blob: bc8646ffbcb1fc1b6d1e4044866c2f4afd09d101 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// A block graph is an abstract graph of blocks, each of which has an ID, a
// type, a size and a few other properties. Each block represents either code or
// data, and blocks can reference one another through references of various
// types.
// The BlockGraph also stores minimum knowledge of sections (names and
// characteristics), and each block belongs to at most one section. In this
// sense, a BlockGraph acts as top-level division of blocks.
#include <hash_map>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "syzygy/common/align.h"
#include "syzygy/core/address.h"
#include "syzygy/core/address_space.h"
#include "syzygy/core/string_table.h"
namespace block_graph {
// Forward declaration.
class BlockGraphSerializer;
// NOTE: When adding attributes be sure to update any uses of them in
//, for example in MergeIntersectingBlocks.
/* Set for functions declared non-returning. */ \
/* Set for blocks that are inferred by the decomposer. */ \
/* Set for blocks that are parsed by the PEFileParser. These */ \
/* blocks are unmovable, indivisible, etc, and have to be treated */ \
/* specially. */ \
/* Set for blocks that are created from section contribution */ \
/* information or directly from COFF sections. */ \
/* This is used to indicate that a block consists purely of padding */ \
/* data. */ \
/* Indicates blocks that contain inline assembly. */ \
/* Indicates that the block was built by a compiler whose precise */ \
/* behaviour and semantics we are unfamiliar with. */ \
/* Indicates that the block has been built by the Syzygy toolchain, and */ \
/* thus is inherently safe for basic-block decomposition without having */ \
/* to perform the myriad of safety checks we do otherwise. */ \
/* Deprecated: used by old decomposer. */ \
/* Deprecated: used by old decomposer. */ \
/* This is set for functions that have exception handling enabled. */ \
/* Without delving far deeper into the specifics, it is unsafe to basic */ \
/* block decompose these blocks. */ \
/* Deprecated: used by old decomposer. */ \
/* This is set for blocks that have a thunk symbol pointing to them. */ \
/* Typically thunk blocks are compiler or linker-generated, such as */ \
/* e.g. import thunks, delay load import thunks, etc. */ \
/* This is set for blocks that have been parsed as COFF groups. The */ \
/* contents of these blocks are semantically indivisible. */ \
/* COFF headers block; not set for PE. */ \
/* COFF symbol table. */ \
/* COFF string table. */ \
/* COFF relocation table; these should be ignored when dealing with */ \
/* block graphs, as all the information is represented as references. */ \
/* COFF BSS (unmapped) block; has size but no data. */ \
/* This always needs to be set to the next available attribute bit. */ \
// The BlockGraph is a top-level container for Blocks.
class BlockGraph {
typedef core::RelativeAddress RelativeAddress;
typedef size_t SectionId;
typedef size_t BlockId;
typedef size_t Size;
typedef ptrdiff_t Offset;
typedef uint32 BlockAttributes;
typedef uint32 LabelAttributes;
// The BlockGraph maintains a list of sections, and each block belongs
// to one of them. This is the set of information we keep regarding them.
struct Section;
// The section map contains all sections, indexed by id.
typedef std::map<SectionId, Section> SectionMap;
static const SectionId kInvalidSectionId;
// The types of image formats that we can currently represent in a
// BlockGraph.
enum ImageFormat {
// This must always be the last entry, and kImageFormat must be kept in
// sync with this enum.
static const char* ImageFormatToString(ImageFormat format);
// Assign distinct bit IDs to each attribute constant.
enum BlockAttributeIdEnum {
#define DECLARE_ENUM_BIT(name) name##_BIT,
enum BlockAttributeEnum {
#define DECLARE_ENUM(name) name = (1 << name##_BIT),
// Returns a string containing the names of the supplied attributes.
static std::string BlockAttributesToString(BlockAttributes attrs);
enum BlockType {
// NOTE: This must always be last, and kBlockType must be kept in sync
// with this enum.
static const char* BlockTypeToString(BlockType type);
// Label attributes. Attributes of the form _END_LABEL type actually
// point to the first byte past the range they delineate. To make the
// semantics of moving labels easier, we shift these labels left by one and
// make them follow the last byte of the delineated range.
enum LabelAttributesEnum {
// The label points to an entry-point in a code block.
