blob: da1ee3280a44ec0124160733391859d5f1d31336 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This class implements the functions inlining transformation.
// Performing inline expansion on assembly is not an easy task. As the transform
// runs after the standard compiler WPO, it may face custom calling convention
// and strange stack manipulations. Thus, every expansion must be safe.
// The pattern based inlining is able to inline many common cases encounter with
// common compilers. This inlining transformation avoids decomposing the block
// which is much more efficient.
// Example:
// - push ebp
// mov ebp, esp
// pop ebp
// ret
// The trivial body inlining is able to inline any trivial accessors.
// Assumptions:
// - No stack manipulations (except local push/pop).
// - No branching instructions (except the last return or jump).
// - No basic blocks reference, data block, jump-table, etc...
// Example:
// - xor eax, eax
// ret
#include "syzygy/optimize/transforms/inlining_transform.h"
#include "syzygy/block_graph/basic_block.h"
#include "syzygy/block_graph/basic_block_assembler.h"
#include "syzygy/block_graph/basic_block_decomposer.h"
#include "syzygy/block_graph/block_graph.h"
// TODO(etienneb): liveness analysis internal should be hoisted to an
// instructions helper namespace, and shared between analysis. It is quite
// common to get the information on registers defined or used by an
// instruction, or the memory operand read and written.
#include "syzygy/block_graph/analysis/liveness_analysis_internal.h"
#include "syzygy/optimize/transforms/peephole_transform.h"
namespace optimize {
namespace transforms {
namespace {
using block_graph::BasicBlock;
using block_graph::BasicBlockAssembler;
using block_graph::BasicBlockDecomposer;
using block_graph::BasicBlockReference;
using block_graph::BasicBlockSubGraph;
using block_graph::BasicCodeBlock;
using block_graph::BlockGraph;
using block_graph::Displacement;
using block_graph::Immediate;
using block_graph::Instruction;
using block_graph::Operand;
using block_graph::Successor;
using block_graph::analysis::LivenessAnalysis;
typedef ApplicationProfile::BlockProfile BlockProfile;
typedef Instruction::BasicBlockReferenceMap BasicBlockReferenceMap;
typedef BasicBlockSubGraph::BBCollection BBCollection;
typedef BasicBlock::Instructions Instructions;
typedef BlockGraph::Offset Offset;
typedef scoped_ptr<BasicBlockSubGraph> ScopedSubgraph;
enum MatchKind {
// Threshold in bytes to consider a block as a candidate for inlining. This size
// must be big enough to don't miss good candidates, but small to avoid the
// overhead of decomposition and simplification of huge block.
const size_t kCodeSizeThreshold = 25;
// Threshold in bytes to inline a callee in a hot block.
const size_t kHotCodeSizeThreshold = 15;
// Threshold in bytes to inline a callee in a cold block.
const size_t kColdCodeSizeThreshold = 1;
// A size huge enough to never be an inlining candidate.
const size_t kHugeBlockSize = 0xFFFFFFFF;
// These patterns are often produced by the MSVC compiler. They're common enough
// that the inlining transformation matches them by pattern rather than
// disassembling them.
// ret
const uint8 kEmptyBody1[] = { 0xC3 };
// push %ebp
// mov %ebp, %esp
// pop %ebp
// ret
const uint8 kEmptyBody2[] = { 0x55, 0x8B, 0xEC, 0x5D, 0xC3 };
// push %ebp
// mov %ebp, %esp
// mov %eax, [%ebp + 0x4]
// pop %ebp
// ret
const uint8 kGetProgramCounter[] = {
0x55, 0x8B, 0xEC, 0x8B, 0x45, 0x04, 0x5D, 0xC3 };
// Match a call instruction to a direct callee (i.e. no indirect calls).
bool MatchDirectCall(const Instruction& instr, BlockGraph::Block** callee) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BlockGraph::Block**>(NULL), callee);
// Match a call instruction with one reference.
const _DInst& repr = instr.representation();
if (!instr.IsCall() ||
repr.ops[0].type != O_PC ||
instr.references().size() != 1) {
return false;
// The callee must be the beginning of a code block.
const BasicBlockReference& ref = instr.references().begin()->second;
BlockGraph::Block* block = ref.block();
if (block == NULL ||
ref.base() != 0 ||
ref.offset() != 0 ||
block->type() != BlockGraph::CODE_BLOCK) {
return false;
// Returns the matched callee.
