blob: 49f90e146f09c346a3f24d568cd5742c9eaf08ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// The PEAddImportsTransform can be summed up as follows:
// (1) Make sure that the imports and IAT data directories exist.
// (2) For each module to be imported, either find it in the import data
// directory, or add a new entry. The entry is always added to the end
// of the list so that module indices are strictly increasing, allowing
// the transform to be stacked. Adding a new entry also causes the creation
// of two new blocks (for the INT and the module filename), as well as
// extends the existing IAT block.
// (3) For each symbol to be imported, either find it in the module's INT/IAT,
// or add a new entry. Adding a new entry causes the existing INT and IAT
// blocks to be extended. The new entry is always added to the end of the
// module's table so that symbol indices are strictly increasing, again
// allowing the transform to be stacked. Rather than allocating a new
// block for the name of the symbol we reuse the module filename block and
// insert the name of the symbol immediately prior to the module filename.
// This ensures that all of the strings for a module are laid out together,
// mimicking the observed behavior of the MS linker.
// We give a quick rundown of the PE structures involved, their layout in
// typical PE images and how we parse them into blocks. This helps visualize
// the work performed by the transform.
// headers:
// ...
// nt_headers
// DataDirectory
// ...
// ...
// IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT -> Import Address Table
// ...
// .rdata:
// Import Address Table
// NOTE: All entries in this table must remain consecutive as it is also
// exposed directly via a data directory. At runtime these get patched to
// point to the actual functions rather than the thunks. This is stored
// at the very beginning of .rdata and parsed as a single Block.
// IAT[0,0] -> thunk[0, 0] \
// ... |
// IAT[0,j] -> thunk[0, j] |
// NULL terminator |
// ... |- Block
// IAT[i,0] -> thunk[i, 0] |
// ... |
// IAT[i,k] -> thunk[i, k] |
// NULL terminator /
// ... whole bunch of other .rdata here ...
// NOTE: The following are stored at the end of .rdata, in the order
// shown (they are not quite last, being immediately prior to export
// information).
// -> module_name[0] |
// -> INT[0,0] |
// -> IAT[0,0] |
// ... |- Block
// -> module_name[i] |
// -> INT[i,0] |
// -> IAT[i,0] |
// NULL terminator /
// Import Name Table (also known as Hint Name Array)
// NOTE: The entries for each module need be consecutive. While the entries
// across all modules are consecutive, they need not be.
// INT[0,0] -> thunk[0, 0] \
// ... |_ Block
// INT[0,j] -> thunk[0, j] |
// NULL terminator /
// ...
// INT[i,0] -> thunk[i, 0] \
// ... |_ Block
// INT[i,k] -> thunk[i, k] |
// NULL terminator /
// Array of names
// NOTE: These are consecutive in typical PE images (with the layout shown
// below), but they need not be.
// thunk[0, 0] } Block
// ...
// thunk[0, j] } Block
// module_name[0] } Block
// ...
// thunk[i, 0] } Block
// ...
// thunk[i, k] } Block
// module_name[i] } Block
#include "syzygy/pe/transforms/pe_add_imports_transform.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "syzygy/block_graph/typed_block.h"
#include "syzygy/common/align.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/pe_utils.h"
namespace pe {
namespace transforms {
using block_graph::BlockGraph;
using block_graph::ConstTypedBlock;
using block_graph::TypedBlock;
using core::RelativeAddress;
// A simple struct that can be used to let us access strings using TypedBlock.
struct StringStruct {
const char string[1];
typedef BlockGraph::Offset Offset;
typedef TypedBlock<IMAGE_DELAYLOAD_DESCRIPTOR> ImageDelayLoadDescriptor;
typedef TypedBlock<IMAGE_DOS_HEADER> DosHeader;
typedef TypedBlock<IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME> ImageImportByName;
typedef TypedBlock<IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR> ImageImportDescriptor;
typedef TypedBlock<IMAGE_NT_HEADERS> NtHeaders;
typedef TypedBlock<IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32> ImageThunkData32;
typedef TypedBlock<StringStruct> String;
namespace {
const size_t kPtrSize = sizeof(core::RelativeAddress);
const size_t kInvalidIndex = static_cast<size_t>(-1);
// Looks up the given data directory and checks that it points to valid data.