CODE_LABEL = (1 << 0),
// Mark the start and end of the debuggable portion of a code block.
DEBUG_END_LABEL = (1 << 2),
// Mark the start and end of an embedded scope in a code block.
SCOPE_END_LABEL = (1 << 4),
// Marks the location of a (virtual table?) call.
CALL_SITE_LABEL = (1 << 5),
// The label points to the start of a jump table. The length is inferred
// by the location of the next label, or the end of the block. This will
// also have DATA_LABEL set.
JUMP_TABLE_LABEL = (1 << 6),
// The label points to the start of a case table. The length is inferred
// by the location of the next label, or the end of the block. This will
// also have DATA_LABEL set.
CASE_TABLE_LABEL = (1 << 7),
// The label originated from a data symbol. The length is inferred by the
// location of the next label, or the end of the block. The type of data
// is unknown.
DATA_LABEL = (1 << 8),
// Used to mark a label that was derived from a public symbol. These are
// usually actually pointing to code and global data symbols, but we can't
// always tell (there may be public symbols pointing to data in a code
// block).
// This always needs to be the most significant bit.
static std::string LabelAttributesToString(LabelAttributes label_attributes);
enum ReferenceType {
// Common reference types.
// Object-file reference types.
// Relocation reference types.
// TODO(chrisha): Do we need a separate bit, and different ABS and REL
// reference types for COFF files?
RELOC_REF_BIT = 1u << 3,
// Must be last!
// Forward declarations.
class AddressSpace;
class Block;
class Label;
class Reference;
// The block map contains all blocks, indexed by id.
typedef std::map<BlockId, Block> BlockMap;
// Adds a section with the given name.
// @param name The section name.
// @param characteristics The section characteristics.
// @returns the newly created section.
Section* AddSection(const base::StringPiece& name, uint32 characteristics);
// Finds a section with the given name, returning NULL if no such section
// exists.
// @param name The section name.
// @returns the section if one is found, NULL otherwise.
Section* FindSection(const base::StringPiece& name);
const Section* FindSection(const base::StringPiece& name) const;
// Find or adds section with the given name.
// If a section with the given name already exists, updates its
// characteristics and returns it. Otherwise, creates a new section and
// returns it. If multiple sections exist with the given name, the first
// one encountered is returned.
// TODO(chrisha): The semantics of this function are a little odd. It would
// make more sense for it to return only if a section with matching name
// AND characteristics is found, otherwise to create a new one.
// @param name The section name.
// @param characteristics The section characteristics.
// @returns the new or found section.
Section* FindOrAddSection(const base::StringPiece& name,
uint32 characteristics);
// Removes the given section from the BlockGraph.
// The section must belong to this block graph. Be aware that this can leave
// Blocks with dangling section_ids.
// @param section The section to remove.
// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool RemoveSection(Section* section);
// Removes the section with the given id from the BlockGraph.
// @param id The id of the section to remove.
// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool RemoveSectionById(SectionId id);
// Add @p block of type @p type and @p size and
// return the new block.
// @returns the new block.
Block* AddBlock(BlockType type, Size size, const base::StringPiece& name);
// Deletes the given block from the BlockGraph. The block must belong to this
// block graph, and have no references or referrers. Returns true on success,
// false otherwise. On failure, the BlockGraph has not been changed.
bool RemoveBlock(Block* block);
// Deletes the block with the given @p id from the block graph. The block id
// must be valid, and the block must have no references or referrers. Returns
// true on success, false otherwise. On failure, the BlockGraph has not been
// changed.
bool RemoveBlockById(BlockId id);
// Accessors.
const SectionMap& sections() const { return sections_; }
SectionMap& sections_mutable() { return sections_; }
const BlockMap& blocks() const { return blocks_; }
BlockMap& blocks_mutable() { return blocks_; }
// @{
// Retrieve the section with the given id.
