blob: 1b8ccb3f92a3715b29a39b6349ba1ac3ef95164c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "syzygy/pdb/pdb_dbi_stream.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "syzygy/common/align.h"
#include "syzygy/pdb/pdb_constants.h"
#include "syzygy/pdb/pdb_stream.h"
#include "syzygy/pdb/pdb_util.h"
namespace pdb {
bool DbiModuleInfo::Read(pdb::PdbStream* stream) {
DCHECK(stream != NULL);
if (!stream->Read(&module_info_base_, 1) ||
!ReadString(stream, &module_name_) ||
!ReadString(stream, &object_name_) ||
!stream->Seek(common::AlignUp(stream->pos(), 4))) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to read module information.";
return false;
return true;
// Reads the header from the Dbi stream of the PDB.
bool DbiStream::ReadDbiHeaders(pdb::PdbStream* stream) {
DCHECK(stream != NULL);
if (!stream->Seek(0) || !stream->Read(&header_, 1)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to read the header of the Dbi Stream.";
return false;
if (!stream->Seek(pdb::GetDbiDbgHeaderOffset(header_)) ||
!stream->Read(&dbg_header_, 1)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to read Dbg header of the Dbi Stream.";
return false;
return true;
// Reads the module info substream from the Dbi stream of the PDB.
bool DbiStream::ReadDbiModuleInfo(pdb::PdbStream* stream) {
DCHECK(stream != NULL);
// This substream starts just after the Dbi header in the Dbi stream.
size_t module_start = sizeof(pdb::DbiHeader);
size_t module_end = module_start + header_.gp_modi_size;
if (!stream->Seek(module_start)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to read the module information substream of the Dbi "
<< "stream.";
return false;
// Read each module info block.
while (stream->pos() < module_end) {
DbiModuleInfo module_info;
if (!module_info.Read(stream))
return false;
if (stream->pos() != module_end) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Module info substream of the Dbi stream is not valid.";
return false;
return true;
// Reads the section contribs substream from the Dbi stream of the PDB.
bool DbiStream::ReadDbiSectionContribs(pdb::PdbStream* stream) {
DCHECK(stream != NULL);
size_t section_contribs_start = sizeof(pdb::DbiHeader) + header_.gp_modi_size;
size_t section_contribs_end =
section_contribs_start + header_.section_contribution_size;
uint32 signature = 0;
if (!stream->Seek(section_contribs_start) || !stream->Read(&signature, 1)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to seek to section contributions substream.";
return false;
if (signature != kPdbDbiSectionContribsSignature) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected signature for the section contribs substream. "
<< "Expected "
<< base::StringPrintf("0x%08X", kPdbDbiSectionContribsSignature)
<< ", read "
<< base::StringPrintf("0x%08X", signature) << ".";
return false;
size_t section_contrib_count =
(section_contribs_end - stream->pos()) / sizeof(DbiSectionContrib);
if (!stream->Read(&section_contribs_, section_contrib_count)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to read section contributions.";
return false;
if (stream->pos() != section_contribs_end) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Section contribs substream of the Dbi stream is not valid.";
return false;
return true;
// Reads the section map substream from the Dbi stream of the PDB.
bool DbiStream::ReadDbiSectionMap(pdb::PdbStream* stream) {
DCHECK(stream != NULL);
size_t section_map_start = sizeof(pdb::DbiHeader)
+ header_.gp_modi_size
+ header_.section_contribution_size;
size_t section_map_end = section_map_start + header_.section_map_size;
uint16 number_of_sections = 0;
if (!stream->Seek(section_map_start)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to seek to section map substream.";
return false;
if (!stream->Read(&number_of_sections, 1)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to read the length of the section map in the Dbi "
<< "stream.";
return false;
// The number of section appears to be present twice. This check ensure that
// the value are always equals. If it's not it'll give us a sample to
// understand what's this value.
uint16 number_of_sections_copy = 0;
if (!stream->Read(&number_of_sections_copy, 1)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to read the copy of the length of the section map in "
<< "the Dbi stream.";
return false;
if (number_of_sections != number_of_sections_copy) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Mismatched values for the length of the section map ("
<< number_of_sections << " vs "<< number_of_sections_copy
<< ").";
return false;
while (stream->pos() < section_map_end) {
DbiSectionMapItem section_map_item;
stream->Read(&section_map_item, 1);
section_map_[section_map_item.section_number] = section_map_item;
if (section_map_.size() != number_of_sections) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected number of sections in the section map (expected "
<< number_of_sections << ", read " << section_map_.size()
<< ").";
return false;
if (stream->pos() != section_map_end) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Section map substream of the Dbi stream is not valid.";
return false;
return true;
// Reads the file info substream from the Dbi stream of the PDB.