// If it doesn't exist and find_only is false, it will allocate a block with
// the given name and size.
bool FindOrAddDataDirectory(bool find_only,
size_t directory_index,
const base::StringPiece& block_name,
size_t block_size,
BlockGraph* block_graph,
BlockGraph::Block* nt_headers_block,
BlockGraph::Block** directory_block) {
DCHECK_GT(block_size, 0u);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BlockGraph*>(NULL), block_graph);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BlockGraph::Block*>(NULL), nt_headers_block);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BlockGraph::Block**>(NULL), directory_block);
*directory_block = NULL;
NtHeaders nt_headers;
if (!nt_headers.Init(0, nt_headers_block)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to cast NT headers.";
return false;
IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY* data_directory =
nt_headers->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory + directory_index;
BlockGraph::Offset offset = nt_headers.OffsetOf(
BlockGraph::Reference ref;
// No entry? Then make a zero initialized block that is stored in .rdata,
// where all of these structures live.
if (!nt_headers_block->GetReference(offset, &ref)) {
// We don't need to create the entry if we're exploring only.
if (find_only)
return true;
BlockGraph::Section* section = block_graph->FindOrAddSection(
kReadOnlyDataSectionName, kReadOnlyDataCharacteristics);
DCHECK(section != NULL);
BlockGraph::Block* block = block_graph->AddBlock(
BlockGraph::DATA_BLOCK, block_size, block_name);
DCHECK(block != NULL);
// We need to actually allocate the data so that future TypedBlock
// dereferences will work.
if (block->AllocateData(block_size) == NULL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to allocate block data.";
return false;
// Hook it up to the NT header.
0, 0);
data_directory->Size = block_size;
*directory_block = block;
} else {
// If the directory already exists, return it.
if (ref.offset() != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Existing \"" << block_name << "\" directory is not its "
<< "own block.";
return false;
*directory_block = ref.referenced();
return true;
bool ModuleNameMatches(const base::StringPiece& module_name,
const String& dll_name) {
size_t max_len = dll_name.ElementCount();
if (max_len < module_name.size())
return false;
return base::strncasecmp(dll_name->string,, max_len) == 0;
bool SymbolNameMatches(const base::StringPiece& symbol_name,
const ImageImportByName& iibn) {
size_t max_len = iibn.block()->data_size() - iibn.offset() -
offsetof(IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME, Name);
if (max_len < symbol_name.size())
return false;
return ::strncmp(iibn->Name,, max_len) == 0;
// Finds or creates an Image Import Descriptor block for the given library.
// Returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool FindOrAddImageImportDescriptor(bool find_only,
const char* module_name,
BlockGraph* block_graph,
BlockGraph::Block* iida_block,
BlockGraph::Block* iat_block,
ImageImportDescriptor* iid,
bool* added,
bool* exists) {
DCHECK(module_name != NULL);
DCHECK(block_graph != NULL);
DCHECK(iida_block != NULL);
DCHECK(iat_block != NULL);
DCHECK(iid != NULL);
DCHECK(added != NULL);
DCHECK(exists != NULL);
*added = false;
*exists = false;
ImageImportDescriptor iida;
if (!iida.Init(0, iida_block)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to cast Image Import Descriptor.";
return false;
// The array is NULL terminated with a potentially incomplete descriptor so
// we can't use ElementCount - 1.
DCHECK_GT(iida_block->size(), 0U);
size_t descriptor_count =
(common::AlignUp(iida_block->size(), sizeof(IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR)) /
for (size_t iida_index = 0; iida_index < descriptor_count; ++iida_index) {
String dll_name;
if (!iida.Dereference(iida[iida_index].Name, &dll_name)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to dereference DLL name.";
return false;
if (ModuleNameMatches(module_name, dll_name)) {
// This should never fail, but we sanity check it nonetheless.
bool result = iid->Init(iida.OffsetOf(iida[iida_index]), iida.block());
*exists = true;
return true;
// If we get here then the entry doesn't exist. If we've been asked to only
// search for it then we can return early.
if (find_only)
return true;
// Create room for the new descriptor, which we'll tack on to the end of the
// array, but before the NULL terminator. We use 'InsertData' so that all
// labels are patched up.
Offset new_iid_offset = descriptor_count * sizeof(IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR);
new_iid_offset, sizeof(IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR), true);
base::StringPrintf("Image Import Descriptor: %s", module_name),
// We expect the new entry to be dereferencable using iida[descriptor_count].
