blob: b564ec2f7ebf13e1105ecf1714227cadc36be686 [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict';
// This polyfill library implements the WebXR Test API as specified here:
let default_standing = new gfx.mojom.Transform();
default_standing.matrix = [1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 1.65, 0, 1];
const default_stage_parameters = {
standingTransform: default_standing,
sizeX: 0,
sizeZ: 0,
bounds: null
function getMatrixFromTransform(transform) {
let x = transform.orientation[0];
let y = transform.orientation[1];
let z = transform.orientation[2];
let w = transform.orientation[3];
let m11 = 1.0 - 2.0 * (y * y + z * z);
let m21 = 2.0 * (x * y + z * w);
let m31 = 2.0 * (x * z - y * w);
let m12 = 2.0 * (x * y - z * w);
let m22 = 1.0 - 2.0 * (x * x + z * z);
let m32 = 2.0 * (y * z + x * w);
let m13 = 2.0 * (x * z + y * w);
let m23 = 2.0 * (y * z - x * w);
let m33 = 1.0 - 2.0 * (x * x + y * y);
let m14 = transform.position[0];
let m24 = transform.position[1];
let m34 = transform.position[2];
// Column-major linearized order is expected.
return [m11, m21, m31, 0,
m12, m22, m32, 0,
m13, m23, m33, 0,
m14, m24, m34, 1];
function composeGFXTransform(fakeTransformInit) {
let transform = new gfx.mojom.Transform();
transform.matrix = getMatrixFromTransform(fakeTransformInit);
return transform;
class ChromeXRTest {
constructor() {
this.mockVRService_ = new MockVRService(mojo.frameInterfaces);
simulateDeviceConnection(init_params) {
return Promise.resolve(this.mockVRService_.addRuntime(init_params));
disconnectAllDevices() {
return Promise.resolve();
simulateUserActivation(callback) {
let button = document.createElement('button');
button.textContent = 'click to continue test'; = 'block'; = '20px'; = '10px';
button.onclick = () => {
// Mocking class definitions
// Mock service implements the VRService mojo interface.
class MockVRService {
constructor() {
this.bindingSet_ = new mojo.BindingSet(device.mojom.VRService);
this.runtimes_ = [];
this.interceptor_ =
new MojoInterfaceInterceptor(;
this.interceptor_.oninterfacerequest = e =>
this.bindingSet_.addBinding(this, e.handle);
// Test methods
addRuntime(fakeDeviceInit) {
let runtime = new MockRuntime(fakeDeviceInit, this);
if (this.client_) {
return runtime;
removeAllRuntimes() {
if (this.client_) {
this.runtimes_ = [];
removeRuntime(device) {
let index = this.runtimes_.indexOf(device);
if (index >= 0) {
this.runtimes_.splice(index, 1);
if (this.client_) {
setClient(client) {
if (this.client_) {
throw new Error("setClient should only be called once");
this.client_ = client;
requestSession(sessionOptions, was_activation) {
let requests = [];
// Request a session from all the runtimes.
for (let i = 0; i < this.runtimes_.length; i++) {
requests[i] = this.runtimes_[i].requestRuntimeSession(sessionOptions);
return Promise.all(requests).then((results) => {
// Find and return the first successful result.
for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
if (results[i].session) {
return {
result: {
session : results[i].session,
$tag : 0
// If there were no successful results, returns a null session.
return {
result: {
failureReason : device.mojom.RequestSessionError.NO_RUNTIME_FOUND,
$tag : 1
supportsSession(sessionOptions) {
let requests = [];
// Check supports on all the runtimes.
for (let i = 0; i < this.runtimes_.length; i++) {
requests[i] = this.runtimes_[i].runtimeSupportsSession(sessionOptions);
return Promise.all(requests).then((results) => {
// Find and return the first successful result.
for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
if (results[i].supportsSession) {
return results[i];
// If there were no successful results, returns false.
return {supportsSession: false};
// Implements XRFrameDataProvider and XRPresentationProvider. Maintains a mock
// for XRPresentationProvider.