// @param id The id of the section to retrieve.
// @returns the section in question or NULL if no such section.
Section* GetSectionById(SectionId id);
const Section* GetSectionById(SectionId id) const;
// @}
// @{
// Retrieve the block with id.
// @returns the block in question or NULL if no such block.
Block* GetBlockById(BlockId id);
const Block* GetBlockById(BlockId id) const;
// @}
// Get the string table.
// @returns the string table of this BlockGraph.
core::StringTable& string_table() { return string_table_; }
// Sets the image format.
// @param image_format The format of the image.
void set_image_format(ImageFormat image_format) {
image_format_ = image_format;
// @returns the image format.
ImageFormat image_format() const { return image_format_; }
// Give BlockGraphSerializer access to our innards for serialization.
friend BlockGraphSerializer;
// Removes a block by the iterator to it. The iterator must be valid.
bool RemoveBlockByIterator(BlockMap::iterator it);
// All sections we contain.
SectionMap sections_;
// Our section ID allocator.
SectionId next_section_id_;
// All blocks we contain.
BlockMap blocks_;
// Our block ID allocator.
BlockId next_block_id_;
// A string table used to intern strings.
core::StringTable string_table_;
// The format of the image represented by this block graph. Defaults to
// UNKNOWN_IMAGE_FORMAT. Usually initialized by the appropriate decomposer.
ImageFormat image_format_;
// The BlockGraph maintains a list of sections, and each block belongs
// to one of them. This is the set of information we keep regarding them.
struct BlockGraph::Section {
// Default constructor. Required for serialization.
Section() : id_(kInvalidSectionId), characteristics_(0) {
// Full constructor.
// @param id The section id. This must not be kInvalidSectionId.
// @param name The name of the section. Must not be empty or NULL.
// @param characteristics The characteristics of the section.
Section(SectionId id, const base::StringPiece& name, uint32 characteristics)
: id_(id), name_(), characteristics_(characteristics) {
DCHECK_NE(kInvalidSectionId, id);
DCHECK(name != NULL);
// Get the id of this section.
// @returns the id of the section.
SectionId id() const { return id_; }
// Get the name of this section.
// @returns the section name.
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
// Sets the name for this section.
// @param name The name of the section. If NULL or empty, this will fail.
// @returns true if the name is set, false otherwise.
bool set_name(const base::StringPiece& name);
// Get the characteristics of this section.
// @returns the section characteristics.
uint32 characteristics() const { return characteristics_; }
// Sets the characteristics for this section.
// @param characteristics The new characteristics to set.
void set_characteristics(uint32 characteristics) {
characteristics_ = characteristics;
// Sets a one or more additional characteristics for this section.
// @param characteristic The new characteristic(s) to set for this section.
void set_characteristic(uint32 characteristic) {
characteristics_ |= characteristic;
// Clears one or more characteristics for this section.
// @param characteristic The characteristic(s) to clear for this section.
void clear_characteristic(uint32 characteristic) {
characteristics_ &= ~characteristic;
// @name Serialization functions.
// @{
bool Save(core::OutArchive* out_archive) const;
bool Load(core::InArchive* in_archive);
// @}
// A simple comparison operator for serialization tests.
bool operator==(const Section& other) const {
return id_ == other.id_ && name_ == other.name_ &&
characteristics_ == other.characteristics_;
// A not-equal comparison operator.
bool operator!=(const Section& other) const {
return !operator==(other);
// The id of the section. This has no particular meaning other than as a way
// to identify sections uniquely.
SectionId id_;
// The name of the section. This will be truncated to a max of 8 characters
// on output.
std::string name_;
// The section characteristics, a bitmask of IMAGE_SCN_* values.
uint32 characteristics_;
// A label denotes the beginning (or end) of a sub-region within a (code)
// block. In particular, a code label represents an instruction boundary
// at which disassembly can begin and a data label represents the beginning
// of embedded data.
class BlockGraph::Label {
// Default constructor.
