blob: fe83682f5fc16f4b2da664b8e6ca4dbc8ddc509c [file] [log] [blame]
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
# You can obtain one at
import glob
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import tarfile
import tempfile
import time
import requests
from six.moves import cStringIO as StringIO
from .base import Browser, ExecutorBrowser, require_arg
from .base import get_timeout_multiplier # noqa: F401
from ..executors import executor_kwargs as base_executor_kwargs
from ..executors.executorselenium import (SeleniumTestharnessExecutor, # noqa: F401
SeleniumRefTestExecutor) # noqa: F401
here = os.path.split(__file__)[0]
# Number of seconds to wait between polling operations when detecting status of
# Sauce Connect sub-process.
sc_poll_period = 1
__wptrunner__ = {"product": "sauce",
"check_args": "check_args",
"browser": "SauceBrowser",
"executor": {"testharness": "SeleniumTestharnessExecutor",
"reftest": "SeleniumRefTestExecutor"},
"browser_kwargs": "browser_kwargs",
"executor_kwargs": "executor_kwargs",
"env_extras": "env_extras",
"env_options": "env_options",
"timeout_multiplier": "get_timeout_multiplier"}
def get_capabilities(**kwargs):
browser_name = kwargs["sauce_browser"]
platform = kwargs["sauce_platform"]
version = kwargs["sauce_version"]
build = kwargs["sauce_build"]
tags = kwargs["sauce_tags"]
tunnel_id = kwargs["sauce_tunnel_id"]
prerun_script = {
"MicrosoftEdge": {
"executable": "sauce-storage:edge-prerun.bat",
"background": False,
"safari": {
"executable": "",
"background": False,
capabilities = {
"browserName": browser_name,
"build": build,
"disablePopupHandler": True,
"name": "%s %s on %s" % (browser_name, version, platform),
"platform": platform,
"public": "public",
"selenium-version": "3.3.1",
"tags": tags,
"tunnel-identifier": tunnel_id,
"version": version,
"prerun": prerun_script.get(browser_name)
if browser_name == 'MicrosoftEdge':
capabilities['selenium-version'] = '2.4.8'
return capabilities
def get_sauce_config(**kwargs):
browser_name = kwargs["sauce_browser"]
sauce_user = kwargs["sauce_user"]
sauce_key = kwargs["sauce_key"]
hub_url = "%s:%s@localhost:4445" % (sauce_user, sauce_key)
data = {
"url": "http://%s/wd/hub" % hub_url,
"browserName": browser_name,
"capabilities": get_capabilities(**kwargs)
return data
def check_args(**kwargs):
require_arg(kwargs, "sauce_browser")
require_arg(kwargs, "sauce_platform")
require_arg(kwargs, "sauce_version")
require_arg(kwargs, "sauce_user")
require_arg(kwargs, "sauce_key")
def browser_kwargs(test_type, run_info_data, config, **kwargs):
sauce_config = get_sauce_config(**kwargs)
return {"sauce_config": sauce_config}
def executor_kwargs(test_type, server_config, cache_manager, run_info_data,
executor_kwargs = base_executor_kwargs(test_type, server_config,
cache_manager, run_info_data, **kwargs)
executor_kwargs["capabilities"] = get_capabilities(**kwargs)
return executor_kwargs
def env_extras(**kwargs):
return [SauceConnect(**kwargs)]
def env_options():
return {"supports_debugger": False}
def get_tar(url, dest):
resp = requests.get(url, stream=True)
with as f:
class SauceConnect():
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.sauce_user = kwargs["sauce_user"]
self.sauce_key = kwargs["sauce_key"]
self.sauce_tunnel_id = kwargs["sauce_tunnel_id"]
self.sauce_connect_binary = kwargs.get("sauce_connect_binary")
self.sauce_connect_args = kwargs.get("sauce_connect_args")
self.sauce_init_timeout = kwargs.get("sauce_init_timeout")
self.sc_process = None
self.temp_dir = None
self.env_config = None
def __call__(self, env_options, env_config):
self.env_config = env_config
return self
def __enter__(self):
# Because this class implements the context manager protocol, it is
# possible for instances to be provided to the `with` statement
# directly. This class implements the callable protocol so that data
# which is not available during object initialization can be provided
# prior to this moment. Instances must be invoked in preparation for
# the context manager protocol, but this additional constraint is not
# itself part of the protocol.
assert self.env_config is not None, 'The instance has been invoked.'
if not self.sauce_connect_binary:
self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
get_tar("", self.temp_dir)
self.sauce_connect_binary = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "sc-*-linux/bin/sc"))[0]
self.sc_process = subprocess.Popen([
"--user=%s" % self.sauce_user,
"--api-key=%s" % self.sauce_key,
"--tunnel-identifier=%s" % self.sauce_tunnel_id,
] + self.sauce_connect_args)
tot_wait = 0
while not os.path.exists('./sauce_is_ready') and self.sc_process.poll() is None:
if not self.sauce_init_timeout or (tot_wait >= self.sauce_init_timeout):
raise SauceException("Sauce Connect Proxy was not ready after %d seconds" % tot_wait)
tot_wait += sc_poll_period
if self.sc_process.returncode is not None:
raise SauceException("Unable to start Sauce Connect Proxy. Process exited with code %s", self.sc_process.returncode)
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
self.env_config = None
if self.temp_dir and os.path.exists(self.temp_dir):
except OSError:
def upload_prerun_exec(self, file_name):
auth = (self.sauce_user, self.sauce_key)
url = "" % (self.sauce_user, file_name)
with open(os.path.join(here, 'sauce_setup', file_name), 'rb') as f:, data=f, auth=auth)
def quit(self):
"""The Sauce Connect process may be managing an active "tunnel" to the
Sauce Labs service. Issue a request to the process to close any tunnels
and exit. If this does not occur within 5 seconds, force the process to
kill_wait = 5
tot_wait = 0
while self.sc_process.poll() is None:
tot_wait += sc_poll_period
if tot_wait >= kill_wait:
class SauceException(Exception):
class SauceBrowser(Browser):
init_timeout = 300
def __init__(self, logger, sauce_config):
Browser.__init__(self, logger)
self.sauce_config = sauce_config
def start(self, **kwargs):
def stop(self, force=False):
def pid(self):
return None
def is_alive(self):
# TODO: Should this check something about the connection?
return True
def cleanup(self):
def executor_browser(self):
return ExecutorBrowser, {"webdriver_url": self.sauce_config["url"]}