DCHECK_GT(iida.ElementCount(), descriptor_count);
// Create the various child structures that will be pointed to by the
// import descriptor. The INT block and the IAT block are NULL terminated
// lists of pointers, and the terminating NULL is allocated. We don't yet
// allocate a block to hold the import names, deferring that for later.
BlockGraph::SectionId iida_section_id = iida_block->section();
size_t name_len = strlen(module_name);
BlockGraph::Block* int_block = block_graph->AddBlock(
BlockGraph::DATA_BLOCK, kPtrSize,
base::StringPrintf("Import Name Table: %s", module_name));
BlockGraph::Block* dll_name_block = block_graph->AddBlock(
BlockGraph::DATA_BLOCK, name_len + 1,
base::StringPrintf("Import Name: %s", module_name));
if (int_block == NULL || dll_name_block == NULL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to create blocks for Image Import Descriptor.";
return false;
// NOTE: If PEParser was modified to parse a single INT block, we could be
// extending/reusing it rather than creating a new INT per module.
base::StringPrintf("%s INT: NULL entry", module_name),
if (int_block->AllocateData(kPtrSize) == NULL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to allocate block data.";
return false;
// We use the DLL name block and extend it. This keeps things well ordered
// when writing back the image using a canonical ordering.
if (dll_name_block->CopyData(name_len + 1, module_name) == NULL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to copy block data.";
return false;
// Add another NULL entry to the IAT block, but only if it does not already
// consist of a single NULL entry (meaning it was just created). We are purely
// extending this block, so no need to use the data insertion functions.
Offset iat_offset = 0;
if (iat_block->size() != kPtrSize) {
iat_offset = iat_block->size();
size_t iat_size = iat_offset + kPtrSize;
DCHECK_EQ(iat_size, iat_block->size());
DCHECK_EQ(iat_size, iat_block->data_size());
// Add a label for debugging purposes.
base::StringPrintf("%s: NULL thunk", module_name),
// Hook up these blocks.
iida[descriptor_count].OriginalFirstThunk, int_block, 0, 0);
iida[descriptor_count].FirstThunk, iat_block, iat_offset,
iida[descriptor_count].Name, dll_name_block, 0, 0);
// Finally, return the descriptor.
if (!iid->Init(new_iid_offset, iida_block)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to cast Image Import Descriptor.";
return false;
*added = true;
*exists = true;
return true;
// Searches for the delay-load library with the given module name. Returns true
// on success, false otherwise. If found, returns the index. If not found
// sets the index to kInvalidIndex.
bool FindDelayLoadImportDescriptor(const base::StringPiece& module_name,
const ImageDelayLoadDescriptor& idld,
size_t* index) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<size_t*>(NULL), index);
*index = kInvalidIndex;
for (size_t i = 0; i < idld.ElementCount(); ++i) {
bool zero_data = idld[i].DllNameRVA == 0;
bool has_ref = idld.HasReference(idld[i].DllNameRVA);
// Keep an eye out for null termination of the array.
if (zero_data && !has_ref)
return true;
// If the data is not zero then we expect there to be a reference.
if (!zero_data && !has_ref) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Expected DllNameRVA reference at index " << i
return false;
String dll_name;
if (!idld.Dereference(idld[i].DllNameRVA, &dll_name)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to dereference DllNameRVA at index " << i
return false;
if (ModuleNameMatches(module_name, dll_name)) {
*index = i;
return true;
return true;
// Finds or adds an imported symbol to the given module (represented by its
// import descriptor). Returns true on success, false otherwise. On success
// returns a reference to the module's IAT entry. New entries are always added
// to the end of the table so as not to invalidate any other unlinked references
// (not part of the BlockGraph, so unable to be patched up) into the table.
bool FindOrAddImportedSymbol(bool find_only,
const char* symbol_name,
const ImageImportDescriptor& iid,
BlockGraph* block_graph,
BlockGraph::Block* iat_block,
size_t* iat_index,
bool* added) {
DCHECK(symbol_name != NULL);
DCHECK(block_graph != NULL);
DCHECK(iat_block != NULL);
DCHECK(iat_index != NULL);
DCHECK(added != NULL);
*iat_index = kInvalidIndex;
*added = false;
TypedBlock<IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME*> hna, iat;
if (!iid.Dereference(iid->OriginalFirstThunk, &hna) ||
!iid.Dereference(iid->FirstThunk, &iat)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to dereference OriginalFirstThunk/FirstThunk.";
return false;
// Loop through the existing imports and see if we can't find a match. If so,
// we don't need to import the symbol as it is already imported. The array is
// NULL terminated so we loop through all elements except for the last one.
