blob: feb4a3df90db20cdeed0235e73b1b195803efd9d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Declares some structure and some utility functions used to get some
// information about an ASan error.
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "syzygy/agent/asan/stack_capture.h"
namespace agent {
namespace asan {
// Forward declarations.
class StackCaptureCache;
struct BlockHeader;
// The different memory access modes that we can encounter.
enum AccessMode {
// Enumeration of the different kinds of bad heap accesses that we can
// encounter.
enum BadAccessKind {
// This enum should start with bad access type that are not relative to a
// heap block.
// @note The ordering is important because those labels are used in
// numeric inequalities.
// This enum should end with bad access types that are relative to heap
// blocks.
// The different types of errors we can encounter.
extern const char kHeapUseAfterFree[];
extern const char kHeapBufferUnderFlow[];
extern const char kHeapBufferOverFlow[];
extern const char kAttemptingDoubleFree[];
extern const char kInvalidAddress[];
extern const char kWildAccess[];
extern const char kHeapUnknownError[];
extern const char kHeapCorruptBlock[];
extern const char kCorruptHeap[];
// Store the information that we want to report about a block.
// TODO(sebmarchand): Rename this to avoid the confusion with the BlockInfo
// structure ?
struct AsanBlockInfo {
// The address of the header for this block.
const void* header;
// The user size of the block.
size_t user_size : 30;
// This is implicitly a BlockState value.
size_t state : 2;
// The ID of the allocation thread.
DWORD alloc_tid;
// The ID of the free thread.
DWORD free_tid;
// True iff the block is corrupt.
bool corrupt;
// The allocation stack trace.
void* alloc_stack[agent::asan::StackCapture::kMaxNumFrames];
// The free stack trace.
void* free_stack[agent::asan::StackCapture::kMaxNumFrames];
// The size of the allocation stack trace.
uint8 alloc_stack_size;
// The size of the free stack trace.
uint8 free_stack_size;
struct AsanCorruptBlockRange {
// The beginning address of the range.
const void* address;
// The length of the range.
size_t length;
// The number of blocks in this range.
size_t block_count;
// The number of blocks in the |block_info| array.
size_t block_info_count;
// The information about the blocks in this range. This may include one or
// more of the corrupt blocks and/or the valid blocks surrounding them; at the
// very least it will contain the first corrupt block in the range. The real
// length of this array will be stored in |block_info_count|. The array itself
// is allocated on the stack so that it gets shipped with minidumps.
AsanBlockInfo* block_info;
// Store the information about a bad memory access.
struct AsanErrorInfo {
// The address where the bad access happened.
void* location;
// The context prior to the crash.
CONTEXT context;
// The allocation stack trace.
void* alloc_stack[agent::asan::StackCapture::kMaxNumFrames];
// The size of the allocation stack trace.
uint8 alloc_stack_size;
// The ID of the allocation thread.
DWORD alloc_tid;
// The free stack trace.
void* free_stack[agent::asan::StackCapture::kMaxNumFrames];
// The size of the free stack trace.
uint8 free_stack_size;
// The ID of the free thread.
DWORD free_tid;
// The ID of the crash stack, this is needed to be able to blacklist some
// known bugs.
StackCapture::StackId crash_stack_id;
// The error type.
BadAccessKind error_type;
// The access mode.
AccessMode access_mode;
// The access size.
size_t access_size;
// The information about the shadow memory for this address, this would be
// something like: "0x12345678 is located 8 bytes inside of a 10-byte region
// [0x12345670,0x1234567A)."
char shadow_info[128];
// A textual description of the shadow memory around |location|.
char shadow_memory[512];
// The time since the memory block containing this address has been freed.
// This would be equal to zero if the block is still allocated.
uint32 milliseconds_since_free;
// Indicates if the heap is corrupt.
bool heap_is_corrupt;
// The number of corrupt ranges encountered.
size_t corrupt_range_count;
// The number of corrupt blocks encountered.
size_t corrupt_block_count;
// The number of corrupt ranges reported in |corrupt_ranges|.
size_t corrupt_ranges_reported;
// The information about the corrupt ranges of memory. The real length of this
// array will be stored in |corrupt_ranges_reported|. This will be NULL if
// |corrupt_ranges_reported| is zero.
AsanCorruptBlockRange* corrupt_ranges;
// This callback allows a heap manager to report heap consistency problems that
// it encounters during its operation. This is usually plumbed into the ASan
// runtime so that the errors may be appropriately reported.
// |asan_error_info| contains information about the primary heap error that
// was encountered. It is guaranteed to be on the stack.
typedef base::Callback<void(AsanErrorInfo* asan_error_info)>
// Returns a string describing a bad access kind.
// @param bad_access_kind The bad access kind for which we want a textual
// representation.
// @returns a string describing the bad access kind.
const char* ErrorInfoAccessTypeToStr(BadAccessKind bad_access_kind);
// Get information about a bad access.
// @param stack_cache The stack cache that owns the alloc and free stack traces
// of the blocks.
// @param bad_access_info Will receive the information about this access.
// @returns true if the address belongs to a memory block, false otherwise.
bool ErrorInfoGetBadAccessInformation(StackCaptureCache* stack_cache,
AsanErrorInfo* bad_access_info);
// Give the type of a bad heap access corresponding to an address.
// @param addr The address causing a bad heap access.
// @param header The header of the block containing this address.
// @returns The type of the bad heap access corresponding to this address.
// @note Exposed for unittesting.
BadAccessKind ErrorInfoGetBadAccessKind(const void* addr,
const BlockHeader* header);
// Retrieves a block's metadata.
// @param stack_cache The stack cache that owns the alloc and free stack traces
// of this block.
// @param asan_block_info Will receive the block's metadata.
void ErrorInfoGetAsanBlockInfo(StackCaptureCache* stack_cache,
AsanBlockInfo* asan_block_info);
} // namespace asan
} // namespace agent