class MockRuntime {
constructor(fakeDeviceInit, service) {
this.sessionClient_ = new device.mojom.XRSessionClientPtr();
this.presentation_provider_ = new MockXRPresentationProvider();
this.pose_ = null;
this.next_frame_id_ = 0;
this.bounds_ = null;
this.send_pose_reset_ = false;
this.service_ = service;
this.framesOfReference = {};
this.input_sources_ = [];
this.next_input_source_index_ = 1;
// Initialize DisplayInfo first to set the defaults, then override with
// anything from the deviceInit
if (fakeDeviceInit.supportsImmersive) {
this.displayInfo_ = this.getImmersiveDisplayInfo();
} else {
this.displayInfo_ = this.getNonImmersiveDisplayInfo();
if (fakeDeviceInit.supportsEnvironmentIntegration) {
this.displayInfo_.capabilities.canProvideEnvironmentIntegration = true;
if (fakeDeviceInit.viewerOrigin != null) {
if (fakeDeviceInit.floorOrigin != null) {
// This appropriately handles if the coordinates are null
// Need to support webVR which doesn't have a notion of features
this.setFeatures(fakeDeviceInit.supportedFeatures || []);
// Test API methods.
disconnect() {
if (this.sessionClient_.ptr.isBound()) {
return Promise.resolve();
setViews(views) {
if (views) {
let changed = false;
for (let i = 0; i < views.length; i++) {
if (views[i].eye == 'left') {
this.displayInfo_.leftEye = this.getEye(views[i]);
changed = true;
} else if (views[i].eye == 'right') {
this.displayInfo_.rightEye = this.getEye(views[i]);
changed = true;
if (changed && this.sessionClient_.ptr.isBound()) {
setViewerOrigin(origin, emulatedPosition = false) {
let p = origin.position;
let q = origin.orientation;
this.pose_ = {
orientation: { x: q[0], y: q[1], z: q[2], w: q[3] },
position: { x: p[0], y: p[1], z: p[2] },
emulatedPosition: emulatedPosition,
angularVelocity: null,
linearVelocity: null,
angularAcceleration: null,
linearAcceleration: null,
inputState: null,
poseIndex: 0
clearViewerOrigin() {
this.pose_ = null;
simulateVisibilityChange(visibilityState) {
let mojoState = null;
switch(visibilityState) {
case "visible":
mojoState = device.mojom.XRVisibilityState.VISIBLE;
case "visible-blurred":
mojoState = device.mojom.XRVisibilityState.VISIBLE_BLURRED;
case "hidden":
mojoState = device.mojom.XRVisibilityState.HIDDEN;
if (mojoState) {
setBoundsGeometry(bounds) {
if (bounds == null) {
this.bounds_ = null;
} else if (bounds.length < 3) {
throw new Error("Bounds must have a length of at least 3");
} else {
this.bounds_ = bounds;
// We can only set bounds if we have stageParameters set; otherwise, we
// don't know the transform from local space to bounds space.
// We'll cache the bounds so that they can be set in the future if the
// floorLevel transform is set, but we won't update them just yet.
if (this.displayInfo_.stageParameters) {
this.displayInfo_.stageParameters.bounds = this.bounds_;
if (this.sessionClient_.ptr.isBound()) {
setFloorOrigin(floorOrigin) {
if (!this.displayInfo_.stageParameters) {
this.displayInfo_.stageParameters = default_stage_parameters;
this.displayInfo_.stageParameters.bounds = this.bounds_;
this.displayInfo_.stageParameters.standingTransform = new gfx.mojom.Transform();
this.displayInfo_.stageParameters.standingTransform.matrix =
if (this.sessionClient_.ptr.isBound()) {
clearFloorOrigin() {
if (this.displayInfo_.stageParameters) {
this.displayInfo_.stageParameters = null;
if (this.sessionClient_.ptr.isBound()) {
simulateResetPose() {
this.send_pose_reset_ = true;
simulateInputSourceConnection(fakeInputSourceInit) {
let index = this.next_input_source_index_;
let source = new MockXRInputSource(fakeInputSourceInit, index, this);
return source;
// Helper methods
getNonImmersiveDisplayInfo() {
let displayInfo = this.getImmersiveDisplayInfo();
displayInfo.capabilities.canPresent = false;
displayInfo.leftEye = null;
displayInfo.rightEye = null;
return displayInfo;
// Function to generate some valid display information for the device.
