This directory contains the common infrastructure for the following tests.

  • referrer-policy/
  • mixed-content/
  • upgrade-insecure-requests/


  • subresource: Serves subresources, with support for redirects, stash, etc. The subresource paths are managed by subresourceMap and fetched in requestVia*() functions in resources/common.js.
  • scope: Serves nested contexts, such as iframe documents or workers. Used from invokeFrom*() functions in resources/common.js.

spec.src.json format

Source Contexts

In source_context_list_schema, we can specify

  • source contexts from where subresource requests are sent, and

  • how policies are delivered, by source contexts and/or subresource requests.

  • sourceContextList: an array of SourceContext objects, and

  • subresourcePolicyDeliveries: an array of PolicyDelivery objects.

They have the same object format as described in common/security-features/resources/common.js comments, and are directly serialized to generated HTML files and passed to JavaScript test code, except that:

  • The first entry of sourceContextList's sourceContextType should be always top, which represents the top-level generated test HTML. (This entry is omitted in the JSON passed to JavaScript, but the policy deliveries specified here are written as e.g. elements in the generated test HTML or HTTP headers)
  • Instead of PolicyDelivery object (in sourceContextList or subresourcePolicyDeliveries), following placeholder strings can be used.

The keys of source_context_list_schema can be used as the values of source_context_list fields, to indicate which source context configuration to be used.

PolicyDelivery placeholders

Each test contains

  • delivery_key (derived from the top-level delivery_key) and
  • delivery_value, delivery_type (derived from test_expansion),

which represents the target policy delivery, the policy delivery to be tested.

The following placeholder strings in source_context_list_schema can be used:

  • "policy":
    • Replaced with the target policy delivery.
    • Can be used to specify where the target policy delivery should be delivered.
  • "policyIfNonNull":
    • Replaced with the target policy delivery, only if it has non-null value. If the value is null, then the test file is not generated.
  • "anotherPolicy":
    • Replaced with a PolicyDelivery object that has a different value from the target policy delivery.
    • Can be used to specify e.g. a policy that should be overridden by the target policy delivery.

For example, when the target policy delivery is {deliveryType: “http-rp”, key: “referrerPolicy”, value: “no-referrer”},

"sourceContextList": [
  {"sourceContextType": "top", "policyDeliveries": ["anotherPolicy"]},
  {"sourceContextType": "classic-worker", "policyDeliveries": ["policy"]}

is replaced with

"sourceContextList": [
  {"sourceContextType": "top", "policyDeliveries": [
      {"deliveryType": "meta",
       "key": "referrerPolicy",
       "value": "unsafe-url"}]
  {"sourceContextType": "classic-worker", "policyDeliveries": [
      {"deliveryType": "http-rp",
       "key": "referrerPolicy",
       "value": "no-referrer"}]

which indicates

  • The top-level Document has <meta name="referrer" content="unsafe-url">.
  • The classic worker is created with Referrer-Policy: no-referrer HTTP response headers.

source_context_schema and subresource_schema

These represent supported delivery types and subresources for each source context or subresource type. These are used

  • To filter out test files for unsupported combinations of delivery types, source contexts and subresources.
  • To determine what delivery types should be used for anotherPolicy placeholder.