// The structure of this substream is:
// Header | File-blocks table | Offset table | Name table.
// - The header contains the number of entries in the File-blocks table (16
// bits) followed by the number of entries in the offset table (16 bits). You
// have to multiply each size by 4 to obtain the size in bytes.
// - The file-blocks table is divided in 2 parts. The first part contains the
// starting index of each block (16 bits) and the second one contains
// the length of these blocks. These value refer to the offset table. It
// seems that there's always a last block with a starting value equal to the
// length of the offset table and a length of 0 at the end of this table.
// - The offset table contains offsets to the beginning of file names in the
// name table. These offsets are relative to the beginning of the name table.
// - The name table contain all the filenames used in this substream.
bool DbiStream::ReadDbiFileInfo(pdb::PdbStream* stream) {
DCHECK(stream != NULL);
size_t file_info_start = sizeof(pdb::DbiHeader)
+ header_.gp_modi_size
+ header_.section_contribution_size
+ header_.section_map_size;
size_t file_info_end = file_info_start + header_.file_info_size;
uint16 file_blocks_table_size = 0;
uint16 offset_table_size = 0;
if (!stream->Seek(file_info_start)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to seek to file info substream.";
return false;
if (!stream->Read(&file_blocks_table_size, 1) ||
!stream->Read(&offset_table_size, 1)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to read the header of the file info substream.";
return false;
// Calculate the starting address of the different sections of this substream.
size_t file_blocks_table_start = stream->pos();
size_t offset_table_start = stream->pos()
+ file_blocks_table_size*sizeof(size_t);
size_t name_table_start = offset_table_start
+ offset_table_size*sizeof(size_t);
if (!ReadDbiFileInfoBlocks(stream,
offset_table_start)) {
return false;
// Read the name table in this substream.
if (!ReadDbiFileNameTable(stream,
file_info_end)) {
return false;
return true;
bool DbiStream::ReadDbiFileInfoBlocks(pdb::PdbStream* stream,
uint16 file_blocks_table_size,
size_t file_blocks_table_start,
uint16 offset_table_size,
size_t offset_table_start) {
// Read information about each block of the file info substream.
for (int i = 0; i < file_blocks_table_size; ++i) {
uint16 block_start = 0;
uint16 block_length = 0;
if (!stream->Seek(file_blocks_table_start + i * sizeof(block_start)) ||
!stream->Read(&block_start, 1) ||
+ (file_blocks_table_size + i)*sizeof(block_start)) ||
!stream->Read(&block_length, 1)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to read the file info substream.";
return false;
// Fill the file list.
if (!stream->Seek(offset_table_start + block_start * sizeof(size_t))) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to seek to the beginning of a block in the name "
<< " info substream (block index = " << block_start << ").";
return false;
if (!stream->Read(&, block_length)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to read the file info substream.";
return false;
return true;
// It would be useful to move this code to a more generic function if we see
// this structure somewhere else in the PDB.
bool DbiStream::ReadDbiFileNameTable(pdb::PdbStream* stream,
size_t name_table_start,
size_t name_table_end) {
if (!stream->Seek(name_table_start)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to seek to the name table of the file info "
<< "substream.";
return false;
while (stream->pos() < name_table_end) {
std::string filename;
size_t pos = stream->pos() - name_table_start;
if (!ReadString(stream, &filename)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to read the name table of the file info substream.";
return false;
file_info_.second.insert(std::make_pair(pos, filename));
if (stream->pos() != name_table_end) {
LOG(ERROR) << "File info substream of the Dbi stream is not valid.";
return false;
return true;
bool DbiStream::ReadDbiECInfo(pdb::PdbStream* stream) {
// It's important to note that the ec_info_size field appears after the
// dbg_header_size field in the header of this stream but the EC info
// substream is located before the DbgHeader substream.
size_t ec_info_start = sizeof(pdb::DbiHeader)
+ header_.gp_modi_size
+ header_.section_contribution_size
+ header_.section_map_size
+ header_.file_info_size
+ header_.ts_map_size;
size_t ec_info_end = ec_info_start + header_.ec_info_size;
return ReadStringTable(stream,
"EC info",
bool DbiStream::Read(pdb::PdbStream* stream ) {
DCHECK(stream != NULL);
if (!ReadDbiHeaders(stream))
return false;
if (!ReadDbiModuleInfo(stream))
return false;
if (!ReadDbiSectionContribs(stream))
return false;
if (!ReadDbiSectionMap(stream))
return false;
if (!ReadDbiFileInfo(stream))
return false;
if (header_.ts_map_size != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "The length of the TS map is expected to be null but we've "
<< "read a length of " << header_.ts_map_size << ".";
return false;
if (!ReadDbiECInfo(stream))
return false;
return true;
} // namespace pdb