast(bb);
if (code_block != NULL) {
// Copy the instructions.
if (!CopyInstructions(code_block->instructions(),
info.block)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to copy instructions for '" << bb->name() << "'.";
return false;
// Synthesize the successor instructions and assign each to an offset.
if (!AssembleSuccessors(info)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create successors for '" << bb->name() << "'.";
return false;
const BasicEndBlock* end_block = BasicEndBlock::Cast(bb);
if (end_block != NULL) {
// If the end block is labeled, copy the label.
if (end_block->has_label())
AddOrMergeLabel(info.start_offset, end_block->label(), info.block);
// We must have handled the basic block as at least one of the fundamental
// types.
DCHECK(code_block != NULL || data_block != NULL || end_block != NULL);
return true;
bool MergeContext::PopulateBlocks(const BasicBlockSubGraph& subgraph) {
// Create each new block and generate a layout for it.
BlockDescriptionConstIter it = subgraph.block_descriptions().begin();
for (; it != subgraph.block_descriptions().end(); ++it) {
const BasicBlockOrdering& order = it->basic_block_order;
// Skip the block if it's empty.
if (order.empty())
if (!PopulateBlock(order))
return false;
return true;
void MergeContext::UpdateReferrers(const BasicBlock* bb) const {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BasicBlock*>(NULL), bb);
// Find the current location of this basic block.
BasicBlockLayoutInfoMap::const_iterator layout_it = layout_info_.find(bb);
DCHECK(layout_it != layout_info_.end());
const BasicBlockLayoutInfo& info = layout_it->second;
DCHECK_EQ(bb, info.basic_block);
// Update all external referrers to point to the new location.
const BasicBlock::BasicBlockReferrerSet& referrers = bb->referrers();
BasicBlock::BasicBlockReferrerSet::const_iterator it = referrers.begin();
for (; it != referrers.end(); ++it) {
// Get a non-const pointer to the referring block. Note that we don't
// modify the set property on referrers as we update the block's references.
const BasicBlockReferrer& referrer = *it;
Block* referring_block = const_cast<Block*>(referrer.block());
BlockGraph::Reference old_ref;
bool found = referring_block->GetReference(referrer.offset(), &old_ref);
// The base of the reference is directed to the corresponding BB's
// start address in the new block.
BlockGraph::Reference new_ref(old_ref.type(),
bool is_new = referring_block->SetReference(referrer.offset(), new_ref);
DCHECK(!is_new); // TODO(rogerm): Is this a valid DCHECK?
void MergeContext::RemoveOriginalBlock(BasicBlockSubGraph* subgraph) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BasicBlockSubGraph*>(NULL), subgraph);
DCHECK_EQ(original_block_, subgraph->original_block());
Block* original_block = const_cast<Block*>(this->original_block_);
if (original_block == NULL)
bool removed = original_block->RemoveAllReferences();
removed = block_graph_->RemoveBlock(original_block);
original_block_ = NULL;
Size MergeContext::GetShortSuccessorSize(Successor::Condition condition) {
switch (condition) {
case Successor::kConditionAbove:
case Successor::kConditionAboveOrEqual:
case Successor::kConditionBelow:
case Successor::kConditionBelowOrEqual:
case Successor::kConditionEqual:
case Successor::kConditionGreater:
case Successor::kConditionGreaterOrEqual:
case Successor::kConditionLess:
case Successor::kConditionLessOrEqual:
case Successor::kConditionNotEqual:
case Successor::kConditionNotOverflow:
case Successor::kConditionNotParity:
case Successor::kConditionNotSigned:
case Successor::kConditionOverflow:
case Successor::kConditionParity:
case Successor::kConditionSigned:
// Translates to a conditional branch.
return core::AssemblerImpl::kShortBranchSize;
case Successor::kConditionTrue:
// Translates to a jump.
