blob: 54177d5bfbf1fd57cb795d7d6c3cc141b2d083f0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Creates a new iframe in |doc|, calls |func| on it and appends it as a child
// of |doc|.
// Returns a promise that resolves to the iframe once loaded (successfully or
// not).
// The iframe is removed from |doc| once test |t| is done running.
// NOTE: Because iframe elements always invoke the onload event handler, even
// in case of error, we cannot wire onerror to a promise rejection. The Promise
// constructor requires users to resolve XOR reject the promise.
function appendIframeWith(t, doc, func) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const child = doc.createElement("iframe");
child.onload = () => { resolve(child); };
t.add_cleanup(() => { doc.body.removeChild(child); });
// Appends a child iframe to |doc| sourced from |src|.
// See append_child_frame_with() for more details.
function appendIframe(t, doc, src) {
return appendIframeWith(t, doc, child => { child.src = src; });
// Register an event listener that will resolve this promise when this
// window receives a message posted to it.
function futureMessage() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
window.addEventListener("message", e => resolve(;
// Resolves a URL relative to the current location, returning an absolute URL.
// `url` specifies the relative URL, e.g. "foo.html" or "http://foo.example".
// `options.protocol` and `options.port`, if defined, override the respective
// properties of the returned URL object.
function resolveUrl(url, options) {
const result = new URL(url, window.location);
if (options === undefined) {
return result;
const { port, protocol } = options;
if (port !== undefined) {
result.port = port;
if (protocol !== undefined) {
result.protocol = protocol;
return result;
const kDefaultSourcePath = "resources/fetcher.html";
const kTreatAsPublicAddressSuffix =
function sourceUrl({ protocol, port, treatAsPublicAddress }) {
let path = kDefaultSourcePath;
if (treatAsPublicAddress) {
path += kTreatAsPublicAddressSuffix;
return resolveUrl(path, { protocol, port });
const kFetchTestResult = {
success: true,
failure: "TypeError: Failed to fetch",
// Runs a fetch test. Tries to fetch a given subresource from a given document.
// Main argument shape:
// {
// // Optional.
// source: { // Optional, all fields optional.
// // Optional. The protocol of the URL of the initiator document.
// protocol,
// // Optional. The port of the URL of the initiator document.
// port,
// // Optional. If true, the initiator document sets the
// // `treat-as-public-address` CSP directive.
// treatAsPublicAddress,
// },
// // Optional.
// target: {
// // The protocol of the URL of the target subresource.
// protocol,
// // The port of the URL of the target subresource.
// port,
// },
// // Required. The expected result of the fetch. Can be:
// // - `true` for a successful fetch
// // - `false` for a successful opaque fetch
// // - a string representation of an exception for a failed fetch
// expected,
// }
async function fetchTest(t, { source, target, expected }) {
if (source === undefined) {
source = {};
const iframe = await appendIframe(t, document, sourceUrl(source));
const targetUrl = resolveUrl("/common/blank-with-cors.html", target);
const reply = futureMessage();
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(targetUrl.href, "*");
assert_equals(await reply, expected);