getImmersiveDisplayInfo() {
return {
displayName: 'FakeDevice',
capabilities: {
hasPosition: false,
hasExternalDisplay: false,
canPresent: true,
maxLayers: 1
stageParameters: null,
leftEye: {
fieldOfView: {
upDegrees: 48.316,
downDegrees: 50.099,
leftDegrees: 50.899,
rightDegrees: 35.197
headFromEye: composeGFXTransform({
position: [-0.032, 0, 0],
orientation: [0, 0, 0, 1]
renderWidth: 20,
renderHeight: 20
rightEye: {
fieldOfView: {
upDegrees: 48.316,
downDegrees: 50.099,
leftDegrees: 50.899,
rightDegrees: 35.197
headFromEye: composeGFXTransform({
position: [0.032, 0, 0],
orientation: [0, 0, 0, 1]
renderWidth: 20,
renderHeight: 20
webxrDefaultFramebufferScale: 0.7,
// This function converts between the matrix provided by the WebXR test API
// and the internal data representation.
getEye(fakeXRViewInit) {
let fov = null;
if (fakeXRViewInit.fieldOfView) {
fov = {
upDegrees: fakeXRViewInit.fieldOfView.upDegrees,
downDegrees: fakeXRViewInit.fieldOfView.downDegrees,
leftDegrees: fakeXRViewInit.fieldOfView.leftDegrees,
rightDegrees: fakeXRViewInit.fieldOfView.rightDegrees
} else {
let m = fakeXRViewInit.projectionMatrix;
function toDegrees(tan) {
return Math.atan(tan) * 180 / Math.PI;
let leftTan = (1 - m[8]) / m[0];
let rightTan = (1 + m[8]) / m[0];
let upTan = (1 + m[9]) / m[5];
let downTan = (1 - m[9]) / m[5];
fov = {
upDegrees: toDegrees(upTan),
downDegrees: toDegrees(downTan),
leftDegrees: toDegrees(leftTan),
rightDegrees: toDegrees(rightTan)
return {
fieldOfView: fov,
headFromEye: composeGFXTransform(fakeXRViewInit.viewOffset),
renderWidth: fakeXRViewInit.resolution.width,
renderHeight: fakeXRViewInit.resolution.height
setFeatures(supportedFeatures) {
function convertFeatureToMojom(feature) {
switch (feature) {
case "viewer":
return device.mojom.XRSessionFeature.REF_SPACE_VIEWER;
case "local":
return device.mojom.XRSessionFeature.REF_SPACE_LOCAL;
case "local-floor":
return device.mojom.XRSessionFeature.REF_SPACE_LOCAL_FLOOR;
case "bounded-floor":
return device.mojom.XRSessionFeature.REF_SPACE_BOUNDED_FLOOR;
case "unbounded":
return device.mojom.XRSessionFeature.REF_SPACE_UNBOUNDED;
return device.mojom.XRSessionFeature.INVALID;
this.supportedFeatures_ = [];
for (let i = 0; i < supportedFeatures.length; i++) {
let feature = convertFeatureToMojom(supportedFeatures[i]);
if (feature !== device.mojom.XRSessionFeature.INVALID) {
// These methods are intended to be used by MockXRInputSource only.
addInputSource(source) {
let index = this.input_sources_.indexOf(source);
if (index == -1) {
removeInputSource(source) {
let index = this.input_sources_.indexOf(source);
if (index >= 0) {
this.input_sources_.splice(index, 1);
// Mojo function implementations.
