blob: f6d94dbb4650fc29dec437800965110f454f52ff [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* The global heatmap namespace object.
var heatmap = {};
* @type {Array} The heat map data loaded from the JSON file by LoadData_.
* @private
heatmap.data_ = [];
* @type {Array} The total value of each time stamp loaded from the JSON file.
* @private
heatmap.total_ = [];
* @type {number} The size of each time slice, in microseconds.
* @private
heatmap.time_slice_usecs_ = 0;
* @type {number} The size of each memory slice, in bytes.
* @private
heatmap.memory_slice_bytes_ = 0;
* Update the DOM elements that indicating that the heat map is being drawn, and
* call GenerateHeatMap.
heatmap.UpdateHeatMap = function() {
$('#heatmap-data-container').css('display', 'block');
$('#drawing-heatmap').css('display', 'block');
$('#heatmap-body').css('display', 'none');
// Make a 100 millisecond pause before executing the rest of the function, so
// the 'loading' DOM elements are redrawn.
window.setTimeout(heatmap.GenerateHeatMap_, 100);
* Start loading the given JSON file, and call LoadJSONData when done.
heatmap.Init = function() {
file = $('#file-select').val().slice(12);
$('#body-container').css('display', 'block');
$('#loading-json').css('display', 'block').text('Loading ' + file + ' ...');
$('#main-body').css('display', 'none');
$('#heatmap-data-container').css('display', 'none');
d3.json(file, heatmap.LoadJSONData_);
* Create the time/memory sliders using data provided by the JSON file, and call
* LoadData to parse the rest of it.
* @param {Object} json The JSON data parsed by d3.json.
* @private
heatmap.LoadJSONData_ = function(json) {
$('#loading-json').css('display', 'none');
$('#main-body').css('display', 'block');
heatmap.time_slice_usecs_ = json['time_slice_usecs'];
heatmap.memory_slice_bytes_ = json['memory_slice_bytes'];
.text('0x' + heatmap.memory_slice_bytes_.toString(16));
range: true,
min: 0,
max: json['max_time_slice_usecs'] + 1,
values: [0, 100],
animate: 'fast',
slide: function(event, ui) {
range: true,
min: 0,
max: json['max_memory_slice_bytes'] + 1,
values: [0, 100],
animate: 'fast',
slide: function(event, ui) {
* Dump the parsed JSON data and put it into
* @param {Object} json The JSON data parsed by d3.json.
* @private
heatmap.LoadData_ = function(json) {
var max_time_slice = json['max_time_slice_usecs'];
var max_memory_slice = json['max_memory_slice_bytes'];
// Push default values for all elements of heatmap.data_ and heatmap.total_.
heatmap.data_ = [];
for (var i = 0; i <= max_memory_slice; i++) {
for (var u = 0; u <= max_time_slice; u++) {
heatmap.data_[i].push({y: i, x: u, value: 0, functions: []});
for (var i = 0; i <= max_time_slice; i++) {
heatmap.total_[i] = 0;
// Copy the json data to those elements.
for (var i in json['time_slice_list']) {
var time_slice = json['time_slice_list'][i];
var timestamp = time_slice['timestamp'];
heatmap.total_[timestamp] = time_slice['total_memory_slices'];
if (timestamp >= max_time_slice)
for (var u in time_slice['memory_slice_list']) {
var memory_slice = time_slice['memory_slice_list'][u];
var slice_id = memory_slice['memory_slice'];
if (slice_id >= max_memory_slice)
heatmap.data_[slice_id][timestamp]['value'] = memory_slice['quantity'];
heatmap.data_[slice_id][timestamp]['functions'] =
* Draw the heat map with the given data.
* @private
heatmap.GenerateHeatMap_ = function() {
var min_time_slice = $('#time-slider').slider('values')[0];
var max_time_slice = $('#time-slider').slider('values')[1];
var time_slice_range = max_time_slice - min_time_slice;
var min_memory_slice = $('#memory-slider').slider('values')[0];
var max_memory_slice = $('#memory-slider').slider('values')[1];
var memory_slice_range = max_memory_slice - min_memory_slice;
// Remove the heatmap, if there's one.'#heatmap').select('svg').remove();'#time-summary').select('svg').remove();
// The elements from heatmap.data_ that are in the time/memory range, and have
// a nonzero value.
var map = [];
// The sum of the values of each time slice in the current zoom, each time
// slice in the whole heat map, all the time/memory slices in the current
// zoom, or all the time/memory slices in the whole heat map, depending on the
// value of the checkboxes.
