Remove HeapProxy and use the BlockHeapManager by default.

I've run some Dromaeo benchmarks and there's no significant performance difference between the 2 version (it's in the noise of the measure).


Review URL:

git-svn-id: 15e8cca8-e42c-11de-a347-f34a4f72eb7d
diff --git a/include/nested_heap.h b/include/nested_heap.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dfd3d44..0000000
--- a/include/nested_heap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// Implements the functions that a custom heap can use to provide necessary
-// metadata to the SyzyASan bookkeeping.
-extern "C" {
-// Poisons the given range of memory, marking it as inaccessible. This should
-// be done when a block of unused memory is allocated from the OS.
-// @pre address + size mod 8 == 0.
-// @param address The starting address.
-// @param size The size of the memory to poison.
-void asan_PoisonMemoryRange(const void* address, size_t size);
-// Unpoisons the given range of memory, marking it as accessible. This should
-// be done after a block of memory has been returned to the OS.
-// @pre address mod 8 == 0 && size mod 8 == 0.
-// @param addr The starting address.
-// @param size The size of the memory to unpoison.
-void asan_UnpoisonMemoryRange(const void* address, size_t size);
-// Given a desired user object size and alignment, returns the size of memory
-// required to wrap the object with ASAN headers and footers. Assumes the
-// ASAN-wrapped object will be placed with the same alignment.
-// @param user_object_size The user object size.
-// @param alignment The user object alignment.
-size_t asan_GetAsanObjectSize(size_t user_object_size, size_t alignment);
-// Mark the given block as allocated. This will red-zone the header and
-// trailer, green zone the user data, and grab an allocation stack trace and
-// other metadata.
-// @param asan_pointer The ASan block to initialize.
-// @param user_object_size The user object size.
-// @param alignment The user object alignment.
-void asan_InitializeObject(void* asan_pointer,
-                           size_t user_object_size,
-                           size_t alignment);
-// Given a pointer to an ASAN wrapped allocation, returns the location and
-// size of the user data contained within.
-// @param asan_pointer The pointer to the ASan block.
-// @param user_pointer Receives the user pointer.
-// @param size Receives the size of the user part of this block.
-void asan_GetUserExtent(const void* asan_pointer,
-                        void** user_pointer,
-                        size_t* size);
-// Return the location and size of the ASAN block wrapping the given user
-// pointer.
-// @param user_pointer The user pointer for this ASan block.
-// @param asan_pointer Receives the ASan pointer.
-// @param size Receives the size of this ASan block.
-void asan_GetAsanExtent(const void* user_pointer,
-                        void** asan_pointer,
-                        size_t* size);
-// Mark the given block as freed, but still residing in memory. This will
-// red-zone the user data and grab a free stack trace and other metadata.
-// After this call the object is effectively quarantined and access to it will
-// be caught as errors.
-// @param asan_pointer The pointer to the ASan block to quarantine.
-void asan_QuarantineObject(void* asan_pointer);
-// Clean up the object's metadata. The object is dead entirely, clean up the
-// metadata. This makes sure that we can decrement stack trace ref-counts and
-// reap them. This leaves the memory red-zoned (inaccessible).
-// NOTE: If the memory has been returned to the OS then it must also be
-//       unpoisoned.
-// @param asan_pointer The pointer to the ASan block to destroy.
-void asan_DestroyObject(void* asan_pointer);
-// Clones an object from one location to another. This mediates access to the
-// protected header and footer wrapping the user object, as the client code
-// may itself be instrumented. This will also copy the shadow memory: the new
-// object will preserve the alive or free status of the old object.
-// NOTES:
-// - The client must ensure there is sufficient room at the destination
-//   for the object to be cloned.
-// - If the source object is no longer needed it is up to the client to call
-//   QuarantineObject or DestroyObject.
-// - It is up to the client to ensure that the destination address meets any
-//   alignment requirements of the source object.
-// @param src_asan_pointer The pointer to the ASan source block.
-// @param dst_asan_pointer The pointer to the ASan destination block.
-void asan_CloneObject(const void* src_asan_pointer,
-                      void* dst_asan_pointer);
-}  // extern "C"