blob: d2c6bcbdb73061d704eb5bc9ddf1b135e68ed9e8 [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict';
* Test Setup Helpers
* Loads a script by creating a <script> element pointing to |path|.
* @param {string} path The path of the script to load.
* @returns {Promise<void>} Resolves when the script has finished loading.
function loadScript(path) {
let script = document.createElement('script');
let promise = new Promise(resolve => script.onload = resolve);
script.src = path;
script.async = false;
return promise;
* Loads the scripts in |paths|.
* @param {string[]} paths
* @returns {Promise<void>} A promise chain that resolves when all scripts have
* finished loading.
function loadScripts(paths) {
let chain = Promise.resolve();
for (let path of paths) {
chain = chain.then(() => loadScript(path));
return chain;
* Performs the Chromium specific setup necessary to run the tests in the
* Chromium browser. This test file is shared between Web Platform Tests and
* Blink Web Tests, so this method figures out the correct paths to use for
* loading scripts.
* TODO( Update this description when all Web
* Bluetooth Blink Web Tests have been migrated into this repository.
* @returns {Promise<void>} Resolves when Chromium specific setup is complete.
function performChromiumSetup() {
// Make sure we are actually on Chromium with Mojo enabled.
if (typeof Mojo === 'undefined') {
// Load the Chromium-specific resources.
let prefix = '/resources/chromium';
let genPrefix = '/gen';
let extra = [];
const pathname = window.location.pathname;
if (pathname.includes('/LayoutTests/') || pathname.includes('/web_tests/')) {
let root = pathname.match(/.*(?:LayoutTests|web_tests)/);
prefix = `${root}/external/wpt/resources/chromium`;
extra = [
genPrefix = 'file:///gen';
} else if (window.location.pathname.startsWith('/bluetooth/https/')) {
extra = [
return loadScripts([
// Call setBluetoothFakeAdapter() to clean up any fake adapters left over
// by legacy tests.
// Legacy tests that use setBluetoothFakeAdapter() sometimes fail to clean
// their fake adapter. This is not a problem for these tests because the
// next setBluetoothFakeAdapter() will clean it up anyway but it is a
// problem for the new tests that do not use setBluetoothFakeAdapter().
// TODO( Remove once setBluetoothFakeAdapter is
// no longer used.
() => typeof setBluetoothFakeAdapter === 'undefined' ?
undefined :
* These tests rely on the User Agent providing an implementation of the Web
* Bluetooth Testing API.
* @param {function{*}: Promise<*>} test_function The Web Bluetooth test to run.
* @param {string} name The name or description of the test.
* @param {object} properties An object containing extra options for the test.
* @returns {Promise<void>} Resolves if Web Bluetooth test ran successfully, or
* rejects if the test failed.
function bluetooth_test(test_function, name, properties) {
() => promise_test(
t => Promise
// Trigger Chromium-specific setup.
.then(() => test_function(t))
.then(() => navigator.bluetooth.test.allResponsesConsumed())
.then(consumed => assert_true(consumed)),
name, properties));
* Test Helpers
* Waits until the document has finished loading.
* @returns {Promise<void>} Resolves if the document is already completely
* loaded or when the 'onload' event is fired.
function waitForDocumentReady() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
}, {once: true});
* Simulates a user activation prior to running |callback|.
* @param {Function} callback The function to run after the user activation.
* @returns {Promise<*>} Resolves when the user activation has been simulated
* with the result of |callback|.
function callWithTrustedClick(callback) {
return waitForDocumentReady().then(() => new Promise(resolve => {
let button =
button.textContent =
'click to continue test'; = 'block'; = '20px'; = '10px';
button.onclick = () => {
* Calls requestDevice() in a context that's 'allowed to show a popup'.
* @returns {Promise<BluetoothDevice>} Resolves with a Bluetooth device if
* successful or rejects with an error.
function requestDeviceWithTrustedClick() {
let args = arguments;
return callWithTrustedClick(
() => navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice.apply(navigator.bluetooth, args));
* Calls requestLEScan() in a context that's 'allowed to show a popup'.
* @returns {Promise<BluetoothLEScan>} Resolves with the properties of the scan
* if successful or rejects with an error.
function requestLEScanWithTrustedClick() {
let args = arguments;
return callWithTrustedClick(
() => navigator.bluetooth.requestLEScan.apply(navigator.bluetooth, args));
* Function to test that a promise rejects with the expected error type and
* message.
* @param {Promise} promise
* @param {object} expected
* @param {string} description
* @returns {Promise<void>} Resolves if |promise| rejected with |expected|
* error.
function assert_promise_rejects_with_message(promise, expected, description) {
return promise.then(
() => {
assert_unreached('Promise should have rejected: ' + description);
error => {
assert_equals(,, 'Unexpected Error Name:');
if (expected.message) {
error.message, expected.message, 'Unexpected Error Message:');
* Runs the garbage collection.
* @returns {Promise<void>} Resolves when garbage collection has finished.
function runGarbageCollection() {
// Run gc() as a promise.