Label() : attributes_(0) {
// Full constructor.
Label(const base::StringPiece& name, LabelAttributes attributes)
: name_(name.begin(), name.end()), attributes_(attributes) {
// Copy construction.
Label(const Label& other)
: name_(other.name_), attributes_(other.attributes_) {
// @name Accessors.
// @{
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
// @}
// A helper function for logging and debugging.
std::string ToString() const;
// Equality comparator for unittesting.
bool operator==(const Label& other) const {
return name_ == other.name_ && attributes_ == other.attributes_;
// The label attributes are a bitmask. You can set them wholesale,
// or set and clear them individually by bitmasking.
LabelAttributes attributes() const { return attributes_; }
void set_attributes(LabelAttributes attributes) { attributes_ = attributes; }
// Set or clear one or more attributes.
void set_attribute(LabelAttributes attribute) { attributes_ |= attribute; }
void clear_attribute(LabelAttributes attribute) { attributes_ &= ~attribute; }
// Determines if all or any of the given attributes are set.
bool has_attributes(LabelAttributes attributes) const {
return (attributes_ & attributes) == attributes;
bool has_any_attributes(LabelAttributes attributes) const {
return (attributes_ & attributes) != 0;
// @returns true if this label is valid, false otherwise.
bool IsValid() const;
// Tests a set of label attributes for validity.
// @param attributes the attributes to test.
// @returns true if the provided attributes are valid, false otherwise.
static bool AreValidAttributes(LabelAttributes attributes);
// The name by which this label is known.
std::string name_;
// The disposition of the bytes found at this label.
LabelAttributes attributes_;
// A block represents a block of either code or data.
// Since blocks may be split and up and glued together in arbitrary ways, each
// block maintains an address-space over its data, associating ranges of block
// data to ranges of bytes in the original image. This effectively encodes OMAP
// data, allowing the PDB file to be updated.
// Each block also stores references to other blocks in the graph, their
// relative location within the block and their type and size.
// Each block has a set of attributes, including a size, a name and a
// "current" address. Most of those attributes are mutable, and are set in the
// process of creating and manipulating images and graph address spaces.
class BlockGraph::Block {
// Set of the blocks that have a reference to this block.
// This is keyed on block and source offset (not destination offset),
// to allow one to easily locate and remove the backreferences on change or
// deletion.
typedef std::pair<Block*, Offset> Referrer;
typedef std::set<Referrer> ReferrerSet;
// Map of references that this block makes to other blocks.
typedef std::map<Offset, Reference> ReferenceMap;
// Represents a range of data in this block.
typedef core::AddressRange<Offset, Size> DataRange;
// Represents a range of data in the original image.
typedef core::AddressRange<RelativeAddress, Size> SourceRange;
// A map between bytes in this block and bytes in the original image.
typedef core::AddressRangeMap<DataRange, SourceRange> SourceRanges;
// The flags that can be passed to the TransferReferrers function.
enum TransferReferrersFlags {
kSkipInternalReferences = (1 << 0),
kTransferInternalReferences = (1 << 1)
// Typed labels associated with various offsets in the block. Some of these
// labels (of type CODE_LABEL) represent code start points for disassembly
// while others (of type DATA_LABEL) represent the start of embedded data
// within the block. Note that, while possible, it is NOT guaranteed that
// all basic blocks are marked with a label. Basic block decomposition should
// disassemble from the code labels to discover all basic blocks.
typedef std::map<Offset, Label> LabelMap;
// Accessors.
BlockId id() const { return id_; }
BlockType type() const { return type_; }
void set_type(BlockType type) { type_ = type; }
Size size() const { return size_; }
// Set the total size of the block. Note that allocated data_size_ must
// always be less than or equal to the total size.
void set_size(Size size) {
DCHECK_LE(data_size_, size);
size_ = size;
const std::string& name() const {
DCHECK(name_ != NULL);
return *name_;
void set_name(const base::StringPiece& name);
const std::string& compiland_name() const;
void set_compiland_name(const base::StringPiece& name);
Size alignment() const { return alignment_; }
void set_alignment(Size alignment) {
// Ensure that alignment is a non-zero power of two.
alignment_ = alignment;
// The address of the block is set any time the block is assigned
// an address in an address space.
