layout: page title: General Test Guidelines order: 2

File Paths and Names

When choosing where in the directory structure to put any new tests, try to follow the structure of existing tests for that specification; if there are no existing tests, it is generally recommended to create subdirectories for each section.

Due to path length limitations on Windows, test paths must be less that 150 characters relative to the test root directory (this gives vendors just over 100 characters for their own paths when running in automation).

File names should generally be somewhat descriptive of what is being tested; very generic names like 001.html are discouraged. A common format is test-topic-001.html, where test-topic is a short identifier that describes the test. It should avoid conjunctions, articles, and prepositions as it should be as concise as possible. The integer that follows is normally just increased incrementally, and padded to three digits. (If you'd end up with more than 999 tests, your test-topic is probably too broad!)

The test filename is significant in enabling specific optional features, such as HTTPS or server-side substitution. See the documentation on [file names flags][file-name-flags] for more details.

In the css directory, the file names should be unique within the whole css/ directory, regardless of where they are in the directory structure.


By default, tests are served over plain HTTP. If a test requires HTTPS it must be given a filename containing .https before the extension, e.g. test-secure.https.html. For more details see the documentation on [file names][file-name-flags].

Support Files

Various support files are available in in the /common/ and /media/ directories (web-platform-tests) and /support/ (in css/). Reusing existing resources is encouraged where possible, as is adding generally useful files to these common areas rather than to specific testsuites.


Sometimes you may want to add a script to the repository that‘s meant to be used from the command line, not from a browser (e.g., a script for generating test files). If you want to ensure (e.g., for security reasons) that such scripts will only be usable from the command line but won’t be handled by the HTTP server then place them in a tools subdirectory at the appropriate level—the server will then return a 404 if they are requested.

For example, if you wanted to add a script for use with tests in the notifications directory, create the notifications/tools subdirectory and put your script there.

File Formats

Tests must be HTML or XML (inc. XHTML and SVG) files; some testharness.js tests are [auto-generated from JS files][server features].

Character Encoding

Except when specifically testing encoding, files must be encoded in UTF-8. In file formats where UTF-8 is not the default encoding, they must contain metadata to mark them as such (e.g., <meta charset=utf-8> in HTML files) or be pure ASCII.

Server Side Support

The custom web server supports [a variety of features][server features] useful for testing browsers, including (but not limited to!) support for writing out appropriate domains and custom (per-file and per-directory) HTTP headers.

Be Short

Tests should be as short as possible. For reftests in particular scrollbars at 800×600px window size must be avoided unless scrolling behavior is specifically being tested. For all tests extraneous elements on the page should be avoided so it is clear what is part of the test (for a typical testharness test, the only content on the page will be rendered by the harness itself).

Be Minimal

Tests should generally avoid depending on edge case behavior of features that they don't explicitly intend on testing. For example, except where testing parsing, tests should contain no parse errors.

This is not, however, to discourage testing of edge cases or interactions between multiple features; such tests are an essential part of ensuring interoperability of the web platform.

Be Cross-Platform

Tests should be as cross-platform as reasonably possible, working across different devices, screen resolutions, paper sizes, etc. The assumptions that can be relied on are documented [here][assumptions]; tests that rely on anything else should be manual tests that document their assumptions.

Aside from the [Ahem font][ahem], fonts cannot be relied on to be either installed or to have specific metrics. As such, in most cases when a known font is needed Ahem should be used. In other cases, @font-face should be used.

Be Self-Contained

Tests must not depend on external network resources, including When these tests are run on CI systems they are typically configured with access to external resources disabled, so tests that try to access them will fail. Where tests want to use multiple hosts this is possible through a known set of subdomains and the [text substitution features of wptserve]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link _writing-tests/ %}#tests-involving-multiple-origins).

Be Self-Describing

Tests should make it obvious when they pass and when they fail. It shouldn't be necessary to consult the specification to figure out whether a test has passed of failed.

Style Rules

A number of style rules should be applied to the test file. These are not uniformly enforced throughout the existing tests, but will be for new tests. Any of these rules may be broken if the test demands it:

  • No trailing whitespace
  • Use spaces rather than tabs for indentation
  • Use UNIX-style line endings (i.e. no CR characters at EOL)

We have a lint tool for catching these and other common mistakes. You can run it manually by starting the wpt executable from the root of your local web-platform-tests working directory, and invoking the lint subcommand, like this:

./wpt lint

The lint tool is also run automatically for every submitted pull request, and reviewers will not merge branches with tests that have lint errors, so you must fix any errors the lint tool reports. For details on doing that, see the [lint-tool documentation][lint-tool].

But in the unusual case of error reports for things essential to a certain test or that for other exceptional reasons shouldn't prevent a merge of a test, update and commit the lint.whitelist file in the web-platform-tests root directory to suppress the error reports. For details on doing that, see the [lint-tool documentation][lint-tool].

CSS-Specific Requirements

In order to be included in an official specification testsuite, tests for CSS have some additional requirements for:

  • [Metadata][css-metadata], and
  • [User style sheets][css-user-styles].

[server features]: {{ site.baseurl }}{% link _writing-tests/ %} [assumptions]: {{ site.baseurl }}{% link _writing-tests/ %} [ahem]: {{ site.baseurl }}{% link _writing-tests/ %} [lint-tool]: {{ site.baseurl }}{% link _writing-tests/ %} [css-metadata]: {{ site.baseurl }}{% link _writing-tests/ %} [css-user-styles]: {{ site.baseurl }}{% link _writing-tests/ %} [file-name-flags]: {{ site.baseurl }}{% link _writing-tests/ %}