blob: 53482879ea4cd02aa0f81aac8bf5c68b531f4eb1 [file] [log] [blame]
async function waitForEvent(eventName, test, target, timeoutMs = 500) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const timeoutCallback = test.step_timeout(() => {
reject(`No ${eventName} event received for target ${target}`);
}, timeoutMs);
target.addEventListener(eventName, (evt) => {
}, { once: true });
async function waitForScrollendEvent(test, target, timeoutMs = 500) {
return waitForEvent("scrollend", test, target, timeoutMs);
async function waitForPointercancelEvent(test, target, timeoutMs = 500) {
return waitForEvent("pointercancel", test, target, timeoutMs);
async function createScrollendPromiseForTarget(test,
timeoutMs = 500) {
return waitForScrollendEvent(test, target_div, timeoutMs).then(evt => {
assert_false(evt.cancelable, 'Event is not cancelable');
assert_false(evt.bubbles, 'Event targeting element does not bubble');
function verifyNoScrollendOnDocument(test) {
const callback =
test.unreached_func("window got unexpected scrollend event.");
window.addEventListener('scrollend', callback);
test.add_cleanup(() => {
window.removeEventListener('scrollend', callback);
async function verifyScrollStopped(test, target_div) {
const unscaled_pause_time_in_ms = 100;
const x = target_div.scrollLeft;
const y = target_div.scrollTop;
return new Promise(resolve => {
test.step_timeout(() => {
assert_equals(x, target_div.scrollLeft);
assert_equals(y, target_div.scrollTop);
}, unscaled_pause_time_in_ms);
const MAX_FRAME = 700;
// Returns a promise that resolves when the given condition is met or rejects
// after MAX_FRAME animation frames.
// TODO( deprecate. We should not use frame based waits in
// WPT as frame rates may vary greatly in different testing environments.
function waitFor(condition, error_message = 'Reaches the maximum frames.') {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
function tick(frames) {
// We requestAnimationFrame either for MAX_FRAM frames or until condition
// is met.
if (frames >= MAX_FRAME)
else if (condition())
requestAnimationFrame(tick.bind(this, frames + 1));
// TODO( Test driver should defer sending events until the
// browser is ready. Also the term compositor-commit is misleading as not all
// user-agents use a compositor process.
function waitForCompositorCommit() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// rAF twice.
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
// Please don't remove this. This is necessary for chromium-based browsers.
// This shouldn't be necessary if the test harness deferred running the tests
// until after paint holding. This can be a no-op on user-agents that do not
// have a separate compositor thread.
async function waitForCompositorReady() {
const animation =
document.body.animate({ opacity: [ 1, 1 ] }, {duration: 1 });
return animation.finished;
function waitForNextFrame() {
const startTime =;
return new Promise(resolve => {
window.requestAnimationFrame((frameTime) => {
if (frameTime < startTime) {
} else {
// TODO( Deprecate as frame rates may vary greatly in
// different test environments.
function waitForAnimationEnd(getValue) {
var last_changed_frame = 0;
var last_position = getValue();
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
function tick(frames) {
// We requestAnimationFrame either for MAX_FRAME or until
// MAX_UNCHANGED_FRAMES with no change have been observed.
if (frames >= MAX_FRAME || frames - last_changed_frame > MAX_UNCHANGED_FRAMES) {
} else {
current_value = getValue();
if (last_position != current_value) {
last_changed_frame = frames;
last_position = current_value;
requestAnimationFrame(tick.bind(this, frames + 1));
// Scrolls in target according to move_path with pauses in between
// The move_path should contains coordinates that are within target boundaries.
// Keep in mind that 0,0 is the center of the target element and is also
// the pointerDown position.
// pointerUp() is fired after sequence of moves.
function touchScrollInTargetSequentiallyWithPause(target, move_path, pause_time_in_ms = 100) {
const test_driver_actions = new test_driver.Actions()
.addPointer("pointer1", "touch")
.pointerMove(0, 0, {origin: target})
const substeps = 5;
let x = 0;
let y = 0;
// Do each move in 5 steps
for(let move of move_path) {
let step_x = (move.x - x) / substeps;
let step_y = (move.y - y) / substeps;
for(let step = 0; step < substeps; step++) {
x += step_x;
y += step_y;
test_driver_actions.pointerMove(x, y, {origin: target});
test_driver_actions.pause(pause_time_in_ms); // To prevent inertial scroll
return test_driver_actions.pointerUp().send();
function touchScrollInTarget(pixels_to_scroll, target, direction, pause_time_in_ms = 100) {
var x_delta = 0;
var y_delta = 0;
const num_movs = 5;
if (direction == "down") {
y_delta = -1 * pixels_to_scroll / num_movs;
} else if (direction == "up") {
y_delta = pixels_to_scroll / num_movs;
} else if (direction == "right") {
x_delta = -1 * pixels_to_scroll / num_movs;
} else if (direction == "left") {
x_delta = pixels_to_scroll / num_movs;
} else {
throw("scroll direction '" + direction + "' is not expected, direction should be 'down', 'up', 'left' or 'right'");
return new test_driver.Actions()
.addPointer("pointer1", "touch")
.pointerMove(0, 0, {origin: target})
.pointerMove(x_delta, y_delta, {origin: target})
.pointerMove(2 * x_delta, 2 * y_delta, {origin: target})
.pointerMove(3 * x_delta, 3 * y_delta, {origin: target})
.pointerMove(4 * x_delta, 4 * y_delta, {origin: target})
.pointerMove(5 * x_delta, 5 * y_delta, {origin: target})
// Trigger fling by doing pointerUp right after pointerMoves.
function touchFlingInTarget(pixels_to_scroll, target, direction) {
touchScrollInTarget(pixels_to_scroll, target, direction, 0 /* pause_time */);
function mouseActionsInTarget(target, origin, delta, pause_time_in_ms = 100) {
return new test_driver.Actions()
.addPointer("pointer1", "mouse")
.pointerMove(origin.x, origin.y, { origin: target })
.pointerMove(origin.x + delta.x, origin.y + delta.y, { origin: target })
.pointerMove(origin.x + delta.x * 2, origin.y + delta.y * 2, { origin: target })
// Returns a promise that resolves when the given condition holds for 10
// animation frames or rejects if the condition changes to false within 10
// animation frames.
// TODO( Deprecate as frame rates may very greatly in
// different test environments.
function conditionHolds(condition, error_message = 'Condition is not true anymore.') {
const MAX_FRAME = 10;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
function tick(frames) {
// We requestAnimationFrame either for 10 frames or until condition is
// violated.
if (frames >= MAX_FRAME)
else if (!condition())
requestAnimationFrame(tick.bind(this, frames + 1));