blob: be526b98996543c1c93c090948cd095229eae603 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Implementation of the basic-block entry hook instrumentation transform.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "syzygy/block_graph/basic_block_assembler.h"
#include "syzygy/block_graph/iterate.h"
#include "syzygy/block_graph/transforms/iterative_transform.h"
#include "syzygy/block_graph/transforms/named_transform.h"
#include "syzygy/instrument/transforms/add_indexed_frequency_data_transform.h"
namespace instrument {
namespace transforms {
// An iterative block transformation that augments the binary with an import
// for a basic-block entry-hook function and, for each code basic-block,
// prepends a call to the entry-hook function taking a unique basic-block ID.
// The entry-hook function is responsible for being non-disruptive to the
// calling environment. I.e., it must preserve all volatile registers, any
// registers it uses, and the processor flags.
class BasicBlockEntryHookTransform
: public block_graph::transforms::IterativeTransformImpl<
public block_graph::transforms::NamedBasicBlockSubGraphTransformImpl<
BasicBlockEntryHookTransform> {
typedef block_graph::BasicBlockSubGraph BasicBlockSubGraph;
typedef block_graph::BlockGraph BlockGraph;
typedef block_graph::TransformPolicyInterface TransformPolicyInterface;
typedef core::RelativeAddress RelativeAddress;
typedef core::AddressRange<RelativeAddress, size_t> RelativeAddressRange;
typedef std::vector<RelativeAddressRange> RelativeAddressRangeVector;
// Initialize a new BasicBlockEntryHookTransform instance using the default
// module and function names.
// @returns the RVAs and sizes in the original image of the instrumented basic
// blocks. They are in the order in which they were encountered during
// instrumentation, such that the index of the BB in the vector serves
// as its unique ID.
const RelativeAddressRangeVector& bb_ranges() const { return bb_ranges_; }
// Overrides the default instrument dll name used by this transform.
void set_instrument_dll_name(const base::StringPiece& value) {
instrument_dll_name_.assign(value.begin(), value.end());
// Set a flag denoting whether or not src ranges should be created for the
// thunks to the module entry hooks.
void set_src_ranges_for_thunks(bool value) {
set_src_ranges_for_thunks_ = value;
// Returns a flag denoting whether or not the instrumented application should
// call the fast-path hook.
bool inline_fast_path() { return set_inline_fast_path_; }
// Set a flag denoting whether or not the instrumented application should
// call the fast-path hook.
void set_inline_fast_path(bool value) {
set_inline_fast_path_ = value;
typedef std::map<BlockGraph::Offset, BlockGraph::Block*> ThunkBlockMap;
friend NamedBlockGraphTransformImpl<BasicBlockEntryHookTransform>;
friend IterativeTransformImpl<BasicBlockEntryHookTransform>;
friend NamedBasicBlockSubGraphTransformImpl<BasicBlockEntryHookTransform>;
// @name IterativeTransformImpl implementation.
// @{
bool PreBlockGraphIteration(const TransformPolicyInterface* policy,
BlockGraph* block_graph,
BlockGraph::Block* header_block);
bool OnBlock(const TransformPolicyInterface* policy,
BlockGraph* block_graph,
BlockGraph::Block* block);
bool PostBlockGraphIteration(const TransformPolicyInterface* policy,
BlockGraph* block_graph,
BlockGraph::Block* header_block);
// @}
// @name BasicBlockSubGraphTransformInterface implementation.
// @{
virtual bool TransformBasicBlockSubGraph(
const TransformPolicyInterface* policy,
BlockGraph* block_graph,
BasicBlockSubGraph* basic_block_subgraph) OVERRIDE;
// @}
// Add basic-block entry counting thunks for all entry points of a
// @p code_block which is not basic-block decomposable.
// @param block_graph The block graph in which to create the thunk.
// @param code_block The code block which cannot be basic-block decomposed.
// @returns true on success; false otherwise.
bool ThunkNonDecomposableCodeBlock(BlockGraph* block_graph,
BlockGraph::Block* code_block);
// Redirects the given referrer to a thunk, creating the thunk if necessary.
// @param referrer The details of the original referrer.
// @param block_graph The block graph in which to create the thunk.
// @param code_block The target block being thunked.
// @param thunk_block_map A map (by target offset) of the thunks already
// created. We only create a single thunk per target offset, which is
// reused across referrers to the same target offset.
// @returns true on success; false otherwise.
bool EnsureReferrerIsThunked(const BlockGraph::Block::Referrer& referrer,
BlockGraph* block_graph,
BlockGraph::Block* block,
ThunkBlockMap* thunk_block_map);
// Add a basic-block entry counting thunk for an entry point at a given
// @p offset of a @p code_block which is unsuitable for basic-block
// decomposition.
// @param block_graph The block graph in which to create the thunk.
// @param thunk_block_map A catalog of thunk blocks created by this transform.
// This will be updated if this function creates a new think.
// @param code_block The code block which cannot be basic-block decomposed.
// @param offset The offset of the entry point in @p code_block to thunk.
// @param thunk The newly created thunk will be returned here.
// @returns true on success; false otherwise.
bool FindOrCreateThunk(BlockGraph* block_graph,
ThunkBlockMap* thunk_block_map,
BlockGraph::Block* code_block,
BlockGraph::Offset offset,
BlockGraph::Block** thunk);
// Create a fast path thunk in the instrumented application which updates the
// basic block count or calls the hook in the agent.
// @param block_graph The block graph in which to create the thunk.
// @param fast_path_block On success, contains the newly created thunk.
// @returns true on success; false otherwise.
bool CreateBasicBlockEntryThunk(BlockGraph* block_graph,
BlockGraph::Block** fast_path_block);
// Adds the basic-block frequency data referenced by the coverage agent.
AddIndexedFrequencyDataTransform add_frequency_data_;
// Stores the RVAs in the original image for each instrumented basic block.
RelativeAddressRangeVector bb_ranges_;
// The entry hook to which basic-block entry events are directed.
BlockGraph::Reference bb_entry_hook_ref_;
// The section where the entry-point thunks were placed. This will only be
// non-NULL after a successful application of the transform. This value is
// retained for unit-testing purposes.
BlockGraph::Section* thunk_section_;
// The instrumentation dll used by this transform.
std::string instrument_dll_name_;
// If true, the thunks will have src ranges corresponding to the original
// code; otherwise, the thunks will not have src ranges set.
bool set_src_ranges_for_thunks_;
// If true, the instrumented application calls a fast injected hook before
// falling back to the hook in the agent.
bool set_inline_fast_path_;
// The name of this transform.
static const char kTransformName[];
} // namespace transforms
} // namespace instrument