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
step_timeout(resolve, 0);
* Helper class that can be created to check that an event has fired.
class EventCatcher {
* @param {EventTarget} object The object to listen for events on.
* @param {string} event The type of event to listen for.
constructor(object, event) {
/** @type {boolean} */
this.eventFired = false;
/** @type {function()} */
let event_listener = () => {
object.removeEventListener(event, event_listener);
this.eventFired = true;
object.addEventListener(event, event_listener);
* Notifies when the event |type| has fired.
* @param {EventTarget} target The object to listen for the event.
* @param {string} type The type of event to listen for.
* @param {object} options Characteristics about the event listener.
* @returns {Promise<Event>} Resolves when an event of |type| has fired.
function eventPromise(target, type, options) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
let wrapper = function(event) {
target.removeEventListener(type, wrapper);
target.addEventListener(type, wrapper, options);
* The action that should occur first in assert_promise_event_order_().
* @enum {string}
const ShouldBeFirst = {
EVENT: 'event',
PROMISE_RESOLUTION: 'promiseresolved',
* Helper function to assert that events are fired and a promise resolved
* in the correct order.
* 'event' should be passed as |should_be_first| to indicate that the events
* should be fired first, otherwise 'promiseresolved' should be passed.
* Attaches |num_listeners| |event| listeners to |object|. If all events have
* been fired and the promise resolved in the correct order, returns a promise
* that fulfills with the result of |object|.|func()| and ||
* of each of event listeners. Otherwise throws an error.
* @param {ShouldBeFirst} should_be_first Indicates whether |func| should
* resolve before |event| is fired.
* @param {EventTarget} object The target object to add event listeners to.
* @param {function(*): Promise<*>} func The function to test the resolution
* order for.
* @param {string} event The event type to listen for.
* @param {number} num_listeners The number of events to listen for.
* @returns {Promise<*>} The return value of |func|.
function assert_promise_event_order_(
should_be_first, object, func, event, num_listeners) {
let order = [];
let event_promises = [];
for (let i = 0; i < num_listeners; i++) {
event_promises.push(new Promise(resolve => {
let event_listener = (e) => {
object.removeEventListener(event, event_listener);
object.addEventListener(event, event_listener);
let func_promise = object[func]().then(result => {
return result;
return Promise.all([func_promise, ...event_promises]).then((result) => {
if (should_be_first !== order[0]) {
throw should_be_first === ShouldBeFirst.PROMISE_RESOLUTION ?
`'${event}' was fired before promise resolved.` :
`Promise resolved before '${event}' was fired.`;
if (order[0] !== ShouldBeFirst.PROMISE_RESOLUTION &&
order[order.length - 1] !== ShouldBeFirst.PROMISE_RESOLUTION) {
throw 'Promise resolved in between event listeners.';
return result;
* Asserts that the promise returned by |func| resolves before events of type
* |event| are fired |num_listeners| times on |object|. See
* assert_promise_event_order_ above for more details.
* @param {EventTarget} object The target object to add event listeners to.
* @param {function(*): Promise<*>} func The function whose promise should
* resolve first.
* @param {string} event The event type to listen for.
* @param {number} num_listeners The number of events to listen for.
* @returns {Promise<*>} The return value of |func|.
function assert_promise_resolves_before_event(
object, func, event, num_listeners = 1) {
return assert_promise_event_order_(
ShouldBeFirst.PROMISE_RESOLUTION, object, func, event, num_listeners);
* Asserts that the promise returned by |func| resolves after events of type
* |event| are fired |num_listeners| times on |object|. See
* assert_promise_event_order_ above for more details.
* @param {EventTarget} object The target object to add event listeners to.
* @param {function(*): Promise<*>} func The function whose promise should
* resolve first.
* @param {string} event The event type to listen for.
* @param {number} num_listeners The number of events to listen for.
* @returns {Promise<*>} The return value of |func|.
function assert_promise_resolves_after_event(
object, func, event, num_listeners = 1) {
return assert_promise_event_order_(
ShouldBeFirst.EVENT, object, func, event, num_listeners);
* Returns a promise that resolves after 100ms unless the the event is fired on
* the object in which case the promise rejects.
* @param {EventTarget} object The target object to listen for events.
* @param {string} event_name The event type to listen for.
* @returns {Promise<void>} Resolves if no events were fired.
function assert_no_events(object, event_name) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let event_listener = (e) => {
object.removeEventListener(event_name, event_listener);
assert_unreached('Object should not fire an event.');
object.addEventListener(event_name, event_listener);
// TODO: Remove timeout.
step_timeout(() => {
object.removeEventListener(event_name, event_listener);
}, 100);
* Asserts that |properties| contains the same properties in
* |expected_properties| with equivalent values.
* @param {object} properties Actual object to compare.
* @param {object} expected_properties Expected object to compare with.
function assert_properties_equal(properties, expected_properties) {
for (let key in expected_properties) {
assert_equals(properties[key], expected_properties[key]);