RelativeAddress addr() const { return addr_; }
void set_addr(RelativeAddress addr) { addr_ = addr; }
// The section ID for the block. These IDs are wrt to the SectionMap in the
// parent BlockGraph.
SectionId section() const { return section_; }
void set_section(SectionId section) { section_ = section; }
// The block attributes are a bitmask. You can set them wholesale,
// or set and clear them individually by bitmasking.
BlockAttributes attributes() const { return attributes_; }
void set_attributes(BlockAttributes attributes) { attributes_ = attributes; }
// Set or clear one or more attributes.
void set_attribute(BlockAttributes attribute) { attributes_ |= attribute; }
void clear_attribute(BlockAttributes attribute) {
attributes_ &= ~attribute;
// This is true iff data_ is in the ownership of the block.
// Iff true, the block will delete [] data_ on destruction or when
// data is overwritten.
bool owns_data() const { return owns_data_; }
// Makes room for the given amount of data at the given offset. This is
// special in that it will patch up any labels, source ranges and referrers
// that land beyond the newly created data, shifting them to the right by
// @p size. If the data for this block is actually allocated it will also
// patch up the allocated data by zeroing the newly allocate range of data,
// and shifting the tail by @p size. If the new data is strictly implicit
// (offset > data_size), then the allocated data is not affected in any way
// unless @p always_allocate_data is true.
// @param offset the offset at which to insert the new data.
// @param size the size of the new data to be inserted.
// @param always_allocate_data if true, then data_size will be grown if
// necessary to ensure that the newly created data can be written.
// @pre 0 <= offset <= size()
void InsertData(Offset offset, Size size, bool always_allocate_data);
// Removes the data in the given range. This will refuse to remove labels,
// references and referrers that land in the range, and will fail if any
// exist. It will also shift any labels, references and referrers that land
// beyond the end of the removed range. Source ranges will also be fixed. If
// the removed range lies within the initialized data then the data will also
// be truncated/shifted as necessary.
// @param offset the offset at which to remove data.
// @param size the size of the data to remove, in bytes.
// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
// @pre 0 <= offset <= size
bool RemoveData(Offset offset, Size size);
// Performs an inline resize of data in a BlockGraph. If the data is shrinking
// this equates to a RemoveData operation. If it is growing it equates to an
// InsertData operation.
// @param offset the offset of the data to resize.
// @param current_size the current size of the data to resize.
// @param new_size the desired size of the data.
// @param always_allocate_data if true, then data_size will be grown if
// necessary to ensure that the resized data can be written.
// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
// @pre 0 <= offset <= size
bool InsertOrRemoveData(Offset offset, Size current_size, Size new_size,
bool always_allocate_data);
// Set the data the block refers to.
// @param data NULL or the data this block refers to.
// The underlying data must outlive this block.
// @param data_size the size of data, or zero if data == NULL.
// @pre data_size <= size().
void SetData(const uint8* data, size_t data_size);
// Allocates and returns a new data buffer of the given size. The returned
// data will have been initialized to zero.
// @pre data_size > 0.
// @pre data_size <= size().
uint8* AllocateData(size_t data_size);
// Makes a copy of data, returns a pointer to the copy.
// @pre data_size <= size().
uint8* CopyData(size_t data_size, const void* data);
// Resizes data to new_size by truncating or zero-extending the current data.
