blob: 0cf9e89e7b0d6bee1c46ea28fb29b5d9c3986fa6 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file is adapted from /fledge/tentative/resources/fledge-util.js,
// removing unnecessary logic and modifying to allow it to be run in the
// private-aggregation directory.
"use strict;"
// Directory of fledge
const FLEDGE_DIR = '/fledge/tentative/';
const FULL_URL = window.location.href;
let BASE_URL = FULL_URL.substring(0, FULL_URL.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)
const BASE_PATH = (new URL(BASE_URL)).pathname;
const DEFAULT_INTEREST_GROUP_NAME = 'default name';
// Use python source files under fledge directory
// Generates a UUID by token.
function generateUuid(test) {
let uuid = token();
return uuid;
// Creates a bidding script with the provided code in the method bodies. The
// bidding script's generateBid() method will return a bid of 9 for the first
// ad, after the passed in code in the "generateBid" input argument has been
// run, unless it returns something or throws.
// The default reportWin() method is empty.
function createBiddingScriptUrl(params = {}) {
let url = new URL(`${BASE_URL}resources/`);
if (params.generateBid)
url.searchParams.append('generateBid', params.generateBid);
if (params.reportWin)
url.searchParams.append('reportWin', params.reportWin);
if (params.error)
url.searchParams.append('error', params.error);
if (
return url.toString();
// Creates a decision script with the provided code in the method bodies. The
// decision script's scoreAd() method will reject ads with renderUrls that
// don't ends with "uuid", and will return a score equal to the bid, after the
// passed in code in the "scoreAd" input argument has been run, unless it
// returns something or throws.
// The default reportResult() method is empty.
function createDecisionScriptUrl(uuid, params = {}) {
let url = new URL(`${BASE_URL}resources/`);
url.searchParams.append('uuid', uuid);
if (params.scoreAd)
url.searchParams.append('scoreAd', params.scoreAd);
if (params.reportResult)
url.searchParams.append('reportResult', params.reportResult);
if (params.error)
url.searchParams.append('error', params.error);
return url.toString();
// Creates a renderUrl for an ad that runs the passed in "script". "uuid" has
// no effect, beyond making the URL distinct between tests, and being verified
// by the decision logic script before accepting a bid. "uuid" is expected to
// be last.
function createRenderUrl(uuid, script) {
let url = new URL(`${BASE_URL}resources/`);
if (script)
url.searchParams.append('script', script);
url.searchParams.append('uuid', uuid);
return url.toString();
// Joins an interest group that, by default, is owned by the current frame's
// origin, is named DEFAULT_INTEREST_GROUP_NAME, has a bidding script that
// issues a bid of 9 with a renderUrl of "https://not.checked.test/${uuid}".
// `interestGroupOverrides` is required to override fields in the joined
// interest group.
async function joinInterestGroup(test, uuid, interestGroupOverrides) {
let interestGroup = {
owner: window.location.origin,
ads: [{renderUrl: createRenderUrl(uuid)}],
await navigator.joinAdInterestGroup(interestGroup,
async () => {await navigator.leaveAdInterestGroup(interestGroup)});
// Runs a FLEDGE auction and returns the result. `auctionConfigOverrides` is
// required to override fields in the auction configuration.
async function runBasicFledgeAuction(test, uuid, auctionConfigOverrides) {
let auctionConfig = {
seller: window.location.origin,
interestGroupBuyers: [window.location.origin],
resolveToConfig: true,
return await navigator.runAdAuction(auctionConfig);
// Calls runBasicFledgeAuction(), expecting the auction to have a winner.
// Creates a fenced frame that will be destroyed on completion of "test", and
// navigates it to the URN URL returned by the auction. Does not wait for the
// fenced frame to finish loading, since there's no API that can do that.
async function runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid,
auctionConfigOverrides) {
let config = await runBasicFledgeAuction(test, uuid, auctionConfigOverrides);
assert_true(config instanceof FencedFrameConfig,
`Wrong value type returned from auction: ${config.constructor.type}`);
let fencedFrame = document.createElement('fencedframe');
fencedFrame.mode = 'opaque-ads';
fencedFrame.config = config;
test.add_cleanup(() => { document.body.removeChild(fencedFrame); });
// Joins an interest group and runs an auction, expecting no winner to be
// returned. "testConfig" can optionally modify the interest group or
// auctionConfig.
async function runBasicFledgeTestExpectingNoWinner(test, testConfig) {
const uuid = generateUuid(test);
await joinInterestGroup(test, uuid, testConfig.interestGroupOverrides);
let result = await runBasicFledgeAuction(
test, uuid, testConfig.auctionConfigOverrides);
assert_true(result === null, 'Auction unexpectedly had a winner');
// Test helper for report phase of auctions that lets the caller specify the
// body of reportResult() and reportWin().
// Passing worklets in null will cause the test fail.
// Null worklets test cases are handled under
// fledge.
async function runReportTest(test, uuid, reportResult, reportWin) {
assert_not_equals(reportResult, null)
assert_not_equals(reportWin, null)
let interestGroupOverrides =
{ biddingLogicUrl: createBiddingScriptUrl({ reportWin }) };
await joinInterestGroup(test, uuid, interestGroupOverrides);
await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(
test, uuid,
{ decisionLogicUrl: createDecisionScriptUrl(
uuid, { reportResult })