blob: fffe254368b82cccde3d96e5fab012a44280662d [file] [log] [blame]
// Testing DocumentFragment with host separately as it has a different node document by design
function create(doc, localName = "div") {
return doc.createElementNS("", localName);
test(t => {
const df = document.createElement("template").content;
const child = df.appendChild(new Text('hi'));
assert_not_equals(df.ownerDocument, document);
const nodeDocument = df.ownerDocument;
t.add_cleanup(() => child.remove());
assert_equals(df.childNodes.length, 0);
assert_equals(child.ownerDocument, document);
assert_equals(df.ownerDocument, nodeDocument);
}, `appendChild() and DocumentFragment with host`);
test(() => {
const df = document.createElement("template").content;
const child = df.appendChild(new Text('hi'));
const nodeDocument = df.ownerDocument;
assert_equals(df.childNodes.length, 1);
assert_equals(child.ownerDocument, nodeDocument);
assert_equals(df.ownerDocument, nodeDocument);
}, `adoptNode() and DocumentFragment with host`);
"name": "DocumentFragment",
"creator": doc => doc.createDocumentFragment()
"name": "ShadowRoot",
"creator": doc => create(doc).attachShadow({mode: "closed"})
].forEach(({ name, creator }) => {
test(t => {
const doc = new Document();
const df = creator(doc);
const child = df.appendChild(new Text('hi'));
assert_equals(df.ownerDocument, doc);
t.add_cleanup(() => child.remove());
assert_equals(df.childNodes.length, 0);
assert_equals(child.ownerDocument, document);
if (name === "ShadowRoot") {
assert_equals(df.ownerDocument, doc);
} else {
assert_equals(df.ownerDocument, document);
}, `appendChild() and ${name}`);
test(() => {
const doc = new Document();
const df = creator(doc);
const child = df.appendChild(new Text('hi'));
if (name === "ShadowRoot") {
assert_throws_dom("HierarchyRequestError", () => document.adoptNode(df));
} else {
assert_equals(df.childNodes.length, 1);
assert_equals(child.ownerDocument, document);
assert_equals(df.ownerDocument, document);
}, `adoptNode() and ${name}`);
test(t => {
const doc = new Document();
const host = create(doc);
const shadow = host.attachShadow({mode: "closed"});
const childHost = shadow.appendChild(create(doc, "body"));
const childShadow = childHost.attachShadow({mode: "closed"});
const descendant = childShadow.appendChild(new Text("hi"));
t.add_cleanup(() => childHost.remove());
assert_equals(shadow.childNodes.length, 0);
assert_equals(childHost.ownerDocument, document);
assert_equals(childShadow.ownerDocument, document);
assert_equals(descendant.ownerDocument, document);
}, "Nested ShadowRoots");