size_t i = 0;
for (; i < hna.ElementCount() && i < iat.ElementCount(); ++i) {
ConstTypedBlock<IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32> thunk;
if (!thunk.Init(hna.OffsetOf(hna[i]), hna.block())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to dereference IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32.";
return false;
// Is this an ordinal import? Skip it, as we have no way of
// knowing the actual name of the symbol.
if (IMAGE_SNAP_BY_ORDINAL(thunk->u1.Ordinal))
// Have no reference? Then terminate the iteration.
if (!thunk.HasReference(thunk->u1.AddressOfData)) {
// We sanity check that the actual data is null.
DCHECK_EQ(0u, thunk->u1.AddressOfData);
// Otherwise this should point to an IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME structure.
ImageImportByName iibn;
if (!hna.Dereference(hna[i], &iibn)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to dereference IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME.";
return false;
// Check to see if this symbol matches that of the current image import
// by name.
if (SymbolNameMatches(symbol_name, iibn)) {
*iat_index = i;
return true;
// If we get here then the entry doesn't exist. If we've been asked to only
// search for it then we can return early.
if (find_only)
return true;
// Figure out how large the data needs to be to hold the name of this exported
// symbol. The IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME struct has a WORD ordinal and a variable
// sized field for the null-terminated function name. Each entry should be
// WORD aligned, and will be referenced from the import address table and the
// import name table.
size_t symbol_name_len = strlen(symbol_name);
size_t iibn_size = sizeof(WORD) + common::AlignUp(symbol_name_len + 1,
// Get the DLL name. We will be inserting the IIBN entry to the block
// containing it immediately prior to the DLL name.
String dll_name;
if (!iid.Dereference(iid->Name, &dll_name)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to dereference DLL name.";
return false;
Offset iibn_offset = dll_name.offset();
dll_name.block()->InsertData(iibn_offset, iibn_size, true);
// Populate the import struct.
TypedBlock<IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME> iibn;
if (!iibn.InitWithSize(iibn_offset, iibn_size, dll_name.block())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to dereference new IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME.";
return false;
iibn->Hint = 0;
base::strlcpy(reinterpret_cast<char*>(iibn->Name), symbol_name,
symbol_name_len + 1);
// Make room in the INT and the IAT for the new symbol. We place it
// after the last entry for this module.
Offset int_offset = hna.OffsetOf(hna[i]);
Offset iat_offset = iat.OffsetOf(iat[i]);
// We're pointed at the terminating zero. The position we're pointing at can
// be the destination for references (in the normal case where someone is
// using the import). However, in the special case where the IAT and the INT
// are empty, our slot may also be pointed at by the import descriptor.
// If we were to insert data at this position, we'd push the import
// descriptor's pointer forward, past our new entry. To avoid this, we insert
// the new data after the terminating zero we're pointing at, then usurp the
// previously terminating zero for our entry.
hna.block()->InsertData(int_offset + kPtrSize, kPtrSize, true);
iat.block()->InsertData(iat_offset + kPtrSize, kPtrSize, true);
// Because of the usurping mentioned above, we manually move any existing
// labels.
BlockGraph::Label label;
if (hna.block()->GetLabel(int_offset, &label)) {
hna.block()->SetLabel(int_offset + kPtrSize, label);
if (iat.block()->GetLabel(iat_offset, &label)) {
iat.block()->SetLabel(iat_offset + kPtrSize, label);
// Add the new labels. We have to get the module_name at this point
// because it may have been moved with our insertions above.
String module_name;
if (!iid.Dereference(iid->Name, &module_name)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to dereference import name.";
return false;
base::StringPrintf("%s INT: %s", module_name->string, symbol_name),
base::StringPrintf("%s IAT: %s", module_name->string, symbol_name),
// Hook up the newly created IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME to both tables.
BlockGraph::Reference iibn_ref(BlockGraph::RELATIVE_REF,
hna.block()->SetReference(int_offset, iibn_ref);
iat.block()->SetReference(iat_offset, iibn_ref);
// Return the reference to the IAT entry for the newly imported symbol.
*iat_index = i;
*added = true;
return true;
// Looks for the given symbol in the given delay-loaded library descriptor.
