blob: 019737f0b513a911b9875ee3676c3431a903bebf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Implements an all-static class that manages shadow memory for ASAN.
// The layout of a block is fully encoded in shadow memory, allowing for
// recovery of the block simply by inspecting the shadow memory. This is
// accomplished as follows:
// - Blocks are always a multiple of kShadowRatio in size and alignment.
// - Each group of kShadowRatio contiguous bytes is represented by a single
// marker in the shadow.
// - The first marker of a block is a single block start marker, and the last
// is a single block end marker. This uniquely identifies the beginning
// and end of a block simply by scanning and looking for balanced markers.
// - The left and right redzones are uniquely identified by distinct markers.
// - The location of the header and trailer of a block are always at the
// extremes, thus knowing the locations of the start and end markers
// uniquely identifies their positions.
// - The left redzone markers uniquely encodes the length of the header padding
// as it must also be a multiple of kShadowRatio in length.
// - The right redzone implies the length of the body of the allocation and
// the trailer padding modulo kShadowRatio. The remaining bits are encoded
// directly in the block start marker.
// - Nested blocks and regular blocks use differing block start/end markers.
// This allows navigation through allocation hierarchies to terminate
// without necessitating a scan through the entire shadow memory.
// A typical block will look something like the following in shadow memory:
// 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
// E7 FA FA FA 00 00 00 00 00 00 FB FB FB FB FB F4
// | \______/ \_______________/ \____________/ |
// | : | : +-- Block end.
// | : | + - - - - - Right redzone.
// | : +--------------------------- Body of allocation.
// | +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Left redzone.
// +----------------------------------------------- Block start.
// - Both the end marker and the start marker indicate the block
// is not nested. Together they indicate the total length of the
// block is 128 bytes.
// - The start marker indicates that the body length is 7 % 8.
// - The header padding indicates that the 16 byte header is followed
// by a further 16 bytes of padding.
// - The 6 body markers indicate an allocation size of 41..48 bytes.
// Combined with the start marker bits the allocation size can be
// inferred as being 47 bytes, with the last byte contributing to
// the trailer padding.
// - The 5 right redzone markers indicate that the 20 byte trailer is
// preceded by at least 28 trailer padding bytes. The additional
// padding from the body means that there are in total 29 trailer
// padding bytes.
// - 16(header) + 16(pad) + 47(body) + 29(pad) + 20(trailer) = 128
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "syzygy/agent/asan/block.h"
#include "syzygy/agent/asan/constants.h"
#include "syzygy/agent/asan/shadow_marker.h"
namespace agent {
namespace asan {
// An all-static class that manages the ASAN shadow memory.
class Shadow {
// The first 64k of the memory are not addressable.
static const size_t kAddressLowerBound = 0x10000;
// One shadow byte for per group of kShadowRatio bytes in a 2G address space.
// NOTE: This is dependent on the process NOT being large address aware.
static const size_t kShadowSize = 1 << (31 - kShadowRatioLog);
// The upper bound of the addressable memory.
static const size_t kAddressUpperBound = kShadowSize << kShadowRatioLog;
// Set up the shadow memory.
static void SetUp();
// Tear down the shadow memory.
static void TearDown();
// Poisons @p size bytes starting at @p addr with @p shadow_val value.
// @pre addr + size mod 8 == 0.
// @param address The starting address.
// @param size The size of the memory to poison.
// @param shadow_val The poison marker value.
static void Poison(const void* addr, size_t size, ShadowMarker shadow_val);
// Un-poisons @p size bytes starting at @p addr.
// @pre addr mod 8 == 0 && size mod 8 == 0.
// @param addr The starting address.
// @param size The size of the memory to unpoison.
static void Unpoison(const void* addr, size_t size);
// Mark @p size bytes starting at @p addr as freed. This will preserve
// nested block headers/trailers/redzones, but mark all contents as freed.
// It is expected that the states of all nested blocks have already been
// marked as freed prior to possibly freeing the parent block.
// @param addr The starting address.
// @param size The size of the memory to mark as freed.
static void MarkAsFreed(const void* addr, size_t size);
// Returns true iff the byte at @p addr is not poisoned.
// @param addr The address that we want to check.
// @returns true if this address is accessible, false otherwise.
static bool IsAccessible(const void* addr);
// @param address The address that we want to check.
// @returns true if the byte at @p address is an active left redzone.
static bool IsLeftRedzone(const void* address);
// @param address The address that we want to check.
// @returns true if the byte at @p address is an active right redzone.
static bool IsRightRedzone(const void* address);
// @param address The address that we want to check.
// @returns true if the byte at @p address is the start of a block.
static bool IsBlockStartByte(const void* address);
// Returns the ShadowMarker value for the byte at @p addr.
// @param addr The address for which we want the ShadowMarker value.
// @returns the ShadowMarker value for this address.
static ShadowMarker GetShadowMarkerForAddress(const void* addr);
// Appends a textual description of the shadow memory for @p addr to
// @p output, including the values of the shadow bytes and a legend.
// @param addr The address for which we want to get the textual description.
// @param output The string in which we want to store this information.
static void AppendShadowMemoryText(const void* addr, std::string* output);
// Appends a textual description of the shadow memory for @p addr to
// @p output. This only appends the values of the shadow bytes.
// @param addr The address whose shadow memory is to be described.
// @param output The string to be populated with the shadow memory
// information.
static void AppendShadowArrayText(const void* addr, std::string* output);
// Returns true iff the array starting at @p addr is terminated with
// sizeof(@p type) null bytes within a contiguous accessible region of memory.
// When returning true the length of the null-terminated array (including the
// trailings zero) will be returned via @p size. When returning false the
// offset of the invalid access will be returned via @p size.
