blob: 01fb366aa86f2d3863b8196144c93be58f6a6897 [file] [log] [blame]
"use strict";
function createDocument(documentType, result, inlineOrExternal, type, hasBlockingStylesheet) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.src =
"resources/" +
"?result=" + result +
"&inlineOrExternal=" + inlineOrExternal +
"&type=" + type +
"&hasBlockingStylesheet=" + hasBlockingStylesheet +
"&cache=" + Math.random();
// As blocking stylesheets delays Document load events, we use
// DOMContentLoaded here.
// After that point, we expect iframe.contentDocument exists
// while still waiting for blocking stylesheet loading.
window.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
if (documentType === "iframe") {
resolve([iframe.contentWindow, iframe.contentDocument]);
} else if (documentType === "createHTMLDocument") {
} else {
reject(new Error("Invalid document type: " + documentType));
}, {once: true});
window.scriptErrorEventFired = false;
window.didExecute = undefined;
// For a script, there are four associated Documents that can
// potentially different:
// [1] script's parser document
// [2] script's preparation-time document
// == script's node document at the beginning of #prepare-a-script
// [3] script's node document at the beginning of
// #execute-the-script-block
// This helper is for tests where [1]/[2]/[3] are different.
// In the spec, scripts are not executed only if [1]/[2]/[3] are all the same
// (or [1] is null and [2]==[3]).
// A check for [1]==[2] is in #prepare-a-script and
// a check for [1]==[3] is in #execute-the-script-block,
// but these are under debate:
// A check for [2]==[3] is in #execute-the-script-block, which is added by
// timing:
// "before-prepare":
// A <script> is moved during parsing before #prepare-a-script.
// [1] != [2] == [3]
// "after-prepare":
// A <script> is moved after parsing/#prepare-a-script but
// before #execute-the-script-block.
// [1] == [2] != [3]
// To move such scripts, #has-a-style-sheet-that-is-blocking-scripts
// is utilized to block inline scripts after #prepare-a-script.
// Note: this is a corner case in the spec which might be removed
// from the spec in the future, e.g.
// "parsing but moved back"
// A <script> is moved before #prepare-a-script, but moved back again
// to the original Document after #prepare-a-script.
// [1] == [3] != [2]
// destType: "iframe" or "createHTMLDocument".
// result: "fetch-error", "parse-error", or "success".
// inlineOrExternal: "inline" or "external".
// type: "classic" or "module".
async function runTest(timing, destType, result, inlineOrExternal, type) {
if (result === "fetch-error" && inlineOrExternal === "inline") {
const description =
`Move ${result} ${inlineOrExternal} ${type} script ` +
`to ${destType} ${timing}`;
const t = async_test("Eval: " + description);
const tScriptLoadEvent = async_test("<script> load: " + description);
const tScriptErrorEvent = async_test("<script> error: " + description);
const tWindowErrorEvent = async_test("window error: " + description);
// If scripts should be moved after #prepare-a-script before
// #execute-the-script-block, we add a style sheet that is
// blocking scripts.
const hasBlockingStylesheet =
timing === "after-prepare" || timing === "move-back";
const [sourceWindow, sourceDocument] = await createDocument(
"iframe", result, inlineOrExternal, type, hasBlockingStylesheet);
// Due to, Chromium needs
// blocking stylesheets also in the destination Documents.
const [destWindow, destDocument] = await createDocument(
destType, null, null, null, hasBlockingStylesheet);
let scriptErrorEventFired = false;
const scriptOnError = (event) => {
// For Firefox: Prevent window.onerror is fired due to propagation
// from <script>'s error event.
tScriptErrorEvent.unreached_func("Event fired unexpectedly")();
sourceWindow.didExecute = false;
sourceWindow.t = t;
sourceWindow.tScriptLoadEvent = tScriptLoadEvent;
sourceWindow.tScriptErrorEvent = tScriptErrorEvent;
sourceWindow.scriptOnError = scriptOnError;
sourceWindow.onerror = tWindowErrorEvent.unreached_func(
"Window error event shouldn't fired on source window");
sourceWindow.readyToEvaluate = false;
destWindow.didExecute = false;
destWindow.t = t;
destWindow.tScriptLoadEvent = tScriptLoadEvent;
destWindow.tScriptErrorEvent = tScriptErrorEvent;
destWindow.scriptOnError = scriptOnError;
destWindow.onerror = tWindowErrorEvent.unreached_func(
"Window error event shouldn't fired on destination window");
destWindow.readyToEvaluate = false;
// t=0 sec: Move between documents before #prepare-a-script.
// At this time, the script element is not yet inserted to the DOM.
if (timing === "before-prepare" || timing === "move-back") {
if (timing === "before-prepare") {
sourceWindow.readyToEvaluate = true;
destWindow.readyToEvaluate = true;
// t=1 sec: the script element is inserted to the DOM, i.e.
// #prepare-a-script is triggered (see
// In the case of `before-prepare`, the script can be evaluated.
// In other cases, the script evaluation is blocked by a style sheet.
await new Promise(resolve => step_timeout(resolve, 2000));
// t=2 sec: Move between documents after #prepare-a-script.
if (timing === "after-prepare") {
else if (timing === "move-back") {
sourceWindow.readyToEvaluate = true;
destWindow.readyToEvaluate = true;
// t=3 or 5 sec: Blocking stylesheet and external script are loaded,
// and thus script evaulation is unblocked.
// Note: scripts are expected to be loaded at t=3, because the fetch
// is started by #prepare-a-script at t=1, and the script's delay is
// 2 seconds. However in Chromium, due to preload scanner, the script
// loading might take 4 seconds, because the first request by preload
// scanner of the source Document takes 2 seconds (between t=1 and t=3)
// which blocks the second request by #prepare-a-script that takes
// another 2 seconds (between t=3 and t=5).
// t=6 sec: After all possible script evaluation points, test whether
// the script/events were evaluated/fired or not.
// As we have concurrent tests, a single global step_timeout() is
// used instead of multiple `t.step_timeout()` etc.,
// to avoid potential race conditions between `t.step_timeout()`s.
return new Promise(resolve => {
step_timeout(() => {
t.step_func_done(() => {
"The script must not have executed in source window");
"The script must not have executed in destination window");
}, 4000);
async_test(t => {
t.step_timeout(() => {
assert_equals(window.didExecute, undefined,
"The script must not have executed in the top-level window");
"Top-level window's scriptErrorEventFired should be untouched");
}, "Sanity check around top-level Window");