// Returns true on success, false otherwise. If the symbol was found sets
// |found| to true, and return a reference to it via |ref|.
bool FindDelayLoadSymbol(const base::StringPiece& symbol_name,
const ImageDelayLoadDescriptor& idld,
size_t module_index,
bool* found,
size_t* index,
BlockGraph::Reference* ref) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(NULL), found);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<size_t*>(NULL), index);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BlockGraph::Reference*>(NULL), ref);
*found = false;
*index = kInvalidIndex;
ImageThunkData32 addresses;
ImageThunkData32 names;
if (!idld.Dereference(idld[module_index].ImportAddressTableRVA, &addresses) ||
!idld.Dereference(idld[module_index].ImportNameTableRVA, &names)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to dereference IAT/INT for delay-load library.";
return false;
size_t count = std::min(addresses.ElementCount(), names.ElementCount());
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
// Keep an eye out for zero-terminating IAT entries.
bool zero_data = addresses[i].u1.AddressOfData == 0;
bool has_ref = addresses.HasReference(addresses[i].u1.AddressOfData);
if (zero_data && !has_ref)
if (!zero_data && !has_ref) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Expected reference at offset " << i
<< " of delay-load IAT.";
return false;
// Keep an eye out for zero-terminating INT entries.
zero_data = names[i].u1.AddressOfData == 0;
has_ref = names.HasReference(names[i].u1.AddressOfData);
if (zero_data && !has_ref)
if (!zero_data && !has_ref) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Expected reference at offset " << i
<< " of delay-load INT.";
return false;
ImageImportByName iibn;
if (!names.Dereference(names[i].u1.AddressOfData, &iibn)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to dereference name of entry " << i
<< " of delay-load INT.";
return false;
if (SymbolNameMatches(symbol_name, iibn)) {
Offset offset = addresses.OffsetOf(addresses->u1.Function);
*ref = BlockGraph::Reference(BlockGraph::ABSOLUTE_REF,
*found = true;
*index = i;
return true;
return true;
} // namespace
const char PEAddImportsTransform::kTransformName[] = "PEAddImportsTransform";
: image_import_descriptor_block_(NULL),
import_address_table_block_(NULL) {
bool PEAddImportsTransform::TransformBlockGraph(
const TransformPolicyInterface* policy,
BlockGraph* block_graph,
BlockGraph::Block* dos_header_block) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<TransformPolicyInterface*>(NULL), policy);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BlockGraph*>(NULL), block_graph);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BlockGraph::Block*>(NULL), dos_header_block);
DCHECK_EQ(BlockGraph::PE_IMAGE, block_graph->image_format());
modules_added_ = 0;
symbols_added_ = 0;
DosHeader dos_header;
NtHeaders nt_headers;
if (!dos_header.Init(0, dos_header_block) ||
!dos_header.Dereference(dos_header->e_lfanew, &nt_headers)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to cast image headers.";
return false;
// Find delay load imports. This is read-only, searching for existing
// imports but not injecting new ones.
if (!FindDelayLoadImports(block_graph, nt_headers.block()))
return false;
// Before processing regular imports, let's determine if we're on a strictly
// exploratory mission. We don't want to add anything if all unresolved
// modules/symbols are 'find only'.
bool find_only = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < imported_modules_.size(); ++i) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < imported_modules_[i]->size(); ++j) {
// If the symbol is resolved, we don't care about it. We don't want to
// unnecessarily add PE import structures if we're not creating any
// imports.
if (imported_modules_[i]->SymbolIsImported(j))
if (imported_modules_[i]->GetSymbolMode(j) != ImportedModule::kFindOnly) {
find_only = false;
// Find normal imports. If the symbol is imported as both a delay-load and
// a regular import, then this will overwrite it. Thus, regular imports will
// be preferred. However, if the symbol was resolved as a delay-load import
// then this will not cause it to also be added as a regular import.
if (!FindOrAddImports(find_only, block_graph, nt_headers.block()))
return false;
return true;
bool PEAddImportsTransform::FindOrAddImports(
bool find_only,
BlockGraph* block_graph,
BlockGraph::Block* nt_headers_block) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BlockGraph*>(NULL), block_graph);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BlockGraph::Block*>(NULL), nt_headers_block);
NtHeaders nt_headers;
CHECK(nt_headers.Init(0, nt_headers_block));
// Get the import data directory.
image_import_descriptor_block_ = NULL;
if (!FindOrAddDataDirectory(find_only,
"Image Import Descriptor Array",
&image_import_descriptor_block_)) {
return false;
if (image_import_descriptor_block_ == NULL)
return find_only;
// Similarly, get the import address table.
import_address_table_block_ = NULL;
if (!FindOrAddDataDirectory(find_only,
"Import Address Table",
&import_address_table_block_)) {
return false;
if (import_address_table_block_ == NULL)
return find_only;
// Handle each library individually.
for (size_t i = 0; i < imported_modules_.size(); ++i) {
ImportedModule* module = imported_modules_[i];
// First find or create an entry for this module in the Image Import
// Descriptor Array.
