blob: 455790ad3b85bc447c32d0359805149b5da68b70 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <windows.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "syzygy/common/assertions.h"
#include "syzygy/pdb/pdb_constants.h"
namespace pdb {
// Pdb Info Stream Header, this is at the start of stream #1.
struct PdbInfoHeader70 {
// Equal to kPdbCurrentVersion for PDBs seen from VS 9.0.
uint32 version;
// This looks to be the time of the PDB file creation.
uint32 timestamp;
// Updated every time the PDB file is written.
uint32 pdb_age;
// This must match the GUID stored off the image's debug directory.
GUID signature;
// A structure that we find in the type info hash header, this is not totally
// deciphered yet.
struct OffsetCb {
uint32 offset;
uint32 cb;
// Type Info Stream Hash, this is contained in the type info header. This part
// hasn't been deciphered yet (the field names are known but we still need to
// find out what their content mean).
struct TypeInfoHashHeader {
uint16 stream_number;
uint16 padding;
uint32 hash_key;
uint32 cb_hash_buckets;
OffsetCb offset_cb_hash_vals;
OffsetCb offset_cb_type_info_offset;
OffsetCb offset_cb_hash_adj;
// Type Info Stream Header, this is at the beginning of stream #2.
// See
struct TypeInfoHeader {
uint32 version;
uint32 len;
uint32 type_min;
uint32 type_max;
uint32 type_info_data_size;
TypeInfoHashHeader type_info_hash;
// We coerce a stream of bytes to this structure, so we require it to be
// exactly 56 bytes in size.
// Dbi Info Stream Header, this is at the start of stream #3.
// See
struct DbiHeader {
int32 signature;
uint32 version;
uint32 age;
int16 global_symbol_info_stream;
uint16 pdb_dll_version;
int16 public_symbol_info_stream;
uint16 pdb_dll_build_major;
int16 symbol_record_stream;
uint16 pdb_dll_build_minor;
uint32 gp_modi_size;
uint32 section_contribution_size;
uint32 section_map_size;
uint32 file_info_size;
uint32 ts_map_size;
uint32 mfc_index;
uint32 dbg_header_size;
uint32 ec_info_size;
uint16 flags;
uint16 machine;
uint32 reserved;
// We coerce a stream of bytes to this structure, so we require it to be
// exactly 64 bytes in size.
// Dbi Debug Header
// See
// From introspection, it looks like these are stream numbers or -1 if not
// defined.
struct DbiDbgHeader {
int16 fpo;
int16 exception;
int16 fixup;
int16 omap_to_src;
int16 omap_from_src;
int16 section_header;
int16 token_rid_map;
int16 x_data;
int16 p_data;
int16 new_fpo;
int16 section_header_origin;
// We coerce a stream of bytes to this structure, so we require it to be
// exactly 22 bytes in size.
// Dbi Section Contrib
// Represent an element for the section contrib substream of the Dbi stream.
struct DbiSectionContrib {
int16 section;
int16 pad1;
int32 offset;
int32 size;
uint32 flags;
int16 module;
int16 pad2;
uint32 data_crc;
uint32 reloc_crc;
// We coerce a stream of bytes to this structure, so we require it to be
// exactly 28 bytes in size.
// Dbi Module Info
// Represent an element for the module info substream of the Dbi stream. This
// struct doesn't contain the full module and object name.
struct DbiModuleInfoBase {
uint32 opened;
DbiSectionContrib section;
uint16 flags;
int16 stream;
uint32 symbol_bytes;
uint32 old_lines_bytes;
uint32 lines_bytes;
int16 num_files;
uint16 padding;
uint32 offsets;
uint32 num_source;
uint32 num_compiler;
// There are two trailing null-terminated 8-bit strings, the first being the
// module_name and the second being the object_name. Then this structure is
// padded with zeros to have a length that is a multiple of 4.
// We coerce a stream of bytes to this structure, so we require it to be
// exactly 64 bytes in size.
// Dbi Section Map
// Represent an element for the section map substream of the Dbi stream.
struct DbiSectionMapItem {
uint8 flags;
uint8 section_type;
// This field hasn't been deciphered but it is always 0x00000000 or 0xFFFFFFFF
// and modifying it doesn't seem to invalidate the PDB.
uint16 unknown_data_1[2];
uint16 section_number;
// Same thing as for unknown_data_1.
uint16 unknown_data_2[2];
// Value added to the address offset when calculating the RVA.
uint32 rva_offset;
uint32 section_length;
// We coerce a stream of bytes to this structure, so we require it to be
// exactly 20 bytes in size.
