blob: f2dc86126604954f4602ffcb9efbb17ab2587e4a [file] [log] [blame]
* Returns the URL of a supported video source based on the user agent
* @param {string} base - media URL without file extension
* @returns {string}
function getVideoURI(base)
var extension = '.mp4';
var videotag = document.createElement("video");
if ( videotag.canPlayType &&
videotag.canPlayType('video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"') )
extension = '.ogv';
return base + extension;
* Returns the URL of a supported audio source based on the user agent
* @param {string} base - media URL without file extension
* @returns {string}
function getAudioURI(base)
var extension = '.mp3';
var audiotag = document.createElement("audio");
if ( audiotag.canPlayType &&
audiotag.canPlayType('audio/ogg') )
extension = '.oga';
return base + extension;
* Returns the MIME type for a media URL based on the file extension.
* @param {string} url
* @returns {string}
function getMediaContentType(url) {
var extension = new URL(url, location).pathname.split(".").pop();
var map = {
"mp4": "video/mp4",
"ogv": "application/ogg",
"mp3": "audio/mp3",
"oga": "application/ogg",
return map[extension];