// @pre new_size <= size().
const uint8* ResizeData(size_t new_size);
// Returns a mutable copy of the block's data. If the block doesn't own
// the data on entry, it'll be copied and the copy returned to the caller.
uint8* GetMutableData();
// The data bytes the block refers to.
const uint8* data() const { return data_; }
// The data size may be smaller than the block size (see size()),
// when the block e.g. refers to data that's all or part
// zero-initialized by the linker/loader.
size_t data_size() const { return data_size_; }
const ReferenceMap& references() const { return references_; }
const ReferrerSet& referrers() const { return referrers_; }
const SourceRanges& source_ranges() const { return source_ranges_; }
SourceRanges& source_ranges() { return source_ranges_; }
const LabelMap& labels() const { return labels_; }
// Returns true if there are any other blocks holding a reference to this one.
bool HasExternalReferrers() const;
// Set the reference at @p offset to @p ref.
// If there's a pre-existing reference at @p offset, this overrides it.
// @param offset offset of the reference into this block.
// @param ref the reference to add.
// @returns true iff this inserts a new reference.
bool SetReference(Offset offset, const Reference& ref);
// Retrieve the reference at @p offset if one exists.
// @param reference on success returns the reference @p offset.
// @returns true iff there was a reference at @p offset.
bool GetReference(Offset offset, Reference* reference) const;
// Remove the reference at @p offset.
// @returns true iff there was a reference at @p offset.
bool RemoveReference(Offset offset);
// Remove all references from this block. This is handy when removing a block
// from the block graph.
bool RemoveAllReferences();
// Set a label to @p offset.
// A label in code marks the location of the start of an instruction -
// e.g. a location where disassembly can usefully commence. Labels
// appear to be inserted by the VS tool chain where e.g. a switch
// statement is implemented with a jump table, to note the location
// of the jump destinations.
// @param offset the offset of the label to set.
// @param name the name of the label.
// @param attributes the attributes of the label.
// @returns true iff a new label is inserted.
// @note that only one label can exist at each offset, and the first
// label set at any offset will stay there.
// @{
bool SetLabel(Offset offset, const Label& label);
bool SetLabel(Offset offset,
const base::StringPiece& name,
LabelAttributes attributes) {
return SetLabel(offset, Label(name, attributes));
// @}
// Gets the label at the given @p offset.
// @param offset the offset of the label to get.
// @param label the string to receive the label.
// @returns true if the label exists, false otherwise.
bool GetLabel(Offset offset, Label* label) const;
// Removes the label at the given @p offset.
// @param offset the offset of the label to remove.
// @returns true if the label existed and was removed, false it it did not
// exist.
bool RemoveLabel(Offset offset);
// Returns true iff the block has a label at @p offset.
// @param offset the offset of the label to search for.
bool HasLabel(Offset offset) const;
// Change all references to this block to refer to @p new_block instead,
// while offsetting each reference by @p offset.
// @param offset The offset that we should apply to each reference.
// @param new_block The block the reference should point to.
// @param flags The flags that control some parameters of this function.
// @note this fails if any of the transferred references end up with offsets
// less than zero, or greater than new_block->size().
// @returns true iff all references were transferred successfully.
bool TransferReferrers(Offset offset,
Block* new_block,
TransferReferrersFlags flags);
// Returns true if this block contains the given range of bytes.
bool Contains(RelativeAddress address, size_t size) const;
// Give BlockGraph access to our innards for serialization.
friend class BlockGraph;
// Give BlockGraphSerializer access to our innards for serialization.
friend class BlockGraphSerializer;
// Full constructor.
// @note This is protected so that blocks may only be created via the
// BlockGraph factory.
Block(BlockId id,
BlockType type,
Size size,
const base::StringPiece& name,
BlockGraph* block_graph);
// This constructor is used by serialization.
explicit Block(BlockGraph* block_graph);
// Allocates and returns a new data buffer of the given size. The returned
// data buffer will not have been initialized in any way.
uint8* AllocateRawData(size_t size);
BlockId id_;
BlockType type_;
Size size_;
Size alignment_;
const std::string* name_;
const std::string* compiland_name_;
RelativeAddress addr_;
// BlockGraph to which belongs this Block. A block can only belongs to one
// Block Graph.
