blob: 61b25991b37d4f21470cd821778137658e05168d [file] [log] [blame]
// These tests rely on the User Agent providing an implementation of the
// WebXR Testing API (
// In Chromium-based browsers, this implementation is provided by a JavaScript
// shim in order to reduce the amount of test-only code shipped to users. To
// enable these tests the browser must be run with these options:
// --enable-blink-features=MojoJS,MojoJSTest
function xr_promise_test(name, func, properties) {
promise_test(async (t) => {
// Perform any required test setup:
if (window.XRTest === undefined) {
// Chrome setup
await loadChromiumResources;
return func(t);
}, name, properties);
// A test function which runs through the common steps of requesting a session.
// Calls the passed in test function with the session, the controller for the
// device, and the test object.
// Requires a webglCanvas on the page.
function xr_session_promise_test(
name, func, fakeDeviceInit, sessionMode, sessionInit, properties) {
let testDeviceController;
let testSession;
let sessionObjects = {};
const webglCanvas = document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0];
// We can't use assert_true here because it causes the wpt testharness to treat
// this as a test page and not as a test.
if (!webglCanvas) {
promise_test(async (t) => {
Promise.reject('xr_session_promise_test requires a canvas on the page!');
}, name, properties);
let gl = webglCanvas.getContext('webgl', {alpha: false, antialias: false}); = gl;
(t) => {
// Ensure that any pending sessions are ended and devices are
// disconnected when done. This needs to use a cleanup function to
// ensure proper sequencing. If this were done in a .then() for the
// success case, a test that expected failure would already be marked
// done at the time that runs, and the shutdown would interfere with
// the next test which may have started already.
t.add_cleanup(async () => {
// If a session was created, end it.
if (testSession) {
await testSession.end().catch(() => {});
// Cleanup system state.
await navigator.xr.test.disconnectAllDevices();
return navigator.xr.test.simulateDeviceConnection(fakeDeviceInit)
.then((controller) => {
testDeviceController = controller;
return gl.makeXRCompatible();
.then(() => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Perform the session request in a user gesture.
navigator.xr.test.simulateUserActivation(() => {
navigator.xr.requestSession(sessionMode, sessionInit || {})
.then((session) => {
testSession = session;
session.mode = sessionMode;
let glLayer = new XRWebGLLayer(session, gl, {
compositionDisabled: session.mode == 'inline'
glLayer.context = gl;
// Session must have a baseLayer or frame requests
// will be ignored.
baseLayer: glLayer
sessionObjects.glLayer = glLayer;
resolve(func(session, testDeviceController, t, sessionObjects));
.catch((err) => {
'Session with params ' +
JSON.stringify(sessionMode) +
' was rejected on device ' +
JSON.stringify(fakeDeviceInit) +
' with error: ' + err);
// This functions calls a callback with each API object as specified
// by, allowing
// checks to be made on all ojects.
// Arguements:
// callback: A callback function with two arguements, the first
// being the API object, the second being the name of
// that API object.
function forEachWebxrObject(callback) {
callback(window.navigator.xr, 'navigator.xr');
callback(window.XRSession, 'XRSession');
callback(window.XRSessionCreationOptions, 'XRSessionCreationOptions');
callback(window.XRFrameRequestCallback, 'XRFrameRequestCallback');
callback(window.XRPresentationContext, 'XRPresentationContext');
callback(window.XRFrame, 'XRFrame');
callback(window.XRView, 'XRView');
callback(window.XRViewport, 'XRViewport');
callback(window.XRViewerPose, 'XRViewerPose');
callback(window.XRWebGLLayer, 'XRWebGLLayer');
callback(window.XRWebGLLayerInit, 'XRWebGLLayerInit');
callback(window.XRCoordinateSystem, 'XRCoordinateSystem');
callback(window.XRFrameOfReference, 'XRFrameOfReference');
callback(window.XRStageBounds, 'XRStageBounds');
callback(window.XRSessionEvent, 'XRSessionEvent');
callback(window.XRCoordinateSystemEvent, 'XRCoordinateSystemEvent');
// Code for loading test API in Chromium.
let loadChromiumResources = Promise.resolve().then(() => {
if (!('MojoInterfaceInterceptor' in self)) {
// Do nothing on non-Chromium-based browsers or when the Mojo bindings are
// not present in the global namespace.
let chromiumResources = [
// This infrastructure is also used by Chromium-specific internal tests that
// may need additional resources (e.g. internal API extensions), this allows
// those tests to rely on this infrastructure while ensuring that no tests
// make it into public WPTs that rely on APIs outside of the webxr test API.
if (typeof(additionalChromiumResources) !== 'undefined') {
chromiumResources = chromiumResources.concat(additionalChromiumResources);
let chain = Promise.resolve();
chromiumResources.forEach(path => {
let script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = path;
script.async = false;
chain = chain.then(() => new Promise(resolve => {
script.onload = () => resolve();
return chain;