// @tparam type The type of the null terminated value, this determines the
// numbers of null bytes that we want to have at the end of the array.
// @param addr The starting address of the array that we want to check.
// @param max_size The maximum length to check (in bytes). Ignored if set to
// zero.
// @param size Will receive the size (in bytes) of the array terminated with
// sizeof(type) bytes or the offset of the invalid access.
// @returns true iff the array starting at @p addr is null terminated within a
// contiguous accessible region of memory, false otherwise.
template<typename type>
static bool GetNullTerminatedArraySize(const void* addr,
size_t max_size,
size_t* size);
// Clones a shadow memory range from one location to another.
// @pre src_pointer mod 8 == 0.
// @pre dst_pointer mod 8 == 0.
// @pre size mod 8 == 0.
// @param src_pointer The starting address of the range to copy.
// @param dst_pointer The destination where the copy should be made.
// @param size The size of the range to copy.
static void CloneShadowRange(const void* src_pointer,
void* dst_pointer,
size_t size);
// Calculate the allocation size of a block by using the shadow memory.
// @param mem A pointer inside the memory block for which we want to calculate
// the underlying allocation size.
// @returns The underlying allocation size or 0 if it can't find a valid block
// at this address.
// @note This function doesn't work for nested blocks.
// TODO(sebmarchand): Add support for nested blocks.
static size_t GetAllocSize(const uint8* mem);
// Poisons memory for an freshly allocated block.
// @param info Info about the block layout.
// @note The block must be readable.
static void PoisonAllocatedBlock(const BlockInfo& info);
// Determines if the block is nested simply by inspecting shadow memory.
static bool BlockIsNested(const BlockInfo& info);
// Inspects shadow memory to determine the layout of a block in memory.
// Does not rely on any block content itself, strictly reading from the
// shadow memory. In the case of nested blocks this will always return
// the innermost containing block.
// @param addr An address in the block to be inspected.
// @param info The block information to be populated.
// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
static bool BlockInfoFromShadow(const void* addr, BlockInfo* info);
// Inspects shadow memory to find the block containing a nested block.
// @param nested Information about the nested block.
// @param info The block information to be populated.
// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
static bool ParentBlockInfoFromShadow(
const BlockInfo& nested, BlockInfo* info);
// Checks if the address @p addr corresponds to the beginning of a block's
// body, i.e. if it's preceded by a left redzone.
// @param addr The address that we want to check.
// @returns true if the address corresponds to the beginning of a block's
// body, false otherwise.
static bool IsBeginningOfBlockBody(const void* addr);
// Reset the shadow memory.
static void Reset();
// Appends a line of shadow byte text for the bytes ranging from
// shadow_[index] to shadow_[index + 7], prefixed by @p prefix. If the index
// @p bug_index is present in this range then its value will be surrounded by
// brackets.
static void AppendShadowByteText(const char *prefix,
uintptr_t index,
std::string* output,
size_t bug_index);
// Scans to the left of the provided cursor, looking for the presence of a
// block start marker that brackets the cursor.
// @param initial_nesting_depth If zero then this will return the inner
// most block containing the cursor. If 1 then this will find the start of
// the block containing that block, and so on.
// @param cursor The position in shadow memory from which to start the scan.
// @param location Will be set to the location of the start marker, if found.
// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
static bool ScanLeftForBracketingBlockStart(
size_t initial_nesting_depth, size_t cursor, size_t* location);
// Scans to the right of the provided cursor, looking for the presence of a
// block end marker that brackets the cursor.
// @param initial_nesting_depth If zero then this will return the inner
// most block containing the cursor. If 1 then this will find the end of
// the block containing that block, and so on.
// @param cursor The position in shadow memory from which to start the scan.
// @param location Will be set to the location of the end marker, if found.
// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
static bool ScanRightForBracketingBlockEnd(
size_t initial_nesting_depth, size_t cursor, size_t* location);
// Inspects shadow memory to determine the layout of a block in memory.
// @param initial_nesting_depth If zero then this will return the inner
// most block containing the cursor. If 1 then this will find the end of
// the block containing that block, and so on.
// @param addr An address in the block to be inspected.
// @param info The block information to be populated.
// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
static bool BlockInfoFromShadowImpl(
size_t initial_nesting_depth, const void* addr, BlockInfo* info);
// The shadow memory.
static uint8 shadow_[kShadowSize];
// A helper class to walk over the blocks contained in a given memory region.
// This uses only the metadata present in the shadow to identify the blocks.
class ShadowWalker {
// Constructor.
// @param recursive If true then this will recursively descend into nested
// blocks. Otherwise it will only return the outermost blocks in the
// provided region.
// @param lower_bound The lower bound of the region that this walker should
// cover in the actual memory.
// @param upper_bound The upper bound of the region that this walker should
// cover in the actual memory.
ShadowWalker(bool recursive,
const void* lower_bound,
const void* upper_bound);
// Return the next block in this memory region.
// @param info The block information to be populated.
// @return true if a block was found, false otherwise.
bool Next(BlockInfo* info);
// Reset the walker to its initial state.
void Reset();
// @returns the nesting depth of the last returned block. If no blocks have
// been walked then this returns -1.
int nesting_depth() const { return nesting_depth_; }
// Indicates whether or not the walker will descend recursively into nested
// blocks.
bool recursive_;
// The bounds of the memory region for this walker.
const uint8* lower_bound_;
const uint8* upper_bound_;
// The cursor of the shadow walker. This points to upper_bound_ when
// the walk is terminated.
const uint8* cursor_;
// The current nesting depth. Starts at -1.
int nesting_depth_;
// Bring in the implementation of the templated functions.
#include "syzygy/agent/asan/shadow_impl.h"
} // namespace asan
} // namespace agent