// XRFrameDataProvider implementation.
getFrameData() {
if (this.pose_) {
this.pose_.poseReset = this.send_pose_reset_;
this.send_pose_reset_ = false;
// Setting the input_state to null tests a slightly different path than
// the browser tests where if the last input source is removed, the device
// code always sends up an empty array, but it's also valid mojom to send
// up a null array.
if (this.input_sources_.length > 0) {
this.pose_.inputState = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.input_sources_.length; i++) {
} else {
this.pose_.inputState = null;
// Convert current document time to monotonic time.
let now = / 1000.0;
let diff = now - internals.monotonicTimeToZeroBasedDocumentTime(now);
now += diff;
now *= 1000000;
return Promise.resolve({
frameData: {
pose: this.pose_,
timeDelta: {
microseconds: now,
frameId: this.next_frame_id_++,
bufferHolder: null,
bufferSize: {}
getEnvironmentIntegrationProvider(environmentProviderRequest) {
this.environmentProviderBinding_ = new mojo.AssociatedBinding(
device.mojom.XREnvironmentIntegrationProvider, this,
// Note that if getEnvironmentProvider hasn't finished running yet this will
// be undefined. It's recommended that you allow a successful task to post
// first before attempting to close.
closeEnvironmentIntegrationProvider() {
closeDataProvider() {
updateSessionGeometry(frame_size, display_rotation) {
// This function must exist to ensure that calls to it do not crash, but we
// do not have any use for this data at present.
// Utility function
requestRuntimeSession(sessionOptions) {
return this.runtimeSupportsSession(sessionOptions).then((result) => {
// The JavaScript bindings convert c_style_names to camelCase names.
let options = new device.mojom.XRPresentationTransportOptions();
options.transportMethod =
options.waitForTransferNotification = true;
options.waitForRenderNotification = true;
let submit_frame_sink;
if (result.supportsSession) {
submit_frame_sink = {
clientRequest: this.presentation_provider_.getClientRequest(),
provider: this.presentation_provider_.bindProvider(sessionOptions),
transportOptions: options
let dataProviderPtr = new device.mojom.XRFrameDataProviderPtr();
let dataProviderRequest = mojo.makeRequest(dataProviderPtr);
this.dataProviderBinding_ = new mojo.Binding(
device.mojom.XRFrameDataProvider, this, dataProviderRequest);
let clientRequest = mojo.makeRequest(this.sessionClient_);
let enabled_features = [];
for(let i = 0; i < sessionOptions.requiredFeatures.length; i++) {
if (this.supportedFeatures_.indexOf(sessionOptions.requiredFeatures[i]) !== -1) {
} else {
return Promise.resolve({session: null});
for (let i =0; i < sessionOptions.optionalFeatures.length; i++) {
if (this.supportedFeatures_.indexOf(sessionOptions.optionalFeatures[i]) !== -1) {
return Promise.resolve({
session: {
submitFrameSink: submit_frame_sink,
dataProvider: dataProviderPtr,
clientRequest: clientRequest,
displayInfo: this.displayInfo_,
enabledFeatures: enabled_features,
} else {
return Promise.resolve({session: null});
runtimeSupportsSession(options) {
return Promise.resolve({
!options.immersive || this.displayInfo_.capabilities.canPresent
class MockXRInputSource {
constructor(fakeInputSourceInit, id, pairedDevice) {
this.source_id_ = id;
this.pairedDevice_ = pairedDevice;
this.handedness_ = fakeInputSourceInit.handedness;
this.target_ray_mode_ = fakeInputSourceInit.targetRayMode;
this.primary_input_pressed_ = false;
if (fakeInputSourceInit.selectionStarted != null) {
this.primary_input_pressed_ = fakeInputSourceInit.selectionStarted;
this.primary_input_clicked_ = false;
if (fakeInputSourceInit.selectionClicked != null) {
this.primary_input_clicked_ = fakeInputSourceInit.selectionClicked;
this.grip_ = null;
if (fakeInputSourceInit.gripOrigin != null) {
// This properly handles if supportedButtons were not specified.