return core::AssemblerImpl::kShortJumpSize;
NOTREACHED() << "Unsupported successor type.";
return 0;
Size MergeContext::GetLongSuccessorSize(Successor::Condition condition) {
switch (condition) {
case Successor::kConditionAbove:
case Successor::kConditionAboveOrEqual:
case Successor::kConditionBelow:
case Successor::kConditionBelowOrEqual:
case Successor::kConditionEqual:
case Successor::kConditionGreater:
case Successor::kConditionGreaterOrEqual:
case Successor::kConditionLess:
case Successor::kConditionLessOrEqual:
case Successor::kConditionNotEqual:
case Successor::kConditionNotOverflow:
case Successor::kConditionNotParity:
case Successor::kConditionNotSigned:
case Successor::kConditionOverflow:
case Successor::kConditionParity:
case Successor::kConditionSigned:
// Translates to a conditional branch.
return core::AssemblerImpl::kLongBranchSize;
case Successor::kConditionTrue:
// Translates to a jump.
return core::AssemblerImpl::kLongJumpSize;
NOTREACHED() << "Unsupported successor type.";
return 0;
Size MergeContext::ComputeRequiredSuccessorSize(
const BasicBlockLayoutInfo& info,
Offset start_offset,
const SuccessorLayoutInfo& successor) {
switch (successor.reference.referred_type()) {
case BasicBlockReference::REFERRED_TYPE_BLOCK:
return GetLongSuccessorSize(successor.condition);
case BasicBlockReference::REFERRED_TYPE_BASIC_BLOCK: {
Size short_size = GetShortSuccessorSize(successor.condition);
const BasicBlock* dest_bb = successor.reference.basic_block();
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BasicBlock*>(NULL), dest_bb);
const BasicBlockLayoutInfo& dest = FindLayoutInfo(dest_bb);
// If the destination is within the same destination block,
// let's see if we can use a short reach here.
if (info.block == dest.block) {
Offset destination_offset =
dest.start_offset - (start_offset + short_size);
// Are we in-bounds for a short reference?
if (destination_offset <= std::numeric_limits<int8>::max() &&
destination_offset >= std::numeric_limits<int8>::min()) {
return short_size;
return GetLongSuccessorSize(successor.condition);
NOTREACHED() << "Impossible Successor reference type.";
return 0;
MergeContext::BasicBlockLayoutInfo& MergeContext::FindLayoutInfo(
const BasicBlock* bb) {
BasicBlockLayoutInfoMap::iterator it = layout_info_.find(bb);
DCHECK(it != layout_info_.end());
DCHECK_EQ(bb, it->second.basic_block);
return it->second;
const MergeContext::BasicBlockLayoutInfo& MergeContext::FindLayoutInfo(
const BasicBlock* bb) const {
BasicBlockLayoutInfoMap::const_iterator it = layout_info_.find(bb);
DCHECK(it != layout_info_.end());
DCHECK_EQ(bb, it->second.basic_block);
return it->second;
BlockGraph::Reference MergeContext::ResolveReference(
BlockGraph::ReferenceType type, Size size,
const BasicBlockReference& ref) const {
if (ref.referred_type() == BasicBlockReference::REFERRED_TYPE_BASIC_BLOCK) {
// It's a basic block reference, we need to resolve it to a
// block reference.
const BasicBlockLayoutInfo& info = FindLayoutInfo(ref.basic_block());
return BlockGraph::Reference(type,
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(BasicBlockReference::REFERRED_TYPE_BLOCK, ref.referred_type());
DCHECK_NE(ref.block(), original_block_);
return BlockGraph::Reference(type,
BlockGraph::Reference MergeContext::ResolveReference(
const BasicBlockReference& ref) const {
return ResolveReference(ref.reference_type(), ref.size(), ref);
} // namespace
BlockBuilder::BlockBuilder(BlockGraph* bg) : block_graph_(bg) {
bool BlockBuilder::Merge(BasicBlockSubGraph* subgraph) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BasicBlockSubGraph*>(NULL), subgraph);
// Before starting the layout ensure any BasicEndBlocks are at the end of/
// their respective basic-block orderings.
if (!EndBlocksAreWellPlaced(subgraph))
return false;
MergeContext context(block_graph_,
if (!context.GenerateBlocks(*subgraph))
return false;
// Track the newly created blocks.
new_blocks_.reserve(new_blocks_.size() + context.new_blocks().size());
// And we're done.
return true;
} // namespace block_graph