*callee = block;
return true;
bool MatchRawBytes(BlockGraph::Block* callee,
const uint8* bytes,
size_t length) {
if (callee->size() != length ||
::memcmp(callee->data(), bytes, length) != 0) {
return false;
return true;
bool MatchGetProgramCounter(BlockGraph::Block* callee) {
size_t length = sizeof(kGetProgramCounter);
if (MatchRawBytes(callee, kGetProgramCounter, length))
return true;
return false;
bool MatchEmptyBody(BlockGraph::Block* callee) {
size_t length1 = sizeof(kEmptyBody1);
if (MatchRawBytes(callee, kEmptyBody1, length1))
return true;
size_t length2 = sizeof(kEmptyBody2);
if (MatchRawBytes(callee, kEmptyBody2, length2))
return true;
return false;
// Match trivial body in a subgraph. A trivial body is a single basic block
// without control flow, stack manipulation or other unsupported constructs.
// @param subgraph The subgraph to try matching a trivial body.
// @param kind On a match, receives the kind of match was found.
// @param return_constant Receives the number of bytes to pop from the stack
// after the body (when kind is kReturnConstantMatch).
// @param reference Receives a reference to a target continuation (when kind is
// kDirectTrampolineMatch or kIndirectTrampolineMatch).
// @param body On success, receives the trivial body.
// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool MatchTrivialBody(const BasicBlockSubGraph& subgraph,
MatchKind* kind,
size_t* return_constant,
BasicBlockReference* reference,
BasicCodeBlock** body) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<MatchKind*>(NULL), kind);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<size_t*>(NULL), return_constant);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BasicBlockReference*>(NULL), reference);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BasicCodeBlock**>(NULL), body);
// Assume no match.
*kind = kInvalidMatch;
// Trivial body only has one code basic block, and one end block.
if (subgraph.basic_blocks().size() != 2)
return false;
BasicCodeBlock* bb = BasicCodeBlock::Cast(*subgraph.basic_blocks().begin());
if (bb == NULL)
return false;
// Current local stack depth.
size_t stack_depth = 0;
// Iterates through each instruction.
Instructions::iterator inst_iter = bb->instructions().begin();
for (; inst_iter != bb->instructions().end(); ++inst_iter) {
const Instruction& instr = *inst_iter;
const _DInst& repr = instr.representation();
// Do not allow any references to a basic block.
const BasicBlockReferenceMap& references = instr.references();
BasicBlockReferenceMap::const_iterator ref = references.begin();
for (; ref != references.end(); ++ref) {
if (ref->second.referred_type() ==
return false;
// Return instruction is valid.
if (instr.IsReturn()) {
// Match return with or without a constant.
if (repr.ops[0].type == O_NONE) {
*kind = kReturnMatch;
} else if (repr.ops[0].type == O_IMM) {
*kind = kReturnConstantMatch;
*return_constant = repr.imm.dword;
} else {
return false;
// Move to the next instruction and leave loop. This instruction must be
// the last one in the basic block.
// Match an indirect jump from a global variable.
BasicBlockReference target_ref;
if (instr.IsBranch() &&
instr.references().size() == 1 &&
instr.FindOperandReference(0, &target_ref) &&
target_ref.block() != NULL &&
repr.opcode == I_JMP &&
repr.ops[0].type == O_DISP &&
repr.ops[0].size == 32 &&
repr.ops[0].index == 0) {
// Match displacement to a block.
