blob: 54e1f3bf2dc5b4699736407feab5f739f94a808a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Declares the basic block layout transform. This transform is responsible for
// applying a fully specified basic block layout, allowing for basic blocks to
// be ordered within a block, and split across blocks and sections. A basic
// block layout also specifies a section and block ordering. This transform
// modifies the provided order in-place so that it can be applied to the
// post-transform image using the standard ExplicitOrderer.
#include "syzygy/block_graph/transforms/iterative_transform.h"
#include "syzygy/reorder/reorderer.h"
namespace reorder {
namespace transforms {
// A class that transforms a block graph at the basic block level, ordering
// basic blocks within blocks, and splitting basic blocks across blocks and
// sections (creating and modifying sections as necessary). Intended to be
// paired with an ExplicitOrderer in order to fully transform and order an
// image.
// There is no mechanism provided to explicitly delete a section. However, a
// section that contains no blocks post-ordering will be implicitly deleted.
// The provided Order is modified as follows:
// (1) Section specifications that cause new sections to be created will have
// their id's filled out with the id of the newly created section.
// (2) Block specifications that include basic-block information (a non-empty
// OffsetVector) will have their block pointer updated to point to the
// newly created block, thus preventing the order from holding dangling
// pointers. Additionally, the OffsetVector will be cleared as the BB
// offsets are now meaningless in the context of the new block.
// Post-transformation the Order is a simply block-level ordering, with the
// BB-level ordering having been applied and extracted out of the Order. At
// this point it is able to be fed into an ExplicitOrderer for final ordering.
class BasicBlockLayoutTransform
: public block_graph::transforms::IterativeTransformImpl<
BasicBlockLayoutTransform> {
typedef block_graph::BlockGraph BlockGraph;
typedef block_graph::TransformPolicyInterface TransformPolicyInterface;
typedef BlockGraph::RelativeAddress RelativeAddress;
typedef Reorderer::Order Order;
// Used for internal book-keeping. Exposed here so that anonymous helpers in
// the implementation can access this.
struct BlockInfo;
typedef std::vector<BlockInfo> BlockInfos;
// Constructor.
// @param order the order specification to apply. The lifetime of this object
// must exceed that of any calls to TransformBlockGraph on this transform.
// This will be modified by the transformation. See class description for
// details.
explicit BasicBlockLayoutTransform(Order* order);
virtual ~BasicBlockLayoutTransform();
// @name IterativeTransformImpl implementation.
// @{
friend block_graph::transforms::IterativeTransformImpl<
bool PreBlockGraphIteration(const TransformPolicyInterface* policy,
BlockGraph* block_graph,
BlockGraph::Block* header_block);
bool OnBlock(const TransformPolicyInterface* policy,
BlockGraph* block_graph,
BlockGraph::Block* block);
// @}
// @name NamedBlockGraphTransformImpl implementation.
// @{
friend block_graph::transforms::NamedBlockGraphTransformImpl<
static const char kTransformName[];
// @}
bool FindOrCreateSections(BlockGraph* block_graph);
bool FindOrCreateSection(BlockGraph* block_graph,
Order::SectionSpec* section_spec);
// Builds the block information vector over order_.
void BuildBlockInfos();
// Gets the section ID associated with a given section specification.
bool GetSectionId(const Order::SectionSpec* section_spec,
BlockGraph* block_graph,
BlockGraph::SectionId* section_id);
// The ordering to be applied to the block graph by this transform.
Order* order_;
// A vector sorted by block-pointer, which allows efficient look-up of order
// information for a particular source block.
BlockInfos block_infos_;
// A small helper structure used for efficiently looking up order information
// associated with a given source block.
struct BasicBlockLayoutTransform::BlockInfo {
// This is a pointer to the block in the block_spec. We keep a copy of it
// because it is our primary sort key and block_spec->block gets updated as
// we work.
const BlockGraph::Block* original_block;
Order::SectionSpec* section_spec;
Order::BlockSpec* block_spec;
// This basic block subgraph transform implements the layout described by the
// given BasicBlockMap. It is used by the BasicBlockLayoutTransform to
// transform individual blocks. This need not be publicly exposed, but is done
// so for ease of unittesting.
class BasicBlockSubGraphLayoutTransform
: public block_graph::transforms::NamedBasicBlockSubGraphTransformImpl<
BasicBlockSubGraphLayoutTransform> {
typedef block_graph::BasicBlockSubGraph BasicBlockSubGraph;
typedef block_graph::BlockGraph BlockGraph;
typedef block_graph::TransformPolicyInterface TransformPolicyInterface;
typedef Reorderer::Order Order;
// When exploding a block, its basic blocks may end up being mapped across
// multiple output blocks. This maps basic-blocks (as offsets in the original
// block) to their output block (as an integer index) and position (as an
// integer position).
typedef std::pair<size_t, size_t> BlockPositionPair; // (block, position).
typedef std::map<Order::Offset, BlockPositionPair> BasicBlockMap;
// Constructor.
// @param bb_map The basic block map describing the layout of the basic blocks
// in the block to be transformed. This must not be empty and it must be
// well formed (block indices from 0 to block_count - 1, basic block
// position indices starting at 0 and contiguous).
explicit BasicBlockSubGraphLayoutTransform(const BasicBlockMap& bb_map)
: bb_map_(bb_map) {
// @name BasicBlockSubGraphTransformInterface.
// @{
virtual bool TransformBasicBlockSubGraph(
const TransformPolicyInterface* policy,
BlockGraph* block_graph,
BasicBlockSubGraph* basic_block_subgraph) OVERRIDE;
// @}
// @named NamedBasicBlockSubGraphTransformImpl implementation.
// @{
friend block_graph::transforms::NamedBasicBlockSubGraphTransformImpl<
static const char kTransformName[];
// @}
// Creates the block descriptions and ensures their basic block lists are
// all empty.
typedef std::vector<BasicBlockSubGraph::BlockDescription*> BlockDescriptions;
bool CreateBlockDescriptions(size_t block_count,
BasicBlockSubGraph* basic_block_subgraph,
BlockDescriptions* block_descs);
const BasicBlockMap& bb_map_;
} // namespace transforms
} // namespace reorder