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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>HTML Test: focusgroup - Simple case that validated we don't wrap or flow when these values aren't provided.</title>
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<table focusgroup=grid>
<td id=r1c1 tabindex=0>r1c1</td>
<td id=r1c2 tabindex=-1>r1c2</td>
<td id=r1c3 tabindex=-1>r1c3</td>
<td id=r2c1 tabindex=-1>r2c1</td>
<td id=r2c2 tabindex=-1>r2c2</td>
<td id=r2c3 tabindex=-1>r2c3</td>
promise_test(async t => {
var r1c3 = document.getElementById("r1c3");
await focusAndKeyPress(r1c3, kArrowRight);
assert_equals(document.activeElement, r1c3);
}, "A right arrow press should not move the focus when it is at the last column and the focusgroup doesn't wrap or flow.");
promise_test(async t => {
var r2c1 = document.getElementById("r2c1");
await focusAndKeyPress(r2c1, kArrowDown);
assert_equals(document.activeElement, r2c1);
}, "A down arrow press should not move the focus when it is at the last row and the focusgroup doesn't wrap or flow.");
promise_test(async t => {
var r1c1 = document.getElementById("r1c1");
await focusAndKeyPress(r1c1, kArrowLeft);
assert_equals(document.activeElement, r1c1);
}, "A left arrow press should not move the focus when it is at the first column and the focusgroup doesn't wrap or flow.");
promise_test(async t => {
var r1c1 = document.getElementById("r1c1");
await focusAndKeyPress(r1c1, kArrowUp);
assert_equals(document.activeElement, r1c1);
}, "An up arrow press should not move the focus when it is at the first row and the focusgroup doesn't wrap or flow.");