blob: 8cd28a0717993839edc0b483b096f64f4ce63e02 [file] [log] [blame]
// Define an universal message passing API.
// In particular, this works:
// - cross-origin and
// - cross-browsing-context-group.
// It can also be used to receive reports.
const dispatcher_path =
const dispatcher_url = new URL(dispatcher_path, location.href).href;
const send = function(uuid, message) {
fetch(dispatcher_url + `?uuid=${uuid}`, {
method: 'POST',
body: message
const receive = async function(uuid) {
const timeout = 3000;
const retry_delay = 100;
for(let i = 0; i * retry_delay < timeout; ++i) {
let response = await fetch(dispatcher_url + `?uuid=${uuid}`);
let data = await response.text();
if (data != 'not ready')
return data;
await new Promise(r => step_timeout(r, retry_delay));
return "timeout";
const receiveReport = async function(uuid, type) {
while(true) {
let reports = await receive(uuid);
if (reports == "timeout")
return "timeout";
reports = JSON.parse(reports);
for(report of reports) {
if (report?.["body"]?.["violation-type"] == type)
return report;
// Build a set of headers to tests the reporting API. This defines a set of
// matching 'Report-To', 'Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy' and
// 'Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy-Report-Only' headers.
const reportToHeaders = function(uuid) {
const report_endpoint_url = dispatcher_path + `?uuid=${uuid}`;
let reportToJSON = {
'group': `${uuid}`,
'max_age': 3600,
'endpoints': [
{'url': report_endpoint_url.toString()},
reportToJSON = JSON.stringify(reportToJSON)
.replace(/,/g, '\\,')
.replace(/\(/g, '\\\(')
.replace(/\)/g, '\\\)=');
return {
header: `|header(report-to,${reportToJSON})`,
coopSameOriginHeader: `|header(Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy,same-origin%3Breport-to="${uuid}")`,
coopReportOnlySameOriginHeader: `|header(Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy-Report-Only,same-origin%3Breport-to="${uuid}")`,