blob: 255a71920992328cf3e3b504a2a20aeda8b45f6f [file] [log] [blame]
// META: script=/common/get-host-info.sub.js
// META: script=/common/utils.js
// META: script=/common/dispatcher/dispatcher.js
// META: script=../credentialless/resources/common.js
// META: script=./resources/common.js
// A script listening using a BroadcastChannel.
const listen_script = (key, done, onmessage) => `
const bc = new BroadcastChannel("${key}");
bc.onmessage = event => send("${onmessage}",;
send("${done}", "registered");
const emit_script = (key, message) => `
const bc = new BroadcastChannel("${key}");
promise_test(async test => {
const origin = get_host_info().HTTPS_REMOTE_ORIGIN;
const key_1 = token();
const key_2 = token();
// 2 actors: An anonymous iframe and a normal one.
const iframe_anonymous = newAnonymousIframe(origin);
const iframe_normal = newIframe(origin);
const queue_1 = token();
const queue_2 = token();
const unexpected_queue = token();
// Listen using the two keys from both sides:
send(iframe_anonymous , listen_script(key_1, queue_1, queue_1));
send(iframe_anonymous , listen_script(key_2, queue_1, unexpected_queue));
send(iframe_normal, listen_script(key_2, queue_2, queue_2));
send(iframe_normal, listen_script(key_1, queue_2, unexpected_queue));
assert_equals(await receive(queue_1), "registered");
assert_equals(await receive(queue_1), "registered");
assert_equals(await receive(queue_2), "registered");
assert_equals(await receive(queue_2), "registered");
// Emit from both sides. It must work, and work without crossing the
// anonymous/non-anonymous border.
"BroadcastChannel shouldn't cross the anonymous/normal border"));
send(iframe_anonymous , emit_script(key_1, "msg_1"));
send(iframe_normal, emit_script(key_2, "msg_2"));
assert_equals(await receive(queue_1), "msg_1");
assert_equals(await receive(queue_2), "msg_2");
// Wait a bit to let bad things the opportunity to show up. This is done by
// repeating the previous operation.
send(iframe_anonymous , emit_script(key_1, "msg_3"));
send(iframe_normal, emit_script(key_2, "msg_4"));
assert_equals(await receive(queue_1), "msg_3");
assert_equals(await receive(queue_2), "msg_4");