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<title>This test validates that synchronously adding entries in onresourcetimingbufferfull callback results in these entries being properly handled.</title>
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const resource_timing_buffer_size = 1;
const t = async_test("Verify that adding entries to the resource timing buffer during resourcetimingbufferfull call works");
var add_entry = function() {
performance.setResourceTimingBufferSize(resource_timing_buffer_size + 2);
performance.addEventListener('resourcetimingbufferfull', add_entry);
// Scripts appended in JS to ensure setResourceTimingBufferSize is called before.
// This resource gets buffered in the resource timing entry buffer.
// This resource overflows the entry buffer, and goes into the secondary buffer.
window.onload = t.step_func_done(()=>{
let entries = performance.getEntriesByType('resource');
assert_equals(entries.length, 3,
'All entries should be stored in resource timing buffer since its increases size once it overflows.');
assert_true(entries[0].name.includes('empty.js'), "empty.js is in the entries buffer");
assert_true(entries[1].name.includes('empty_script.js'), "empty_script.js is in the entries buffer");
assert_true(entries[2].name.includes('empty.js?xhr'), "empty.js?xhr is in the entries buffer");