BlockGraph* block_graph_;
SectionId section_;
BlockAttributes attributes_;
ReferenceMap references_;
ReferrerSet referrers_;
SourceRanges source_ranges_;
LabelMap labels_;
// True iff data_ is ours to deallocate with delete [].
// If this is false, data_ must be guaranteed to outlive the block.
bool owns_data_;
// A pointer to the code or data we represent.
const uint8* data_;
// Size of the above.
size_t data_size_;
// A graph address space endows a graph with a non-overlapping ordering
// on blocks, where each block occupies zero or one address ranges in the
// address space. No two blocks may overlap in an address space. Empty blocks
// are not stored in the underlying address-space implementation itself, but do
// have associated addresses and are stored in the block-address map.
class BlockGraph::AddressSpace {
typedef core::AddressSpace<RelativeAddress, BlockGraph::Size, Block*>
typedef AddressSpaceImpl::Range Range;
typedef AddressSpaceImpl::RangeMap RangeMap;
typedef AddressSpaceImpl::RangeMapIter RangeMapIter;
typedef AddressSpaceImpl::RangeMapConstIter RangeMapConstIter;
typedef AddressSpaceImpl::RangeMapIterPair RangeMapIterPair;
typedef AddressSpaceImpl::RangeMapConstIterPair RangeMapConstIterPair;
typedef stdext::hash_map<const Block*, RelativeAddress> BlockAddressMap;
// Constructs a new empty address space.
// @p start to @p start + @p size on @p graph.
explicit AddressSpace(BlockGraph* graph);
// Add a block of type @p type and @p size at @p address to our associated
// graph, and return the new block.
// @returns the new block, or NULL if the new block would overlap
// an existing block.
Block* AddBlock(BlockType type,
RelativeAddress addr,
Size size,
const base::StringPiece& name);
// Resizes a block in the address-space by extending to the right, or
// trimming. Updates the block size but does not udpate its contents. This
// invalidates any RangeMap iterators to the block in question.
// @param block The block whose size is to change.
// @param size The new size of the block. Must be > 0.
// @returns true on success, false if not possible due to a conflict.
bool ResizeBlock(Block* block, size_t size);
// Merges all blocks that intersect @p range into a single block.
// Moves labels and references from the intersecting blocks to the
// merged block, and changes referring blocks to refer to the new,
// merged block. Removes the original blocks from the BlockGraph.
// @returns the new, merged block if there was at least one intersecting
// block in @p range, or NULL otherwise.
Block* MergeIntersectingBlocks(const Range& range);
// Insert existing block @p block at @p address.
// @returns true on success, or false if the @p block would overlap
// an existing block.
bool InsertBlock(RelativeAddress addr, Block* block);
// Returns a pointer to the block containing address, or NULL
// if no block contains address.
Block* GetBlockByAddress(RelativeAddress addr) const;
// Returns a pointer to the block containing the address range
// [address, address + size), or NULL if no block contains that
// range.
Block* GetContainingBlock(RelativeAddress addr, Size size) const;
// Finds the first block, if any that intersects
// [@p address, @p address + @p size).
Block* GetFirstIntersectingBlock(RelativeAddress address, Size size);
// Check whether the address space contains @p block.
// @param block the block in question.
// @returns true if the block is in the address space, false otherwise.
bool ContainsBlock(const Block* block);
// Locates all blocks that intersect [@p address, @p address + @p size).
// @returns a pair of iterators that iterate over the found blocks.
RangeMapConstIterPair GetIntersectingBlocks(RelativeAddress address,
Size size) const;
RangeMapIterPair GetIntersectingBlocks(RelativeAddress address, Size size);
// Retrieve the address off @p block.
// @param block the block in question.
// @param addr on success, returns the address of @p block in this
// address space.
// @returns true on success, false if @p block is not in this
// address space.
bool GetAddressOf(const Block* block, RelativeAddress* addr) const;
// Accessor.