this.emulated_position_ = false;
this.desc_dirty_ = true;
// Webxr-test-api
setHandedness(handedness) {
if (this.handedness_ != handedness) {
this.desc_dirty_ = true;
this.handedness_ = handedness;
setTargetRayMode(targetRayMode) {
if (this.target_ray_mode_ != targetRayMode) {
this.desc_dirty_ = true;
this.target_ray_mode_ = targetRayMode;
setProfiles(profiles) {
this.desc_dirty_ = true;
this.profiles_ = profiles;
setGripOrigin(transform, emulatedPosition = false) {
this.grip_ = new gfx.mojom.Transform();
this.grip_.matrix = getMatrixFromTransform(transform);
this.emulated_position_ = emulatedPosition;
clearGripOrigin() {
if (this.grip_ != null) {
this.grip_ = null;
this.emulated_position_ = false;
setPointerOrigin(transform, emulatedPosition = false) {
this.desc_dirty_ = true;
this.pointer_offset_ = new gfx.mojom.Transform();
this.pointer_offset_.matrix = getMatrixFromTransform(transform);
this.emulated_position_ = emulatedPosition;
disconnect() {
reconnect() {
startSelection() {
this.primary_input_pressed_ = true;
if (this.gamepad_) {
this.gamepad_.buttons[0].pressed = true;
this.gamepad_.buttons[0].touched = true;
endSelection() {
if (!this.primary_input_pressed_) {
throw new Error("Attempted to end selection which was not started");
this.primary_input_pressed_ = false;
this.primary_input_clicked_ = true;
if (this.gamepad_) {
this.gamepad_.buttons[0].pressed = false;
this.gamepad_.buttons[0].touched = false;
simulateSelect() {
this.primary_input_clicked_ = true;
setSupportedButtons(supportedButtons) {
this.gamepad_ = null;
this.supported_buttons_ = [];
// If there are no supported buttons, we can stop now.
if (supportedButtons == null || supportedButtons.length < 1) {
let supported_button_map = {};
this.gamepad_ = this.getEmptyGamepad();
for (let i = 0; i < supportedButtons.length; i++) {
let buttonType = supportedButtons[i].buttonType;
supported_button_map[buttonType] = supportedButtons[i];
// Let's start by building the button state in order of priority:
// Primary button is index 0.
pressed: this.primary_input_pressed_,
touched: this.primary_input_pressed_,
value: this.primary_input_pressed_ ? 1.0 : 0.0
// Now add the rest of our buttons
// Finally, back-fill placeholder buttons/axes
for (let i = 0; i < this.gamepad_.buttons.length; i++) {
if (this.gamepad_.buttons[i] == null) {
this.gamepad_.buttons[i] = {
pressed: false,
touched: false,
value: 0
for (let i=0; i < this.gamepad_.axes.length; i++) {
if (this.gamepad_.axes[i] == null) {
this.gamepad_.axes[i] = 0;
updateButtonState(buttonState) {
if (this.supported_buttons_.indexOf(buttonState.buttonType) == -1) {
throw new Error("Tried to update state on an unsupported button");
let buttonIndex = this.getButtonIndex(buttonState.buttonType);
let axesStartIndex = this.getAxesStartIndex(buttonState.buttonType);
if (buttonIndex == -1) {
throw new Error("Unknown Button Type!");
this.gamepad_.buttons[buttonIndex].pressed = buttonState.pressed;
this.gamepad_.buttons[buttonIndex].touched = buttonState.touched;
this.gamepad_.buttons[buttonIndex].value = buttonState.pressedValue;
if (axesStartIndex != -1) {
this.gamepad_.axes[axesStartIndex] = buttonState.xValue == null ? 0.0 : buttonState.xValue;
this.gamepad_.axes[axesStartIndex + 1] = buttonState.yValue == null ? 0.0 : buttonState.yValue;
// Helpers for Mojom
getInputSourceState() {
let input_state = new device.mojom.XRInputSourceState();
input_state.sourceId = this.source_id_;
input_state.primaryInputPressed = this.primary_input_pressed_;
input_state.primaryInputClicked = this.primary_input_clicked_;
input_state.grip = this.grip_;
input_state.gamepad = this.gamepad_;
input_state.emulatedPosition = this.emulated_position_;
if (this.desc_dirty_) {
let input_desc = new device.mojom.XRInputSourceDescription();
switch (this.target_ray_mode_) {
case 'gaze':
input_desc.targetRayMode = device.mojom.XRTargetRayMode.GAZING;
case 'tracked-pointer':
input_desc.targetRayMode = device.mojom.XRTargetRayMode.POINTING;
switch (this.handedness_) {
case 'left':
input_desc.handedness = device.mojom.XRHandedness.LEFT;
case 'right':
input_desc.handedness = device.mojom.XRHandedness.RIGHT;
input_desc.handedness = device.mojom.XRHandedness.NONE;
input_desc.pointerOffset = this.pointer_offset_;
input_desc.profiles = this.profiles_;
input_state.description = input_desc;
this.desc_dirty_ = false;
return input_state;
getEmptyGamepad() {
// Mojo complains if some of the properties on Gamepad are null, so set
// everything to reasonable defaults that tests can override.