*kind = kIndirectTrampolineMatch;
*reference = target_ref;
// Move to the next instruction and leave loop. This instruction must be
// the last one in the basic block.
// Avoid control flow instructions.
if (instr.IsControlFlow())
return false;
// Avoid unsafe stack manipulation.
if (repr.opcode == I_PUSH &&
(repr.ops[0].type == O_IMM ||
repr.ops[0].type == O_IMM1 ||
repr.ops[0].type == O_IMM2)) {
// Pushing a constant is valid.
stack_depth += 4;
} else if (repr.opcode == I_PUSH &&
repr.ops[0].type == O_REG &&
repr.ops[0].index != R_EBP &&
repr.ops[0].index != R_ESP) {
// Pushing a register is valid.
stack_depth += 4;
} else if (repr.opcode == I_POP &&
repr.ops[0].type == O_REG &&
repr.ops[0].index != R_EBP &&
repr.ops[0].index != R_ESP &&
stack_depth >= 4) {
// Popping a register is valid.
stack_depth -= 4;
} else {
LivenessAnalysis::State defs;
LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::GetDefsOf(instr, &defs);
LivenessAnalysis::State uses;
LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::GetUsesOf(instr, &uses);
if (defs.IsLive(core::esp) ||
defs.IsLive(core::ebp) ||
uses.IsLive(core::esp) ||
uses.IsLive(core::ebp)) {
return false;
// All instructions must have been checked.
if (inst_iter != bb->instructions().end())
return false;
if (*kind == kInvalidMatch) {
// Try to match a tail-call to an other block.
if (bb->successors().size() != 1 ||
bb->successors().front().condition() != Successor::kConditionTrue) {
return false;
// Must match a valid reference to a block.
const Successor& succ = bb->successors().front();
const BasicBlockReference& ref = succ.reference();
if (ref.block() == NULL)
return false;
// Matched a direct trampoline.
*kind = kDirectTrampolineMatch;
*reference = ref;
} else {
// The basic block must have a return (to remove the caller address on
// stack) or be an indirect tail-call to an other block and must not have
// successors.
if (!bb->successors().empty())
return false;
// Returns the matched body.
DCHECK_NE(kInvalidMatch, *kind);
*body = bb;
return true;
// Replace block references to the current block by basic block references.
// @param subgraph The caller subgraph.
// @param instructions Instructions copied into the caller.
bool RewriteLocalReferences(BasicBlockSubGraph* subgraph,
Instructions* instructions) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BasicBlockSubGraph*>(NULL), subgraph);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<const BlockGraph::Block*>(NULL),
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<Instructions*>(NULL), instructions);
Instructions::iterator instr = instructions->begin();
for (; instr != instructions->end(); ++instr) {
const BasicBlockReferenceMap& references = instr->references();
BasicBlockReferenceMap::const_iterator ref = references.begin();
while (ref != references.end()) {
Offset offset = ref->first;
const BasicBlockReference& reference = ref->second;
// Move to the next reference, the current one is updated below.
if (reference.referred_type() !=
BasicBlockReference::REFERRED_TYPE_BLOCK ||
reference.block() != subgraph->original_block()) {
// Find the basic block targeted by the reference.
BasicBlock* target = NULL;
BBCollection& basic_blocks = subgraph->basic_blocks();
BBCollection::iterator bb = basic_blocks.begin();
for (; bb != basic_blocks.end(); ++bb) {
if ((*bb)->offset() == reference.offset()) {
DCHECK_EQ(reinterpret_cast<BasicBlock*>(NULL), target);
target = *bb;
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BasicBlock*>(NULL), target);
// Replace the current block reference with a basic block reference.
return true;
// Copy the body of the callee at a call-site in the caller.
// @param kind The kind of inlining to perform.
// @param subgraph The caller subgraph.
