blob: c06b1dd661c912c8fb9b0195599cd5c2909c5aa6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// JSONFileWriter works as a simple state machine. Rather than using an
// exhaustive set of states and a big switch, its encoded via a few state
// variables, and a handful of state determination functions. The general rule
// of thumb is that when output is produced we write as much as is possible.
#include "syzygy/core/json_file_writer.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "base/json/json_writer.h"
#include "base/json/string_escape.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
namespace core {
namespace {
using base::Value;
static const char kNewline[] = "\n";
static const char kIndent[] = " ";
static const char kNull[] = "null";
static const char kTrue[] = "true";
static const char kFalse[] = "false";
static const char kCommentPrefix[] = "//";
static const char* kStructureOpenings[] = { "[", "{", NULL };
static const char* kStructureClosings[] = { "]", "}", NULL };
} // namespace
struct JSONFileWriter::Helper {
template<typename KeyType>
static bool OutputKey(KeyType key, JSONFileWriter* json_file_writer) {
DCHECK(json_file_writer != NULL);
if (!json_file_writer->ReadyForKey())
return false;
if (!json_file_writer->AlignForValueOrKey())
return false;
std::string formatted_key = base::GetQuotedJSONString(key.as_string());
if (!json_file_writer->Printf("%s:", formatted_key.c_str()))
return false;
// If we're pretty printing, then also output a space between the key and
// the value.
if (json_file_writer->pretty_print_ && !json_file_writer->PutChar(' '))
return false;
// Indicate that we've output a key and require a value.
return true;
template<typename ValueType, typename PrintFunctionPointer>
static bool OutputValue(ValueType value,
PrintFunctionPointer print_function,
JSONFileWriter* json_file_writer) {
DCHECK(print_function != NULL);
DCHECK(json_file_writer != NULL);
if (!json_file_writer->ReadyForValue())
return false;
if (!json_file_writer->AlignForValueOrKey())
return false;
if (!(json_file_writer->*print_function)(value))
return false;
return true;
JSONFileWriter::JSONFileWriter(FILE* file, bool pretty_print)
: file_(file),
indent_depth_(0) {
DCHECK(file != NULL);
JSONFileWriter::~JSONFileWriter() {
bool JSONFileWriter::OutputComment(const base::StringPiece& comment) {
// If we are in the middle of writing a dictionary key/value pair
// (have the key, not the value), then we can't write a comment.
if (RequireKeyValue())
return false;
// If we're not pretty-printing, this is a no-op.
if (!pretty_print_)
return true;
// Trailing comments can be written directly.
if (finished_) {
if (!OutputNewline() || !Printf("%s", kCommentPrefix))
return false;
if (comment.length() > 0 &&
!Printf(" %.*s", comment.length(), {
return false;
return true;
// Store the comment for output before the next value.
return true;
bool JSONFileWriter::OutputComment(const base::StringPiece16& comment) {
std::string utf8;
if (!base::WideToUTF8(, comment.length(), &utf8))
return false;
return OutputComment(utf8);
bool JSONFileWriter::OutputTrailingComment(const base::StringPiece& comment) {
// A trailing comment can only go out after a value has been written.
if (!stack_.empty()) {
if (stack_.back().type_ == kDictKey)
return false;
if (stack_.back().has_entries_ == false)
return false;
} else {
// If the stack is empty, then a value has only been written if we are
// finished.
if (!finished_)
return false;
// No comment? Do nothing!
if (comment.length() == 0)
return true;
// If we already have a trailing comment, bail!
if (!trailing_comment_.empty())
return false;
// Save the comment for output when we're ready. We do this even when not
// pretty-printing so that the state machine functions identically in either
// case.
trailing_comment_.assign(comment.begin(), comment.end());
// Are we finished? Immediately write the comment, but leave
// trailing_comment_ populated so that repeated calls will fail.