ImageImportDescriptor iid;
bool module_added = false;
bool module_exists = false;
if (!FindOrAddImageImportDescriptor(
module->mode() == ImportedModule::kFindOnly,
&module_exists)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to find or import module.";
return false;
// If we're fact finding only and the module does not exist then we don't
// need to look up its symbols.
if (module->mode() == ImportedModule::kFindOnly && !module_exists) {
UpdateModule(true, module_added, module);
modules_added_ += module_added;
// Update the version date/time stamp if requested.
if (module->date() != ImportedModule::kInvalidDate)
iid->TimeDateStamp = module->date();
// Get a pointer to the import thunks.
ImageThunkData32 thunks;
if (!iid.Dereference(iid->FirstThunk, &thunks)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to dereference IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32.";
return false;
for (size_t j = 0; j < module->size(); ++j) {
bool symbol_find_only =
module->GetSymbolMode(j) == ImportedModule::kFindOnly;
// If the symbol was already resolved as a delay-load import, then
// don't allow it to also be added as a normal import.
if (module->SymbolIsImported(j))
symbol_find_only = true;
// Now, for each symbol get the offset of the IAT entry. This will create
// the entry (and all accompanying structures) if necessary.
size_t symbol_iat_index = kInvalidIndex;
bool symbol_added = false;
if (!FindOrAddImportedSymbol(
&symbol_added)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to find or import symbol.";
return false;
symbols_added_ += symbol_added;
if (symbol_iat_index != kInvalidIndex) {
Offset offset =
BlockGraph::Reference ref(BlockGraph::ABSOLUTE_REF, kPtrSize,
thunks.block(), offset, offset);
UpdateModuleSymbolInfo(j, true, symbol_added, module);
UpdateModuleSymbolReference(j, ref, true, module);
// Update the data directory sizes.
nt_headers->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].Size =
nt_headers->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT].Size =
return true;
bool PEAddImportsTransform::FindDelayLoadImports(
BlockGraph* block_graph, BlockGraph::Block* nt_headers_block) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BlockGraph*>(NULL), block_graph);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BlockGraph::Block*>(NULL), nt_headers_block);
NtHeaders nt_headers;
CHECK(nt_headers.Init(0, nt_headers_block));
// Get the delay-load import data directory.
image_delayload_descriptor_block_ = NULL;
if (!FindOrAddDataDirectory(true,
"Image Delay Load Descriptor Array",
&image_delayload_descriptor_block_)) {
return false;
if (image_delayload_descriptor_block_ == NULL)
return true;
ImageDelayLoadDescriptor idld;
if (!idld.Init(0, image_delayload_descriptor_block_)) {
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < imported_modules_.size(); ++i) {
ImportedModule* module = imported_modules_[i];
// Look for a descriptor corresponding to this module.
size_t module_index = kInvalidIndex;
if (!FindDelayLoadImportDescriptor(module->name(), idld, &module_index))
return false;
if (module_index == kInvalidIndex)
UpdateModule(true, false, module);
// Iterate over the symbols.
for (size_t j = 0; j < module->size(); ++j) {
// Don't process symbols that are already imported.
if (module->SymbolIsImported(j))
// Look for a matching symbol.
bool found = false;
size_t index = kInvalidIndex;
BlockGraph::Reference ref;
if (!FindDelayLoadSymbol(module->GetSymbolName(j), idld, module_index,
&found, &index, &ref)) {
return false;
if (!found)
// Update the various metadata associated with this symbol.
// TODO(chrisha): Currently the import index must be unique. This ensures
// uniqueness for delay-load imports by setting the MSB, and combining
// the module index with the symbol index.
UpdateModuleSymbolInfo(j, true, false, module);
UpdateModuleSymbolReference(j, ref, true, module);
return true;
} // namespace transforms
} // namespace pe