// Header of the string table found in the name stream and in the EC info header
// of the debug info stream.
struct StringTableHeader {
// The signature, which is |kPdbStringTableSignature|.
uint32 signature;
// The version, which is |kPdbStringTableVersion|.
uint32 version;
// The size of the concatenated null-terminated strings that follow,
// in bytes.
uint32 size;
// Header of a symbol record from the symbol record stream.
struct SymbolRecordHeader {
// Length of the symbol record in bytes, without this field. The length
// including this field is always a multiple of 4.
uint16 length;
// Type of the symbol record. If must be a value from Microsoft_Cci_Pdb::SYM.
uint16 type;
// Header of the public stream.
// This comes from observations made on multiple PDB files.
struct PublicStreamHeader {
// The offset of the sorted table of public symbols, in bytes and relative
// to the |unknown| field of this header.
uint32 sorted_symbols_offset;
// The size of the sorted table of public symbols, in bytes.
// This is equal to 4 times the number of public symbols.
uint32 sorted_symbols_size;
// These fields are always equal to zero.
uint32 zero_0;
uint32 zero_1;
uint32 zero_2;
uint32 zero_3;
// Padding field, which can have any value.
uint32 padding;
// An unknown field that is always equal to -1.
uint32 unknown;
// The signature of the stream, which is equal to |kPublicStreamSignature|.
uint32 signature;
// The size of the table of public symbol offsets.
// This is equal to 8 times the number of public symbols.
uint32 offset_table_size;
// The size of the hash table of public symbols, in bytes. This includes
// a 512-byte bitset with a 1 in used buckets followed by an array identifying
// a representative of each bucket.
uint32 hash_table_size;
COMPILE_ASSERT_IS_POD_OF_SIZE(PublicStreamHeader, 44);
// Structure found in the public stream to define the offset of a public symbol
// in the symbol record stream. This comes from observations made on multiple
// PDB files.
struct PublicStreamSymbolOffset {
// Offset of the symbol in the symbol record stream.
uint32 offset;
// An unknown field that is always equal to 1.
uint32 unknown;
COMPILE_ASSERT_IS_POD_OF_SIZE(PublicStreamSymbolOffset, 8);
// Multi-Stream Format (MSF) Header
// See
struct PdbHeader {
uint8 magic_string[kPdbHeaderMagicStringSize];
uint32 page_size;
uint32 free_page_map;
uint32 num_pages;
uint32 directory_size;
uint32 reserved;
uint32 root_pages[kPdbMaxDirPages];
// This is for parsing the FIXUP stream in PDB files generated with the
// '/PROFILE' flag. The form of this struct was inferred from looking at
// binary dumps of FIXUP streams and correlating them with the disassembly
// of the image they refer to. These efforts are documented here:
// http://go/syzygy-fixups
struct PdbFixup {
enum Type {
enum Flags {
FLAG_IS_DATA = 0x4000,
FLAG_UNKNOWN = 0x3fff,
// The fixup header.
union {
uint32 header;
struct {
Type type:16;
unsigned int flags:16;
// The location of the reference in the image, stored as an RVA. The reference
// will always take 4-bytes in the image.
uint32 rva_location;
// The base to which this reference is tied, stored as an RVA.
uint32 rva_base;
// This validates that the fixup is of a known type. Any FIXUP that does not
// conform to a type that we have already witnessed in sample data will cause
// this to return false.
bool ValidHeader() const;
// Refers to code as opposed to data.
bool refers_to_code() const { return (flags & FLAG_REFERS_TO_CODE) != 0; }
// Is stored in data as opposed to being part of an instruction. This is
// not always reported properly, as immediate operands to 'jmp'
// instructions in thunks (__imp__function_name) set this bit.
bool is_data() const { return (flags & FLAG_IS_DATA) != 0; }
// Returns true if the fixup is an offset from some address.
bool is_offset() const;
// This function returns the size of the reference as encoded at the
// address 'rva_location'.
size_t size() const;
// We coerce a stream of bytes to this structure, so we require it to be
// exactly 12 bytes in size.
} // namespace pdb