if (finished_ &&
!Printf(" %s %s", kCommentPrefix, trailing_comment_.c_str())) {
return false;
return true;
bool JSONFileWriter::OutputTrailingComment(const base::StringPiece16& comment) {
std::string utf8;
if (!base::WideToUTF8(, comment.length(), &utf8))
return false;
return OutputTrailingComment(utf8);
bool JSONFileWriter::PrintBoolean(bool value) {
return Printf("%s", value ? kTrue : kFalse);
bool JSONFileWriter::PrintInteger(int value) {
return Printf("%d", value);
bool JSONFileWriter::PrintDouble(double value) {
base::FundamentalValue fundamental_value(value);
return PrintValue(&fundamental_value);
bool JSONFileWriter::PrintString(const base::StringPiece& value) {
return Printf("%s", base::GetQuotedJSONString(value.as_string()).c_str());
bool JSONFileWriter::PrintNull(int value_unused) {
return Printf("%s", kNull);
bool JSONFileWriter::PrintValue(const Value* value) {
DCHECK(value != NULL);
switch (value->GetType()) {
case Value::TYPE_LIST:
case Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY: {
// TODO(chrisha): Eventually, these should be implemented.
LOG(ERROR) << "JSON Lists and Dictionaries are currently unsupported.";
return false;
// All simple types.
case Value::TYPE_BOOLEAN:
case Value::TYPE_INTEGER:
case Value::TYPE_DOUBLE:
case Value::TYPE_NULL:
case Value::TYPE_STRING:
case Value::TYPE_BINARY: {
std::string str;
base::JSONWriter::Write(value, &str);
return Printf("%s", str.c_str());
default: {
NOTREACHED() << "Unexpected JSON type: " << value->GetType();
return false;
bool JSONFileWriter::Printf(const char* format, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
int chars_written = vfprintf(file_, format, args);
if (chars_written > 0)
at_col_zero_ = false;
return chars_written >= 0;
bool JSONFileWriter::PutChar(char c) {
if (fputc(c, file_) != c)
return false;
at_col_zero_ = false;
return true;
bool JSONFileWriter::OpenList() {
return OpenStructure(kList);
bool JSONFileWriter::CloseList() {
return CloseStructure(kList);
bool JSONFileWriter::OpenDict() {
return OpenStructure(kDict);
bool JSONFileWriter::CloseDict() {
return CloseStructure(kDict);
bool JSONFileWriter::OutputKey(const base::StringPiece& key) {
return Helper::OutputKey(key, this);
bool JSONFileWriter::OutputKey(const base::StringPiece16& key) {
return Helper::OutputKey(key, this);
bool JSONFileWriter::Flush() {
// Already finished? This is a no-op.
if (finished_)
return true;
// Are we waiting on a required value?
if (RequireKeyValue())
return false;
// Otherwise, simply close off the structures one by one.
while (!stack_.empty()) {
if (!CloseStructure(stack_.back().type_))
return false;
return true;
bool JSONFileWriter::OutputBoolean(bool value) {
return Helper::OutputValue(
value, &JSONFileWriter::PrintBoolean, this);
bool JSONFileWriter::OutputInteger(int value) {
return Helper::OutputValue(
value, &JSONFileWriter::PrintInteger, this);
bool JSONFileWriter::OutputDouble(double value) {
return Helper::OutputValue(
value, &JSONFileWriter::PrintDouble, this);
bool JSONFileWriter::OutputString(const base::StringPiece& value) {
return Helper::OutputValue(
value, &JSONFileWriter::PrintString, this);
bool JSONFileWriter::OutputString(const base::StringPiece16& value) {
std::string utf8;
if (!base::WideToUTF8(, value.length(), &utf8))
return false;
return OutputString(utf8);
bool JSONFileWriter::OutputNull() {
int unused = 0;
return Helper::OutputValue(
unused, &JSONFileWriter::PrintNull, this);
bool JSONFileWriter::OutputValue(const Value* value) {
return Helper::OutputValue(
value, &JSONFileWriter::PrintValue, this);
bool JSONFileWriter::OutputIndent() {
if (!pretty_print_)
return true;
// We bypass Printf and manually update at_col_zero_ here for efficiency.
if (indent_depth_ > 0)
at_col_zero_ = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < indent_depth_; ++i) {
if (fprintf(file_, "%s", kIndent) < 0)
return false;
return true;
bool JSONFileWriter::OutputNewline() {
if (!pretty_print_ || at_col_zero_)
return true;
// Bypass Printf and manually at_col_zero_ for efficiency.