// @param return_constant The number of bytes to pop from the stack.
// @param reference The reference to the continuation.
// @param body The trivial body to be inlined.
// @param target The place where to insert the callee body into the caller.
// @param instructions The caller body that receives a copy of the callee body.
// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool InlineTrivialBody(MatchKind kind,
BasicBlockSubGraph* subgraph,
size_t return_constant,
const BasicBlockReference& reference,
const BasicCodeBlock* body,
Instructions::iterator target,
Instructions* instructions) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<Instructions*>(NULL), instructions);
Instructions new_body;
// Iterates through each instruction.
Instructions::const_iterator inst_iter = body->instructions().begin();
for (; inst_iter != body->instructions().end(); ++inst_iter) {
const Instruction& instr = *inst_iter;
const _DInst& repr = instr.representation();
if (instr.IsBranch()) {
// Skip the indirect branch instruction.
DCHECK_EQ(kind, kIndirectTrampolineMatch);
} else if (instr.IsReturn()) {
// Nothing to do here with return instruction (see below).
} else {
// Replacing the return or the tail-call instruction.
BasicBlockAssembler assembler(new_body.end(), &new_body);
switch (kind) {
case kReturnMatch:
case kReturnConstantMatch:
// Replace a 'ret 4' instruction by a 'lea %esp, [%esp + 0x4]'.
// Instruction add cannot be used because flags must be preserved,
Operand(core::esp, Displacement(return_constant)));
case kDirectTrampolineMatch:
Immediate(reference.block(), reference.offset(), reference.base()));
case kIndirectTrampolineMatch:
// Replace block references to the caller block by basic block references.
if (!RewriteLocalReferences(subgraph, &new_body))
return false;
// Insert the inlined instructions at the call-site.
instructions->splice(target, new_body);
return true;
// Decompose a block to a subgraph.
bool DecomposeToBasicBlock(const BlockGraph::Block* block,
BasicBlockSubGraph* subgraph) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BlockGraph::Block*>(NULL), block);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BasicBlockSubGraph*>(NULL), subgraph);
// Decompose block to basic blocks.
BasicBlockDecomposer decomposer(block, subgraph);
if (!decomposer.Decompose())
return false;
return true;
bool DecomposeCalleeBlock(const BlockGraph::Block* callee,
ScopedSubgraph* callee_subgraph) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<const BlockGraph::Block*>(NULL), callee);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<ScopedSubgraph*>(NULL), callee_subgraph);
// Create a new subgraph.
callee_subgraph->reset(new BasicBlockSubGraph());
// Decompose it.
if (!DecomposeToBasicBlock(callee, callee_subgraph->get()))
return false;
// Simplify the subgraph. There is no guarantee that the callee has been
// simplified by the peephole transform. Running one pass should take
// care of the most frequent patterns.
return true;
size_t EstimateSubgraphSize(BasicBlockSubGraph* subgraph) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BasicBlockSubGraph*>(NULL), subgraph);
const size_t kMaxBranchSize = 5;
size_t size = 0;
BBCollection& basic_blocks = subgraph->basic_blocks();
BBCollection::iterator it = basic_blocks.begin();
for (; it != basic_blocks.end(); ++it) {
// End blocks contribute nothing to the total size.
if ((*it)->type() == BasicBlock::BASIC_END_BLOCK)
BasicCodeBlock* bb = BasicCodeBlock::Cast(*it);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BasicCodeBlock*>(NULL), bb);
BasicBlock::Instructions::iterator inst_iter = bb->instructions().begin();
// Sum of instructions size.
for (; inst_iter != bb->instructions().end(); ++inst_iter)
size += inst_iter->size();
// Sum of successors size.
