blob: de3f6a014ce17dd7baec188d2ea5a5fba2b992e6 [file] [log] [blame]
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<link rel="import" href="/base/utils.html">
'use strict';
tr.exportTo('tr.ui', function() {
function TimelineDisplayTransform(opt_that) {
if (opt_that) {
this.scaleX = 1;
this.panX = 0;
this.panY = 0;
TimelineDisplayTransform.prototype = {
set: function(that) {
this.scaleX = that.scaleX;
this.panX = that.panX;
this.panY = that.panY;
clone: function() {
return new TimelineDisplayTransform(this);
equals: function(that) {
var eq = true;
if (that === undefined || that === null)
return false;
eq &= this.panX === that.panX;
eq &= this.panY === that.panY;
eq &= this.scaleX === that.scaleX;
return !!eq;
almostEquals: function(that) {
var eq = true;
if (that === undefined || that === null)
return false;
eq &= Math.abs(this.panX - that.panX) < 0.001;
eq &= Math.abs(this.panY - that.panY) < 0.001;
eq &= Math.abs(this.scaleX - that.scaleX) < 0.001;
return !!eq;
incrementPanXInViewUnits: function(xDeltaView) {
this.panX += this.xViewVectorToWorld(xDeltaView);
xPanWorldPosToViewPos: function(worldX, viewX, viewWidth) {
if (typeof viewX == 'string') {
if (viewX === 'left') {
viewX = 0;
} else if (viewX === 'center') {
viewX = viewWidth / 2;
} else if (viewX === 'right') {
viewX = viewWidth - 1;
} else {
throw new Error('viewX must be left|center|right or number.');
this.panX = (viewX / this.scaleX) - worldX;
xPanWorldBoundsIntoView: function(worldMin, worldMax, viewWidth) {
if (this.xWorldToView(worldMin) < 0)
this.xPanWorldPosToViewPos(worldMin, 'left', viewWidth);
else if (this.xWorldToView(worldMax) > viewWidth)
this.xPanWorldPosToViewPos(worldMax, 'right', viewWidth);
xSetWorldBounds: function(worldMin, worldMax, viewWidth) {
var worldWidth = worldMax - worldMin;
var scaleX = viewWidth / worldWidth;
var panX = -worldMin;
this.setPanAndScale(panX, scaleX);
setPanAndScale: function(p, s) {
this.scaleX = s;
this.panX = p;
xWorldToView: function(x) {
return (x + this.panX) * this.scaleX;
xWorldVectorToView: function(x) {
return x * this.scaleX;
xViewToWorld: function(x) {
return (x / this.scaleX) - this.panX;
xViewVectorToWorld: function(x) {
return x / this.scaleX;
applyTransformToCanvas: function(ctx) {
ctx.transform(this.scaleX, 0, 0, 1, this.panX * this.scaleX, 0);
return {
TimelineDisplayTransform: TimelineDisplayTransform