events - Sessions API

Session events can be used to send messages related to a specific session for others to receive. This can include status updates or action that running session react on.

For possible events see Session Event Types

1. listen events

Listen for session specific events by registering on the events endpoint using HTTP long polling.

HTTP Request

GET /api/sessions/<token>/events

Query Parameters

last_eventThe number of the last received event. All events that are newer than last_event are returned immediately. If there are no newer events, connection stays open until a new event is triggered.Nonelast_event=5

Response Payload

    "type": "String",
    "data": "String",
    "number": "Number"
  • type: the type of event that occurred.
  • data: the actual payload of the event
  • number: the number of the event


GET /api/sessions/6fdbd1a0-c339-11e9-b775-6d49dd567772/events?last_event=8
    "type": "status",
    "data": "paused",
    "number": 9
    "type": "status",
    "data": "running",
    "number": 10
    "type": "status",
    "data": "paused",
    "number": 11
    "type": "status",
    "data": "running",
    "number": 12

2. push events

Push session specific events for any registered listeners to receive.

HTTP Request

POST /api/sessions/<token>/events
  "type": "String",
  "data": "String"
  • type: the type of event that occurred.
  • data: the actual payload of the event


POST /api/sessions/6fdbd1a0-c339-11e9-b775-6d49dd567772/events
  "type": "status",
  "data": "paused"