blob: 832572d2fef1bdf674cb4d90091bcaaf3ea0fc0b [file] [log] [blame]
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Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
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<link rel="import" href="/base/iteration_helpers.html">
<link rel="import" href="/model/event_set.html">
'use strict';
tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
function getAllAssociatedEvents(irs) {
var allAssociatedEvents = new tr.model.EventSet();
irs.forEach(function(ir) {
ir.associatedEvents.forEach(function(event) {
// FlowEvents don't have parentContainers or cpuDurations, and it's
// annoying to highlight them.
if (event instanceof tr.model.FlowEvent)
return allAssociatedEvents;
function getUnassociatedEvents(model, associatedEvents) {
var unassociatedEvents = new tr.model.EventSet();
model.getAllProcesses().forEach(function(process) {
for (var tid in process.threads) {
var thread = process.threads[tid];
thread.sliceGroup.iterateAllEvents(function(event) {
// The set of unassociated events contains only events that are not in
// the set of associated events.
// Only add event to the set of unassociated events if it is not in
// the set of associated events.
if (!associatedEvents.contains(event))
return unassociatedEvents;
function getTotalCpuDuration(events) {
var cpuMs = 0;
events.forEach(function(event) {
// Add up events' cpu duration if they have any.
// Avoid double-counting cpu duration by only counting top-level events.
if (event.cpuDuration && event.isTopLevel)
cpuMs += event.cpuDuration;
return cpuMs;
function getIRCoverageFromModel(model) {
var associatedEvents = getAllAssociatedEvents(model.interaction_records);
if (!associatedEvents.length)
return undefined;
var unassociatedEvents = getUnassociatedEvents(
model, associatedEvents);
var associatedCpuMs = getTotalCpuDuration(associatedEvents);
var unassociatedCpuMs = getTotalCpuDuration(unassociatedEvents);
var totalEventCount = associatedEvents.length + unassociatedEvents.length;
var totalCpuMs = associatedCpuMs + unassociatedCpuMs;
var coveredCpuRatio = undefined;
var uncoveredCpuRatio = undefined;
if (totalCpuMs) {
coveredCpuRatio = associatedCpuMs / totalCpuMs;
uncoveredCpuRatio = 1 - coveredCpuRatio;
return {
associatedEvents: associatedEvents,
unassociatedEvents: unassociatedEvents,
associatedCpuMs: associatedCpuMs,
unassociatedCpuMs: unassociatedCpuMs,
coveredEventsRatio: associatedEvents.length / totalEventCount,
uncoveredEventsRatio: unassociatedEvents.length / totalEventCount,
coveredCpuRatio: coveredCpuRatio,
uncoveredCpuRatio: uncoveredCpuRatio
return {
getIRCoverageFromModel: getIRCoverageFromModel