blob: 6b713209c24ad21d400024a4f1dc076eed5eb93b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Declares a block-graph transform to be used by the indexed frequency
// tracking instrumentation to add a static IndexedFrequencyData object to the
// block graph.
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "syzygy/block_graph/transforms/named_transform.h"
#include "syzygy/common/indexed_frequency_data.h"
#include "syzygy/core/address_space.h"
namespace instrument {
namespace transforms {
class AddIndexedFrequencyDataTransform
: public block_graph::transforms::NamedBlockGraphTransformImpl<
AddIndexedFrequencyDataTransform> {
typedef block_graph::BlockGraph BlockGraph;
typedef block_graph::TransformPolicyInterface TransformPolicyInterface;
typedef common::IndexedFrequencyData IndexedFrequencyData;
// Construct a transform which adds a static frequency data instance.
// @param agent_id The agent that'll use those data.
// @param freq_name The name of the frequency data block.
// @param version The version of the data structure used to store the data.
// @param indexed_frequency_data_size The size of the indexed_frequency_data
// structure or extended version. Instrumenters may add fields after the
// common part of the indexed_frequency_data structure.
AddIndexedFrequencyDataTransform(uint32 agent_id,
const base::StringPiece& freq_name,
uint32 version,
IndexedFrequencyData::DataType data_type,
size_t indexed_frequency_data_size);
// Return the block which holds the frequency data. This will only be non-NULL
// after a successful application of this transform.
BlockGraph::Block* frequency_data_block() { return frequency_data_block_; }
// Returns the block which holds the frequency data buffer. This will only
// be non-NULL after a successful application of this transform.
BlockGraph::Block* frequency_data_buffer_block() {
return frequency_data_buffer_block_;
// BlockGraphTransformInterface Implementation.
virtual bool TransformBlockGraph(const TransformPolicyInterface* policy,
BlockGraph* block_graph,
BlockGraph::Block* header_block) OVERRIDE;
// After applying the transform, this method can be used to allocate the
// correct number of bytes for the default frequency data static buffer.
// @param num_entries The number of frequency counters to allocate.
// @param frequency_size The size (in bytes) of each frequency counter. This
// must be 1, 2 or 4.
bool ConfigureFrequencyDataBuffer(uint32 num_entries,
uint32 num_columns,
uint8 frequency_size);
// The transform name.
static const char kTransformName[];
// The agent id to embed into the IndexFrequencyData instance.
uint32 agent_id_;
// The statically allocated frequency data block that is added by the
// transform. This becomes non-NULL after a successful application of the
// transform.
BlockGraph::Block* frequency_data_block_;
// The size of the statically allocated block.
size_t frequency_data_block_size_;
// The statically allocated frequency data buffer block that is added by the
// transform. This becomes non-NULL after a successful application of the
// transform. This is allocated as a separate block because it is
// uninitialized and may be written to the image for free.
BlockGraph::Block* frequency_data_buffer_block_;
// Name of the frequency data block.
std::string freq_name_;
// Version of the data structure.
uint32 version_;
// The type of the data in the IndexFrequencyData instance.
IndexedFrequencyData::DataType data_type_;
} // namespace transforms
} // namespace instrument