blob: 69bd9ed741bb5830566c6e82fb3acc297e4b8dd9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Defines the Call Trace Service RPC interface.
interface CallTrace {
// Used to track server side resources allocated on behalf of the client.
typedef [context_handle] void* SessionHandle;
typedef struct {
// The shared memory mapped file handle that will be duplicated into the
// client's address space. A shared file object will be created by the
// server and the client should (on first receipt of a buffer with this
// handle) perform a ::MapViewOfFile() to get the corresponding
// local base addreess of the memory mapped file. Multiple
// CallTraceBuffer objects may share the same shared_memory_handle
// value. The pair {shared_memory_handle, buffer_offset} uniquely
// identifies a buffer.
unsigned long shared_memory_handle;
// The total size (in bytes) of the shared memory buffer.
unsigned long mapping_size;
// The byte offset [from the base pointer returned by ::MapViewOfFile()]
// at which this buffer begins.
unsigned long buffer_offset;
// The maximum size (in bytes) of the buffer.
unsigned long buffer_size;
} CallTraceBuffer;
// Create a new CallTrace session.
// @param binding The RPC binding of the client. The binding is obtained
// by calling ::RpcStringBindingCompose() with the appropriate protocol
// and endpoint strings, followed by ::RpcBindingFromStringBinding().
// @param command_line The UTF-16 command line of the process.
// @param session_handle On success, returns the session handle.
// @param call_trace_buffer On success, this CallTraceBuffer structure will
// be populated with a valid buffer description.
// @param flags On success, the service will return the currently configured
// call trace flags here.
boolean CreateSession([in] handle_t binding,
[out] SessionHandle* session_handle,
[out] CallTraceBuffer* call_trace_buffer,
[out] unsigned long* flags);
// Allocate a call trace buffer.
// This function should be called when a newly created client thread needs
// to acquire its first call trace buffer. Once a thread has a call trace
// buffer, it should use the ExchangeBuffer function to commit that buffer
// and receive a fresh one.
// @param session_handle The handle used to identify the client.
// @param call_trace_buffer The CallTraceBuffer structure to populate.
boolean AllocateBuffer([in] SessionHandle session_handle,
[out] CallTraceBuffer* call_trace_buffer);
// Allocate a large persistent call trace buffer.
// This function should be called when a newly created client thread needs to
// acquire a larger than usual buffer. This function is not throttled so
// should only be used for buffers that have process lifespan. They should be
// returned using the normal ExchangeBuffer or ReturnBuffer mechanism.
// @param session_handle The handle used to identify the client.
// @param minimum_size the minimum size of the buffer to be returned.
// @param call_trace_buffer The CallTraceBuffer structure to populate.
boolean AllocateLargeBuffer([in] SessionHandle session_handle,
[in] unsigned long minimum_size,
[out] CallTraceBuffer* call_trace_buffer);
// Commit a CallTraceBuffer and get a fresh one to continue writing to.
// This function should be called when a client thread exhausts its current
// call trace buffer and needs a fresh one... i.e., when the next event the
// client is about to write would overflow the current buffer.
// No reference to copies of the passed in CallTraceBuffer's data should
// be retained by the client. This operation is a swap; ownership of the
// client's current CallTraceBuffer will pass to the CallTrace service,
// and the information for a new CallTraceBuffer will be written into the
// *call_trace_buffer structure.
// @param session_handle The handle used to identify the client.
// @param call_trace_buffer The CallTraceBuffer to swap for a fresh one.
boolean ExchangeBuffer([in] SessionHandle session_handle,
[in, out] CallTraceBuffer* call_trace_buffer);
// Commit a CallTraceBuffer without getting a fresh one.
// This function should be called when a thread exits in order to free up
// resources within the CallTrace Service.
// No reference to copies of the passed in CallTraceBuffer's data should
// be retained by the client. This operation is a release; ownership of
// the client's current CallTraceBuffer will pass to the CallTrace service,
// and the information for the old CallTraceBuffer will be cleared from the
// *call_trace_buffer structure.
// @param session_handle The handle used to identify the client.
// @param call_trace_buffer The CallTraceBuffer to release.
boolean ReturnBuffer([in] SessionHandle session_handle,
[in, out] CallTraceBuffer* call_trace_buffer);
// Close a session and commit any outstanding buffers.
// @param session_handle The handle used to identify the client.
boolean CloseSession([in, out] SessionHandle* session_handle);
interface CallTraceControl {
// Request a shutdown of the call trace service.
boolean Stop([in] handle_t binding);