blob: f60422ae62bce21079cee8d6880cba0dc0dddaa5 [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict';
const { parseFromString } = require('../lib/parser.js');
const { expectBad, expectWarnings, expectSpecifierMap } = require('./helpers/parsing.js');
const nonObjectStrings = ['null', 'true', '1', '"foo"', '[]'];
test('Invalid JSON', () => {
expect(() => parseFromString('{ imports: {} }', 'https://base.example/')).toThrow(SyntaxError);
describe('Mismatching the top-level schema', () => {
it('should throw for top-level non-objects', () => {
for (const nonObject of nonObjectStrings) {
expectBad(nonObject, 'https://base.example/');
it('should throw if imports is a non-object', () => {
for (const nonObject of nonObjectStrings) {
expectBad(`{ "imports": ${nonObject} }`, 'https://base.example/');
it('should throw if scopes is a non-object', () => {
for (const nonObject of nonObjectStrings) {
expectBad(`{ "scopes": ${nonObject} }`, 'https://base.example/');
it('should ignore unspecified top-level entries', () => {
"imports": {},
"new-feature": {},
"scops": {}
{ imports: {}, scopes: {} },
`Invalid top-level key "new-feature". Only "imports" and "scopes" can be present.`,
`Invalid top-level key "scops". Only "imports" and "scopes" can be present.`
describe('Mismatching the specifier map schema', () => {
const invalidAddressStrings = ['null', 'true', '1', '{}', '[]', '[""]'];
it('should ignore entries where the address is not a string', () => {
for (const invalid of invalidAddressStrings) {
"foo": ${invalid},
"bar": ""
bar: expect.toMatchURL('')
[`Invalid address ${invalid} for the specifier key "foo". Addresses must be strings.`]
it('should ignore entries where the specifier key is an empty string', () => {
"": ""
[`Invalid empty string specifier key.`]
it('should throw if a scope\'s value is not an object', () => {
for (const invalid of nonObjectStrings) {
expectBad(`{ "scopes": { "https://scope.example/": ${invalid} } }`, 'https://base.example/');
describe('Normalization', () => {
it('should normalize empty import maps to have imports and scopes keys', () => {
expect(parseFromString(`{}`, 'https://base.example/'))
.toEqual({ imports: {}, scopes: {} });
it('should normalize an import map without imports to have imports', () => {
expect(parseFromString(`{ "scopes": {} }`, 'https://base.example/'))
.toEqual({ imports: {}, scopes: {} });
it('should normalize an import map without scopes to have scopes', () => {
expect(parseFromString(`{ "imports": {} }`, 'https://base.example/'))
.toEqual({ imports: {}, scopes: {} });