if (!bb->successors().empty())
size += kMaxBranchSize;
return size;
} // namespace
bool InliningTransform::TransformBasicBlockSubGraph(
const TransformPolicyInterface* policy,
BlockGraph* block_graph,
BasicBlockSubGraph* subgraph,
ApplicationProfile* profile,
SubGraphProfile* subgraph_profile) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<TransformPolicyInterface*>(NULL), policy);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BlockGraph*>(NULL), block_graph);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BasicBlockSubGraph*>(NULL), subgraph);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<ApplicationProfile*>(NULL), profile);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<SubGraphProfile*>(NULL), subgraph_profile);
const BlockGraph::Block* caller = subgraph->original_block();
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<const BlockGraph::Block*>(NULL), caller);
// Apply the decomposition policy to the caller.
if (!policy->BlockIsSafeToBasicBlockDecompose(caller))
return true;
// The current block will be rebuilt and erased from the block graph. To avoid
// dangling pointers, the block is removed from the decomposed cache.
// Iterates through each basic block.
BasicBlockSubGraph::BBCollection::iterator bb_iter =
for (; bb_iter != subgraph->basic_blocks().end(); ++bb_iter) {
BasicCodeBlock* bb = BasicCodeBlock::Cast(*bb_iter);
if (bb == NULL)
// Iterates through each instruction.
BasicBlock::Instructions::iterator inst_iter = bb->instructions().begin();
while (inst_iter != bb->instructions().end()) {
const Instruction& instr = *inst_iter;
BasicBlock::Instructions::iterator call_iter = inst_iter;
// Match a direct call-site.
BlockGraph::Block* callee = NULL;
if (!MatchDirectCall(instr, &callee))
// Avoid self recursion inlining.
// Apply the decomposition policy to the callee.
if (caller == callee ||
!policy->BlockIsSafeToBasicBlockDecompose(callee)) {
if (MatchEmptyBody(callee)) {
// Body is empty, remove call-site.
if (MatchGetProgramCounter(callee)) {
// TODO(etienneb): Implement Get Program Counter with a fixup.
// Keep only potential candidates.
if (callee->size() > kCodeSizeThreshold)
size_t subgraph_size = 0;
ScopedSubgraph callee_subgraph;
size_t return_constant = 0;
BasicCodeBlock* body = NULL;
BasicBlockReference target;
MatchKind match_kind = kInvalidMatch;
// Look in the subgraph cache for an already decomposed subgraph size for
// an optimized version of the callee block.
SubGraphCache::iterator look = subgraph_cache_.find(callee->id());
if (look != subgraph_cache_.end()) {
subgraph_size = look->second;
} else {
// Decompose it. This cannot fail because
// BlockIsSafeToBasicBlockDecompose is performed before.
CHECK(DecomposeCalleeBlock(callee, &callee_subgraph));
// Heuristic to determine the callee size after inlining.
subgraph_size = EstimateSubgraphSize(callee_subgraph.get());
// Cache the resulting size.
subgraph_cache_[callee->id()] = subgraph_size;
// Heuristic to determine whether to inline or not the callee subgraph.
bool candidate_for_inlining = false;
// For a small callee, try to replace callee instructions in-place.
// This kind of inlining is always a win.
size_t callsite_size = instr.size();
if (subgraph_size <= callsite_size + kColdCodeSizeThreshold)
candidate_for_inlining = true;
// TODO(etienneb): Add more rules based on profile data.
if (!candidate_for_inlining)
// If not already decomposed (cached), decompose it.
if (callee_subgraph.get() == NULL) {
CHECK(DecomposeCalleeBlock(callee, &callee_subgraph));
if (MatchTrivialBody(*callee_subgraph, &match_kind, &return_constant,
&target, &body) &&
InlineTrivialBody(match_kind, subgraph, return_constant, target, body,
call_iter, &bb->instructions())) {
// Inlining successful, remove call-site.
} else {
// Inlining was unsuccessful, avoid any further inlining of this block.
subgraph_cache_[callee->id()] = kHugeBlockSize;
return true;
} // namespace transforms
} // namespace optimize