blob: ecbc69239098c6c99699e6678ec618b928cc31f1 [file] [log] [blame]
(function () {
// Get values from the substitution engine.
// We can't just pull these from the document context
// because this script is intended to be transcluded into
// another document, and we want the GET values used to request it,
// not the values for the including document
// XXX these are unencoded, so there's an unavoidable
// injection vulnerability in constructing this file...
// need to upgrade the template engine.
var reportField = "{{GET[reportField]}}";
var reportValue = "{{GET[reportValue]}}";
var reportExists = "{{GET[reportExists]}}";
var noCookies = "{{GET[noCookies]}}";
var reportCookieName = "{{GET[reportCookieName]}}"
var testName = "{{GET[testName]}}"
var cookiePresent = "{{GET[cookiePresent]}}"
var reportCount = "{{GET[reportCount]}}"
var location = window.location;
if (reportCookieName == "") {
// fallback on test file name if cookie name not specified
reportCookieName = location.pathname.split('/')[location.pathname.split('/').length - 1].split('.')[0];
var reportID = "{{GET[reportID]}}";
if (reportID == "") {
var cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
var cookieName = cookies[i].split('=')[0].trim();
var cookieValue = cookies[i].split('=')[1].trim();
if (cookieName == reportCookieName) {
reportID = cookieValue;
var cookieToDelete = cookieName + "=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT; path=" + document.location.pathname.substring(0, document.location.pathname.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
document.cookie = cookieToDelete;
// There is no real way to test (in this particular layer) that a CSP report
// has *not* been sent, at least not without some major reworks and
// involvement from all the platform participants. So the current "solution"
// is to wait for some reasonable amount of time and if no report has been
// received to conclude that no report has been generated. These timeouts must
// not exceed the test timeouts set by vendors otherwise the test would fail.
var timeout = document.querySelector("meta[name=timeout][content=long]") ? 20 : 3;
var reportLocation = location.protocol + "//" + + "/reporting/resources/" + timeout + "&reportID=" + reportID;
if (testName == "") testName = "Violation report status OK.";
var reportTest = async_test(testName);
function assert_field_value(field, value, field_name) {
assert_true(field.indexOf(value.split(" ")[0]) != -1,
field_name + " value of \"" + field + "\" did not match " +
value.split(" ")[0] + ".");
reportTest.step(function () {
var report = new XMLHttpRequest();
report.onload = reportTest.step_func(function () {
var data = JSON.parse(report.responseText);
if (data.error) {
assert_equals("false", reportExists, data.error);
} else {
if(reportExists != "" && reportExists == "false" && data["csp-report"]) {
assert_unreached("CSP report sent, but not expecting one");
// Firefox expands 'self' or origins in a policy to the actual origin value
// so "" becomes "".
// Accomodate this by just testing that the correct directive name
// is reported, not the details...
if(data["csp-report"] != undefined && data["csp-report"][reportField] != undefined) {
assert_field_value(data["csp-report"][reportField], reportValue, reportField);
} else if (data[0] != undefined && data[0]["body"] != undefined && data[0]["body"][reportField] != undefined) {
assert_field_value(data[0]["body"][reportField], reportValue, reportField);
} else {
assert_equals("", reportField, "Expected report field could not be found in report");
});"GET", reportLocation, true);
if (noCookies || cookiePresent) {
var cookieTest = async_test("Test report cookies.");
var cookieReport = new XMLHttpRequest();
cookieReport.onload = cookieTest.step_func(function () {
var data = JSON.parse(cookieReport.responseText);
if (noCookies) {
assert_equals(data.reportCookies, "None", "Report should not contain any cookies");
if (cookiePresent) {
assert_true(data.reportCookies.hasOwnProperty(cookiePresent), "Report should contain cookie: " + cookiePresent);
var cReportLocation = location.protocol + "//" + + "/reporting/resources/" + timeout + "&reportID=" + reportID;"GET", cReportLocation, true);
if (reportCount != "") {
var reportCountTest = async_test("Test number of sent reports.");
var reportCountReport = new XMLHttpRequest();
reportCountReport.onload = reportCountTest.step_func(function () {
var data = JSON.parse(reportCountReport.responseText);
assert_equals(data.report_count, reportCount, "Report count was not what was expected.");
var cReportLocation = location.protocol + "//" + + "/reporting/resources/" + timeout + "&reportID=" + reportID;"GET", cReportLocation, true);