let gamepad = new device.mojom.Gamepad();
gamepad.connected = true; = "";
gamepad.timestamp = 0;
gamepad.axes = [];
gamepad.buttons = [];
gamepad.mapping = "xr-standard";
gamepad.display_id = 0;
switch (this.handedness_) {
case 'left':
gamepad.hand = device.mojom.GamepadHand.GamepadHandLeft;
case 'right':
gamepad.hand = device.mojom.GamepadHand.GamepadHandRight;
gamepad.hand = device.mojom.GamepadHand.GamepadHandNone;
return gamepad;
addGamepadButton(buttonState) {
if (buttonState == null) {
let buttonIndex = this.getButtonIndex(buttonState.buttonType);
let axesStartIndex = this.getAxesStartIndex(buttonState.buttonType);
if (buttonIndex == -1) {
throw new Error("Unknown Button Type!");
this.gamepad_.buttons[buttonIndex] = {
pressed: buttonState.pressed,
touched: buttonState.touched,
value: buttonState.pressedValue
// Add x/y value if supported.
if (axesStartIndex != -1) {
this.gamepad_.axes[axesStartIndex] = (buttonState.xValue == null ? 0.0 : buttonSate.xValue);
this.gamepad_.axes[axesStartIndex + 1] = (buttonState.yValue == null ? 0.0 : buttonSate.yValue);
// General Helper methods
getButtonIndex(buttonType) {
switch (buttonType) {
case 'grip':
return 1;
case 'touchpad':
return 2;
case 'thumbstick':
return 3;
case 'optional-button':
return 4;
case 'optional-thumbstick':
return 5;
return -1;
getAxesStartIndex(buttonType) {
switch (buttonType) {
case 'touchpad':
return 0;
case 'thumbstick':
return 2;
case 'optional-thumbstick':
return 4;
return -1;
// Mojo helper classes
class MockXRPresentationProvider {
constructor() {
this.binding_ = new mojo.Binding(device.mojom.XRPresentationProvider, this);
this.submit_frame_count_ = 0;
this.missing_frame_count_ = 0;
bindProvider(request) {
let providerPtr = new device.mojom.XRPresentationProviderPtr();
let providerRequest = mojo.makeRequest(providerPtr);
this.binding_ = new mojo.Binding(
device.mojom.XRPresentationProvider, this, providerRequest);
return providerPtr;
getClientRequest() {
this.submitFrameClient_ = new device.mojom.XRPresentationClientPtr();
return mojo.makeRequest(this.submitFrameClient_);
// XRPresentationProvider mojo implementation
submitFrameMissing(frameId, mailboxHolder, timeWaited) {
submitFrame(frameId, mailboxHolder, timeWaited) {
// Trigger the submit completion callbacks here. WARNING: The
// Javascript-based mojo mocks are *not* re-entrant. It's OK to
// wait for these notifications on the next frame, but waiting
// within the current frame would never finish since the incoming
// calls would be queued until the current execution context finishes.
// Utility methods
Close() {
// This is a temporary workaround for the fact that spinning up webxr before
// the mojo interceptors are created will cause the interceptors to not get
// registered, so we have to create this before we query xr;
let XRTest = new ChromeXRTest();
// This test API is also used to run Chrome's internal legacy VR tests; however,
// those fail if navigator.xr has been used. Those tests will set a bool telling
// us not to try to check navigator.xr
if ((typeof legacy_vr_test === 'undefined') || !legacy_vr_test) {
// Some tests may run in the http context where navigator.xr isn't exposed
// This should just be to test that it isn't exposed, but don't try to set up
// the test framework in this case.
if (navigator.xr) {
navigator.xr.test = XRTest;
} else {
navigator.vr = { test: XRTest };