if (fprintf(file_, "%s", kNewline) < 0)
return false;
at_col_zero_ = true;
return true;
bool JSONFileWriter::OutputComments() {
if (comments_.empty())
return true;
// Comments are only stored if we're pretty-printing.
bool indented = at_col_zero_ == false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < comments_.size(); ++i) {
// Indent if need be.
if (at_col_zero_ && !OutputIndent())
return false;
// Output the comment prefix.
if (!Printf("%s", kCommentPrefix))
return false;
// Output the comment if there's any content.
if (!comments_[i].empty() &&
!Printf(" %s", comments_[i].c_str()))
return false;
if (!OutputNewline())
return false;
// If we were indented when entering, indent on the way out.
if (indented && !OutputIndent())
return false;
// Clear the comments.
return true;
bool JSONFileWriter::OutputTrailingComment() {
if (trailing_comment_.empty())
return true;
// If we're pretty-printing, output the comment.
if (pretty_print_ &&
!Printf(" %s %s", kCommentPrefix, trailing_comment_.c_str())) {
return false;
return true;
bool JSONFileWriter::AlignForValueOrKey() {
// Are we a dictionary key waiting for a value? If so, there's nothing to
// do as the alignment was taken care of when the key was written.
if (RequireKeyValue())
return true;
// Are we in a structure, and not the first entry? Then we need to
// output a trailing comma.
if (!stack_.empty() && !FirstEntry() && !PutChar(','))
return false;
// Are we not pretty-printing? Then we're done!
if (!pretty_print_)
return true;
if (!OutputTrailingComment())
return false;
// Go to a new line if need be.
if (!OutputNewline())
return false;
if (!OutputIndent())
return false;
return OutputComments();
bool JSONFileWriter::FirstEntry() const {
if (stack_.empty())
return true;
return !stack_.back().has_entries_;
bool JSONFileWriter::ReadyForKey() const {
if (stack_.empty())
return false;
return stack_.back().type_ == kDict;
bool JSONFileWriter::ReadyForValue() const {
if (finished_)
return false;
if (stack_.empty())
return true;
return stack_.back().type_ != kDict;
bool JSONFileWriter::RequireKeyValue() const {
if (stack_.empty())
return false;
return stack_.back().type_ == kDictKey;
bool JSONFileWriter::CanClose(StructureType type) const {
// You can never 'close' a dict key.
if (stack_.empty() || type == kDictKey)
return false;
return stack_.back().type_ == type;
bool JSONFileWriter::OpenStructure(StructureType type) {
DCHECK_GT(arraysize(kStructureOpenings), static_cast<size_t>(type));
DCHECK(kStructureOpenings[type] != NULL);
if (!ReadyForValue() ||
!AlignForValueOrKey() ||
!Printf("%s", kStructureOpenings[type])) {
return false;
// Opening a new structure is like writing a new value, but the value has
// not been *finished*.
return true;
bool JSONFileWriter::CloseStructure(StructureType type) {
DCHECK_GT(arraysize(kStructureClosings), static_cast<size_t>(type));
DCHECK(kStructureClosings[type] != NULL);
if (!CanClose(type) ||
!OutputTrailingComment() ||
!OutputNewline() ||
!OutputComments()) {
return false;
if (pretty_print_ && !OutputIndent())
return false;
if (!Printf("%s", kStructureClosings[type])) {
return false;
// If this closed the last open structure, then the JSON file is finished.
if (stack_.empty())
finished_ = true;
return true;
void JSONFileWriter::FlushValue(bool value_completed) {
// The value was successfully written, so if we were in a dictionary waiting
// for a value, pop the kDictKey entry off the stack.
if (RequireKeyValue())
// If the stack is not empty, indicate that a value has been written to
// the open structure.
if (!stack_.empty()) {
stack_.back().has_entries_ = true;
} else {
if (value_completed) {
// If the stack is empty then having a written a single value means the
// JSON file is finished.
finished_ = true;
void JSONFileWriter::CompileAsserts() {
arraysize(kStructureOpenings) == JSONFileWriter::kMaxStructureType,
arraysize(kStructureClosings) == JSONFileWriter::kMaxStructureType,
} // namespace core