blob: bc2adb2eee1b9f8fd5597b44bf4788aa27e7a23e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// The PECoffRelinker class serves as the base class of both PERelinker and
// CoffRelinker for common implementation routines.
#include <vector>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "syzygy/block_graph/transform_policy.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/image_layout.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/relinker.h"
namespace pe {
// Base class for full file-to-file transformations of PE or COFF files;
// PERelinker and CoffRelinker extend this class. It provides implementation
// for common book-keeping routines for transforms and orderers.
class PECoffRelinker : public RelinkerInterface {
typedef block_graph::BlockGraph BlockGraph;
typedef block_graph::BlockGraphOrdererInterface Orderer;
typedef block_graph::BlockGraphTransformInterface Transform;
typedef block_graph::OrderedBlockGraph OrderedBlockGraph;
typedef block_graph::TransformPolicyInterface TransformPolicyInterface;
// Change the path to the main input file. By default, it is empty.
// @param input_path the new input path.
void set_input_path(const base::FilePath& input_path) {
input_path_ = input_path;
// Change the path to the main output file. By default, it is empty.
// @param output_path the new output path.
void set_output_path(const base::FilePath& output_path) {
output_path_ = output_path;
// Specify whether to allow output files to be overwritten. By default, it
// is false. If @p allow_overwrite is true, input and output files may
// overlap.
// @param allow_overwrite whether the output files may be overwritten.
void set_allow_overwrite(bool allow_overwrite) {
allow_overwrite_ = allow_overwrite;
// @returns the path to the main input file.
const base::FilePath& input_path() const { return input_path_; }
// @returns the path to the main output file.
const base::FilePath& output_path() const { return output_path_; }
// @returns whether output files may be overwritten.
bool allow_overwrite() const { return allow_overwrite_; }
// @see RelinkerInterface::AppendTransform()
virtual bool AppendTransform(Transform* transform) OVERRIDE;
// @see RelinkerInterface::AppendTransforms()
virtual bool AppendTransforms(
const std::vector<Transform*>& transforms) OVERRIDE;
// @see RelinkerInterface::AppendOrderer()
virtual bool AppendOrderer(Orderer* orderer) OVERRIDE;
// @see RelinkerInterface::AppendOrderers()
virtual bool AppendOrderers(const std::vector<Orderer*>& orderers) OVERRIDE;
// The following accessors provide access to properties not initialized by
// this class; they should be valid after the relinker has been
// initialized in some fashion specific to the child class.
// @{
// After initialization, retrieve the original unmodified image layout.
// @returns the original image layout.
const ImageLayout& input_image_layout() const {
return input_image_layout_;
// After initialization, retrieve the block graph being processed; the
// returned block graph will reflect changes made by passes.
// @returns the block graph.
const BlockGraph& block_graph() const {
return block_graph_;
// After initialization, retrieve the headers block being processed; the
// returned block will reflect changes made by passes.
// @returns the headers block.
const BlockGraph::Block* headers_block() const {
return headers_block_;
// @}
// Construct a default PECoffRelinker. Initialize properties to default
// values.
// @param transform_policy The policy that dictates how to apply transforms.
explicit PECoffRelinker(const TransformPolicyInterface* transform_policy);
// Apply user-supplied transforms to the block graph
// @returns true on success, or false on failure.
bool ApplyUserTransforms();
// Apply user-supplied orderers to the specified ordered block graph, or
// the default original orderer if none has been added.
// @param ordered_graph the ordered block graph to order or reorder.
// @returns true on success, or false on failure.
bool ApplyUserOrderers(OrderedBlockGraph* ordered_graph);
// The policy that dictates how to apply transforms.
const TransformPolicyInterface* transform_policy_;
// The path to the main input file.
base::FilePath input_path_;
// The path to the main input file.
base::FilePath output_path_;
// Whether we may overwrite output files.
bool allow_overwrite_;
// Transforms to be applied, in order.
std::vector<Transform*> transforms_;
// Orderers to be applied, in order.
std::vector<Orderer*> orderers_;
// Whether the relinker has been initialized.
bool inited_;
// These refer to the original image, and don't change after init.
ImageLayout input_image_layout_;
// The block graph being processed. May be altered by user-supplied
// passes.
BlockGraph block_graph_;
// The headers block of block_graph_.
BlockGraph::Block* headers_block_;
} // namespace pe