BlockGraph* graph() { return graph_; }
const BlockGraph* graph() const { return graph_; }
RangeMapConstIter begin() const {
return address_space_.ranges().begin();
RangeMapConstIter end() const {
return address_space_.ranges().end();
// @returns the number of blocks in the address-space. This includes empty
// blocks, which won't actually be visited by iteration.
size_t size() const {
// We use the size of the map of addresses, as zero sized blocks only live
// there.
return block_addresses_.size();
// @returns a reference to the underlaying address-space implementation. Only
// non-empty blocks are inserted in the address space.
const AddressSpaceImpl& address_space_impl() const {
return address_space_;
// @returne a reference to the map of blocks addresses, by block pointer.
const BlockAddressMap& block_addresses() const {
return block_addresses_;
bool InsertImpl(RelativeAddress addr, Block* block);
AddressSpaceImpl address_space_;
BlockAddressMap block_addresses_;
BlockGraph* graph_;
// Represents a reference from one block to another. References may be offset.
// That is, they may refer to an object at a given location, but actually point
// to a location that is some fixed distance away from that object. This allows,
// for example, non-zero based indexing into a table. The object that is
// intended to be dereferenced is called the 'base' of the offset.
// BlockGraph references are from a location (offset) in one block, to some
// location in another block. The referenced block itself plays the role of the
// 'base' of the reference, with the offset of the reference being stored as
// an integer from the beginning of the block. However, basic block
// decomposition requires breaking the block into smaller pieces and thus we
// need to carry around an explicit base value, indicating which byte in the
// block is intended to be referenced.
// A direct reference to a location will have the same value for 'base' and
// 'offset'.
// Here is an example:
// /----------\
// +---------------------------+
// O | B | <--- Referenced block
// +---------------------------+ B = base
// \-----/ O = offset
class BlockGraph::Reference {
Reference() :
type_(RELATIVE_REF), size_(0), referenced_(NULL), offset_(0), base_(0) {
// @param type type of reference.
// @param size size of reference.
// @param referenced the referenced block.
// @param offset offset from the beginning of the block of the location to be
// explicitly referred to.
// @param base offset into the block of the location actually being
// referenced. This must be strictly within @p referenced.
Reference(ReferenceType type,
Size size,
Block* referenced,
Offset offset,
Offset base)
: type_(type),
base_(base) {
// Copy constructor.
Reference(const Reference& other)
: type_(other.type_),
base_(other.base_) {
// Accessors.
ReferenceType type() const { return type_; }
Size size() const { return size_; }
Block* referenced() const { return referenced_; }
Offset offset() const { return offset_; }
Offset base() const { return base_; }
// Determines if this is a direct reference. That is, if the actual location
// being referenced (offset) and the intended location being referenced (base)
// are the same.
// @returns true if the reference is direct, false otherwise.
bool IsDirect() const { return base_ == offset_; }
// Determines if this is a valid reference, by imposing size constraints on
// reference types, and determining if the base address of the reference is
// strictly contained within the referenced block.
// @returns true if valid, false otherwise.
bool IsValid() const;
bool operator==(const Reference& other) const {
return type_ == other.type_ &&
size_ == other.size_ &&
referenced_ == other.referenced_ &&
offset_ == other.offset_ &&
base_ == other.base_;
// The maximum size that a reference may have. This needs to be kept in sync
// with the expectations of IsValid().
static const size_t kMaximumSize = 4;
// Returns true if the given reference type and size combination is valid.
static bool IsValidTypeSize(ReferenceType type, Size size);
// Type of this reference.
ReferenceType type_;
// Size of this reference.
// Absolute references are always pointer wide, but PC-relative
// references can be 1, 2 or 4 bytes wide, which affects their range.
Size size_;
// The block referenced.
Block* referenced_;
// Offset into the referenced block.
Offset offset_;
// The base of the reference, as in offset in the block. This must be a
// location strictly within the block.
Offset base_;
// Commonly used container types.
typedef std::vector<BlockGraph::Block*> BlockVector;
typedef std::vector<const BlockGraph::Block*> ConstBlockVector;
} // namespace block_graph