var total_slices = [];
var max_slice = 0;
var sum_slices = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < time_slice_range; i++)
total_slices[i] = 0;
// Load the nonzero values of data between the given time and memory slices.
for (var i = min_memory_slice; i < max_memory_slice; i++) {
for (var u = min_time_slice; u < max_time_slice; u++) {
var slice = u - min_time_slice;
if (heatmap.data_[i][u].value > 0)
if ($('#relative-selected-time-slices').is(':checked')) {
total_slices[slice] += heatmap.data_[i][u].value;
sum_slices += heatmap.data_[i][u].value;
} else if (i == min_memory_slice) {
total_slices[slice] += heatmap.total_[u];
sum_slices += heatmap.total_[u];
max_slice = Math.max(max_slice, total_slices[slice]);
// The background color of the heat maps.
var background_color = '#fffffb';
// Calculate an appropiate size for the heat map, so that it fits in a
// max_width x max_height rectangle, and all the slices are square.
var max_width = 1600;
var max_height = 750;
var width = max_width;
var height = width / time_slice_range * memory_slice_range;
if (height > max_height) {
height = max_height;
width = height / memory_slice_range * time_slice_range;
// Put the information about the functions in a new line if they don't fit
// easily in the screen.
if (3 * width > 2 * screen.width) {
$('#functions').css('width', screen.width);
$('#functions').css('clear', 'left');
} else {
$('#functions').css('width', screen.width - width - 40 + 'px');
$('#functions').css('clear', '');
// Create the time summary heat map.
var time_summary_height = Math.max(7.5, height / memory_slice_range);
var time_summary ='#time-summary').append('svg:svg');
time_summary.attr('width', width).attr('height', time_summary_height);
var rect = time_summary.selectAll('rect').data(total_slices).enter()
rect.attr('x', function(d, i) { return i * (width / time_slice_range); });
rect.attr('y', 0);
rect.attr('color', function(d, i) {
var color = d3.interpolateRgb('#fff', '#000');
if (total_slices[i] == 0) return '#fffffb';
return color(total_slices[i] / max_slice);
rect.attr('width', width / time_slice_range);
rect.attr('height', time_summary_height);
// Create the svg heat map, and make the information on the current
// time/memory slice change if the user mouses over one with a value of zero.
var graphic ='#heatmap').append('svg:svg');
graphic.attr('width', width).attr('height', height);'background-color', background_color);
graphic.on('mousemove', function(d, i) {
var mouse = d3.mouse(this);
var time_slice = Math.floor(mouse[0] * time_slice_range / width);
var memory_slice = Math.floor(mouse[1] * memory_slice_range / height);
time_slice = time_slice + min_time_slice;
memory_slice = memory_slice + min_memory_slice;
$('#time').text(time_slice * heatmap.time_slice_usecs_);
'0x' + (memory_slice * heatmap.memory_slice_bytes_).toString(16));
if ($('#functions').text() == '' || $('#value').text() == '?') {
$('#value').text('0 / ' + total_slices[time_slice - min_time_slice]);
// Create rectangles for the slices with nonzero value.
rect = graphic.selectAll('rect').data(map).enter().append('svg:rect');
rect.attr('x', function(d, i) {
return (d.x - min_time_slice) * (width / time_slice_range);
rect.attr('y', function(d, i) {
return (d.y - min_memory_slice) * (height / memory_slice_range);
rect.attr('color', function(d, i) {
if (total_slices[d.x - min_time_slice] == 0)
return '#fffffb';
var total = 0;
if ($('#relative-same-time-slice').is(':checked'))
total = total_slices[d.x - min_time_slice];
total = sum_slices;
var color = d3.interpolateRgb('#fff', '#000');
return color(Math.pow(d.value / total, 3/16));
rect.attr('width', width / time_slice_range);
rect.attr('height', height / memory_slice_range);
rect.on('mouseover', function(d, i) {
var total = 0;
if ($('#relative-same-time-slice').is(':checked'))
total = total_slices[d.x - min_time_slice];
total = sum_slices;
$('#value').text(d.value + ' / ' + total);
this.setAttribute('style', 'stroke:#f00');
var function_text = '';
if (d.functions[0] == undefined) {
function_text = '?';
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < d.functions.length; i++) {
function_text += '<div class="container">' +
'<div class="data">' + d.functions[i]['quantity'] + '</div>' +
'<div class="text">' + d.functions[i]['name'] + '</div>' +
rect.on('mouseout', function(d, i) {
this.setAttribute('style', 'stroke:currentColor');
// Make everything visible.
$('#drawing-heatmap').css('display', 'none');
$('#heatmap-body').css('display', 'block');
$(document).ready(function() {